OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1906. ...Short Sidehead Stories... j X TEeSRLV.TOLD TALES OP THE WEEK'S DOINdS. Are You Going to Run New Lodge Organized You .will need blank petitions. You A new lodge was organized in this can have them in any quantity, at the ' city Friday evening under the direc Enterprise office. You may have your j tion of State Organizer G. F. Streets, platform printed thereon, if you so of Portland, known as the Fraternal desire. ! Union of America. The lodge origi- i jnated m Denver, Colorado, and is a Sent to Asylum , beneficial organization. The follow- August Moeschler, aged 20 years, ling officers were temporarily elected: and an employe at a sawmill in the i Linn E. Jones, first master ; Frank interior of the county, was committed , Newton, secretary; Dr. Meissner, phy to the asylum at Salem Saturday ev- sician. Already the new lodge has the ening. The young man is a native of i required number for the charter list. the state of Wisconsin. j More Divorce Suits Workman at Mills -Crushed j Two suits for divorce, desertion be- "W..R. Reddick, head saywer at the ; ing alleged in each case, were filed Willamette Pulp & Paper Mills, was jlast week by Portland attorneys., caught beneath a large spruce log ! Katie Wallace asks to be legally sep last Friday afternoon and painfully jarated from Herman S. Wallace and injured. The log slipped fro mits ,the right to resume her maiden name, fastenings and, knocking Mr. Reddick j Katie Henderson. They were married to the floor, severely crushed the at Portland in 1902. Emmet A. muscles of the left leg, over which it j Stieger charges Grace G. Stieger, STRANGE ADVICE! .rolled. Now Located at Portland Albert M. Grilley, who will be re membered as a former secretary of the Oregon City Y. M. C. A., has just returned from Boise, Tdaho, where whom he married at Victoria B. C. in 1898, with abandoning him during the following year. Circuit Court Monday Circuit Judge McBride convened an I artimirned term of the November term for three years he has been in charge inf tvft p.iPP,,it. court Mondav. During of the Association work in that city. I the day the following proceedings Mr. Grilley is now located in Portland were naa: a decree of divorce was where he has charge ot tne pnysicai i granted in the suit of William E. Moore against Jennie F. Moore; or ders of default and reference were made in other divorce suits as follows: Victor Pirard vs. Maria Pirard ; Wm. ! C. Bates vs. Ora F. Bates; Nellie M. culture work in the Portland Y. M. C. A. Officers Elected The Saturday club of the Congre gational church held its annual meet- Smitn vs. Hallie W. Smith. The suit ing at the parsonage Saturday night , to qujet tile to land in Milwaukie in and elected the following officers for the case of Zimmerman vs. Hawkins of the law will be prosecuted. The laws relating to minors and saloons will also be strictly enforced- It is not the purpose of Mayor aufield this year: Miss May Mark, president; 'took up the time of the court during ! to inaugurate a moral crusade or to . . - I " 1 1 T C'1 . . . 1 T .. ,.-..-. .,-.. . - . 1 1 TVtolrA rtnir r. n nn n .... 1 n .. . 1 ... ..1 1- Z Dr. G, G. Green gives alert personal attention to his great humanitarian contract. In our Almanac for many years past we have given unusual advice to those afflic ted with coughs, colds,' throats or lung troubles or consumption. We have told them if they did not receive any special benefit after the use of one 75-cent size bottle of German Syrup, to consult their doctor. We did not ask them or urge them to use a large number of bottles, as is the case in the advertising of many other remedies. Our confidence in Ger man Syrup makes it possible for us to give such advice. We know by the ex perience of over 35 years that one 75-ceut bottle of German Syrup will speedily re lieve or cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or lung troubles and that, even in bad cases of consumption, one large bottle of German Syrup will work wonders. New trial bottles, 25c ; reg ular size, 75c. At all druggists. Char man & Ca., City Drug Store with the criminal aind other classes, will be . presented at the Army Hall, his friends are firm in insisting that Saturday evening the 13th. Their he would make a formidable candidate , Xmas ship, at anchor at their previous for the Republican nominee to tackel and in addition his-supporters claim that he possesses the other requisite exercises will be represented under full sail. Come and bring your child ren. A gift of 12 ladies jackets, do- qualifications for the office to which nated at cost price to the Army will he aspires. Eastern Star Installation Tuesday evening Mrs. Inez M. Ryan, worthy grand matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, officiated at the an nual installation of the officers elect of Pioneer Chapter No. 28, Order of Eastern Star. The installation was largely attended. The following was the programme: Address, "History of the Order, Thomas F. Ryan, P. G. P.; installation of Matron, Mrs. Matilda G. Miller, Pat ron Rev. P. K. Hammond, Associate Matron Mrs. Clara Evans; piano solo, Miss Gertrude Fairclough; installa tion of secretary, Mrs. Annie E. Howard, and treasurer, Mrs. Nellie V. Walker; reading, Miss Gussie Humphrey; installation of conduc tress. Miss Bessie Capen; address, J. E. Hedges, P. P.; installation of chap lain, Mrs. Lou M. Evans, Marshall Mrs. Erma L. Jones, and organist; Miss Echo Samson; solo T. Osmund; installation of Adah, Miss May Mc Bride; Ruth, Mrs. Lilian ' Hedges; Esther, Mrs. Rena Kinnard; Martha, Miss Ara Foster, and Electa, Mrs. Bertha Adams; solo, Mrs. Celena Ganong, P. M.; installation of warder, Mrs. Maggie Foster, and sentinel, William Beard; address, Rev. P. K. Hammond; vocal solo, Miss Maysie Foster. STRAIN TOO GREAT. Miss Hilda Mcuetcnie, secretary; ana the Miss lena uauKe, treasurer. 1 ne re ports show that the club is on a good financial basis and will enter upon a prosperous year. Will Advertise ,the County Five hundred dollars was last week appropriated by the County Court for Schneberk-Amberger 16 PaSes, in "FeSCm'" booklet being A pretty wedding took place Mon- 1 " . . T, j day morning at the Catholic church at 8 o clock, when Miss Anna Amberger was united in marriage to Matt Schne berk. The ceremony was conducted by Father Hildebrand. Edward Preis choff acted as best man and Miss Rosa Hoss as best lady. The wedding din ner was served at the St. Paul House and only intimate friends of the two ouple were present. Killed Beavers Illegally D. S. Kimberly, of Damascus, was arrested Monday on Pudding River by Deputy Game Warden Clyde Dick for illegal trapping. Kimberly was caught with ten beaver hides in his possession. Pleading guilty to the charge when arraigned before Justice Knight at Canby, Kimberly was fined $20 which he paid when brought to this city. The killing of beaver is prohibited by law for twenty years. Trade. This book is t6 be composed of 480 pages, and each county contri buting is to have part. Clackamas County will receive 300 copies, and thousands will be circulated by the Portland Board of Trade. Sixty thou sand copies will be printed. The law authorizes each county to expend $500 annually for advertising purposes. Last year Clackamas gave that amount to exploitation at the Lewis and Clark Fair. make any spectacular demonstration but in an interview he has stated that he intends to make of Oregon City a town, the government of which is to be as free from censure as it is possible and those who remember his administration of municipal affairs during his two terms as Mayor six years ago will remember that he is a man of action. Cigar nickle-in-the-slot machines will not be disturbed. Noblett Would be Sheriff C. R. Noblett, of Needy, evidently believes something in the old saying that to the early bird belongs the worm, at any rate, he 'has not waited until the Democratic political field has been thoroughly scraped over for can didates for the nomination for Sheriff. 1 a , - ...... .... , v ' i. i wubiuij, -'11. LL Y 1 1 V 1.1 111 no camming win oe Allowed j the city from his farm home in the Acting under the instruction of Southern part of the county informed Mayor E. G. Caufield, Chief of Police : the Enterprise that he will seek the isurns last fnaay visited the saloon Democratic nomination for Sheriff in men of the city and other resorts where games have been conducted in the past and notified the proprietors that no games of any character will be tolerated by the new adminstration. They were advised that all violations the primaries that will be held in April. "Charlie," as this faithful fol lower of the unterrified is generally known, served for a number of years on the Oregon City police force and from the experience there acquired HIS tps MASTERS JfaR) 'iiWI 8 Hundreds of Oregon City Find It So. Readers The hustle and worry of business men, The hard work and stooping of workmen, The woman's household cares, Are too great a strain on the kid neys, Backache, headache, sideache, Kidney troubles, urinary troubles follow. John J. Keating, painter, of 301 1-2 1st St., Portland, Ore., says: "I had dull aching pains in my back for a number of years. They were often so severe that I had to quit work for two or three days at a time. The kidney secretions were irregular and scalding and I suffered also from dizziness and headaches. My back was always lame and sore in the morning. Physi cians failed to help me and no medi cine did me any good until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They re lieved the urinary difficulty and the heavy aching in the back dissappear ed." Plenty more proof like this from Or egon City people. Call at Mr. C. G. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Yor, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. be offered for sale" at close -of meeting, profits to go to the local work. Also a number of watch chains made by a boy in the penitentiary who in that institution has been converted, and is living a Christian life. The Captain and his wife would like to thank the friends who assisted them in their effort to provide shelter for the homeless and- penniless, of Ore gon City. Since starting some 23 men and women have been sheltered and helped. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. I am instructed by the Master Fish Warden to notify Clackamas and Wil lamette River Fishermen that, with few exceptions, all your licenses ex pired December 31, 1905, and that it is expected of me to prosecute any and all persons fishing or operating a gill net or a set net without a valid license to do so after that date. Gill net fee,) $5.00; set net fee, $2.50 each. All licenses issued after this date will be good until March 31, 1907. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, Jan uary 12, 1906. H. A. WEBSTER, Feb. 2. Deputy Fish Warden. Deserves Your Patronage. The Argonaut for January 6th contains an unsual article on the Bible, in which interesting, instructive and curious information is given about the various editions of the Scriptures, from the earliest records of printing down to a sumptuous edition recently produced in England; a railway love story, entitled "Told in the Code," by A. M. Allen; a study of Thomas Bailey Aldrich's play, "Judith of Beth ulia"; gossip about the coming presi dential election in France, by "St Martin," and the usual editorials, book reviews, stage gossip, etc. A TALENTED ORGANIZATION. Chas. A. Taylor's Players Are to Ap pear Here This Friday Evening. Theatre patrons are- promised a rare treat, when "Her Marriage Vow" a melodrama of exceptional merit, presented by Charles A. Taylor's cel ebrated New York company, comes to this city To-night Friday, Jan. 12. Is no longer a mere novelty like the old style talking machine. It is seriously recognised by music lovers as a musical instrument of great merit, reproducing all the beautiful quality of the original. Prices of Machines, $17.50, $20, $25, $35, $45 and $65. Reduced prices on Records, 7-in. 35c, i 0-in, 60c, 1 2-in. $ 1 .00. i f " " " I I it ff M ei 4tfl fcj?-; i f r- i BEATS THE MUSIC CURE. "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N. YV"I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most re liable and pleasant laxative I have found." Best for the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, druggists. 25c. The growth of a community and the success of its local institutions depends entirely on the loyalty of its people. It Is well enough to preach "patronize home industry" but except the service given at a home institution equals that of out-of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and is entirely disregard ed, as It should be. But with Oregon City people it is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It is equipped with the latest improved machinery and is daily turning out work that is equal to any and superior to much of the laundry work that Is being done in Portland. Being a home institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people it is enjoying an immense patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends it to the general public Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. Sgugr irs of frightful suffering from Eczema Cured by 4 bottles of D. D. D. Prescription Read letter from this pro mla nent business man. ARE YOU A FARMER?. If you are, then you need a good farm paper. - The Enterprise has a splendid offer. We will furnish the Enterprise and the Oregon Agricultur ist and Rural Northwest, the best ag ricultural paper in the large section it serves, both one year for only $1.50 the price of the Enterprise alone. This farm paper is highly recommend ed by the leading experts on farming, stock raising and fruit growing. This offer is a snap. Call at the office or mail us your subscription. A Grim Tragedy is daily enacted in thousands of homes, as Death claims in each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are properly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind., writes: "My wife had the consumption, and three doctors gave her up. "Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consum tion, Coughs and Colds, which cured her and today she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dos-3 relieves. Guaranteed at 50c, and $1.00 by Howell & Jones Drug Store. Trial bottle fiee. CATARRH Jay-fever' so' i ra 4 a Suspension Bridge Corner The OrZgOtl City JcwcIcfS The play deals with railroad life. The hero is a railway telegraph opera tor, and the heoine an engineer's daughter. The villian is the son of the superintendent of the road, and the wicked woman is the president's Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased, membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a (ld in the Head quickly. Kestores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no inj urious drugs. Applied into the n ostitis and absorbed. Large Siz, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. Omaha. Neb.. Deo. 15. 1903.1 After tfvinfr every well-known remedy m thorough trial and taking treatment from differ ent physioians without receiving any relief. I had almost eiven up hope when through the recommendation of the drug firm, Sherman & McConnell. I tried a bottle of the D. D. D. It crave me instant relief. Have used four bottles and think I am cured after suffering for the last ix or seven years with the worst of all akin diseases, tne eczema. W. E. OWENS. The Owens Pence Post Co. Don't be fooled into thinking that skin troubles come from blood impurities and don't ruin your stomach with purges and blood remedies. Eczema and all skin diseases are caused by little germs that attack the skin ex ternally. D. D. D. Prescription kills these germs and leaves the skin clear, soft and healthy. Its work seems almost miraculous. If you are skeptical go to the druggist whose name appears below and he will show yon photos and proof positive thatD. D. D. will actually cure any and all skin diseases. D. D. D. costs bat S 1 .00 per bottle and Is guarx enteed to cure any skla disease or monjrtB tnnrtert. For sale and giiarantead by HOWELL & JONES, Oregon City. WE PROVE IT. To convince you we have arranged with the D. D. D. Co-, so that any sufferer from any skin disease can get direct from the D. I). D. Co.'s laboratory a large free sample bottle of D. D. D pre scsiptiou. together with 32 page new pamphlet on skin disease and .free ad vice on your particular case from the world's greatest skin specialist. FREE SAMPLE COUPON MAL THIS PROMPTLY. D. D. D. CO. Medical Department 116-lSO Minigan St., Suite 428 Chicago, . Please send me free prepaid a large size sample bottle of D . D , D. pamphlet and consultation blank For ...years I have been afflicted with a skin disease called and have never used D. D. D. Name Address AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 daughter. The other members are ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. nearly ail -connected with the road. The number of thrilling situations are many and well placed. At the end of the third act the, villian as- j saults and binds the hero, who is sup posed to switch-5 local train into the 1 siding so that the Limited may pass in j the other direction. The villian throws ' the switch a collision is imminent, when the soubrette breaks from a ; room in which she has been locked j and releases the hero, who smashes ' a window in the switch house, jumps j through, and after a hand to hand ' fight with the villian and his accom plices, turns the switch in time to avert the catastrophe. The presenting organization is one of exceptional merit that has played long and successful engagements in all the cities on the coast. From here they return to Portland for the third j week. We are accorded but too few such attractions and a large audience should greet their appearance here. C. I Greein, PIONEER v Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES REASONABLE THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon City, Oregon D. C. LATOURETTE F. J MEYER Transacts a general banking business. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. President - Cashier Open from WILL BE REPEATED. Salvation Army Has Interesting Pro gram for Tomorrow Evening. So - many people wishing the Xmas exercises of the children of the Sal vation Army repeated, a splendid program has been arranged which Prices Reasonable LET US DO Yoiir Work Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business! Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building !7m Williams Bros. Transfer Co.