OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 100.-. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR I904. ((1(iiiliimc(l from jiuo (, ) A mt, I .Krucfl, Tlmo. A. M., 10 ncrcs an des cribed In Jtfcori of I lends, Hook HI, iiiiKi'H 458 mi'l 4511, Section 21, 2H, 2II, and 30, Township 2 Houlli ltiuigit 2 JOiihI; II) acres.,,, Knii'fl, Mai In !., i.6,'l 111:1111 hh iles crlbi'il In Record of iJi'cilM, KcMikH OH iiml 02, pages 1711 mid 117, Hcc- Una 4.82 tliniH 21, 2K, 211 mill an, Township 1 nuiiwi, iiiiugii i I'.MHl, JU.liS A 11.05 Ijikiim . A I In Ik lit , 12 iicr.K an des cribed In llccoid nf liecils, I took 83, I'lige 1 10. Sections 21, 2H, 211 11111I ill), Township 2 South, Kiiiikii 2 ioiimi; 12 ihti'h cm imir jut vmi) H.4H McKlnley, Archibald, D. L. C. Not 57, 60. Blrnllnii, II. I,, Ailmr., 1 ;i. 1 5 acres II M Described 111 Kl'l'lll ll (if IlllI'llH, liooli ill, 1'ng.i J Mil, H.M'tlmiH II unit III, Townships II iiml i Houth, Range 2 I'JiiHt J 13. ID acres 1'llWt'll, 'IIIM, I llclll II H described In 21.0(1 Kccorcl or PccclH, liooli 78, page. Hill, HitIIoiim II mid HI. Townships 3 mid 2 Hon t h. Kongo 2 KiiHt; 1 lirl'H Dlllln, K. M., 32 acres of A. I. Hinlth 1). I,. ' NO. (ill, IIH described In book Hil, piik" in:l, HitIIoiim 5, H, mill I), 'I'iiwmhIiIii 2 H011II1, Range 2 8. 6S I'jIihi ; ,z nrri'H , 33.18 Smith, A. P.. D. L. C. No. 83. Fecly, I. W. undivided half of 6 A nml Hull, Wllllmn, undivided Imlf of ft acres iih described In Record of 1 '1M. llookH mill (,,, mrH In:i mul 263, Hi'i'l Iiiiim 6. , (i, Twp. 2 Hoiilh, Kiiiikii 2 K101I; 6 acres Campbell, Samuel, D. L, C. No. Illiirk. I lurry A., I iuti' iih described In Record of IiimIh, Dunk sh. piiKii 2ft !i. HitIIoiim il mul In, Township 2 Hoi 1 1 li, limine 2 Must; I ncre,. 3.05 64. 1.10 Tompkins. D. D,, D. L. C. Nos. 61, 65. Hughes, Willie Ann, 3.111) iicicm of I. I. Tompkins t'l. iih described In Record of 1) 1m, Hook ,17, lingo 225, HitIIoiim, 23, 21, 25, 20, mul 30, TowiihIiIp 2 H1111II1, Kutiifcs I mid 2 Knst; 3. Ill) notes Hughes, Clyde, III)!) acres of 1). JJ. Tompkins li. I,. ('., iih di'Ki-i Ibcd In Ki'i'iinl of Iii'imIm, Hook 37, liiKK 22ft, Sections 2.1. 21, 25, 28. mid 3d, TowiiHhlp 2 South, Ranges 1 mid 2 Knst; 3 It'J acres Hughes, Hand, 3D!) acres of I). 1. Totmikln'M 1). I,. V... as cli-nr-rlbr'il In Ki-roid of pecds, Hook 37, page 225, HitIIoiih 23, 21, 25, 20 mi (I 30, TowiiHhlp 2 Houlli, Ranges 1 mid 2 I'jikI; 31111 in 11 h MllgOIII', AlllllHII, 13.1HI IHTCS of I). I. Tompkln's i I,. C, ti h described In Ki'i'iinl of Ili'i'ilM, Hook 37, page 225, Sections 23, 24. 25, 2D mid 3D, TowiiMlilp 2 South, JtiingcM 1 mid 2 F.ast; except ns described 111 Record of IIi'ciIh Hook ti7, page 328, Sections 23, 24, 25, 20, find 30 Township 2 Honlh, Uiiiiki-h 1 mid 2 4.60 4.66 4.60 KiiHt; 13.M iu'ii'H 16.04 Caion, F. C., D. L. C. GliiilMlonf, K. K Amh.ii., lii-KlnnliiK nt NW romrr of ;1ih1hIoih' run ning tlicnri' fnat'Tly HlonK Norlli llni of mild (lladKlonn to ri'iiti-r of rond rnnnliiK from (iliulHtum I'mk to Mllwimklc; tlii'iii'n nlonn crntiT of mid rond lo NW corni-r of (IIihIhIoiii' I'nrk; thi-nrn nlonR W linn of (iliulHtiliin I'nrk nnd ('. If. Dmifliy'a 10 nrrp trm't to NE -ornrr of Cimon l. I.. ''. ; thi-nro 1I011K NW linn of auld rlnlrn to jilni'c of lii'KlnnlnK tii'lnn 135 nrrvn of V. C. C'nuon 1). I,. C. No. DO, In TownHlilp 2 Houtli, Knngn 2 KiiHt; 13ii nTi' D2.3R Towmhlp 3 6outh Range 2 East Mvi'rn, tolin, Ih'Iib, HW ipiiirtiT of HH nuiirti-r nnd lota 3. 4 nnd 5, SiTtlon 2. Townnhlp 3 South, K, 2 Kimt; H2 33 nrrra Wllllniim. M. II., 60.30 ncrcn na dca- 19.20 rrllx'd In Ftrcord of Dfcda, Itook 3, I'nKi- 400, Hi'i'tlon 10. Town ahtp 3 Houtli, KiiriK" 2 E.'iMt; 50.30 acrrn 17.20 This Is The Time Of Year When the progressive, up-to-date farmer makes his plans for the next season. To Make The Old Farm Pay Requires intelligent management and Good Tools. You will MAKE NO MISTAKE if you plow your fields with a SUNDERS' DISC PLOW or a "J. I. 0." Make it smooth and fine with a CRITIC HARROW; Sow Your Seed with a HOOSIER DISC DRILL and Watch It GrowsE A STAR WIND MILL or a STOVER GASOLINE ENGINE, hitched to a MYERS' GOLD MEDAL PUMP, will supply your house and barn with water, grind your grist and saw your firewood. And, while you are about it, Get Your Wife an "Iowa Cream Separator" to save that endless task of skimming. If you will take her to town occasionally in a nice BEE LINE BUGGY, she will conclude, and so will you, that life in the country is after all worth living. But don't forget If you want some nice fruit next Summer, You Ought to Spray your Trees NOW with a MYERS' SPRAY PUMP. All of the above our boys will be pleased to show you arid quote you Portland prices. They will treat you right, save you a trip to the city and WE PAY THE FREIGHT. f I i i JJ Amt. Due WllllmriH.n.fC, 25 nnrna aa di'Moi'llmd In lli'iioid of DunilH, Hook HII, 1'hko 3711, Hi'i'tlon 10, TowiiHhlp 8 Houlti Kiiiikii 2 KiihI; 35 aoroa 8.60 Unwell, Hiiiiforil, 10 a'Mca aa dna iii'llind In Kncoid of DiicdK, Hook 1), piiKO 470, Hticllon 10, 'J'owriHhlp 3 Hmilh, Khiiku 2 KiiHt ; 10 aoriiH.,, 2.40 HluilTiir, O. It., 7.45 ne.ron a d W'llicd In Ki-rnrd of Di'i-da, book 71), piiKn 104, Hcctlon HI, TowiiHhlp 3 Houtli, Kiiiiku 2 KiiHt; 7.45 iir.ri'H 1.82 Wooiliud, 1,. A., Lot 4, Hcdtlon IS, TowiiHhlp 3 Houtli, KaiiKO 2 KiiHt 17.84 nci'oa 4.6I lioyd, John, NK quai'tiT of H 13 (inir tor of NW (piurtor Hi'otlon 23, TowiiHhlp 3 Honlh, Khiiko 2 KiihI 10 iii'iih ,, , 2.13 Kohin la, Wm, K NIC iiimrtur of HIO ipinrli'i', Hi'iillon 25, KnnK'i 3 Houth Kiimkh 2 ICiiHl; 40 noriia B.05 Dnipiir, Aiirln M., loin fi and 0, Hue lion 32, TowriHhlp 3 Houth, KaiiK" 2 KiihI, 612 iiori'H 2.4fl Holmei, William, D. L. C. No 38, 46. lili ld'V, ChmlcH, 3-8 iiorn an drHorlli i'd In Koronl of Iii'imIh, Hook 00 I'HKn 134, Hi'OlloliM 6, 0, 31, 32, TowiiHhlpH 3 mid 2 Honlh, Jtanicu 2 KiiHt; 3-8 nci'ti 3,64 Arki'iiiimi, Imiiho, 50-100 iiitph iih di Hcrllii'd In Ki'rord of Di'OilH, Hook 30, T' K 11, Hi'i'lloriH 5, 0, 31, 32, TowiiHhlpH 3 mid 2 Houth, KunK" 2 KiihI, 50-100 iioriM 6.20 ('hmiiiiin, T. and Hon, 60-100 arri'H iim ili Hi'ilbi'd In Kni'oril of Di'iiiIh, Hook (16, piiK" 21), Him'IIoiih 6, II, 31, 82, TowiiHhlpH 3 and 2 Houtli, KmiKi' 2 KiihI; 60-100 acrna 7.02 Howland, J. 8., D. L. C. No, 45. Mi'Miniii. IliTiry, 5 ni-roa iit dcHrrll) i'd In Ki'conl of lii'iilH, Hook 4!), I'iikm 470, Hi'iillotiH 7, 8, 17, 18, TowiiHhlp 3 Houtli. KmiKi". 2 KiiHt: 5 lll'I'I'H 6 Townihlp 4 South Ranflo 2 East. ThnyiT, Hlii'lilon H., 57.60 hitcb iih diHiilbiil In Iti'i'ord of Ii'inlH, Hook 05, piiK 423, Hi'i'tlon 2, Town Hhlp 4 Houth, KmiKi! 2 ICiiHt; 57.60 nrri'H 8 Marlay, I. If. NIC uiuirtcr of 814 85 .29 iiiuirli'i' of HK iiuartiT Hi'otlon 14 TowiiHhlp 4 Houih, Kiuiko 2 EaHt 10 iii'ii h 1.70 Iloldi n, Arl bur, 60 acron rh ili-anrib-11I In Iti'i'ord of lici'ilM, Hook 82 piiK" 21M1, Hi'i'tlon 18, TowiiHhlp 4 Honlh, ItnnK" 2 Kant ; 50 ai'n-H.. 8.03 Township 4 South, Range 2 East. Cobi'iy, Mary, K half of NK iiinrtT Hirtlon 22, TowiiHhlp 4 Houtli, K1111K" 2 Kant; 80 ai-ri'H 12.93 Klmbiill. (1. W. & M. A., 6 ncri'H na ili Hrrlbi'd In Krcoril of lii'cda Hook 82, I'HKn 423, Hi'i'tlon 28, TowiiHhlp 4 Houth. ItniiKi- 2 KiiHt; 6 aori'H, .. 1,72 TiulllnKcr. I. N., 40 ai-ri'H iih di-a-rrlhrd In Ki'rord of DitiIh, Hook 82. 1'iik" 401, Hcotlon 28. Town Hhlp 4 Houth, Kaiigo 2 KiiHt; 40 iihch 14.39 Parent, Ma R., 101 nr-roH aa di'Hnib f'l In Ki'rord of Ix-ciIh, Hook 87, PiiK" 107, Hfotlona 17 & 18, Town Hhlp 6 Houth, KnnK" 2 KiiHt; 101 iu'ii'H 52.93 Parent, Ida K N half of N half of Heetlon 10, Townahlp 6 Houth, rnnK' 2 KiihI; 100 norea 63.79 I'nknown, NW quarter of NR quar ter, Heetlon 35, TownHhlp 5 South KanKe 2 Kant: 40 aeren 2.43 KveiHon. JameH, NE quarter of RV quarter, of Heetlon 30, Townahlp 5 Houth, KanKn 2 Kant; 40 acrea.. 3.88 Rimer, A. I)., part of lienj. Jackaon I). I,. C, belim 100 aerea aa deH erlbed In Keeord of Deeda, Hook 40, pnK 192, Townalilp 5 Houth, IliinKea 1 and 2 Kant, 100 acrea 33.10 Township 6 South Range 2 East. Melkellohn, J. M. ti- M HW quarter of HW (luiirter, Heetlon 3. Town Hhlp 6 Houth, KanKe 2 Kant 2.91 Wllholt, John W., H half of HR quarter and BW quarter Heetlon 4. Townahlp 6 Houth, KnnKO 2 EaHt ; 241.93 nerea (2d half paymt) 10.96 HeHHeltlne, A. H.. fi.W. quarter of NK quarter nnd NW quarter of BE quarter, Section 8, Townnhlp Amt. Due t 0 South, IlntiKfl 2 KnHt; 80 aeren 10.00 C'linriniin, ThouuiH, HW quarter of NW quarter Heetlon 8. Townahln 0 Houth, KailK" 2 Kant; 40 aerea Wllholt, John W., N half of NK quarter uiid HK quarter of NK quarter, except 10 nerea, Heetlon 9, Townahlp 6 South, KanKo 2 IS; 104 aerea 2d half payment).,.. Melkeljohn, J, M, A. M., 10 acres HH deaerlbed In Keeord of IeedH, Hook 85, I'UKO 230, Heetlon 9, Twp 0 Houth, Kanire 2 Kant; 10 fleiea Melkellohn, J. M. & M NW quarter 3.89 4.38 1.22 or NW (iimier, or Heetlon 10, TownHhlp 0 Houth, ftanKo 2 Kaat; 40 nerea 10.97 Kynn, T. V., all of NW quarter eiiHt of Hut to Creek, Heetlon 82, Town Hhlp South, KaiiRi! 2 Kant ; 63 KeynoIdH, J j. fi,, HW quarter Heetlon ,".1, Townahlp 0 Houth, KuriKo 2 KiHt; 100 aeren Iloffman, J. K., HK iiumier of NK 10.00 quarter of Heetlon 80, Townahlp 6 Houth, KanKe 2 Kant; 40 aerea.., Met 'lend, A. M W half of W half Heetlon 30, TownHhlp 0 Houth, KaiiKe 2 EaHt; 100 acrea Domiell, ChiiH. It,, NE quarter Sec tion 12, Townnhlp 7 Houth, KanKe 2 KiiHt; 100 aerea 2.99 11.98 10.98 Township 1 South Range 3 East. AnileiHiiri, Hilda (.'., 20.3!) iieieM HH deacrlbed In record of Iieeiln Hook 04, J'aKo 182 and Hook 89, PaKe 108, Ex, iih di'Herlbed In Keeord of DceijH, Honk 87, PaRe, 218. Hee tlon 25, TownHhlp 1 Houth. KanKe 3 EaHt; 30.31) norea Miller, W. A firty-horidrothH of an acre riH deHcillied In Keeord of UeedH, Hook 811, Phkc IDS, Heetlon 25, TownHhlp 1 Houth, KiiriKo 3 Kant; one-half acre Worell, J. W HK quarter of BE quarter of Section 27, Townahlp 1 Houth, KnnK'i 3 KaHt; 40 aeren AiideiHon, Jani'H, HE quarter of N W quarter of Heetlon 28, Town ahlp 1 Houth, KaiiKe 3 EaHt; 40 acrea PreHnall, .1. H., H half of BE quar ter of NE quarter of Heetlon 31, TownHhlp 1 Houth, KanKe 3 EaHt; 20 acrea Acock, C. W N half of NK quar ter of NK quarter Heetlon 33, Townnhlp 1 Houth, KanK" 3 E; 20 11 lien .' Selimelzer, H. 100 ncrea of Mo- 19.43 .28 9.75 12.63 9.75 7.80 hch W. Noble I). I,. C. No. 70, iih diHcrlbed In Keeord of Deeda, Hook 89. piiK" 37, Reetlon 30, 'lownablp 1 Honlh, KanK" 3 enHt; 100 acrea (2(1 half payment) 71.61 Township 2 South Range 3 East. Knnkln, Hearty, one acre aa di'H erlbed In Keeord of Deeda, Hook 88. paKO 90, Section 1, TowiiHhlp 2 South, KanKe 3 EaHt; 1 acre.. McLean, Grace, one acre aa des cribed In Keeord of Deeda, book 88, J'bk" 100, Heetlon 4, Town- ahlp 2 Houth, KariKO 3 EaHt; 1 acre McOrcKor. Ttenl.. and McLean, Grace, 1.14 acres as des cribed In Keeord of Deeda, book,.-.... 73. p"K" 174, Heetlon 4, TownHhlp 2 Houth, KanKe 3 Kant; 1.14 acres 1.47 J. II. M. Dearilorff, 04.14 acrea as deHcrlhed In Keeord of Deeds, Hook 58. PiiKe 247. Heetlon 0, Twp 2 Houth, KanKe 3 Kant; 04.14 A 24.39 Wade. ( E.. K. L. & C. U..50.100 acre aH described In Keeord of Deeda Hook V. paK" 31, Section 9. Township 2 South. RanKO 3 Enst. half acre. Nancy Hall. 25 acres as described .49 In Keeord of Deeda, Hook Q. p.iKe 305, except as described In Kee ord of Deeds. Hook 05, paife 157. Bectlons 9 and 10, Townahlp 2 South. KanKe 3 East; 25 acres.. 10.98 Anderson, James. NE quarter of HW quarter Section J3, Township 2 South. KnnKe 3 East; 40 acres.. Preston. F. T., N half of BW quar 4.88 ter (except 3 acres), Heetlon 14. Township 2 South, RanKe 3 East 77 acrea 10.30 Amt. Due I KerrlilK", Fred, 5 aerec iih describ ed In Keeord of Deeda. Hook 87, pa K 194, being part of John 8. KlKher, D.L.G., Sees 5 and 32, TowiiHhlpH 2 and 1 South, Range 3 Wast; 5 acres 1,21 Township 3 8outh Range 3 East. Morlock, ChrlHtlan, 51 acreH aa des cribed In Keeord of Deeds, Hook 07, pitK'; 102 Section 4, TownHhlp 3 Houth, KanKe 3 EaHt; 61 acres 8.63 Miller, Lena, 8 half of HE quarter North of County Road, Section 82 TownHhlp 3 Houth, Range 3 Eat; 4 acres 65 DavlH, John, heirs, 29.50 acrea as described In Keeord of DeedH, Hook 2!), Phkc 445, Section 33, Township 3 Houth, Range 8 East 29 1-2 acres 6.80 Oharmnn, Thomas, 81 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds, Hook It, I'ag 81 (part, of David Cut ting D. L. C. No. 57) TownHhlp 3 Houth. Range. 3 EaHt; 81 acres.. 13.41 Honney, W. If., & L., 03 acres as describe.' In Record of Deeds Hook 70 Page 430 (part of Albei t Wright D. L. C.) Sections 7 and 8, Twp. 3 Houth. Range 3 East; 63 acres, (2d half payment) 14.87 Township 4 South Range 4 East. Ralston. W. C, N half of NE quar ter Section 1, TownHhlp 4 South Range. 3 EaHt; 80 acres 6.23 Anderson, Lars, 10 acres as describ ed In Record of Deeds Hook 30, page 580, Section 10, Township 4 Houth, Range 3 Enst; 10 acres 5.23 Weed, Geo. A., NW quarter of SE quarter (except 30 acres) Heetlon Township 4 South, Range 3 Enst; 30 acres 3.64 Oakley, Geo. I.. NR quarter of NW quarter of BE quarter, Section 10 Township 4 Houth, Range 3 East 10 acres 1,22 Anderson. Lars, E half of NE quar ter Section 24, Township 4 South, Range 3 East; 80 acres 13.16 Cttllnghnn, James, BW quarter of N W. quarter nnd N half of NW quarter Section 27, Township 4 South, Range 3 East; 120 acres 12.17 Iloel, O. J., NW quarter of SE quar ter Hfr-Hon 97 Tnwnnhfn i flnntVi Range 3 East; 40 acres Hargren voh, If, ' i Jones, If., N half of BE quarter I Section 33. TownHhlp 4 South. 3.90 1 Range 3 East; 80 acres 25.48 i Hargren ves, If., S half of SB quarter nnd HK quarter or HW quarter of Section 33. Township 4 South. Rnnge 3 East. 120 acres 12.13 Township 5 8outh Range 3 East. Comer, James M., HE quarter Sec tion 8. Township 5 South, Range 3 East; 100 acres (2d half paymt).. 12.66 Lamb. Mrs. E. J., W half of SE I quarter and E half of SW quar 1.68 I tcr, Section 18, Township 5 South Range 3 East; 100 acres 18.20 Callahan. Ellen, 2 acres as descrlh I cd In Record of Deeds, Hook 79. pnge 301. Section 19, Township 5 .7 I noil in. uange r;ast; 2 acres .29 RiKlstrum, Peter, W half of SE quarter niid R half of SW quar ter, Sectmn 20. Township 6 South Range 3 Enst; 100 acres 12.13 Sumner, Bertha M N half of BE quarter Section 30, Township 6 South, Range 3 East; 80 acres.. Sumner. Amelia A., SE quarter of SE quarter, Section 30. TownshlD 69 5 South. Range 3 East; 40 acres .4.84 Township 6 South Range 3 East, Cochran, J. L., SW quarter Section 0. Township 6 South. Range 3 East; 140.80 acres 10.96 iCochmn, J. L., Lots 1 and 2 Section i 7. Townshln 6 South. Ranee 3 I East: 00.37 acres 6.07 Township 7 South Range 3 East. 'White, D. A., KHtcs, W. P., lots 4. 5, 6, and 7, Section 0. Township 7 South, Range 3 East; 134.90 acres 8.75 Noble. H. E.. S half of S half Sec tion 8, Township 7 South. Range 3 East: 100 acres 16.08 Shaw, W. J.. NE quarter. Section 24, Township 7 South, Range 3 TENTH AND MAIN STREETS Amt. Due $ east; M0 a en a 10.00 Webb, W. W., Lot 1, Heetlon 30, Township 7 South, Range 3 East 32.78 acres 2.50 Township 1 South Range 4 East. Winters, Hannah K., 6 acres as des cribed In Hook 61, page 427, Sec tion 28, Township 1 South, Range 4 Eaat; 6 acres 1.39 Township 2 8outh Range 4 East. Van Curcn, .1. H., 1.60 acres In SE corner of SE quarter of SE quar ter Section 29, Tp. 2 South, Range 4 EaHt: 1 1-2 acre 2S Colt, J. II., 134.84 acres as described In Itecord of Deeds, Hook 78, page 227, except as described In Hook 85, page 307, Section 32, TownHhlp 2 South, Range 4 East; 134.84 acres 20.48 Colt, Flotilla D 100 acres as des cribed In Record of Deeds Hook 85 page 307, Section 32, Township 2 South. Ranee 4 East: 100 acres 19.61 Colt, J. H., 42 acres tut described In Itecord ofyDeeds, Hook 87, page 300, Bectlon33, Township 2 South, Range 4 Kast: 42 acres 4.88 Wetzel, M. K 42 acres as describ ed in Record of Deeds, Hook 87, page 93, Section 33, Township 2 Houth, Range 4 East: 42 acres.. 6.09 Colt, J. H., 2 acres as described In Itecord or Deeds, Hook. 78, page 227 (being part of J. W. Foster 1). L. C.) TownHhlp 2 South, Range 4 East; 2z acreH 10.97 Township 3 South Ranae 4 East. Cunln, Geo. J., part of Hugh Currin I). L. C. No, 40. being 100 acres as described In Record of Deeds, Hooks T, K, and 8. pages 240, 31)5, and 418, Township 3 South, Range 4 East; 100 acres 39.63 Townshln 4 South Ranae 4 East. Landwehr, Henry, N half of SW quarter and N naif or H half or SW quarter Section 2, Township 4 South, Range 4 East: 120 acres 9.75 Anderson, Lars, W half of NW quar ter jiection , Township 4 South Range 4 East, 70.10 acres 7.31 Cross. If. E., Lot 1, Section II, Twp. 4 Houth, Range 4 East; 20 acres 1.94 Gregg. E. L., E half of Section 30, Township 4 South, Range 4 East; 320 acres 19.61 Cross. H. E.. all of Wm. Strfcklln D. L. C. No. 37, Sections 9, 10. 11, Township 4 South. Range 4 Eaat 323.90 acres 78.18 Township 5 South Ranae 4 East Debord. E. F., S half of SE quarter and tilu quarter or 8W quarter and lot 7, Section 6. Townshln 5 South, Range 4 East; 162 acres.. 19.41 Township 2 South Ranae 5 East. Van Allen, Eleanor, S half of NW quarter and N half of SW quar ter Section 17, Township 2 South. Range 5 East; 160 acres (2d half payment) 14.00 Van Allen. Eleanor, SE quarter of . NE quarter and lots 1 and 3 and NE quarter of SE quarter SSectlon 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East; 157.21 acres (2d half paym't) 17.67 Wrarren, Harry, SE quarter of SE quarter and W half of SE quar ter and E half of SW quarter, Section 23. Township 2 South, Range 5 East; 200 acres 14.63 Colllnge. Thomas, 8 half of SW quar ter and NW quarter of SW quar ter Section 20. Township 2 South, Range 6 East; 120 acrea (2d half payment) 7.06 Karr, Isaac C. SW quarter of SW quarter. Section 33, Township 2 South, Range 5 East; 40 acres.. 2.92 Collinge, Thomas, NW quarter, Sec tion 34, Township 2 South, Range 6 East; 160 acres (2d half pay ment) 6.10 Township 3 South Range S East. Morrison. A. J., W half of NW quar ter Section 6, Township 3 South, Range 6 East; 81.19 acres 7.31 Unknown, NE quarter of SW quarter Section 5. Township S South, R. 5 East: 40 acres 2.91 Scheel. Henry, heirs. W half of SE quarter and W half of E half of SE quarter Section 22, Township 4SOX Amt. Due I 3 South, Range 5 East; 120 acres 12.41 Melssner, Albert, N half of NW 1-4 and SW quarter of NW quarter, , Section 28, Township 3 South, It, 6 East; 120 acres 17. ti TownshlD 4 South Ranae 5 East, Gerllnger, Louis, 8 half Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 6 East 320 acrea 23.40 Rowley, A., W half of NW quarter ana inw quarter or NK quarter of NW quarter, Section 30, Town ahlp 4 South, Range 6 East; 89.93 acres (.09 TownshlD 2 South Ranae 6 East Flynn, J. M W half of NE quar ter ana bk quarter or nw quar ter and NE quarter of SW quar ter Section 14, Township 2 South Range 6 East: 160 acres 9.71 Kyler, Charles, W half of SW quar ter riection 17, TownBhip Z South Range 6 EaHt: 80 acres 11.11 Caples, Ilez, NW quarter of NW quarter Heetlon 21, Township 2 South, Range 6 East: 40 acrea 2.92 Ware, C. M., NE quarter of SE quar ter section 6i), TownBnip 2 Houth, Range 6 East; 40 acres 2.43 Townshlo 4 South Ranae 6 East. Rouriteh, John, Kneioier, Herman, w hair or NW quarter, and SE quarter of NW quarter and NE quarter of 8W quarter Section 6, Township 4 South, Range 6 East; 160.07 acres 9.78 Township 2 South Range 7 East Hart, Geo. F., 8K quarter Section 14, Township 2 . South, Range 7 East; 160 acres 17.89 Lewis, L. A., W half of SW quarter Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 7 East; 80 acres S.E9 Woolsey, Frank, E half of SW 1-4 Section 10, Township 2 South, ' Range 7 East; 80 acres 5.69 Corcoran, William, E half of E half Section 22, Township 2 South, Range 7 East; 160 acres U.1S The Wisconsin Investment Co., W half of Section 22, Township 2 South Range 7 East; 320 acres.. 26.83 The Wisconsin Investment Co., NW quarter Section 27, Township 2 South, Range 7 East; 100 acres 17.89 Township 3 South Range 7 East Murphy, M. E. G., lots 3 and 4, Sec tion 4, Township 3 South, Range 7 East; 81.29 acres 4.87 Senn, Christ, Lot 1 Section 6, Town ship 3 South, Range 7 East; 40.66 acres 2.91 Township 1 South Range 8 East Maorum, W. S., W half Section 25 Township 1 South, Range 8 East 320 acres 23.40 Wilson, Joseph A., E half of E half Section 20, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Jones, Geo. C. Jr., E half of W half Section 20, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Buelton, Frank H., W half of W half Section 20, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Jones, E. O., N half of NE quar ter and NE quarter of NW quarter and SW quarter of NE quarter 8ection 35, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Macrum, I. A., N half of NW quar ter Section 36, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 80 acres 6.88 Keller, T., SW quarter of NW quarter and W half of SW quarter and SE quarter of SW Section 30, Township 1 South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70 Township 3 South Range 8 East. Steele, William, W half of NW quar ter of NE quarter Section 24, Twp. 3 South, Range 8 East; 20 acres .. 1.40 Township 3 South Range 8'A East. Miller, R. A., 1-6 IT Ren, W. R., 1-6 Campbell, Hector B., 4-6 W half of NE quarter and E half of NW quarter Section 25.- Township 3 South, Range 8 East: 160 acres 11.70 Wilcox, N N half of SW quarter 8ection 28, Township 3 South, R. 8 East; 80 acres 6.86 (Con tinned on page 8. ) ITY