Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Saloon License.
Notice is hereby given that I wi.l
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a nnewr.l
of my saloon license at my present
place of business, corner of Main and
Fourth streets. W. E. WILSON.
Executor's Notice of Appointment.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County as executor of
the last will and testament of Wil
liam C. Lichtenthaler, deceased. All
persons having claims against said es
tate are hereby notified to present
same to me with proper vouchers as
required by law at Sherwood, Oregon,
or at the office of Win. D. Fenton, 609
Fenton Building, Portland Oregon,
within six months from the date here
Hxecutor of the Last Will and Testa
ment of William C. Lichtenthaler,
First insertion Dec. 15, 1905.
Last Insertion Jan. 12, 1906.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. ,
Barbara Kary, Plaintiff,
Karl Kary, Defendant.
To Karl Kary, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of .Or
egon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the last day of the time
prescribed in the order for publica
tion of this summons, to-wit: on or
before the 26th day of January. 1906,
the said day being after the expira
tion of six weeks from the first publi
- cation of this summons, and if you
fail so to appear and answer, for want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in the
complaint, which is that the bonds of
matrimony existing between the plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved.
This summons is published by or
der of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge
of said Court, made on the 8th day of
December, 1905, by which order it was
directed that this summons be pub
lished once each week for six succes
sive weeks, and that said defendant
appear and answer on or before the
26th day of January, 1906; and the
date of the first publication thereof is
December 15th, 1905, the date named
in the said order for said publication.
' Attorney for Plaintiff.
25-26-27 Washington Bldg., Portland,
Ia the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Edith E. Richards, Plaintiff,
Charles H. Richards, Defendant.
To Charles H. Richards, defend
ant above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified and requir
ed to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before the ex
piration of six weeks from and after
the first publication of this summons
to-wit: on or before the 27th day of
January, 1906, which is the time
specified in the order directing this
publication, and if you fail to so ap
pear or answer, the plaintiff, for want
thereof, will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for in the complaint on
file herein, to-wit: That the bonds of
matrimony existing between you and
the plaintiff be set aside and dissolved
and held for naught, and for such
other relief as may be just in equity.
"This summons is published by order
of Honorable Thos. A. McBride, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County, and
said order was made, dated and en
tered the 12th day of December, 1905,
and the date of the first publication is
December 15, 1905, and the date of
the last publication of this notice is
January 26, 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for County of Clackamas.
Mary A. Walton, Plaintiff,
Sarah Neukirchner, Albert Neukirch
ner, Ida B. Bloomer, and Annie E.
Jones, widow and heir-at-law of F.
G. Neukirchner, deceased, Defend-
- ants.
County of Clackamas. ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 1st day of December, 1905, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 23d day of November,
1905, in favor of Mary A. Walton,,
Plaintiff, and against Sarah Neukirch
ner, Albert Neukirchner, Ida B. Bloom-
er and Annie E. Jones, widow and heir-at-law,
of F. G. Neukirchner, deceased,
Defendants, for the sum of $487.69
and the further sum of $60 as attor
ney's fee, and the further sum of
$16.80, costs and disbursements, and:
the costs of and upon this writ, com-1
manding me to make sale of the fol- J
lowing described real property, situ-.
ate in the county of Clackamas, state
of Oregon, to-wit::. .. .!
The South Half of the South-east
-quarter-of Section Ten (10) in "Town-j
ship Four South of Range Two East of i
W. M-, and containing Eighty acres. 1
Now, Therefore, by "virtue of said j
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands I
of. said writ, I will, on Saturday, the '
6th day of January, 1906, at the hour j
of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the front door
of the county court house in the city
of Oregon City in said county and state
sell at public auction, subject to re-'
demption, to the highest bidder for i elusive in Block 11 ; Lots 1-2-3-6-7- and
U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the j 9 to 20 inclusive in Block 12; Lots 3
right. title and interest which the j 5-14 in Block 13 ; Lots 1 to 20 ihclu
within named defendants or either of 'sive in Block 14; Lots 1 to 20 Inclusive
them, had on the date of the mortgage in Block 15 ; Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in
herein or since had in or to the above Block 16; Lots 1-3-4 and 5 to 20 in
described real property or any part elusive in Block 17; Lots 1 to 10 lnclu-
Tjlfe a coa, fight aauinst the dan-
tjer" disea
i he hoids his own the
best who keeps
his body and
its functions in
the best work
ing trim.
There are
times in every
life when Na
ture gratefully
accepts a little
aid. &ne aoes
K not want a
whipping up
1111 L1IU U 1.3 llJVT
A. itablv follow
ed by depres
sing reaction.
In most cases
a tonic and al
terative prop
er 1 y. com
pounded will
afford the required help by promoting
drjc.-itio'i. assimilation and reconstruc
tion of tissue and reducing waste of vital
nerve forces. J
It must not he an alcoholic stirnttilanth-:
just a vegetable tonic. Meeting these
needs and conditions Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery lias been in successful
use these forty years and has accumu
lated a record of cures unequaled in the
history of nnxii'Mno. It is composed of
non-alcoholic, glyceric extracts of Golden
Seal root. Queen's root. Stone root, Black
Cherry bark, lilixuiroot and Mandrake
root, and by special ijivccosos perfected by
Dr. Pierce, in hi.i own laboratory, so com
bined in tire most exact proportions, and
their medicinal properties preserved
without the use of alcohol as to render ,
it a safe uiul efl'cciivc remedy for use in :
tne larni.y without consulting a doctor. I
Young or old can take it, freely as needed,
an l now that its composition is pub- j
lished. there is no ground for prejudice !
a paten? medicine or secret
unst it
it is nuitlvr.
f 1,1 TIT TT . 1 -
ComiLv cure constipation. Constipa
te Yv& "on ls cause or many dis
eases. (Jure the cause ana you
cure the disease. One "Pellet" is a gentle
laxative, arid two a mild cathartic Drue
fists sell them, and nothing is "just as good.'
Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus
trated Common Sense Medical Adviser
will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one
cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps.
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Decem
ber 8th, 1905. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Ivy Vorbeck Potter, Paintiff,
Lester Potter, Defendant.
To Lester Potter, the above named de
. fendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the last day of the time pre
scribed in the order for publication of
this summons, to-wit; on or before the
20th day of January, 1906, the said day
after the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fail so . to appear and an
swer for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief pray
ed for in the complaint which is that
the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant be
This summons is published by order
of Hon. Thomas. A. McBride, Judge
of said court, made on December 8,
1905, by which order it was directed
that this summons be published once
each week for six successive weeks
and that said defendant appear and
answer on or before the 20th day of
January, 1906 and the date of the first
publication thereof if December 8th,
1905, the date named in said order for
said publication.
Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Henry Gans, Plaintiff,
James Shaw, Betty Shaw, John Duffy,
and S. Neffker, Defendants.
County of Clackamas. ss.
By virtue of a judgment order,, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled Court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 1st day of December, 1905, upon
a judgment rendered and entered in
said court on the 23d day of April,
1898, in favor of Henry Gans. Plain
tiff, and against James Shaw, and Bet
ty Shaw of said defendants for the
sum of $196.50, with interest thereon
at the rate of 8 per cent per annum
from the 27th day of June. 1898, and
the further sum of $ the costs j
ana uPn lnls writ, commanding .
uie uut ui me personal propeny oi i described real property, to-wit:
said 'defendants, and if sufficient could j The W half of the NE quarter and
not be found, then out of the real the NE quarter of the SW quarter and
property belonging to said defendant the NW quarter of the SE quarter of
on and after the date of said 23d day ( Section 33, in T. 3 S.; R. 3, E; W. M.,
of April. 1898, to satisfy said sum of jn Clackamas County, State of Oregon.
$196.50 and interest as above set forth i Tnis sale jg ma(je under and in pur
and also the costs upon this said suance of a license and order of sale
wrr ' m granted by the County Court of Baker
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said County, Oregon, on the 21st day of No
execution, judgment order and decree, vember. 1905. in the matter of the
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendant's,
I did on, the 1st day of December, 1905,
duly levy upon the following describ- '
ed real property of said defendants,
situate and being in the County of
wit: ' ;
Lots 8-9-10, in Block 1 ; Lots 1-2-6-7- '
8-9-10-13-and 14 in block 2, Lots 3-4 .i
and 13 to . 18 inclusive in Block 3 ;
Lots 3 to 9 and 13 to 18, both inclusive
in Block 4 ; Lots 5-6-7-8 and 11 to 20
inclusive in Block 5; Lots 3 to 17 in-
elusive in Block 6 ; Lots 1 to 16 in-
elusive in Block 7; Lots 1-2-3-9-10-11-12
18-19-20 in Block 8; Lots 1 to 20 In-
elusive in BIock 9; Lots 1 to 20 in-
elusive in Block 10 ; Lots 1 to 20 in-
slve in Block 18; all of the abeve lots
and blocks being in Shaw's Annex to
' Oregon City, Oregon.
And I will on Saturday, the 13th day
of January, 1906, at the hour of 11
o'clock a. m., at the front door of the
County Court house in the City of Ore
gon City, in said County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for
U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within-named
defendants, or either of them
had on the date of said judgment or
since had in or to the above describ
ed real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said Judgment order, decree,
interests, costs and all accruing costs.,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E.T3. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated pregon City, Oregon, December
15, 1905.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed Execu
trix of the estate of Ulrich Aemisegger,
deceased, by the Hon. County Court of
Clackamas County, and State of Ore
gon. AH persons having claims against
the said estate are. hereby notified to
present the same to me for payment
at my residence near Barton, Clack
amas County, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 2,
with proper vouchers within six
months from the date of this notice.
Executrix of the Estate of Ulrich
Aemisegger, deceased.
S0!011" tL " EState'
DaterKNovember 27th, 1905.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, executor of the will of
Mary E. Winston, deceased, has filed
his final report with the County Court
of Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
and that said Court has' set Monday,
the 8th day of January, 1906, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day as
the time for hearing the said Final
Report, and the objections thereto,
if any there be. At which time all
persons interested are hereby notified
to appear before said court.
Executor of the will of Mary E. Wins
ton, deceased.
Notice of Sale of School District Bonds
Notice is hereby given that a certi
ficate of bond election held in School
District Number 108, Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, was filed in my office on
the 30th day of October, 1905, by the
judges and clerk of said bond election,
wherein it is certified that an election
held in said district on the 28th day of
October, 1905, it was voted that the
bonds of said district shall be issued
in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars
($5000.00) for the purpose of building
and furnishing a school house for said
school district. " -
Said bonds are to be issued in de
nominations of Five Hundred Dollars
($500.00) each, payable absolutely in
twenty years from date, one or more
of said bonds redeemable at the pleas
ure of said school district at any time
after ten years from date. Principal
and interest payable in United States
Gold Coin at the office of the County j matrimony now existing between the
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Or- j parties to this suit, restoring plain
egon, or at such place as may be des- )tiff to her former name of Eleanora N.
York at the option of the purchaser.
The bonds bear interest at the rate of
not to exceed six per. centum per an
num, payable semi-annually. Bids
will be received for the whole or any
part of the said bonds.
I will receive sealed bids for the
above issue of bonds up to 2 p. m. of
Saturday, the 23d day of December,
1905, when they will be opened at my
office at the County Court House of
Clackamas County, Oregon, at Oregon
City, Oregon. Said bonds will be dat
ed January 1st, 1906.
All bids should state where the prin
cipal and interest of said bonds shall
be payable and the rate of Interest
which said bonds shall bear. The said
bonds will not be sold for less than
par. The right to reject any and all
bids is reserved.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this
28th day of November, 1905.
County Treasurer.
Guardian's Sale of Real Property.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as guardian of the person
and estate of Arthur Gard and Norma
Gard, will on and after the 30th day
of December, 1905, at the hour of 1
o'clock p. m., of said day, at the office
of Livy Stipp, Justice of the Peace for
District No. 4. in Oregon City, Clacka
mas County, Oregon, offer fosale and
sell at private sale to the highest bid
der either for cash in hand or part
cash and the remainder on credit with
ample securities, and subject to con-
firmation of said Court, the following
guardianship of Arthur Gard and Nor
ma Gard, minors, authorizing this
guardian to sell said real property.
. Dated this 1st day of December, 1905
Guardian of the' person and estate of
Arthur Gard and Norma Gard,
minors. . '
Guardian's Sale' of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given 'that the un
dersigned, as guardian of the person
and estate of Norman " McKenzie,
Clark McKenzie and Lee McKenzie,
will "on and after the 30th day of De-
cember, 1905, at the hour of ten o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, at the of
fice of Livy Stipp, Justice of the Peace
for District No. - 4, in Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, offer for
sale and sell at private sale to the
highest bidder either for cash in hand
or for part cash and remainder on
credit with ample securities, and sub-'
ject to confirmation of said Court, the
following described real property, tc
wlt: . . .
Beginning at a stone marked "X" on
top. Said stone being the corner of
Sections 9. 10, 15 and 16, in Township
3 South, Range 4 East, Willamette
Meridian. Said stone being also on
the east boundary of the J. H. Miller
D.L.C., No. 61 in said Township and
Range; thencesouth along east boun
dary of said J. H. Miller D.L.C. 12.00
chains to the southeast corner of said
D.L.C.; thence west along south boun
dary of said J. H. Miller D.L.C. 36.69
to the southwest corner of a tract of
land owned by James McKenzie and
recorded in Book "W" page 447, Rec
ord of Deeds for Clackamas County;
thence north along the west boundary
of said James McKenzie tract 13.63
chains; thence east parallel to the
south boundary of said J. H. Miller
D. L. C, 36.69 chains to the east boun
dary of said D.L.C.; thence south
along east boundary of said J. H. Mil
ler D.L.C. 1.63 chains to the place of
beginning, containing 50 acres', all in
Clackamas County, Oregon.
This sale is made under and in pur
suance of a license and order of sale
granted by the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon, on the 29th day
of November, 1905, in the matter of
the guardianship of Norman McKen
zie, Clark McKenzie and Lee McKen
zie, minors, authorizing this guardian
to sell said real property.
Dated this 1st day of December, 1905.
Guardian of the person and estate of
Norman McKenzie, Clark McKenzie
and Lee McKenzie, minors.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the Estate of John
Herbst, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the above
entitled estate has filed in the County
Court of -Clackamas County, State of
Oregon, his final account as such ad
ministrator of said estate, and that
the Court has fixed Tuesday, Janu
ary 2, 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., of said day at the Court room of
said Court in Oregon City, Oregon, as
the time and place of hearing any and
all objections to said report and the
final settlement of said estate.
Administrator of said Estate.
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Eleanora N. Dodson, Plaintiff,
Nelson H. Dodson, Defendant.
To Nelson H. Dodson, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled court and
cause on or before the last day of the
time prescribed for the publication of
this summons, to-wit
On or before Friday, the 29th day
or jjecemDer, a. jj. iU5, ana it you i
so to anoear and 'answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in the complaint,
For a decree dissolvine the bonds of
ther relief as may seem meet and equi
table in the premises. '
This summons is published once a
week for six consecutive . weeks in
the. Oregon City Enterprise a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, pub
lished at Oregon City in the County
of Clackamas, and State of Oregon,
the date of the first publication being
November 17th, 1905, by order of the
Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the
said Court, duly made and entered
I on the 16th day of November, 1905.
Attorney" for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Clackamas County, State of
Oregon, appointed administrator of
the estate of John Goebel, deceased.
All persons having claims against the
said decedent or his estate are here
by notified to present them within
six months of the date of this notice
to the undersigned administrator at
the office of Bruce C. Curry at Ore
gon City, Oregon.
Dated December 12, 1905.
Administrator of the Estate of John
Goebel, deceased.
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney.
Executor's Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Executor of the last will
of Ferdinand Rath, deceased, late of
Clackamas County, Oregon, has filed
his final report, with the Clerk of the
County Court of said County and State,
and the county Judge thereof, has ap
pointed Monday, February 5th, A. D.
1906, for the hearing of objections, if
any there be, to said report, and for
the final settlement of said estate.
Any Derson havinz obiections to such
report, if any. there be, are hereby no- j
tilled to file such objections in said
Court on or before said date of final
hearing. The first notice of hearing
is published in the issue of December
29th, 1905.
Executor of the aforesaid estate.
"For seven years." writes Geo. W.
Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a
bitter battle with chronic stomach and
liver trouble, but at last I won, and
cured my diseases, by the use of Elec
tric Bitters. , I unhesitatingly recom
mend them to all, and don't intend in
the future to be without them in the
house. They are certainly a wonderful
medicine, to have cured such a bad
case as mine." Sold under guarantee
to do the same for you, by Howell &
Jones, druggists, at 50c a bottle. Try
them today.
' "Do you think Miss Wadleight is
engaged - as reported?" 'Sure. She's
denied It, hasn't' she?" Ex.
Thousands Hare Kidney
Trouble and, Never Suspect it
Sow To Find. Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-tour nours ;
a sediment or set
tlingindicatesan unhealthy con
dition of the kid
neys ; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or paic
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
What To So.
There is comfort in the .knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. KHmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability .to bold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the -night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may Have a sample Dottie ana a
book that tells, all
about it, both sent free
by mail. Address Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Bhig-
namton, rs. V. V nen Home or Bwamp-Koot.
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, Binghamton, N. Y.
Business Transacted at Regular De
cember 'Term.
Be It 'remembered. That at a regulai
term of the County Court of Clackamat
County held In the Court House In Ore
gon City, for the purpose of transacting
county business in December the same
being the time fixed by law for holding n
regular term of said court, present Hon
Thos. K. Ryan, county Judge presiding
T. B. Killfn, and Wm. Brobst. Conrmis
sioners, when the following proceeding;
were had, to-wit:
In the matter of approval of Gib
son's Subdivision of Logan tracts;
Ordered that said plat be and if
hereby approved. .
In the matter of the petition of
Carl Johnson and others for opening
Railroad Avenue in Gladstone;
Ordered that same be postponed un
til some officer of Gladstone Real Es
tate Association can be heard from.
in tne matter oi petition oi a. k.. t der He va3 taken to the Good Sa
McWllliams for license to sell liquor ) marjtan hospital, where he is in a
at Oswego;
Ordered that license issue to said
petitioner to sell liquor at Oswego for
a period of six months
In the matter of petition of O. & C.
i R- R- Co- for refund of taxes paid
on anegeu uuuuib nascssuicin, ln nopes to save tne arm. tie was
Ordered that said petition be and very weak and nerves unstrung when
is denied and claim disallowed. njs father returned home in the after-
In the matter of work on Damm and noon of Tuesday.
Riggs road ; J Christmas passed off pleasantly with
Report of R. A. Wright of subscrip- i the usual number of Christmas trees,
tion work In the amount of $204.00 j public and private. .
received, and ordered placed on file, j The gentle rain descended in the
In the matter of the petition of j afternoon, preventing some pople go
Jonsrud and others for improvement ! iner somewhere, but eeese and turkeys
jof road, Oregon City and Sandy road,
from Kelso towards tJormg;.
Ordered that court will allow $17.5
towards the completion of a first-class
plank road, the same to be of first-class
plank, with stringers 3x12 all to be
in conformity with rules laid down by
the court, said payment to be made at
May or June term, 1906 of this court.
In the matter of the petition of
Farmers' Mutual Telephone Co., of
Needy, Oregon;
Petition for a Telephone franchise
read and laid over until January term
of court for further consideration.
In the matter of the Molalla Mutual
Telephone Co.;
Petition for franchise read, and con
tinued until January term of Court.
In the matter of petition of Geo.
L. Barnholtzer for Telephone fran
chise; Petition for telephone franchise read
and laid over until January term of
In the matter of publication of de
linquent Tax List for 1904;
Ordered that said delinquent tax
list be published in the Oregon City
Enterprise and the Oregon City Cour
ier, and that they be allowed for said
publication fifteen cents per line
(seven and one-half cents each).
In the matter of allowances for coun
ty charges;
Ordered that a warrant for $10 be
drawn each month until further or
ders for Mrs. Chas. Ford for care and
keeping of Chas. Ford, and children
and grandchild; that a warrant be
drawn for $5.00 in favor of Earnest
Hitchman for himself and family un
til further orders; that the family of
Mr. Copeland be allowed $20.00 for
two months; that a warrant for $10
be drawn in favor of Barney Granat
ski to assist him this month.
In the matter of clearing the new
roadway from Willamette to Stafford ;
Ordered that Commissioner Brobst
ascertain the cost of clearing same
ready for grader and plow.
In the matter of the sheriff's re
turn on tax roll of year 1904;
Ordered that same be accepted and
filed and that county clerk be instruct
ed to Issue warrant to sheriff to pro
ceed and levy upon and sell the prop
erty reported delinquent on said rolls.
In the matter of payment of state
Ordered that clerk ' be directed to
request District Attorney Allen to
furnish opinion as to whether 'such
claim of state shall be audited and al
lowed by the County Court, or wheth
er the same should be paid direct to
the State Treasurer from the funds
of the County, without order or war
rant other than notice ot the State
Treasurer that . a certain amout is
In the matter of the petition of Vin
cent B. Tapp and others for a county
Ordered that the board of county
road viewers meet at place of begin
ning of said road on the 26th day of
December, 1905.
In the matter of the claim of Wiebko
Krohn for $2000 for damages sustain
ed by being thrown out of a wagon on
the Highland road; - -v
Ordered that said claim be and Is
hereby denied.
In the matter of petition of Fred
Chinn and others for improvement of
McCord hill; 7
Ordered that the county place one
of its rock crushers at point most
convenient to McCord hill and crush
the rock that shall be delivered to
crusher by subscribers.
In the matter of petition of citizens
Mutual Telephone Company of Needy
for franchise;
Ordered that same be laid over un
til January term for further consid
eration. In the matter of deed from Haas
P. Eastberg for deed for land for road
Ordered that deed for two and one
half acres of land be accepted and
warrant ordered drawn in favor of
said Eastberg for $175.00.
In the matter of care of Godfrey
Schmale, a county charge;
Ordered that said Godfrey Schmale
be placed in the care of Mr. Guynup
and that he be allowed $10 per month
for such care.
In the matter of bids for keeping of
county charges; ,
Bids of J. W. Thomas, J. R. Guynup,
F. W. Sprague. and Delia Dickerson,
read, considered and ordered filed.
In the matter of improvement of
road from Willamtte to Stafford;
Ordered that said' road be improv
ed by grading and covering with
crushed rock and that the rock CrUSh
tfM" Via fzt mit- t mnvonlont rts1
and be started at once to prepare rock
for covering said road.
' Dec. 25. Well, the weather is rath
er cool nowadays.
Mr. 'Maxon has traded some town
property for forty acres of land of
Oscar Hale, he is building a sheep
shed on the land, at least it looks like
Will Clarkes boys all make ready,
go to the dance at Colton next Satur
day night, and don't do it to them as
the Colton boys and girls did to you
last Saturday evening.
There has been no stray Olies seen In
Colton yet, but I suppose they will be
there before the clock strikes, thir
,thir , thirteen.
Mr. Gage's people received the sad .
Intelligence by phone that their son
Charlie, who is an experienced mill
man and has run the edger at the big
mill In Linton for a long while, got
his fingers caught in the huge rollers
Saturday, and before he could reach
up and pull the lever to release him
self his arm was crushed to the shoul-
critical condition. No bones were
broken, but the fingers stripped of
flesh, and the flesh of the whole arm
so bruised that it was thought ad
visable Tuesday noon to cut away a
portion to avoid blood poisoning, and
Di(l goo,i bye to the earth and sky.
and turned a lovely brown, mince pies
were ripe and other things and fixings
On Friday the 22d, a pair of twin
boys appeared at Ed. Sharp's. As
the old rhyme goes, which all have
heard, "Born on Friday, loving and
Miss Kate Sharp has been quite
sick with the grippe, but is better at
the present writing.
Also John Mays family and himself
have been quite sick.
Mrs. Powell, at last accounts, was
not able to be removed from the St.
Vincent hospital to the home of a
The Misses Rosa and Susie Cchatz
were home for Christmas. .
John Schatz has returned from East
ern Washington.
Ed. White and wife of Washington,
and Mrs. J. Q. Gage and children spent
Xmas at the home of J. P. Gage.
Mr. Pomperine has bought 15 acres
of Gus Gebhardt.
Half a pint of hot water taken an
hour before breakfast will usually keep
the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics
should be avoided. When a purgative
is needed, take Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. They are mild and
gentle in their action. For sale by
Howell & Jones.
"Are you going to get the automo
bile which the doctor ordered for
your wife?"
"Can't afford it, but we have almost
the real thing. She puts on a pair of
gasolene cleaned gloves, takes a long,
long ride on the front seat of a trol
ley car, and walks back." Life.
Manager Now for this position we
require a man who has a large 'ac
quaintance. .Applicant Well, I'm acquainted
with the Secretary of War, Mr. Taft.
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