Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 02, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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t Out Correspondents
v Brief l'.its of Gossip From All Parts of the County- ,v : p
"BORING. ! talking of crossing Clear Creek can-
. , . yon to connect with Highland.
Once more the clouds -have ceased Another matter, Mr. -Editor The
to cover the heavens and the moisture indifference, prejudice and ignorance
therefore the moisture from, them has : concerning the new. law known as the
also ceased. Farmers do not like to Direct Primary Nominating Elections
see so much waVm weather at this
time as it will bud the fruit and the
cold weather to come, will kill it.
Law and duties of citizenship is really
aDDalline. The writer in his wander
ings found one man that didn't know'
The O. W. P. Ry. Co., are enlarging we were going to nave a general di
their freierht house here and fixing a ennial election, much less Primary
new waiting room and office. It is
going to be one of the best waiting
rooms and offices on the Springwater
of late so that it demands a larger
freight house.
Mr. Harry Bigford had the misfor
tune to have his leg broke last week
while working for the Strauss Lum
ber Company.
Dr. J. M. Short was called here
Monday to doctor Mr. Stone who ran
a nail in his knee.
W. H. Boring and wife are on the
sick list.
well" as any of them, but "we should hot
J; forget the little children. North, and
south, : east ana r west or us iney are
getting up socials or some kind of
entertainment for the young children.
: Let us all wake up and do something
; and let us see if we can spend a
j pleasant evening at the school house
! listening to the little ones, and do all
' we' can to ttelp them. '
THl eKKlMAi.
Made n black or yillow for all funds
or wet work. On sale everywhere.
Look for the 5i?n of the fish.
the nunc TOWER on the button. YyL
Election. As time rolls on, we are
more and more convinced that in
order to have an intelligent ballot,
we must have an educational qualifi-,
cation, and the elector who fails to I
prepare and qualify himself for that , have made a call for delegates out of
important duty.nust be disfranchis-' the five districts to meet at Estacada.-I
ed. - ' February 3, two o clock p. m., to dis
cuss the nomination of county comi
missioner and such political .matters
as may come before the meeting.
The session of the Springwater
Presbyterian church has made a call
' frr a ormprAsrsitinnsil TTipetincr to take
find life worth living. You cannot have Tnte n aniline- Bbv Rlair tn. become
indigestion or constipation without the pastor or the Springwater Presby
its upsetting the liver and polutting terian Church.
the blood. Such a condition may be William Rrri has sold 40 acres off
Means the ability to do a good day's
work, without undue fatigue and to
Mrs. Wiles departed Tuesday for a
few weeks in Portland visiting her
Fred Erickson and family were vis
itors at August Erickson's Sunday.
Our, worthy mail carrier is some
times compelled to go horse back with
the mail owing to the bad roads.
The revivals at the Mulino church
closed Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. "Woodside, who
have been working at Molalla for the
past two months, returned home Mon
day last. t
Mr. Selby and family are preparing
to -move to Portland in the near fu
ture. Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodside have tak
en in charge their two grandchildren
Alfred and Allie, children of thejr
late deceased daughter Ida.
Mrs. Alta Dodge was the guest of
"Agnes Woodside last week.
James and Frank Melton of Teasel
Creek, were seen in our midst a few
days ago.
' Johnnie Mulvaney and Dock White
' captured a live coon last Sunday. Be
ing oia ne was quite savage.
Mrs. Goucher" and Mrs. Al. Jones
- were the guests of Mrs." Daniels a few
- days ago. .
Mulino can boast of two correspond
ents both ladies too.
The Rev. J.' C. Warren, pastor of
Sharon Baptist Church, Belair, Ga..
says of Electric Bitters: "It's a God
send to mankind. It cured me of
lame ba?k, stiff joints, and complete
physical collapse. I was so weak it
took me half an hour to walk a mile.
Two bottles of Electric Bitters have
made me so strong I have just walk
ed three miles in 5 minutes and I feel
like walking three more. It's made a
new man of me." Greatest remedy
for weakness and all Stomach, Liver
and Kidney complaints. Sold under
guarantee at Howell & Jones drug
store. Price 50 cents.
and find it the best medicine for con
stipation and regulating the liver I
ever used." 50 cents. Sold by Hunt
ley Bros. Co.
jbest and quickest .relieved by Herbine fmm thn unrth sid of his farm to a
. . .. the best liver regulator that the world ur Adams from Nhrfl5k oonsidera-
Tm the luckiest man in Arkansas," IVina ovfr kllmlm6 Mrs n w Smith j Mr. Adams, from Nebraska, consiaera
writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since writes AprU 3 02. ..T use Herbine, j f tXr.A i
the restoration or my wires neaim
after five years of continuous cough'
ing and bleeding from the lungs; and
I owe my good fortune to the world's
greatest medicine, Dr. King s New
Discovery for Consumption, which J
know from experience will cure con
sumption if taken in time. "My wife
improved with the first bottle and
twelve bottles completed the cure."
Cures the worst coughs and colds or
money refunded. At Howell & Jones,
drueerists. 50c and $100. Trial bottle
More rain and fog means more mud.
We had a few days of fine weather
last week; seemed like Spring was
here. . ,
There have been quite. a number of
loads of potatoes and' onions hauled
A good farm for sale or rent,apply
to William Bard.
Had a social and entertainment in
upper Springwater school house. Pro
ceeds $15. . f
Mrs. Frank Shannon of Oregon City,
has been on a visit to relatives and
friends in Springwater.
- Mr. William Smith has returned
home from Portland where he has
been under the doctor's care.
' Quite a number of persons in this
place have had colds. . !
Earl Shibley and E. A. Miller are
building a house for Clark Denna.
This ailment is caused usually by
rheumatism of the muscles and may
be cured by applying Chamberlain's
Pain Balm two or three times a day
and rubbing the parts vigorously at
each application. If this does not
afford relief, bind on a. piece of flannel
slightly dampened with Pain Balm,
and quick relief is almost sure to fol
low. For sale by Howell & Jones.
There has arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Magnola, a fine baby
Rev. J. W. Exon has planted quite
an orchard on his homestead.
Fred Vale was out from Portland
spending a few days with the Kitz
miller family.
On account of his eyes our teacher
has had to give up his school. We are
sorry to have him go. -.
Mr. Edman is arranging to leave
our community in the near future.
a e
I t -2
Lrxj J
The Kind You Ilaye Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
to Barton the past week.
Ernest Burghardt is getting some . across the river oDDosite Estacada
better. - On the 22d inst, Miss Clay, Henry
The Lyons brothers have gone down Clay's granddaughter from New York,
the river to work in a logging camp, i gave us an interesting address on
lvir. ti. kj. wooa maue a nying trip , Woman Suffrage, in the Grange hall.
Miss Erma Shibley is teaching music
to pupils ' that would be organists in
Springwater and Estacada.
home last week.
Mrs. Annie Davis was home to see
her mother.
Mrs. E. H. Burgbardt was to spend
the evening with the Ward brothers
one day last week.
Mr. George Hull took, a load of hay
down to Parkplace one day this week.
He has. taken a contract to haul wood.
The roads are so bad the mail nar- Physicians who have gained a
rier from Barton has a time carrying national reputation as analysts of tbe
the mail; it takes them all day.
cause of various diseases, claim that
Begins with the symptoms of a com-
if catching cold could be avoided a
long list of dangerous ailments would
never be heard of. Every one knows
that pneumonia and consumption orig
inate from a cold, and chronic catarrh,
If you are acquainted with anyone
who is troubled with this distressing
ailment you can do him no greater
favor than to tell him to try Chamber
lain's Salve. It gives instant relief.
Price 25 cents per box. Sold by
Howell & Jones.
mon coia; there is a chilliness, sneez- ; bronchitis, and all throat and lung
ing, sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse, ' trouble are aggravated and renrer
hoarseness and impeded respiration, trouble are aggravated and rendered
Give frequent small doses of Ballard's more serious by each fresh attack'.
Horehound Syrup, (the child will cry Do not risk your life or take chances
for it) and at the first Sign Of a CrOUDV when vnn hovo a rnlH fdamhorlain'a
cough apply frequently Ballard's Snow 'Cough Remedy will ' cure it before
Liniment tO the throat. ' x -these rtisensea r1elr.n Thl romor
i o. xi. net, icw vaatie, oiorauOj
Writes, March 19, 1902: "I think Bal-
contains no opium, morphine or other
harmful drug and has thirty years of
IS o , Syrup a wonderful reputation back of it, gained by its
remedy, and so pleasant to take" Sold r a;S
by Huntley Bros. . Co. n" uT, V tT
Division No. 9 of Beaver Creek Mu
aual Telephone Asesociation, held a
special meting last Saturday night
and Sunday morning at Fred Klebe's,
January 27th, 1906. The meeting ad
journed this time at about 2 o'clock
a. m., instead of 4 o'clock a. m., as
formerly, quite a saving of time and
improvement, we should judge.
This division : certainly must have
an enormous amount of business to
transact or must be unruly and un
manageable or the officers must be
incompetent and inefficient.
This time a new office was created
and filled after considerable voting
and declining, and many expressions
of reluctancy namely treasurer.
H. North was the fortunate and hap
py one that " Captured the port . folio
of the treasurership. Ere long every
member in the division will hold an
office and perhaps there will ; not be
members sufficient ' and efficient to
fill them.
The division recently created be
yond No. 9 is making desperate efforts
to construct their line in order to in
stall their telephones so that they can
listen to a little neighborhood gossip.
It must be remembered that the
public highways at present are rather
muddy, which would make visiting
somewhat burdensome, hence a little
gossip or social chat over the line is,
more genteel and congenial (ha ha ha)
The human family in this respect
resembles, a lot of sheep, wherever the
bell sheep jumps, they will all jump
or die in the attempt. So with this
telephone project,, whenever some vis
ionary fellow or crank imagines he
has as much business to tend to as
some of our city merchants and starts
a telephone project, the rest will fol
low suit even if they have to borrow
the money to pay for it with. And for
what? .Why they will tell you that
some day in the distant future, say
ten or twenty years hence T they might
have an occasion to call a physician
or surgeon, or something else, and to
be prepared for . the emergency they
are constructing telephones now. ; It
Is rather an expensive luxury. Even
Springwater, according to reports is
For THin.
The Springwater Presbvterian
Church is having a series of meetines 1 The friends of Attorney Fred J.
under the auspices of Rev. Blair. Dr. Meindl and wife gave them a farewell
William Holt, of Portland, is expected party at the Twilight Hall Saturday
to assist tne latter part of the week evening. The time was most pleasant
and remain over Sabbath. , ly spent in playing whist. Delicious
The Republicans of , the five pre- refreshments were served,
cincts in the vicinity of Estacada. Mr. Meindl and family departed Sun-
day morning for their future home at
Moro, where he has gone into part
nership with a leading lawyer of the
town. Their many friends wish them
the- best of success.
Miss Anna Wilehart spent Sunday
at her hime at Twilight,
j Messrs. Lazelle and Fancher attend
, ed the Grange at New Era.
i Mrs. D. L. Boylan visited her sister
at Elyville last Saturday. "
x? j. , ! Relatives from Maple ,'Lane visited
rat IS OI .great CCO urn jthe family of Mr. Grimm Sunday.
, V.V. 1-it We feel very grateful to the road
tO" a DaDy J tnat IS L.iJ3 supervisor, Mr. Tabor, for making a
i -i. r . -t c sidewalk in the vicinity of the Twi-
babies are fat. If 3 our light Haii. wi
l 1 - c-itith- '' - ' Mrs. Geo. M. Lazelle entertained on
DaDy IS SCrawn , oCOU b Wednesday afternoon in hdnor of her
Emulsion is what lie
- Mr. Senn, who has been dangerous
ly ill of stomach trouble for some
time, is reported to be" no better..
'The Redland Literary and Debating
Society held a very enthusiastic meet
ing Saturday night. The question for
debate was: Resolved that the gov
ernment should assume control of all
railroad and steamboat lines, which
was decided in favor of the negative.
Mr. Allen is entertaining a nephew
from the east.
v Mr. Hitchman and Mr. Evans are
talking of stringing a -wire across to
Beaver Creek and connecting with the
Mutual Telephone Co. of that place.
The Mutual phone is coming into
vogue very rapidly and seems to be
the best solution of the telephone
Mrs. Senn and Mr. Funk have gone
into chicken raising quite extensively.
Mr. Julius Campbell is working for
Bonney & Miller.
Mrs. James Fullam, who has been
ery sick, has now about recovered.
Mr. Julius Spees is working for A.
O. Hollingsworth.
Mr. A. M: Kirchem is crippled up
with rheumatism.
, .' Belching and that sense of" fulness
so often experienced after eating is
caused by the formation of gas. The
stomach fails to perform its functions
and the food ferments. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets will cor
rect the disorder. They aid digestion
and strengthen the stomach and bow
els. For sale by Howell & Jones.
-- sonal supervision since its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jujst-as-good" are bufc
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health' of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Casr Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is ieasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor c -J? Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It dt roys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrli and -Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cure 'onstipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu
lars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
Mr. Clark sold his potatoes to Mr.
Geo. Brown of New Era.
W. H. Jones was helping to haul
them to Oregon City this week.
Mrs. Lutz, of Oregon City, was vis
iting Miss Ruth Braker this week.
Alfred Gregory is visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gregory. .
Mr. and Mrs. Weismendle of Carus
risited their parents Sunday.
Mr. Robt. Clark bought a horse
from Mr. Geo. Brown, of New Era.
i Mr. McCormack made a business
i trip to Portland this week.
! TTne-hie .Tones snent Sundav even-
Miss Eliza Burns made a business
trip to Portland a few days ago.
Mrs. Peebler is visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Burns at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Blevens were visiting
Mr. John Robins and wife last Sunday.
The telephone lines are still going lrie. witii vTr and Mrs Clarke and
up in this part of the county. - i famny
The telephone, thai improvements j M- Rht ClnrkA and nunnati Cnr-
on roads, the rural mail routes, the k. maje a business trip to Molalla
clearing and fencing of land and the ! tjjjs week.
daughter. Mrs. Meindl. The time was
spent in sewing carpet rags; after
which light refreshments were served.
were as follows: Mrs.
wants. The healthy baby nt
etnrfa aa fo wTint it r1rPc Fred J- Meindl, Mrs. D. B. Martin,
stores, as iat wnat it does Mrs Geo WiiSOIlt mvs. Hyiton, miss
nnt nfrl immprliatplv fnr Hyltton Mrs- D. L. Boylan, Mrs. Wm.
not neea immediately ior McCord Mls9 Emma wuehart, Mrs.
hr. nnrl miiQo1r "Fit M. Thompson and Mrs. Lazelle.
Done and muscie. i at Mr Tom Kelland visited hls broth.
babies are happy ; they do n'drun; Kelland- over Saturday
not Cry ; they are rich ; . Th? bod of an unknown man was
J ' J ' found last Saturday by some boys
their fat is laid up for: who were fishing. - ,
. Molalla Assembly United Artisans
now justly boasts of being the ban
ner county Assembly of the county,
and is on the road for 110.
Almost every body is a lineman of
some sort. Last week our judge and
druggist were up the line, John got in
to a "mix-up" and. fell out on his
thumb, sustaining a very painful
G. H. Gregory is doing the ditch
ing act, digging diagonally across his
farm. M. R. Boyles, assistant.
Mrs. Annie Everhart is on the road
to recovery from her long spell of
Mrs. Dr. Leavitt was taken ill last
The small pox patients have all
been fumigated and "set free."
Some wild animal killed four goats
for James Melton one night last week,
all the men and dogs out, failed to
locate him, just wait until Uncle
Vaughn gets his $2 pups on his fresh
track, then something will have to
Bert Perry is logging for Fred
Schafer over the river.
All indications of - Spring; balmy
sunshine and gentle showers.
putting up of new buildings in this
county has made a vast change in the
last few years. "
Frank Hilton and Mr. Grimes made
a business trip to Canby last Saturday.
Mr. Boburgh was hauling hay last
week. ;
Jason Mattock was hauling fire
wood last week. He reported that the
roads were very damp for .such work.
John Burns is fencing ina chicken
T. J. Grimes is clearing land on his
"Mr. Phelps made a business trip to
Mulino last Saturday.
Rev. W. Mason called on Ed. Owens
this week. .
Archie Curry is slashing for Ed.
Owens. . . .
Mr. and Mrs. McCormick . received
news this week that their son Frank
I is improving mceiy alter uis iasi op
; eration at a Tacoma hospital.
Mrs. Robt. Clarke, Miss Myers and
May Clarke spent Monday evening
with W. H. Jones and family.
Tramp Discovers Broken
Stops Train.
Rail and
Lime of need. Thev are ; a habitto be encouraged.
happy because they are : The mother who has acquired the
r j. " V. . rr,, r , habit of keeping on hand a bottle of
COmiOrtable. I he iat SUr- j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves
, ., . j herself "a great amount of uneasiness
TOUndS tneir little nerVeS land anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup,
j . i-i ,i , TT7t.i : to which children are susceptible are
clllU. (JUtjJllUilS LliCIll. - VVUCU mi oV v fiirort W it ..o It 1
acts any tendency of a cold to result I , .
in pneumonia, and if given as soon as ! lts normal condition, hearing will be
thP first svmntnm, f . Dr,r,.. i destroyed forever; nine cases out of
x- I- -Jf"
it will prevent the attack. This rem
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed
condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rumbling sound
or imperfect hearing, and when it . is
entirely ciosed, Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflamation can be
they are scrawny t hose
nerves are hurt at every
ungentle touch. They
delight in Scott's Emul
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
Send for free Sample.
. ten are caused by Catarrh, which, is
edy contains nothing injurious and !Pothing but an inflamed condition of
mothers give it to their little ones
with a feeling of perfect security.
Sold by Howell & Jones.
the- mucous surfaces.
, We will give One Hundered Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) - that cannot be cured by
The derailing and perhaps serious
wrecking of the North-bound Eugene
Local between Aurora and Barlow
We have had several nice days, we Monday morning was only averted by
hope many more will come. tne timely warning that was given by
Miss Stafford entertained the sew- j a tramp,
ing club last Saturday. - I Discovering a broken rail, presuma-
Miss Pearl Kimmey called at the resulting from the passing of a
home of Mr. Maule last Sunday. heavy freight tram the tramp ran
Mrs. Marrs was the guest of Mrs. downthe track and stopped the ap
Smith last Tuesday proaching local passenger train with-
Miss Ruth Braker was seen in Mt. , a few f,.eet, of the damaged rail The
Pleasant last Sunday. ,. .. ' en tee 7S e outr ra of
Miss Bertha Thomas came home tne t.rack and tbf Place of the danger
last Friday with a bad cold. ' ; was ln a curve of the track about mid-
Mrs. Harding was visiting jMrs. wa between Barlow and Canby.
Clark last Thursday n account of the curve it would
Mr. Lawton is making him a new J13 been impossible for the engineer
wire fence ' to have stopped his tram m time to
Mr. Reese and family left Tuesday. av running over, the dangerous rail
Tt,v ovrwt tn mflkA thpir hom ln which would surely have caused a de-
A . railment.
Mr. and Mrs. Buckner attended the
funeral of their niece, Mrs. Horn
schuh, of Shubel.
Miss Alta Millard was visiting in
Oregon City Saturday and Sunday.
There must be somebody very attrac
tive down there from the way she
talks. .
At 8.30 Wednesday evening at the
Fisher home on Eight, street, occurred
the marriage of Miss Clara Fisher,
youngest daughter of E. W. Fisher,
and Ernest Rands of Oregon City.
Promptly at the appointed hour, Mrs.
Inez Wilson - seated' herself at the
piano, and to the strains of a wedding
march, the bridal party led by Doctor j
E. J. Thompson, apprdached the front
parlor, where under a lovers' knot
the rine ceremony of the Presbyterian
church made the lovers man and wife. 1 , Through Pullman standard and Tour
The bride leaning on the arm of her gpaSSftSSft
father, was very attractive in a white Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
gown of net over taffeta. Her veil ?J??Pin. car ' (personally conducted)
, . , . . , weekly to Chicago. Kansas City. recHn-
was caught m place by a handsome !ng chairs (seats free to the east dally
mamona pin, tne girx 01 tne groom, j
The matron of honor was Mrs. Clara '
Shot line
and Union Pacific
We are all enjoying beautiful weath
er; and as far as I know -everybody is
enjoying- good health, and I don't see .
why our correspondentsdon't have
Be sure that this picture in something of value to the readers of
the form of a label is on the the Enterprise most every week from
wrapper of every bottle of here. We have as good farmers here
Emulsion you buy.
Scott r Bo tune
Chemists -
i -
Mmu York
' 50c. and $1.00
All Druggist
as- anywhere, why don't some of them
tell us the best way to farm different ;
crops, and what will pay the best to !
raise? Something of "that kind would '
benefit us all. ' I
What is the matter with our school;";
this year. Xmas is gone by; also J
New Years, and it seems that every- '
thing is dead around here except the
dance. I do -enjoy a good dance as
I- MMu ff TiTir-iJ,'J,'"r- ' f rT"rir"1fc
ValcA snre & vlf13 of auantlrv and
auftlitv. When your faiur planted
Terrv 'B. they were the br-st on tbe
market, but thev have been Improv
ing ever sirjee. We are experts in
Anarch VfMTPtlfthle fippdR.
IMS Seed Annual, heoutifully illus
trated, free to all applicants,
0. M. FERRY CO., Detroit. Mich.
Irvine-Hembree, of McMinnville, who
was becomrrrgly gowned in pink
chiffon over tafeta. Mr. Carlton Hard
ing, of Oregon City was best man.
The dinine room was prettily decorat
ed with pink ribbons, smilax and pink
J carnations, the coffee table being
especially attractive. An . elaborate
lunch was served by Misses Edna Os
burn and Hazel Raber, the g-uests
lingering about the table until a late
hour. The bride is a daughter in a
well known pioneer family, a graduate
of the State College, and a young
woman of worth. The groom is a
civil engineer and a man of promi
nence in Clackamas county. A hand
some home in Oregon City is a wait
ing the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Rands
who leave, today or to-morrow tat
occupy it. Corvallis Times.
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars. .
i ' :
I Depart.. Time Schedules. A.kbivb
: Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver.
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha. 15.91s
! Special Kanaas City. St. 6 p -
; 9:1b a. m Louis, Chicago and
- East. - .
Atlantic , ,
' Express Salt Lake, Denver.
. 8:16 p. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha. 8:00 m
. via. Hunt- Kansas City, St. "
Uigton. Louis, Chicago and
St. Pan!
Fast Mail Walla Walla, Ler-
6:16 v m iston. Spokane. Min- 7.1a.-
via Spo- tea polls, St. Paul. m.
Chicago and East.