OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2. 1906. CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. Business Transacted at Regular Jan uary Term. Be it remembered. That at a regu lar term of the County Court of Clack amas County held in the Court House In Oregon City, for the purpose of transacting county business in Janu ary the same being the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of Bald court, present Hon. Thos. P. Ryan, county Judge, presiding; T. B. Klllen and Wm. Brobst, Commission ers, when the following proceedings were had, to-wit: In the matter of the Tapp road; Ordered that the board of county road viewers meet at the place of be ginning of said road on the 26th day of December 1905 and survey and b cate said road. In the matter of creating and chang ing tertaln road districts; Road District No. 1 (Harmony) Beginning at the quarter section line of section 30, T. 1 S R. 2 E., on the boundary line between Clackamas and Multnomah counties, running thence East 4 miles to section line between sections 25 and 26 of said township and range; thence south 2 miles to township line; thence West IVt miles to quarter section line of section 31; thence North 2 miles to place of beginning. Road District No. 2 (Clackamas) Beginning on the right bank of the Clackamas River on the south bound ary of the Cranfiill D L C in T 2 S R. 2 B. of the W. M; thence Westerly on the north boundary of the Cason D.L.C. to the boundary line of the James McNary D.L.C.; thence south erly and westerly along the boundary line between said McNary and Cason D. L. Claims, and between the said McNary and Rlnearson D. L. Claims; between the McNary and B. Jennings D. L. Claims to a point where the southwesterly boundary line of the said McNary D. L. C. crosses the quarter section line of section 18, T. 2 S R. 2 E.; thence north along the quarter Bectlon line of sections 18, 7 and 6, to the township line between townships 1 S. R 2 B and 2 S R 2 E; thence east on township line 4 miles to section line between sections 1 and 2 In said T 2 S R 2 E; thence south on section line to the north bank of the Clackamas river; thence down said river to place of beginning. Road District No. 10 (Estacada) Ordered that this road district be the same as the election precinct Road District No. 11 (Abernethy) Beginning at a point where the north boundary line of the B. Jen nings Donation Land Claim intersects the Willamette river, thence easterly and southerly on said north boundary line to the northwesterly boundary line of the Cason Donation Land Claim; thence following the Bald boundary line of the Cason D. L. C. In an easterly direction to the Clack amas river; thence up said Clackamas river to township line between T 2 S R 2 E and T 2 S R 3 E; thence south to a point one quarter mile north of the south-east corner of section 36, 2 S R 2 E; thence west one-half mile; thence north one-quarter mile; thence west 2 miles to center of section 34; thence south to Abernethy creek; ttence down said Abernethy creek to Willamette river; thence down said Willamette river to place of begin ning. Road District No. 12 (Harding) Beginning at a point where the line between township 2 south range 2 and 3 East intersects the south bank of the Clackamas river and running thence south to the southwest corner of section 31. T 2 S R 3 E; thence east half mile; thence south one quarter mile; thence east one-half mile; thence south one-half mile; thence east one-half mile; thence south one-quarter mile to the quarter sec tion corner on the south boundary of section 5; thence east 1 mile to southeast corner of section 4; thence south one-half mile; thence east to Clackamas river; thence down said Clackamas river to place of beginning. Road District No. 13 (Viola) Beginning at the quarter section line between sections 5 and 8, T 3 S R 3 E; running thence north one quarter mile; thence west one-half mile to section line between sections 5 and 6; thence north one-half mile; thence west one-half mile; thence north one-quarter mile; thence west one-half mile; thence north one-quarter mile; thence west 2 miles; thence south one mile; thence east 2 miles; thence south 1 miles; thence east to present boundary line of road dis trict No. 13 (Viola) ; thence following present line of said road district south and west and south and east etc to place of beginning. Road District No. 14. (Maple Lane) Beinning at southwest corner of section 15, T 2, S R 3 E, and running thence north one mile; thence west one-half mile; thence north one-half mile; thence west one-quarter mile; thence north one-quarter mile; thence west one-quarter mile; thence north one-quarter mile; thence west to east boundary line of the S. S. White Dona tion Land Claim; thence northerly along said White Claim to north cor er of same; thence notheasterly to southwest corner of section 32; thence north to south line of the Oregon City Claim; thence east to the southeast corner of said Oregon City Claim; thence north on east boundary line of said Oregon City Claim to the Aber nethy creek; thence up said Aberne thy creek to line running north and south through section 34, T 2 S, R2 E; (Continued on page 7.) OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 6773c per bu. Flour Valley, $4.25 per bbl. Hard wheat $4.90, Portland, $1.10 per sack. Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack. Oats In sacks, $1.15 per cental. :: Hay Timothy, baled $11$12 per ton; clover $9; oat, $9; mixed hay $9. cheat, $8.50. Millstuffs Bran $19.50 per ton; aharta, $20.50 per ton; chop $18.00 per ton; barley rolled $25.50 per ton. Potatoes 55(ff60e per hundred. Errs Oregon 27c per doxen Butter Ranch, 4 8 if 50; separator 50 to 55; creamery, 65 "0. Rutabegns, Carrots, Turnips, Tar snips and Beets 60c per sack. Good Apples Choice $1.00. Honey ll12Ho per lb. Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb; Italian, large, 5o per lb; medium, Zc, Silver, 4 He. Dried Apples Sun Dried, quartered, 4 He lb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached, 7Hc. Dressed Chickens 12c lb. Live Stock and Dressed Meats- Beef, live $3.003.25 per hundred. Hogs, live, 5c; dressed, 7c; sheep, j 14 per head; dressed, 7c; veal dress ed 7SJ7c; lambs, live 2.503.00 per head. , NOTICE. I havo sold an ono-balf interest in my butchering business to Mr. Peter Klrtostra and will continue the busi ness at the old stand as usual under the name of C. Albright & Ca I take this method of thanking all the peo ple for past patronage and will en deavor to merit a continuance of the same. We will handle only first-class meats as usual. Jan 6. CHAS. ALBRIGHT. NOTICE of the Establishment of Grade of 12th Street, From the East Line or Main Street Easterly to the West Line of Jackson Street. Vr,Mf la hArphv eiven that the grade of Twelfth Street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line oi Main Street Easterly to the West line of Jackson Street is ordered estab lished. rtv nrdpr of the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, made January 10th, 1906. W. A. DlMlUft., t2 Recorder. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Amy B. Oakes. BJaintiff, vs. F. P. Oakes, Defendant. To P. P. Oakes. above named defend ant In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons which date of the first pub lication is January 26, 1906, and date of the last publication is March 9. 1906. and if you fail to so appear and answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said com plaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony here tofore and now existing between the Plaintiff and the defendant be annuled and forever dissolved and set at naught and for such and other further relief as equity and the nature of the suit may require. This summons Is published by the order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBride, Circuit Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clack amas County, which order was duly made and entered on the 24th day of January, A. D. 1906 In the above entitl ed Court. Date of last publication March 9, 1906. J. B. RYAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. ; In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Chas. H. Willerling, Plaintiff, vs. Jennie Willerling, Defendant To Jennie Willerling, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of March, 1906, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fall so to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief heretofore prayed for and for a decree of the said court dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff and defendant and holding the same for naught, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just. This summens Is published by order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 12th day of December, 1905, and the time pre scribed for publication thereof Is six weeks. Date of first publication, January 19, 1900; date of last publication, March 2, 1906. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 25, 26, 27, Washington Building, Port- land, Oregon. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. In the Matter of the Estate of James Anderson, Deceased. To James Anderson, Sr., and all other persons Interested in the above en titled estate: You and each of you are hereby no tilled that G. B. Dimick, the duly ap pointed, acting and qualified admin istrator of the above entitled estate, has filed his petition In the above Court praying for an order of sale of the following described real property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: The south East V of the Northwest of Section 28, T. 1 S., R. 3 E. of the W. M., and that said petition sets forth that It is necessary to sell the real property to satisfy the claims filed and allowed by said administra tor against the said estate and to pay the costs of administration there of. You and each of you are hereby cited to appear in the above entitled Court, mam. Ari'KI! Cl.tHO CONK Sl'NSlUN. Arrr.it Dkwi'oxukni'V comks JoV. ArlKK JU'KNKI CMMKH llKAl.TU. ArTHR Wr. VKVKSX COMIC StHKNOTU. Dr. Pit'ivo's Favorite Prworlptlon It ir.'mf iIiich ii nil. lt'n n Ki'iiifiT inn-kit fur iiiimi txi'UHso it I .Vtifiine' vmil(, d)tiHl in the mini of twentieth cen tury women. N'o ALCOHOL. JiO NAHCOTIC, NO tSUl'Ill- oc uniu. Miule of ithcrrle extrneu from roots, tlii'ti'fot'M tlu'lr virtues grew In them In .YiifMir' Intmmtoru, vl: Lady's Slipper root. Black Cotuwdi root. Unicorn root. Mine Cohosh root, and Golden Seal root: twtraeted, combined, F reserved without ali'ohol, by 1 Ax-tor 'ient's own jnvulUir jtnxYM, and in the most oxa.-t proportions to secure the best effeet. If In need of careful, competent advlco before beifiiininif treatment, you will re ceive it without churife hy writing, and sutiiiii vour cast, to lr. U. V. Pierce, tw3 Main Street, litUT.tlo, X. Y. All letter confidentially revoked and answers sent In securely sealed envelopes. "I was it tfrvnt sufTi-rvr for lx rer," write Mr-. ii. SmbiIvii. uf Ml Honda fclivet, .s.'lmir. Mu ! 't vti-umriicHl to tako your 'Favorite Pn'M-rie'loM ' and have taken teo bottles tti all. Am iiiiiv rvniUr, after having nilM-d two yt-ar ami Miifered with pain In the head and liaek. t was o norvoua, could not eat or !c-u. Now 1 can thank Jfou tor my recovery.1" Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cure con stipation. One little" Pellet U a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. on Monday, the 19th day of February, A. D., 190C. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the County Court Room In the County Court House, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, and then and there show cause, If any you have, why an order should not bo granted to the said administrator authorizing directing and permitting him as such administrator to sell the above des cribed real property at public auction or private sale, aad It Is further or dered that a copy of this citation be published for at least four consecutive and successive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper publish ed, printed and In Reneral circulation In said Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of January, A. D., 1906. (Seal.) THOS. F. RYAN, Attest: County Judge. F. W. GREENMAN. County Clerk, Clackamas County, Ore. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. ; Jacob Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas McMillan. Defendant To Thomas McMillan, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified and requir ed to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitl ed Court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons to-wit: the 19th day of January, 1906, which is the time specified In the ord der directing this publication, and if you fall to so appear or answer, the plaintiff for want thereof, will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint on file herein, to wlt: The foreclosure of that certain mort gage for $115.00, dated at Oswego, Or egon, March 13, 1894, and which mort gage Is recorded In Mortgage Records of Clackamas County, Oregon, Volume 28, at page 381, and for such other and further relief as to this Court may seem Just and equitable. This summons Is published by order of Thomas A. McBride, Circuit Judge of the Fifth Judicial District of Ore gon, and said order was made, dated and entered in said Court on January 16. 1906. The date of the first publi cation of this summons is January 19, 1906, and the date of the last publica tion of this summons is March 2, 1906. DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Mary Stubbe, Plaintiff, vs. David Warner, Defendant. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled Court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 2d day of January, 1906, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 25th day of No vember, 1905, In favor of Mary Stubbe, plaintiff, and against David Warner, defendant, for the sum of $15, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 25th day of November, 1905, and the further sum of $15.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me out of the personal prop erty of said defendant, and If sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said defendant on and after the date of said Judg ment to satisfy said sum of $30.00 and also the costs upon this said writ. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and de cree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendant's, I did on the 2d day of January, 1906, duly levy upon the fol lowing described real property of said defendant, situate and being in the County of Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wlt: The NW'i of NW of Section 27, T. 3 S, R. 4 W. W. M., lot 1 of See. 28, T. 3 S R. 4 H W.M., also a part of Section 28, T. 3 8 R. 4 E, V. M., and described as: beginning at the B 13 corner of tbo I), U C. of Franklin Plorco No. 38, In said Tp. and running thence E. 24.10 chains to the line between sections 27 and 28 of said Township and Range; thence north tracing snhl section line 2.00 chains to the NE corner of the 8W quarter of the NE'4 of aald section 28; thonco west 24.10 chains to the east lino of the said claim No. 88 In said Town ship and range; thence South 2.90 chains to tbo place of beginning con taining 7 acres more or loss, and I will, on Saturday, the 10th day of Feb ruary, 1900, at the hour ot two o'clock p. m., at tho front door of the County Court 1 louse In tho City of Oregon City. In said County and 8tate, sell at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to the highest bidder for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named dofeodnnt, or either of them, had on the date of said Judgment, or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Mnckett, Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, Janu ary 12th, 1906. SHERIFF'S SALE. In pursuance of a decree, Judgment and order of salo rendered hj the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, on tho 8th day of January, 1906, In the cnuso of U, S. Howland, plaintiff vs. Margaret L. Roberts, administratrix of the es tate of Owen J. Roberts, deceased et al. defendants, and of an execution duly Issued out of said court In said cause on tho 8th day of January, 1900, I will expose for sale and sell as the law directs at the front door of tho County Court House of said county, In Oregon City. Oregon, on Monday, the 12th day of February, 1906. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., tho real prop erty described In said decree, to-wlt: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Sylvester Hathaway Donation Ijtnd Claim In Township one South, Range Two East of the Willamette Meridian Clackamas County. Oregon, running thence east 40 rods; thenco south 40 rods; thence west 40 rods, thence north 40 rods to beginning point, ex cept strip 8V4 feet wldo off east side for a road. Oregon City, Oregon, January 12. 1906. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Ada Burrows, Plaintiff, vs. James M. Burrows, Defendant. To James M. Burrows, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before 24th day of February, 1906, said day being more than six weeks from 12th day of January, 1906, the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fall to so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for, to-wlt: For a decree of said Court forever dissolving the bonds ot matrimony now existing between plaintiff and de fendant and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court seems Just and equitable. The order for publication of Sum mons In this court was made by the Hon. Thomas McUrldo, Judge of the above entitled court on the 9th day of January, 1906. The date of the first publication of jthla summons Is January 12, 1900, and the date of the last publication la February 23, 1906. ED. MENDENHALL and A. R. MENDENHALL, Attorneys for PlalntlffT EXECUTOR'S FINAL NOTICE. In tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the estate of Eliza beth Wilson, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the estate of Elizabeth Wilson, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, his final account as such executor of said es tate, and that Monday, the 5th day of February, 1906 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said court as the time for hearing objec tions to said report and the settlement thereof. Frank P. Wilson, Executor of the estate of Elizabeth Wilson deceased. Dated this 4th day of January, 1906. U'retf & Schubel, Attorneys for Ex ecutor. 8UMMON3. .n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Barbara Kary, Plaintiff, vs. Karl Kary, Defendant. To Karl Kary, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Or egon, you ,Are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order for publica tion of this summons, to-wlt: on or before the 26th day of January, 1900, the said day being after the expira tion of six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, and If you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, which is that the bonds of matrimony existing between the plain tiff and defendaat be dissolved. This summonn Is published by or der of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of said Court, made on the 8th day of Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Ow-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Mood. It used to be considered that only uriunry and bladder trouble were to be traced to tlte kidneys, but now modern science prove that nearly all dlnettne have their Wgluiiinu iu tho disorder of Incite moot important organ, The kidney filter and purify tlte blood that U their work. Therefore, when your kitlncysnre weak or out of order, you can umlerHtand how quickly your entire Inaly U alTccted and how every organ sceum to fail to do ill duty. , . If you are sick or " feci badly," lit-gin. taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Hoot, because a oou M your kidneys arc well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are nick you can make no mis take by first doctoring vour kidney. The mild nnd tlte extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, i K'U realized. It stand the highest for it wonderful cure of the most ilitresing case, and Uold on it menu by all uriiKK"")" t'liy-ceni m-'3T'r1 and onc-dollnr rfBMllltt iH.ttlcs. You itmv-iiiaLlaViW have a sample Inittle ttnmonrsounnani by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this pajKT when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., llitig hauitou, X, Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swittnp-Rool, Dr. Kilmer' Swumo-Koot, and lite ad dress, Hiughaiutou, N. ",, on every bottle. December. 1905, by which order It was directed that this summons be pub lished once each week for six succes sive weeks, and that said defendant appear and answer on or before the 20th day of January. 190G; and the date of the first publication thereof Is December 15th, 1905, the date named In the said order for said publication. JOHN F. LOOAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 25 2C-27 Washington Bldg., Portland, Oregon, 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Edith E. Richards, Plaintiff, vs. Charles H. Richard, Defendant To Charles II. Richards, defend ant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notiflud and requir ed to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the ex piration of six weeks from and after the first publication of this summons to-wlt: on or before the 27th day of Janunry, 1906, which la the time specified In the order directing this publication, and if you fall to so ap pear or answer, tho plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for tho relief prayed for la the complaint on file herein, to-wlt: That the bonda of matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff be set asldo and dUsolved and hold, for naught, and for such other relief a may bo Just In equity. This summons Is published by order of Honorable Thos. A, McBride, Judge of the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and said order was made, dated and en tered the 12th day of December, 1905, and the date of the first publication Is December 15, 1905, and the date of the last publication of this notice Is January 26, 1906. B. M. SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Lessle Eary, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Eary, Defendant. To tho above named Frank Eary, Defendant. In the name of tho State of Oregon you are required to appear and ans wer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit. In the Cir cuit Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, on or before March 12th, A. D. 1900, or the plaintiff will apply to said court for tho relief demanded in her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree forever dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and tho Plaintiff, on tho grounds of willful desertion of her by you for more than one year prior to the date of filing this suit, and for tho care and custody of her minor daughter Valla and for such other and further relief as In equity, she may bo entitled, and unless you so appear, on or before said March 12th, 1906, and answer said complaint, a decree will be taken against you for want thereof. This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the aforesaid court, made and entered of record on January 19, A. D 1906, and- tho first publication thereof Is In the Issue of the Oregon City Enterprise of January 20th, 1906, and the last publication will be In the Issue of March 9th, 1906. C. II. DYE, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO FI8HERMEN. I am Instructed by the Master Fish Warden to notify Clackamas and Wil lamette River Fishermen that, with few exceptions, all your licenses ex pired December 31, 1905, and that it is expected of mo to prosecute any and all persons fishing or operating a gill net or a set net without a valid license to do so after that date. Gill net fee, $5.00; set net fee, $2.50 each. All licenses Issued after this date will be good until March 31, 1907. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, Jan uary 12, 1900. H. A. WEBSTER, Feb. 2. Deputy Fish Wardon. 8ALOON LICENSE. Notice is hereby given that I wll apply to the city council at th regular mooting In February, 19011 for a re newal of it v saloon license at my pikh- ent place of biialnmm on Main street, between nth and lltli street. Jan. 10, 190(1, D, MollISNRY. Oregon Si io inline and union Pacific THREE TRA . TO HE EAST - DAILY Throuitlt Pullman tandord and Tour lat alrcpliiif ear dally to limalia. t'hli4i. Hpoknnai tourlat alorpln car dally to Kuio.ua City: throiiKit Pullman tuuiiat ulneplng eat (pomonally conducted) weekly to Cl)len, KnM City, rellii In chain (ut fr to tit Mat dally ) HOUR S Portland to Chicago No Change of Cant, 7 7- Depart. Tim tohadulaa. Aaaiv Chicago Pvrtlnnil 8i-oil Bait I Wb. Dsnvor. Kt. Worth. tJmaiia, u ft l a. in I ,uul, Chicago and Atlantlo K.nr 1 11 p. in Bait Tk. Donvar, Kt. Worth, Omaha, 1;00 a m. vl. Ilunt- Kanaaa (.'tiy, ni. Ionia, Chicago and Iftgtutl. aul. Bt. Pnl Kal Mall Walla Walla. laton. Hpoknt, Mln noiipulta, Ml. I'aul, luiUilh, Ullwauk. Chicago and ICaat. :1 p m vl 8po kao. Ml a m. Ocean and River Schedule For Ban Franelaeo Evary flv day at I p. m. Kur A a lor la, way point and Portland, (rgon. p. m.l Saturday at II p. m. Pily awrvle (watr permitting:) on WllUm tt and Yamhill rtvara. Kur dt!lml Information of rata, Th Orgon Kallroad aV Navigation C.. your nrartat Hi'! agant, or Oaaatral i'aangr AfL A. L. CRAIO, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. IaM, UNION DEPOT I Arrlvt. I M A lt puy. for Maygar Ralntar. Dally. 11:10AM. 1:40 I' M. C'latakanla, Waatpurt Clifton, Anlnrla.Waa- rvnton, naval. Ham mond, Korl Mtarana. Ovarhart Park. Bea- alda. Aatorla and M.anlmra ICipreaa Pally. Aatorla Kipraa t ti P.M C. A. STEWART, Corami At-, Alder trt. I'hona Main 104 J. C. MA TO. 0. r. V P. A.. Aatorla. Or. ti ! V" 4 M You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY tl your tU'krta rrml ,rr ttt twavtrr anil hlo Granilr Kallrond, the" Smile t.itif of the World" BECAUSE Thrrfare ao many mriiU- attraction' and puliita of lntrrrt along the lln li-t wrru Ouilru mill lirnvrr that the trip never bcetunea tireaome. If you arc going 'Kaat, write or Informa tln and get a prrtty book that will tr.II yuu all about It. W. C. McBRlDE, CJeneral Agent PORTLAND, OREGON Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. Tha New Pulton Compounds Mv Record of 87 per cent ot Recoveries Among Chronic Cast of Bright' Dlseaso and Diabetes, Heretofore Considered Incurable. .1M Dragglt know thnt Bright' Diana and Plabetea nave been rcgardod by phy.Iolan a lnoumbl and that up to the ad Tim t of the Pulton Compound that nothlni on their ihelve would touch It. It la a proven t&ot that nearly nine-tenth of all cam are now curable, and dmggUU themaclvu are taking the naw Com pound. One of the reoovorlm wan Dr. Zell blniaslf, the plonner (Irugglat of 123 Paulflo street, San Fraud, aud he gave ll to orar a dozen other who recovered. Here 1 another lntnrMtlng reoovory (We copy from the Baara menlo New of Niivombor 18, IW)3)i "After a lerlou lllnea of over s year Judge J. R. Allen of thi city ha recovered and ro. Sard hlmaeir moat fortunate In luoowwfully battling with what 1 generally regarded a a fatal malady, Ilrlght'i Dlaeaae of the Kidney. In (peaking ot his oaao Judge Allen taldt '1 believe that the treatment given me by my phyalolan wa In auuordunou with the bnHi wcthotl uwid In the mgular practice of medl cine, but It afTurili'd ma no rciluf. ilnarliig ot the Fulton CouiuouDrtal wint to Ban frYannlW to InvflHtlgate aud wim noon convinced I ahould undergo the treatment. It waa three luouiht bffore I noticed change for the better. I UHnd the mpdlolna faithfully for nuarly a ymir ana can now ttud uo evlilnuce of the dlaease anil ara aatuonil It la entirely eltmltmtsd. My np- fietlto In good, I have gained seventeen pound n weight and will bo tiluuxnd to deaurltie my iporlnnoe to anyone who may cull or writ.' " Haornmonto Nowk, Nov. in, iWi. The editor of the Newa himself w the friend who told Judge Allnoof the Kulton Compound. Thoy are the only thlna known that euro Ilrlghfa DlHoaiw ar.d Dlivlmte. Fulton'a Renal Compound for llrltflit' and Kidney Mlsnamia, l; fur Dlabntn, $1.60. John J. Fulton Co., Wanhlngton etroot, 6an FranolNoo, itoli compounder. Tree analyse for patient. Bond for I'amphlct. We are the exolualv aganti lor these Compound In tbl city, Chaman & Co., City Drug Store.