G OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 190M DELI UENT TAXES FOR 1904. Notice of Sheriffs Sale TAX EXECUTIO STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas,. ss. To J. R. Shaver, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, Greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, Tou are hereby commanded to advertise and sell In the manner provided by law the several articles of personal property and parcels of real property upon which taxes have been respectively levied for the year 1904 and which are marked and extended as unpaid and delinquent upon the accompanying tax roll of Clacka mas County for said year 1904 and that you pay over all money so collected to the county treasurer of said county as required by law. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, this 11th day of December, A. D. 1905. (SEAL) F. W. GREENMAN, County Clerk of Clackamas County, Ore. STATE OF OREGON. County of Clackamas,. ss. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original warrant for the collection of the Delin quent taxes for the year 1904. and the whole thereof of such original now in mv hands and that the same was receiv ed by me on the 11th day of December, J ivub. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff and Tax Collector for Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, therefore, In obedience to the commands of the said above mentioned warrant, I will on the 15th day of January, 1906, at the hour of 9 o'clock A .M., at my of fice in the Clackamas County Court House In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore gon, sell the several tracts or parcels of real property embraced in the delinquent list of Clackamas County, Oregon, for the year 1904, and a description of which property, the amount of taxes, interest, to date of sale, and penalties accrued against each tract and the name of the owner when known or person to whom taxed, is as follows, to-wlt: , Amt. Due Buckley, Johannah, Marchbanks, lot 85, block 7 .12 Buckley, D. J. Jr., Marchbanks, lot 86, block 7 12 Buckley, Wm. E., Marchbanks, lot 37 block 7 12 Gove, C. A., Marchbanks, lots 1 and 8 block 9 24 Frasler, J. L. and Svarvend, G Marchbanks, lots 12 to 16 inclusive, block 9 49 Gove, C. A., Marchbanks, lot 16, blk 12 Portland Land. Irrigation, Lumber & Fuel Co., Robertson, South half of lot 4, block 20 76 Portland Land, Irrigation, Lumber & Fuel Co., Robertson, lot t, oik 20, 1.08 Leaman, Mary Mrs., Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 29 and SO, block 16 Dunn, Fred J., Minthorn Add. to Portland, lots 47 and 48, block 16 Wilson. T. H.. Minthorn Add to .37 .37 Portland, lot 6, block 41 .18 Lee, W. M. & R. E., Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 17 and 18, block 43 37 Johnson, M. A., Minthorn Add to, Portland, lots 25 to 28 inclusive block 44 73 Oregon Land Co., Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 19-20 except luu reet oft of N. end, block 68 Oregon Land Co., Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 21-22 except 100 feet off of N. end block 68 Oregon Land Co., Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 23 and 24, block 68 Ira Erb, Minthorn Add. to Portland lot 47, block 69 Oregon Land Co., Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 5 and 6, block 72.. Polly, M. M.. Minthorn Add to Port land, lot 27, block 73 Oregon Land Co., Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 40 and 41, block 73 Oregon Land Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 16 and 17. block 77 Oregon Land Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 16 to 19 inclusive, block 78 White. J. S.. Minthorn Add to Port 12 12 .12 .20 .37 .18 .37 .37 .73 land, lot 3S. block 84 18 Hess. Luella H.. Minthorn Add to ,.land, lots 11 and 12. block 88 Hess, Luella H., Minthorn Add to Portland, !fts 25 and 26, block 89 Grasle, J. AV., Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 1 and 2. block 94.. Bradburv. E. Mis.. Milwaukie. lot .37 .37 .49 4, block 37 15.17 Tay'T. Edward E.. Canemah, lots 3--5 and 6, block 7 17.54 Draper, J. V Canemah, lots 1-2- 3-6-6-7 and 8. block 10 18.98 Draper, J. W., Canemah, lot 5, blk 12 .. 3.39 Henderson. Sarah J.. Canemah, lots 1-2-7 mid 8. block 17 12.90 Barlow. V. and J. S., Canemah, lots 1 and 2, block 22 4.07 McMahon, Richard, Canemah, lots 3 and 4. block 22 4.07 Waite. A. E.. Canemah. lot 4, blk. "!5 (2d half payment) 1.69 Joseph, Charles. Canemah,, lots 2, 3. 4 and 7, block 31 7.12 Trachsel, Christian, Canemah, lot 3. block 0 3.43 Rambo, I. G., Canemah, lot 4, blk C 2.05 Rinchart, Elizabeth. Canemah, lots 1. 2, 6, 7 and 8 in fractional blks not numbered between blocks 61 and 62 1.70 Rlnehart, Elizabeth. Canemah, lots 1. 7, and 8. in Fractional blocks not numbered between blocks 45 v and 46 1.02 Reinhart, Elizabeth, Fractional blk not numbered between blocks 35 and 36. Canemah 34 Gibbs, Thos, Canemah, as describ ed in Record of Deeds, book 63 page 415 68 Bowers, W. D.. First Addition to Canemah, lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, block H 8 48 Draper, J. W., First Add to Cane mah. lot 5. block I 1.71 Hedges, Elizabeth, First Addition to Canemah, lots 6. 7 and 8, blk. I 4.07 Hamilton, Elsie E., Atkinson, lot IS. 10 acres 13.66 mooie, n. ss., Pleasant Little Homes No. 1 lot 5 Jimson, Chaffin, Pleasant Little Homes, No. 1, lots 12 to 16 Inclu sive . , Bauer, Margaret. Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, lots 19 and 20 Carr, Wm., Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, lots 22 and 23 Flemmlng, Mary J., Pleasant Little Homes No. 1, lots 24 and 25 ... Everest, Mnry E., Pleasant Little Homes, No. J, lots 36 to 41 inclu sive Nolan. Viola. Pleasant Little Wnmoi .25 1.22 .49 .49 .49 1.47 No. 1. lots 48 and 49 49 vnmpueu, nugn, neasant Little Homes, No. 1, lots 67 and 58 . Crow, Nellie S Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 5 to 8, block 1 Swanson, Samuel, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lot 18, block 2.. Swanson, Samuel, Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 19 and 20, blk .49 .37 .76 Peck, H. O., Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lots 17 to 21 Inclusive, blk. Peck," "li! '6'.,' 'pieasan't 'Little' Homes No. 3, lots 13 to 17 Inclusive, blk. 6 Gentry. W. H. H Marshfield, as 1.85 1.85 aesennea in Record or Deeds, Book 78,page 89, lot 1, block 2 4.67 Corby, C. W, Marshfield, lot 3, blk. IS J.20 Robinson, J. W., Root's Add. to Marshfield, lots 4 to 7 Inclusive, bIoc ?4 4 7 Amt Due $ Hawkls, Joseph, Tract 4 of Logus Tracts, 14.91 acres 27 22 Legrand, Emma, New Era, lots 1 and 8, block 4 1 14 Wft' A',,E- Cauby, lot 6, block 11 (2d half) 93 Cox, Mary A., Canby, lots 7 to 12 Inclusive block 13, (2d half).... 4.55 Walt, A. E., Canby, lots 1 to 12 In clusive, block 14, (2d half) 4.56 German Campmeeting Association, Oak Grove, West half of block 3, 2H acres 455 German Campmeeting Association, Oak Grove, Eft of block 22, 2 acres " 4 55 Sellwood Land & Impt. Co., Oak Grove. E of block a a Sellwood Land & Impt. Co., Oak Grove, block 12, 5 acres 9.07 Sellwood Land & Impt. Co., Oak Grove, block '15, 6 acres 9 08 Sellwood Land & Impt. Co., Oak Grove. W of block 22, 2V acres 4.55 Koch, O. A., Oak Grove, block 4, 6 acres g.ng Unknown, subdivision of a Portion Of Oak Ornve hlnnk 4 7 Otf Sellwood Land & Improvement" Co.', ouuuiviBion 01 a portion or Oak Grove, block 4 7 oc r,.-it i T V .. - ......... Dfiiwoua L,ana & improvement Co., Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, all of, except N. 120 feet off lot 4 i 15 Sellwood Land & Improvement Co., Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove 36.5x79.1 feet in N.E. cor. lot 1, block 41, and lots 3 and 4, block 41 ' g 97 Sellwood Land & Improvement Co., Subdivision of n PnrHnn r.f riov Grove all land North of Bunnell fence, lot 6, block 43 Bingham, Chas., Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, lot 1, block 44 Calkins, Daniel, Subdivision of" a Portion of Oak Grove, lot 4, block 57 Sellwood Land & Improvement Co.", Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, lot 1, block 60 SellWOOd Land & Tmnrm-Amant rr. .37 3.63 E.08 3.30 Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, all west of O. W. P. R R lot 2, block 76 1 09 Sellwood Land & Improvement Co., Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, lot 7. block 85 8,34 Sellwood Land & Improvement Co., Subdivision of a portion of Oak iirove, 1013 z to 14 inclusive, block OO Holt, Anna, Barlow, lots 4 "and 9." block 1 Offleld, G. W., Barlow, lot 9 blk 9.44 2.11 Ackle'y',' T." H,' Barlow! "lot" 3! "block" 3 1 ! 05 Barlow, A. P., Barlow, lots 1 and 2, block 6 1 30 Nodstrom, Sarah S Barlow, ""lot 8, block 6 54 Stampfer, Joseph, Gatzke's Add to Barlow, lot 1. block A 62 WM amette Falls Co., First Add to iv ummeiie rails Acreage Tract. lots 1 and 2, block G Willamette Falls Co., First Add to Willamette Falls Acreage Tract, lots 1 and 2, block H . .7 Willamette Falls Co., First Add to Willamette Falls Acreage Tract lots 1 and 2, block O 7 JI?,mette Fa!Is Co- Flrst Add to 3.64 3.64 3.64 vuiameiie rails Acreage Tract. fractional block P ....7... 12' McBride, T. A., County Add. to Or- ' " egon City, lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 34 105 31 Randolph, Sarah I., County Add to ' Oregon City, block E 1 7a Batdorf, J. F Central Add to Ore- ruii iil.v, lot (, DIOCK 36 7 02 Boylan. Anna. Dnrlinea AAri'tn'rl egon City, East M. at NWli hilr 4 T - Alltche . Lewis Ht00 n -r, .-,: '" , , eeon uity, lots 1 and 2, hlr,ob- 1 Edward. John R.',' Darnell's' Add ' to Oregon City, lot 4, block 1 .... Townscnd C. S., Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 1 to 5 inclusive block 1 Mack, S. J.. Shaw's 3.54 3.54 1.84 gon City lots 8. 9, and 10, block 1 l.U Mack, S. J., Shaw's Anne tn rro. son City, lots 1 and 2. block 2 .... Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 6 to 10, block 2.... Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City,, lots 13 and 14, block 2 Woellener. G. W.. Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 15 and 16, block . 1&i . " ElHs. A. S., Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2, block 3.... Mack, S. J.. Shaw's Annev tr rw. .75 gon City, lots 3 to 5 and 11 to 18 inclusive, Block 3 or uam, o. j., ormw s Annex to Ore gon City, lots 3 and 4, block 4 Troenble. Leopold. Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2, blk. 4 .75 .75 Maok' J? J" Shaw's Annex to'bre- sui uy, 101s 0 to 9 and 13 to 18 Indus VP. blnclr 1 iu j.o Mack s t sh..,. a' '.".' v;:: ,uo gon Citv. lots S tn R ini,,ci wii.' 6 um Mack. S -J., Shaw's Annex "to Ore' Ron City, ots 11 to 20 inclusive Mnnir k ' mclusle, . .. Hagerik. Peter'.' 'shaw's' Annex" 'to r'i sn" V1'10. 1 ana - block 6 .75 Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annoy tr, gon City, lots 3 to 17 inclusive, block 6 r Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Annex'to On?- ' sun tuy, lots 1 to 6 inclusive, blk Mack, S j", Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 8 to 11 inclusive, block 7 Mack, S J. Shaw's An'nex"to' Ore gon City, lots 13 to 16 inclusive, block 7 Muench, G & L., Shaw'sAnnex'to Oregon City, lots 19 and 20, blk , , --u , ,, 1.47 I Griffith F. T., Shaw's Annex'to br- r lots 1 ana Z. block 8.. Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon CitV. lot a hlnolr S Griffith, F. T.. Shaw's Oregon City, lots 9 to 12 Inclusive, block 8 Mack, S. J., Shaw's Ann 'x'tobre- 0rAfflt1'' T- Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 19 and 20, block Griffith ; ' F." ' T. , ' Shaw's ' Annex' ' to P'onCity. lots 1 to 20 Inclusive, block 9 Gnmtn' T", Shaw''s "Annex" to 98 I block 10 r 1 1 ula 1 10 ;u inclusive Griffith, f. t.. shaw;i Ann;;";; -x Oregon Citv. lots 1 in on , block 11 ...v-.l.c Griffith. F. T., Sh'a'w;s"A'n'nex"'n .73 Uregon City, lots 1 to 3 inclusive block 12 Klenke, Fred. Shaw's Annex 'to Or- egon Citv. lot 4 htnnb- i o, Mack, S. j., Shaw's Annex tobrel gon CitV. 6. 7 9 tn "ft lnntn.li,. block 12 3.43 Mack, S J., Shaw's Annex to' Ore' m - ii), iois 6 ana 5 to 14 inclu sive, b ock IS 2.71 .24 Warden. Mathew, Shaw's Annex'to viii-Kun tuy, lot 15. block 13.... Boemer, August, Shaw's Annex to .12 Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 6 to If inclusive, block 13 Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annex'tobre' gnn City, lots 1 to 20 inclusive, blk 14 Mack. S J., Shaw''s"An'nex "to Ore gon City, lots 1 to 20 inclusive, block 15 Mack, S J., Shaw's Annex' to Ore b"o"ck 16y' l0tS 1 t0 20 lnclusive Mak' S- J. " Shaw's' 'Annex to Ore' bloc- u' X' 3 t0 20 lnclU8lve. , 4.901 4.90 4.90 4.66 Amt. Due Mack, S. J., Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 3 to 10 Inclusive, block 18 .. 1. warren, Frank, snaw's Annex to Oregon City, lot 2, block 18 Warren, Anna 8.. Park Add to Ore- gon City, lota 9 and 10, block 10 2.12 savage, u. vv .Pleasant Place Add to Oregon City, lot 1, block 3,... Howell, G. T., Green Point, lot 1, block 4 Cheney, A. W Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, Singer Mill site, as described in Record of Deeds, Book 80, Page 78; 1.60 acres.... Moris, Samuel, Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, 1 80-100 acres, as described in Record of Deeds bonk 2.12 4.60 5.28 32, page 463; 1 80-100 acres 31.69 Lawrence, Geo. Jr., Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, undivided half of Cake, H. M. and W. M Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, undivided half of 60x32 feet front entend ing to R. R. limits and bounded on N. by Block 29. Oregon Citv. 2 10-100 acres 63.19 cross, 11. ss., Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, 65x270 ft. as des cribed in Record of Deeds, book 85, page 181 14.04 aenieman w. and Priest John, Mountain View Add to Oregon City, lot 8 block 4 1.06 oiration, Helen L,., (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon Citv. lota 1 and 2, block 1 2.83 Btrauon, Helen L, (Admr) Falls View to Oregon City, Lots 6 to 8 inclusive, block 1 419 oirauon, neien u (Admr) Falls View Add to Oregon Citv. lots 11 to 16 inclusive, block 1 6.97 Ross, Chas. A., Falls View Add to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10, block 1 3.64 ouaiion, iieien u (Admr) Falls View Add to Oregon City, lots 2 and 3, block 2 2.83 oiration, Helen (Admr.) Falls View Add to Oreirnn Pltv nt 2, block 4 1.76 omun, r. l... rails view Addition to Oregon City, lots 6 and 6 Inclu sive, block 4 3 54 Law. Thos. and wife, Falls View Add. to Oregon Citv. lots I. 2 nnri 3 inclusive, block 6 9.83 omun, i'. li., Fans View Add. to Oregon City, lots 4 and 5 inclu sive, block 5 Stratton, Helen L.. (Admr ) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 3 to 12 inclusive, block 6 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 8. block 7 , Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Falls 8.77 14.04 1.77 view Aaa. to uregon City, lot 3, block 9 1 77 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Fall's" View Add. to Oregon City, lots 12 to 14 inclusive, block 9 4 24 ouHiiun, neien u, (Admr.) Falls view Ada. to uregon City, lot 8. block 11 Stratton. Helen L., (Admr.) Fall's View Add. to Oregon City, lots 12 and 13, block 11 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Falls 1.77 2.12 view Ado. to uregon City, lots 1 to 3 inclusive, block 12 3. 19 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Falls iew Add. to Oregon City, lots (fractional) block 18 17 Moore, Celeste, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, block A 20 12 29 Rlggs, S. M., Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 7, block A 20 6 29 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 9. block A 20 212 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 13, block B 20 87 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Fail's" View Add. to Oregon Citv, lots 5 to 9 inclusive, block B 21 1158 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon Citv, lots 4 and 6 inclusive, block 23' 2 12 Stratton, Helen I,., (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 to 19 inclusive, block 24 337 Stratton, Helen I,., (Admr.) Falls v iew Ado. to uregon city, lots 1. 2, 4, 11 and 12, block 25 Stratton, Helen L., (Admr.) Falls 6.95 lew Add. to Oregon Citv, lots 1 to 3 and 10 to 12 inclusive, block 26 4 9g Willamette Land Co., Apperson's sub-div of lots 5. 6. and 7, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, block 6 1 10 Willamette Land Co., Apperson's . sub-dlv. of lots 6, 6 and 7, lot 16, block 6...... i..i0 i Moore, K. M.. Apperson's sub-divi- "n or lots s, 6, and 7, lot 9, ' uleK 1 1.10 Ptirdom, .T. C, sub-dlv. blk. 'D."bv j. a. unase, Park Place, lot 8, block D 81 Rockwood. G. A. heirs. Park Place ' half acre adjoining block 1 Mnrlay. P. H., Oregon Citv, lot 7 block 13 Mnrlay. P. H.. Oregon City," lot's"' 9.02 7.02 and 2. block 19 17 53 Miller. Marian Mrs., Oregon City, 1 ""U B. UIOCK in 66.17 I fiogg' " 0l'C'f"0n City' ,ot 4 b,k ! Meldrum. Jennie! Oregon" citv." "lot" 17 55 I 2. block SS '. 10 53 Stratton, Helen L., Oregon Citv easteily 1-4 of lot 1; easterly 5-6 I of lot 2. block 84 . IJ Stratton Helen L., Oregon City, 2.12 o it, d inclusive Easterly 3-4 of lot 6. block. 84; easterly 1-8 of lot 7. block 84.. Stratton. Helen L.. Oretrnn ntv 7.72 1 to 8 inclusive, block 85 6 62 Stratton. Helen L., Oregon Citv. lot 1. block 86; easterly end of lot 2 block 8!: easterly end nf Int 3 block S6 " .' Stratton. Helen I,.. Oregon City, 1.41 easterly end of Lot 8. block 86.. .34 .uanay, i'. 11.. uregon Citv. ots-1 to 8 inclusive, b ock 87 . . 14 is i&tratton. Helen L.. Oregon Citv . lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 89.. j S S,"0"' , neB,cP K Oregon City, L.'ots 1 to 8 '"elusive, block 90.. Stratton. Helen T. nm rut,. .2.83 6.62 5.62 1 Kl ! o U 8 Inclusive block 91. ' 1 hineir ion ",r6"" ,ot ruiion. iv. ij. Mrs. Oregon City, lots 5 and 6, block 121 8.77 Hartt. H. H.. Oregon City, lots 4 and 5, block 123 11 iu Ryan T. F., Oregon City, lots 3 and 4. block 129 29.83 I Buckbee. James. Oregon Citv, lots ! 3 to inclusive, block 147 3.19 I Hartt, H. H. Oregon City, lots 3 1 and 4. block 119 6 29 Myers, w. w., uregon Citv, west erly of lots 1 and 2. hlnclr IRd Welch. John Dr., Oregon City, lots 7. 1 7 and 8. block 163 7.72 i0 j Henness, Augusta, Oregon City, lots . 1 to 4 inclusive, block 172 15.79 Whitlock. W. T., Oregon City, lots . I 5. block 173 4.22 I Lehigh, W. F.. Oregon City. 1-3 of j lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 177.. 6.63 iHotormicK, j., uregon citv. lots 3Lon Y'U' '17-k- T'02 I Bolton Land Co., Bolton, lot 6, ; oiocK 10 1 Bolton Land Co., Bolton, lot 4 ' block 17 1 Ignite,,! lon rr. Tl. ! A .73 1.02 Block 20 1 02 K M!Pa,mPr' - A- ,rat riot numbered "uo : (Boring Junction) as descrihed in Record of Deeds, book 86, page 121 85. Cross, H. E.. Clackamas Fruit T.snrls ! Blocks A. and B. 1 86-100 acres 2.48 I Schindler, O.. Clackamas Heights, a,,fe-1i Klnnlra in no nn nn no I v,vr na to. OU. 03 I and 39. lot 12. blocks H and 29.. ' Bn,th, J H., Clackamas Park, lot 5-26 : Johnson, M. E. Mrs. Edge Wood. i . .'ot 17. block 6. Alnsworth, J. C. (Trustee) Edge Wood, lots 11 to 14 inclusive, blk t 3.0X Township 6 South Range 1 East. Oregon Land Co.. Friends " Oregon Colonv. block 93 54 mn 1 ft 79 Oregon Land Co.. Friend o 1 oiony, niocK 34, 311iou acres Jackson. II. O.. Friend Colonv. block 95. 30 20 Oregon Land Co.. Friends Oreirnn I Colony, block 96, 10 acres 4.40 I uregon Land Co.. Friends Oregon i Colony, block 97, 10 acres 6.12 uregon Land to.. Friends Oregon Colonv. block 100. 10 acres K 19 uregon Lnna Lo.. mends Oregon pnflR ( Irppnn Colony, block 101. 10 acres 6.12 Oregon Land Co.. Friends Oregon Colony, block 104. 5 acres 1.23 Oregon Land Co.. Friends Oregon u.v n v airra ...... A. II Oregon Land Co.. Friends Oregon Colony, block 118, 2 60-100 acres.. .8 Amt. Due Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 119, 2 20-100 acres., Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 120, 2 60-100 acres.. Oregon Land Co.. Friends Oreinm 24 Colony, block 121, 2 60-100 acres 2.40 uregon Lima tu. friends Oregon Colony, block 122, 2 60-100 acres., Oregon Land Co.. Friends Orea-on .98 Colony, block 123, 2 60-100 acres 2.46 uregon Land L0., Friends Oregon uuiony, DiocK 1.1, x uu-iuu acres .98 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 125, 5 acres Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 126, 6 acres Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon 3.44 3.44 3.68 Colony, bloc k 127, 6 acres Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 128. 6 acres...., Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 129, 6 acres Oregon Land Co.. Friends Oreirnn 3.68 4.88 Colony, block 131, 8 60-100 acres 4.15 uregon Lima Co., l-rlends Oregon Colony, block 132, 7 40-100 acres 2.46 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 133, 10 acres 3.44 uregon x,anu to., v riends Uregon Colony, block 134, 10 acres 3.44 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 135, 10 acres 3,44 Oregon Land Co.. Friends O Colony, block 136, 3 7000 acres 1.22 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 137, 2 60-100 acres ,98 uregon tnnu io., rrienus Uregon Colony, block 138, 2 60-100 acres .98 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 139, 10 acres 3. 93 scon, Anna, f riends uregon (Jolony E half of block 140. 5 acres s ii uregon mmi to., f riends uregon toiony, west nair or block 140, 6 acres 9 11 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 141, 10 acres 12.94 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon " ColonV. block 142. 14 "0-100 nern. 7 81 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 143, 18 GO-100 acres 6.85 Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 144, 18 40-100 acres 5.85 Gladstone, R. E. Assn., Hawardon, lots 1 and 2, block 3 1.99 uwioMione, u. w. Assn., Jiawardon, lots 1 to 7 inclusive, block 4 Pomcroy, Walter, Linn City, lots 7 to 9 Inclusive, block 1 5.76 .88 .68 Wukemnn. M. li., Linn City, lots 6 and 6 block 8 Smith. Anna Mrs., Parker Hill Add 10 uregon city, lots 1 to 4 Inclu sive, block 2. (2d hnlf mvmnh 5.23 .24 Brown, Matthew, Rockland, lot 1, block 6 Hammond, A. E.. Rose Wood, lots 1 and 2, 10 45-100 acres 4 05 Hammond, A. E., Rose Wood, lots 15 and 10, fi 52-100 acres 2 63 Plummer, M. V., Shannon's Add to uregon city, lots 1 to 8 inclusive, 4.54 1.17 8.76 .98 .98 .98 .73 2.35 5.25 2.35 1.17 1.17 Miller, Will, Shannon's Add to Ore gon City, lots 1 and 4, block 46.. Hartt. H. II.. West Side Add to Ore gon CitV. lots 10 to 14 hWlr 9 Tedford, D. C, South Oregon City", lot 6, block 2 Phelps, Halsey. South Oregon City lot 7, block 7 Phelps. H. S. C, South Oregon city lot 8. block 7 Collins, Edwin, South Oregon City. lot 11, block 8 White, John H., Windsor, lots 9 to 10, block 3 Parker, S. C. and E., Windsor,' lot 1, block 7 Parker, S. C, Windsor, lots 2 and "s" block 7 SulHvan, W. H., Windsor, lot 1, 'bik Kennedy, G. W.', wind'so'r"lo't" 2, "bik Hamilton. Mead. Wt block 11 ' 1 17 Kay, d. T., Windsor, lot 13, block ' 11 1 17 Hoffman G. A., Windsor, lots 9 and 10, block 15 2 35 W,aorrtn' 9' R- Wondsor, lots 11 and 12. block 17 2 35 Bristerfeldt. Annie, Windsor, lots 3. block 21 1 17 Baker. Margaret. West Lvnn, lots ' 7 nnJ 8. block 2 (2d half paymt).. 4.10 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Falls, lot 12, block 8 2 13 Howell. T. J., Willamette Falls, lot 6. block 12 (2d half paymt).... 7.13 Willamette Falls Co.. Willamette Falls, lot 4. block 13 2 13 Mihlstein F. and A., Willamette Falls, lot 11, block 13 12.74 Rasmussen, S. T.T., Willamette Falls 100x100 feet, as descrlherl In Po. ord of Deeds. Book 74, page 180 Rondon. C. O. I. & S. Co. First Add to Oswego, lot 14. block 32 Small, P. M., O. I. & S. Co.. First Add to Oswego, easterly 50 feet of lots 15 and 10. block 33 McBnln. Geo., O. I. & S. Co. First Add to Oswego, lots 9, 12, 13 and 14. block 31 Hoehenleitner, L., O. I. & S. Co' First Add to Oswego, lot 6, block 47 Schlnck. W. R., O. I. & S. Co. 'Ex tension of 1st Add to Oswego, lot 5. block 5G Lesler, Kitty, O. I. & S. Co. Ext'e'ii' sion of 1st Add to Oswego, lot 6 and 7. block 56 Cornell. E. W.. South Oswego, "lots 1 and 2, block 29 Hablchorst. E. IT. (Trustee) South Oswego, lots 4 to 7 inclusive, block 3fl Cophnll. II. A., South Oswego, "lots 8 and 9, block 3fi Lee. J. D. (Trustee! South n.n 3.65 1.27 4.45 4.98 1.27 .31 .63 .61 1.90 .94 lots 10 to 12 Inclusive, block 36 1.42 Dickson. J. F South Oswego, lot 1 3 V-il nnlr Oft , ! Hablnghorst. e'.'h." '(Trustee)' South uwwego, 101 14. Dlnck 36 48 Wilton. Nancy, South Oswego, lot 15. block 30 40 Cornell, A. W., South Onwem. lnii ' to 13 Inclusive, block 40 3.78 ! lVu7 ' J?.a"P B0Utn Uswego, lot I Lee. .48 J. D.. South Oswpp-n into e to 9 inclusive, block 42 1 90 Cornell E. W.. South Oswego, lots ' 1 to 5 Inclusive, block 45 2 38 Cornell, E. W.. South Oswego, lots 14 to 18 inclusive, block 45 2 38 Lee J. D., South Oswego, 8-16 of block 51 o an nuwri irieirsi. south Os wego, 4-16 of block 51 Cornell. E. W.. South Oswego, Fr'l 1-16 of block 51 ' Cornell, E. W., South Oswego, 'lots 1 to 18 inclusive, block 59 Cornell. E. W., South Oswego, 1-16 of block I Habeghorst. E. H. (Trustee) Os wego Heights. E half of block 4, 2 85-100 acres j 50 Cornell, E W., Oswego Height's", 1-16 of block 10 ?. . 15 CoJ71Pl1' F' W, Oswego Heights,, block 12. 6 26-100 acres 2 54 Cornell, E. W., Oswego Heights, 1-10 of block 15 . 15 Hawkins. Chas. B Gladstone, lot 2. block :t kb Angerlne, H. L.. Gladstjna lotV'i &. C M.ss"Gladstone;'ioi ano z, mock 7 19 7 and 8. block 7 ' i 11 McCown. M. F., Gladstone, lot 12 block 9 i io McCown. C. Miss, Gladstone, lot 13 block 9 ' . , i jo Ryan. T. F.. Gladstone, lot 5. blk 11 !83 Hawkins. Chas. B., Gladstone, lots 14 and 15. block 11 2 19 Rvan, T. F Gladstone, lot 16, blk 11 1.10 McCown. C. Miss, all that tract of land as described in Record of Deeds, Book 67. Page 280 6.47 Rlnenrson. H B. M., (Guard.) Glad- slnno Into 7 nvA D v.lAHl, m a 4a ; . "'" . iiuui ju. , , . . otevens. rt. t.. uiadstone, lots 1 to I 5 Inclusive, block 19 .. 4.H : Willamette Valley Chautauqua Assn I Gladstone, lot 16, block 20 84 Robinson. Jeanette Gladstone lots 1 and 2. block 28 19 , hlnctr 28 1.08 ' 28" 'aasle. 't 11, blk. ' ' ' .":'." '-J.: l.lO Mrs- Gladstone, lot 8, i block 33 ' .' 15.87 ls10,Oraeirnn i Davlf'' M" M-. ' Giadstone, ' 'lots dsVeon8 8'04iCnt, Ass"'' 5 20 lot 5, block 90 .28 I .82 1 Bloomer. W. J., West Gladstone, lot 17, block 11 Frost. J. C West Gladstone, lot 12 hlncV 1?. .82 ; m j n., .. - . . . 1 'SL'S ,i:.,s, a IIW "? 1 '""t. . ui n, mia iud Hnn im 75-ldO acres 2.46 r.ihhs .TaM0 a V ' a'JL'ZLa ' 11 ! Record of Deeds, Book' 63, page nil, lut 11V, D-1UU BCreS Eklund. Alfred M.. Gladstone Park lot 122. 1.68 acres 1.27 Amt. Due Sweet and Ileal Unavllla, lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 1 Sweet and Real, Unavllla, lots 1 and 2, block 4 Sweet and Beat, Unavllla, lots 3 to 8 inclusive block 4 Sweet and Ileal, Unavllla, lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 5 Sweet and Heal, Unavllla, lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 6 Sweet and Heal, Unavllla, lots 1 to 0 Inclusive, block 9 Sweet and Beal, Unayilla, lots 7 and 8. block 9 Sweet and Real, Unavllla, lots 1 to 8 incluslvo, block 10 Sweet and Beal, Unavllla, lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block 11 Hutehlns, Wm., Unavllla, lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 12 Hutehlns, Wm., Unavllla, lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 13 Sweet and Beal, Unavllla, lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 14 98 Sweet and Heal, Unavllla, lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block 15 98 Sweet and Beal, Unavllla, lots 1 and 2, block 16 24 Sweet and Benl. Unavllla, lots 3 to 8 Inclusive, block 16 73 Sweet am. Heal, Unavllla, lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, block 17 74 Sweet and Heal, blocks 2, 3, 7 and 8 as vacated by County Court.... 18.09 Gilbert, Willis 11., nil of N. of Butte Creek, O. & C. R. R. Lands un der contract, Township 7 South Range 3 East, 307 acres 44.98 Moore, D. J E hnlf of SW 1-4, Sec. 3. township 4 South. Range 4 H.. 80 acres FOUR 6.43 Crelghton, W. II., NW quarter of v quarter, section 6, township 3 south, rnnco 5 east. 40 acres 2.93 O. W. P. Townslto Co.. Estacndn. lot 2. block 4 1.22 O. W. P. Townslte Co., Estacada, lot 1. block 6 86 O. W. P. Townslte Co.. Estacada. lot 10. block 6 1.22 O. W. P. Townslte Co., Estacada, lot 3. b ock 8 1.26 O. W. P. TownHlte Co., Estacada. lot 5. block 8 1.26 O. W. P. Townslte Co.. Estacada, lots 3 to 5 Inclusive, block 11 1.47 O. W. P. Townslte Co., Estacada, lot 17. block 11 1.22 U. W. P. Townslte Co., Estacada. lots 10 to 12 inclusive, block 14.. 1.47 .98 .50 .60 .98 .60 O. W. P. Townslto C6., Estacada. lots 4 and 5. block 10 O. W. P. Townslto Co., Estacada, lot 5, block 17 O. W. P. Townslte Co., Estacada. lot 11, block 18 O. W. P. Townslto Co., Estacada, lots 1 and 2, block 19 O. W. P. Townslto Co., Estacada, lot 12, block 19 Willamette Falls Co.. Wlllnmettn Tracts, lot A and R. block 1 S.49 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Tracts A and B.. block 26 2.89 .76 .76 .85 1.71 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Tracts, all of block 49 Willamette Falls Co., Willamette Tracts, all of block 61 Harvey, Daniel, Peoples Transpor tation v ompnny. 101 1 Powell, Charles, Peoples transpor tation Comnnnv's lots 3 ind 4.. O. W. P. & Ry. Co., People's Trans portation 1 ompany s lots, 6 to 23 Inclusive 15.10 Morgan, G., NE quarter of NE quarter of section 4, township 3 South. Range 1 West: 40 acres.. 9. 75 Resell, J. & C Seeley. J. B. & 8. B. K. 1. & J. L., part of Thomas Bail ey D.L.C. ns described In Record of Deeds. Book 52, pnge 103. sec tion 28. TownshlD 3 South. Rnnco 1 West: 1 acre .97 TownshlD 1 South Ranae 1 and 2 E, Wills, W. E. and L. A., 4 acres of ueorge wins i. 1.,. c as described in Record of Deeds. Book R. page 469. Township 1 South, Range 2 East: 4 acres 14.51 Dunlnp, James, 5 acres of Hector Campbell D. L. C, as described In Record of Deeds, Books 58. page 202. sections 25, 29, 30, Town ship 1 South, Ranges 1 and 2 E: 5 acres 6.10 Township 2 South Ranae 1 East, Koshlnnd, Frederick. 30 acres as described in Record of Deeds Book 47, Page 54. Section G, Township , 2 South, Range 1 East 23.10 Magone, Amasa. Lot 1. Section 14, Township 2 South, Range 1 East 10 30-100 acres 1.56 Courtney, Patrick, NW quarter of hk quarter Hectlon 17. Township 2 South. Range 1 East: 40 acres 10.73 Nemeok, Joseph, 50 acres ns des cribed In Record of Deeds, Bonk 81, Page 288, Section 31. Town ship 2 South, Range 1 East; 50 acres 35.30 Walden, N. O. (Trustee) 2 70-100 acres as described in record of Deeds. Book 51. page 3t7, Sec tion 30, Township 2 South. Range 1 East Bingham. Rebecca, orfe ncre ns des 2.11 cribed in record of Deeds. Book 74, page 201. being part of Jesse Bullock D. L. C. No. 40, Town ship 2 South, Range 1 East. 1 acre 1.25 Bunnell, J. F. & J. A., G. M. & C. F., Taylor. O. A. & Goetsi, A., 40 acres of George Crow I). L. C. No. 49 as described In Record of Deeds, Book 60. Pago 04. Town ship 2 South, Range 1 East; 40 acres. (2d hnlf pnvment) 45.72 Cake, H. M undivided half inter est In 47.00 ncres as described In Record of Deeds, Book 30, Pnge 277; being part of George Wnll lng D. L. C. Township 2 South, Range 1 East; 23.80 ncres 39.42 Stratton. M. A. (Heirs) two-thirds -Interest in 2 acres ns described In Record of Deeds, Bonk 31, Page 450. part of Robt. Moore C. Town ship 2 South, Range 2 East; 1.33 acres 6.75 Tauler, M 20 acres of Waters Car man ). Ij. C. as described tn Rec ord of Deeds. Book 37, Pnge 26 Section 5. Township 2 South, Hnnge 1 East: 20 ncres 42.53 Locey, Mrs. C. A.. 3.25 acres nf R. Whitten D. L. C, as described in Book 28 page 424 nnd Book 65 Page 65, Township 2 South, Range 1 East; 3.25 acres 3.15 Willamette Falls Co., lot 1 Ex. as described In Book 75. Pnge 231, Section 11. Township 3 South, Rnnge 1 E. ; 3.74 acres 4.55 Baker, Charles, 56 9-100 ncrcs as described in Record of Deeds. Book 73. Pnge 145. Section 16. Township 3 South, Range 1 East 66 9-100 ncres 15.61 Baker. Charles, 54.50 acres as per statement Section 10, Township 3 South, Rnnge 1 East. 54.50 acres 17.90 Arnold. Lucy J., 5 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Rooks 40. Page 223. Section 20, Township 3 South. Range 1 East, 6 ncres .. 1.22 Hall, Charles, fi.05 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 81, Pnge 277. Section 24. Township 3 South, Range 1 East: 6.05 acres 2d half payment) Hall, Charles. Lot 1, Section 25, Township 3 South. Range 1 East 30.25 acres, (2d half pnvment).. Wnlt, C. N., 449.18 ncres as describ .72 7.62 ed in Record nf Wills No. 2. Vol. B. pnge 92. Sections 27, 28. 33. Township 3 South, Range 1 East 449.18 acres (2d hnlf payment) 146.67 Sannes, Carl O., 20 ncres as describ ed In Record of Deeds. Book 78. Page 380. Section 29. Township 8 oouui, rtange 1 fjast; zu acres; (2d hnlf pavment) Waite, C. N., N half of NW qunrter nnd Fractional S half of NW 1-4 Section 34. Township 3 South, Xnmrra 1 T7" . ton n j t 1.81 payment) 29 27 Lelnnd. B. C. part of Elizabeth Al- Prev D. L. C. No. 37. ns ilnaerlho in Record of Deeds, Book 49, Page 46. Township 3 South, Range 1 East; 10 acres i 43 Beutel, R. S., part nf S. B. Pomerdv ' D. L. C. ns described In Record of Deeds. Book 49, Pnge 253. Sec tion 11, Township 3 South, Range i 1 East nlf acre 411 1 Caufteld. 15. O.. cart nf A P iin.. ?s L- .9--a?, aPSrr'bed In Book 69. Page 417, Section 1, Township 3 South, Range 1 East 2,03 O. & C. R. R.. one acre as described in Record or Deeds, Book 72, pnge 153, Sections 36 nnd 1, TownshipB 2 and 3. Range 1 Enst; 1 acre.. 4.75 nan. inaries, 4 acres of A. ,T. Vlck- I er's D. L. C as dfiRCribcn tn Record of Deeds, Book 81, Page ?II T0W.nshP 3 So"th. Range 1 E tr ; ii iwiu imvTiienir 00 Unknown, undivided 4-6 of 8.75 izn nan pavment) ja acres as described In Pam. Amt. Due Wesley Joslyn CI., Section 32 and 33, TowiiNlilp 3 South, Kungu 1 East Cllno, Mlnnio, 7 acres of Ambrose .26 .73 .74 rieius i. ij. v no. 62, as des cribed In C. 0. Journal No. 9, Pago 231, Township 3 South, Range 1 iOast j.O Methodist Ciinip Ground, 30 acres as' described in Record of Deeds Book I, 1'nge 610, being part of L. A. Hoely 01.. TowuhIiIdh H anil .98 .73 .24 M8,i,1.l'h:, ,1"ko 1 East; 30 acres 36.41 Will Matilda, undivided 1-5 of 8 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book L, Page 40, being part of U A. Hoely CI., Town ships 3 and 4, Hiingo 1 East,... Unknown, undivided 4-6 of 8 acres as described in Record of Deeds Book li. l'ugn 40, being part of L. A. Soely CI. Townships 3 and 4, Rango I East 2.42 follows, Florence, 10 acres of Chumo ing Pendleton D. L. C, No. 58 as described In Record of Dcods, Book 81, Pago 77, Township 3 Soulh, Range 1 Bust; 10 acres.... 13. 41 Sannes, Carl u., 39 acres of Champ. Ing Pendleton D. h. C. No. 68, as described In Hunk 78 !., oun 74 98 Township 3 South, Rango 1 East; 39 acres (2d half payment) 14 n-. "".'r t ooum Hanno 1 East. Barmore, b M.. HM ni,nii..r h luist; liiO ucros NW quarter. Reel Inn .11 ship 4 South, Rango 1 East; 10 acres Township 5 South Ranqe 1 East. Unknown, 2 acn-s In NW corner of NIO quarter of SVV quarter Sec- Tr" J; '"wnshlp B South, Rungo 1 East; 2 acres B p0',tu,V,. I'll'ln II., S. 100 acres "of 911 ii tampan, T. A., E half of SW quar ter and lots and 7. Section 30, lownshlp 4 Soulh, Range 1 East 115 acres 2d half payment)..."..' 22.1 Unknown, N. 10 acres of K hnlf of S' ..', 1 "on 11, lownshlp 6 South Hnnge 1 East; 100 ncrcs 25.64. Henry, H. M., SW (iinrter of N. W (limrter (except 6 acres thereof m the Sh corner, as described In i.Vi 'V '""fos, book itl, page 117) Section 10, Township 5 South. Range 1 East; 35 acres Shlvely, M. N. heirs. 4-5 of 80 acres as described In Record nf Deeds Book 7ti pi,g0 io, Section 21, lownshlp 6 South, Rnngo 1 Kast: i4 acres 6.61: 8.61 I ,. ; J" or m ncrcs as described (.roid of Deeds ?i 00k ?.' KUK" '" 8'ollon 21,. lownshlp 5 South, Range 1 East 10 ncrcs 15 . EnK?' , -'lnrjnr.o. 20 aorei'n's" Vies- ' crlbcd In Record of Deeds, Book K Pages ,125 and 326, Section 30 lownshlp 6 South, Rnngo 1 East: 20 acres j Marlay, P H., E half of NW quarter 5ni.,NI'',!,1"",';'''1' of SW quarter, Section 33. Township 5 South n1W ''"'""ti 120 acres 20,4 Blrtchet, Elizabeth, SW quarter of Nh quarter and RI3 quarter of N W quarter and 2 ncrcs as des cribed In Record of Deeds Book I, Pllge 151 Serf Inn K T - ship South, Rnngo 1 East; 82 acres (2d half payment) ...... 26 elndler. 1). N KK quarter of SB Ste quarter of 8 .... 1. m ne.-unn i z. Township South, Range 1 East; 40 acres 4 nown, Beginning 50 rods east ' Unk 01 invv corner nf elnlm nr j thence East 15 rods; thenco South 22 rot,8V, ,,"nre West 15 rods; thence North 20 rods to beginning Section 3 Township 6 South Range 1 East, 1.75 acres.... Reynolds. C. , 5 acres ns described no"P,''0,;1 of ''fds Book 8(1. page H8, Section 28, Township 1 South Rnnge 2 East; 5 ncres Unknown Lot 3, Section 30, Town' ship 1 South, Range 2 East. 3 50 ncres , Muekenthaler. n. 6.71 1.2 cribed In Record nf Deeds, Book 9 i,nf lK Hoc,lnn fi' Township Vt ' lnioI,t'Cr(I,0f D''P,'a' "Of 33 Pago 121. Section 30, Township 1 South, nnxm. 2 East. 4.21 acres 1. mon, Gustav. SW nimitni. t wnr Si quarter Section 3. Township 2 South, Range 2 East, 40 acres.. 24 Draper, Auric M Lot 1, Section 4 v. ; '''' - """in, nange a rjast, M -100 ncres M';iVn'''nJ' 1I)".nf,"n' 8 ncres" as'des" Si"'?!1 '''ord of Deeds. Honk iV"?" ' Section 5. Township 2 Horn I, Range KllHt. g ncreH' (2d half pnvment) K',I',,n.!' hv 3"-r- -r's"ns 4.6J Bonk 79. Page 112. . Section S. township 2 Smith, Rnngo 2 RaHi 32.42 acres (2d half payment). ... 17 J ''.'' ,( J ' V" 1 '"' as des- 77 ,! ,i,-co'. nr Dee,ln, Hook i, H "' "ocnon , lown shlp 2 South, Range 2 East- 1 Lnnglv, Mora. BO-loo neres ns des in ;f Deeds, Hook 78, Page 08. Section 9, Township 2 South! Range 2 Kast; 50-100 acres. . l T J' T ; ' nm' 'li'serlbed 4.3 .SS, ii Lieoiis, nooks 14 nnd 8.1. Pages 435 nnd OS. Section 9 ..own'ilP 2 South, Rnnge 2 East 1 3 Wade. Annie. F., (Trustee) 10 acres ? as described In Record of Deeds "ook 1 4.33. Section 10 lownshlp 2 South, Range 2 East 10 acres in o, Gladstone, R. E. AsHn.( 4'ac'r'es'as described In Record of Deeds Book 31. Pnge 397. Section 21 4 acres nollt" Range 2 East; Cummlngs. W. ' J..' (is 'n't.',-' 5.47 -r""''1, ln r'oord of Deeds. Book 1? nn.,', ',n''s 244 nnd 43. Scc- 2 ?"' l?wnHl11" 2 South, Range i hast; h5 ncrcs 23 2(fc Bolds, Dorcas, 10 ncres ns described in Record of Deeds, Book 60 qnfTh3 S"ctlSnTi T2' Township 2 South, Rnnge 2 East: 10 acres . 2 95. of kw"Is' V I,nc!f of SW nnarter 2M NVY rJ,,"l'tf,i'. Section 25. Town ship 2 South, Rnnge 2 East, 20 acres t ' 12 47- T B'. Jennings D. L, C. Nos. 38"&40." Jenn nps J. .. iH.fir, nr,.p, aa d.HU- cribed in Record of Deeds, Rooks 2LarY? R' rngos 3 Hn'i 4; nnd as described In Record of Deeds. ,s.5 n" , pages l and 130. Section .Township 2 South Range 3 East; 70 acres (2d half payment) "Hlt 44 ,T As described In Record of Deeds Books 85 nnd 87 pages 1 and l,?;ToWrnrf,h,p 2 South, Rnnge 2 Sy'Bht- Hiram D. L. C. No. 42. MlnK!P!"' ,Marv' 24-ln Mrres as des- J ln Ik. of r,pr''H- Book 36, Pnge 403, Sections 20. 21, 28 East"; 2TroVcre7T:..U,lnSe 2 Holcomb. A. B., D. L. C."no"43 WerVh8' ,Dr,PA H- 42 r' "cres as des- .8. 81 and 83, pages 6 nnd 7. Sections 20 nnd 27, Township. 2 South. Rnnge 2 Enst; 42,50 acres i2d half payment) Holcomb, John C, 39.24 acres' as 8.56; '""ci men in Kecorn or Deeds Book 65, Page 90. Section 27, Township 25, Rnnge 2 Enst; 39.24 acres (2d half pnyment) 12 74v Fisher, Ezra, D. L. C. No! '44. ' Chnrmnn T 61-100 ncres ns des cribed In Record . of Deeds, Book 45, page 420. Hectlnna 98 a 10 33, Township 2 South, Range 2 East; 01-100 ncrcs Morley, E, L,, 1 riern ns descrlbed:in lT"'u "";1,H. 'ok 87, page VL JKi""?" 21'. 32 an" 33. Townshln 2 Hr.nih 1 nrro Chonr-y, A. W . ni-lAn ka,.d VJ'i'l' 8.S7- cillii-d In Record of Deeds, Book 84, I'nge 4I(, Heel Ions 28, 29, 32 and 33, Township 2 South, Range 2 Iflnj : 34-100 acres ............ 2.70- . ... ,,111,, n-.i ncres as nescrib- cd In lleoord of Deeds, Book 82 ;,"'.."""' r,' r,l')n5 2s' 2- 32 and 33. lownshlp 2 South, Range 2 Enst, 50-100 ncres B Lnrkhis, Win 1 acre ns described In Record of Deeds, Book 66. page 442. Ructions 28, 29, 32 and 33 TownHlilp 2 Houth, Rnnge 2 East: ' flcre Cqllls, E, I7 11 acres as "dpscrlhe 4.( 2.41 37, Sec Ions 28, 29, 32 and 83. Township 2 South, Range 2 East 11 acres 11 fi, !1 r-!til.Qeo" D- - c- No." 88. (Continued on page 7.) 2.04 0 2. it 4 5fr 14- .69. 95 Hr 26. 9S 54; Teeds, Book L. Page 401, part of