OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1905. i r I... Short Sidehead Stories..: TERSELY-TOLD TALES OF THE WEEK'S DOINGS. , "Want a Divorce Nellie M. Smith is suing Samuel W. Smith for a divorce on the grounds of desertion. They were married at Grants Pass in December 1895 and there are two minor children. Sawmill Changes Hands. Fred Schafer, of Molalla, has pur chased the Russell Bros, sawmill from Carleton and Rosenkrans who bought the property at assignee's sale. The mill is one of the best in the country. Football Tomorrow , At Willamette Falls tomorrow after noon, there is scheduled a game be tween the Barclay High School team and the Alumni of the same school. Considerable interest is being taken in the game which gives promise of being worth seeing. Mpve "I elephone Office The Pacific States Telephone & Tel egraph Co. has rented the building ad joining the Commercial Bank, former ly occupied by Wilson & Cooke and Frank Newton, for a central exchange office, and will move there from its present quarters in a few weeks. Lodge Installation Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A. M., of this city, the oldest Masonic lodge in the state, conducted its an nual installation of officers Wednes day night, St. John's Day. R. C. Ga nong, the retiring worshipful master, conducted the installation ceremonies. The officers elect are: Joseph Lynch, worshipful master; J. P. Keating, senior warden; E. P. Rands, junior warden; L. E. Jones, treasurer; J. R. Humphrys, secretary. A number of visitors from valley towns witnessed the ceremonies. Family Reunion Christmas There was held a family reunion at the home of George Boylan at Stafford Christmas Day, there being present twenty-three persons. The day was most pleasantly passed, the discus sion of a bountiful dinner constituting a not uninteresting feature of the day's programme. Those forming the party were: W. E. Boylan and family, of Lincoln, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Boylan, of Clifton, Oregon; W. C. Green and family; B. M. Doolittle and family, of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. George Boylan, Bert and Charles Boylan of Stafford. Estacada School Bonds Sold County Treasurer Cahill sold to County Judge T. F. Ryan $5,000 10-year, 5 per cent bonds for the Esta cada school district No. 108, a pre mium of $51 being received. There was one other bidder, Morris Bros., of Portland, who sought to acquire the bonds at par, merely offering to furnish the printed form of the bonds. The proceeds of the sale of the bonds will be expended in building a new school house to meet the requirements of the rapid growth of the Estacada I section. Would Have State Own I A petition is being circulated in Prineville for the signature of resi dents requesting that the matter of the state purchasing the old Mt. Hood and Barlow toll road from the Pacific Coast Abstract, Guaranty & Trust Co. for $24,000 and made a state highway abolishing the tolls be submitted to the voters of the state at the next gen eral election in June. In the petition it is set forth that the highway is much used in crossing from' Western to Eastern Oregon and that it would" be a great advantage to stockmen especially to abolish the toll. This road crosses the Cascades about 35 miles south of The Dalles. Exchange. School Report Following is the school report for district No. 33 for the month ending December 22, 1905. No. of pupils en rolled, 33. No. of days taught, 20 Average daily attendance, 32, Those who were present every day are: Frank Adams, Josephine Adams, Dwight Fairfowl, Dora Fairfowl, Ar thur Fellows, Sadie Fellows Leo Vohs, Milton Miller, Ralph Madison, Hurley Fellows, Lloyd Schramm. Visitors present: Lester Fellows, Mr. Fairfowl and Mr. D. Miller. "Visitors always welcome. Robert Ginther, Teacher. A FEARFUL FATE. It is a fearful torture to have to en dure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully say," writes Harry Col son, of Masonville, la., "that for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, is the best cure made." Also for cuts burns, and injuries. 25 cents at Howell & Jones, druggists. "My'dear," said the professor, "I fear that our grocer is adulterating his wares." "Oh, impossible." "I fear not, I certainly find traces of milk in this formaldehyde." Ex. A horticulturist of Maryland has, after several years experimenting, discovered a way to revive old fruit trees and keep them in bearing con dition long after their supposed stage of usefulness has passed. As the cause of decay in a tree is its inability to carry the sap to all of its branches, heading the tree lessens the area to be traversed, the amount of top to be removed varying according to the farmer's judgment. Bone dust and ashes must then be administered as a J IF IBI IK H!f Is no longer a mere novelty like the old style talking machine. It is seriously recognized by music lovers as a musical instrument of great merit, reproducing all the beautiful quality of the original. Prices of Machines, $ I 7.50, $20, $25, $35, $45 and $65. Reduced prices on Records, 7-in. 35c, I 0-in. 60c, i 2-in. $ i .00. BURMEISTER & ANBRESEN Suspznsiom Bridge Nature's Great Invention On de banks ob de Amazon, far awav. far awar. Wtaar Dr. Green gits AUfrust Flowers to dis day ; An picfcea aose flowers in August in oie israzii. An' aldo' I'se a Yankee, ah longs to be dar still. August Flower is the only medicine (free from alcoholic stimulants) that has -been successful in keeping' the enure thirty-two feet of digestive apparatus in a normal condition, and assisting nature's processes of digestion, separation and ab sorption for building and re-building by preventing all irregular or unnatural causes which interrupt healthy and per fect natural processes and result in intes tinal indigestion, catarrhal affections (causing appendicitis stoppage of the gall duct), fermentation of unhealthy foods, nervous dyspepsia, headache, con stipation and other complaints, such as colic, biliousness, jaundice, etc t August Flower is nature's intended reg ulator. Two sizes, 25c, 75 c All druggists. Char man & Co., City Drug Store fertilizer, the one in the autumn and the other in the spring. It is neces sary to introduce the bone dust through holes in the ground near the roots of the tree, while the ashes may be sprinkled over the top surface of , the earth. The ashes leach and will not wash down. A question naturally arises as to how far from the body of the tree the holes for the fertilizer must run. The scientist says you must tie a cord about the body of the tree so loosely, thaC it will turn free ly, leaving one free end. With this loose end, describe a circle six or eight feet from the bole of the tree. Length en the line for each circle, continuing until the last circle is sixteen or eighteen feet from the tree. Make holes about four inches deep and a foot apart on each circle and put about a gill of bone dust in each hole. The remedy is sure to revive old trees, increasing their bearing and lengthen ing their lives for many years. CHAPPED HANDS. Wash your hands with warm water, dry with a towel and apply Chamber lain's Salve just before going to bed,! and a speedy cure Is certain. This salve is also unequalled for skin dis eases. , For sale by Howell & Jones. Corner GOOD NEWS. Many Oregon City Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels fast," and The thousands of bad back sufferers in Ore gon city are glad to learn that prompt relief Is1 within their xreach. Many a lame weak and aching back Is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. People are telling the good news of their exper ience with the Old Quaker Remedy. Here is an example worth reading: Jacob E. McCoy, of Salem, Oregon, bridge builder and contractor, residing on Capital Street, second house beyond Mill Creek, says: "I have always enjoyed good health up to five or six years ago. Along about that time my kidneys com menced to bother me . There was not so much backache, but the principal symp toms were in connections with the kidney secretions. A strain or over exertion very often caused hemorhages of the kid neys. I cannot say that it was so painful but it was very annoying. I used various remedies and while some gave relief others were worthless. In some way Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my notice and when up town I procured a box, taking them as directed. A few doses gave me very convincing proof that they were going to the right spot, and though I can't say they have cured me, as I may never be cured, I. can state that they gave me wonderful relief. I have a high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills and cheerfully recommend them." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at Dr. C. G. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price BOcents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Her Picture. "Did you see my picture in the pa per last Sunday?" asked Miss Elder leigh. "No," replfed her pretty cousin. "How many bottles did they give you for jour testimonial?" NO OPIUM IN CHAMBERLAIN'8 COUGH REMEDY. There is not the least danger in giv ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to small children as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. It has an es tablished reputation of more than 30 years as the most successful medicine in use for colds, croup and whooping cough. Children like it. Sold by How ell & Jones. Accidents come with distressing frequency on' the farm. Cuts, bruises, stings, pains. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil relieves the pain instantly. Never safe without it. "Do you deal in second-hand auto mobiles? If you do I want to sell you mine." Yes, sir, we do. How long have' you had your machine?" "Since this morning." Life. The Oregon City AIL diseases and affections of tKe Positively cleared away In a hurry. I vouch for it. ' . Thousands of wretched people are miserable imagining they have a bad pot oning of the blood when in nine cases out of ten it is purely a local parasitit manifestation in the skin which can be cleared away in a hurry. Such misery now cleared away as surely as the sun shines above. Not merely ATTEMFTED not a matter of improvement only but a clearing of it all away absolutely and quickly, too. ECZEMA. The photograph show ing the terrible inroads Eczema had made on this boy's face and head can be seen at our store. This work of the camera is the best evidence of the curative qualities of the D. D. D. Remedy. (Case of Sammy Minkey. Cleared away and entirely cured In 21 days.' Folly proven to mj We voicH for this absolutely. It has been proven to us beyonfl the possibility of doubt that a new medicament known as D. D. D. clears up the worst skin affections quickly. Its work seems aston ishing, amazing, almost miraculous. ( It is a specific formula which, because of its discovery by Dr. Decator Dennis, is known as "D. D. D.")- Its actual record sounds like a story of magic But there is no room for doubt about it whatever; full proofs indisputable in every respect, have been submitted to as regarding hundreds of cases among them the one case shown here of the boy ( Sammy Minkey who was cured in 21 days. The results are not bnly complete, but permanent; in this case it is now nearly two years since the disease was cleared out of the skin, and no taint of it has appeared since. Each one of the known skin affections is parasitic in nature, and all af them have' yielded to "D. D D." The preparation is being used by most of the skin specialists. I is compounded for druggists solely by the D. D. D. Co., 70 Dearborn St., Chicago. It is utilized by every family physician who has taken the trouble to investigate, the work it is accomplishing. It is used in the Cook County Hospital, Chicago. It will clear away any parasitic break in the skin in from 3 days to 60 days' time. Visit the undersigned and see proofs that will make you a happier human. $1.00 buyshe prescription already made up in sealed bottles, with authentic label or,,, each. WE PROVE IT. To convince you we have arranged with the D. D. D. Co-, eo that any sufferer from any skin disease can get direct from the D. D. D. Co.'s laboratory a large free sample bottle of D. D. D. pre scsiption together with 3a page new pamphlet on skin disease and free ad vice on your particular case from the world's greatest skin specialist. HOWELL & JONES, Oregon City. Lawyer "Your honor, I want an interpreter for 'my client." "Judge "What language does he speak?" Lawyer "He's a railway brake Here, sir, its yours. Great bargain sir. Jewelers FREE SAMPLE COUPON MAL THIS PKOMPy.YJ 1). D. I. CO. Medical Department 116-180 Michigan St., Suite 428 Chicago Please send me free prepaid a large size sample bottle of D. D., D. pamphlet and consultation blank For ...years I have been afflicted with a skin disease called and have never used D. D. D. Name .V Address. "Great Britain is going to send over a commission to investigate our idiot asylums." "How stupid those Britons are! They think all our idiots are In asy lums." Ex.