OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1005. CD IDE TO ELECTIONS PREPARED BY THE OREGON SEC RETARY OF 8TATE. Complicated System If Brought Into Action by the Adoption of the Direct Primary Law. 8ALICM, Or., 10Tho adoption of. tlio direct primary law Iuih given Ore gon hucIi a complicated system of ejections that not even tho accom plished politician can carry In hlH mind all tho (IHiiIIh of tho prooedlngs loading up to tho K!rul election of utato, dlHlrlct and county olllcors, Ono of tho nioHt dldleult things to ascer tain and romoinlior Ih tho dates upon which tho various slops In tho nomln atlou and duct Ion of ollleers miiHt bo takon. In fact, tho ordinary citizen cannot flguro out tho dittos If ho haH tho Htatuto before lilm , for tho Inn KUHgo varies and different mothodH of computing time liniKt. ho adopted. Soerelary of SCtle. !5uV;::.' and Attorney (lenornl Crawford have J oinuilui'd (ho election laws ; and computed tho I lino w II h In i Which pol.lt lotlH til II H t III- 111 'll, llHi(!(M Blvun and other buslneii.i conducted ' In preparation for tho election. I It will ho Koon that tho campaign of 111(11! roally IiokIiih during tho last, wook of December of thlH year, whon i kiiltlatlvo potions must ho Died If tho promoters di'Hlro to Mo pamphlets In uupport of tho proposed measures. Tho pamphlets iiiiihI ho brought to tho olllco of Secretary or State Diinhar hy December ,'to. If tho promoters cf tho meamii'eH do not desire to (Ho painph lotH, they will have until February 3 to Hie petitions. It idiould also ho explained that pe titions for iioiuluatloiiH for district nlllcoi'H, such as Circuit Judge, DlH trlct Attorney, Joint Senator and Joint Uepresentative. must lie (lied III tho Mice of the Secretary of State, and ot In the olllces of County CerlM kin! the dates governing nominations for state olllces are atipllcahlo. The following lint contains all tho dates of Interest to the voter and the candi date for olllco: Registration- Registration hooks openod hy Coun ty Clerks, Tuesday, January 2. Itoojatratiou hooks closed for pri mary election, April 10, f P. M. Ke;;i dniliim opened after primary fleet l(in, April 2", Registration closed for general elec lion. May I.". 5 1'. M. Initiative petitions- - Niiuilier of signers reiinlrod to Inlti- lite laws or amendments, 7S!I, Last day for Wing inltialivi tlons, February poll- Last day fur lillng pamphlets ad vocating measures, Decemher "0, i;iOT, Last day for lillng pamphlets oppos ing measures, February Ii. Direct primary election County Clerks give notice of ! inry election not later than March 21. Last day for Ming petitions for placing nainoH on ballot, for state, Congressional and district olllces, March :iu. Last, day for tiling petitions for enmity olllces, April I. Date of primary election. April 20. Canvassing votes of primary elec tion for state offices, May 5. (lOlieral election Last day for tiling certificates of oinlnat ion for state olllces hy assem bly of electors, April l'.t. hast day for Ming nominating peti tions for slate olllces, May 4. Last day for Mini? certillcates of oiuination for county olllces by as sembly of electors, May -1. Last day for Ming nominating poll Hons for county olllces, May 1!). Ceneral election, Juno 4. KING OF ALL COUGH MEDICINES. Mr. K. (1. Case, a mall carrier of Can ton Center, Conn., who has boon In tho IJ. S. Service for about Hixtoen years, says: "Wo have trlod many ough medicines for croup, but Cham berlain's Cough 'Remedy is king of all and ono to ho relied upon every tlmo. Wo also find It tho best remedy for couhs and colds giving certain results and leaving no bad after effects." Kor utile by Howell and Jones. WE PASS THIS WAY BUT ONCE. W( have not passed this way bofore And wo Hliall not pass aaln; Unke the most of lime, the most ot life And mind not the- mingled pain. If the path Is hrlsht and' flower strewn Take In nil the fraRraneo sweet, Thank lol for tho joy that comes to you in paths marked for your feet.. If round tho hearth an unbroken band Make up the circle of home, O, love tlieni today and love them well Kro tho angel of death shall come. Ton will not pass this way ngnin; lie sure that yon pass not hy Tho old and tired, the sick and weak, And those not ready to die. Look out for tho flowers along tho way And heed not the stinging thorn; There are stars above the darkest night And siiro In the coming mom. And If tlio gathering storm Is heard, And the waves bent wild and high. Look up for help to the far-off hills And watch for the rifted sliy, Look up through tears, for on beyond Is the gleaming golden shore We can bravely bear a little while, For we pass this way no more. Fprry'H Soodd aro best hwatiRn (10 iMKYiwnu yeni a itavu rewn pi'in in llimt development liftlf a ci'tnury ui cxpen. care in uiukiiik uii.ua Riipei lur i,o an oinera Mil. mo nw; -uiiintn ti p'l'"'"M i.uWfT miu vewlium! simmim. 1111(11 htcl a mi mil mm. ENGLISH SERVANTS. they Don't Want Itenpert, bnt In1 I lion Their lllnlilii." To tho American settling In London nothing Is more confusing than the at tiliulo of Fngllsh HcrvanlH, tholr oon ('n,it for tlio slightest coiiHldoratlon of Ihelr feelings ind their fury at tho least Infringement of (heir rights. At first sight. It hcoiiim that in spite of llndr dignity they accept extraordinari ly small wages, hut tho American finds housekeeping In London ipiHo oxpon Hlve, for not only Is tho work mo spe cialized Unit an Immense number of KomintH Is required to do it, but they coiihiiiiio a grout deal of time and food In II vo iiicmIs a day, which Ih consider ed (Ih'Ii- rigid. CIiish distinctions below Htalrs are regarded in itch inoro Hcruiiulously than above, and the uiifortuiiato mistress of a house has to understand the grade of every one she oinployH, from tho house keeper lo Hie scullery maid. Woo bo lide her If she confuses an upper and a lower servant or gives an order to the wrong" one. An American woman married to an Englishman anil nettled In London told me tlnil td'o Installed a dumbwaiter In the hope of saving trouble to both her cook and her butler. At tlio end of a month she found It unused and .on In quiring leiiriied that as it was not the trnilil lonnl duly of either a cook or a hut lor to Heml such a thing as a dumb waiter up and down both refused to touch It, anil her food continued to ho curried hy hand from her remote kitch en. Trouble was nothing to them in comparison to the danger of compro mising Ihelr position. A Inslee's Mag azine. TAINTED ATMOSPHERES. II1V I II MM- f tlmlllll M 11(1 I'OUOIK Mil)- I : ii .1 ii n u -r- llenllli. l'.iirton-on-Trciit, the center of the Kngllsh brewing Industries, has the pe culiar faculty of mildly Intoxicating the stranger within its gates. Tho res ident has become aeeustoiif-d to the rilhlly alcoholic fumes which arise from the Innumerable brewing vats, but the susceptible stranger linds ex hilaration ami finally a mild form of Intoxication In the atmosphere an ef fect which does not wear oft" for sev eral bonis lifter his arrival, (in every haiul Hie big brewing houses are throwing off fumes from the vats of malted liquors, and, while these aro Im perceptible to the resident, more than a thousand authentic instances are said to have been recorded of persons to whom the air has proved lo possess i properties that both cheer and Inebri ate. Just as In certain parts of the west Hie iirsenloim fumes from tJie smellers destroy vegetation anil Imperil health, the vapors of the Knglish brewing cap ital destroy the Sobriety of the abstain er mid 1111 his head with vagrant fan cies. As many visitors to (lie place tire actuated by a desire to see for them selves the great Industry which they are doing their modest best, to suppress nliil as they are the most sensitive to the atmosphere of the town, those who gain their living from the brew houses take great delight In observing these involuntary lapses from jiriuciplos. New York Herald. The Ited JiK-Uct Veil ill. Hefore the North American colonies revolted It was the l'.ritish custom to present medals to Indian chiefs with whom (reaties were made. These med als bore a llguro of the reigning l!rit Ish sovereign on, the obverse ami em blems of peace on tho reverse and were called Indian medals. After the Declaration of Independence. Washing ton presented a Cuited States medal to the Seneca chief, Sa-go-ya-wiit-ha (Ho Keeps Them Awakei, who was known popularly as Ked Jacket. This Ked Jacket medal Is Interesting as ouo of (he earliest of the medals Issued by tho llrst president of the great repub lic across the hoii, Pearson's Weekly. Her Idcii of SieeemiUles. The youns man was iiitorviowing tin; stern imreiit of tho only girl in the world. "Of course, sir," he said, "uiy salary Is not colossal, but I can give her ull the necessities of life und some of its luxuries." "My dear Mr. Softly," replied the stern parent, "you have scarcely im proved your time In her society if you do not know that sho considers all I ho luxuries of life far more necessary than the necessities." The Vluo of Idleness. Of all vices to which young men be come slaves Idleness Is by no means the least. It Is a vice easily contracted in youth and hard to throw otf lu man hood or old ago. Unfortunately It Is not generally looked upon as an evil In the sense that drluklug, gambling and debauchery are evils, yet Its Influence Is no less certain in breaking down character and sapping physical and In tellectual strength. Tort land Orego nlun. It Wasn't Help That Whs Wanted. Mrs. Hiram Off en Insert this adver tisement for a girl, but for goodness' sake don't put "Help Wanted" over it. Clerk-No? Mrs. Hiram Offen No. That Implies that I expect to do most of tho work myself. The last girl I got (his way held me to that-Philadelphia Press. IiU-itlf;liiK tli Sneakers. "The lndy In the purple waist Is out of order," announced the presiding of ficer at a vecout Wonuiu's convention. "Tlio lady In tlio gray foulard has the floor." Who says women aro not purllamen-tarlnns?-Pitlshurg Post. The man wtio sums women up in a sentence Is (he man whom women can tool with Dhrase. Molleutrave. A COSTLY BREAKFAST. Vn Wci-fi Worth Thtr WHKht In tiold In Hun KrancUvo. I lens egg i were worth their weight In gold, writes Thomas K. Farlslj lu one of bin stories of the very early rtayH lu (San Francisco. A couplo of young men who hail recontlf landed from Tennessee dropped Into Aldrlch'H for break fast one morning. Not being aware of tho rarity and consequent prices of egj,'s In California und having ilvo dollars still left with which to pay for hreit,.f'iHt for two, they calmly or dered their usual breakfast of eggs and toast. When the bill was presented tin.' young gentlemen saw, to their con Htornatlon, Unit tlio amount was $10. They had only $", What was to be done' After a coiixulbitloii together It was decided that o:ie of them should remain while tlx- other went out to look for Colonel (lft, an old time friend whom they knew to be In the city. The colo nel wn4 soon found, who, after hearing tlio story of his young friend and ask ing who was with him, hiiilrel what (hey had had for breakfast. "Kggs," was the reply. "Kgg-t: Kg;,'-!" exclaimed the colo nel. "Did you n it know, you blanket blank fool, thai hens lay gold In Cali fornia?" "1 did not, but I do," said our young friend. "Well," continued (he colonel kindly, handing over n fifty dollar gold sing, "lake tills mid remem ber after this (hat you are not in Ten iiokkco, where eg.:s are given away." THE GAME OF GOLF. A I'liNtlnu uf Miikm, Willi n lleeord of Over Four II n iidrcil Veiii-K. j A game witii a hist r,v of more thani too years inii-l necessarily have some' Interesting records. Coif has been I greatly liked ly 1; ;;. In the time of James I. It was generally practiced by' all classes. 'He unfortunate Charles I. j was devoted to go1 1'. While on a visit; in Scotland In Kill, as he was deeply j engaged in a g.u.ie news was brought I lilm t:f the bn akiii out of a rebellion j In Ireland, and the royal golfer threw down his chili ami retired in great agi- tatiou to Ilo'yriiod House. When he! was Imprisoned ut r Newcastle his I keeper kindly pormitfrl him to take, recreation on the g oiling links with his train. II i said that Mary, queen of Scots, was seen playing golf in tho field beside Sou Mi a few days after' the murder of her husband. In 18371 a magnilleenl gild medal was present-! ed to St. Andrew's by William IV., to! be played for annually. One of the I earlier kings forbad" the importation! of golf balls from Holland because It! took away "no : n ;;ll iiiantitie of gold ! and silver out of the kingdoiue of! Scotland," and at o:;e l'. v.- ";.,'oife audi futcball and other unprofitable games" were forbidden in Lug, and because; archery, so necessary in Hie defense I of the n it' n. was being neglected in their favor, iv-nv ofs Weekly. I COWARD ADAM. The 11 m-f-n of Man to I.n? the ithii.u- I Woman. "Never ki.ss ami (ell" Is, I believe, an 'unwritten law uf chivalry." This law, mi I understand, Coward Adam does sometimes manage to obey, albeit reluctantly. I localise ho would like to tell ho would very lunch like to tell If If the story of the kiss did not in volve himself in the telling! Hut at this juncture "the unwritten laws of chivalry" step in, 11 ml he is saved. And chivalry is the tree up which he climbs, chattering to himself the usual formu la, "The woman whom thou gavest to he with ine," etc. Alas, poor .woman! She has heard him saying tills ever since she in 1111 unselfish desire to share her food with him gave him the for bidden apple. No doubt she offered lilm Its rosiest and ripest side! She al ways does at llrst. Not afterward! As soou as ho turns traitor nud runs ui n tree she takes to pelting him, metaphorically speaking, with cocoa nuts. Tills Is ipilte natural on her part. She had thought him a man and wheu ho suddenly changes Into tl monkey she doesn't understand it. To this cause may possibly he attributed some of the ructions which occasionally jar the harmonious estate of matrimony. From Marie I'orolli's "Free Opinions." The Ilnttle of a Week. The battle of a week was the great conflict at Tours, in which Charles Martol overthrew the Saracens, A. D. 7I.C The members of the Saracen army are variously estimated at from 400,000 to 700,000, and the monklMi historians say that 37.",000 were killed on the Held. It Is suspected that these figures are a gross exaggeration, but It Is certain that few battles of history have boon either so bloody or so de cisive. ICIepliHiil In 1 mnda. "Elephants In t'ganda have a pecu llur aspect that I have not noticed elsewhere," writes a traveler, "They cover their bodies, as a protection against (lies, with (lie bright red vol cunio dust contained in the soil. This gfves them a remarkable appearance, as, Instead of being a slaty grny, as in the Nile valley, their color, when thus covered with dust, resembles that of a chestnut horse," An Idle I'liriise. TJiere Is one sentence lu the English lawuage that has 1111 eusy time, and (here is no prospect of lis ever being overworked. It is composed of these feuv words, "It was my fault." Jewell City 1K1111.I Republican. Ills t'oiu'limion. Knlcker Jones has joined a debuting club, ltocker No? AVhoui did he niar-ryT-Hrooklyn Life. ', He that despairs degrades the Deity. Felthan SEED TIME 3& experienced farmer haa learned that some grains require far differ ent soil than others; some crops need differ enthandling than others. He knows that a great deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No uoc cf complaining in summer about amis take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is planted. "Qfc best time to reme dy wasting conditions in the human body i3 be fore the evil i3 too deep rooted. At the first evi dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion should be taken imme diately. There i3 noth ing that will repair wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi nary foods absolutely fail. We "tvllt send you a sample free. y. Be sure tliat this vSJ? IV picture in the form of a label in on the "?ta wrapper of every VJ4 bottle of Emulbion xW you buy. SSoil SCOTT ft, Klf BOWNE H (! CHEMISTS by 409 Pearl Street "fJr- NEW YORK iTJ2vS. 50c. nd $1 ; vtP-si Hi) druggnts 6" 0 THE 5 V and i : I Botk F tle HUMAN NATURE. If all who hate would love un, And all our lovcg were true, Thp stars that HwlnR above uh Would brighten In the blue. If cruel word were klftneg, And every hcowI a urnlle, A better world than this In Woul hardly be worth while. if purscg would untlghten To meet a brother'H need, Tho load we bear would llffhtcn Above the grave of greed. If those who whine would whittle, And those who languish laugh, The rose would rout the thistle, The grain outrun the chaff. If heart were only Jolly, If grieving!) were forgot, And team and melancholy Were things that now are not. Then love would kneel to duty, And all the world would Deem A bridal bower of beauty, A dream within a dream. Selected. "Itching hemorrhoids were the plague of my life. Was almost wild. Doan's Ointment cured me quickly and permanently after doctors had failed." C. F. Cornwcll, Valley Street, Sauger tiea, N. Y. IN TIME OF PEACE. In the first months of the Russia Japan war we had a striking example of the necessity for preparation and the early advantage of those, who, so to speak, "have shingled their roofs in dry weather." The virtue of prep aration has made history and given to us our greatest men. The individ ual as well as the nation should be prepared for any emergency. Are you prepared to successfully combat the first cold you take? A cold can be cured much more quickly when treat ed as soon as it has been contracted and before it has become settled In the system. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is famous for its cures of corns ana it snouid ne kept at hand ready for instant use. For sale by Howell & Jones. WATER CURE FOR CONSTIPATION Half a pint of hot water taken an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Thev are. mild and ! gentle in their action. For sale by Howell & Jones. Croup Instantly relieved. Dr. Thom as' Eclectric Oil. Perfectly safe. Never fails. At any drug store.. flM ISC and Oregon Agriculturist Rural Northwest the best farm paper in the West IPfice of Both One Year For Only $1.50 BrightsDisease And Diabetes Announcement ot tho Discovery of the Cure. Th itockholden of the Jobs J. Fulton Co. of San Francisco announce to the world the curability of Chronlo Bright' Disease and Diabetes based on hundreds of cures and two yeari of demonstration disclosing about 87 of recoveries. In attestation of these momentous facts we present the names of some of the stockholders, business and professional men of this city, every one of whom bad to bare pre vious opinions reversed and be satisfied of the genuineness of the discovery before Investing la this corporation, viz.: Hon. Barclay Henley, Attorney and ex-member of Congress; Thos. Klrkpa trick, capitalist; Hon. D. M. Burns, President Candelarla Mining Co.; A. E. Shat tuck. President Paclfio States Type Foundry; Edward Mills, President Bullock & Jones Co.; Capt. Roberts, President Sacramento Trans portation Co.; D. E. Bender, capitalist; Win. Sharp, capitaliBt; W. B. Bradford, Alaska Packers Assn.; C. W. Clark, capitalist (Sacra mento); W. C. Price, capitalist (Pasadena); G. E. Bates, Attorney; E. O. Miller, Attorney; Chas. McLano, Agency Director N. Y. Life Ins. Co.; Judge Blgelow, ex-Supreme Judge State of Nevada; Col. D. B Fairbanks, Cashier Peta luma Savings Bank; R, D. Sessions, Attorney So. Pac. R. R. Co., and many others The list of the cured runs into hundreds and Includes druggists and physicians. The 13Jf of failures was largely among cases that were at death's door and many tuch recovered. The Specifics that have at last conquered tntse dread diseases are known as the Fulton Compounds. The Renal Compound for Brlght;s and Kidney Disease Is tl; the Diabetes Com pound is tl.50. We have established an agency in your city and you will find pamphlets and compounds at Charman & Co., City Drug Store. ARE YOU A FARMER? , If you are, then you need a good farm paper. The Enterprise has a Bplendid offer. We will furnish the Enterprise and the Oregon Agricul turist and Rural Northwest, the best agricultural paper in the large section It serves, both one year for only $1.50 the price of the Enterprise alone. This farm paper Is highly recommend ed by the leading experts on farming, stock raising and fruit growing. This offer Is a snap. Call at the office or mail us your subscription. 0 f Of ii ; I!