8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1906. CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. A. Kaufman, L. Davie3, Business'Transacted at Regular Jan-f H. Shelley, uary Term. Be it remembered. That at a regu lar term of the County Court of Clack amas County held ln; the Court House in Oregon City, for the purpose of transacting county business in Jan uary the same being the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of said court, present Hon. Thos. P. Ryan, county Judge, presiding; T. B. Killin and Wm. Brobst, Commission ers, when the following proceedings were had, to-wit: DISTRICT NO. 2. J. C. Paddock, DISTRICT NO. 3. Rodlun Bros,, F. M. Osborn, . DISTRICT NO. 4. Edward Douglas, J. W. Douglas . Wm. Huggins W. P. Douglass, Chas Hunter, James Rivers, H. S. Gibson, H. Wilburn, J. W. Douglass, DISTRICT NO. 6. Straus Lumber Company, A. Olsen, J. H. Revenue, DISTRICT NO. 7. . Edward Miller, DISTRICT NO. 9. Wm.Held, DISTRICT NO. 10. Chas. Tracy, Frank Thomas, W. R.-Oatfield, DISTRICT NO. 11. C. H. Dauchy, Jr., v A. G. Guynup, Chas Reiling, Elmer Glass, O. Li. Clyde, Pope & Co., Wilson &: Cooke, E. Story, Dering & Morrison, H. Fogalson, James Tamblin, W. Martin, M. Bell, Glen Mills, H Hiddleson, J. W. Mackay, A DISTRICT NO. 12. Wilson & Cooke, J. S. Gill, C. Johnson, G. Fischer, Bonney & Miller, DISTRICT NO. 13. Dering & Morrison, W. O. Ward, George Gill, Geo. Funk, J. E. Fullam, DISTRICT NO. 14. B. F. Linn, W. F. Harris, Burley & Moran, S. G. Bailey, A. Splinter, F. Beard, J. Waido, J. Kaufman, 2.50 3.70 42.50 27.00 A. Bailey, H. Barrs, DISTRICT NO. 15. Pope & Co., R. H. Taber, ' Roy Stafford, J. Y.- Humphreys, Arthur Smith, Harry Andrews, ' F. Hendricks, . " " Geo. Wineset, 1 Gus Wkieset, Arthur Warner, Pope &Co., J. H. Moody, J. A. Confer, L. M. t Thompson, H. Hill, J. v Ward, Max Telford, E. W. Hacker, W. H. Matheney, 15.00 H. Rowland, r 1.50 6.00 v3.75 4.75 38.75 1.55 3.00 76.46 1.00 20.00 1.00 2.00 1.75 .85 1.25 3.60 2.50 27.57 25.85 3.50 22.68 14.88 6.25 292.55 14.00 24.00 39.00 25.00 26.00 18.00 63.00 19.50 13.15 6.38 3.60 2.60 26.97 . 1.00 1.75 3.50 , 2.50 23.70 4.48 2.75 45.00 23.50 28.00 8.75 23.62 C. S. Fuge, i L. Fugei F. Teebler, R. W. Porter, DISTRICT NO. 16. A. J. Kelnhofer, , David Penman, Aug. Steahely, DISTRICT NO. 17. Carlton & Rosenkrans, Andy Knight, , W. C. Kendell, E. W. Bates, A. H. Knight, A. Kocher, James Adkins, DISTRICT NO. 18. Clarke's Saw Mill, A. Busch, Dix Bros., Wm. Grisenthwaite, V. Bohlander, Allen Edwards, E. W. Hornshuh, Geo. Kirbyson, H. Sterner, C . Steiner, Wm. Baniels, Wm. Grisenthwaite, DISTRICT NO. 19. J. J. Mallatt, DISTRICT NO. 20. F. Busch, Ed Hettman, Amos Harrington, Fred Klebe, Geo. Stephens, E. O. Baker, Eli Fellows, H. North, , G. R. Miller, Fred Vohs, Willis Mayfield, Ferrie Mayfield, Jack Wallace, Fred Madison, B. Sullivan, George Schiewe, DISTRICT NO. 21. D. A. James, i W. E. Bonney, ' ' DISTRICT No. 22. H. J. Rastall, DISTRICT No. 23. R. W. Zimmerman, J. J. Sandsness, E. M. Fellows, 1.00 15.00 7.50 6.75 1.50 7.50 5.25 6.75 6.00 - 7.50 40.50 33.50 40.50 24.50 16.00 37.13 37.13 10.50 19.68 15.75 9.18 , 4.00 2.54 20.00 3.00 5.70 6.00 4.50 3.00 10.00 .75 11.34 138.77 3.25 2.25 3.00 1.50 2.25 15.00 .75 1.50 . .75 . 1.87 1.50 19.00 28.00 . DISTRICT No. 24. 15.00 Lais & Co.. 15.62 I Jacob Owen, 6.00 I Isaac Miller. i I r 9.00 R, I. Garrett, DISTRICT, No. 26.. M. Case, . s Arthur Larson, Wm. Gortler, T, M. Cross, DISTRICT No. 27. Barton Jack, Frank Jackson, John Labour, ' DISTRICT No. 28. Frank Gray, 2.10 John Cover, 64.50 IG. M. Groshong, Frank Sherman, A. D. Mazingo, J. N. Nickelsen, A. M. Groshong, DISTRICT No. 30. Thos. Fox, Jas. Martin, . L. Hallinan, A. J. Monk,' - Geo. Hunsaker, A. J. Monk, DISTRICT No. 31. George Saum, H. Baker, L. Koellermeier, M. Lee, Z. Elligsen, DISTRICT No. 32. John Butson, Peter Olsen, Richard Maycock, Chas Epler, Alonzo Epler, Gideon Butson, Lutiam Geer, Sidney Baker, Chas Epler, Dan Stahlnecker, DISTRICT No. 33. Ed Closner, DISTRICT No. 34. Ben Tonkin, W. Ford, Tom Smith, J. W. Mackay, ' ; A. Boylan, A. K. Ford, DISTRICT No. 35. A. D. Edwards, DISTRICT No. 36. Ivan Broadweel, Paul Schneider, E. L. Kenagy, S. Owmgs, N. Blair, General Road. Francis Shannon, Wm. Brobst, Thos. F. Ryan, Judge, 6.50 6.00 3.00 9.00 4.50 1.50 3.00 1.50 2.40 1.50 1.5.0 1.50 2.00 1.50 44.35 .35 6.00 3.75 5.00 7.65 3.00 9.00 325.00 1.50 1.50 6.50 1.50 4.50 3.00 .75 10.00 1.50 10.00 1.50 1.50 5.25 3.00 3.75 3.00 7.50 I 71.50 1 61.25 .90 3.50 11.50 6.00, 8.73 ' 2.20, 2.62 1 .87 ' 5.00 . I 6.00 1 3.00 .75 7.50 4.50 1 6.00 4.50 5.50 , 2.28 31.25 i 6.70 4.00 3.00 2.60 14.00 2.00 22-50 11.25 1.25 3.00 5.25 .60 7.50 52.00 15.20 8.00 ITRANK IBUSCH 3 The House Furnisher We're enthusiastic about this sale-we never had an idea that there were so many really good things that could be sold for a nickel or a dime. You'll be surprised, too, when you come in to see what these little peices of money will buy. Look at the list below and then take a peep at our windows you'll see things that you never had an idea could be bought for so little money. There are Night Lamps, Knives, Hammers, Dinner Plates, Cups and Saucers, Cake Plates, Berry Bowls and many other things just as good. The list below gives you a faint idea of what your money is worth, but remember that of some items we have only small quantities so don't wait too long or what you especially want may be gone. Heavy Fife Shovel Here's a Bargain if there ever ifkf was one IUv Rolling Pin The Best we ever saw for 5c In the matter of the claims against the County: PAUPER. John Avin, , Mrs. Bradtl, Mrs. C. J. Parker, E. Burns, B. F. Forrester, W. T. Gardner, Horton & Jack, A. Imel, J. A. Jones, M. Kruger, W. J. Lewellen, L. Matherson, W. L. Molloy, R. G. Ogden, x Isaac Prindle, Mrs. Mattie Pickens, A. G. Guynup, Mrs. Ryckman, F. W. Sprague, C. E. Swann, READ AND YOU WILL LEARN That the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several school: of practice, endorse and praise in the strongest possible terms each snt every ingredient entering into the make-up of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- j M'rs. ' Valentine, leal .Discovery, the tamous stomach tonic, liver mvigorator, heart tonic Mrs. Woods, arA ram,l,w ol kiwi 1,- ft,;,. i.. t-. Mrs. Heinz, a v.xx. a C4uniy uue oi jr. Brunswick Restaurant, o-ierce s e avorite prescription, lor the cure oi all those weakne; -cs and distressing ailments peculiar to women. No other medicines sold through drug gists for domestic use. can show any such prtfcsisUmiil endorsement. Dr. Pierce's above mentioned remedies are non-alcoholic and non-secret, all their ingredients being printed on eacli bottle wrapper. They occupy a unique position and are IN A CLASS ALT. I1V THEMSELVES. They "are neither secret nor patent meJi cines. They are powerful to cure but safe to use in any condition of the sys tem, even for the most delicate women and children. ' Pure, tripple refined glycerine, which Is ueJ instead of alc:liol both for ex tracting anil preserving the active, medi cinal principles from the roots of the several American forest plants entering into Doctor Pierce's medicines, is much superior to alcohol for these purposes, and is entirely free from the objection able features inherent in alcohol, inas much as it produces only salutary influ ences upon the system, .while alcohol. even in moderate Dortions. if lona- con tinued, as in the treatment of obstinate ailments, is very injurious and often begets a craving for stimulants. Fur thermore, glycerine . itself is a mosx valuable curative agent instead of being a harmful habit-forming agent like alco- noi. its nutritive properties, ur. Pierce and many others eminent in the profes sion believe, far surpass those of cod liver oil, entitling it to favorable con sideration as a remedy in all cases of incipient consumption, especially when it is combined with the active medicinal principles extracted from Black Cherry bark, Queen's root. Stone root, Golden Seal root and Hloodroot, as in "Golden Medical Discovery." Besides its superior nutritive proper ties, glycerine is a, very valuable demul cent and thereby greatly .enhances the remedial action of all the foregoing roots in th cure of severa coughs, bronchial, throat, laryngeal and other kindred affec tions of the air-passages and lungs. In all "wasting diseases," where there is loss of flesh and gradual "running down" ef the system, the glycerine certainly plays an important part in lessening the break ing down ar.d wasting of flesh, and in promoting assimilation and increase of bodily strength and weight. It is a power ful reconstructive agent in all cases of impaired vitality and especially valuable when associated and -combined with such superior alteratives and tonics as in "Golden Medical Dircovery " and "Favor ite Prescription." Its wonderful solvent properties also play an important part in the cure of gall stones and severe con stipation. Glycerine is also one of the very best anti - ferments and as such counteracts the excessive fermentafion of foods in j the stomach, present in most cases of In- I digestion or dyspepsia. Thus the pain, belching of noxious gas, bloating and other disagreeable symptoms are over-1 come and the Stone root, Golden Seal root. Bioodroot and other ingredients of "Golden Medical Discovery " are greatly assisted in their action in completing a cure. , As will be seen from the writings of Drs. Brtrthoiow, King, Scudder. Hale, Wood. Hare. Johnson. ' Coe. Ellingwood and other high euthorities. as contained in the little nook mentioned llow. these agents can confidently be depended upon" ior tne most positive, curative action in all atonic, or weak, states of the stomach, accompanied with distressing indigestion or dyspepsia and kindred resultant affec tions o the liver, kidney and other cefo giated evgans. Read from the writings of the authori ties above quoted, under the heai!;i'-Ts of Golden !Se;:l root. Stoi;e root. l;i:-uk Cherry hark, IMooiiroot. Queen's root Hid Mandrake root, in a little book of ox tracts, coir piled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, ;-nd which will lie sent you jicc on re-i; est nddress-Td to the Doctor, at P.i:ii; o. N. Y.. ami you will learn that all these ingredients i:re recommended as reme dies for indigestion or dyspepsia and "liver complaint." as well as for the cure of all catarrhal affections wher ever located, al.o for the cure of lin gering coughs, arising from bronchial throat and lung affections. All are in gredients of "Golden Medical Discovery." combined in such proportions that each enhances the curative action of all the others. The "Discovery " must not be expected to produce miracles. While it is espe cially suited for the cure of all chrcntic, llniierlnij cimyhx that are curable, it is not so effective in acute colds and coughs unless slippery elm mucilage, flaxseed Mr. Copeland, Mrs. C. Ford, ; E. Hitchman, R. L. Holman, I. Selling, Thos. F. Ryan, CIRCUIT COURT. W. E. Carll, John Lewellen, A. R. Dimiek, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE J. J. Sandsness, R. I. Garrett, Livy Stipp, . H. W. Trembath, J. M. Hayden, Chas Miller , - Thos. C. Jobb, P. Nehren, Jail, - ' . COURT HOUSE. A. Mihlstin, Glass & Prudhomme, C. G. Miller, Irwin, Hodson Co., Clerk, J. R. Shaver, Sheriff Fashion Stables, Sheriff, H. W. Trembath, G. L. Hedges, Recorder, C. Buchegger, Recorder, 8.00 12.00 15.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 8.00 15.00 6.50 7.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 5.00 .00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 3.00 7.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 11.63 7.70 2.30 2.20 5.00 1.95 5.00 -4 .'95 -3.10. 2.00 2.00 3.00 7.15 A Picture a line colored one at that size J 2x1 6 inches FREE if you buy a full weight box of tacks Cake Plate 9 and 1-2 inch, cut glass pattern, Z extra heavy Berry Bowl 6 and 1-2 inch. If you like nice glass ware herets another bargain for g you that beats the record Wallpaper 500 Rolls double ones each 5c Do not wait until it is all sold A nickel isn't much of a coin, but it will buy a fine big Salt Box You have never seen its equal for less than 20c. While twenty-five of them last we will sell them each at OK, The Enameled Sauce That we're selling now for 10c cannot be duplicated for less than twice the money. Only one to a customer. POINTS IK THE LAW (Continued from Page 1.) tea. solution of trnm arabie. or other mucilaginous demulcent be drank freely in pnnnpi-tinn with itc nn Vni mnt I "Golden Medical Discovery " be expected Ednetta Chase, Treasurer, w cuie consumption in its aavancea s. r. iNtuaon, Assysur, stages. In its ealy stages it will stay ! J. P. Nelson, Assessor, its progress and vften effect a cure if Xwm. Brobst, Com'r, T. B. Killen, Courier, Printing, eminent in the medical profession sav of i C. Pratt,- Tax Dep't, the ingredients out of which Dr. Pierce's 1 A. B. Hoyt, Tax Dep't, meaicines are made ana thereby learn why they cure obstinate diseases. By reading some of the extracts from 1,1111111 (i 1 1 i,i mi i Lll -i 1, 11 1, il 1 1 1 1 LI in L II O i rr 1 i T-, . little booklet. ment.ionoH a Kr, o t,o; j Telephone Co., Rent of the several ingredients entering into i w- A- Custer, Stat'y, its use be persisted in for a reasonable length of time. Send for the little hoolr noted above and learn what those most W. U. Tel., Insane, W. E. Carll, Insane, H. S. Mount, Insane, "Golden Medical Discoverv " it will h readily understood'wij this famous med icine cures obstinate kidney and bladder affections, chronic diarrhea, all catarrhal affections, no matter in what part of the system existing. By reason of the Stone root, and Golden Seal root contained in it, it is a most effective curative in valvular and other affections of the heart h vrn will understand from the writings of Drs. Paine, Hale. Ellingwood and others, con cerning stone root, Golden Seal root and Black Cherrybark which are to be found in the little booklet above mentioned. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant. Pellets m biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness. or constipation of the bowels, loss of appetite, coated tongue, sour -stomach, windv helchiho-a "heart-burn." pain and distress after eat ing, and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up in' glass vials, tightly corked, therefore always fresh and reliable. One littln "Pellet" is a laxative, two are cathartic. iney regulate, invigorate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. A good medical book, written in nlsin English, and free from technical terms is a valuable work for frequent consulta tion. Such a work is Dr. Pierce's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser. It's a book of 1008 pages, profusely illustrated. It is given away now although formerlv soia in ciotn omaing lor i.so. send 21 4.90 j 10. 79 k 5.30 16.00 5.00 1.50 16.40 4.00 13.50 13.50 14.60 16.20 11.63 16.00 14.00 .70 5.00 5.00 5.70 - 4.55 45.00 174.02 30.75 .90 Mead Post, G." A. R., Enterprise, Printing, Huntley Bros. Co., Stat'y, Portland Stamp Co., COPYING ASSESSMENT ROLL. G. A. Bollack, 32.00 Nettie Kruse, .' 32.00 Ella Shaver, 35.00 A. Warner, - 35.00 Echo Samson, 41.00 Maggie Mulvey, . - 41.00 Retta Pierce, 42.00 Ednetta Chase, - 48.00 Petitions for offices (except district attorney) to be voted for in one coun ty, must be filed not less than fifteen days before the primary election, that is April 5 of this year. x Thirty days before the primary elec tion, or by March 20, must send two notices of the primary election to each judge and clerk of election in each nrecmct. Between the fifteenth and twelfth day before the primary election, the county clerk must arrange the ticket, certify to it under seal, file the same in his office, make and post a dupli cate of it in ai conspicuous place in his office and kep it posted there until after the. prirfary election. He must then have printed the om- cial ballots, the Republican ticket in black ink on white paper, the . Demo cratic ticket in black ink, the Demo cratic ticket in black ink on blue paper, and for any third party in black ink on yellow paper; also dupli cate ballots on cheap colored paper in different colors from the regular ballots. The primary election will ' be on Friday, April 20. The General election will be held Monday, June 4. While this subject is being discuss ed, the Enterprise desires to remind all candidates that nominating peti tions In any quantity can be had at this officer DID YOU GET A JOB? A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. r- . Mrs, Michael Hart, wife of the superin tendent of Cart Service at Kingston, Ja macia, West Indies Islands, says that she has for some years used Chamber lain's Cougrh Remedy for coughs, croup and whooping cough and has found it very beneficial. She has implicit confi dence in it and would not be without a bottle of it in her home. Sold by How ell & Jones. COUNTY COURT MAKES APPOINT MENT OF SUPERVISORS. Men Who Will t Superintend Road - Construction Work for En suing Year. Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. Facts That, Caused us to Take the Agency for the Fulton Compounds, - the First Known Cure for Bright's Disease and Diabetes. First, let it be .distinctly understood that every one of the cases below had been diagnosed by one or more physicians as Bright's Diseasa or Diabetes and chronic and incurable; second. - . 1 note the certainty of the results as shown by ths nf th( ' Claekamaq recovery also of the friends they told who wer 12 For any disease of the skin there is nothing better than Chamberlain's Salve. It relieves the itching and burning sen sation instantly and soon effects a cure. Sold by Howell & Jones. ARE YOU A FARMER? If you are, then you need a good farm paper. The Enterprise lias a splendid offer. We will furnish the Enterprise and the Oregon Agricul turist and Rural Northwest, the best agricultural paper in the large-section it serves, both one year for only $130 Sntallnon f the Enterprise alone, of mailing only for paper-covered copv, I This farm paper i3 highly recommend addressing Dr. R. V. Pierce, .-Buffalo, d by the leading experts on farming. N. Y.; or 31 cents for an elegantly cloth- stock raising and fruit growing. This bound copy. - . offer is a snap. Call at the office or mail us your subscription. RAILROAD' LANDS FOR LEASE. Lands of the OREGON AND CALI FORNIA RAILROAD COMPANY, in Oregon will be leased for the year 190G, subject to cancellation of lease in the event of the sale of land during the term of lease. Owners of farms and ranches ad joining railroad lands should file their applications not later than February 1, 1906, after which date applications from others will also be considered. Address Charles W. Eberlein, Act ing Land Agent, 1035 Merchants Ex change, San, Francisco, Cal. How to Prevent Bilious Attacks. The members Courlty Court have made the annual i sln"1;affli,ced' appointment of road supervisors for the county as follows: District No. 1 W. H. Counsell " 2 . ....J. C. Paddock " 3. . . . . . A. W. Cooke 4. H. S. Gibson 5 W. H. Hall 6 John Straus ." " 7 James Fegler " " 8 David Douglas " ' " 9 Wm. Held " 10.. W. R. Oatfield "11.... J. E. Smith J. S. Gill J. ,C. Fullam ... C. F. Gibbs R. H. Tabor W. G. Randall .... . Adam Knight . .E. W. Hornschuh . .J. J. Mallatt A. B. Sullivan . . . . .W. E. Bonney , Albert Engle .R. O. Zimmerman R. I. Garret I J. B. Mitts ' 26..... W. J. E. Vick ' 27 John Labor ' 28 A. Groshong 29... J. Snyder 30 Jas. Cook 31... Z. Elligsen 32 Dan S. Stahlnecker ' 33 Ed Closner 34 Charles Baker 35 A. D. Edwards 36. . .' Nixon Blair 13... 14. . . 15. . -16... 17... 18... 19... 20 21... 22 23... 24 25.... One who is subject to bilious attacks will notice that fora day or moue before the attack he is not hungry at meal times and feels dull after eating. A dose of Chamberlain's Stomaeh and Liver I When doctors fail try Burdock Tablets when these first symptoms ap- Blood Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, con pear will ward off the attack. - They are stipation : invigorates the whole sys- ' for sale by Howell & Jones. tern. ; - " FOR GOVENOR (Continued from Page 1.) N. W. Spaulding, President Spaulding Saw Co., San Francisco, had a recovery in his own family and told several others who recovered.,. Adolph Weske, capitalist, San Francisco, recovered himself and told two friends who recovered. Dr. Carl D. Zeile, pioneer druggist, 523 Pacifio street, San Francisco, recovered himself and gave it to more than a dozen patients who recovered. Chas. Engelke editor of the German paper, San Francisco, recovered himself and told it to m number who recovered, one of them being Charles F. Wacker, the Sixth street merchant. R. M. Wood, editor Wine and Spirit Review, recovered himself and told it to several who recovered, among them being an old-school phvsioian. Edward Short of the San Francisco Call re covered, also three of his friends-yiz.: William Martin, Captain Hubbard of the Honolulu route and William Hawkins of the U. S. Quarter master's department, San Francisco. John A. Phelps of the Hotel Repelier, San Francisco, and two of his friends. Mrs. M. Empey, 130 Steiner St. (also recom mended is to several who recovered, one of them leaving the German Hospital . to go on tho . treatment.) . And hundreds of others. Bright Disease and Diabetes, heretofore in enrable, are now posi ti vely curable and in nearly &in-tenths of all caaes. If vou still have any doubt give yourself tha benefit of the doubt. Fulton's Renal Compound for Bright's and Kidney Disease, tl; for Diabetes, 11.50 -Send for pamphlet. We ara the sol local agsuts. Charman & Co., City Drug Slore. with " rare exceptions think our own boys and girls should be educated within the state of Oregon. If successful, in my administration. the needs and wishes of the people L will 'be the only "boss' and the only "machine," and there will be no "fa vorites" and nobody will have a "pull" and I will give the state an honest, clean, conscientious and vigilant ad ministration, "of the people, by the people and for the people." UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. Leave Portland 6:45 a. m. daily (except : Sunday) for Salem and way points. , Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Independence, Al bany and Corvallls. Regular service courteous treats' ment and prompt dispatch, are our specialties. ; OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Dock: Foot Taylor Street Phon Main 40. The little folks love Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take and perfectly harmless; positive cure for. coughsv colds,, bronchitis and asthma..