OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19,. 1906. 1 k 7 i.1 WITHYCOMBE FOR GOVERNOR. Xmas Goods at Living Profits HOLIDAY What we say ' we do we do DO Files Notice of His Candidacy and 'Platform at Salem. SPECIALTIES Having bought our stock of Xmas Goods early, we obtained ex ceptionally good cash discounts and by shipping by steamer around the Horn we saved also considerable on freight rates. This saving we intend giving our patrons the advantage of. We are now displaying one of the largest and neatest Holiday ' ...- lines in the city. t Owing to our limited floor space, we are not able to show all we have but "if you don't see what you want ask for it." We are sure to have it. . We want to call your attention especially to our fine showing'of faamed and unframed pictures. Hundred of subjects to pick from, nu merous, pretty and novelty framees, handsome water colors, and at pricer we will guarantee you can't equal. We haven't room to mention all the attractive presents we have in store for you but want you to come in and see for yourself. Be free to come when you please, and we'll see you are not urged to buyjunless you want to. wwwvwwwwvwwwwvv Honest Goods at Honest Prices Ml & Jones : Made Easy : Reliable Druggists Dr. James Withycombe, of Corvallis, has filed with Secretary of State Dun bar, notice of his candidacy for the Republican, nomination for Governor. Appended is the official notice and Dr. Withcombe's declaration, of prin ciples: To F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State of the State of Oregon, and to the members of the Republican party and the electors .of Oregon in the State of Oregon: I, James Withcombe, reside at Cor vallis.Benton County, Oregon, and my post-office address is "Corvallis, Ore gon." I am a duly registered member of the Republican party. If I am nominated for the office of Governor, at the primary nominating election to be held in the State of Oregon, the twentieth day of April, 1906, I will accept the nomination and will not withdraw, and if I am elected I will qualify as such officer. If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, advocate and support: Taxation of franchises and gross earnings, tax on telegraph, telephone, express and sleeping car corporations Uniform assessment and taxation of railroads. State regulation and examination of 6tate and private banks, trust compan ies and savings banks. Protection of the State in its owner ship of public lands. A Board of control for State insti tutions. One board of management of nor mal schools. Improvement of the Columbia and Willamette rivers and coast seaports. National ownership of the Oregon City Locks. Constitutional amendment permit ting the Governor or the people to veto individual items of appropria tions. An honest and fearless performance of public duty. : X (form for nominating ballot.) "Honest and fearless performance of public duty. A greater and united Oregon." Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, January 12, 1906. Buegfar Toolst Found. The dllseovery of a complete outfit of burglar's tools, including a plentiful supply of dynamite caps, iu a room of a local lodging house faera Tuesday, created some' excitement. The lancb lady reported the discovery to the police but the occupant of the room recovered his . property and departed for unknown parts before the proprie tor of the house returned with the au thorities. Several days ago a stranger called at the house and engaged a room, explaining that he would be joined within a few days by four com panions for whom he also desired ac commodations. It is believed here that the stranger and his, asaooiatea comprised a gang of professional hold up and all-round generally bad men who expected to operate at Portland and other surrounding points,' main taining a rendezvous in this city. Modern Dentistry DEMOCRATS HOLD CONFERENCE. Decide To Nominate Straight County ' and Legislative Tickets. HIGHLAND. Highland feels high indeed. We Tiave a new store and telephones and nearly everybody yells "Hello.'" But according to reports the high feeling "that was manifested at the telephone meetings which are held,, in Highland for the purpose of creating aiew divi sions came very near reaching a high pitch. .; Division No. 9, of . Beaver Creek Mutual Telephone Association, held its annual meeting Saturday night and Sunday morning with . all of its members present excepting one, and that one was represented ' by proxy. Iester fellows had the honor of representing the absent one. - High land has style and business combined. Increase of business necessitated the creation of two more offices, namely; President and Vice-president. Elec tion was held with the following re sults; A. Klebe, president; Fred Madi son, director; G. R. Miller, secretary treasurer; and Fred Heft, vice-president. We would have done business in good shape, but, alas for human ailments and frailties, the chairman's head ached which retarded proceed ings very much. Mrs." H. North is at a Portland hos pital receiving medical treatment. The Mayfield boys are aspiring to be merchants, they have builded a little store and undoubtedly will do business. School vacation has come to a close and Robt. Ginther is at the helm again in District No. 33. But the best of all is the arrival of Napoleon Nelson who passed through here yesterday in person announcing his possible candidacy for state sena tor on the Democratic ticket. He in- t i I 0 9 I 0 New Clubbing Rates Hereafter the Enterprise offers the following Subscription Cubbing Rates :: :: :: :: S Enterprise and j Rnfu fnr 49 or WeeKIy Uregonian (iwunvi tp..a4.t Serai-Weekly Journal Bothfor$2. Call at the Enterprise Office or mail you order at once formed the writer that he registered as an independent and will make the race after the primary. He further states that Geo. C. will get the nomin ation on the Republican ticket for the same office and Mr. Nelson is ready to meet him on the stump. That certain ly will be interesting. Geo. C, Geo. C. beware of the day When Nelson shall meet thee in battle-array. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Miller drove over to Springwater last Saturday, the 13th inst., and installed the officers recently elected of Springwater Grange. Mrs. Miller acted in the capacity of install ing officer. Every thing was lovely and the goose honks high. Mr. liilmer, recently of Portland, and living on the old Fellow's place sold out and moved back to Portland again. Highland Grange is holding its regular meetings with a good attendance. The Direct Primary Nominating Election Law is not thoroughly under stood by a great number of electors throughout the county. Some of them refuse to give the party they affiliate with. We don't know whether it is fear or shame, or both combined. It is useless to tell some people any thing about new things. They are grounded in " the old rut and are de termined to stay. there. Where igno rance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise. If they would learn and commit to mem ory only the six words, to-wit: "The party nominates, the people elect." The cobwebs from their vision would vanish and light would appear, but, will they do it? Deserves Your Patronage. The placing of a straight Demo cratic ticket in the field at the coming June election was unamiously agreed to at a meeting of the Clackamas County Democratic Central Committee at a meeting held here Wednesday. The meeting was one of the most largely attended and enthusiastic ever held by the minority party in this county, eighteen of the forty pre cinct committeemen being pres ent in addition to a large representa tion of Democrats from many of the precincts. O. D. Eby was continued as Chairman of the organization. W. B. Stafford, J. E. Jack, H. E. Draper, H. F. Latourette and J. A. McGlashan were appointed a commit tee to arrange the details of a banquet and Democratic love-feast to be held in Oregon City, Thursday, February 9, when there will be addresses by Governor Chamberlain and other prom inent speakers within the party. It was decided to make an effort to secure the registration of all voters before the tme for holding the Pri mary election in April and to that end it was ordered that each precinct committeeman arrange for the holding of meetings in his precinct when the details of the primary and registra tion laws can be explained. Precinct committeemen to fill the vancies in the County Central Committee were named as follows: Eagle Creek, J. J. Budd; Boring, James Stone; Harmony, Alfred Clarke. ' The passing of the hat netted $7.75 for incendental expenses. Prospective candidates for county officers were not suggested at the meeting although the mention of J. E. Hedges, of this city, as the probable candidate of the Democracy for State Senator was enthusiastically received. I . INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATOR. , The growth of a community and the success of its local institutions depends entirely on the loyalty of its people. . It is well enough to preach "patronize home industry" . but except the service given at a home institution equals that of out- of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and is entirely disregard ed, as It should be. But with Oregon CiU people it is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It is equipped with the latest improved machinery and is daily turning , out work that is equal to any and , superior- to - much, of the laundry work that 4s. being done in Portland. Being a home institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people it is i enjoying an- immense patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends it to the general public. Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop win be promptly called for and delivered to any part of . the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. Harding Precinct, Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, January 18, 1906. Mr. Editor: I hereby announce myself an Independent candidate for State Senator, in this county. 4 I am sixty-six years old; was born near Springfield, Sangamon county, Illinois, and emigrated to this country in 1851. By occupation a farmer. Have worked at the printing business, taught school, mined, chopped wood and grub bed. Never held or ran for office, ex cept school director and clerk. Politically, I hail from the Demo cratic camp, and entertain Socialistic views. Am a Woman Suffragist and a temperance man never having been so drunk but what I could walk a crack in the floor. I shall be pleased to meet my opponents and discuss the living issues of the day at any, time and place. If the people of this county see proper to give me a seat in the Legislature, I propose to go there with my hands unbound, and serve them to the best of my ability. Fellow citizens, I hope to meet you all later on, when we can reason to gether. Respectfully, N. F. NELSON. RAILROAD LANDS FOR LEASE, Lands of the OREGON AND CALI FORNIA RAILROAD COMPANY, in Oregon will be leased for the year 1906,-subject to cancellation of lease in the event of the sale of land during the term of lease. Owners of farms and ranches ad joining railroad lands should file their applications not later than February 1, 1906, after which date applications from others will also be .considered. Address Charles W. Eberlein, Act ing Land Agent, 1035 Merchants Ex change, San, Francisco, Cal. An Argument Against The - Scheme. "I see some professor wants to have people killed for the purpose of put ting them out of their misery." "Pshaw! That would be foolish. Think of the many people who can't be happy unless they are miserable." Would Want AnEasy One.' "Would you change your religion for a man?" "I hardly know. A good deal would depend on how much religion there was in the -religion he wanted me to change to." , i "Cure the cough and save the life." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs and colds, down to the very verge of consumption. UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. Leave Portland 6:45 a. m. daily (except Sunday) for Salem and way points. Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Independence, Al bany and Corvallis. Regular service, courteous treat ment and prompt dispatch are our specialties. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Dock: Foot Taylor Street Phone Main 40. Do not delay having those Crowns and Bridges done un til you lose the teeth. We are doing Crown and Bridge work without hurting you. We should like you to see our new methods of construct ing Crowns and Bridges. If you have a few old teeth that are only fit to extract don't go on suffering tooth ache when we repair them and not cause you any pain with out the use of ether, chloro form, gas or cocaine. Per fectly safe and harmless. Why don't you have youi$ teeth filled with that new material-Porcelain Inlays? It lasts and looks better than gold. We can fill your teeth with gold without the rubber dam if you don't like the dam. We try to please ou and guarantee to do so. ' We have a graduate assist-, ant, who is a specialist in gold pxedain work. L. L. PICKENS Dentist Weinhard Building Opposite Court House. For any disease of the skin there la nothing better than Chamberlain's Salve. It relieves the itching and burning sen sation instjuitly and soon effect a cure. Sold by Ilowell & Jones. 1906 1906 I Start Right Use Electric Light BEGIN THE NEW YEAR AT THE NEW RATE WILHOIT. Ail Used. Up. "I would like," he said, "to do some thing to cement our friendship." "I'm afraid," she replied, "that you I never can. You're so stuck on your-' seir that I don t see where any more cement is to come from." What is going to happen? The Enter prise reached us on Saturday instead of Monday. Let the good work go on. Miss Judith Paulson returned home a few days ago. Mr. Eckud, our genial mail carrier, is suffering with a severe cold. Mr. Paulson is- making great im- provements on his barn, so as to ac commodate more cows. The Misses Hattie and Dollie Bow man were visiting their sister, Mrs. Eckud, at Molalla Friday. Oh, how lovely it is to tread up and down our roads now. Don't you wish you were the mail carier? I do not. . . The 25 per cent reduction in rates for ELECTRIC LIGHTING puts this only modern method of illumi nation with all its benefits all its conveniences---all its economies; within the means of every house holder, even- storekeeper- EVERYBODY. No home is really UP-TO-DATE in its furnish ing if it be not electrically equipped. The numerous electrical conveniences such as electric flat-irons, chaf ing dishes, tea and coffee pots, heating pads, nursery milk warmers, curling irons; and a hundred other electrical devices, save TIME, STRENGTH and MONEY for the busy housewife.' The"cost to operate these electrical conveniences is so small as to be trifling. IN THE STORE Electric service offers the solu tion of overy lighting problem. THE LIFE OF TRADE IS ELECTRIC LIGHT and trade follows THE LIGHT. ' ELECTRIC SIGNS SELL GOODS, they burn the name into the public mind. ELECTRICITY FOR YOUR EVERY-DAY NEEDS ESTIMATES On cost of wiring, cost of current and information re garding the use of electricity for light or power promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. Portland General electric company C G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.