Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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L.Short Sklehead Stories'... !
J TI!Vl!l,V-TOI.I TALUS 0 Tllli WI!I!K'.1 DOINUS. v
4 1
Ex-Commliiiloner Balr
Cunicllim Iliilr, former County Com
inlHMliiimi' of Cliu'ldiiiniM county, ami
n pioneer ri'Mlilmit. of thin n:tIoii, tiled
Hiimliiy til IiIh homo n( Cuiliy al'icr n
tollK HllH'MN. . TIlO doei'lCOnl WIIH HKi'll
nliniit OR your iiml hi mii'Vlvod 1y three
mum unit linn ihiuyhter.
Grocery and Saloon Attached
Tim ''.I'licety atom miiiI kiiIohii IiiimI
tu'MH of A, It. McWIIIlitnm at Omwcko,
wiim at Inched l''rli)iiy by CoiiNUiblo
Ticinbutli on nn net Ion biouuht by It.
I,. Hitbln, i'i'ii'i'Hi'iit!iiK Poi'tlnnd erodl
titi H, wlu n''k to recover Judgment fur
I'lllllllM imHIOKllllMK Mii7. -
Oreuon City Won
A IhinKii. (mil ti'iun from thin U y
Hittmiliiy nli'ht itt Woodhiini iIi'IViiIikI
I ho HiihIiu'Hm Mnn'H (imiiii of Hint, city
by ii Hcuro of HI to 17. Tlui iliiyi'M
from thin city wore: I'M WIIIIiiiiim,
itiitur; A. WtlllutiiM and lilnnchiu'd,
lorwiinlti; O, Kiibri'l uml Telford,
number of about 100 miMemblod (it, tho
church, the ocriiHlon bcliiK thn mi
nimi roll cull of tho church. During
tho cvoiiIiik viu'Ioiih report h wore read
nbowliitc tho conilltbiii of (ho church
uml t tint, of It m auxiliary nocotlen to
ho In Kiiod Mhiiio. Kov, (!, V. Clupp,
of Korea! lirovc, wn pn-Hont nnd inndu
mi inblri'iiH reviewing rim proKrotiH of
the church ni. tho noncltmlim of which
rcfn'Hhiiii'iilH were nerved,
Custom Star Entertain
l.iiHt Kildny night nt tho A, O. II. V.
bull on Hcvi'iiili hlroi'i, tho nicinbcrst
of I'loniTi' Chapter, Order of llm ICumI
in Klur i'iilt'1'iiilin d tlui MiiHotm mid
their wIvcm with n clever prunuu of
n i in h luii'i'i'Mt, n fiircn being liicludi'd
umotig tho n ti in 1 inning tlm even
ing whliit wiiH played, tlm prl,ci being
Wiin by Mm. II. Mnhlruiii mid Ted
Oxiuuud. KefriiHhnii'iitii woro nerved.
Fond of Satchel
J. A, Nile, who claim to bo of
Marlon counly, whh nrreHied hero Hat
I ii rd ay night by Chief of Pollen Hums
for Din lai'i'i'iiy of a witi'liel from Chart.
K. Archiird, n couiiiiercliil traveller of
I'orilnnd. Tlm theft wiih commuted
on tlm northbound California overland
JiiMi before tlm train reached thin clly.
the Ktuleii prnpi-rt was recovered but
Nlb'M had InniMferred prnelleiilly nil
of Hot coiiletiiti of tho litulen grip Into
of tho coiiieniM of the Klob'n i;rlp to
iitored, Arcbftnl declined to ap" r
HKiiliiht Nile, who wiih releioied.
"No, Kir V.m ciiiitinl pi)m n(T nnr nuWKiiln
o lie1. 1 vr liprii ihiik Aii.'iHt I lwr tm e
1 wu it li-.y, mut J II bit vii iwj other."
paper work an reporter on tlm Green
Buy Dully (liietto. In 1KH8, ho cmo
to OreKon, and wan for two yearn
Identified with ttio Went Bhoro !nBa
zlno, then for nevtira) yijam In ne,wn
pitlier work In Oregon City and Balern,
and for more than flvo year on the i
Hlaff of tlm I'ortland Oreonliin, In j
tlm Kprlng of 19015 ho went to Itend n j
I!, H. CornniliiHloner, and after wcath-'
erlnK tlm trying condltloim there and '
W'cIiik the advent of a new era, ho la
laniiferred to the HoHeburg Land I
(Jllice, In lH!:i he, nmrrbid MIhh Graco
WllllaniH, daughter of tho latf C. O. T.
W'llllaiiiM, of OreKon City, and they
bavo a ten year-old daughter. t.'mp
iiia Valley Newa. (flonebiirg.)
Tho January Number
of tlm Pacific Monthly created a new
in In uniKU'.lim ptihlhditiiK on tlm IV
lillC CoilMt. N'oltiliot of the kind him
-ver been attempted before. The half
lolleH were the tllleht ponHlbl". Btlil
were reproduced on the fluent paper.
The articlM wero by b'adlnK men,
hiich an William Winter, dramatic
dltor of the New York Tribune;
Doctor David Btarr Jordan, iriHldeiit
of l.idainl Stanford, Jr., I'lilverhlty,
and Julian Hawthorne,
Apploi Any Old Time
II. It. ThouipHon exhllilleil mmi
V,r en fruit In bin offlce a few daya
hko that wan certainly out of the ordi
nary i ven for Orejpni - land of won
iern, that flm Ih. An apple troo
xtaudliiK In Mr. Thoinpoii'n dooryard
l4iMiiiiii bott fall and Mr. Thompxon
bun watched patiently to nee what tlm
1 1 null would be. I, Hl" HppleN WIIH
lb" remilt and oonio wern hbowed to
iim. They have attained the Mzn of
iiiai'bb'M, If Mr. TboiiipHoii or any-
body Iho can iiMKiire tm frcah appl
Panorama of Finance and the Marketf
Ah oiifi would expect of a f;reat met
ropolitan newspaper having the fac.lll
tb'M of The Chlciuto H"conl Herald,
that puper alwayo covem the market
and flntiticliil and commercial lutclH
(cotico Kciierully on a ncalo of excep
tional f uim-HM, eoverlna two entire
pnicea of each iiisiie. Tho iiuotht.iorm
on live utocit, j?raln and provlHiorm,
Htoekn uml b'.iidH, and In fact every
commercial and financial market in
which the peoplo. of tho Northwent aro
Interented, aro throiixlily completo
and xatDfactory.
Special cnblen tell tho afory of fl
iianco abroad. The "Hpeculallve Com-
And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound
Had Its Birth and How the "Panic of '73M Caused
it to be Offered for Public Sale In Drug Stores.
I'orty million bottled of Anmst J;lowrr
old in tin) I'nile 1 SI. ill nlonu. diiicc ill
lutroiliictio'i I Ami the d'-miitid for it is
Mill growing. Jm't licit a fine dhowinx
id ' Mtii'ci-hs? Don't it jirove that AiiUHt
l'lowi-r h:ei had unfailing micii-m in the
cure of indi;;e- iioit mid d ynpi pia tho
worit cm iiiii i of health iiml liaiipiiicM?
Dimh it led ulford the la-t cviilcm v. that
A......u, l.'l... : u ..ll
..i.i.i. , .mil iv ,i nine n n i nil. ! "II', , I, , .lit-,.! m,,., T..11. I .. ,t i.e. 11.
MoMia,!. and int. ,'iual div,,,cr?-that it ' ' t v "
l the bet .r a!! liver r i.la.or? I r' N re t Hec-
A..K..-t l'b.Acr ,. a mati bh sH record ! ,,nH 'r'"1'1 niarki-t jihkw tba InlereHt
of over vra-, in miiif; the ailing mil-1 ,,,f:',!a,',ra fr, t)l" A'lantlo to the
l:..n of 'tla'-sc .liarrviinx i:omi.lait.t. M'"56 amHt U1' t,;!1 "f 1,10 lin,1,'r-
Two mi , j',,: ami 751:. All diii'nit!t. !r,irr""M ln Kral "", Purity mar-
ivipi. 1 -y i.-iuitj jit'i r.uiuii iin-ii 1,1
the pit, In It? way a Important an
tlm 1. 11 mil rn m ftliil i,,lifin, t.?ipl r.f tha
lilay'K utory of upeculatlon. The Wall
Monday evening, rebrtiary 5 with !t,lr""t ivU,'r "f J,,lin ChaniberH (turn-bamiu-t.
The iK-caalon u 'in 1 1, I ,'U1PS ,h" ''""y hlMU.ry of Gotham's
Tliln remarkable woman, whone
maiden name wan Eaten, was born In
Lynn, Man., February 9th, Wj, com
ing from a good old Quaker family.
For ome years the taught bchool, and
became known as a woman of an alert
Char man & Co., City Drug Store I
In March
IIiik for
the probb
Hprluit Is
in of apple dump.
Holved. -(,'orvallla
with a
In tho
V 1 1 r 1 1 . n v ti u I 4 11
a 1 year the Heilmen kov a banquet for
nature of a return
money market In a moat entertaining
and InHtructlve fanhlon. Kxauilne tho
market pane of uny iHaue and seo for
Divore In 8hort Order
Hut a very few mluuteit elnpNed In
I tot Hlattt circuit court here hint ThurN
ilay from the time if the tlliiiK of tin'
coinplalllt tilllll JiidKC Mcllrlde reil
bred a decree Krantlio; Katherlno
I litinlltoii, of Cortland, a divorce from
Knii'Ht Hamilton, other divorce, do
creen wtrn ri turned the Name day by
.hnliii MclirhU as followM: lHr..ii
Hmlth aualnitt GoorKe y, Hnilth; Vic
tor I'lrnrd aKaliiHt Heni l'lrard. The
divorce suit of K. I.. Vntt tiKaliiht
HeMiile Wyntt was illHiiiliuied,
tie; KiiKb'M, nbortly after the on?anl.a-
Don of the latter order. Tho ban(iiet
In u)hu In coiiimeijioralion of tho llr.Ht
nmilveraary of tlm oruauizatlim of tho
Died of Heart Failure KuKleH' lidt'o In this city. A. M. Sin
William llohliiMon, need 7H yours, C 1 it. 1. I'lnucaiu', Frank Newton. H.
11, .....1 : ,i..v ,11. ..1 u ,.u ..,..... 1 U' ll.il it 1111,1 T t
iili'il'ii'i uilll n oiiin 110 'I nuil'llll limi If : " ' f-""" ' t miiu; i'ininpu mq 1 ir 1
luK of b. art failure at the home of his j KkW commltl ,n arrauK-ments ! ''f ',ri'Kham' .w'.Te "U
Bon, William Itobltroiii. in WchI 0ro-'f"r tlm bati(iiet. Dr. W. K. Carll will
K011 City. The di'ci'ii,ed w an horn In ; (dllclato as toantuiaKU'r. Vocal hoIos
northern In land but iaiied the nn-at-1 will be rendered. G. H. Dinilck will
i-r part or his llfi In C anada, m ar Deliver tho address of welcome, and
The GiltnerForresler Nuptials
Kdtnund (iiltner, the popular
secretary of tho I'ortland Chamber of
Commerce, and Miss iora Mae For-
fT -T - - S-r
I Toronto, lie lived In Oregon City
for about the years. I'.ciddes a wife,
i he Ih survived by three sous ami five
ilitilUhtilM, I Will the exception of
Frauds C. KobliiMon, of Salt Ijikn City,
and Win. KobliiNoii, of this city, tho
) children reside near Toronto. Canada,
llurlal services were held at tho homo
iof Win. ltobliiHoii on tlm West Sldo
Monday inornlm-. Hev. . K. Ham
;inond, otlli iatliiK. Interment followed
iat Mountain View (Vim-icry.
Charles W. Kelly will respond for tho
Hed Miti. Henry I'usey will act as
accompanist, and Informal speeches
w ill be made by several of tho mem
bers of tho two lodges.
Church Hold Annual Meeting
Thursday evening the members of
the First CoiiKreattoual church to tlm
Eagle Will Banquet i
Oregon Clly Aerie No. ti!U Fraternal
Onbr of Maidus, will entertain the
.members of Wacheno Tribe. Improved
.Order of Itedmen. In Knapp's hall.
Receiver Lawrence Wa Confirmed 1
J. M. Lawrence, whoso nomination I
to tm receiver of public moneys ot
lioKcburK was confirmed by the sen
ate Inst Monday, was born at Flint
villi, near Green Day, Wisconsin, 42
years iiko this month. Ills early llfo
was spent on a farm, and his school
Iiik wns obtained In tho "llttlo red
schiailhouse" and tlm Stalo Normal
sclnsd at Oshkosh. He tauKht scIukjI
twii winters, and at 13 begun news
terdny afternoon, at the homo of tho
hrlde'H parents, says Saturday's Ore
Rotilan. Tlm ciTi'moiiy was performed
by Hov. llrnce Wolverton, pastor of
the Christian Church In I'ortland, who
went down for the occasion. Thir
teen persons made up tho bridal party.
Mlsa Georgia Glltner, sister of the
Kroom. and Miss Forrester, sister of
the bride, served as bridesmaids, and
1'lnkerton C. I'atterson, of I'ortland,
the fiance, of Miss Giltner, was best
man. 'Tlm others In tho party were:
It. F. Giltner, of Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. ForriHtcr, their two young sons
and two aunts of the bride. Tho cere
mony wa.i performed under a hupe
hell of flowers, and the house was sim
ply and tastefully decorated with
Krecns and cut (lowers. Promptly at
5 o'clock the marriage service was
read. Mr and Mrs. Giltner camo Into
Portland and here tisik the train for
the South, heading for tho honeymoon
trail" to California. They planned to
go to San Francisco and Is Angeles,
but the lihies of ex-Senator George Mc
Ilrlde. who Is an uncle of Mr. Giltner,
forms an occasion for their Rtopping
off at Sacramento. Mr. and Mrs. Gilt
ner will be at home after February 4
at r.sc, Everett street, poudlng the com
pletion of their new home on Johnson
' Prompt Action Must Be Taken
Ij Preserve Health.
Is no longer a mere novelty like the old style
talking machine. It is seriously recognised by
music lovers as a musical instrument of great
merit, reproducing all the beautiful quality
of the original.
Prices of Machines, $17.50, $20,
$25, $35, $45 and $65.
Reduced prices on Records, 7 -in.
35c, 10-in. 60c, 12-in. $1.00.
I Kidney troubles are dangerous be
cause they creep on so stealthily that
they Ki t a firm grip on the victim be
fore ho is aware of It. They manifest
l themselves in such vailed forms that
l they are easily mistaken for other
i diseases.
I Make no mistake.
; IK) not delay.
, Treat the kidney now.
The kidneys are sick and will not get
i well unless you use a kidney medicine.
I Doan's Kidney Pills is the certain,
I safe and prompt remedy for the kid-
: neys only. It cures.
, G. S. Cooper, farmer, living three
; miles northeast of Salem, Ore., on the
j Garden road, says: "I very often
lifted heavy weights, hut have since
j regret toil having done so, as the result
was that I strained my back and ever
( after had more or less trouble from
j dull, aching pains across my loins and
I other symptoms of kidney complaint.
hi some way Bonn's Kidney Pills were
j brought to my notice and the first
I time 1 went to town I dropped into
i a drug store and Inquired about them.
; I was told they were highly recom
j mended and advised to give them a
trial. I did so. And while I did not
I follow the treatment as regularly as I
! should have done, being a poor hand
to take any kind of medicine, the bene
fit I derived from their use stamps
them as a remedy which acts fully up
to the representations made for it."
Flonty more proof like this from
Oregon City people. Call at Huntley
Pros' drug store and ask what their
! customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
4le member the name Doan's and
take no other.
and Investigating mind, an earnest
seeker after knowledge, and above
all, possessed of a wonderfully sympa
thetic nature.
In lS43he married Isaac Plnkbam,
a builder and real estate operator, and
their early married life was marked by
prosperity and happiness. They had
four children, three, sons and a
In thoRe (rooil old Yasbioned days It
was common for mothers to make
their own home medicines from roots
and herbs, nature's own remedies
calling in a physician only in specially
urgent cases. By tradition and ex
perience many of them gained a won
derful knowledge of the curative prop
erties of the various roots and herbs.
Mrs. Pinkham took a great Interest
In the study of roots and herbs, their
characteristics and power over disease
She maintained that just as nature so
tMMintifully provides in the .harvest
fields and orchards vegetable foods of
all kinds; so, if we but take the pains
to find them, in the roots and herbs
of the field there are remedies ex
pressly designed to cure the various
Ills and weaknesses of the body, and
It was her pleasure to search these out,
and prepare simple and effective medi
cines for her own family and mends,
Chief of these was a rare combina
tion of the choicest medicinal roots
and herbs found best adapted for the
cure of the ills and weaknesses pecu
liar to the female sex, and Lydia E. Pink-
ham's friends and neighbors learned
that her compound relieved and cured
and it became quite popular among
All this so far was done freely, with
out money and without price, as
labor of love.
But in 1873 the financial crisis struck
Lynn. Its length and severity were too
much for the large real estate interests
of the Pinkham family, as this class
of business suffered most from
fearful depression, so when the Centen
nial year dawned it found their prop
erty swept away. Some other source
of income had to be found.
At this point Lydia E. Finkham's
Vegetable Compound was made known
to the world.
The three sons and the daughter,
with their mother, combined forces to
restore the family fortune. They
argued that the medicine which was
so good for their woman friends and
neighbors was equally good for the
women of the whole world.
The I'inkhams had no money, and
little credit. Their first laboratory
was the kitchen, where roots and
herbs were steeped on the stove,
gradually filling a gross of bottles.
Then came the question of selling"
it, for always before they had given
It away freely. They hired a Job
printer to run oft some pamphlets
setting forth the merits of the medi
cine, now called Lydia E. I'inkham'a
Vegetable Compound, and these were
distributed by the Pinkham sons in
Boston, New York, and Brooklyn.
The wonderful enrative properties of
the medicine were, to a great extent,
self-advertising, for whoever used it
recommended it to others, and the de- .
mand gradually increased.
In 1877, by combined efforts the fam
ily had saved enough money to com
mence newspaper advertising and from
that time the growth and success of
the enterprise were assured, tintil to
day Lydia E. Pinkham and her Vege
table Compound have become house
hold words everywhere, and many
tons of roots and herbs are nsed anna-
ally in its manufacture.
Lydia E. Pinkham herself did not
live to see the great success of this
work. She passed to her reward years
ago, but not till she had provided
means for continuing her work as
effectively as she could have done it
During her long and eventful expe
rience she was ever methodical in her
work and she was always careful to pre
serve arecordof every case thatcame to
her attention. The case of every sick
woman who applied to her for advice
and there were thousands received
careful study, and the details, includ
ing symptoms, treatment and results
were recorded for future relerence, and
to-day these records, together with
hundreds of thousands made since, are
available to sick women the world
over, and represent a vast collabora
tion of Information regarding the.
treatment of woman's ills, which for
authenticity and accuracy can hardly
be equaled in any library in the
With Lydia E. Pinkham worked her
daughter-in-law, the present Mrs.
Pinkham. She wascarefully instructed
in all her hard-won knowledge, and
for years she assisted her in her vast
To her hands naturally fell the
direction of the work when its origina
tor passed away. For nearly twenty
five years she has continued it, and
nothing in the vror sh0ws when the
first Lydia; . Pinkham dropped her
pen, and the present Mrs. Pinkham,
now the mother of a large family, took
it up. With women assistants, some as
capable as herself, the present Mrs.
Pinkham continues this great work. and
probably from the oftice of no other
person have so many women been ad
vised how to regain health. Sick wo
men, this advice is "Yours for Health"
freely given if you only write to ask
for it.
Such Is the history of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound ; made
from simple roots and herbs ; the one
great medicine for women's ailments,
and the fitting monument to the noble
woman whose name it bears.
14. at nine o'clock. A. M., and continu
ing tintil Friday, February 16, at four
o'clock P. M.
First, Second and Third Grade Certi
ficates. Wednesday: Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday: Written arithmetic, theo
ry of teaching, grammar, physiology.
Friday: Geography, mental arith
metic, school law, civil government.
Primary Certificates.
Wednesday: Penmanship, orthogra
phy, arithmetic, reading.
Thursday: Art of questioning, theo
ry of teaching, physiology., .
Yours truly.
County Supt. of Schools.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions, and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimon
ials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
&t?melstei & Aiicbesen
Suspension Bridge Corner The Otegon City Jewelers
Notice Is hereby given that the
County Supmintendent of Clackamas
county, will hold the regular examina
tion of applicants for state and county
papers at Oregon City, as follows:
For State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday .February
14, at nine o'clock A. M., and continu
ing until Saturday, February 17, at
four o'clock P, M.
Wednesday: Penmanship, history,
spolltns, algebra, reading, school law. 1
Thursday: Written arithmetic,
theory of teaching, grammar book
keeping, physics, civil government. '
Friday: Physiology, geography, men- i
tal arithemetlc, composition, physical
,v Saturday: Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
psychology. i
For County Papers. j
Commencing Wednesday, February
Oregon City, Oregon
Transacts a general banking business. Open from
9 a. m. to 4 p. m. ,
Prices Reasonable
DO YOUr Work Work Guaranteed
We do a General Baggagei and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonio Building
TS2!Zim Williams Bros. Transfer Co.