Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 19, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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...Short Sidehead Stories...
Two . Divorces
Mary Hockinson was on Saturday
granted a divorce from Albert Hockin
son and was awarded the custody of
two minor children by Judge McBride.
Katie Wallace was also legally separ
ated from Herman S. Wallace and
given the privilege of resuming her
maiden name, Katie Henderson.
Get Your License
All hunter's licenses issued in 1905
expired January 1 and should be re
newed at once by all who are in danger
of being found running at large with
a gun. There are deputy game ward
ens in Clackamas county, and hunters
might profit by handing or sending
your little dollar to the County Clerk.
Such a course would prove more econ
omical, perhaps, than to be caught
without a license.
Scare at Woolen Mill
A general alarm Saturday after
noon called the volunteer fire compan
ies of the city to the woolenmill plant
of the Oregon City Manufacturing Co.,
where a fire in the dry-room beneath
the weave room threatened the build
ing with serious damage. The fire
started among some wool and was ex
tinguished by the patent automatic
sprinkling service with which the
mill is equipped, before it had gained
much headway. Only slight damage
in the primary election. A number of
other like meetings will be held inj
tne county in the next ten weeks.
Will Have Mock Trial
The pupils of the Barclay High
School, of this city, consisting of the
members of the Ninth and Tenth
grades' have arranged for a mock trial
to be held at the -school on the after
noon of the 26th inst. The charge
involved is that of breach of promise,
the plaintiff being Carl Schramm
while the defendant 'is Irene . Moore.
The plaintiff's legal representatives
are Russell Wood and Allie Grout and
the defendant has retained Breyman
Caufield and E. C. Latourette as her
attorneys. Miss Ruth Latourette has
been selected as the presiding judge
who will see that the hearing of the
suit is conducted after the manner of
customary court procedure. The wit
nesses and the members of the jury
will be selected from among the stu
dents. If the trial, which is a devia
tion from the usual literary exercises
is a success, it may be repeated as a
public entertainment.
Wants Divorce and Children
Charles Baker, who married Leonie
Baker in Benton county in 1880, has
filed suit for divorce, alleging cruel
and inhuman treatment, neglectful at
tention of the children and desertion
last December. Plaintiff charges the
defendant with having left the two
minor children in the care and cus
tody cf M. B. Williams, of Albina, who
refuses to surrender them to him.
Baker asks for a dissolution of the
matrimonial ties and for an order of
the court directing Williams to de
liver the children to himself.
Educating the Voters
Under the direction of the Repub
lican organization of Clackamas coun
ty meetings, will be held throughout
the county for the purpose of acquaint
ing voters with the various provisions
and requirements of the Direct Pri
mary Law and the matter of registra
tion. C. Schuebel, secretary of the
Republican County Central Commit
tee on Saturday night addressed a
large gathering of voters at Damascus.
The meeting was strictly non-partisan,
the name of not a single candidate
being mentioned in the course of the
evening which was devoted to an ex
position of the new plan for nominat
ing candidates and also the necessity
for registering in order to participate
Coyote Escapade
New Year's morning Mrs. F. Wehr-
heim was the heroine in a meeting
with a coyote. She was on the way to
her brother, J. P. Stemman s near
Currinsville, when she came face to
face with an animal, the likes of which
she had never seen. It was about
thirty feet away, but upon seeing Mrs.
Wehrheim the beast quietly crept
away. Upon arriving at her brother's
she told of her strange meeting, and
three of the bravest hunters in the
country, Severen Kircham, Philip
Steinman and Norman Linn, with the
latter's two hounds, started, in pursuit
of Mr. Coyote. The dogs soon had the
scent and then followed a chase of an
hour and a half. Finally the coyote
happened too close to Norman who
sent a ball -from his never-erring rifle
straight to the animal's heart. It
was a fine shot as the coyote was pas
sing the marksman. Noah Stingley
will now be considered a back number
as the best rifle shot around here.
Estacada News.
"And to think that ten months ago I looked like
this I I owe it to German Syrup." "
The time-worn injnnction, "Never put
off 'til to-morrow what you can do to
day," is now generally presented in this
form :" Do it to-day !' That is the terse
advice we want to give you about that
hacking cough or demoralizing cold with
which you have been struggling for sev
eral days, perhaps weeks. Take some
reliable remedy for it To-day and let
that remedy be Dr. Boschee's German
Syrup, which has been in use for over
thirty-five years. A few doses of it will
undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold,
and its continued use for a few days will
cure you completely. No matter how
deep-seated your cough, even if dread
consumption has attacked your lungs,
German Syrup will surely effect a cure
as it has done before in thousands of ap
parently hopeless csises of lung trouble.
New trial bottles, 25c ; regular size,
75c. At all druggists. a
Charmdn & Co., City Drug Store
brave; George Brown, fourth brave;
W. M. Reames, guard of wigwam; M.
Muench, guard of 'forest. The' Redmen
are enjoying a vigorous growth in
this state, several new tribes having
recently been instituted while others
await institution. Organizer J. H.'
Howard, , reports the forming of new
tribes recently at Canby, Oswego,
Newport and Toledo. Tribes will soon
be organized at Aurora, St. Johns and
Estacada. ,
fTTfiti 11 1 urn rriTt
Lydia E. Pinkham's
" Vntintahln Cnmnntwnrt
GLADSTONE, January 15, 1906. To
the People of Clackamas County: I
hereby announce myself as a candi
date for representative to the legis
lature, on the Republican ticket, to be
voted for at the next primary election.
Under the present primary law,
there being no convention of dele
gates, to formulate a platform or dec
laration of principles, on which all is a positive cure for all those painful
candidates must stand, it becomes ailments of women. It will entirely
necessary for each candidate to have cure the worst forms of Female Corn
some principles of his own, and a plaints. Inflammation and Ulceration,
decent respect for the voters whose Falling; and Displacements and conse
suff rages he is asking, renders it quent Spinal Weakness, and is peculi
essential that each candidate should arly adapted to the Change of Life.
plainly and unequivocally declare It will surely cure,
those principles before the wte is .
taken at the primary election. BaCKaOnOm I
It is especially desirable that candi- It has cured more cases of Female
dates for the legislature should make Weakness than any other remedy the
such declaration of principles, In ac- world has ever known. It is almost in-
cordance with which belief I respect- fallible in such cases. It dissolves and
fully submit the following: j expels Tumors in an early stage of
1 promise mai 11 eieciea 10 ine , development, xnav
legislature I will vote for the candi
date for the United States senator
having the highest number of votes
to build them. When a good road is
built it should be kept in good repair
above all other things.
Second I owe no, allegiance to any
Boss or political ring, but stand on my
own merits as a man. I believe an
officer to be the servant of the people.
Third I believe in a square deal to
every man regardless of location or
I am not a man of many promises
but if nominated and elected I will
to the very best of my ability stand
for all things possible for the advance
ment and the welfare of Clackamas
county. Having resided in the county
for more than fifty years and having
served the people " of this county as
County Commissioner for four years
and being familiar with every road and
section of the county, it would be use
less to say more. Whatever may be
the verdict of the people, I will cheer
fully submit.
copy its information from insurance
journals, but secures it first hand
from managers, agents and companies
and by telegraph from its own special
correspondents, by telephone and spec
ial cable dispatches from abroad. The
New York service of The Record-Herald's
insurance department is equaled
by no other paper. In fact. The Record-Herald
is the only daily newspaper
that gives insurance men the first in
formation daily on every important
event in the insurance business.
Insurance News
Insurance men of the West who read
the daily columns of the insurance in
formation in the Chicago Record-Herald
keep pace with the times and are
prepared for all emergencies, and con
tingencies that have grown" into the
insurance business. The column
"With Insurance Men" gives in com
Dact form all the latest dniners in the
insurance world, and is conceded by Cjbinn, first warrior; Will Jordan, sec
insurance men everywhere to the best ond warrior; L. Berry, third warrior;
and most up-to-date report published Dan Completo, fourth warrior; Peter
by any newspaper in the United Pettit, first brave; Peter Younger,
States. The Record-Herald does not second brave; George Hannian, third
Redmen Are Thriving
Wacheno Tribe No. 13, Improved
Order of Redmen, recently held an
installation of officers, the services
being conducted by George Purcifull,
deputy great sachem. The following
officers were installed: H. Hennigsen,
sachem ; John Finucane, senior sag
amore; Web Burns, junior sagamore;
E. L. McFarland, prophet; John C.
Bradley, chief of records; C. D. Hart
man, keeper of wampam; C. W. Kelly,
collector of wampam ; Ed. Jordan, first
sanap; L. Ruconich, second sanap; F.
Bearing-down Fooilng,
causing pain, weight and headache, is
for the office, at the general election instantly relieved and permanently
' . .. . . a 1 j ,t a -11
cure li vy its use. uuuer axx circum
stances it acts in harmony with, the
female system. It corrects
Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weak
ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloat
ing, Nervous Prostration, Headache,
General Debility. Also
Dizziness, Faintness,
Cztreme Lassitude, " don't-care " and
" want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excit
ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep
lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the
"blues," and backache. These are
sure indications of Female Weakness,
some derangement of the organs. For
Kidney Complaints
and Backache of either sex the Vegeta
ble Compound is unequalled.
You can write Mrs. Pinkham about
yourself in strictest confidence. .
1TDIA S. PIKKHAK MED. CO., Ijmm, lui.
aext preceeding the election of
senator . in Congress.
I am in hearty accord with Presi
dent Roosevelt's administration. I am
unalterably opposed to political
"graft," of every kind and degree.
This manner of .electing U. S. sena
tors will to a very great extent elimi
nate the question of national politics
from our legislature, allowing the at
tention of the legislature to be turned
toward state and local needs.
Clackamas County is destined to be
one of the richest counties in the state
with vast resources only awaiting the
combined influence of labor and capi
tal for such developement.
In this developement railroads must
play an important part. I believe it
would be unwise to send men to the
legislature to fight the railroads as it
would be to elect railroad attorneys to
work for the railroads and against the
people s interest.
If ' elected to the legislature I
should consider myself especially as a
representative of the farmers and la
boring men, believing that through my
experience as both farmer and laborer
I understand the needs and wishes of
the producing classes better than can
any man without such experience.
I believe a public officer should be a
public servant and should defer to the
wishes of his constituents, 'when ex
pressed so that he may know their
I believe our representatives should
be broad minded enough to take into
consideration the varied industries and
needs of the whole state, but he should
give especial attention to the needs of
his own county.
If the people see fit to elect me as
one of their representatives I promise
to do all in my power towards carrying
out the foregoing principles and es
pecially towards advancing and pro
tecting the interests of the whole peo
of Clackamas County .
Respectfully submitted to the voters
of the county,
Prompt Action Must Be Taken
Preserve Health.
Is no longer a mere novelty like tne old style
talking machine. It is seriously recognized by
music lovers as a musical instrument of great
merit, reproducing all the beautiful quality
of the original.
Prices of Machines, $ 7.50, $20,
$25, $35, $45 and $65.
Reduced prices on Records, 7 -in.
35c, 10-in. 60c, 12-in. $1.00.
A Grim Tragedy
is daily enacted in thousands of homes,
as Death claims in each one, another
victim of Consumption or Pneumonia.
But when Coug-hs and Colds are properly
treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G.
Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind., writes:
"My wife had the consumption, and three
doctors gave her up. Finally she took
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consum
tion. Coughs and Colds, which cured her
and today she is well and strong." It
kills the germs of all diseases. One dose
relieves. Guaranteed at 50c and $1.00 by
Howell & Jones Drug Store. Trial
bottle free.
opening gong to knockout is on the,
screen, and ready for inspection. The
real thing, the genuine article, and
the finest motion pictures ever shown
that is the unanimous virdict wher
ever the pictures have been seen.
-The price of tickets to all parts of
the house will be 50 cents,
J. W. Coffrith, president of the Col
ma Club, where the fight occurred, is
the owner of the copyrighted film.
"To keep the body in tune," writes
Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "I take Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They are the most re
liable and pleasant laxative I have
found." Best for the Stomach, Liver
and Bowels. Guaranteed by Howell &
Jones, druggists. 25c.
Kidney ; troubles are dangerous be
cause they creep on so stealthily that
they get a firm grip on the victim be
fore he is aware of it. They manifest
themselves in such varied forms that
they are easily mistaken for other
diseases. '
Make no mistake.
Do not delay.
Treat the Kidney now.
The kidneys are sick and will not
get well unless you use a kidney med
icine. Doan's Kidney Pills is the cer
tain, safe and prompt remedy for the
kidneys only. It cures,
Q. S .Cooper, farmer, living three
miles northeast of Salem, Ore., on the
garden road, says: "I very often lift
ed heavy weights, but have since re
gretted having done so, as the result
was that I strained my back and ever
after have had more or less trouble
from dull aching pains across my
loins and other symptoms of kidney
complaint. In some way Doan'S Kid
ney Pills were brought to my notice
and the first time I went to town f
dropped into a drugstore and inquired
about them . I was told they were
highly recommended and advised to
give them a trial. I did so. And
while I did not follow the treatment
as regularly as I should have done,
being a poor hand to take any kind , of
medicine, the benefit I derived from
their use stamps them as a remedy
which acts fully up to the represen
tations made for it."
Plenty more proof like this from
Oregon City people. Call at Huntley
Bros'. Drug Store and ask what their
customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Dangers of a
Cold and
How to Avoid
Sheriff Shaver Disposes of Much Pro
perty to the County.
Sheriff Shavpr nn IVTnn ri a v liAe-nr th
sale of real estate in this county on !
which the taxes for the year 1904 re
main delinquent. - Only city property
was offered for sale Monday and the
bulk of that was bid in by the county.
On a total tax roll of$227,000, the
delinquent roll represents unpaid
ta$es in the amount of about $4,000.
In the sale of aeerage, which was
taken up later in the week, there
were a number of "bidders, the greater
part of this class of land being readily
The Socialists will hold a special
meeting in Knapp's Hall next Sunday,
Jan. 21, at 2 p. m., as the first anniver
sary of bloody Sunday, or the slaught
er of the Russian Workingmen.
John W. Slayton, a National Organi
zer of the Socialist Party, will be pre
sent and deliver the address. The ad
dress of the Rev. Wells at the last
meeting on January 7 was well attend
ed and the Socialists are congratulat
ing their party organization on se
curing these able .speakers at this
how the other half lives. Those who
use Bucklen's Arnica Salve never won
der if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Burns,
Sores and all Skin eruptions; they
know it will Mrs. Grant Shy, 1130, E.
Reynolds St., Springfield, 111., says:
"I regard it one of the absolute neces
sities of housekeeping." Guaranteed
by- Howell & Joes, druggists. 25c.
Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 16, 1906.
To the voters of Clackamas county:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination
for County Commissioner at the Pri
mary election to be held in April. I
My, previous record as Commissioner
and my knowledge of roads and the
construction of bridges are so well
known to the most of the people of j
More fatalities have their origin in or
result from a cold than from any other
cause. This fact alone should make
people more careful as there is no danger
whatever from a cold when it is properly
treated in the beginning. For many
years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been recognized as the most prompt and
effectual medicine .in use for this disease.
It acts on nature's plan, loosens the
cough, relieves the Jungs, opens the se
crettions and aids nature in restoring
the system to a healthy condition. Sold
by Howell & Jones.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction
Clackamas county that promises and I It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
pledges are' not seemingly necessary, diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
But there are some things for which, j drives away a Cold in the Head quickly,
if elected, I will stand in the future as i Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell,
well as I have done in the past, to the Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs,
best of my ability. ! Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
First I am an advocate of good. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by
permanent roads in every section of mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
the county as rapidly as it is possible ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York.
Oregon City, Oregon
Sa s pension Bridge Corner The Oregon City JcwclcfS '
There has been many great fistic J
. 1 1 n f 1 , 4.;nn- , i 4. '
no combat yet waged could surpass i
in fury and vigor the recent mill be- j
tween Bailing Nelson and James Ed- !
ward Britt. This contest was so fierce ,
so desperate, and withal so fairly '
waged, that it will live forever in the
memories of all who saw the Titanic
struggle. Only a few people, of course
could reach Colma to see the actual,
veritable battle, but those who could
not go can still see every blow and
every movement of the fray. The
motion pictures taken at the ringside,
when developed, turned out to be by
miles the finest set of fight films ever
seen, perfect from start to finish un
equalled in clearness and perfection.
The man who was not at the ringside,
after seeing these pictures, can talk
0 on terms of equal knowledge with the
A man who occupied a ringside shair.
Transacts a general banking business.
9 a. m. to 4 p. m. . .
Open from
Prices Reasonable
DO YOtir Work Worl Guaranteed
We do- a General Baggage and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building
TZZZ?ZZm Williams Bros. Transfer Co.