OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1905. 4 I Otr Colesponcents, Cone Brief l'.its of Gossip From All Parts of the County. P MARKS PRAIRIE. Mrs. Sam Mark is residing with her son, Mr. John Mark, at present. Mr. J. K. Quibble has one of the fin est farms in this vicinity. He has re cently had extensive repairs done .on his residence and it is one of the handsomest residences in this vicini ty. Mr. W. R. Zimmerman has been doing a great deal of ditching on his farm this winter. That's right Reddy get the water away if possible. Several of our hop men are still holding their hops for better prices. We observe a great deal of farm im provements on our prairie. Of course we have some old moss backs that will . not improve their farms, .but let the brush just grow them in. There are several thousand bushels of potatoes being held here for a big price in. the Spring. We need a fruit inspector here to see that some of the old orchards are either cut down or cleaned up, as we have more fruit pests to the. square rod than any place in the county. We learn that there will be con siderable surveying done in this vi cinity the coming week. That is a move in the right direction; let us know where we are at. Our Socialist friends keep their fog horns blowing pretty steady at Needy. We are having a telephone war here. Dollars to doughnuts on the private lines! Whoop 'em up! Mr. Benj. Walker has the largest barn on our prairie, 56x90. Ben is a rustler from way back. Five years ago he was $5,000 in debt, and today does not owe a dollar, how is that for a rustler? The politicad pot is beginning to simmer and our lieutenants are put ting up some fences so as to capture some of the primaries that looks like the early bird will catch the worm. Needy precinct will be solid for Walter Tooze for congress and don't you forget it. Mr. Prank Oglesby won the first prize for the best sustained character at the mask ball at Hubbard. Mr. Geo. E. Oglesby has been very sick for several days, but is a little better at this writing. Dr. Ben Giesy is in attendance. The entertainment at the church Friday night was a decided success. Miss Susie Bowman is again in our midst after 3 years in the convent school at Portland. The mutual telephone line will soon be continued to Oregon City. Mrs. F. Krickson has been on the sick list. A number from here attended the dance at Molalla Friday night and all report a good time. Allie Chase cut his foot quite bad a few days ago while chopping wood. Mrs. Glover who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Trullinger, re turned to her home a few days ago. W. F. Wallace is visiting his parents a few days this week. Mr. Wiles has his new phone in. Joe Daniels, who has been working on the Columbia river for some time, is home through the holidays. Miss Annie Bauy and Katie Lyons and Sebastian BMany were visiting Fred and Agnes Woodside Sunday night. Sunday. The dance given at Broker's last Saturday night of Beaver Creek, was a success in every particular, a large crowd was present and- every body reports a good time. It's the little' colds that grow into big colds that end in consumption and death. Watch the little colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. GREEN WOOD. HEART FLUTTERING. Undigested food and gas in the stomach, located just below the heart presses against it and causes heart palpitation. When your heart troubles you in that way take Herbine for a few days. You will soon be all right. 50 cents a bottle. Huntley Bros. Co. drug store. TWILIGHT. CURE FOR SORE NIPPLES. As soon as the child is done nursing apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. For sale , by Howell & Jones. REDLAND. Mr. D. H. Mosher of Salem was re cently visiting friends of this place. Mrs. Courtwright spent Christmas with Mrs. Funk. ' Messrs. Brock and Allen with their families recently visited their father and mother at Viola. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson are enter taining her brother from Colorado. Mr. Ed. Bartlett and wife spent their Christmas at Logan. Mr. Joseph Hughes of oPrtlnd was recently a Redland visitor. Miss Ora Wilcox visited her parents here over Christmas. Mr. Wilcox recently lost a valu able horse. Miss Joseph is spending the holi days with her parents in Woodburn. Mashall Lazelle,' a Corvallis student, is at home for the holidays. Misses Ethel and Helen McCord, of Portland, spent a few days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mautz, of Maple Lane, took Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. McCord. Attorney Fred J. Meindl and family of Oregon City spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Lazelle. Mrs. Rypczynski and family, of Mountain Road, are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Miss Anna Wilehart, of Oregon City is at home for a few days. Mr. A. W. France, a former resident, but now of Portland, is visiting the Kelland Bros. Carl and Adoluph Joehnke have re turned to Portland, having spent a few days with their parents. Mrs. James McCord, who has been sick is recovering. Mr. George Kelland took Christmas dinner with Mr. Engle and family of New Era. The annual Christmas exercises held in Twilight Hall under the aus pices of the school teacher, Miss Joseph. A tree loaded with beautiful presents graced the occasion and the program deserves special mention: Greeting Song Pupils Recitation John Grim Reading v Mr. Meindl Music Francher's Orchestra Dialogue Pupils Recitation Mr. M. Lazelle Song Messrs. Winesett Recitation Ford Wilson Recitation Pearl Scheer Music Winesett Orchestra i Song Mr. Winesett Dialogue Christmas Slippers Christmas morning when the merry bells chimed forth their sweet peal, telling us that peace reigned on earth, also the wedding bells chimed in our neighborhood telling us that a wed ding was taking place at the Stokers old homestead. The parties being Mrs. Adelaid Boydston to j?Tank Bak er, of Mill Creek. Rev. R. Owens, of Beaver Creek performed the cere mony. Only relatives were present. Miss Bessie Clark is home spend ing her vacation with her parents. Albert McCormick spent Xmas with his parents. , Tommy Thomas spent Xmas with his parents. A Christmas tree and entertainment was given at the Beaver Creek Welsh church on Christmas day. The church was beautifully decorat ed and a very good program was ren dered. All children were well re membered by good old Santa Claus. Mr. and Mrs. Braker opened their new. house by giving the young people a very nice dance. The young peo ple went home after a very enjoyable evening, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Braker a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in their new home. Laurence Gardner is home on his vacation from the Pacific University. Miss Meyers closed her school on Friday and is taking a week vacation with her parents. T. C. Thomas has commenced on his new barn. Rev. Mason and J. M. Jones are working for him. Mrs. Geo. Rider was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Weismendle, of Carus, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Weismendle spent Xmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rider. Mr.- McCormick is reported on the sick list. Januar y 134 "4 ilTsinsaf y 2S"41n Starting: January .1st we will close oat oar entire stock of Women's, Misses', Boys' and Men's Shoes at less than manufacturers price. DOUGLAS SHOE BARGAINS Men's $3 Douglas Shoes $2.68 Men's $3.50 Douglas Shoes $2.98 Men's $5.00 Douglas Shoes $3.98 Boys' $3.00 Douglas Shoes $2.68 Boys' $3.50 Douglas Shoes $2.98 CURED PARALYSIS. W. F. Bailey. P. O. True Texas, writes: ;My wife had been suffering five years with paralysis in her arm, when I was persuaded to use Bal lard's Snow Linament, which cured her all right. I have also used it for sores, frostbites and skin eruptions. It does the work." Sold by Huntley Bros Co. MULINO. IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddisra to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills their trouble would pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25 cents at Howell & Jones'vdrug store; guaranteed. VIOLA. to have Mrs. Tenny is reported pneumonia. Raymond Brown is on the sick list. Mrs. Sevier spent Tuesday with Mrs. Bodish at Spring Water. There was a reunion of the family and grandchildren at Lorenzo Tenny's Christmas. Charles Hicinbothom, who is labor ing in the Dubois mills at Estacada, spent Monday and Tuesday calling on friends at Viola. Antone Oberstable had the misfor tune to ge a piece of steel in one of his eyes from an emery wheel. He went to the city at once where Dr. Mount removed the particle success fully. . , , Dr. Rowland, of Portland, will preach at Redland at 10:30 a. ml, 2:30 P. m., and Zion 7:30 p. m., Sunday, .December 31. Christiana Hamilton, ': who. is teach ing at Dickies Prairie is spending jthe holidays with her parents at Viola. r. MULINO. COUGHING SPELL CAUSED DEATH "Harry Du'ckwell, aged 2b' years, choked to death early yesterday morn ing at his home, in the pcesence of his wife and child. He contracted a slight cold a few days ago 'and paid but lit tle attention to it. Yesterday morning he was seized with a fit of coughing, which continued for some time. His wife sent for a physician but before he could arrive, another coughing spell came on and Duckwell died from suffo cation. St. Louis Globe Democrat, Dec. 1, 1901." Ballard's Horehound Syrup would have saved him. 25c, 50c and $1.00 at Huntley Bros. Co. drug store. Christmas came and passed this year without even snow for "Old San ta Claus to sleigh on, but we 11 think he has found out the mud is about as good as the snow for sleighing. The new road leading up the hill from the bridge that was recently built across the Mill Creek is just about impassable, and if it isn't bet tered in some way the old road will have to be used again. f It is said that a metallic circuited line will soon be built between Molal la and Oregon City with a fee of $1 per year for every member, which will permit him to talk as often as he cares to, or 10 cents a connection not exceeding over five minutes. But J we members of this division if we still let them continue as we have, they'll crowd the whole Beaver Creek division on us, "and talk to Oregon City it will be useless. Frank Manning who has been work ink at Goble, Oregon, spent Xmas with his mother and sisters of this place. REED SHOE BARGAINS Women's $2.50 Reed's Shoes . $1.98 Women's $3.00 Reed's Shoes $2-37 Women's $3.50 Reed's Shoes $2.89 MUST VACATE STORE This is no fake sale, and the store most positively close January 26 DOUGLAS SHOE STORE SDXTH AND MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. Walter Wiles, who is working - in Portland spent Sunday and JMbndy with his folks. ' ' August Erickson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Churchill and daughter Ves ta, spent Christmas with Mr. Lee and family. Claude Howard attended a Socialist speaking at Macksburg Sunday. Mr. Linza Lamb, wife and brother Andy, returned from Kelso, Wash ington Sunday where they will spend a few days with relatives here. The Christmas exercises given at the church on the evening of the 22d, was a grand success. The program though short, was well done. After the program was rendered, candies, nuts and oranges were served, when all departed for their homes, rejoic ing. Especiall Mr. Maple, who was lucky enough to have his stocking filled with the many good things that were served. Fred Erickson and family, Mrs. Mc Donald and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sel by. and Mr. Seltzer spent Christmas day with Mrs. Daniels and family. Mr. Davis and family and J. J. Mal- latt and family spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Fish. Old Man; Miss Ellfott and brother, second prize, as the Indians. "Rowdy" the pet colt of Mrs. Nob lett's is getting well after a very sick spell. There will be a grand ball in Thomp son's hall December 30. Everybody welcome. Come and have a good time. Miller Bros., Ray Fish and Avon Jesse are home from school for the holidays. Mr. Louis Rail and wife and baby, of Gladstone, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott. Miss Minnie Dauchy, of Portland, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Askins. Miss Zoe Fish has returned home after a two weeks' stay in oPrtland. Mrs. Malson called on Mrs. Noblett Monday. Mrs. John Gaylor will return home in a few days with a wife which he received as a Christmas present. We all join in wishing them a long and happy life. Mr. Lee Fish was the guest of Otis Townsend Sunday. Mr. Frank Ringo it teaching music here and has several scholars. The Christmas tree at the Yoder church was good - and the program fine, and the night was fearful, but we all went just the same. C. R. Noblett was doing business in Canby Tuesday. R. L. Steward is very busy these days. REMARKABLE CURE. "I was much afflicted with sciatica," writes Ed. C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedg wick Co.. Kan., going about on crutch es and suffering a deal of pain. I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Lina ment, which relieved me. I used three 50c bottles. It is the greatest linament I ever used ; have recommended it to a number of persons ; all express them selves as being benefitted by it. I now walk without crutches, able to per form a great deal of light labor on the farm. 25c, 50c and $1.00, at Huntley Bros. Co. drug store. "I had a running itching sore on my leg. Suffered tortures. Doan's ointment took away the .burning and itching instantly, and quickly effect ed a permanent cure." C. W. Lenhart, Bowling Green, O. i i "Dec. 25. Everybody seems to have enjoyed a merry Christmas. Mrs. A. Erickson, who has been quite sick is better. The new bridge which has been lately built near here seems to prove a great benefit. Fred Woodside made a business trip to Oregon City one day last week. S8 V0VNV3 'OINOVOJ. 00 NVIdVNVO U3M0L 'V "8 77 '"OfOS 00 U3M01 T'V HSU 3H1 JO NOIS sihx jo ova si 33.LNvuvnp ano 06I '-trej WAV PJBMV jsaqSiH sjbh pub 2u!i)oi3 paiio jowdjeiejn SjMMOJ. IUJ0JS )$3PJBI Bqj jtjBp UE0 110 (NOtxvorkMV no isainov omv aiMvM) -uo jiiout joj japjo Aui puij paoOu3 -uoiiocjsiist pus jjoj uioo ipnui os oui a;3 JSutqiAut Pl BASU, J3A9U i m Act Alt) ifinJl uto pus fcicaA aiij joj jsiioiis ONVaa HSId " Pn a JMHOD H3HlY3MuM LOGAN. Xmas is now a thing of the past for this year. Mrs. Nelson is visiting her mother, Mrs. Swales. T. McCubbin is reported worse again. A family by the name of English is visiting at Mr. Howard's. The Xmas tree and exercises at Logan Church was a successful af fair, and many little folks were made happy. The young people who attended the ball at Logan rfeport a fine time. There is much sickness around here this winter. Some have pneumonia, some la grippe and children have something like scarlet fever. Mr. J. Young's family at Logan are having a siege df pneumonia. MT. PLEASANT. Quite a number of people attended the exercises at ML Pleasant last Fri day afternoon. Mr. Marshall Lazelle and Lester Mans returned to their homes last Wednesday where they expect to ! spend their vacation and then return to Corvallis where they have been at- i tending college for some time. j Miss Lizzie Thomas visited her sis- ter Bertha, of Oregon City, last Sat urday and Sunday. Miss Mamie Snidow was visiting in Mt. Pleasant Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Smith, who has been staying in Oregon City for some time came i home last Tuesday. Mr. Silas Coney, who has been vis- i iting here for some time, left for Sa-' lem last Tuesday where he will visit for some tome then return to his home at Fossil, Oregon. - Miss Mona King, who has been vis iting at Locust Farm for. some time, left last Thursday. Miss Helen Riggs, who nas been ab sent for some time, returned home last 1 Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harding were vis iting their parents at Gladstone last Consumption C There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. Cf From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. I We will send you a sample free. TJ -- sure that this picri:r- in the form of a label a on the wrap per or' every bottle of ErrnUUm you buy. Scott & Bowne Chemists j 4C9 Pearl Street' 'New York 50c. and I, all druggiU PARK PLACE. The cantata given by the Parkplace Sunday School was a complete success in every way. All the participants did so well, it would be difficult to de cide who did the best. Dr. Start, of Portland and Rev. Myer of Parkplace assisted in the cantata which was greatly appreciated by those who had t.ho cantata in charge. The assembly hall was packed to its greatest capac ity, the audience was quiet and at tentive and all went away well pleas ed with "Santa Claus Greeting." Mr. and Mrs. Oglesbee and family came down from Camas. Washington, to spend Christmas with Mr. Ogles bee's relatives on Clackamas Heights. Miss Bernic Hayford is -very ill at her home, with la grippe. Fred Butts, who has been confined to his bed scome time with rheumatism is slowly improving. Adolph Frederick, who was taken to the hospital in oPrtland last week and underwent an operation is improv ing, rapidly. Suy Kennedy went to Camas Mon day to assist his father In mason work. Miss Myrtle Holmes and Miss Cut ter are assisting Mm. Holmes in tak ing invoice of his merchandise. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brayton spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Blood, of Clackamas. Mr. and - Mrs. Schwanbeauer had a reunion of their children and grand children Christmas day, which all greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Paul Freytag and daughter. Mona, came down from Portland and snent Xmas with Captai nand Mrs. Smith. Miss Wilson and Miss Cutter ate turkey with Mrs. W. E. Johnson on Christmas. Mrs. eGo. Hamilton and sons spent Christmas with Mrs. Hamilton's aunt, M". Hensworthy. of East Portland. Mr. and ( Mrs. Charlie Bramhall, of Troutdale, were guests of Miss Katie Wilson last Sunday. Mrs. Brummer, sister of Mrs. S. Brown, returned to her home in Colo rado, last week after a stay of one year in Oregon. Mrs. Brummer said j she had nothing but good words to j car -y back about our seacpast state; j Professor and Mrs. Reid will enter- 1 tain the Mothers Club on New Years Dav at their Gladstone home, from 2 until 5 p. m. The five teachers are to preside at the- different tables while lunch is served. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all the mothers and fathers of children belonging in the Park place school to attend the reception. 25 cent In Price of Cut Electric Light BECOMES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1st J906 The Reduction is from 20 cents to 15 cents a Kilo-watt-Hour, or TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT OF THE BASE JtATE. " NEWi RATE IS SUBJECT TO THE USUAL SCHEDULE OF DISCOUNTS Kates Specified in existing signed contracts with Light ing Customers will be modified accordingly, after January 1, without further notice.' Jn view of the increasing demand for installation of service in stores and residences to begin with the NEW YEAR AT THE NEW RATE patrons are requested to make application AT ONCE NEEDY. Oh, no, Needy is not dead; just resting. ' The mask ball was a grand success. Mis3 May Price walked off with first nrize as Mother Goose and Mr. Frank Smith first prize for gentlemen as the ESTIMATES On cost of wiring, cost of current and information re garding the use of electricity for light or power in the Home, the Office, the Store and the Factory promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of rgon ity. " .- ... PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. C. Miller Contract Manager foV Oregon City.