Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 02, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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801 Main St., Peoria, 111. '
Gilbert Thompson never knew a well day until last Jane he had teen constipated all his life many
doctors treated him, but all failed to even help him his health faded rapidly and on January 21,
1903. Mrs. Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment for her husband We fought the case
, tooserious and recommended that a specialist be consulted but he also failed to help the
- patient NOW. HE IS WELL. ? , ' v
Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him
v Mrs. Thompson first wrote us as follows: -My husband, aged 23, suffers from sharp pains In his stomach and
sometimes thinks it is his heart. Let me know by return mail what causes the pain, if you can. Mr. inompsxn
has been treated by several doctors, but they have given him up." nn.. -..o
We promptly advised that a first-class specialist be consulted. We quote: "We want to Bell Mull s Crape
Tonic, because we know it will cure constipation, but 50c. a bottle is no object to us when a human life is at stake,
and if your husband's case is as serious as you state, we suggest you consult a reliable specialist, not the advertising
kind promptly." At the same time, knowing that Mull's lirape Tonie could do no harm, we advised Its use until a
physician obuld be consulted. January 26 Mrs. Thompson wrote that a physician had been consulted. He diag
nosed tbe-case as being chronic constipation and dyspepsia. His treatment was followed faithfully, but there was
no perceptible Improvement In Mr. Thompson's health. Then he began taking Mull's Grape Tonic and on Sept.
8, 1903, we received the following letter from Mrs. Thompson:
"You will remember that I wrote to you last Januarv In regard I to my l.usband's health. It
, .. i Tnnin for nnnstmation. which he suftered from
is igurmonini sinoe no quu lanniy mun .w - . . .
.inn. birth. H. tnk lust 24 bottles of it and is perfectly cured. He is much stronger and has
gained considerably in flesh. cannot tfianlc you enougn rer " "It" . " u " Aia
weight in gold.' Just S12 cured him and he has spent hundreds of dollars with doctors who did
him no good. Now I want to state my case to you and expect youre f.rly ."ply. ' a' h"v,w If "
pation. have had for three years. Kindly let me know as I am sure 11 .will cure me If you say It will,
uju.ii . u Jm i. n hiKhmd'i ene. I await an early reply."
" 1 Very respectfully yours, MRS. W.H. THOMPSON, 801 Main SL, Peor, IIU
This Coupon is good for a 50c Bottle of
Mull's Grape Tonic.
Fill out this coupon and send to the Lightning
Medicine Co., 157 TUird'Ave., Rock Island, III., and yon
will receive a fall size, 60c. bottle of Mall's Crape
I have never taken Mull's Grape Tonie, eat if you
will supply me with a 60c bottle free. I will take it as
8 1 rr o t No.
City... '. State.
fIf you are afflicted with constipation or any of its kindred
diseases we will buy a 50-cent bottle for you of your druggist
and give it to you tq try. If you are constipated we know it
will cure you. 'Surely if we have such confidence in our remedy
as to pay for a bottle of it that you may test for yourself its won
derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to acoipt our offer.
Mull's Grape Tonic
is the only cure for constipation known. We do not recom
mend it for anything but Constipation and its allied diseases. It is
our free gift to you. In accepting' this free bottle you do not obligate
yourself further than to take its contents. Mull's Grape Tonic is
pleasant to take and one bottle will benefit you. We want you to try
it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mail
it to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent
bottle and charge same to us.., .
HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists.
should visit the Needy school and try
and staighten out the school affairs of
that district.
And harrased by a bad cough?
Use Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it
will secure you sound sleep and effect
a prompt and radical cure.
Sold by Huntley Bros.' Co.
If you are, then you need a goo 8
farm paper. The- Enterprise has a
splendid offer. -We will furnish the
Enterprise and the Oregon Agricultur
ist and Rural Northwest, the best ag
ricultural paper in the large section
it serves, both one year for only $1.50
the price of . the Enterprise alone.
Thi3 farm paper is highly recommend
ed by the leading experts on farming,
stock raising and fruit growing. This
offer is a snap. Call at the office or
mail us your subscription.
. Mr.' Bluhm is confined to his bed
with rheumatism.
. Mrs. Ada C. Moehnke and Miss Ella
Hornshuh attended teachers' meeting
at Milwaukie last Saturday.
Mrs. John Heft is ill with grippe.
The two Shubel telephone divisions
held a joint meeting in the school
house last Saturday night.
Mrs. Hettman and Mrs. F. Moehnke
-called on Mrs. R. Ginther one day last
The Moehnke sawmill has been run
ning the past few .weeks.
Frank Grosmiller is working, for
Wm. Moehnke.
Mrs. Ruth Hornshuh, wife, of E
Hornschuh died of goiter strangula
tion in their home at Tigardville last
Friday and was buried in. the Shubel
cemetery last Sunday afternoon. Sym
pathizing friends from far and near
attended the funeral.
Mrs. E." F. Ginther visited with Mrs.
John Heft last Sunday afternoon.
We are glad to hear those who have
een on the sick list are improving.
Miss Lizzie Lewis came out from
)regon City last Friday evening to
Business is rushing in Boring, with
the contractor to make out the checks
and T. M. Allison to cash them.
There was a dance at the hall Sat
urday night. Every body reporting a
good time: Well ginned up, of course.
A man was seen coming out of the
saloon Sunday morning on horseback.
Suppose he had stabled him in there
over night.
Miss Et. Clare was seen in our burg
Mr. J. Daniels was visiting friends
in town last week.
J. Singleton was also seen loafing
around town last week.
The O. W. P. & Ry Company is
building a new addition to their
frieght house here. .
O. W.-Boring, wife and family at
tended church last Sunday.
Our school, Oregona, is progressing
nicely under the management of Mrs.
Lake and Mrs. Calvan as teachers.
Mrs. Lake being principal. ' ,
The Directors have purchased a new
bell, and made some others improve
ments on the back grounds; that help fare G. E. Hayes) scared out of the
the sound and appearance of things
a great deal.
The roads in this vicinity are in a
very bad condition as there has been
no work done on them for two years.
Boring is going to have rural deliv
ery soon. This will beat jumping
from board to board to get to the post
office: The next thing we want is, for
some enterprising man or woman to
put up a new, first-class drug store.
They would do a good business, and
would undoubtedly save man a flying
trip to Gresham.
, Mr. Covny and family are visiting
friends and relatives here this winter.
grippe and might prove to be scarlet
ina, and advised that no callers be
The hound man does not seem to
relish the questions of his neighbors
about the $25 he and the Oregon City
lawyers (whose initials by tjae way
German and his wife. Well the quick
est way to stop the questions is to
pay them back the $25.
Right wrongs no man. "
There was a hot time on the tele
phone Saturday evening between one
of the subscribers and the President
of the line, which was finally settled
by a Dromise to have the rights of the
case printed in the Enterprise this 1 Everything passed off pleasantly.
." ' . LOGAN.
News searce.
Henry Reed" was a Logan visitor
this week.
Mr. Ralph Tracey wears a broad
smile now; it is a son they say.
Mr. Nelson, candidate for State Sen
ator, was touring this -burg recently
looking up politics, ile says he will
make it lively for his opponent.
Miss Emma Fallert is home from
Portland and expects to remain until
Spring.' .' "
The entertainment and dance given
by the Degree team of Harding
Grange was very successful affair.
spend a few days with her parents.
Miss Floy Stewart and" Miss Echo
Spence spent a . very pleasant day at
Gregory's Sunday..
Mr. John Jones has sold his farm.
He intends to move to Salem soon. '
Mrs. Tollman has also sold her place
to the brother that bought Mr. Jones
Mrs. Irish returned home Monday
after a -weed's visit at Salem.
Mr. Howard and son Ralph are now
clearing land for'App. Jones.
Miss Belle Gregory spent Sunday
with Miss Lizzie Lewis. ,
Mrs. Inskeep, Mrs. Lewis, and Mrs.
Stewart cleaned house for Mr. Cooper
one day last week.
Eph Jones made a business trip to
Oregon City Monday.
Lots of the Carus people have been
laid up with pneumonia.
Fred Spangler, G. Thomas and Em
erson Spatz spent the evening at Ed.
Howard's Sunday.
Willie and Johnnie Davis attended
the meeting at Mulino Sunday even
ing. - ':
Richard Davis spent Sunday in Portland.
Lands of the OREGON AND CALI
Oregon will be leased for the year
1906, subject to cancellation of lease
in the event of-the sale of land during
the term of lease.
Owners of farms and ranches ad
joining railroad lands, should file their
applications not later than February
1, 1906, after which date applications
from others will also be considered
Address Charles W. Eberlein, Act
ing Land Agent, 1035 Merchants Ex
change, San, Francisco, Cal. . ,
If You Want
Be ore having the old-time
gold fillings put in your teeth
. come and see the newer and
better porcelain inlays. This
work, while comparatively
new, has been in general use
about six years, and by every
test is found to be far superior
to any other filling known.
It preserves the teeth, prevent
ing decay, around the margin
as sometimes happens in me -talic
fillings; are more durable
and look very much better.
This work is not gen
erally used in on account
of the skill and time re
quired to do ! as it
should be. done. We have
been doing porcelain inlay
work for over two years, be
sides taking a special course in
this work while in Chicago
under the best porcelain work
ers in the United States.
Do not cpnfound this work
with cement or artificial en
amel, which is used by many.
Porcelain fillings have come
to stay, and is acknowledged
to be so superior that in the
East many people are having
t'.ieir gold fillings replaced by
AH our work guaranteed. -
Dentist I; .'
Wei.ihari Builiing Opposite
Court House.
Mrs. W. Holmes and Mrs G. .Hamil
ton spent Tuesday in Portland.
Thirty-six of the Parkplace people
attended the oyster supper in Clacka
mas last Friday evening. Mr. Holmes
took his carry all and took a big load.
The -Y. M. C. A. Glee Club from Port
land, assisted by Miss Eddirigs, will
give a concert in the Assembly Hall
Friday eveing, February 2. An excell
ent programme is promised and a full
house is desired.
Mrs. P., Freytag and daughter from
Portland visited at Captain Smith's
last Thursday and Friday . .
Miss Wilson and Miss Myrtle
Holmes went" to Clackamas last Fri
day afternoon to visit Rev. and Mrs.
Myer. They attended the oyster-supper
in the evening. .
The Sunday services are . largely
attended. They have reached the one
hundred mark.
Miss Agatha Cutter caught the epi
demic going the rounds, and was un
able to attend school Tuesday on ac
count of such a severe cold.
Young Sager and Vekel have been
pulling stumps on the new road to
Oregon City with their machine. ,
Charley Gage returned to his home
in Linnton. His elbow is stiff yet, and
he . is still weak, but the Doctor told
him gentte exercise would give him
strength now.
Mr. Chitwood of Damascus spent
the night at Mr. Gage's on his way
to instal the officers at
Grange last Saturday.
I About thirty dollars was realized by
the promoters of the affair.
"They" say wedding bells will ring
socai for one Loganite. Guess it must
be-true for what "everybody" says
generally is. .
Next Saturday is regular monthly
meeting of Harding Grange; wake up,
ye tardy members, and come hither;
be on hand at 10 a. m. ' v
This place is too quite for news ;
Tualatin no "fights, divorces or anything ex-
Citing going on: Everybody busy is
the most we can say.
The Barlow Grange last Saturday
night, installed their officers for the
ensuing year. The Grange is in a
very thrifty condition. Everybody
took an "active part.
George Randall was a visiting mem
ber and gave the grangers a good
stirring address. The people are glad
to know Mr. Randall is a candidate
for Representative on the Republican
ticket. We believe he will pull a big
vote at the primary.
(Marks ' Prairie and Vicinity.
A few counterfeiters have lately
been making and trying to sell imita
tions of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and
other medicines, thereby defrauding
the public. This is to warn you to
beware of such people, who seek to
profit, through stealing the reputation
of remedies which have been success
fully curing disease, for over 35 years.
A sure protection, to you, is our name
on the wrapper. Look for it, on all
Dr. King's, or Bucklen's remedies, as
all others are mere imitations. H. E.
BUCKLEN & CO., Chicago. 111., and
Windsor, Canada. For sale at Howell
& Jones drug store.
Tuesday was a beautiful day and
Stafford as usual straightway forgot
it ever rained.
Some roses are full of buds but the
fruit trees do not seem to respond t'o
the warm springy weather as yet.
The weather prophets say, just wait
till Friday (Candlemas Day) when the
wise old bear comes out of his den
to look for his shadow, and if he
catches a glimpse of it retires to his
ien to sleep another six weeks. ,of
winter. Vc nill wait, of course, but
in the mean time we will enjoy the
lrigkt.,.ays, and hope, with the old
rarmeri that it will rain nights and
Simdays.i3o the hired men can rest.
A lusty young fellow with a paper
aying'he was deal and dumb has
ottn traveling the road begging,
".lost of those : e ppi cached gave
ti m from ten to twenty live cents an I
iur: down their names with tU3
Still raining? Yes.
The mayor and one of the council
men' of Estacada were guests of Mr.
A. H. Miller last week.
Miss Martha Paulson is home again.
Miss Paulson has been attending
school in Portland.
Miss Mae Strange and Mr. H. W.
Smith were guests of the latter's sis
ter Sunday. .
A very enjoyable surprise party was
tendered Mr. Peter Held last Satur
day in ) honor of his . birthday. Mr.
Held is eighty years old and just as
lively as any body out here.
Mr. Walter Paulson has been very
sick but we are glad to say he is get
ting better.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rath were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Miller Sunday.
A debate was held ,in the school
house last Friday. The subject was:
"Resolved that Country Life is better
than City Life." The affirmative won you forget it.
Considerable sickness in this vicini
ty, -
Our sports report a fine time at
Needy Saturday evening.
The Banfleld orchestra is practicing
two-evenings a week and will soon be
able to furnish first-class music.
Master Fred Kerr was visiting rela
tives at Woodburn the past week.
Some of our people are thinking of
making garden; better wait awhile
Mr. Jacob Ritter has been register
ing voters at the Samson school house
and at Needy: Fiflly 80 percent were
Mr. George Oglesby is so as to be
about a little after his sickness.
Mrs. Samuel Mack is residing at
Dallas, Polk county, where she recent
ly purchased some city property.
There seems to be a good demand
for Garnet Chili potatoes for seed and
but very few are to be had here.
Hay is plentiful and cheap so. farm
ers do not let your stock get poor.
Mr. Dave Zimmerman has been on
the sick list for a few days.
The Messrs. Oglesby will put out a
fine orchard in the near future.
Dogs have been killing some sheep
for Mr. Ben Wolfe. There are several
worthless dogs in this vicinity and
the owners of said dogs are liable to
have to pay for some sheep. "Cum
tux." '
The Republicans here will stand
solid for Porter and Dimick and don't
Leave Portland 6:45 a. m. daily (except
Sunday) for Salem and way points. ,
Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday,' Thursday
. and Saturday for Independence, Al
bany and Corvallls.
Regular service, courteous treat
ment and prompt dispatch are our
Office and Dock:
Foot Taylor Street
Phone Main 40. '
"Cracker Jack" Plumbing
'Job at a little cost, by all
(means confer with us before
j handing out your contract.
Main Street, near Eighth
that side being led by Will Linns. But
the negative followed close with Beth
Scheel as its leader. . .
Painting gates seems -to be the
fashion out here just at present.
Deserves Your Patronage.
The growth of a community and th
success of Its local institutions depends
entirely on the loyalty of its people. . It
Is well enough to preaoTj "patronize honw
industry" but except the service given
a a home institution equals ttiat of out-of-town
enterprises, this argument car
ries no weight and is entirely disregard
ed, as It should be. But with Oregon Cit
people it is different. A, few months
ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas
cade Laundry. It is equipped with the
Friends of Mr. Mattoon here are
working for him for County Commis
sioner. .
The Mayor of Paradise City has
read the Paradise dog man out of the
city limits as he has six dogs.
Mrs. Julia Wilgand is staying with
her sister, Mrs. Eph James, at Liberal.
Mr. Coleman Mack is grubbing up
his old orchard. That is right Cole
man; kill a few bugs.
Mr. Jim Mishler has rented the
Captain Miley place.
Mr. Theodore Campau is improving
his ranch Get that gate put up Theo
dore. Miss Hattie Fisher is teaching the
Meridan school. She is a first-class
several of the young people of
latest Improved machinery and Is daily ! tl, u a pleasant evening at Mr.
hittiW ,. i Oglesby s one evening last wwk.
and superior to much of the laundry 1 Danc'ng waa the order untU the wee
work that is being done In Portland. ' sma nours- A11 went home promising
Being a home Institution and furnishing 1 come again. You are always wel
employment for many Oregon City neoole ! come an the latch string always
to pis the pep j- to t!ie next one 30fThe nlh "tandard of th work being ' uur uPervisor will soon repair the
that the whole-hobo tribe woUid Xuow ! dona commends it to the general public. - fe:
who -was chan'ibV rac.iiied. Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop win our': Armstrong and wife were
I.rs Powell was ialien very sick be promptly called for and delivered to "'lu"a near raraaise city
again last Thursday. Dr. Mount was "T part of the city. Telephone 1204.
called, decided It might be a case of - Johnson, proprietor. t
Our County School Superintendent
Use Electric Light
The .25 per cent reduction in rates for ELECTRIC
LIGHTING puts this only modern method of illumi
nation with all its benefits all its conveniences
all its economies; within the means of every house
holder, every storekeeper---EVERYBODY.
No home is really TjP-TO-DATE in its furnish
ing if it be not electrically equipped. The numerous
electrical conveniences such as electric fiat-irons, chaf
ing dishes, tea and coffee pots, heating pads, nursery
milk warmers, curling irons; and a hundred other
electrical devices, save TIME, STRENGTH and
MONEY for the busy housewife. The cost to operate
these electrical conveniences is so small as to be trifling.
IN THE STORE Electric service offers the solu
tion of every lighting problem. THE LIFE OF
TRADE IS ELECTRIC LIGHT and trade follows
the name into the public mind.
On cost of wiring, cost of current and information re
garding the use of electricity for light or power
promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller
at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank
of Ortgon City. v J.
C C Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.