OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1906. 5 I... Short Sidehead Stories... 4 . TERSEI-Y-TOLD TALES OF THE WEEK'S DOINOS. Eagles Install Officers Tlie annual installation of officers by Oregon City Aorlo No. 993, Prater nul Ordor of Rnglefl, was hold Monday nlKht. Following the ceremonies a lunch was served. Births at Oregon City Several births are reported In this city during the last week as follows: Thursday, December 28," to Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Painter, at Canomah, a daughter; same date, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gleason, a daughter; Satur day, December 30, to. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones, of Canemah, a son. Got Nine Cents for His Hops August Splinter, of Maple Lane, has sold to a Portland dealer 22 bales of 1905 hops at 9 cents a pound. Anothor sale of 30 bales of this year's holdings is reported to have been made the latter part of laHt week, hut the names of the grower and that of the purchas ing agent were not learned. was an exempliary soldier, a kind and effectionate son and brother. His father, mother, two sisters and two brothers and a host of friends are left to mourn his death and cherish his memory. ,. .Saved from Drowning Having been chased by a band of troublesome boys from his suburban home into the business district or the city a few days ago, Johnnie Krohn, the 17-year old son of Mrs. W. Krohn, of this city, was in the act of leaping into the Willamette River from the O. C. T. Company's dock when he was rescued by Constable Trembath. The lad is not very bright and because of his mental condition has been much annoyed by the neighbors children. Young Krohn was badly frightened when restored to his relatives. His tormentors have not been arrested. A FOOLISH PLAN Says Wife Was Cruel Alleging cruel and inhuman treat ment, Thos. H. Purely has filed suit for divorce from Ella Purdy. The par ties were married at Battle Creek, Michigan, in November, 1881 and be sides tho annulment of matrimonial ties tho division of about $3000 worth of Michigan property is asked by the plaintiff. Joint Installation a i vviiiimeuo nan i uesuay evening occurred me joini insinuation oi tne newly elected officers of Meade Post O. A. It. and tho Mnado Relief Corps. Col. O. E. Cauklns of Portland, officiat ed at the Installation of the officers of Meade Post and Mrs. O. A. Harding, Department President of the W. R. C., Wedding Anniversary celebrated Last Thursday evening at their homo at Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Parker were Joined by a company of .friends who assisted them in tho proper celebration of their twenty third wedding) anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were the recipients of an elegant solid silver set. , Among those present were; Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Robins, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Loder, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Scripture, Mr and Mrs. S. S. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. John son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Gault and ,H E. Cross. M JA M had charge of the the Relief Corps. same service for Rowan-Freeman A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday, December 24, at the fam- ily residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. i Freeman, near Elwood, Oregon, when i Mr. Homer J. Rowan, of Little Rick, I Washington, was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock with Miss Emily E the oldest daughter, in the presence of a number of friends and relatives. Justice of the Peace M. E. Kandle, of ficiated. Mr. Otis Dix, uncle of the bride and Miss Edith, sister of the bride acted as best ma nand brides 'TU a Joy to eat t welcome my dinner hour: Because I rout indigestion with August Flower! Constipation Is the result of indigestion, biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite, self -poisoning, anemia, emaciation, uric acid, neuralgia in various parts of the system, ca'.nrrhal inflammation of the in testinal canal and numerous other ail ments that rob life of its pleasures if they do not linally rob you ot lite itself. "I'm bound in the bowels," is a com mon expression of people who look mis erable and are .miserable yet who persist in " letting nature take its course." What a foolish plan, when nature could be aided by the use of Green's August Flower, which is nature'sowu remedy for constipation and all stomach ills. August Flower gives new life to the liver and insures healthy stools. a To sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists. Charnidn Co., City Drug Store postor has completely disappeared. Will Build Public Hall Mllwaukie will put up a city hall next year. This seems to have been settled. Councilman Phillip Streib says the building will be erected, and will be a credit to the place. A quar ter block was secured some time ago, in a central place, which is paid for. The revenues of the city from licenses and from a light tax will enable the city to erect a creditable city hall. Councilman Streib says that perhaps it will not all be finished, hut such portion 'will he completed as will be required by the city. The cost will be about $2000. The city has nearly $1000 at the end of the present month. Mllwaukie Grange is also considering the matter of purchasing ground near the town hall and moving the old hall, which is the, old school house, on the ground. The district is anxious to get rid of the building, which stands at the rear end of the school ground.. Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more, 20. The greatest monthly precipitation was 13.71 Inches in 1883. The least monthly precipitation was 2.12 inches in 1893. Theu greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was 6.8G inches on the 6th and 6th, 1883. The greatest amount of snow fall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours (record extending to winter of 1884 85 only) was 15.0 inches on January 2, 1895. CLOUDS AND WEATHER. Average number of-clear days, 4. Partly cloudy days, 7. Cloudy days, 20. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the south. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 6 miles. Tho highest velocity of the wind was 53 miles from the south on the 9th, 1880. BLESSING TO HURIANITY" time-keepers not become absent mind ed and allowed the second half to be prolonged from 20 minutes to at least 35 minutes, the final score would have been 5 to 0 in favor of the Alumni, but it was a good-natured contest and all hugely enjoyed the sport. HoWard Latourette, and Wm. Stokes were the stars for the Alumni and were espec ially successful at line bucking. Will Contest Father's Will Alleging that the late G. J. Trul linger at the time of his death last April was "old, infirm, weak mentally and physically and incapable and irv capacitated" for executing a will, heirs of the decedent have instituted a con test in the probate court asking that the will that has been admitted to probate be set aside.) It is further represented by the contestants that Mr. Trullinger in executing whit is purported to be his last will was in fluenced by "co-ercion, fraud, deceit, wrongful and inequitable action" by the widow, Erikke Trullinger, who, in the instrument is made the principal beneficiary to an estate consisting of several hundred acres of valuable land In Clackamas County of the es timated value of nearly $10,000. Cita tion has been issued requiring the in terested parties to appear in court February C and show cause why the alleged last will of the deceased should not be set aside in accordance with the prayer of the petitioners. BEATS THE MUSIC CURE. "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. "I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most re liable and pleasant laxative I have found." Best for the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, druggists. 25c. yw, After Years cf Unspeakable Torture Read the Words of a Man, Who After Doctoring In Vain, Had Lost All Faith. Entertained Past Guardians Mrs. Carrlo N. Parker, clerk of Sola Circle, .Women of Woodcraft, Satur day afternoon ententained the past guardians of the circle at her home in Gladstone. "Block" was played dnr-1 maid, then all renaired to the dining ing the afternoon and refreshments ' room, where a bounteous dinner was were served. Those present were ' served. They are both esteemed Mrs. S. S. Walker, Mrs. S. F. Scrip- j young people, and will reside at Little ture, Mrs. P. J. Winnie. Mrs. John K. 1 palls, Washington, after a week spent Morris, Mrs. T. E. Gault, Mrs. Frank ! wjth relatives at Colton and Logan. lietzel, Mrs. Josiah Martin, Mrs. J. L. j . Waldron. ; Played Tie Game , y!(!fore a goo,j croW( at Willamette "Was Drowned In the Paslg 1 pield Monday afternoon the Barclay With sad hearts we write of the Alumni and the Barclay High School death of Paul Ellsworth Scoggin, a football teams played a tie game, the Fake Doctor Finds Victims Several farmers of the Molalla sec tion were recently the victims of a clever impostor who passed himself off as a physician, claiming to he a specialist on diseases of the eye, ear and nose. The fellow was well-dressed and of preposesslng appearance. After diagnosing the ailment of his pros pective patient the "doctor informed First Gold Brick The first gold brick to come from the Ogle Mountain mines was brought in a few days ago by J. B. Fairciough, P. A. Fairciough, L. O. Gerber, .las. Hatton, J. Rv Wolf and John Francis. They left the mines In charge of one man. and will go back in about three weeks to resume work. The brick is a small one, valued at about $250, but the quality of the gold is fine, and the miners are more than sitisfied with the showing made since the install ment of the new five-stamp mill which was operated six days, producing an ARE YOU A FARMER? If you are, then you need a good farm paper. The Enterprise has a splendid offer. We will furnish the Enterprise and the Oregon Agricultur ist and Rural Northwest, the best ag ricultural paper in the large section it serves, both one year for only $1.50 the price of the Enterprise alone. This farm paper is highly recommend ed by the leading experts on farming, stock raising and fruit growing. This offer is a snap. Call at the office or mall us your subscription. his victims that there was a business side to the transaction and required a ; average of $00 per day on low grade deposit ranging from $25 to $75 ac-1 ore. The mine is already on a pay- soldier of the U. S. Army, who was accidentally drowned in the Pasig river near Manila, P. I., on October 15, 1905. His remains were recovered and sent home to his parents in Hills boro, Oregon, where interment was made on Tuesday, December 2Gth. He score being 5 to 5, each side scoring a touchdown, but failed to kick a goal. The game was an interesting contest from start to finish, the Alumni, how ever, having the greater weight, be ing enabled to make more substan tial gains. In fact, had the official cording to the character of the trouble to be treated. Permanent cures were positively assured, the grafter agree ing to forward his wonderful prepara tions as soon as he could visit his of fice in the city, but the medicine has failed to arrive. Several cases are reported where prominent farmers were buncoed out of sums aggregat ing several hundred dollars. The im- A Grim Tragedy is dally enacted In thousands of homes, as Death claims In each one, another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But when Coughs and Colds are properly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind., writes: "My wife had the consumption, and three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consum tion, Coughs and Colds, which cured her and today she is well and strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dos2 relieves. Guaranteed at 60c and $1.00 by Howell & Jones Drug Store. Trial bottle free. HIS ing basis, but the test Is not consider ed a fair one. Work so far has been up hill business, as the ore had to be brought down through the dump. Re sults have shown that there is more free-milling ore at Ogle than was ex pected and less concentrates. In the Spring work will be commenced stead ily and on a large scale. There is enough ore now on the dump to keep the mill running several months. The Ogle Mountain mine is the first in Clackamas County to reach an advanc- ed stage of operation, and the promot 1 ers are perfectly satisfied with the showing that has been made. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. I 9 HCT(SDSi I I Is no longer a mere novelty like the old style talking machine. It is seriously .ecognteed by music lovers as a musical instrument of great merit, reproducing all the beautiful quality of the original. 1 Prices of Machines, $ 1 7.50, $20, $25, $35, $45 and $65. Reduced prices on Records, 7-in. 35c, 10-in. 60c, 12-in. $1.00. Do Not Endanger Your Life and Health When a Cure is so Easy, Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back- j ache, urinary disorders, lameness and j stiffness in the back and allow them I selves to become chronic invalids, when a certain cure is afforded them? : Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to cure and cure permanently If you have any, even one of the numerous symp ! toms of kidney complaint, cure your i self before diabetes, dropsy or Bright's j disease sets in. Read this testimony. I Mrs. Concirdia Arnold, of 440 East First st.. Albany, Oregon, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills did me a great ! deal of good. I used them for rheuma ! tic pains across the small of my back j and down through the sides which were very severe when I stooped to lift anything or sat in one position i for any length of time. I got Doan's Kidney Pills and commenced their use ! and I began to get better right away. ! and continued taking them. They soon relieved men and I have had very little trouble since. I shall al ways try to keep Doan's Kidney Pills in the house and will recommend them at every opportunity." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at Huntley Bros. Co.'s drug store and ask what ! their customers report. I For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other. Deserves Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the success of Its local institutions depends entirely on the loyalty of its people. It is well enough to preach "patronize home industry" but except the service given at a .home Institution equals that of out- of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and Js entirely disregard ed, as It should be. But with Oregon Clt people It Is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It is equipped with the latest improved machinery and i dally turning out work that is equal to any and superior to much of the laundry work that is being done in Portland. Being a home institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people it Is enjoying an immense patronage. Th hieh standard of the work being done commends it to the general public. Laundry loft at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. DISS lUOIN'ES, Town. Sapt. 7. 1903. I am Just another one your n mtU.v has cured, and 1 want to ted you about iu Mv ntteniliin wits railed to the 8 D's by a dis play in your deulcr's tviudow, Keed Hurlbut, and after ltiokinu over Hih cures thi're shown I (Irci "I'll at once to try It. "huriDir little faltb in r-.nyt.hini:." My trouble Eczema on the Lniters under the mills, and iiurdcularly the first joint: th-; skin would look scalded and the llttlo ceils would connect like a sinnge under the skin : sometimes there would be a very bad odor with the discharge. I tried everything I could hear of, and went to six doctors, two of them beini; intimitis friends. They did every thing they possibly could and studied the thing up. but of no use. The other doctors thought th y could cure bya regular course of treatment I was wtlltnir t.) be exiieriinented upon if any D()ssil)lechntic:i for relief. This ihliiK had been ifoimron for over two yerrs. when to my great comfort 8 D's came to mv bands. Your remedy irave m" more fire in two dins than any of the si doctors elTeeted. in ovr two years, an1 i usid ! of t o weeks I had new healthy skin on u.l of my o I'-e .o len tinners, us I termed them. I itisu wish to m.' thHt any one or the six doctor are as trood us we have in D. M., and mat. rny t wo friends have prescribed your rem edy to t'.ieir entire satisfaction for the past two years, or since my cure. Don't let the formula ever tro to the (rrnve. for liwn unity's take. I wish you all the success in the world and hope to be able to direct more sufferers to you, M. K. OAMAGE. WHAT MORE NEED WE SAY? So many astonishing cures have been effected by D. D. D. Prescription right in this city among people we personally know your own neighbors probably that it is surprising that any one should continue to suffer with Eczema, psoriasis or any kindred disease. Call at our store and we will give you the names and addresses of chronic sufferers now cured. You too will be cured CATARRH it may take time, but the instant the remedy is applied to the injured akin there is relief from that awful, awful itch. WE GUARANTEE D. D. D, Prescription We have made arrangements with, the pro prietors of this remedy so that we can and do absolutely refund your money wlthoutquestion. absolutely without any formalities, If you say D. D. D. Prescription has 001 beoellted you, $1.00 Bottle- WE PROVE IT. To convince you we have arranged with the D. D. D. Co, eo that any sufferer from any kin disease can get direct from the D. D. D. Co.'s laboratory a large free sample bottle of D. D. D. pre scsiption together with 3a page new pamphlet on skin disease and free ad vice on your particular case from the world's greatest skin specialist. HOWELL & JONES, Oregon City. m fijM RMIV FREE SAMPLE COUPON MAL THIS PROMPTLY.! so. (YORK D, I). D. CO. Medical Department 116-120 Michigan St., Suite 428 Chicago Please send me free prepaid a large size sample bottle of D. D , D. pamphlet and consultation blank For ...years I have been afflicted with a skin disease called and have never used D. D. D. Name Address , WEATHER FOR JANUARY. S. Department of "-Agriculture sues Some Statistics, c. i Gnu PIONEER Transfer and Express ut meistet & Ancbese Suspension Bridge Corner The Oregon City JewelrS ! Tbp foUmrint? rlnta rov(rinfi' a npri- od of 34 years, has been compiled from the Weather Bureau records at Port land, Oregon. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed, during the month in question, for the above period of years, but must not be construed as a forecast of the weathet conditions for the coming month. ' N TEMPERATURE. j Mean or normal temperature, 39 i degrees. I The warmest month was that of 1875, with an average of 45 degrees. Thfl wl.laa tvirtntl, .una that rt 1QQQ with an average of 29 degrees. The highest temperature was C2 de grees on the 25th, 1888. The lowest temperature was 2 de grees on the 15th, 1888. j The earliest date on which first I killing frost occurred in auttimn, Oc tober 13. ! Average date on which first kinnlng , frost iccurred in autumn, November 18. Average date on which last killing frost occurred in spring, March 17. The latest date on which last kill : ing frost occurred in spring, May 9. PRECIPITATION. Average for the mouth 6.50 inches. ElVs Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased raembrnno. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Rnatnres the Senses of Tustft and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious dmgs. Freight and parcels delivered Applied into the nostrils and absorbed, . r , Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by tO all parts OI the City. mail ; Trial Size, 10 ceuts by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warron St., New York. RATES REASONABLE THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY ! Oregon City, Oregon AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J MEYER Transacts a general banking business. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. President Cashier Open from Prices Reasonable LET US DO YOUr WOrk Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Telephone Office 1121 Resilience 1833 IflMB