Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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j Otir Corespondents' Corner S
Brief Hits of Gossip From All Pirttof th County.
NEEDY. torloal comments on this exorcise.
(Marks Prairie and vicinity.) Is every two weeks on Saturday night.
Cornelius Hair, of Canity was burled commencing at 7 o'clock in tho oven
at the Zimmerman cemetery Monday. lug. On Sunday at 11 o'clock nnd 7
All kinds of stock here are in fairly ; o'clock in the evening are given dls
good condition. courses illustrating system the Bible
Mr. Ed Graves recently purchased point" out. by S. O. Pool. All are invlt
aome stock sheep from Mr. Jivln. pay-jed to attend.
lng three dollars per head for them, j
Mr. Wade Cribble was visiting his D,ngcr, 0t a Cold and How to Avoid
parents Saturday and Sunday. He Is ; Them,
attending school in Portland. He shot ,
a wild swan Sunday which was aj jtl,r(, fatniitie have their oiltiln In or
beauty.. i result from a cold than from any other
Mr. George Oglosby is slowly con-, railBe, this fact alone should nmk .
valescing after a Ions spell of sickness, j poopi0 moll careful as theru Is no danger j
Mr. John Gate w ill erect a new barn J whatever from a roM wh.n it la properly
In the early Spring. John thinks it treated In the boRlnnlng. For many '
Will be about as Cheap to build a new j y,,arJ1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has '
one as to move the old one out of the ( ivn reeosniied as the most prompt and .
cffoctual medicine In use for thla disease. '
It acts on nature's plan, loosens the j
coiish. relieves the lungs, opens the se- !
pretttons and aids nature In restoring
(he system to a healthy condition. Sold ,
by Howell Jones.
nronosed new county road
One of our neighbors would rather
open three prates and let down two
fences than have a public road that
would make his place worth $300 more
than it Is. The road will go just the
The Needy correspondent of the
Corealis copied some of our news last
week. Say! Needy, what Is the mat
ter? Have you pone fully Insane?
The Borealls is not the paper It was
under Mr. Nelson's management by a
jug full and you know It. It should
be a little more like the Needy Gimlet.
Mr. Ed B. Miller is doing some
grubbing this winter.
Sam Miller Is improving his farm
some by repairing fences. Sam's all
It seems Canby has a Brownell can
didate for sheriff. He will get let
down and don't you forget It
Needy does not seem to have any
one wanting an office, except a few
The weather is quite changeable.
The road supervisor has some hands
at work on the Molalla mad.
Several from here atended the fune
ral of Mrs. Harris at Heaver Crtek,
Mr. R. M. Cooper is much better; ho
is able to be out of doors now.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvaney, of
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of W. S4th St, New
Tork, at one time had her beauty spoiled
with skin trouble. She writes: I had
Bait Rheum, or Eciema for years, but
nothing would cure It, until I used
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and
sure healer for cuts, burns and sores.
I5c at Howell & Jones Drug Store.
How I was surprised one morning
when I got up to see a heavy frost,
but when I put on my spectacles.
saw it was not a frost but about three
inches of snow. I looked across the
pasture and saw a prairie wolf, or
what Is called a coyote here; he ran
and left about forty knots behind him
in an hour.
The people were aroused the other
day when they heard a noise he-haw
he-haw-he-haw. They looked to see
what it was and saw Christ Kuinzy
with his mules out In the streets of
Clarkes for a pleasant sleigh ride on
an old clod masher.
Mr. V. Botemiller and B. Sullivan
have set their telephone posts one
mile on the east side of Clarkes' store.
Mr. Sullivan has some strong posts
the rest of the way, some that are four
to five feet thick, they are trees you
must know.
Well, the way people are talking
Clarkes will have a new merchandise
store. Well, some people say lots
that isn't so.
Lots of the Clarke3 people are laid
out with scarlatina.
Mrs. Smith of St. Johns, Is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Martin.
Mr. lVnuls llylton made a business
trip to Portland Monday.
There were several from this neigh
borhood attended the Socialist meet
ing at Oregon City, They reported an
excellent lecture by their National
Mrs. W. McCt.rd bi spending a few
days with her daughters In Portland.
Attorney Fred J. Melndl and family
are spending the week with the family
of A. M. Laolle. from whence they
will go to their future home at Moro.
Miss Reta Joseph visited her cousins
in Portland over Saturday and Sunday.
The Warner Grange, No. 117. will
Install their otllcers at New Era at
their regular meeting, January 27.
The installation will take place at 1
t Hill A i- 1 ...Ilk. t
inion .vans, spent ounuay wuu .-.ir. . . , .. ,, ., ,.. nmA.lt.,, hv th
and Mrs. White and family. Uia.r v.i i vitn a n.niini in.
Mr. George Orln has improved the!,,',, " lu ,.,,,.,., ,,, ,. ,.i,n
lOOhS or nis jaru i uuiiuing P'cm-i ... ...,,. .,m,rirk, rttl, a, the
tence arounu ll. I,m ,.f Mr llvlt.m nn Snn.lnv flr.
II... l? - .,.,., " -
ciutua itl?lee(, tiun fcv.ito iu
Portland to work.
Ed Howard has trimmed up his or
chard. He Is preparing to spray it
Charley Baker and son, Roy, are
spending a few days here this week.
Davey Thomas and Emerson Spatz,
of this burg, took In the dance at
Molalla Friday night
thla were to have to travel It they
would change their minds, The lum
ber put tin the road was first cIunh,
but the way that It was put down was
very poor work. The stringer worn
laid on lop of the ground and In noma
place the plank are twelve Inches
from the ground. The board are all
laid to one side of the road and when
'teams meet the team going east ba
to get o(T the plank and if It I heavi
ly loaded It Is Impoaslhlo for them to
get on the road without unloading. If
this I un Ideal, plunk road wo do not
want any moro" of these Ideals,
Miss Cora Shaver, of Portland, wa
visiting at W. II. Boring' Saturday
and Sunday,
Mr. W. A. Hull, our new appointed
road supervisor, ha been on the nick
Moll & Davis" saw mill I running
full blast at present,
Hans Anderson ha hi new house
ready for use, and Michael Hoylo ha
rented It and I doming for Han.
Geo. Parch has moved Into his new
O. W. Poring made a flying trip to
Grcsham on business, one day last
J. Singleton of Portland, was een
on the street of Holing Sunday.
Mrs. E. O. lllackwell was visiting
her son, C. Rankin, Sunday.
It. Klelgal and ttlster Anna, of Kelso,
were the guests of Mr. and Mr. P.
Vet sch. Sunday.
J. H. Jonsrud Is busy cutting ford
wood these day.
Mr. and Mr. Allen Cooke, of Estrt
cada, were visiting Mr. Cooko'H var
cuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis. Sun
day. Walter Wllmarth la hauling cream
for Vetsch & Son.
Clarence Davis, son of J. M. Davis.
had the misfortune to cut hi hand
pilte bad last week.
J. It. Townaend had hi leg broken
hllo logging at Estacada last oek.
All diseases and
affections of the
Positively cleared owoy In a hurry. I vouch for It.
Thousands of wretched peoplo r mlnernblolmaRlnlnU they Imvn a bad poli
onln of tha bloodwhen In nino cases out of Inn it i purely a local para.ilil
mnmfpKtailon in the skin which can ba cleurod away In a hnrry.
Such minery now cleared away at surely as Ihu tun thiur above, Not merely
ATT KM ITKD not a matter cl Imptovemant only but a clonririg ol il all away
absolutely and quickly, loo.
The photograph show
ing the terrible inroads
Eczema had made on
this boy's face and head
can be seen at our store.
This work of the camera
is the best evidence of
the curative equalities of
the D. D. D. Remedy.
We are glad to hear those who have
been on the sick list are recovering
The chances for living a full cen
tury are excellent In tho case of Mrs.
Jennlo Duncan, of Haynesvillo. Me.,
Mr. R A. Howard Is snendlne this I now 70 years old. She writes; "Elec-
week In Portland with friends and ! trie Bitters cured me of Chronic Dya
relatives. pepsla of 20 years standing, and made
Mr. White and wife made a business ! me feel as well and strong as a young
trip to Oregon City Saturday.
"Neclected colds make fat crave-
yards," Dr. Wood's Norway Pine , aruS store.
Syrup helps men and women to a
happy, vigorous old age.
girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomach
and Liver diseases. Blood disorders,
General Debility and bodily weaknoss.
Sold on a guarantee at Howell & Jones
Price only 50c.
Moans loss nutrition and In conse
quence loss vitality. When the liver fall
to socrole bile, the blood becomes loaded
with bilious properties, the dletlon be
comes Impaired and the bowels consti
pated. Horbtne will rectify this; It gives
tone to the stomaeh. liver and kidneys,
strvna-thens the appetite, clears and Im
proves the complexion. Infuses new life
and viuor to the whole system. 60 cents
bottle. Sold by Huntley Uros. lru Co.
The weather is rainy but we hope It
will nbt continue so long.
Mrs. Eliza Sklrvin, of Portland, was
visiting friends and relatives at Mar
quam and Woodburn last week. All
G. I. Brown went to Portland today
January 22, 196.
Mr. Walter Tiffiany and wife spent a , were glad to see her.
few days in Portland last week.
C. B. Jefferson spent Sunday with
his family in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cooke went to
Portland today January 22, 1906.
Mrs. Minnie Jack Is Improving and
we hope to see her home soon
One of our farmers sold his only
milch cow to Mr. Snodgras. of Mea'
(low Brook. The next morning after
Pleasant and Most Effective.
T. J. Chambers. Ed. Vindicator, LWr
ty. Texas, writes Dec, 25 1902:
"With pleasure and unsolicited by you,
I bear testimony to the curative power of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I have used
It in my family and can cheerfully affirm
It is the most effective and beat remedy
for coughs and colds I have ever used."
Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co.
Steam shovel 108 has been righted the cow was taken away the force of
up and will begin work this week. . habit w as so strong that he took hit
John Gerrick is going to Portland to-! mllk-pail and lantern and went to thi
day to purchase supplies for work on barn a quarter of a mile distant to
the Power House. i milk. On arriving there ho found
Mr. W. J. Brennan. who was Injured ionly his horses and he quickly return'
when steam shovel 108 tipped over, Is ! home with a broad grin on his face
reported as doing well. I Mrs. Loney. who was 58 years old
Mr. Goldfinger is recovering from her last birthday, January 19, 190C,
his fall two weeks ago. I was surprised by a crowd of friends
Mr. . Want spent Sunday In an-and acquaintances the 18th. She re
couver. ! ceived many nice presents. Among
All the large pipe for the power these was a beautiful water set,
house has arrived. Everybody enjoyed tho dinner which
Lee Myers spent Sunday In Portland., was taken by the ladles and the party
j was a complete surprise.
Morris Ward, of Dufur, Ore., is visit
ing his parents at Viola.
Lorenzo Tenny made a business trip
to Oregon City and Portland last week.
Rev. Exon and wife, of Beaverton,
were callers at the parsonage during
the week.
Mrs. W. D. Brown left for Grant's
Pass Tuesday. Mrs. Brown is a daugh
ter of W. H. Matoon of this place. Her
many friends regret to lose her from
their midst.
Mr. Landers has a lightening meth
od of grubbing young fir. He uses
three horses, a double-block and rope.
The political pot has begun to boil
in this part. W. H. Mattoon. however,
is being well backed by his party
Sickening Shivering Fits
of Ague and Malaria can be relieved and
cured with Electric Bitters. This a iiure
tonic medicine; of especial benefit In !
malaria, for it exerts a true curative In
fluence on the disease, driving It entirely
ut of the system. It is much to be pre
ferred to Quinine, having non.! of this
drugs bad after effects. E. S. Munday,
Xlenrktta, Texas, writes: "My brother
was very low with malarial fever and
jaundice until he took Electric Bittres,
which saved his life. At Howell & Jones
Drug Store; price BOc, guaranteed.
fit.: -v-?o
"Tisn't safe to be a day without Dr
Thomas' Electric Oil in the house
Never can tell what moment an acci
dent Is going to happen.
Muilno Isn't dead, just resting.
We hear that Mr. Joe Daniels has
bought Mr. Selby's residence. Say,
Jop, you have a good large cage, but
where Is your "bird."
Mr. Thomas Wiles has made the
raise of a cream separator.
The two Miss Edwards were visitors
at the Muilno school a few days ai?o
Cant. Iiranson and wife are still
holding revival meetings at Mulino,
and make their home at the pastor's
Mr. August Erickson and family
spent Friday evening with Mrs. Daniels
and family.
Mulino has a cat that Is noted for
its mathematics; It puts down three
and carries one sore leg.
Mr. Claud and Raymond Hall, sons
of Charles Hall, of Meadow Brook
ana Sherman -asn had a very narrow
escape from drowndnig in the Molalla
river Saturday, January 13. The boys
were crossing the river to get their
sister who was iroinir to a nartv. when
HE above picture of the the boat upset under two drifts. The
man and fish is the trade- ,ai sno'e" remarkable presence
l oi 4 1 i"" t mind,
mark olhcott s Emulsion, ( The M E church held a children's
and 18 the Bynonvni for meeting which was interesting also
troiifith and purity. It is sold instructive.
and Miss Nada Lee were the guests of
Miss Edith and Blanche Wiles, Sunday.
Mr. Fred and Agnes Woodside spent
Sunday with their parents who are
now at Molalla, but expect to be home
in the near future.
...... . I, ..-. . ,.
Imperfect Digestion.
t 'W.
1 ?(',
.. .... j?
(CM sl Sammy Mlnkty. Cleared away and tnllrely cured In 21 days, fully ptovtn loss.)
Wo vovich for this-QLbsolutely.
It haa ben proven to u beyond tha poaiibility of doubt that a new medlromrnt
known a I. l. l. cleart up lha worst akin afleetiona quickly. It work trcniMMon
idling, ainating, almost roiracnloua. ( It la a apecific formula which, brcauMi ol It
discovery by Ir. Docator Dennia. la known aa ' P. P. 1)."). Ita actual record tuund
likfl a atory of magic. Hut there la no room for doubt about It whatever; full proofs
Indiaputabla In every repect, hav been lubmltted to u rgnling hundreda of canei
among thoin tho ona ca ahown her of the boy (Sammy MJnkey ), who wm cured
in 21 duya. Tha result are not only complete, but permanent; in ihia cam it It now
Dearly two year tinea tha diwata was cleared out of tha akin, and no taint ol it ha
appeared ainca.
Each one of the known tkin affection it parasitic In nature, and all f them hava
yielded to "P. P P." The preparation it Miir Uned by tnt of tho tkin ippclalirt.
i' i compounded for drviRgUta tolely by tho P. P. P. Co., 10 PcarUitn St., Cliirago.
It it utiliied by every family phyauian who hat taken tha trouble to invettiuaio
the work it i accomplishing. It U used In tho Cook County Hospital, Chlraga
It will clear away an parasitic break la tho tkin in from 3 day to 00 day' lima.
Visit the undersigned and tea proof that will make you a happier humao. 1.00
buy tho prctcription already mad up in toalod bottle, with authentic Libel or
The Jolly Club gave a basket social
at the school house Saturday evening
A gixd programme was rendered and
all report a good time. The baskets
were auctioned off. The enormous
sum of twenty five cents was the high-
st price paid. What Is the matter
boys? Isn't that rather cheap?
Mr. Rallton has made "onto long
needed Improvements on his barn;
there's more to follow.
Mr. Paulson Is unfortunate. Three
horses sick at one time with tho blind
Mr. Harry Rowley Is confined to bis
home with a very soro foot.
Mr. Paulson Is putting up the swell-
est and best gate In this neighborhood.
That's right, Mr. Paulson, always set
a good example.
Our school opens tho first of March,
with Miss Lela Hoyles as teacht-r.
The directors are to be congratulated
in securing tho services of so capable
a teacher.
A party of young people started out
last Sunday evening with the Inten
tion of visiting the family of Mr.
Shnnks. They got as far as Jolm
Sheperd's and got stuck In the mud
and had to give up. They stopped at
John Sheperd's and spent a pleasant
evening. Hoys, the next tlmo you take
your girls out what Is the mattvr with
getting a rig Instead of asking them to
mud It?
Oregon City.
To convince you we have arranged
with the P. P. P Co.. o thut any aulUier
from any tkin diseaae can get direct
from the P. P. U. Co.' laWatory a
lurne free sample Untie ol P. D. O pre
csiptioit together with 3i page new
pamphlet on akin diee and free ad
vice on yttir particular cane from the
world' greatctt akin specialist.
I, l. I. CO. Mvillral lmrlMient
110-110 MlrhlitnNI.,MuM4M
t hleago
I'teaac rnd me frre prepaid a
large aite aainnle bottle ol P P , I),
pamphlet and conaultation blank
For ...yrar I lmv been allticted with
a k ill dieac called and
have never uaed I. P. l.
l.lrlhilnv I
n '...--
Mrs. Smnlley entertained IS ladles
last Friday afternoon A good time
was enjoyed by all. Cako and coffee
and sandwiches were served.
Oraco Hood returned home to Salem
last Saturday after spending a week
with relatives and friends here.
Mr. Fred Myers, a brother of Mrs.
Francis, bus gone back homu after
viHltlng hero several days.
Mrs. May l'sler Is visiting her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rca tirubbs.
She expects to Join her husband at
llartoii In a few days.
O. E. Sherrard has returned from
his visit at a sons In Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurley visited at
St. Johns lust Saturday and Sunday.
Win. ami Elmer Plxon will plant
several acres lu strawberries this
The Sniggles family have declined
an invitation to the lloosvell wedding
Of Waverly, Texan, write; Of a morning;
when first, arlslnsr, I often find a tiouble
some collodion of phleRtn which produces
a cough and Is very hard to dislodge; but
a small quantity of Hallnrd's Horehound
Syrup will at once dislodge It, and the
trouble Is over. I know of no medicine
thnt Is equal to It, and Is ao plennant to
take.' I can most cordially recommend It
to all persona needing a medicine for
throat or lung trouble." Sold by Huntley
Bros. Drug Co.
The weather Is a little rainy and the
natives are wearing slickers to keep
the rain a sliding.
A. Illuhm and F. Stlna wore tho
constructors of th horse atable we
Hce on the school k round
The Thomas brother are linprov
In;; the looks of t'i" much by slashing.
Mi Mi- ;, ; : ) I II II in i. .(
home i i f'ort visit hut v -k
It U-sU'e i-lied ,.n The. Do.'') an .1
family one day t' H v.'ek,
Mr. Pavl.J ;tit'. ii, vsdo (e. at her
home on .'. r n;ry l, 'van 75 y"'rs old;
had been tin I.n ill I f ir ov i u years.
She leo u 1'i ii.iind. mo " u nnd
wife nn I four isrnnd children t-i ruoiir
her (lertl, Tlie 1,'irl.ll !'': pl.l'-1 at
the "'vi terlaii c--ii't"ry i-,;'i i;ty af
tertr on -.lilt n lri;n nit-lei tree. Rev.
1 11 itl - ! I U,.v. U. It. Owens i.lP. liitlnif.
at Washington In order to be present j My he.vnly home Is brlghrnnd fair.
her., next Saturday evening at in No pnln nor death cjm enter there,
hall where they will be pleased to . jtH K!!,.rir,K teirs the mum oiitihlii.
meet the people of this city and vicin
ity. Hverybody come nud seo them.
Don't let the little ones suffer from
eczema, or outer torturing ssin urn
eases. No need for It. Dunn's Oint
ment cures. Can't harm ttio most
delicate skin. At any drug store, 60
The gentle rain and warm breeze
this day points to early spring.
S. O. Uool was not able to fill his
appointment Sunday on account of an
attack of stomach trouble.
Several of our neighbors are under
the influence of the grip.
The Hatton boys have about com
pleted the addition to their barn.
Uncle Mark Hatton, as he is called,
Is getting along through the Oregon
mist well for one of his age.
The Lille boys are making a good
showing on the Hacket place In clear
ing, In the winter time, in Oregon.
Tho exercises for the Bible students
are essays by the young ladies for
reading, every two weeks on Tuesday
evening, commencing at 7 o'clock.
The male students select topics giv
ing connected line of studies of hls-
" ! A. B. Canman. fihlcaco. writes March
4. 19(13 "Having hfr-n f rmililcrt with
Lumbago, at different times and tried
one physician after another, then differ
ent ointments and liniments, gave It up
in almost all the civilized coun
Mies of the globe.
If the cod fitsh became extinct
it would be a world-wide calam
ity, because the oil that comes
from its liver purpassew all other
tuts in nounsnnig ami nie-ivn
i'l'onerlies. Thiiiv vears ai
the proprietors of Hcott's Emul
sion found a way of preparing
1 1- -i .
COil 11 Cl Oil rO lIJu L ev LI uiiu Ldll , altogether. So I tried once moro. and
take it and get the full Value of 'got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Llnament
the oil without the objectionable : wnlch B,ave,m? a'm08t ,nHant
lm" t- i 4 1 can cheerfully recommend It, and will
tiste. bcott 8 bmulsnn 18 the add my name to your list of sufferers."
best thing in the WOIid for Weak, . Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co.
backward children, thin, delicate
people, and nil conditions of
wasting and lost strength.
Send for trm lamplt.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
B0e.tndtl.00. All drvggittt.
The entertanlment to be given next
Saturday evening, .January 21, at
May's ball In this place Is being ar
ranged for by a committee and a good
programme Is being prepared. Supper
will be served after the exercises
Each lady and girl are expected to
wear a ribbon and put In an envelope
a piece of the same and give It to the
door keeper as they enter. The gentle- j
men pay 25 cents admission and are J
given an envelope. This entitles
them to supper with the lady who
wears the duplicate ribbon.. All ladles
not wearing ribbons will bo charged
25 cents which entitles them to supper
but alone. The proceeds of tho enter
tainment are to be used for the hcurch
and sidewalk.
Mr. Itcasoner has taken a contract
of selling for the Watldns Medicine
Co. and thinks of moving nearer the
street car line.
Mr. Selby and his two sons, Pearl
and Curtis have gone back to the log
ging camp where they expect to re
main until July.
John Francis will go back to the
mines with the Falrclough boys.
Mrs. Chas. Ely went to Portland
last Wednesday In honor of her bra-
Jan. 23. Rain and mud are the
principal things going on at present
The roads are in very bad condition
in this section at present and the
prospects for them to be a great deal
worse. The new plank road from
Boring to Sandy has been said to be
an Ideal plank road, but we are under
the Impression that If those that said
Perrv Hwl are tvnt, lttranu M
ttfmti y,'ui-s liavn tinea af iitln
Our supervisor has men at work on
the new cutoff to the Oregon City
road. Wo have quite an acerage of
old and new roads on that Oregon
City route. It Is predicted that those
that llvo to see the millenlum will see
a direct and practical road from Staf
ford to Oregon City.
Miss Ellen Ellegsen has been qnltfl
sick for the past two weeks.
Mr. Sanm, Sr., Is still on the sick
With the exception of colds the rest
of in are usually well.
An old Herman found a hound eat
ing eggs, ami cs;ks iHi cents a dozen,
and took a shot at It, grazing its back.
One might as well steal u horse an, .
to look cross eyed at a hound and tho .....
unlucky shot (unlucky that It did not ,"1 4th ;u.,ure, the E"te"Prle will
kill) raised a commotion In the mind "D uoicnpuon ciud-
of the owner of tho dog. A few days "'" r)"- uregoman ana
after tho Cerman and bis wlfo happen
'Flint heavenly r.n''!nn shall be
Weep not fir me 'ii y fri'iidi so dear,
but for 1'iy sins for death l. neiir.
Dr. D. W, Jnm"'! who bus h" i ipilto
111 for tiie p:e t mouth, has Improved
a great i!eul nnd "i:, f t" i U ! w t
around ngiln, Dirin-t M. ,liuiV III-
noM., several of h!i ndntlvo hnvn
come to li'ii mm le-ei' er intm
Hufflilo, N. Y. and K"Vern from fill
Ifornla, nml other ntnten
0. and A. Tlio"ii s jnnd't a bit'dnnin
trip to Porthind tills week.
Very fc.v of th '!,(,.- r)-i;i'M'i(v
of sick horses tbH yur : not a very
good kIkh for live 'dock Inon-ofo
IC'lii't Parry's family, who has been
on the sick list. lire wei ns'uin.
Relatives called on John Hollander
and family last Sunday.
Miss Lnura Parry Is working on tho
Win, Moehnke residence,
Win. Daniels and Itolund E.lwnrds
called on Lulio Duffy one night this
A. Thomas has been on tho Hick list
for the piiHt few days,
Enterprise, both one year, $2.25; 8eml
Weekly Journal and Enterprise, both
one year, $2.00., Either call at Enter
prise office or mail your order,
ed to be In Oregon City, to see a den
tist, when they vero accosted by a
so called lawyer, taken to his olllce,
ami iir.erany scared out or $zt to
settle the dog question. This Is the CANBY.
first caso of blackmail attempted In
Stafford for a length of tlmo, and tho
nwner of the hound has not raised Cornelius Tlalr, n pioneer of Cluck
himself In the estimation of his .amns County, and long time resident
neighbors, while tho Oerman and hls"f "'Is city, and at the time of his
wlfo have the hearty sympathy of tho i 'h'ath, a coiincllmiin. died on Jaminry
community. It Is whispered that the'2", 1 '. Mr. Hair had been ailing
end may not bo yet. They hud earned
the money picking hops.
' ...,. 41 1 , .... ,
mono mm,, iiitviDK mill II HiroitO Or
paralysis about one year ngo. Tho
of xirt rnri In making thum
tntrinr 10 p.ii onir
Vo ftre MfH-ln IImih In growing
V ' '.V. Il'jwrr nml YrK''iftl'l'l hhhi.
bnnA P.M. FERRY 4 CO.,
1 m
Mrs. Powell, our merchant's wife.
who underwent an oporutlon for ap
pendicitis on tho 4th of December
returned to her homo last Thursday,
the IS !.h.
Mr. Pomperlno has tho wire and Is
getting out the posts for his seven
acre hop yurd. He says when hops
are low is tho time to Invest and thoy
are bound to advance by tho time
they are at a bearing ago, j
we nenr nothing further this week
funeral took place from his Into resi
dence on Monday, January 22, Inter
ment was hud at tho Zimmerman cem
etery, near Needy.
Mr. (leo. Klotchor was a recent vis
itor In Spokane, Washington.
Itev. V, S. Clomo nttendod a meet
ing of preachers, of tho East Portland
District Methodist Episcopal Church,
at Woodburn, a couple of days lust
Tho box Roclal given by tho Ladles'
of the railroad which Is expected to I of 1,10 Christian Church, last
pass throng all our back forties, Monday evening, was well attended.
A programme consisting of readings
Can't be perfect health without pure ! wrondor ,C"
blood Burdock Blood Bitters makes j ThS wllf ns fee at