OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. 1906. levlea be confirmed and cleric directed to ex twirl anrno on rolla. Modern Dentistry r In the tnattr of the bridge acroaaJ canyon on Arndt road; Ordered that this matter be refor rrd to Commlfwlonerg Brobst and ADD J L DL ! Kl!)n to vlult location. DBS Wllbfrt Tbompnon nvf knew well diy until lait Junh had bun eomtipautf all bit ul--many doctor treated him, but allfalkd to tvtn kip bim hii htalth li!td rapidly and on January 21, J903, Mrfc Tbompion aktd ui to auggMt t trtatnwnt for htf husband We thought the cm too serious and recommended that a spedalint b eonultedbtit he aLo (ailed to help the patient- NOW HE IS WELL. Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him MR. and MRS. WILDERT THOMPSON, 001 Main St., Peoria, III. MULL'S GRAPE TONIO CURED HIM. Mr, i Niniiiwiri flrnt wrote ii a follow: 'My tmband. bkbiI nini.tiiiiia liiliikM It in til hum I. I j t tn kuuw by rtttiirn until M liat lia b"" ;rt'iili ly ev(.rl dwtom, but they hsv Klmii him itl.'' V iTotti fit y ulvl.-i uial tt IMWim a nxiltiimi im einimmna. w 'My tmaband. Aunit 2, aufTcrtt from iliarn raiti In III" tomi!h end VitUM: hid psuu, n you can, nir. iuiu,n ,'e'moti "Wo want to ll Mull' Crspo Totili, hwauiHi w know It will cum imiiUIIoii, liul aa. a www I no onjwt " unman i inn, anil your Inittluiiid'a mm la an aorbiua ax you Htub-. we nixutwt yoti Ooomilt a rullitlilo :lllt, uol tlx, advertising klml, promptly." At lli time tlnm, kiiowlna llml Mull' itai Tome (soultl (In no harm, wo a'ivtvl It use until a iiliynli'lan ooulil Im mniMillril, January v Mr. 'I lioniw,n wri tliat a iiliyilclan lil lw-n rotnulUxl, Ho dla .. ,..,i ii,,. ,.,.,. l.i.inu i.hrimln i-iiiinil-iuil.iii mid ilni.iinrilii. Ill troatiriwit wh tolloww) faithfully. Imt thi-rn liortrfllllili'liiiIroeiiiiUnMr. 'lliimi"i""'ahalHi. Tlien h Ixsgali taklim Mull a drape j'oiiki and oo pt. a, jwou, we rwitlvanl tlio folluwIriK lelP-r (rum Mr. Thompson! "You will remember that I wrote to you lest Jamjar In rauar-el to my huaband'a haalth. It la four monthaalnoo ho quit taking Mull' Crapo Tonlo for oonatlpotlon, whloh ho auflered from alnn bIHh. Ho took fuat 24 bottloa of li and lo peHoetiy cured. Ho la much otronnBr and hat oalnnd eonaldarably (n flnah. I oannot thonk you onoueh for Mull'o Crape Tonlo. 'It la worth Ho weight In gold.' Juat S 12 eurod him and ho haa apant hundrode of dollar with dootoro who did him im nood. Now I want lo atala mv eaao to you and oxpeot your early reply. I alao havo conatl- patlon, have had for three year. Kindly lot mo know aa I em euro tt will euro me M aa It did all you claimed It would In my huaband'a oaae. I await ?n oa rpy." Veryreapeotfully youre, B. W.H. THOMPSON, 801 Halo It, Peora,IIL I you eay It will, LET US GIVE YOU A 50c. BOTTLE. Si 1 t This Coupon ! good for o 50o. Bottlo of null's Crapo Tonlo. flit nut ttil eiiupnn ami aonit to (ho t.lalttnlnf Mr.ll. In Co, 1ft 7 TtilrlA., !( k lalnnd. III., ami yuu will rrrnlve full lo, filto, liuttlx ttt ,Muir Or laiilr. I Ii.vii naver talton Mull' fJri T.mlr, bill If you will iiin.ly mi with o ftOn.lolll Irra, Iwlll Ubeltaa itlr.rtffl, Name Dtrv.l No.... City... oiva uti eoonoo ...NUU. ana wai-ro munlt. If ym arc nfflktcd with const iputin or any of ita k'ui'lrcd diwisca wo will buy a 5r-ctiit bottle for m of your druggist mJ give it to you to try. If you arc constipated we know it will cure yu. Surely if we lmvc such confidrncc in our remedy u to juy for a IxUtlcr of It thnt you tuny tct for yourself ita wjii-di-rful curative ejuiilttita, you aliould not nfuae to accept our offer. Mull's Grape Tonic (a tlir only cure for constipation known. We do not recotn mend it for enythinK but OmNtitmtion and iu allicil divaaca. It ia our free tft to you. In aa-e pting litis free lxttle you do not obligate youratlf further than to take ita content. Mull'a Onipe Tonic ia pleasant to bike and one lot!le will U-m fit you. We want you to try it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coujon aud nwil it to ua tolny we will instruct your druggbt to give you a 5o-ceut bottle aud cbargo aame to us. HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists. In the matter of bonds of road bu porvlHors; Ordered that each roarl anpervlsor ftirrilwh a bond In the sum of two hun dred dollars. In the matter of the petition of William B. Thompaon for Rate way; Ordered that the matter be laid over i to enable Mr. Thompaon to file a bond In the Hum of $100 conditioned to pay all contu In connection with auld gate way. In the matter of bond of Itobt. Kel land aa Commander of Mead Post No. 2, G. A. It.,; Ordered that said bond be approved and accepted. In the matter of appointment of county health officer. Ordered that thla matter be laid over until February term. (Continued Next Week.) Marriage Licensee. Marriage license were issued thla week aa follows: Julia Kabourek and Wm. Heinz, married Wednesday at the residence of A. II. Reynolds at Maeksburg; Cerelda Kirnmey and 8. L. Tuttlo, married at the court house Thursday by Judge Ryan; Kathrine Henncmann and Carl Rltterapacher; Addle Belle Vaughn and James Nichols. RAILROAD LANDS FOR LEASE. J ! iJinds of the OREGON AND CALI FORNIA RAILROAD COMPANY, In i Oregon will be leased for the year 1900, subject to cancellation of lease ; In the event of the sale of land during ' the term of lease. Owners of farms and ranches ad joining railroad lands should file their applications not later than February 1, 190C, after which date applications from others will also be considered. Address Charles W. Eberleln, Act ing Land Agent, 1025 Merchants E change, San, Francisco, Cal. DO NOT WANT TO VOTE. Women Antl Suffraglete, of Portland, Adopt Reaolutlona. Th fnllowltiK reaolutlona were rr ct?ntly adopted by the Ori?on State Association Opposed to the Extension of the HutTrnjfi' of Women: A Proteet. We, American women, citizens of the State of t)rKon, protest SKalnst the propoaa! lo Imitoae the ohllicatlon if sutTraKM upon the women of this Htate, for the following, among other reasons: 1. l'CoiiKe suffrage Is to be regard ed not aa a privilege to bo enjoyed, but aa A duty to be performed. 2. Hemline hitherto the women of this state havo enjoyed exemption from thts burilensoiiui duty, antl tm adequate reason has been assigned for depriving them of that Immunity. 3. Hecanse conferring suffrage. unin the women who claim It would imsm suffrage tipun the many women who neither desire It ns a privilege nor regard ft their duty to seek It, 4. Because the tteed of America Is not an lucrenrtod quantity, but an Im proved nuallty, of the vote, and there Is no adequate reason to believe that women'a suffrage by doubling the vote will Improve lu quality. 5. Because the houxehold. not the Individual, Is the unit of the State, and the vast majority of women are rep resented by household suffrage. t!. Because the women not so rep resented suffer no practical Injustice which tho giving of suffrage would remedy, 7. Bemuse equality In character does not Imply similarity In function inn! the duties and life of men ami women aro divinely ordered to be dif ferent In tho Slate, as In the home. 8. Because the energies of women are cngroHHed by their present duties and Interests, from which men cannot ndlcvo them, and It Is better for the ""community that they devote their en ergies to the more efficient perform ance of their present work than divert them to new tb'lds of activity. !l. Bemuse .political equality will deprive women of special privileges hitherto accorded her by the law, 111. Because suffrage logically In volve tho holding of public office In cluding jury duly, and ofllee-holdliig Is Inconsistent with the duties of most women. tton of Sheriff. If nominated and elected I will dur ing my term of offleo advocate a care ful and economical administration of county affairs pertaining to that Im portant office. I will not during my term of office employ Incompetent and useless deputies as remuneration for political favors. Respectfully, J. K. MORRIS. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. NOTICE TO DEMOCRATS AH Democrats In Clackamas county are Invited to attend tho second bi ennial banquet of tho Clackamas county lh'moeraey that will be held at Willamette Hall, Thursday evening, February 8. W. B. BT AFFORD. Chairman. H. V. LATOl'HKTTK. HARRY K. DRAPER. KD JACK. J. A. McGLASHAN. VI. H .COUNSELL FOR SHERIFF. ( Another Prominent Citizen WMI Ak For Nomination to This Ofcs. E. P. DEDMAN, OF CLACKAMAS Announces HlmBelf a Candidate for tho Office of County Recorder. Chickamns, Oregon, Jan. 2:1, 190(1. To the Voters Riid Cltb.eiiH of Clack limits County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho otlleo of County Recorder of Clackamas County, Oregon, subject to the wish of the Republican voters of the County as expressed in tho com ing primaries. My home for over twenty-live years has been in Clackamas Precinct, where 1 have followed tho business of fann ing and fruit raising. I nm and havo been a tax payer In tho County for many, yours. 1 am well acquainted with the du ties of County Recorder, having been deputy under Mr. Tom P. Randall, a former Incumbent. If I shall receive the nomination for such olllco at the forthcoming pri mary election and that nomination shall be ratified at the polls In June, I promise and will give my entire time and labor to the work of tho of fice, and will In every right way strive to merit and hold theVonulldenco and esteem of tho cltl.ens and patrons of the ofllce. I respectfully solicit tho support of the Republican voters of the County, E. P. DEDMAN. W. II. Counsel!, of Milwauk! . has definitely decided to become a nl'M date for the Republican nonil'utui for Sheriff of Clackamas count ?. Mr. Counsel! Is not a stranger ' the people of Cluckamns county, h , for a number of years been p- tii uently connected with road lu l ling lu this county. In this work ! w- nuet practical and supervise ! Un building of some of the very best roads In the county. While thus em ployed be formed a wide acquain tance throughout the county that will be especially valuable to him at this time In his candidacy for thla Impor tant office. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomlna- PARKPLACE. Captain Apperson has been under the doctor's enre for several days, but Is slowly improving. Mrs. W. F. Brayton Informs us that their acollnn cost four hundred and tlfty dollars, Instead of three hundred as we had previously understood the price to be. Tho oyster supper and programme given by the Congregational Aid So ciety was a very pleasant affair. The receipts were $17. Little Laura Brunner has been very 111 with pneumonia but under the care of Dr. Mount iihe Is Improving. Mrs. Bowls Is 111 at her home In tiladstono. Mr. Schwaubenur has purchased three lots In Gladstone, where the old sanitarium used to stand, and will build a new residence and store build ing. The work began Monday. Fred Smith and family from Baker City, Oregon, are expected next week for a month's stay with Captain and Mrs. Smith, of Parkplaee. Fred Is going to tabulate mail In Portland for one hundred days. The members of tho Congregational Church In ParUplnce are going to build a new church in tho near future, which Is to be a neat, up to-dnte build ing. Steps have already been taken towards It and work will soon begin. Mrs, Wm, Holmes spent Wednesday with her friend Mrs. lTesslo of West Oregon City. A MODERN MIRACLE. "Truly miraculous seemed the re covery of Mrs. Mollie Holt of this place," writes J. O. R. Hooper,- Wood ford, Tenn., "she was so wasled by coughing up puss from her lungs. Doc tors declared her end so near that her family bad watched by her bod-aldo 48 hours; when, at my urgent request Dr. King's New Dlscovory was given her with astonishing result that im provement began, and continued until sho ilnaly completely recovered, and Is a healthy woman today." Guaran teed cure for coughs and colds. BOo and $1.00 at Howell & Jones, druggists. Trial bottlo free. (Continued from jmge 6.) thence south to the center of sec tion 3I-T 3 8, R 2 E; thence east to quarter section corner on east line of aectlon 1. 3 8, R 2 E; thence south to southeast corner section 12, 3 8, R 2 E; thence east 1 miles to quarter corner on the south line of section 8, T 3 8 R 3 E; thence south one mile; i thence west 4'(j miles to place of be ginning. Road District No. 15.- (Canemah) Ordered that this road district be the same aa tho election precinct. Road Dlatrlct No. 16 (New Era) .. Beginning at the southeast corner aectlon 31, T 3 8 R 2 E and running thence north 1H miles; east 1 4nlle; north l',4 miles; west one-half mile; north 1 mile; west to east boundary lino of Pomeroy DLC; thence following boundary line northeasterly and ;ioi hv enterly to the Willamette river; fii'.'.fe u;i sild Willamette river t j. a Tt t a line running north am. .situtli through section 27; tlieuci; .m t one-half mile; thence south one half mile; thence east 1 mile; thivice iwnith one-half mile; thence cant 2 miles to place of begin r. ug. I j id Dlstrkt No. 17 (Canby) Udered tlt said road district bo l i same as tno election precinct. I '. iJ Dlatrlct No. 18. Beaver Creek) Leglunlng at tho northeast corner of e i n i j .u T It 8 11 3 E, thence west U'-j miles, to quarter aectlon corner on i.ie !urt!i line or section 22; thence south 2 miles to quarter section corner on the south line of section 27; thence wMt one-half mile; thence south 2 miles to the southwest corner section 3, T 4 S R 2 E; thence east 2 miles to southeast corner section 2; thence south 1 mile to southwest corner of section 12; thence east 2 miles; thence north 5 miles to place of beginning. Road District No. 39. (Molalla Road District.) Beginning at tho southeast corner section 4 T 4 S R 2 E and running thence north 2 miles; thence east one- half mile; thenco -north 2 miles to corner on north line of section 22 T 3 8 R 2 E; thcuco west one-half mile; thenco north one mile; thence west one-half mile; thence north H mile thence west one-quarter mile; thence north one-quarter mile; thence west one-quarter mile; thenco north one- quarter mllo to the southeast corner of section 5; thence west to the S. S. White Donation Land Claim; thence southerly along said cast boundary of said White Donation Land Claim to the north lino of section 18, T 3 S R 2 12; thenco east to quarter section cor ner on north line of section 17; thenco south 1 mile; thenco cast one-half mile; thence south l1 miles to tho northeast corner of section 29, T 3 S R 2 K; thence west 1 mile; thence south 2V4 miles to the southwest cor ner of section 6; thenco east 2 miles to tho place of beginning. Road District No. 37. (West Oswego) Beginning at tho section corner be tween section 4 of T 2 S R 1 E and section 33 of T 1 S R 1 E of the Wil lamette Meridian; and running thence south on said lino about one and flvo elghts miles to the south bunk ,of Sticker Lake; thence southwesterly along tho south bank of sntd lake to the section lino between sections 8 and 9; thence south to tho section corner of sections 8 and 9 and 16 and 17; thence west one-half mile; thonce south 1 mile; thenco west one-half mile; thence south to tho north bank of tho Tualatin river; thence west along the north bank of said river to the township line between townships 2 south and one east and one- west; thence north on said township line to tho northwest corner of township 2 S running thence up said river on Its cast bank to the north boundary of the 11. Jennings Donation Land Claim; thence easterly on said north bound ary of the said Jennings claim to the quarter section line running north and south through section 18, T 2 S R 2 E; thence north on quarter section lines to tho county line; thence west on the county lino to the place of beginning, SAVE AND EXCEPT from the above described tract the lands contained within the limits of tho city of Mll waukie. In the matter of the petition of Jacob Reach for Increase of rate of ferriage for sheep, hogs and horse and rider; It Is ordered that said petition be and Is hereby denied. In the mater of the petition of C. W. Swallow and others for bridge across Newell Creek; x Ordered that this matter be laid over for court to visit said bridge. In the matter of the appointment of road supervisors; Tho following were appointed: District No. 1 W. II. Counsell District No. 2 J. C. Paddock District No. 3 A. W. Cooke District No. 4 H. S. Gibson District No. 5 W. H. Hall District No. 6 John Straus District No. 7 James Fegler District No. 8 David Douglas District No. 9 Wm. Held District No. 10 District No. 11 . (District No. 12 I District No. 13 I District No. 14 District No. 15 . District No. 16 District No. District No, .. W. R. Oatfleld J. E. Smith J. S. Gill .... J. C. Fullam .... C. F. Gibbs R. H. Tabor .. W. G. Randall 17 Adam Knight 18 .... E. W. Hornschuh District No. 19 J. J. Mallatt District No. 20 A. B. Sullivan District No. 21 W. E. Bonney District No. 22 Albert Engle District No. 23 ....R. O. Zimmerman District No. 24 R. I. Garret District No. 25 J. B. Mitts District No. 26 W. J. E. Vick District No. 27 John Labor District No. 2S A. Groshong District No, 29 J. Snyder nistrict No. SO Jas. Cook District No. 31 Z. Elligsen District No. 32 . . Dan S. Stahlnecker District No. 33 Ed. Closner Dostrict No. 34 Charles Baker District No. 35 A. D. Edwards District No. 36 Nixon Blair In the matter of the petition of C. E. Gorbett and others for county road; Ordered that board of county road viewers meet at place of beginning of said road on the 22d day of January, 190G. In the matter of the petition for the Improvement of tho Gordon and Cut ting Hill; Ordered that snld matter be laid over until amount to be apportioned to each district be ascertained and ex pense of said improvement determin ed. In the matter of the Justice of the Peace in district No. 3; Ordered that Milwaukie, Oak Grove, Harmony, and Clackamas precincts be and hereby are constituted Justice of the Peace district No. 3. . In the matter of the claim of Mrs. E. Harrington for care and keeping Gordon Hoover a man without means of support: Ordered that Mrs. Harrington be and Is allowed for the care of said Gordon Hoover the sum of $36. In the matter of Tapp road; Ordered that said road be establish ed aa a county road and that the ex pense of survey be paid by Clackamas County. In the matter of special levies for improvement of county roads In road districts 13, 21 and 22; It appearing that In each of the said UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY, CORVALLI8 AND WAY LANDINGS. Leave Portland 6:S a. m. dally (except Sunday) for Salem and way points. Leave Portland , :45 Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturday for Independence, Al bany and Corvallls. Regular service, courteous treat ment and prompt dispatch are our specialties. OREGON -CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Dock: Foot Taylor Street Phono Main 4a Do not delay having: kse Crowns and Bridges done un til you lose the teeth. We are doing Crown and Bridge work without hurting you. We should like you to see our new methods of construct ing Crowns and Bridges. If you have a few old teeth that are only fit to extract don't go on suffering tooth ache when we repair them and not cause you any pain with out the use of ether, chloro form, gas or cocaine. Per fectly safe and harmless. Why don't you have your teeth filled with that new material-Porcelain Inlays? It lasts and looks better than gold. We can fill your teeth with gold without the rubber dam if you don't like the dam. We try to please ou and guarantee to do so. We have a graduate assist ant, who is a specialist in gold porcJain work. L. L. PICKENS Dentist Weinhard Building Opposite Court House. For any disease of tho akin there la nothing better than Chamberlain's 8aJve. It relieves the itching and. burning sen sation instantly and soon effects a cure. Sold by Howell & Jones. 1906 1906 Start Right Use Electric Light BEGIN THE NEW YEAR-AT THE NEW RATE R 1 E; thence east on the north line of , road districts legally called and con- said township to place of beginning Oak Grove Road District No. 38. (Oak Grove.) Beginning on line between Clacka mas and Multnomah counties, on the cast bank of the" Willamette river, and ducted meetings were held and at which meetings a special tax of 8 mills was voted In road district No. 13, and a five mill tax In each of road districts 21 and 22, and all things appearing regular it is hereby ordered that said The 25 per cent reduction in rates for ELECTPJC LIGHTING puts this only modern method of illumi nation with all its . benefits all its conveniences all its economies; within the means ot every house holder, every storekeeper EVERYBODY No home is really UP-TO-DATE in its furnish ing if it be not electrically equipped. The numerous electrical conveniences such as electric flat-irons, chaf ing dishes, tea and coffeepots, heating pads, nursery milk warmers, curling irons; and a hundred other electrical devices, save TIME, STRENGTH and MONEY for the busy housewife. The cost to operate these electrical conveniences is so small as to be trifling. IN THE STORE Electric service offers the solu- I tion of every lighting problem. THE LIFE OF lKADJt; is ULifcUimu Lium and trade tollows THE LIGHT. ELECTRIC SIGNS SELL GOODS, they burn the name into the public mind. ,4 I ELECTRICITY FOR YOUR EVERY-DAY NEEDS ESTIMATES On cost of wiring, cost of current and information re garding, the use of electricity for light or power promptly furnished upon application to C, G. Miller at the Company's branch office, net door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND ELECTRIC GENERAL COMPANY C. G. Miller Contract Manager l Oregon City.