OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1906. X 4 4 Ow CofiresponcIehtS' Conner Brief ISits of Gossip: 9999 9999999999 99 8TAFFORD. - - Tbe old bear could see his shadow all right on Candlemas Day, but still we enjoy the balmy breezes. Indeed we seem to have . changed climates with California, as a business man who went South on the excursion, re turned last week and was heard to remark, "Oregon before the world, this is the first bit of blessed sun shine since I left old Webfoot." Henry Shatz has a boy to live with him, and has plowed up the chicken yard. Mrs. Powell is reported as getting along nicely and recovering slowly from her attack of small-pox, and no mew cases have been heard of. The old neighbors were shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Alice Chap man of Clackamas,- which occurred last Saturday. She was Alice Hayes, youngest daughter of Capt, Hayes and was born and lived at Stafford until her womanhood, beloved by all. Her relatives have our deepest sympathy. "We are still in doubt as to exactly where the electric line from Portland to Salem is going to strike us. Buds are beginning to show above Kround and will soon be in bloom, Mrs. Blehl's daughter-in-law and baby girl are now staying with her, Eggs are coming down in price, and the hens are putting in their best licks. Soon farmers can afford to eat them. LUCKIEST MAN IN ARKANSAS. "I'm the luckiest man in Arkansas,' H.-L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since restoration of my life's health five years of continuous cough- d bleeding from the lungs; ana my good fortune to the world s est medicine. Dr. Kings New .very for Consumption, which I from experience will cure con- tion if taken in time. My wife oved with the first bottle and e bottles completed the cure. Cures the worst coughs and jcolds or money refunded. .At Howell & Jones drujwdsts. 50c and $100. Trial bottle free. COLTON. Roosters are croaking. Frogs are crowing, Blue birds sing and . Grass is growing; That's Oregon in February. Engineer Hubbard has been build ing a commodious and handsome smoke-house. Surveyors were out last weekto view the proposed new road between Elwood and Colton. It will be a big improvement if it is put through. M.L. Sherman had his homestead surveyed last week. - Our school is progressing well un der the management of Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Robeson was brought home from Ostrander on the 5th, she is very sick, but the change seems to have done her good. . Some Coltonites attended the party at the home of JVC. Phillips last Sat urday night and report a good time. The sewing bee given by Mrs. W. R. Jones last Saturday was a pleasant affair and enjoyed by all yresent. D. A. James of James, who has been in poor health for some time, we are pleased to note is improving. W. R. Jones is building a new fence around 'his farm which is a decided improvement. " Rev. W. H. Davis will hold services in the Colton Hall one week from next Sunday, February 18. No one would ever be bothered with constipation if everyone knew how naturally and quickly Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the stomach and bowels. NEEDY. It looks like spring is not far away. , The social dance at Mr. Oglesby's was a success and everybody went home happy voting to go again. Some of the ladies here are crowd ing the spring a little by putting in garden. Cleaning up and grubbing up old orchards is the order of the day in enr vicinity. ' . Mr. G. Oglesby attended the speak ing at Macksburg Satui day,; evening. There is going , to be a lively con test in Barlow and Macksburg as to which wins out in the election between Republicans and Democrats. Voters here are almost all register ed. -. ' Some of our farmers will have a suit in the April term of court to set tle some titles to real estate. Mr. Dedman's friends here are work ing like beavers for him, for Recorder. 3t seems Oregon City wants every 'office in the county. Several of our young people spent several hours Sunday at Mr. Henry Wolfer's playing croquet- Frank and Dodie were the winners. ' Mr. Jack Kerr is putting up some poultry fences. , That little affair of the Portland Rod and Gun Club to tax every man a dollar for the privilege of fishing must be voted down and we want every voter to see that our Senators are against it and to repeal the gun li cense at next session of the legisla ture, and if they will not promise to do so, vote against them. This whole scheme is . a fraud so vote it down. Cures croup, sore throat, pulmon ary troubles Monarch over pain of every sort. Dr.. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. NEEDY. Mr. Editor: We want to tell you that we are having most lovely weath er out here, the grain and grass has been growing nicely and has a healthy color. The last day .or two has been a little frosty; just enough to cause the farmer boys to work with a steady salt in order to keep comfortable. The farmers are variously employed fc-it s i From All Parts of the County. 999999 999999999 999999999 in making rails, building fence, grub- bing, -sawing next summer's wood, and getting their hop yards in order for ; the spring work. ' Mr. Seward has been busy with his wood saw. He has cut about one hundred ricks in our vicinity. Mr.. Ben Wolfer has been on the sick list, but is O. K. again. Our Literary Society is upon its j feet again under the supervision of a new set of officers, and we are having i some very interesting discussioris Last Friday evening the question, "Resolved that ambition has done more harm than good" was ably de- bated by both sides; the judges giv- ing the decision to the negative. The question for next Friday even- ing is "Resolved that male teachers should have the preference to female teachers in the public schools"; the fun to begin at 7:30 p. m. sharp, and we hope every lady will be there on time, for it -is not very pleasant for i nose wdo .nave to wum an wcca w be kept, up till after mid-night. i Mr. D. Zimmerman is on the sick list, but we hope he will soon be on deck again. Mr. J. D. Ritter has some of the finest barred Plymouth Rock chick- ens in tne county, .eggs ai one u"4r per setting. . The writer has had trie pleasure of taking dinner at tne Kit ter farm several times when Barred Rocks graced the table and it was certainly a grand feast. HEALTH. Means the ability to do a good day's work, without undue fatigue and to find life worth living. You cannot have indierestion or constipation without its upsetting the liver and polutting - - .... . the blood. Such a condition may be best and quickest relieved by Herbine the best liver regulator that the world has ever known. Mrs. D. W. Smith,, writes, April 3, 02: "I use Herbine, and find it the best medicine for con stipation and regulating the liver I ever used." 50 cents. Sold by Hunt ley Bros. Co. " . CAZADERO. Mr. Jos. Green spent Saturday in Portland. ' Quite a numbeor of people from' Portland visited the headworks last week. : Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ponnon of Es- tacada, were visiting friends -in Caza dero Sunday. Mr. L. H. Myers has moved his family from Portland to this place. Mrs. John Gerrick entertained the Whist Club last Saturday and alL-re- ported having had a good time. Mrs. W. J. Moore was in Portland a few days last week. Mr. G. I. Brown spent , Sunday m Portland. Work on the sub station at the pow er house is progressing rapidly. Mr. John Gerrick is going to , Port land today., Mr. Stratton, of Estacada, was at the headworks yesterday.. CROUP Begins with the symptoms of. a com mon cold; there is a chilliness, sneez ing, sore throat, hot skin, quick -pulse, hoarseness and impeded respiration. Give frequent small doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, (the child will cry for it) and atfthe first sign of a croupy cough apply frequently Ballard's Snow Liniment to the throat. Mrs, A. Vliet, New Castle, Colorado, writes, March 19, 1902: "I think Bal lard's Horehound Syrup a wonderful remedy, and so pleasant to take" Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. . . PARKPLACE. People are making garden and clean ing up their yards; sure indications of spring. -- ; ' ' '" Mrs. Olds, of Gladstone, several of her friends in Tuesday afternoon. - : Miss Lulu Rittenhouse called on Parkplace went to Clackamas Tuesday to attend the fun-! eral of Mrs. Chapman. Rev. Wm.- Myer is meeting with good success, soliciting for the new Congregational Church which is soon to be built in Parkplace. Fve new members were taken into the. church .'Sunday evening, Febru ary 4, viz: Fred Bailey, Emery French and the Misses Avis and Fay French and Miss Echo Moak. Mrs. Oglesby and family have "return ed from Camas, Washington, and are again in their home on Clackamas Heights. - i Mr. Case has bought the house-va-! cated ' by Mr. Love and is painting and otherwise improving it and will j soon have it ready for rent. , Captain Apperson is still confined to the house; his many friends wish him a speedy recovery. i Mrs. Brayton attended Ladies' -Aid in Oregon City Tuesday. Frank Sievers, who was so severely hurt in the woolen mill last week, 1 Thursday, is still unconscious and in critical , condition. Dr. Strickland is tending him and; has hopes of his recovery. Frank is a good boy and has many friends in the vicinity in which he lives, who sincerely hope he will soon recover.- . Next week we will tell more about - the Ingram-May wedding which took ' place Wednesday, February 7. Worth- Hamilton and Miss' Asratha cutter are taking music lessons of Miss Benson from Portland an rt nnosilr very highly of her as an instructor. Mrs. S. P. Davis from Oresron Citv ' is going to organize an art class at Mrs. M. Rivers in Parkplace, Satnr- ! day, February 10 and anyone wishing to take art Can see her Saturday, 10 ' a. m. to 4 p. m. at Mrs. Rivers. 'A HABIT TO BE ENCOURAGED. The mother who has acauired the 4iabit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough . Remedy, saves herself a great amount of -uneasiness KE&lmip- h "9" -y i - !: ' WET WEATHER. WISDOM! - V tV ' THE ORIGINAL" , BLACK OR YELLOW ilL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES CATALOGUES FREE SHOWINGFULL LIKE OT GARMENTS AND HATS. A. j. Townrt CO., boston, mass., u.s. . TOWER CANADIAN CO., LTD., TORONTO, CANADA. : - - an(1 anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible are quickly cured by its use.. It counter- cts any tendency of a cold to result ln pneumonia, and if given as soon as the first symptoms of croup appear, it will prevent the attack. This rem- edy contains nothing injurious and mothers give It to their little ones wIth a feeling of , perfect security. TWILIGHT. Mr. Tom Kelland wears- a broad smile now, because a little sister came to the home of his father to make glad their hearts. Miss Robinson, of Michigan, is vis iting her old-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson. Mrs. Chas. White is dangerously ill at her home near -Twilight Hall. - Miss Ray McCord- called on Miss Maggie Sharkey Monday afternoon. Mrs. A. J. Marrs, of ML Pleasant, visited friends in this vicinity one day this week. Mr. Dennis Hyltop has taken a con tract of cutting wood for Mr. Secrest. Mr. Dick Kelland, who so mysteri- ously disappeared, has., been c - i i. : i heard from by his friends Misses Ethel and Helen McCord vis ited at their father's, Wm. McCord. - Miss Ova Marrs called on Mrs. Geo. Lazelle Sunday. We sympathize deeply with Mt. Pleasant for losing their inspired poet, and political writer. Also for the loss of the young poetess who will n time continue the work of her illustrious father. To prove that this young lady has a very exceptional mind, we need only state that we hear she has been offered a position as teacher in Coos County, while only fourteen years of age. Jt must be remembered that other'teachers of this state are requir ed by law to be- eighteen years of age. COMMON COLDS ARE THE CAUSE OF MANY DISEASES. Physicians who have gained a national reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided a long list of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. Every one knows that pneumonia and consumption! torig inate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, afcdJallj; throat and' lung trouble are aggrayfcted arid renrer ,. trouble are' aggravated and rendered more serious by..." each .fresh ..atfcack. ': do not risk your life or take chances when you have a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. . will . cure it . before these diseases develop-. : This 'remedv contains no opium, morphine or other narmiui arug ana nas thirty years of reputation back of it," 'gained by" its cures under every condition. For sale by Howell & Jones. ' i - 411 Run Down HIS is a common expres siony; we hear on every side. U n less there ,ir me. organic trouble, the con- -ition can doubtless be remedied, .'our doctor is the best adviser lo not dose yourself with afi ilnds of advertised remedies get his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fat food to enrich your blood and tone up the system. ' Scott's Emulsion v of Cod Liver Oil ; is just such a food in its best form. It will build up the weakened anH wasted bodv when a1F WdSieu DOUy wnen au. either Fnrtric Fail (n rvnumh If . you are run down OT emaciated. J give U a trial : it Cannot hurt vou. It is essentiaNv 4h Kc ! t ... . . .. . i - DOSSlble nourishment for delicate I children and pale, ' anaemic girls. ' We will send VOU a Samnle free. , - 1 Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOYVNE t Chemists 409 Pearl Street, New York 50c and $1. All Draiists I X. f I nJ I.I i xj i x. rv- ,-fiLLJ EAQLE CREEK. Cool dry ' weather is the. order of the day.' f ' ' - - The farmers seem to be busy, some . plowing, some sowing, some - clearing, "others doing different kinds of work. The - .Presbyterians v organized a church at Eagle Creek '. recently with a membership of twenty-two. , Mr. Gussie Burnett has nearly re covered from his sick spell and has gone to Condan, Oregon, to visit with " his aunt. . Mr.,WnLjKarr, teacher in district : No. -50went home last Friday even ' ing to - visit his mother and friends, i He returned-Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have a fine ! new boy, three weeks old. i The people of the neighborhood j fenced the Gibson Cemetery last week. Born, to the wife of A. J. Douglas, on February 5th, an eight pound boy. We are in hopes Andrew will be able to pursue his farm" work hereafter in good shape with so much help. t- We understand that A. J. Douglas has sold the saw mill property to someV Boring people. ; LAME BACK. This ailment is caused usually by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the par,ts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief, bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick relief is almost sure to fol low. For sale by Howell & Jones. GEORGE. What lovely weather. Mr. A. H. Miller and Henry Johnson, our delegates, went to Estacada Sat urday. They 'dined with Mayor Reed. A very enjoyable surprise dance was given in honor of Mr. Ed. Guber last Friday evening. All our young folks were out. . Miss Mae Strange spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. D. W. Kinnard, of Oregon City. Walter Paulson is slowly Improv ing.; - . Mr. Julius Paulson leaves Tuesday for his hop yard at Aurora. Mr.A. H. Miller's valuable shepherd pup died of distemper last weekk ITCHING" PILES. If you are acquainted with anyone who is troubled with this distressing ailment you can do him no greater favor than to tell him to try Chamber lain's Salve. It' gives instant relief. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by Howell & Jones. v - CLARKES. Telephone and politics all over. The Timber Grove' school will close February 9. ' This school has a good teacher and w6 hopejihey get another like her. . It -was reported that Mr. Kayser had a buyer for his place. Well it is a. cheap And good place. '--Mr. P. Kern, has moved his orchard trees away ; from' the road, down to his. new house. He is fixing up a nice orchard and improving his place right along. ; ; - ..... Mr. Billy Bpchner of Oregon City, is busy plowing and sowing his, ranch at Timber. Grove.- -' Mr. O. Martin was badly' hurt nearly jtwo weeks ago. ' He was riding his young - coit weicn threw himself and accidentally fell on Mr. Martin's leg. Mr. Marauet is not eoine: to bother with renters any -more. He is going to sow clover in the stubble land and then harrow it. GAS IN THE STOMACH. Belching and that sense of fulness so often experienced after eating is caused by the formation of ' gas. The stomach rails to perform its' functions and the food ferments. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will cor rect the disorder. They aid'digestion and .strengthen the stomach and bow els. For sale by Howell & Jones. ; ; : CAN BY. ; ' The monthly meeting of the Ep worth League. was held at the parson age of the M. E. Church oh Jtfonday evening or last weeK. The Ladies Aid gopiety of the M. Jfi. Church spent a day at the parson age, January 31. A deal pf work was done, . and the hours sped away with a feeling of time well spent.. Lunch was served at the noon hour, and the company of ladies, and the few breth ren-present did justice to the ample spread before them. Mrs. Boroughs was chiel cook. . The people in and around Canby en joyed the beautiful - weather of the past few days,- and our- one business street , put on quite a business air, with vehicles, pedestrians and ladies who came to- town to do their shop ping. .. '' Mrs. Carothers was a caller at the parsonage one day last week. Mrs. J. S. Dick attended ' Grange' meeting at New Era, January 27. Mrs. Kirk has been sick for a few days. , - - - - . Miss Emma.Hoff spent a few days in Portland las week. . Mrs. Graham was called to ' Oswego last week to the bedside of her father. Mr. A. Martin, who is very ill at the home of his son, whom he had gone visit- George Brown, the Dotato kine. of New Era. was to Canbv tne middle of or last wees on business. Mr. Hosford was a Portland visitor on Friday last. . - - Rev. F. S- Clemo visited with Mr. S. Terry a few ;days ago at the home of the latter. . Mrs. Baker of "near Salem, was in our city visiting with' Mr. and Mrs. Burdette the early part of last week. '-Mrs. A.'R. Shank and son Earle were, visitors in Portland the first of the week.; -" ' : ' - ' DEAFNESS -CANNOT BE CURED. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness ftBTfffffmi'i'itiH AgebblePreparationfor As similating theToodandRegula ling theStomachs aMBawels of Promotes Bigesfion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Oprum.Morphine nor rlineral. Not Narcotic. XtafmefOkm-SAMUIZPrrCHSfl Alx.Sennm jRmdflUSJU- Bi Cnrtn-TT TmJm ' WrmSeed- CUrifwd Sugar l WorlRt-finmlv fnr (YknetiftA- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Gonvuisions.revensn aess and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. exact copy err wrabfeb. and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely ciosed, Deafness is the result, and unless the infiamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal Condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous, surfaces., . ' We will give One Hundered Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars, free. - - - ' F: J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo; O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. - Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. . : MULINO. News are scarce: as hen's teeth. ' ' We are all pleased to see the sun show ' its face once' more, but sorry that the ground hog has seen his shadow, for we know that . means more "Oregon rain." . A few of the young people' of this vicinity spent the evening with Mr. T. Wiles and family one night last week. The roads seem to be drying up in this part of -town, and somehow the young people prefer to walk in the mud road rather than the plank walk. Misses ' Edith and Blanche Wiles, Misses MaggieV and Maud Manning, arid Mf: Albert Lyons were the guests of .Mr.. Edwards on the evening . of February 2, all report a good time. . Mr; Thomas Wiles hauled a load to Molalla for C. T. Howard, Wednesday.'- ' - - ' Mr. and. Mrs. Barnes, of .Liberal; Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes,' of Union Mills; and Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Lee, '.of Mulino, spent Sunday with Mr. Chase and family. Mrs. Jasper Trullinger departed from here a few. days ago, to stay with her mother who is quite ill, but is slowly improving. -. , A birthday surprise party was giv en in the honor of Mr. Guy Jewett, Tuesday evening, February 6; all seemed to enjoy themselves, playing games etc. They - all thought the principal game was "wink," after the boys got tired of winking, they thought turn about was fair play, so the girls tried their luck. At minnight refresh ments were served, after which the guests all departed saying they had spent a very pleasant evening. -The following guest3 were present: Misses Belva Shaw, Edith and Blanche Wiles, Nada Lee, Minnie and Mary Trul linger, Jenny Akins, EZva Erickson, Helen Bowman, Maggie and Maud Manning, Vesta Churchill, Edith and Maud Husband, Dorris Evans, Mr. Gomer Edwards, Arthur Chase, Frank Lee, Royal Trullinger, Pierce Wright, Albert Lyons, Arthur and Ernest Mal latt, Charley Daniels, John Erickson, Mr. Ward of Carus and Mr. yick and Mr. Larson, of Molalla. . A birthday surprise party also was given in the honor of Mr. J. J. Mal- latt, Monday evening, where a few Of the neighbors gathered. Miss Clay gave a lecture on WomaVs Suffrage Wednesday, even ing at the M. E. Church, and the at tendance was quite large. ARE YOU A FARMER? - If you are, then you need a good farm paper. The Enterprise has a splendid offer. We will furnish the Enterprise and the Oregon Agricultur ist and Rural Northwest, the best ag ricultural paper in the large section it serves, both one year for only $1.50 the price of the Enterprise alone. This farm paper is highly recommend ed by the leading experts on farming, stock raising and fruit growing. This offer is a nap. Can at the office or mail us your subscription. ilTFl 11 For Infants and Children. The ICind You Heve Always Bough! Bears Signature .'TMK OKMTAun COMPANY, NEW TORN CITY. UNION HALL. John Molzen is hauling hay from D. R. Dimick's. - . Joseph. Perringer and his- son Mike -are blasting stumps these fine days. John Thomas and some .of his neighbors were out hunting coons a few nights ago. Thomas says he has got the best coon dog in this neck of the woods. Mr. Anderson was visiting Mr. JohmJ Thomas last Sunday.'- , . It is a settled fact that rock makes the best road bed of any thing that has been tried so far in this part of Oregon.-r---'' "v '- Several from , here ' attended Red Men's Lodge at Canby last Saturday night. . - - s ' " 5 It begins to-look like Spring these warm, sunshiny days; the frogs are singing their old time songs. , Mr. James Adkins. the saw mill man , has bought a lot more timber close to hl mill here. -y -r " Irvin . Wheeler of Prune Hill was in these parts a few days ago. George Moore was in this visinity a few days ago looking for sheep. Charles Noblett, of Needy, : passed through here a few days ago.J Mr. Joseph Perringer was calling on friends last Sunday. ARE YOU RESTLESS AT NIGHT And harrased" by a bad ' cough?. Use Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it will secure you1 sound sleep "ami effect a, prompt and radical cure. .- Sold by Huntley Bros, Co.' CLACKAMAS.- Clackamas Grange, No. 298, P. of : H., held it regular all day meeting on Saturday, February Z. The Grange went through quite a routine of busi-: ness. Two standing committees were elected, by ballot, as follows: Execu-tiver-W. Foster, M. C. Hayward, J. Landes. Relief Mrs. M. E. Pretty man, Mrs. Shearer, R. B. Holcomb. Worthy Master appointed on the din ner committee for next day meeting Mrs. Emma Jones, Lulu Hayward, Mrs. Parker. Two new applications' for membership .-were . received. - Four candidates admitted to free .member ship by degree work. Treasurer re ported $61.00 in the hall fund. After a long severe illness, Alice, wife of E. C. Chapman, -passed into rest Saturday, February - 3. Tuesday, at 1 p. m., the funeral services took place in the Methodist church, Rev. W. B. Moore and Rev. W., Myer of ficiating. Members- of the Odd Fel lows and Rebecca lodges attended in a body. Interment was had in the Clackamas cemetery, wfth short ser vices by the Rebeccas. - Mrs. Chapman was lovea Dy an who knew her and her death is deeply mourned by the entire community. Captain Wilson has rented his farm to a Mr. Curtis of Oklahoma. - The . Captain and "his wife have gone on an extended visit among friends and rel atives. -'' The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church" held an apron sale at the home of Mrs. Isaae Johnson Thursday after noon. The Busy Bees had a social Monday evening at the home of Miss Ruth jarrett. Miss Laura Clay ' gave a verv inter esting address on "Woman's Suffrage" last Sunday evening in the Congrega tional church. The auditorium was well rilled by an attentive audience many of. whom no doubt will hereaf ter view the subject in a new light. Monday evening at Knapp's Hall the members of Oregon City Aerie, No. 993, Fraternal Order of Eagles, ten dered the members of Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Improved Order- of Redmen a banquet.' R. L. Greaves was toast master and C. W. Kelly on behalf of the- Red Men responded to the address of welcome that was made by G. B. " ' Dimlck, representing the Eagles! . .j Among those making short addresses during the evening were A. M. Sinnoift 7 ' Justice of the Peace Stipp, John.Wers- mandel, C. G, Huntley and Dr. . Hv S. Mount. fy JA In ntX Use For Over Thirty Years