OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1906. t iii 4 Oti Corespondents' Cornet S 4 ' Brief lilts of Gossip From WlLHOIT. Dec. 31.-A happy and prosperous New Year to all. A terrible wind storm of great ve locity visited this part of the county Friday night and all day Saturday, do ing a great deal of damage, tearing down trees, etc., and making it al most impossible to travel with team and wagon. The old settlers here de clare it was the hardest wind storm they ever saw. It certainly was ter rible. Mrs. J. N. Railton and daughter, Miss Hazel, returned home a few days ago from an extended visit at Portland. Mrs. Chas. Pelkey, who has been seriously ill with the small pox, Is now able to be around. Mr. J. N. Railton returned home from Portland Christmas" after a three months' sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russell are ill with the small pox. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of W. 34th St., New Tork, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: I had Salt Rheum, or Eczema for years, but nothing would cure It, until I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at Howell & Jones Drug Store. AURORA. High winds and heavy rains here the past few days. It will take lots of work to put up the fences that blew down last week on our prairie. Our school has been closed during the holidays. Mr, Sam and Ed Miller sold their hops last week at ten cents per pound. The Oglesby Bros, were visitors at J. D. Ritter's last Friday evening. That wedding of one of Paradise City belles has been postponed indefi nitely. Its too bad boys, you did not get a chance to serenade them. We are sorry to see several poor men rent hop yards and expect to make anything as hops can not be raised for less than ten cents per pound, as that is just what it costs to raise them, and if the owner can not make anything, where is the renter going to get off at, and give a third rent. Our advice to renters is to get out of the hop business just as soon as possible. Mr. Geo. Oglesby is slowly convales cing after a siege of sickness. Uncle Ben Homesly is in good health this winter, he is living with his son-in-law, Mr. Sam Taylor. Mr. H. H. Johnson was surveying for Messrs Oglesby Bros and Walfers the past week. Clarence Miller, Philip Miller and Avon Jesse will return to their schools this week. John Goetz has 800 bushels of pota- Xmas Goods at Living Profits Having bought our stock of Xmas Goods early, we obtained ex ceptionally good cash discounts and by shipping by steamer around the Horn we saved also considerable on freight rates. This saving we intend giving our patrons the advantage of. We are now displaying one of the largest and neatest Holiday lines in the city. Owing to our limited floor space, we are not able to show all we have but "if you don't see what you want ask for it." We are sure to have it. We want to call your attention especially to our fine showing'of faamed and unframed pictures. Hundred of subjects to pick from, nu merous, pretty and novelty framees, handsome water colors, and at pricer we will guarantee you can't equal. We haven't room to mention all the attractive presents we have in store for you but want you to come in and see for yourself. Be free to come when you please, and we'll see you are not urged to buyunless you want to. VWVWWWVWVWVWWVWW, Honest Goods at Honest Prices All Parts of the County. 4 toes which he will sell when prices are right. Mr. Grant Dimick will get almost the solid Republican vote here for County Judge. Grant has a host of friends here and they are doing good work for him. Don't forget my good Republican friends that J. D. Ritter will soon be ready to register voters. We feel sorry for Bill Myers, but there will always be "calamity howl ers' and Cranks. Geo. Randall is our man for Repres entative and this part of our county will work for him. He Is an honest farmer and one who will do something at Salem for his constituents. Imperfect Digestion. Means less nutrition and In conse quence less vitality. When the liver falls to secrete bile, the blood becomes loaded . with bilious properties, the digestion be i comes impaired and the bowels constl 1 pated. Herbine will rectify this; It gives tone to the stomach, liver and kidneys, strengthens the appetite, clears and Im proves the complexion, Infuses new life andvlgpr to the whole system. 50 cents a bottle! Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Co. PARKPLACE. Jan. 2. We have started on the new vear nrosDerous and happy. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brayton attend ed the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Porter of Canemah, New Years' night and report having I a delightful time with the old couple. Mr. and Mrs. Porter received some j valuable gold presents as reminders 1 of their fifty years of mart-led life. I Clayton Pierce was unfortunate enough to get his arm broken New I Years' eve, while working In the mill at Oregon city. Some wood feu on It, breaking the bone of the lower arm. Guy Purcell spent New Years with his parents, returning to Camas, Wn., Tuesday. The reception at Professor Read's New Years day was attended by about forty of the parents and teachers of Parkplace and Gladstone, It was one of the most enjoyable events of the season. The music was furnished by Miss Ruegg of Milwaukle and was es pecially interesting and well rendered. The rooms were beautifully decorated with ferns and Oregon grape. The I tables were presided over by the five lady teachers of the Park Place school. All enjoyed the delicious repast and went away declaring Mrs. Read to be an excellent hostess. Mrs. George Hamilton and sons ate New Years' dinner with B. C. Hamil ton of Oregon City. Rev. A. E. Barbor from Forest Grove preached an interesting sermon to the people of Parkplace last Sunday night. Mrs. Mitchell's daughter and family HOLIDAY JjfJlUBipMWIWWa8MllJJUIMllllllJltJ SPECIALTIES & JOB Reliable Druggists have been visiting her for the last few days. Mrs. P. Freytag, and daughter, of Portland, spent New Year day with Captain and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Blood, from Clackamas, came down last Saturday and was let Into the mysteries of the Grange lodge. Captain Apperson is improving af ter several days of Illness. The Grip. "Before we can sympathize with others,' we must have suffered ourselves." No one can realize the suffering attendant upon an attack of the grip, unless he has had the actual experience. There Is probably no disease that causes so much physical and mental agony, or which so successfully defies medical aid. All danger from grip, however, may be avoid ed by the prompt ubo of Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thou sands who have used this remedy, not one case has ever been reported that has resulted In pneumonia or that has not recovered. For sale by Howell & Jones. BEAVER CREEK. New Year's Day passed away rather quiet in this burg. Telephone has taken a new start, and the main line being rapidly built, and one more line is expected Into the Beaver Creek switchboard soon. E. W. Hornshuh & Co. has been patching the plank road this week. Mrs. D. W. Thomas and daughter called on the E. Parry family this week. D. W. James is not improving very rapidly and his brothers have started from Buffalo, New York to come to see him. Wm. Scanlon is improving very slowly. G. Thomas returned from Eastern Oregon last Sunday. J. L. Steudeman was home for a few days this week. L. Moehnke, Jr., narrowly escaped death last week while cutting the top off a tree to make a telephone post on Beason hill about 35 feet high, Mr. Moehnke cut the tree under his feet i and a puff of wind took him, top of tree and all and landed him on his shoulders and almost broke his neck. Luke Duffy, Albert and Joe Steude man, John Fisher and A. G. Thomas, called on G. A. Shubel New Year's and played the old year out and the new year in at 10c. Refreshments were served and all returned home well satisfied with the night's games. Correspondence Continued on Page 9 How to Prevent Bilious Attacks. One who Is subject to bilious attacks will notice that for a day or more before the attack he is not hungry at meal times and feels dull after eating. A dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when these first symptoms ap pear will ward off the attack. They are for sale by Howell & Jones. What we say do we we do DO j: Xmas ; ji Li vuiv m. Made Easy j; IT DRAWS HARD On a woman's vitality to do work for whii'h she Is untitled, and we wonder how some of the women of our lund live through a sltiglo season of pleasure or dissipation. Tlwy will say with tears In tholr eyes, when tliny mention the sub ject at all, "it, is a nord pull," that with pain, weak ness and weariness they are "utmost dragged out." Manv. In thin pnn. dltlon, resort to alcoholic stimulants ami " invigortints," the after cllects of which are very Injurious. Dr. It. V. Pierce, forty years, ago found that women were being mistreated through Ignorance or carelessness and determined to devote his life and energies to their relief. lltiri nil fount! l)w cnuxe of tholr suf fering, he vert wnijif fur the vtemw of rcliej, and found in atitre'n UilxrroUrry the earth, certain roots which had re markable and valuable medicinal virtues for t ho cure of t hese ailments. Using chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength instead of alcohol, ho prepared extracts of these, and the result was so satisfactory that the combina tion became his " Favorite Prescription." Tim roots used are: Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root, I'liicorn root, Blue Cohosh root and Golden Seal root. The world knows it as flu. I'ikhck's Favor ITk l'KKsciai'Tio.N. which lias tho won derful and unparalleled record of a half million of euros in the Inst forty years. Write to Dr Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y., for advice, given without charge. "I am Kind to bo alile to testify as tOthe merits of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription f.,r the many ills Hint women suffer with," wrlt.-s Miss (Intrude Mitchell (President Vouuir Ladies' Christian Kndeavor Society), 4: Columbia Street. I'.., Detroit. Mich. "After many years of sutl'eiing and pain, I took your medicine, and in n short time began to feel siromrci. became more regular and didn't have the bearing-down pains which had been my lot for so long. Shall never cease to bo very grateful that It was brought to my notice. I have no pubis, and fuel much stronger generally." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cleanse tho cloggod system from accumulated impurities. Two million Americans suffer the torturing pangs of dyspepsia. No need to. Burdock Blood Bitters cures. At any drug store. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1904. " Continued from page 7. Amt. Due $ Strickland, M. C, W half of E half (tax title) Section 36, Township 3 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 McAnulty, Martin, undivided half of E half of W half as described In Record of Deeds, Book 90, page 25, Section 36, Township 4 South Range 5 east; 80 acres 11.70 Warren, Anna S., Park addition to Oregon City, lots 3 to 5 inclusive, block 2 ' H. H. Prouty, Part of S. II. Tyron D. L. C, as described In Record of Deeds, Clackamas County, Ore gon, Book 89, Page 192, Township 2 South, Range 1 East; 2 acres.. S.16 1.97 To the person who offers to pay the tax es, costs and accruing penalties thereon, and take a certificate at the lowest rate of interest and which Bald rate of Interest shall not be greater than ten per cent said sale shall be continued from day to day until the Bald list Is exhausted. All of said tracts of real property being sit uate In Clackamas county, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of December. 1905. J. R. SHAVER. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Saloon License. Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the next meeting of the Or egon City Council for a renewal of my saloon license at my present place of business, Main street between Fourth and Fifth streets. WM. RAMBO. Executor's Notice of Appointment. Notice Is hereby given that the un ci jrsigned has been appointed by the County Court, of the State of Oregon fr Clackamas County as executor of the last will and testament of Wil liam C. Lichtenthaler, deceased. All persons having claims against said es tuce are hereby notified to present sume to me with proper vouchers as required by law at Sherwood, Oregon, oi at the office of Wm. D. Fenton, C09 Fcnton Building, Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date here of. JAMES C. SMOCK, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of William C. Lichtenthaler, deceased. B rst Insertion Dec. 15, 1905. Last Insertion Jan. 12, 1906. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for County of Clackamas. Mary A. Walton, Plaintiff, vs. Sarah Neukirchner, Albert Neukirch ner, Ida B. Bloomer, and Annie E. Jones, widow and heir-at-law of F. G. Neukirchner, deceased, Defend ants. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 1st day of December, 1905, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 23d day of November, 1905, in favor of Mary A. Walton,, Plaintiff, and against Sarah Neukirch ner, Albert Neukirchner, Ida B. Bloom er and Annie E. Jones, widow and heir-at-law, of F. G. Neukirchner, deceased, Defendants, for the sum of $487.69 and the further sum of $60 as attor ney's fee, and the further sum of $16.80, costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situ ate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: : The South Half of the South-east quarter of Section Ten (10) in Town ship Four South of Range Two East of W. M., and containing Eighty acres. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said i execution, judgment order and decree, ! and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 6th day of January, 1906, at the hour ' of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the county court house In the city ' of Oregon City in said county and state sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named dofondants or either of thorn, had on the date of the mortgage heroin or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing oosts. I J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Orogon. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Decem ber 8th, 1905. SUMMONS. ji the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Barbara Kary, Plaintiff, ' vs. Karl Kary, Defendant. To Karl Kary, the above' named de fondant: In the name of the State of Or egon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fllod against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publica tion of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 2Gth day of January, 190C, the said day boing after the expira tion of six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, and If you fall so to appoar and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, which Is that the bonds of matrimony existing between the plain tiff and dofendant be dissolved. This summons is published by or der of Hon. Thos. A. McBrlde, Judge of said Court, made on the 8th day of December, 1905, by which order it was directed that this summons be pub lished once each week for six succes sive weeks, and that said defendant appear and answer on or before the 2Gth day of January, 1906; and the date of the first publication thereof Is December 15th, 1905, the date named In the said order for said publication. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 25-26-27 Washington Bldg., Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Edith E. Richards, Plaintiff, vs. Charles H. Richards, Defendant. To Charles H. Richards, defend ant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified and requir ed to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the ex piration of six weeks from and after the first publication of this summons to-wit: on or before the 27th day of January, 1906, which is the time specified in the order directing this publication, .and if you fail to so ap pear or answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint on file herein, to-wit: That the bond3 of matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff be set aside and dissolved and held for naught, and for such other relief as may be just in equity. This summons is published by order of Honorable Thos. A. McBrlde, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and said order was made, dated and en tered the 12th day of December, 1905, and the date of the first publication Is December 15, 1905, and the date of the last publication of this notice is January 26, 1906. B. M. SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Ivy Vorbeck Potter, Palntlff, ' vs Lester Potter, Defendant. To Lester Potter, the above named de fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yo(u in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication of this summons, to-wit; on or before the 20th day of January, 1906, the said day after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and an swer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief pray ed for in the complaint which Is that the bonds of matrimony existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant be dissolved. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas. A. McBrlde, Judge of said court, made on December 8, 1905, by which order It was directed that this summons be published once each week for six successive weeks and that said defendant appear and answer on or before the 20th day of January, 1906 and the date of the first publication thereof if December 8th, 1905, the date named in said order for said publication. T. B. McDEvITT. Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland, Ore. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Henry Gans, Plaintiff, vs. James Shaw, Betty Shaw, John Duffy, and S. Neffker, Defendants. STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. By virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en , titled Court, In the above entitled I cause, to me duly directed and dated the 1st day of December, 1905, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 23d day of April, 1898, in favor of Henry Gans. Plain tiff, and against James Shaw, and Bet ty Shaw of said defendants for the sum of $196.50, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 27th day of June. 1898, and the further sum of $ the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property of The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive, ftlanysuiuleti deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toad vance the kidney-poison-eil blood will at tack the vitul orgnns, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves breuk down and waste away cell by cell. Illnddcr troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys mid a cure is obtained ouickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you at e feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking I)r, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the greut kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity ot being compelled to go often through the (lay, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, Swamp-Root is pleasant to take anil is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and. one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Ilinghauitoii, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any til' stake, but remember the naiue.Swanip ttoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, and the address, liiiigliainton, N. Y., o i every bottle. said defendants, and if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said defendant on and after the date of said 23d day of April, 189S, to satisfy said sum of $196.50 and interest as above set forth and also the costs upon this said writ. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendant's, I did on the 1st day of December, 1905, duly levy upon the following describ ed real property of said 8efendants. situate and being in the County of ' Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to wit:. Lots 8-9-10, in Block 1; Lots 1-2-6-7-8-9-10-13-and 14 in block 2, Lots 3-4 and 13 to 18 inclusive in Block 3; Lots 3 to 9 and 13 to 18, both inclusive In Block 4; Lots 5-6-7-8 and 11 to 20 inclusive in Block 5; Lots 3 to 17 in clusive ia Block 6; Lots 1 to 16 in clusive in Block 7; Lots 1-2-3-9-10-11-12 18-19-20 in Block 8; Lots 1 to 20 In clusive In BIock 9; Lots 1 to 20 in clusive In Block 10; Lots 1 to 20 In clusive in Block 11 ; Lots 1-2-3-6-7- and 9 to 20 inclusive in Block 12; Lots 3-5-14 in Block 13; Lots 1. to 20 inclu sive In Block 14; Lots 1 to 20 inclusive In Block 15; Lots 1 to 20 inclusive In Block 16; Lots 1-3-4 and 5 to 20 In clusive in Block 17; Lots 1 to 10 inclu sive In Block 18; all of tho above lots and blocks being in Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, Oregon. And I will on Saturday, the 13th day of January, 190G, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court house in tho City of Ore gon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the with in named defendants, or either of them had on the date of said judgment or since had In or to the above describ ed real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said judgment order, decree, Interests, costs and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, December 15, 1905. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, executor of the will of Mary E. Winston, deceased, has filed his final report with the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and that said Court has set Monday, the 8th day of January, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day as the time for hearing the said Final Report, and the objections thereto, If any there be. At which time all persons Interested are hereby notified to appear before said court. W. H. COOKE, Executor of the will of Mary E. Wins ton, deceased. Administrator's Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been by the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, appointed administrator of the estate of John Goebel, deceased. All persons having claims against the said decedent or his estate are here by notified to present them within six months of the date of this notice to the undersigned administrator at the office of Bruce C. Curry at Ore gon City, Oregon. Dated December 12, 1905. ANTON HABELT, Administrator of the Estate of John Goebel, deceased. Bruce C. Curry, Attorney. Executor's Final Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Executor of the last will of Ferdinand Rath, deceased, late of Clackamas County, Oregon, has filed his final report, with the Clerk of the County Court of said County and State and the county Judge thereof, has ap pointed Monday, February 5th, A. I) 1906, for the hearing of objections, if any there be, to said report, and for the final settlement of said estate Any person having objections to swi report, if any there be, are hereby no tified to file such objections in sid Court on or before said date of final hearing. The first notice of hearing Is published In the Issue of December 29th, 1905. CARL A. RATH, Executor of the aforesaid estate. in i it in mi v-