4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1906. Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL v PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: , On year $1.50 Blx months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date I ex plration stamped on their -papers fol lowing their name. If this is not payment, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. NOW FOR REPUBLICAN UNITY. Entered at the postofflce at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. ENOUGH OF BROWNELL. There exists throughout the county a universal sentiment that we have had enough of Brownell and his double dealing. This feeling is not confined to any one or two localities. It is general. Reports confirming this dis satisfied condition are received from every precinct in the county. In the words of the old German, "Too much is too plenty" and the pa tients of Clackamas county have thoroughly tired of Brownell's pre scriptions and his feats of legislation legerdemain. It is a difllcult matter for the Clack amas county voters to find justifica tion for the candidacy of Senator Brownell for another term in view of the fact of his indictment by a Feder al Grand Jury. Might not Congress men Hermann ana Williamson as conscientiously appeal to their con stituents for indorsement in the way ef re-election? Was not Brownell in dicted by the same grand jury that x charged these Congressmen with trooked work? But then you say Brownell has to deal only with Clackamas county peo ple who like to be humbugged. It is true the voters of this county have been repeatedly buncoed in the past by their State Senator who, as the servant of the people, has rendered such valuable service to corporate in terests during his service in the Leg islature. After each of these periods of mis representation in the State Senate, Brownell has returned to his constitu ents and actually convinced them with amazing success that he did his very best for them. Not only this but he has repeatedly declared publicly that under no cir cumstances would he be a candidate to succeed himself. But when the time for electing a Senator arrives, he is always foremost in the field and the voters of the county, under his hyp notic influence, rally around the stand ard and again elevate him to a posi tion where he can thoroughly "do" ' them. Politics in Clackamas county has gone "according to programme" about as long as a patient audience will tol erate the entertainment. A change of talent is desired. The people now have the power to nominate their own candidates, re gardless of the machine and its meth ods, and if asChange is desired, it can be had. It is up to the people themselves. Otherwise no complaint can be made if the Senator from Clackamas is re- The ample majority by which the statehood bill was passed by the House carries with it a lesson which should appeal to such Republican Senators as had intended to oppose their party on that or on any other measure. On every phase of the proceedings on the statehood bill the friends of that measure were masters of the situa tion. They made their own rules and enforced them. The bill was passed on schedule time, and it was passed in precisely the form which its friends promised. The Republican seceders made loud boasts, but they and their Democratic allies were easily over thrown. The record on the Philippine bill was the5 same. Both measures were opposed i by an element of the KepuDiicans, dui Dotn went inrougn the House at the time and in the shape which the Republican organization in that chamber decreed. It will be well for the insurgents in the Senate, if there are any, to take notice of the fate of their friends in the House. The country wants the Philippine and the statehood bills to be enacted. The Republican majority in the House have done their part to ward putting these measures on the statute book. Both are soon to be brought up in the Senate. It is Cer tain Vi f tho Wmino will Tint rp'Ofl from the position which it has taken. Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We tell them all about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." Jj Had by J. O. Ayer Co.. LnraU, Xaaa- .SO TIIBTlTlffclT" ' 9 SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. We publish yers W nm-r no secrets the formnlM of all oar medicines. Nat OF THE SUGAR TREE Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry fecTorai in DreaKin$ hi LOG CABIN OnVeSenairnes-tkTresons of the defeat of these bills, if they are to be defeated. A change of either measure in any essential point will mean its defeat, for the House, know ing the country is behind it, will stand its ground. This is a consideration which is bound to have a good deal of influence over such Republican Sena tors as have been contemplating op position to their party on these issues. The Republican party has a large ma jority in the Senate, as it has in the House,' but the Republican who goes over to the Democrats on any impor tant measure must expect to have his record scanned closely when he asks for re-election by . Republican votes. What is said here about the Philip pine and the statehood bills is true also of railroad rate regulation. The statehood and the Philippine measures have gone to the Senate. A few days hence the railway rate bill will be sent thither. There is a practical unani mity in the House on rate legislation, as is shown by the vote which the bill was reported to that chamber. Not a member of the committee declared against it. Democrats and' Republi cans were all aligned on its side. There is a possibility that a few votes may be cast against it in the House on the precipitate nor yet very dilatory when final division, but it will, have a sup-lone comes to think of it. A dozen port so nearly unanimous that the years is not long in the life of a nation Senate will see the peril of altering j and if the Emperor of China really it in any essential degree. Dolliver's I contemplates divesting himself of ab- ty during the next six weeks and reg ister with a notary public who will be in attendance. This is too import ant a matter to be neglected. O ; A number of interesting things have been broueht out bv the visit of the 1 T ! 1 " l. I Hri,cinn WoeTilnor. lliipCliai VUlUCQO luiooiwu .- 11 ttoumb ton. Among these Is the suggestion of a constitution for China. . Now this is not only news but to the average hearer is quite unbelievable. Yet it is made by such an authority as Ow yang King vice consul at San Fran cisco, who is with the party, and to all appearances Mr. Owyang not only takes' his own announcement in per fect good faith, but seems surprised that it has not been understood on this side before. According to Consul Owyang the Son of Heaven is tired of J the cares and responsibilities of an ab- j solute monarchy and contemplates j limiting his own powers after he shall j have fully digested the report of his commissioners and gradually prepared his people for the new order of things. J It is not intimated that this change in f Chinese home affairs is to be anything sudden. Ten or twelve years is put as the earliest at which a constitution is to be announced. This does not sound MAPLE SYRUP The Quality Is There j 9 i I FOR SALE BY V I I 0 0 bill in the Senate is on the same lines as the Hepburn measure which will pass the House. Each represents the views of the President and of the Re publican leaders. On this issue the popular chamber stands on solid ground. The masses of the people who gave Roosevelt his 2,500,000 plur ality in 1904 are behind Speaker Can non and the Republican leaders of the House on this measure. The Demo crats are in line with the Republicans on it.' No Republican can afford to op pose it. There are especially strong incentives in this exigency for the Re publicans to get into line. These three important measures are sure to be en acted. The member who votes against his party on any of them will make n mj-m.4 .tu i 1U r l 1 i - turned and the taxpayers are given a 'ty, ' k I- . mm repetition of the stereotyped program i when &e presents himself for the sup- that has been enacted during the last : f OI ls constituents lor another twelve years. j term. The Republican party expects every one of its reDresentatives In each branch COUNTY EXPENSES DECREASING. of Congress to do his duty in this crisis. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. RESULTS OF THE SLOCUM DISASTER.' According to a statement- recently issued by Secretary of State Dunbar showing the expenses of thS various counties in the state, the current ex- Z rt-XT . wre ! The captain of the General Slocum foerr which burned ,s?e.aks. well for the Republican Teo wtth So .rT administration of the affairs ago with so great loss of life, has been countv. The exnnsAa Tw r . len years imprisonment 1901 have been as follows: IZl , i L tke the precautions 1901 $69,535.55' lVlZ Vl 2.' hlm ,for .hls. Pas" 1902 in R-ie or. 7 "& ""'J- iue ieaerai steam 1903 '" 37 22730 lnsPectors iqni tl'til t. mmd, were even 1905 ' ' yRn A officers and owners of the boat, have Financially 'the 'condition of Clack- p"nishment' entirely,-except amas county is in better h fllr, I that they have been discharged from for vears and with, f,,! " " ! sojernment service. j -wj-u i-i-i civ il ci.fy c ment, it will be but a few sh nrt vp n p. solute power- and working out a con stitution for his country based on the report of his two commissions that are now studying Europe and the United States, then a decade is a rea sonable enough time in which to do it. It will take longer than that to educate the Chinese people up to the proper use of even a decidedly re stricted franchise, and it would look to the outsider as though the Emper or were going about his self appointed task in a strikingly common sense way. One can easily say that a consti tution of the right sort would be the making of china. She is the loosest sort of a confederation in her present form and the sense of national duty and of patriotism in her people is to a western mind, curiously wanting. But one can easily conceive how a moderately planned constitution would tighten up the national bands . and make the Great Sloth among nations play a very much more important part than she has hitherto' done. .There are one or two -things in the way of this constitutional Utopia. One would be enough and that is that the Em press Dowager is ruling to all intents and purposes and if the constitutional idea does not happen to meet with her approval the son of Heaven may die some summer as Kipling says "of cholera, the white arsenic sort." . o ' Ho Po BRIG.HTBILL Pfcone J26J 503 MAIN STREET. jtwss cuu vv iliv caieiui manaee- to j s , , . ... until the county will be entirely out of debt and its business transacted on a cash basis. A PROPER SUGGESTION. We are all enjoying beautiful weath er, and as far as I know everybody is enjoying good health, and I don't see wny our correspondent's don't have I The steamboat inspection service was something of value to the readers of I reorganized and made much more ef the Enterprise most every week from ficient. Rules were adopted which it nere. We have as good farmers here is trusted will stop the growth of too anywhere, why don't some of them friendly relations between inspectors " uesi way to iarm different i aua vessel owners At last the settlers on the Northern Pacific over-lap grant land are as sured justice, after years of waiting. boat inspectors who, in the public i Senator Fulton has put through the more guilty than the .uell-e a ulu LO "iow an who iook giauL lauu ueiween me ruling or the interior department declaring their right to do so, and the decision of the supreme court, reversing this ruling of the interior department, the privilege of taking lieu land. The senator believes that he can put the measure through the House, with the proper assistance. About 900 to 1000 settlers in Oregon are affected by the new Din, ana on the Washington side the number will bring the total up to at least 1500 persons. . - All of the early settlers on the over-lap land were protected by the act of 1898, while all who went on the land after the ruling of the interior department, have been left without protection un til Senator Fulton began his fight in this Congress. 685. The increased assessment is largely due to the raising of values, although a healthy growth of figures would have been shown had not the valuation been raised in order that the levy might be lowered. - ; o If Arizona really wants to get rid of the joint statehood nightmare, she ought to try changing her politics. O - THE YELLOW FEVER GERM. has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to' the malaria germ. To free the system" from dis ease germs, the most effective remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaran teed to cure all diseases due to mala ria poison and constipation. 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store. The Algeeiras Conference is grad ually assuming the appearance of an unlimited round contest. The trouble, with the Agricultural Department, according to the Keep Commission was not the sort of re ports it published but the way it pub lished them. o If they send Editor Mann to Sing Sing, they ought in fairness to send his victims to Bloomingdale. ITCH RINGWORM. effective in this case there is tiPt-cr. theless much reason to hope that in the future such catastrophes will be less frequent, and that if they do oc cur the punishment will be much more certain. The federal laws have been thoroughly revised. At last year's session- Congress enacted a "half-d .statutes correcting the defects which careiul investigation proved t6 exist. E. T. Lucas. Wingo. Ky.. writes April 25, 1902 : "For 10 to 12 years I J had been afflicted with a malady gen erally known as the 'itch. The itching was most unbearable; I had tried for years to find relief,' having tried all remedies I could hear of, besides a number of doctors. I wish to state that one single application of Bal lard's Snow Liniment cured me com pletely and permanently. Since then I have used the liniment on two sep arate occasions for ring worm and it cured completely." 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. , Nasal CATARRH In all its stages. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cores catarrh and drives way a cold In the head ooicklv. j . Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads I over the membrane and is absorbed. "Relief is im mediate and a care follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug jigti or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren Street, New York y.1 s-ad UP. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I ... -JI.IIJUIIII.1-MI J in Ml . H crops, and what will pay the best to jdiser sometaiBg or that kind would fcenefM us all. Greenwood corres pondent in last week's Enterprise. This suggestion on the part of the Greenwood correspondent is most timely and proper. He has a right conception of what goes to make up an. interesting and readable county newspaper. Correspondents general ly will find that their efforts in chron icling the happenings of their respec tive localities will be the greater ap preciated if they will devote a little more space to noting facts pertaining to the growing of crops and other news of an agricultural character. If Mr. Brown is successful in growing a good crop of grain from a field that in the past had been practically unproductive and worthless, report that fact and ex plain the details of the methods adopt ed. Similar mention should properly be made of another farmer who is as successful in the breeding of a partic ular line of stock. It is these inter change of ideas that is helpful to the farmer and does much towards In creasing interest in the farm besides promoting this important industry. Correspondents should pay -more at tention to these details and their week ly letters will prove of greater Inter est. - Oregon's senior Senator, . C. W. Ful ton, has become one of the most ar dent good roads champions, in the-city of Washington. When the Federal governnient made an offer, through Samuel Hill, to build two miles of tnorougniy modern road in Oregon, at such place as he should name y,a If the inspection service sh'ould de generate again there would be a heavy burden of responsibility in the upper places of the federal . administration. It might not be a, bad idea for the President or the Sretary of Com merce to appoint an outside investi gating board in- the course of a vear or so to report on the manner in which ! chose Pendleton and Salem as central the new regulations have worked. An for the two great v divisions of the investigation is much better worth state.. Arrangements are being made while before a calamity than after it. to have a mile of road built at each Chicago Record-Herald. I place, the counties to furnish the la in the case of the Valencia accident bor and the materials, while the eov- Sll tin .ffinwn ...... 1 a. ill . 1 . . . . . . y, , """- . e iusi wnn me i emmeni win provide the machinery ship, but if the officers of 'those ves- j and experts to see that the work is in fxiiciiiitiiig uj rescue tne dis tressed passengers can be shown to be responsible for negligence, ade quate punishment should be meted out to them. We Carry Fine Bath Tabs HAVE YOU REGISTERED? There is one thing the voters must remember and that is in order to vote at the Primary nominating, elec tion in April they must properly reg ister, stating their political affiliation, prior to April 10. If electors find it inconvenient to come to the office of the County Clerk for this purpose, they should make it a point to attend some of the many meetings that are accord with the standard established by the good roads association. Sena tor Fulton is urging the county -commissioners of all the counties in the state to attend this work, and hopes the government's offer will result in the spread of extensive knowledge on the subject of road building. The date for the work will be announced later. , The State of Oregon is $ 121,000,000 richer than a year ago, as shown by the assessed valuation of the various counties by the county assessor's lists just filed at Salem. In 1904 the total valuation was $188,058,281. The as sessment of 1905 makes it $309,156,- 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington , Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, ' covering 2,250 townB Quick, accurate,' cheat All the satisfaction of a i personal communication. Distance no effect to a . , clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. " Oregon City office at Hardingfs Drug Store JT , V I HADE reiAHHB O Designs Copyrights cVc Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an 'Invention is probably patentable. Communlc. tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest aizency fer 8 ecu rlu patents. Patents taken through Munn St Co. receive $pecial ntic4, wit hoat charge, in the Scientific Jlmericam A handsomely lllnfftxated weekly. J-anrest cir culation of any ecientiflc journal. Terms, $3 a year; foarmontfas.fi. Sold by all newsdealers. IY1UNN & Co.36,Brod""- New York Branch Office. 626 H St. Washington, D. C I JOHN YOUNGER, NSar Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEAJtt fcLXFERlENCfc IN ur real Britain and America. and everything else in the line of first class Plumbing Equipment. The val ue of modern, absolutely sanitary Plumbing is inestimable; it saves much work and worry and may save your life. Don't endanger health and happiness by living in the house that is equipped with old fashioned' fix tures. Get our prices on refitting your entire house with good Plumbing. F. G. GADKE The Plumber. 13 II Famous at home for Gederations past; Famous now all over the World. For 8ai oy - E. MATTHIAS -Sol Agenoy for Oregon City. JAYNE'S the standard cough and cold cure for over r- , 75 years now comes also in a T',L TT fWf. A W TTT Convenient to carry with you. Don't RA rrTi I 1 I W I fewithoutit. Ask your druggist. 25 c size too6 ALMANAC FREE. Write to D D.Jsjra & Son, Philadelphia. V 1 V I