Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 05, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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P. M. Barmore was In Oregon City
on Thursday of last woek on busi
ness. ' " . .
Frank Patch and Roy Burdette wore
aho union Pacific
TlirouljhHPuilrnw tandard i'd Tour
Jut Blenplng cam dally to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourtat alenplng car dally ta
K annua City; through Pullman tourlal
Bleeping' cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin
ing chairs (acats free to the east dally.)
.CAN BY. .'. ;' Dora spent Christmas day with their- Mr. D. R. Dlmlck was around get-
sister, Mrs. C. Pearley Andrews. ting signers for Mr. Adam Knignt oi
,. MIh Mona Kintf has returned to Canby to have him appointed for road
Ilwaco, after an extended visit with supervisor again. The people in this
relatives. vicinity would be pleased' to see Mr.
Mrs. W. B. Stafford and daughter, ' Knight appointed again as he has
in Silverton visiting friends two or. Miss Roma, spent Friday in Portland, given good satisfaction,
three days last week. . - i Lester M. Marrs has returned to1 Mr, Richter is hauling potatoes to
Bill Powers of the C. & R. store Corvallls, after spending the holidays , Canby.
spent Christmas in Portland. ... with his parents. I Your humble correspondent had the
.The home of A. L. Snell, was the Mr. and Mrs. James Burdette of pleasure of listening to some very fine
scene of a family gathering on Christ- Salem, ; spent Christmas week with ' phonograph music over the phone last
mas day. Several chickens were Mrs. Burdette's mother, Mrs. C. E. i night. It is nice when one can sit in
slaughtered for the feast. 3: F. help-i Myres. his own home and hear some one miles
ert tn BPt nwnv with four nf them. We i The Mt. Pleasant school is under-; away play just the same as though
opo B,.rrv fnr amine some much needed repairs dur-iyou were with them. Thanks to the
A new fence has been erected ! lng the holiday vacation.
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars.
Depart. Tim Schedule!. Arrive -
Chicago- Bait Lake, Denver,
Portlund Ft. Worth, Omaha, (j:25 D m
Special Kansas City, Bt. v m
11:16 a. m Urnls, Chicago and
Salt Lake, Denver,
if n m VX- Worth, Omaha, 8.00 a m
via fl'unt'- Kanaaa City, St.
V,lngtoS. Chicago and
Bt. Paul
Fast Mall Walla Walla, Lew-
6:16 p m Iston, Spokane, Mln- 7;u a m
via Ann- neapolla, St. Paul,
yia epo Uuluth( MllwauKee,
kane. Chicago and Eaat.
Ocean and River Schedule
For San Francisco Every nva daya at
8 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
Portland, Oregon.
p. in.; Saturday at 10 p. ra. Dally
service (water permitting) on Willam
ette and Yamhill rlvera.
For detailed Information of ratea,
The Oregon Ha II road & Navigation Co.
your nearest, ticket agent, or
Qemiral Passenger Agent
around the grounds of the white school
house, north of the city. It adds to
the appearance of the place. .
Mrs. Bradle is teaching In the place
of Mrs. Matthews this week In the
public school. Mrs. Matthews is sick
in a Portland hospital.
A. R. Shank went to Oregon City on
Monday of last week to see his mother,
who is suffering greatly from rheuma
tism, ' : . , - . -
Rev. O. B. Ames spent the holidays
with friends in the vicinity-of Van
couver, Washington. He returned in
time to teach school on January z.
Fred Roth has returned to the O. A.
C, Corvallls, having spent the holi
days at home with his mother.
Miss Swanby, of the Aurora purmc
schodls, spent Sunday with her sis
ter, Mrs. Wang.
There was a large attendance at the
Methodist Episcopal Sunday School
last Sunday. And this after Christmas.
Fred Clemo has returned to Willam
ette University, Salem, after spending
the holidays in Canby.
Preaching services at the Central
Point M. E. Church on Sunday morn
ing January 7, 1900, by the pastor; at
Canby in the evening.
Portland and The Dalles
"SADIE B." .
Str. ' "Bailey Gatiert" leaves Portland
7 A. M. Mondaya, Wedneadaya and Fri
day a; loavea The Dallea 7 A. M, Tuea
daya, Thusrsdaya and Saturdaya.
Str, "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A,
M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaya;
leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondaya
Wednesdays and FrJaya.
Steamers leaving Portland make dally
connection at Lyle with C. R. St N. train
for Ooldendalo and Klickitat Valley
C. R. & N. train leavea Ooldendale on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Frldaya at
6:30 A. M., making connection with
steamer "Regulator" for Portland and
way polnta.
C. B,"St N. train leavea Goldondale ou
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at
8:30 A. M., connecting at Tylo with
steamer "Sadie B." for The Dallea, con
necting there with O. R. & N. tralna
East and West.
Str. "Sadie B." leavea Cascade Lock
dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th
Dallea and way points; arrlvea at 11 A.
M.i loavea The Dallea 2 P. M., arrlvea
Cascade Locks ( P. M.
Meals served on all ateamera.'
Fine accommodations lor teams and
wagons. ;
Landing at Portland at Alder Street
Dock. 1
V. P. & G. M
Gen. Office, Portland, Oregon.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
8:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
For May gers. Rainier,
Clatskanle, Westport
Clifton, Astoria, war-
renton, navel, Ham
mond,., Fort Stevens,
Oparhart Park. Sea-
Hide, Astoria a n a
Express Dally. ..
Astoria Express.
Of Waverly, Texas, writes; Of a morning
when first arising, I often find ft trouble
some collection of phlegm which produces
a cough and Is very hard to dislodge; but
a small quantity of Ballard's Horehound
Syrup will at once dislodge It, and the
trouble Is over. I know of no medicine
that Is equal to It, and is. so pleasant to
take. I can most cordially recommend It
to all persons needing a medicine for
throat or lung trouble." Sold by Huntley
Bros. Drug Co.
School will open next Monday.
Sickening Shivering Htt
of Ague and Malaria can be relieved and
cured with Electric Bitters. This, a pure
tonic medicine; of especial benefit In
malaria, for It exerts a true curative In
fluence on the disease, driving it entirely
out of the system. It Is much' to be pre
ferred to Quinine, having nonn of this
drugs bad after effects. E. S. Munday,
Henrietta, Texas, writes; "My brother
was very low with malarial fever and
jaundice until he took Electric Bittres,
which saved his life. At Howell & Jones
Drug Store; price 60c, guaranteed.
one that was furnishing the music.
Mr. Streglc went to Canby on busi
ness last Thursday.- .,
Mr. and Mrs. Olds, of Oregon City,
are visiting Mr. Partch's family this
week. 1 . i -,
New Year was spent very quietly
by the majority, but the young people
attended a party at Mr. Jubb's and
report a most enjoyable time.
One young man who attended the
ball at Damascus had the misfortune to
have his horse get loose during the
evening and start off for better pas
ture, and up to the present has not
found It. He had to get a "hoss to
take his girl home.
Saturday night of this week some
thing killed six head of Mr. Swale's
Monday Mr. Clark Stewart made his
first trip as a, cream collector for the
creamery, to succeed Wm.' Watts.
Mr. McMurray Is moving on the
Chase ranch. - '
Rev. Poole is holding a series of
Bible readings, or something of that
sort, at Stone church. .
School will be resumed on Monday
next at Lower. Logan. .
Saturday next the Installation of
officers will take place at Harding
Orange. Come all tardy members, and
show yourselves.
A week so far without rain.
One new-comer said he had been
told by reliable parties that it rained
52 days every month in Oregon, which
was a "slam" on our delightful cli
mate. ,
Mrs. Powell, who underwent an op
eration the 4th of December for ap
nendicltis has been discharged from
the St. Vincent hospital and is at.
the home of her husband's ' sister in
C. M. Cage, who came so near hav
ing his rleht arm taken off in the edg
er at Linton, is .about ready to be dis
charged from the hospital, but it will
be some time before he regains the
use of 'it.
Mr. Beihle, who has been paralyzed
and blind and helpless for a number of
years, has a new -medicine for his
eyes, and has strong hopes of regain
ing his eyesight. It has been said if
It were not for hope the heart would
The new teacher seems, to b getting
along all right and has recalled the
discarded books, and finds time for
the relatives. ' "' v '
John Sager and Frank Kekel have
been blasting for Mr. Nimic.
The storm of Saturday threw down
some fences, broke off about 30 feet
of the old rotten stub beyond Pollv-
ka's house, which has been a menace
to the traveling public, and somewhat
demoralized the telephone lines, i
Mr. Murrow has started out with a
kennel of Scotch Collie dogs, and is
building a correl for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ely visited in
Portland on New Years day.
Mr. St. Clair's son and wife came
for a visit New Years at the old folk's
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Swan, of Port
land, visited Mrs. Matchett the last
day of the old year.
The high wind of last Saturday did
considerable damage, blowing fences
and small buildings down. It also
broke a window In Everhart & Co.'s
The Christmas exercises at the lit
tle church were well attended and
all had a nice time, the best of order
prevailed. There seems to be a tend
ency of some young people to make
such places a time for boisterous con
duct, and girls fifteen years of age are
as. bad sometimes as unruly boys. This
was noticed last Sunday night at the
U. B. Church when two girls would
have made their mother blush had she
been present. Girls, beware, some
day you will regret your conduct.
Mr. and Mrs.W. JL Hand, Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Boring spent Christmas
with. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tacheren.
' At the annual election of officers, of
the Boring M. E. Sunday School, O.
WJ- Boring was elected Superintendent
and H. Knox, assistant superintendent,
Miss Violet Perret secretary-treasurer;
Miss Alice Perret, rlibrarlan, and
H. Bigford, organist.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Vullermire, of Port
land, spent New Years with Mrs. Vull
ermler's sister, Mrs. Tacheren.
Mr. E. RIchey has sold and traded
his place here, for property at Gresham
and will move there within a few days.
Mr. RIchey is one of Boring's oldest
residents, and his smiling face will
be missed by all. ,
There is to be a singing school or
ganized here Thursday night.
Watch meeting was held Sunday ev
ening. ,
that Mr. Brown will not sell his place
of business.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot -be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
We,' the undersigned, )ae known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In nil bnslneps
transactions, and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'S Catarrh Cure Is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimon
ials, sent free. Price,' 75c. per bottle.
Sold by nil druggists. ,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa
tion. . .
Jan. 2. Charley Nash and family,
of Oregon City, were visiting Perry
Burns and family a few days ago.
Mr. Joseph Perringer wa3 visiting
at the home of. Mike Hurias on New
Years Day.
Otto Striker is .going to work in
Adkins logging camp.
Several from here went to Canby
last Saturday night to join the lodge
at that place.
Bud Hilton and wife were visiting
his mother and brother last Sunday.
Mr. Engle's daughters were visiting
Mr. Julius Moshberger and family last
Sunday. .
John Molsen and wife took New
Year's dinner :. with Charles P.ipka and
family. .."'..
Jace Mattock . was In these parts
looking for wood as timber is scarce
on his place.
Highland Is still on top.
The new year has come with cold,
damp weather.
Our school vacation during the "hol
idays is being enjoyed very much, by
both teacher and pupils.
We are glad to see the smiling faces
of the Misses Blanche and Nettie
Miller among us during the holidays.
The quilting at Mrs. Ada Stevens on
last Friday was well attended, and all
report a good time.
The new store building in High
land is quite an improvement, it will
soon be opened'by Mayfield Bros., with
their new stock of goods. They will
have direct : communication with the
city over the phone which we believe
to be a great benefit to Highland.
Mrs. C. Krohn has moved to Mt.
Pleasant to reside.
The new yeatf Is here again and
finds us all well and happy.
Mr. Geo. M. Secrest, who is tired of
farming, has moved to Oregon City,
and is now engaged in the feed stable
Mr. Jay Hylton has , been home
spending the Christmas vacation.
Mr. Adolph Joehnke was home from
Portland Sunday and made calls on
several of his friends.
Miss Joseph, the Twilight teacher,
has been spending her vacation at her
home in Woodburn, and resumed her
school duties Tuesday morning.
Mr. Geo. Kelland spent New Year's
day with the family of Mr. Engle, at
Central Point. '
M. J. Lazelle returned to Corvallls
Wednesday to resume studies at Ore
gon Agricultural College.
' An enjoyable party was held in
Twilight Hall New Years' Eve, and
the neighbors all went home pleased
after watching the new year in and
making good resolutions.
Lester Morris returned to Corvallis
Tuesday evening. He is attending
the Oregon Agricultural College.
Geo. Lazelle has sold a coop of six
cockrels from his barred Rocks to a
prominent Washington poultry man.
Mr. Oliver Johnson of. John Day, who
is now an O. A. C. student, was the
guest of M. J. Lazelle one day last
'We understand that Mr: Charles
Burghardt Is clearing his lots at Bar
ton to build him a house. Say, Char
ley, how is the bird, there must be
one as you are getting the cage ready
There was quite a crowd out to the
Christmas tree. There were lots of
nice presents and a nice program.
Take it all together we had a nice
time. ' ' "
Mr. H. L. Ward and Sherman Lyons
came home from the camp to spend
the holidays with their families and
have returned to the camp at Caza
dero to work again.
There has been quite a lot of sick
ness In our burg lately. Mrs. Gran
well, Wards, Johnsons, Davis Lyons,
but I believe they are all on the mend.
Potatoes are on the wane. E. Burg
hardt is loading a car. Mr. C. O. Davis
have moved in their new house.
Mr. F. Johnson came out from Port
land where he is working, to spend
the holidays with his folks.
Charles and Jim Norris and their
hounds killed a coyote. He had been
making things lively for the neigh
bors chickens the past week.
Jan 3. Everybody seems to have
enjoyed themselves New Years.
Mrs. Bebee, who has been quite low
with pneumonia, is up again.
Will Jones, from Colfax, Washing
ton, is visiting friends and relatives
in this burg.
Misses Edith and Mary White spent
last week with their sister, Mrs. John
Mulvaney at Union Mills.
. Jack Griffith andlachel Lewis spent;
Sunday with her parents.
. G. Thomas spent Tuesday night..
with Ed. Howard and family.
There was a party given at the
home of Albert Schoenborn Monday;
night. An enjoyable time was had
and we wish them to have another one
in the near future. Those being pres-
ent were': Misses Kate Jones, Emma'
Inskeep, Edna and Iva Irish, Rosa and
Lizzie Burgess, Berthena Howard, Liz
zie Lewis, Clara and Elsa Schoenborn,
Pearl Trullinger, Ada Gregory, Sarah
Thomas, Mabel and Lela McCarthy,
and Mrs. Gregory ; Messrs. Fred Spang
ler, Emerson Spatz, Evan Lewis, Rich
ard, Willie and John Davis, Charley
and Albert White, Tommy Evans,;
Dewey Thomas, Ralph and. Normanll
Pi-ialiPfl hlnrwl npwls n. nrnnw i Howard. Clyde and Sydney Smith, Lau
' 1 vrsn nn Tlofr-i n rrnr Vircol TV.T av Pro1 anrl I
1 CUl-C lVII 11V1 T & J "vi tl
impMislp Soil
Impoverished soil, like impov-
Grandpa Tenny has been suffering
with tonsilitis.
Clara Sevier is cooking for therBaw
mlll crew at, Fischer's.
The new year's service at Viola by
Rev. Patton and Dr. B. F. Rowland, of
Portland, were well attended.
Loreq Tenny made a business trip
to Oregon "City Saturday.
The Epworth League spent a pleas
ant evening at Mr. Carlson's Wednes
day. - - - . '
Charles Landers is putting up an
addition to his new house. .
John Hamilton has rented a farm of
Mr. Randolph. .
Mr.' Copeland and family are plan
ning as soon as they have sufficiently
recovered the effects of typhoid fever.
Several men have been in Viola of
late -wanting to purchase W. D.
Brown's store. We are much in hopes
9:40 P.M
'C. ' A.- STEWART, Comm'l Agt iii
t Alder atreet." Phone Main 06. lt t
,'. .T..C. MATO. a- ,F..fk P, A Astoria,', Or
You Will Bp Satisfied
;.U I1i tl!:8''rea(ll,ovet1 "the. 'Denver
" '' and Rio Grande Riillfoad, the" Seeni'tf.
,UneMC.the-Wrld'.' ., .,.., 4 . '.
There are so many scenic attractions
" " and points of interest along the line
between Ogdcn arid .Denver that the
trip never becomes tiresome. .
The Clarkes farmer's are all busy
plowing for oats.
Mr.-Kleinsmith, V. Bottemiller and
G. Peck; were butchering some pigs
for. Mrs. C. Kleinsmith, which Mr.
Bottmlller took down to Oregon City
last Saturday. , . .
.. The wind was. blowing rather hard
last Saturday and took down all sizes
of green timber and some rail fences,
not much damage was -done.
Fred Schruble has : gone to. Cali
fornia for. a winter's stay. ,
Mr". Martin has 'moved into his new
house, all good girls and boys "are
allowed to come and shake their feet
In his 'new house; I -suppose.
Clarkes saw a little snow last week,
about two inches,, it stayed .only- two
days, . (. ,.- . ..
, . Some coyotas have . been heard in
Clarkes I suppose there will be more
around before spring. . ; ' . .
Willie Geren, Frank Anderson, Oscar
Erickson, Albert, Robert, . Henry and
Harry Schoenborn, Joe Jones, Frank
Thompson and E. and George Gregory.:
Hurrah for 1906.
Happy New Year to everybody.
The young people of Mulino spent.
a very pleasant evening Sunday at the;
home .of Mr. August Erickson, watclW
ing the old. year out and the new year
fertilizer. ' A chemist by analyz
ing the. soil can tell you what
fertilizer to use for different
If your blood is impoverished
your doctor will tell you what
you need to furtilize.it and give
it the rich, red .corpuscles that
are lacking in it. It may be you in, after the clock struck twelve, they
L.i n f..n; 'lint Ulrolv vnii I pulled taffy and amused themselves
need a tonic, but nioie likely jou eneral; Wre younc but once.
Monday evening, January 1st, Mr
Lee and Rev. T. Wiles celebrated their
58th birthday at the home of the pas
tor. A dainty supper was given in'
honor of the two just mentioned, also
Mr. Grant Ashby, of this burg, cele;,
bra ted his 40th birthday on the 29th-
at last month.
Did you hear the latest? Mr. Lee
Adkins of Union Mills and Miss Nan
njne Lowney, of Molalla, were married
a few days ago. We sincerely wislii
both of them much joy and happiness
all their life long.
Albert and Elmer Erickson of this
vicinity, have gone to work fortheir
uncle, in the logging camp, :at Kelso,
Washington where they will remain,
for the winter.
"l have tried all kinds of waterproof
clothing and have never found anything
at. any price to compare with your Fish
Brand for protection from all kinds of.
(The nnm and addresH of the writer of thia
unaolidled tetter may be bad upon application)
Highest Aivard World's Fair, 1904.
The Sign of the Fish
Boston, U. S. A.
Toronto, Cinada
Maktrt cf Warrant Wit Weathtr Clothing
Jan. 1. A happy and prosperous
new year to the Enterprise and its
patrons, correspondence corps, and all
who try to do right.
Garfield Is improving. We have had
a good year and hope for as good
for this, for all. - - :
Holiday week passed quietly. Had
a Christmas tree at the old Zlon
church, on Saturday evening, the 23d
of December, 1905. The building was
finely decorated, and the program was
just right. Old Santa was impersonated
by Mr. Bates, Sr. Mrs. Ella Tracy,
Superintendent of the Sunday School,
assisted by Mr. Trapp and wife, Mr.
Ward and wife, F.' Moline and Mrs.
Julia Marshal and Mrs. Nite, were the
ones to do the work of the work of
ones to do the work of the entertain
ment Miss Emma Forester, of Eagle Creek
spent Xmas week with her school
mates of early pioneer days, namely,
Mr. H. Epperson and Mrs. Doc Pal
mateer, where she enjoyed herself ;
very much. She is the blind auntie
to the Miss Forester that soon to wed
a Portland man; also sister of Mrs.
S. F. Scripture, of Oregon City, where
Miss Emma Forester has many old
Mr. Ed. Mullen spent the week in
Mr. Snuflin was called to Portland
by the illness of his mother. His aunt,
Mrs. Wm. Livermore, is at the point
of death at Portland, also. '
Mr. George Epperson, of Eagle
Creek, spent Xmas week at the home
of his brother and sister In Garfield.
Mrs. Leatha Wills is on the sick
list. ,
Several have sick horses. Mr. No
votna lost one of his work horses the
past week after a. few hours sick
ness it's taggers.
Garfield Grange , had a necktie so
cial, it being a very bad evening not
many were out so only netted $8.00 to
pay on the hall on the Cliff Sarver
property. .
- Our teacher, Mr. Stubbs,vis teach
ing a very successful term of school.
The Presiding itlder of the M. E.
Church, preached at Zlon Sunday ev
ening. Several went down to boom
Zion and hear him;
The chances for living a full cen
tury are excellent in the case of Mrs.
Jennie Duncan, of, Haynesville, Me.,
now 70 years old. She writes; "Elec
tric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dys
pepsia of 20 years standing, arid made
me feel as well and strong., as a young
girl." Electric Bitters cure Stomach
and Liver diseases, Blood disorders,
General Debility and bodily weakness.
Sold on a guarantee at Howell & Jones
drug store. Price only 50c. ,,
' " ' If yGis Are golnglKast, wrlte( or informa
tlo'n and get a pretty book thafewul tell you
all about lt, , .
W. C. McBRlDE, General Agent
(PORTLAND, ,' .h "f'.';' OREGON
,;Mrsi Dan O'Nell and Miss Holrhes
spent several days ih Portland 'last
week visiting Mrs. M. 11: Hensley and
her daughter, Mrs.' William M. Thorn
ton, at .The.. Norton
Mr. and. Mrs. R. H. Taber have re
turned from Hillsbbro, where., they
HpentvChi'lstmas,:;,wiith; their daughter,,,
ivus. u. i. nuyu
' Miss Clementina "Bradford has ' re
turned to -Portland, : after a 'pleasant
' visit With friends at. Locust Farm.
if Miss Helen Elizabeth,. Riggs. is at
I home again, after. .having spent three'
, months with Mayor , and Mrs.., A. E?
'King, at Ilwaco, Washington.
Mr. and Mcs, Arthur .Warner and
Mr. and Mrs. warl Barker Lawtont
went to Vancouver last 'Sunday, where
1 they were' guest's of Mr.' anrl Mrs." Fred
P. Stauffer. ' '''v
' -Mrs. ' Jennie Sheibley. has; returned
from New fMexieo,.' to 'Mb.' Pleasant,
where she will makeher, home with
need a concentrated fat food,
and fat is the element lacking
in your system..
There, is no fat food that is
so easily digested and assimi
lated as, .
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil
It will nourish and strengthen
the body when milk and cream
fail to-do it. Scott's Emulsion
I vj nln-nt'a li an mu flKn'nVfl
,7 . o ,, ...v , . vy Jan 2 There hag not been anything
palatable and always beneficial !in the Enterprise from this section of
,1, , i i' iu ,..;... fi.,Arr ;tne county ior some ume, out mat, is
where the bqdy wasting fiom gj that Boring ls dead. Every
any cause, either
or adults. . ; , ,
We will send you a atlmple free.
Be sure that this lec
ture in the form of a
, label ia on the wrapper
pf every bottle of Emul
sion you buy.
. The. windstorm last .Saturday was her sister, Mrs. L. H. .Andrews
.disastrous to old fences, V ' . , . Mr. Bonnie Nefzger .and,sister, Mias ,
. I-,-;
in children 'thing and. everybody around Boring are
prospering. Boring can boast oi two
butpher .shops, both of which are do
ing a thriving business;' a hew. black
smith shop has been -put up by a man
from Dakota. It had been- said there
was no business for a blacksmith at
Boring, but the smith is kept busy
and part of the time has to .have a
The Boring School' is going to make
some needed improvements. ' .y-
,T. W. Boring Made a" trip to Oregon
City' and Portland last week for the
school and , purchased ;a new bell, for
the sch,oolrt wljlch wijl be installed
soon, v . ,,.
,Mr. P. yetsch, wlfe and family, have
returned, .hb'nje , from ,a,. thr.ee' weeks'
siay in ouuiui uia. ....... . .
09 Pearl St., Kevsr YorK
G0p. audfl.oK ; - '
All Druggists. '
This offer is open only .to, ...new subscribers to 'j
The Youths' Companion. Subscribers to that period-
ical desiring to renew the;ir subscription, , wilji be;given r
the Enterprise and the companion tor qo.uu
to get your country weekly and one of the standard
magazines tor a little, more than the price ot one.
Remember, new subscribers to The Youths' Com-
panion will receive that publication and the Enterprise,
both one year, for the reasonable price, of only.
: 2 , 5 0 '-;
f ! Address ENTERPRISE ;
Oregon City, - " - " Oregon