2 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1906. 4 $ Out Co espondents' Cone 2i Brief IKts of Gossip From All Parts of the County. UNION HALL. The basket social given at the El dorado "ihool house was a decided succ?" in every way. The program rende.-ed by the pupils .was just fine. Thc-c were 22 baskets sold, and they brr-zht $18.25. . .Tohn Helvey, who is working up ncar Marquam, was down to visit- his parents a few days ago. John Burns attended the social at the Eldorado school house. . John Molzen was hauling wood for T. J. Grimes. Charles Pipka and his two sons -are working in Portland. Charles Pembroke, formerly of this place, who now resides at The Dalles, was in this vicinity a short time ago. Sturgis Bros., the saw mill men, are putting dressed lumber in their shed bo as to be ready to furnish the same when Spring opens. Mr. Strejic is clearing and fencing land between showers this winter. James Adkins and his men are run ning logs while the weather is damp. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of W. 34th St., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: . I had Salt Rheum, or Eczema for yeafs, but nothine would cure it, until I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at Howell & Jones Drug Store. CLARKES. Mr. B. Sullivan, the road boss, was seen putting up some sign boards at Clarkes and at the cross roads near Clarkes. They are printed excellent fine just like printed with, a cow foot. We have lots of rain. Well, that reminds me of a stranger from the East who came along one day and ask ed me if it rained thirty-five days in a month. "No, no!" I said, "It just rains twenty-eleven days in the long est months in winter." Mr. F. Marshall bought a steam saw from A. Ginther, of Shubel. Dick is busy sawing wood. Well, keep your saw well filed Dick, it isn't cutting a bit too fast. - Greatly In Demand. Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern require ments for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's New LMe Pills. They ane just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Try them at Howell c Jones Drug Store, 25c, guaranteed. TWILIGHT. Miss Florence McCord spent Sun day with her sisters in Portland. Mr. Chas. White has taken a con tract for cutting a hundred cords of wood for Mr. D. B. Martin. Mr. J. M. Olds made a business trip to Woodburn. Mrs. Fred J. Meindl and son visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lazelle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson made a business trip to Portland one day last week. Mr. Adolph Joehnke has been pre vented from attending business col lege the past week on account of ill ness. Messrs. James and Dennis Hylton were calling on friends last Saturday afternoon. Mr. David Fancher spent Sunday ev ening at the home of Mr. Henry Scheer. Mrs. Swick and children are on the sick list. We hope for their speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Schriener spent a day with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. John Burgdyne, of- New Era. The Grip. "Before we can sympathize with others, we must have suffered ourselves." No one can realize the suffering attendant upon an attack of the grip, unless he has had the actual experience. There is probably no disease that causes so much physical and mental agony, or which so successfully defies medical aid. All danger from grip, however, may be avoid ed by the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thou sands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that has resulted in pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale by Howell & Jones. DOVER. A. J. Kitzmiller spent the week at Oregon City looking after court busi ness. Mr. Randolph is now living at Es tacada. George Kitzmiller is looking after the Bowman ranch for Mr. Rudolph. Mr. Nelson has sold off nil his Ktnfk Mr. Keith who bought the Erdman place is now moving in. Several Dover people were called to Oregon City this week as witnesses on a law suit. The Strowbridge hill, between Do ver and Sandy is in a deplorable con dition. Pleasant and Most Effective. T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, li ber ty. Texas, writes Dec, 25. 1902: "With pleasure and. unsolicited by you, I bear testimony to the curative power of Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I have used it in my family and can cheerfully affirm it is the most effective and best remedy for coughs and colds I have ever used." Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. NEEDY. (Mark's Prairie and vicinity.) Mr. George Oglesby is but little bet ter. His friends hope for his speedy "recovery. It seems like Spring today, Sunday, and no snow for a sleigh ride. Just a word to the Needy Literary Society: Don't get an old man to get up and giye you a lot of hot air and then make fun of him, as he certainly not mentally right. See! Mr. Cail Hilton is the musician for the Sunflower Grange at Needy. Mr. Clarence and Phillip Miller have the mumps. The Banfleld orchestra will re-organize as follows: First violin, Frank Oglesby ;cornestist, Chas Wolfer; clarionet, T. A. Campan; pianist, Chas. Oglesby. The appointment of R. W. Zimmer man for supervisor is all right and the people are well satisfied. , Several of our young people spent a pleasant evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman last Satur day evening. Games and music were enjoyed by those present. Mr. Chas Wolfer was calling on Oglesby Bros. Sunday. We notice several aspirants for office that have the earmarks of the Brownell ring and later on we will state who they are.- The leading Republicans here .are down on rings and machine politics and will demand new men and young for our offices. We do not want old fossils who are always after the pie and say that because a man is poor he should not be noticed on road petitions ! or jury's duty. That the Milwaukie candidate for Judge will get a set back goes without saying. It seems that there is not enough Democrats in Needy to have a quo rum. We are sorry to see a family feud creep into the Needy school. This is all wrong. What Needy District should do is to elect as directors persons who are not related, in any wav to the warring factions Mr. John Goetz sold a fine cow and calf to Mr. Keil, of New Era, the past week. Sickening Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria can be relieved and cured with Electric Bitters. This a pure tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for It exerts a true curative in fluence on the disease, driving it entirely out of the system. It is much to be pre ferred to Quinine, having nono of this drugs bad after effects. E. S. Munday, Henrietta, Texas, writes; "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice until he took Electric Bittres, which saved his life. At Howell & Jones Drug Store; price 60S, guaranteed. GARFIELD. Weather is a little more like winter a little snow just enough to make the ground white. Quite a number of our industrious farmers have their plowing turned ready for early seeding. Outside stock are looking well. The winter has been so open that they needed little or no feed. The grass hasn't stopped growing all winter. Quite a demand for stock hogs in this part of the county, as all were sold off in the fall. No one is able to fill orders. Mr. Mulin has bought Mr. Yocum &. Son's little saw mill and will move it onto his farm in Eastern Garfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens and son Raymond, of Portland, were the guests of Mrs. Steven s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Palmateer, the past week. Mrs. Lillie DeShazer and son visit ed relatives in Garfield a few days the past week. They returned to their home at lone, Eastern Oregon. Born, to the wife of Mr. H. H. An ders, a 10 pound son. Mr. Anders is the man that got both his 'legs broken by being struck with a cable at Caza dere a few years ago. The young people's meetings in South Garfield are well attended by the young men and women. Our Sunday School is being kept up by an interested crowd. Mr. H. Epperson and his sister re ceived the sad news of the death of flVED fl! LIFE" That's what a prominent Iruggist said of Scott's cCmulsioii a short time isro. As a rule we don't jse or refer to testimonials tn addressing the public, out the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy -of occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im proper and weak develop- ment, restoring lost flesh I and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul sion itself. What it does it does, through nourish ment the kind of nourish ment that cannot be ob tained in ordinary f5od. No system is too weak or delicate tO retain Scott's EmulsiOI and gather gOOd I from it. j We, will send you a j sample tree. B urc that this picture in the formoi a Ubdta on the wrpp bUT"7 y0" SCOTT & ,B0WNE . . i UiemiSIS i 409 Pearl St. N. Y. . 50c and $1; all druggists. BEST BY TEST "I have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from all kinds of weather." The name and address of tne writer of thim unsolicited ustter may b bad upon application) Highest Award World's Fair, 1904. A. J. TOWER CO. Boston. U.S. A. The Sign of the Fish TOWER CANADIAN CO.. LIMITED Toronto, Cansna Maker of Warranted Wet Weather Cloti.lng their aged auntie at Bull Run, this county, Mrs. Delilah Cockle-Reas. She was the last pioneer of Sandy Ridge, Clackamas county. She was well loved by her may relatives and her friends. It was a pleasure to spend a while in her hospitable home where one always found a kind, hearty wel come. Even in her old age her mind was very clear. She was a Miss Bai ley, born in North Carolina. She leaves two children, one son, Gerome Cocklereas, and one daughter, Mrs Alice Gibbons, both of Bull Run, and five grand children. She was buried with the old year in her 83d year. She was also the last of her family of two brothers and three sisters. brither, Levi Bailey, well known in Salem, Oregon, died a few years ago. The passing of those dear old friends makes the heart sad as we realize that it means also the passing away of those dear old - fashioned homes with all the meaning of the words in their true sense. A Friend. Mr. John Epperson, of Sandy Ridge, was the guest of his brother H. Ep person of Garfield. John spent two months at Anacartese, Washington, the guest of his brother Ira, and is well' pleased with his visit and is much impoved'in health. The political pot is simmering. Some kick when it comes to signing their politics, when registering, think ing it will debar them from voting a mixed ticket at the general election, Garfield rejoices as they are soon to be served with a R. F. D. at their doors. Who the carrier will be I do not know. In 1852 Mr. Pinkley says the mail came to Milwaukie and that was 25 miles away by the road. They got their mail about twice in six months. ' - MAY LIVE 100 YEARS. The chances for living a full cen tury are excellent in the case of Mrs, Jennie Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., now 70 years old. She writes; "Elec tric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dys pepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases. Blood disorders, General Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at Howell & Jones drug store. Price only 50c. , PARKPLACE. Jan. 16. Come to the oyster supper in the Grange Hall, Saturday night, January 20, given by the Ladies' Aid Society. Supper will be served from 5 to 8 p. m., after which a well select ed programme will be given. Mrs. W. F. Brayton went to Portland Monday, and purchased a beautiful three hundred dollar Aeolian, which is an ornament to their parlor and a real comfort to the old couple, for now they can have music whenever they wish. Miss Marslin Cross has re-entered high school again after an absence of several weeks caused by the illness of her mother, Mrs. H. Cross. Miss Mabel Sievers has been con fined to the house for two weeks with chicken pox. Fred , Bailey has returned from Lo gan where he has had charge of H. E. Cross' farm for about a year. Mr. and Mrs. Hal. Brown have gone to Southern Oregon and Mr. Love has moved into the George Hamilton house, vacated by them. The Congregational Church held its annual election last Friday, January 12, and the following officers were elected:: Clerk, Mrs. Frank Lucas; treasurer, Mrs. B rummer ; deacon Wm. Holmes; deaconesses, Mrs. Kent and Mrs. Frazer; trustees, Mrs. G. Ham ilton and Mr. Holmes. The Ladies' Aid Society elected of ficers Friday last: : Mrs. Wm. Holmes, president; Mrs. Brunner, treasurer, and Mrs. Hamilton, secretary. Miss Edith Smith is attending busi ness college in Portland. . X : r ' .. CURED LUMBAGO. A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes March 4. 1903. "Having been troubled with one physician after another, then differ ent ointments ana liniments, gave it up altogether. So I tried once more, and got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Linament which gave me almost instant relief. I I can cheerfully recommend it, and will add my name to your list of sufferers." Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. MULINO. Mae Mallatt, who has been quite ill, is better.. Miss Maud Manning is taking music lessons from Miss Edith Wiles. . Captain Branson and wife of St. Johns, are holding revivals at the Mulino " church, which will continue for two weeks. - John Jillet, of Ely, has been visit- S among his old friends here for the Hattie Porter is visiting at the Davis L. H. Barnes and wife called at the Mrs j j Mallatt had the misfortune to cut ner nan(j qUjte badly last week. A number from here attended the Basket social at Eldorado Saturday lsht. All report a good time. Johnnie Krickson departed for the Dodge shingle mill last week where he will run the engine for a few weeks. c. Selby, who sold his place to Joe Daniels, has gone to Portland to rent and will be moving soon. Mrs. Erickson and Mrs. Wallace : called on Agnes Woodside a few days past... Mrs. veva Kimmey is here on a visit of a few weeks. GREEN WOOD. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Jones spent i a pleasant day last Wednesday with W. H. Jones and family. Mr. Humph rey is getting to' feel much stronger after his recent illness. Mr. Kruger and family have moved to Oregon City. They have rented Dr.' Sommer's home. Born to the wife of C. V. Stoker, a baby girl. The mother and babe are doing fine. ' Mr. Braker 'has gone to work at the mills in Oregon City. - Mr. Knight, who is on a visit with his sister, Mrs. Blazier, is talking of returning soon, to his home in Michi gan. - Wm. Rees made a business trip to Oregon City last Friday. Old Ben Boydston took another trip to our vicinity with the excuse to get a look at the children. But the truth is that Ben feels sore over his loss that was another man's gain. I guess that neighbor feels good that the bul let went through that sack of spuds and not through his leg. Don't play with dangerous weapons boys. Imperfect Digestion. Means less nutrition and in conse quence less vitality. When the liver fails to secrete bile, "the blood becomes loaded with bilious properties, the digestion' be comes impaired and the bowels -const! pated. Herbine will rectify this; it gives tone to the stomach, liver and kidneys, strengthens the appetite, clears and im proves the complexion, infuses new life and vigor to the whole system. 50 cents a bottle. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. CENTRAL POINT. The Central Point Telephone Com pany, met at Brown's school house on January 13, and made arrangements to extend their line about two miles fur ther west. The line is giving good satisfaction. We are glad to hear that our towns man, George Randall is a candidate for representative on the Republican ticket. He is the right man in the right place and we hope he will be elected to that office. Mr. Randall has fine business ability and will do good work for the county and state. Our teacher, Miss Pollard, is doing good work in this district. There is to be a basket social at Brown's school house February 3, and all are invited to come and have a good time. REV. CARLISLE P. B. 'MARTIN, L. 1 D. Of Waverly, Texas, writes; Of a morning when first arising, I often find a trouble some collection of phlegm which produces a cough and Is very hard to dislodge; but a small quantity of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will at once dislodge It, and the trouble is over. I know of no medicine that is equal to it, and is so pleasant to take. I can most cordially recommend It to all persons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble." Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. STAFFORD. The big sprinkling pot seems to have emptied all its water on Stafford, at least we have not been out to see if any other place is touched. But the fields grow green and greener every day and give promise of a full harvest. Mrs. Weddle is reported as improv ing in health while she stops in the Southland., Mrs. Emma Sharp is getting better slowly. Sheep killing dogs are abroad, a large black one and a smaller one. Vengeance is declared upon them and it is hoped a good, ball win gefthem. C. M. Gage, who ran his right arm into the edger at Linnton, came out to his father's with his wife and little girl to pass some of the tedious hours of convalescence. He is recovering wonderfully fast for such a serious hurt. Mr. Wm. Schattz brought out Mrs. Barbara Moser and two childjeu on Friday who had been visiting in the city. The supervisor has been trying to mend our ways a little, but he seems to be working under a cloud as it were. BARTON. More rain and winds. Ernie Burghardt is very sick and they had to take him to the hospital today. - Annie Burghardt and Ray Davis were married last Saturday eve. and we wish they may spend many happy years together. Mr. Joseph DeShazer passed through here last week on his way to Oregon City. Mr. Henry and Lillie Deshazer have been visiting their many relatives and friends in our little burg the past week. They have painted the beer mill of Barton. They are talking of having a dance in the Hall next Saturday night, Jan uary 20th. Mrs. Lyons was visiting Mrs. H. L. Ward last week. Mrs. Greenwell has' returned from her visit to Portland. Miss Pearl Johnson is sick . MT. PLEASANT. Rain! rain! rain! is all we can hear. Mrs. Maule was visitine- her sister at Carus last Saturday. v Mrs. R. O. Thomas and Mrs. Msmle attended prayer meeting at .the P.rs byterian church. : . Pepresent the survival of the fittest. We ba ve become the largest need house in the world oecause our seeaa are ueiier hub others. Do you wish to grow tne most Deautirul nowers ana ine uoesi vw- tablesT Plant the beat needs terry's. 10 Srrd Annual free to all applicants. D. M. FERRY A CO.,. Detroit, Mloh. AIL diseases and affections of the Positively cleared away in a hurry. I vouch for it. Thousands of wretched people are miserable imagining they have a bad pois oning of the blood when in nine cases out of ten it is purely a local parasititj manifestation in the skin which can be cleared away in a hurry. Such misery now cleared away as surely as the sun shines above. Not merely ATTEMFTED not a matter of improved 3nt only but a clearing of it all awajf absolutely and quickly, too. ' ECZEMA. The photograph show ing the terrible inroads Eczema had made on this boy's face and head can be seen at our store. This workof the camera is the best evidence of the curative qualities of the D. D. D. Remedy. (Case of Sammy Mlnkey. Cleared away and entirely cured In 21 days. Fully proven to na.) We vouch for this acbsolvitely. It has been proven to us beyond the possibility of doubt that a new medicament known as D. D. D. clears np the worst skin affections quickly. Its work seems aston ishing, amazing, almost miraculous. ( It is a specific formula which, because of its discovery by Dr. Decator Dennis, is known as "D. D. D.' '). Its actual record sounds like a story of magic. But there is no room for donbt about it whatever; full proofs indisputable in every respect, have been submitted to ns regarding hundreds of cases among them the one case shown here of the boy ( Sammy Minkey ), who was cured in 21 days.- The results are not only complete, but permanent; in this case it is now nearly two years since the disease was cleared out of the skin, and no taint of it has appeared since. " . i Each one of the known skin affections is parasitic in nature, and all af them have F "elded to ''D. D D.' ' The preparation is being used by most of the skin specialists, is compounded for druggists solely by the D. D. D. Co.. 70 Dearborn St., Chicago. ' It is utilized by every family physician who has taken the trouble to investigate the work it is accomplishing. It is used in the Cook County Hospital, Chicago. It will clear away any parasitic break in the skin in from 3 days to 60 days' time Visit the undersigned and see proofs that will make you a happier human. $1.00 buys the prescription already made np in sealed bottles, with authentic label o-each. HOWELL & JONES, Oregon City. WE PROVE IT. To convince you we have arranged witn tne u. u. u. io., so tnat any sunerer from any skin disease can get direct from the D. D. D. Co.'s laboratory a large free sample bottle of D. D. D pre scription together with 32 page new pamphlet on skin disease and free ad vice on your particular case from the world's greatest skin- specialist. Miss Alta Millard attended the danc- ing school at Knapp's Hall last Thurs- gon City were guests of Mr. J. Dore day evening accompanied by W. A. R. j mus and family Sunday. Miss Vida Reese, the young poetess, of Mt. Pleasant, went to town last Saturday. Miss Ethel Holmes and Oscar Hal- lings worth, were seen on the streets of Mt. Pleasant last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg and family took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rowan Sunday. Mrs. Myers gave herself a nice new table last Tuesday. Mrs. Olds' little boy has got the diphtheria. MAYFLOWER. Don't let the little ones suffer from eczema, or other torturing skin dis eases. No need for it. Doan's Oint ment cures. Can't harm the most delicate skin. At any drug store, 50 cents. ' REDLAND Miss . Mary Lewis, of Portland, visiting her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. is J. J. Lewis. Mr. 'Chas. Cain is confined to bed with lagrippe. his TlipYniitW an is c pn nn luuiuuuiu uuwjjuiiiuii mn nn i)Luu n iSV iM.uu urcpii bill BOTH ONE YEAR This offer is open only to new subscribers to The Youths' Companion. Subscribers to that period ical desiring to renew their subscription, will be given the Enterprise and the Companion for $3-00 TMs is a Spi Opportiilr to get your country weekly and one of the standard magazines" for a little more than the price of one. Remember, new subscribers to The Youths' Com panion will receive that publication and the Enterprise, both one year, for the reasonable price of only $2.50- Address ENTERPRISE Oregon City. - wnnxr FREE SAMPLE COUPON MAL THIS PROMPTLY. I . I. I). CO. Medical Department 116-120 Michigan St., Suite 428 Cl&ie&go Please send me free prepaid a large size sample bottle of D. D , D. pamphlet and consultation blank For ...years I have been afflicted -with a skin disease called ..... ... and have never used D. D. D. Name ; Address j Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown of Ore- Mr. Wm. Myers had the misfortune of losing a few sheep. Mr. Arthur Barrett was visiting Redland friends last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. N. J. McKillican had. a slashing bee Thursday, eighteen men being present. About four acres of young firs being cut in one day. The Grangers of this section are waiting for the new plank road be tween here and Logan. Couldn't Say. "Senator," she asked, "do you be lieve in foreordination?" "If you will pardon me," replied the statesman, "I prefer not to answer that question, as I never have had oc casion to ask Aldrich about it." In the future the Enterprise will give the following subscription club bing rates: Weekly Oregonian and Enterprise, both one year, $2.25; Semi Weekly Journal and Enterprise, both one year, $2.00.. Either call at Enter prise office or mail your order. IL 11 11 ii rnnmaiiinn fijiiufpu - Oregon