OKEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY DECEMBER 29, 1905. 9 DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1904. (Continued from page 6. ) Amt. Dae -Kraeft, Theo. & M., 10 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds, Book 81, pages 458 and 459, Sections 21. 28. 29. and 30. TownshiD 2 South Range 2 Bast; 10 acres 4.82 Kraeft, Marie C 16. S3 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds, Books 6 and 62, pages 179 and 97, Sec tions 21. 28. 29 and 30. TownshiD 2 South, Range 2 East, 16.53 A.. 14.05 Xxgus & Albright, 12 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds, Book 33. Page 116, Sections 21, 28, 29 and 30. TownshiD 2 South, Range 2 East; 12 acres (2d half paymt) 14.46 McKlnley, Archibald, o. u. c. inos !, ou. Btratton, n. Jj. Aamr., 13.15 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 59, Page 189, Sections 6 and 31. TownshiDS 3 and 2 South, Range 2 East; 13.15 acres 21.06 Powell, Chas, 1 acre as described in Record of Deeds, Book 78, page 313, Sections 6 and 31, Townships 3 and 2 South. Ran ere 2 East: 1 acre 3.65 Diffin, E. M., 32 acres of A. P. Smith D. L. C, No. 63, as described in book 86, page 153, Sections 5, 8, nn1 9. Townshin 2 South. Ranee 2 East; 32 acres 33.18 Smith, A. P., D. L. C. No. 63. "Feely, D. W. undivided half of 5 A and all, William, undivided half of 5 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Books 88 and 55, pages . 183 and 253. Sections 5, 8, 9, Twp. 2 South, Range 2 East; 5 acres Campbell, Samuel, D. I C. No. Black, Harry A., 1 acre as described in Record of Deeds. Book 88, page 259. Sections 9 and 10, Township 2 South. Ranee 2 East: 1 acre.. 3.65 64. 1.16 Tompkins, D. D., D. I. C. Nos. 61, 65. -Hughes, Willie Ann, 3.99 acres of D. D. Tompkins CI. as described In Record of Deeds, Book 37, page 225. Sections. 23, 24, 25, 26, and 30. TownshiD 2 South. Ranges 1 and 2 East; 3.99 acres 4.66 Hughes, Clyde, 3.99 acres or JL. J-. Tompkin's D. L. C, as described in Record of Deeds. Book 37, page 225, Sections 23, 24, 25. 26, and 30, Township 2 South, Ranges 1 and 2 East; 3.99 acres 4.66 Hughes. Claud. 3.99 acres of D. D. Tompkin's D. L. C, as described in Record of Deeds, Book 37, page 225, Sections 23, 24, 25. 26 .-and 30, Township 2 South, Ranges "1 and 2 East; 3.99 acres 4.66 Mag-one. Amasa, 13.96 acres of D. D. Tompkin's D. X,. C, as described in Record of Deeds, Book 37, page 225, Sections 23, 24, 25. 26 and 30, Township 2 South, Ranges 1 and 2 East: except as described in Record of Deeds Book 67, page 328. Sections 23, 24, 25, 26, and 30 Township 2 South, Ranges 1 and 2 East; 13.96 acres 16.04 Cason, F. C, D. 1. C. Gladstone, R. E., Ass.n., beginning at NW corner of Gladstone run ning thence easterly along North line of said Gladstone to center of road running from Gladstone Park to Milwaukie; thence along center of said road to NW corner of Gladstone Park; thence along W line of Gladstone Park and C. H. Dauchy's 10 acre tract to NE corner of Cason D. L. C. ; thence along NW line of said claim to place of beginning being 135 acres ( of F. C. Cason D. L. C. No. 50, in Township 2 South, Range 2 East; 135 acres 92.38 Township 3 South Range 2 East. Myers, John, heirs, SW quarter of SE quarter and lots 3, 4 and 5, Section 2. Townshin 3 South. R. 2 East; 92.33 acres '19.20 1 xriut.. " r i r. r o t .. .-, , .... I cribed In Record of Deeds. Book 63, Page 400. Section 10, Town ship 3 South, Range 2 East; 50.30 acres 1 17.20 This Is The Time Of Year When the progressive, up-to-date farmer makes his plans for the next season. To Make The Old Farm Pay Requires intelligent management and Good Tools. You will MAKE NO MISTAKE if you plow your fields with a SUNDERS' DISC PLOW or a "J. I. C." Make it smooth and fine with a CRITIC HARROW; Sow Your Seed with a HOOSIER DISC DRILL and - Watch It Grow A STAR WIND MILL or a STOVER GASOLINE ENGINE, hitched to a MYERS' GOLD MEDAL PUMP, will supply your house and barn with water, grind your grist and saw your firewood. And, while you are about it, 1 Get Your Wife an "Iowa Cream Separator" to save that endless task of skimming. If you will take her to town occasionally in a nice BEE LINE BUGGY, she will conclude, and so will you, that life in the country is after all worth living. But don't forget If you want some nice fruit next Summer, You Outfit to Spray your Trees NOW with a MYERS' SPRAY PUMP. All of the above our boys will be pleased to show you and quote you Portland prices. They will treat you right, save you a trip to the city and WE PAY THE FREIGHT. ' Amt Duo Williams, G.E., 35 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 86, Page 376, Section 10, Township 3 South Range 2 East; 35 acres 8.66 Howell, Sanford, 10 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds, Book D, page 470, Section 10, Township 3 South, Range 2 East; 10 acres.. 2.46 Shaffer, G. R., 7.45 acres as des- cribed in Record of Deeds, book 79, page 164, Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 2 East; 7.45 acres 1.83 Woodard, L. A., Lot 4, Section 18, Township 3 South, Range 2 East 17.34 acres 4.61 Loyd, John, NE quarter of SE quar ter of NW quarter Section 23, Township 3 South, Range 2 East 10 acres 2.13 Robarts, Wm. R., NE quarter of SE quarter, Section 25, Range 3 South Range 2. East; 40 acres 5.65 Draper, Aurie M., lots 5 and 6, Sec tion 32, Township 3 South, Range 2 East, 5.12 acres 2.46 Holmes, William, D. L. C. Nos 38, 46. Dickev. Charles. 3-8 acre as describ ed in Record of Deeds, Book 60 Page 134, Sections - 5, 6, 31, 32, Townships 3 and 2 South, Range 2 East; 3-8 acre 3.54 Ackerman, Isaac, 50-100 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 36, page 14, Sections 6, 6, 31, 32, Townships 3 and 2 South, Range 2 East, 50-100 acres 5.26 Charman, T, and Son. 50-100 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 65, page 29, Sections 5, 6, 31, 32, Townships 3 and 2 South, Range 2 East; 50-100 acres 7.02 Howland. J. S.. D. L. C. No. 45. Meldrum, Henry, 5 acres as describ ed in Record or Deeds, book 4. Page -470, Sections 7, 8, 17. 18, Township 3 South, Range 2 East; 5 acres 5.85 TownshiD 4 South Range 2 East. Thayer, Sheldon S., 57.50 acres as described in Kecord 01 jeeos. Book 65. page 423, Section 2, Town ship 4 South, Range 2 East; 57.50 . acres 8.29 Marlay, P. H. NE quarter of SE quarter or ssk quarter section 1 Township 4 South, Range 2 East 10 acres 1.70 Holden, Arthur. 50 acres as describ ed in Record of Deeds, Book 82 page 296. Section 18, Township 4 South, Range 2 East; 50 acres.. 8.03 TownshiD 4 South, Range 2 East. Cobery, Mary, E half of NE quarter Section zz. Township 4 toutn Range 2 East; 80 acres 12.93 Kimball. G. W. & M. A., 5 acres as described In Record or Deeds hook 82, Page 423. Section 28, Township 4 South. Ranee 2 East: 5 acres. .. 1.72 Trullinger, D. N-, 40 acres as des cribed in tecora 01 ueeas, book 82, Page 461, Section 28. Town ship 4. South, Range 2 East; 40 acres 14.39 Parent, Ida E., 161 acres as describ ed in Record or Deeds, book si. page 191, sections lv & is. iown- i acres 52.93 i Parent, Ida E.. N half of N half of j Section 19, Township 5 Houttt, range 2 East; 160 acres 63.79 ' Unknown, NW quarter of NE quar ter, Section 35, Township 5 South Range 2 East; 40 acres 2.43 ! Everson, James. NE quarter or SW quarter, of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 2 East; 40 acres.. 3.88 Elmer, A. D., part of Benj. Jackson D. L. C being 160 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds, Book 46, page 192, Township 5 South. Ranges 1 and 2 East, 160 acres 33.16 Township 6 South Range 2 East. Meikeljohn, J. M. & M.. SW quarter of SW quarter, Section 3. Town ship 6 South, Range 2 East 2.91 Wilhoit, John W., S half of SE quarter and SW quarter Section 4 " Tnwnshin 6 South. Ranee 2 East; 241.93 acres (2d half paymt) 10.96 1 Hesseltine, A. H., S.W. quarter of J NE quarter and NW quarter of " j SE quarter. Section 8, Township I tHMfettl mm mm mm hmmmim in J rm , , Amt Duo $ 6 South, Range 2 East; 80 acres 10.00 Charman, Thomas, SW quarter of NW quarter Section 8, Townsnip 6 South, Range 2 East; 40 acres Wilhoit, John W., , N half of NE quarter and SE quarter of NE quarter, except 16 acres, Section 9, Township 6 South, Range 2 E; 104 acres (2d half payment) 3.89 J 4.38 Meikeljohn, J. M. & M., 16 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 85, Page 230, Section 9, Twp 6 South, Range 2 East; 16 acres 1.22 Meikeljohn, J. -M. & M., NW quarter of NW auarter: of Section -10. - Township 6 South, Range 2 East; 40 acres 10.97 Ryan, T. F., all of NW quarter east , ot tsutte creeK, section az. Town ship 6 South, Range 2 East; 53 acres Reynolds, L. G., SW quarter Section 3.88 34, Township 6 soutn, Kange z East; 160 acres 10.00 Hoffman, J. E., SE quarter of NE quarter of Section 36, Township b " South, Range 2 East; 40 acres... McCleod, A. M.. W half of W half 2.39 Section 36. Township 6 South, Range 2 East; 160 acres 11.98 Donnell, Chas. R., NE quarter Sec tion 12, Township 7 South, Range 2 East; 160 acres 10.98 Township 1 South Range 3 East. Anderson, Hilda C, 30.39 acres as described in record of Deeds Book 64, Page 182 and Book 89, Page 198, Ex. as described in Record of Deeds, Book 87, Page 248, sec tion 25, Township 1 South, Range 3 East; 30.39 acres. 19.43 Miller, W. A., fifty-hundreths of an acre as described in Record of Deeds, Book 89. Page 198, Section 25, Township 1 South, Range 3 East; one-half acre Worell, J. W., SE quarter of SE quarter of Section 27, Township 1 South, Range 3 East; 40 acres Anderson, James, SE quarter of N" .28 9.75 W quarter or Section 2s, Town- . ship 1 South, Range 3 East; 40 acres 12.63 Presnall, J. B., S half of SE quar ter of NE quarter of Section 31, TrtWnsViin 1 Smith T? ;) n fo 9 "Rnst: . 20 acres 9.76 Acock, C. W., N half of NE quar ter of NE quarter Section 33, Township 1 South, Range 3 E; 20 acres Schmelzer. H. F.. 100 acres of Mo ses W. Noble D. L. C. No. 70, as described in Record of Deeds, Book 89. page 37, Section 30, 7.80 Township 1 South. Range 3 east luu acres (za nair payment) .... vi.ai Township 2 South Range 3 East. Rankin, Hearty, one acre as des- cribed in Record or Deeds. Book 88. page 96, Section 1, Township 2 South, Range 3 East; 1 acre.. McLean, Grace, one acre as des cribed in Record of Deeds, book 88. Page 166, Section 4, Town ship 2 South, Range 3 East; 1 acre McGregor. Benj.. and McLean, Grace, 1.14 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds, book. 73, page 174, Section 4,Township 2 South, Range 3 East; 1.14 acres J. H. M. Deardorff. 64.14 acres as 1.47 described in Record of Deeds, . Book 58, Page 247. Section 6, Twp 2 South, Range 3 East; 64.14 A 24.39 Wade, C. E., R. L. & C. R.,60.100 acre as described in Record of Deeds Book V. page 31, Section i i 49' i ! i I I 9. Township 2 South, Range 3 East, half acre Nancy Hall, 25 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book Q, page 305, except as described in Rec ord of Deeds, Book 65. page 157, Sections 9 and 16, Township 2 South, Range 3 East; 25 acres 10.98 Anderson, James, NE quarter of SW quarter Section 13, Township 2 South. Range 3 East; 40 acres... Preston, F. T., N half of SW quar ter (except 3 acres). Section 14, 4.88 Township 2 South, Range 3 East 77 acres 10.36 , Amt. Duo ' $ Berridge, Fred, 6 acres as describ ed in Record of Deeds, Book 87, page 194, being part of John S. Fisher, D.L.C., Sees 5 and 32. Townships 2 and 1 South, Range 3 East; 5 acres 1.21 Township 3 South Range 3 East. Morlock, Christian, 51 acres as des ; cribed in Record of Deeds, Book 67, page 162, Section 4, Township 3 South, Range 3 East; 51 acres Miller, Lena, S half of SE quarter North of County Road, Section 32 Township 3 South, Range 3 East; 4 acres : Davis, John, heirs, 29.50 acres as 8.E3 .65 described in Record or Deeds, Book 29, Page 445. Section 33, Township 3 South, Range 3 East 29 1-2 acres 6.80 Charman. Thomas. 81 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds, Book R. Page 81 (part of David Cut ting D. L. C. No. 57) Township 3 South. Range 3 East; 81 acres.. 13.41 Bonney. W. H., & L., 63 acres as described in Record of Deeds Book 76 Page 436 (part of Albert Wright D. L. C.) Sections 7 and 8, Twp. 3 South, Range 3 East; 63 acres, (2d half payment) 14.87 Township 4 South Range 4 East. Ralston. W. C. N half of NE quar ter Section 1, Township 4 South Range 3 East; 80 acres 5.23 Anderson, Lars. 10 acres as describ ed in Record of Deeds Book 30. page 580, Section 10, Township 4 South, Range 3 East; 10 acres...-. Weed, Geo. A., NW quarter of SE quarter (except 10 acres) Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 3 East; 30 acres 1L. Oakley, Geo. I., NE quarter of NW 5.23 3.64 quarter or SIC quarter. Section 16 Township 4 South, Range 3 East 10 acres 1 Anderson, Lars, E half of NE quar ter section 34, 'lownsniD 4 south. Raiee 3 East: 80 acres 13.16 Callaghan, James, SW quarter of N W. quarter and N half of NW quarter Section 27. TownshiD 4 South, Ranee 3 East; 120 acres 12.17 Hoel. O. J., NW quarter or SE quar ter Section 27. TownshiD 4 South Ranee 3 East: 40 acres 3.90 nargreaves, H, T,,.. r. .. T T -XT linlf Q-C - - . u o . 11., . . 11(11! ui . . l j V J 1 1 rl 1 1 T . I I Section 33. section 33. Townsnip 4 South, i Range 3 East: 80 acres 25.48 Harereaves, H.. S half of SE quarter and SE quarter of SW quarter of ! Section 33. Township 4 South. j Range 3 East, 120 acres 12.13 I 1 TownshiD 5 South Ranae 3 East. : uomer, james M., sk quarter sec- . tibn 8, Township 5 South, Range 3 j East; 160 acres (2d half paymt).. 12.66 j Lamb, Mrs. E. J.. W half of SE I quarter and E half of, SW quar 1.68 i ter. Section 18. Township 5 South I Range 3 East; 160 acres 18.20 j Callahan. Ellen, 2 acres as describ j ed in Record of Deeds. Book 79. page 301, Section 19, Township 5 .97 j South, Range 3 East; 2 acres 29 Rudstrum, Peter. W half of SE ! nnnrtpr and "R half 'nf S"W nimv- ter. Section 26, Township 5 South Range 3 East; 160 acres 12.13 Sumner. Bertha M., N half of SE quarter Section 30, Township 6 South, Range 3 East; 80 acres.. 9.69 Sumner, Amelia A., SE quarter of SE quarter. Section 30. Township 5 South. Range 3 East; 40 acres .4.84 Township 6 South Range 3 East. Cochran. J. L., SW quarter Section 6. Township 6 South, Range 3 East; 146.80 acres ...10.96 Cochran, J. L., Lots 1 and 2 Section 7. Township 6 South, Range 3 East; 66.37 acres 6.07 Township 7 South Range 3 East. White, D. A.. Estes, W. P., lots 4. 5, 6, and 7, Section 6. Township 7 South, I Range 3 East; 134.96 acres 8.75 Noble, H. E.. S half of S half Sec tion s. Township 7 South, Range 3 East: 160 acres 16.08 Shaw, W. J., NE quarter, Section 24, Township 7 South, Range 3 TENTH AND MAIN STREETS '. Amt. Due $ - east; 160 acres'...... 10.00 Webb, W. W., Lot 1, Section 30, Township 7 South, Range. 3 East 32.78 acres ; 2.60 Township 1 South Range 4 East. Winters, Hannah E., 5 acres as des cribed in Book 61, page 427, Sec tion 28, Township 1 South, Range 4 East; 5 acres ..: 1.39 Township 2 South Range 4 East. Van Curen, J. H., 1.50 acres in SE corner of SE quarter of SE quar- . ter Section 29, Tp. 2 South, Range 4 East; 11-2 acre 25 Colt, J. H., 134.84 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 78, page 227, except as described in Book f 85, page 367, Section 32, Township 2 South, Range 4 East; 134.84 acres 30.48 Colt, Flotilla D., 160 acres as des cribed in Record of Deeds Book 85 page 367, Section 32, Township 2 South, Range 4 East; 160 acres 19.61 Colt, J. H., 42 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 87, page 366, Section 33, Township 2 South, Range 4 East; 42 acres 4.88 Wetzel, M. K., 42 acres as describ ed in Record of Deeds, Book 87, page 93, Section 33, Township 2 South, Range 4 East; 42 acres.. 6.09 Colt, J. H., 2 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Book 78, page 227 (being part of J. W. Foster D. L. C.) Township 2 South, Range 4 East; 2 acres 10.97 Township 3 South Range 4 East. Currin, Geo. J., part of Hugh Currin u. l. J. jno. 40, being 160 acres as described in Record of Deeds, Books T, K, and S, pages 240, 395, and 418, Township 3 South, Range 4 East; 160 acres 39.63 Township 4 South Range 4 East. Landwehr, Henry, N half of SW quarter and N half of S half of SW quarter Section 2, Township 4 South, Range 4 East: 120 acres 9.75 Anderson, Lars. W half of NW quar ter Section 7, Township 4 South Range 4 East, 76.16 acres 7.31 Cross. H. E., Lot 1, Section 11, Twp. 4, South, Range 4 East; 20 acres 1.94 Gregg. E. L., E half of Section 36, Township 4 South, Range 4 East; 320 acres 19.51 Cross. H. E., all of Wm. Stricklin D. L. C. No. 37. Sections 9, 10. 11, Township 4 South, Range 4 East 323.90 acres 78.18 Township 5 South Range 4 East. Debord. E. F., S half of SE quarter and SE quarter of SW quarter and lot 7, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 4 East; 162 acres.-. 19.41 Township z South Range 5 East. Van Allen, Eleanor, S half of NW quarter and N half of SW quar ter Section 17, Township 2 South, Range 5 East; 160 acres (2d half payment) 14.00 Van Allen, Eleanor, SE quarter of NE quarter and lots 1 and 3 and NE quarter of SE quarter Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 5 -East; 157.21 acres (2d half paym't) 17.67 Warren, Harry, SE quarter of SE quarter and W half of SE quar ter and E half of SW quarter. Section 23. Township 2 South Ranee 5 East: 200 acres 14.63 Collinge, Thomas, S half of SW quar ter ana jnw quarter or sw quar ter Section 26, Township 2 South, Range 6 East; 120 acres (2d half payment) 7.06 Karr. Isaac C, SW quarter of SW quarter, Section 33, Township 2 South. Ranee 6 East: 40 acres.. 2.92 Collinge, Thomas, NW quarter. Sec tion 34, Township 2 South, Range 5 East; 160 acres (2d half pay ment) 6.10 Township 8 South Range 5 East. Morrison, A. J., W half of NW quar- 'ter Section 5, Township 3 South, Ranee 6 East: 81.19 acres 7.31 Unknown, NE quarter of SW quarter Section 5. Township 3 soutn. It. 5 East: 40 acres 2.91 ocneei. nenry, neirs, w nan or dju : quarter and W half of E half of SE quarter Section 22, Township '"". Amt. Due $ 3 South, Range 6 East; 120 acres 12.41 Meissner, Albert, N half of NW 1-4 and SW quarter of NW quarter. Section 28, Township 3 South, R. S East; 120 acres 17.8 Township 4 South Ranae 5 East. Gerlinger, Louis, S half Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 6 East 320 acres 23.40 Rowley, A., W half of NW quarter and N W quarter of NE quarter - of NW quarter, Section 30, Town ship 4 South, Range 5 East; 89.93 acres 0.09 Township 2 South Range 6 East. Flynn, J. M., W half of NE quar ter and SE quarter of NW quar ter and NE quarter of SW quar ter Section 14, Township 2 South Range 6 East; 160 acres 9.75 Kyler, Charles, W half of SW quar ter Section 17, Township 2 South ' Range 6 East; 80 acres 11.59 Caples, Hez, NW quarter of NW quarter Section 21, Township 2 South, Range 6 East; 40 acres 2.92 Ware, C. M., NE quarter of SE quar ter Section 30, Township 2 South, Range 6 East; 40 acres 2.43 Township 4 South Range 6 East. Rouritch, John, Kneibler, Herman, W half of NW quarter, and SE quarter of NW quarter and NE quarter of SW quarter Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 6 East; 160.07 acres 9.76 Township 2 South Range 7 East. Hart, Geo. F., SE quarter Section . 14, Township 2- South, Range 7 East; 160 acres 17.99 Lewis, L. A., W half of SW quarter Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 7 East; 80 acres .'.. 5.E9 Woolsey, Frank, E half of SW 1-4 Section 16, Township 2 . South, i Range 7 East; 80 acres 6.69 Corcoran, William, E half of E half Section 22, Township 2 South, Range 7 East; 160 acres 11.18 The Wisconsin Investment Co., W half of Section 22, ' Township 2 South Range 7 East; 320 acres.. 26.83 The Wisconsin Investment Co., NW quarter Section 27, Township 2 South, Range 7 East; 160 acres 17.89 Township 3 South Range 7 East. Murphy, M. E. G., lots 3 and 4, Sec- ' . tion 4, Township 3 South, Range 7 East; 81.29 acres 4.87 Senn, Christ, Lot 1 Section 6, Town ship 3 South, Range 7 East; 40.56 ' acres 2.91 Township 1 South Range 8 East. Macrum, W. S., W half Section 25 Townshin 1 South. Ranee 8 East 320 acres 23.40 Wilson, Joseph A., E half of E half Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Jones, Geo. C. Jr., E half of W half Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Buelton, Frank H., W half of W half Section 26. Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Jones, E. G., N half of NE quar ter and NE quarter of NW quarter and SW quarter of NE quarter Section 35. Township 1 South, Range 8 East: 160 acres 11.70 Macrum, I. A.. N half of NW quar ter Section 36, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 80 acres 6.86 Keller, T., SW quarter of NW quarter and W half of SW quarter and SE quarter of SW Section 36, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Township 3 South Range 8 East. Steele, William, W half of NW quar ter of NE quarter Section 24, Twp. 3 South, Range 8 East; 20 acres .. 1-40 Township 3 South Range 8y2 East. Miller, R. A., 1-6 U'Ren, W. R., 1-6 Campbell, Hector B., 4-6 W half of NE quarter and E half of NW ' quarter Section 25, Township 3 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Wilcox, N-. N half of SW quarter v. section zs, Townsnip a soutn, . 8M: East; 80 acres 6.86 (Cnntinned on page 10. ) DTY