Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 22, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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By Buying; at the
Local Events
License to marry has beon granted
to Mlna D. Davis and M. C. Colson.
S. 0. Pool will proach at the church
house at Htone on December 31st.
Ulblo reading at 10 o'clock.
Houses to rent. See J. A Moehnke,
EntorprlHe building.
Christmas day services will bo held
In St. Paul's Episcopal Church at 8
and 11 A. M. Everyone cordially In
vited to attend.
Itev. J. It. LandHborough, of the First
Presbyterian church, olllclated Mon
day at the wedding of Mue Purcell and
George 11. Muhm.
Every hat at reduced price
week at Miss C. Goldsmith's.
pur cent. Farm security, u uon
& Boh ubol.
nt 'lowest niti'H, Latuurftte's olllce,
Commercial Hunk UulMIng, Oi.-Km
winttfil A girl Koriil house
worK. Apply at Hunt icy nnm. un-
p.iny'H drug store.
Personal Mention
Will Callff and Loo Caullold visited
nvor Sunday with friends at Forest
Grove, TIksho young men exiect to
enter Pacific University the first of
the year.
MIhs Angellno Williams and Misses
Edna and (Mara Caullold have return
ed from Eugene and will remain until
tbo small-pox scare at the State Uni
versity hns abated.
Elmer Dixon, who returned recently
from California, where ho officiated as
Judge at a poultry show, went to Al
bany the llrst of the week where lie
will servo In the same capacity.
0. E. Oglosby, of Marks Prairie, was
I In the elt v the drift of the week. Mr.
1 Oglnsby Is a hop grower and harvest-
I ...1 1 . .i .-i I.... ti.ia trrktit fmm Q tlflUT
u imiiii-! tuin .......
yard. From a 0 acre baby hop yard,
Mr. Oglosby picked over (JO boxes to
the acre. Tho plants were set out last
cargo will be discharged. There will
bo a program by tho, children.
A week ago I fell and sprained my
ankle badly. I paid no attention to it
for a week until It was la a very crit
leal condition, my limb being swollen
and discolored to the knee. After
three treatments by Marlon C. George,
the magnetic healer, I consider myself
cured. He advertises himself as a
healer of rheumatism and kidney
troublo but I find he can do more,
Thomas Crowley.
Mr. George has offices in the Stevens
Dr. B. Hlrstol, dentist of Portland,
Oregon, Is with Dr. L. L. Pickens. Ho
Is an expert in all gold work and tho
now porcelain hillings.
MosHrfiMelndl and Justin, tho now
proprietors of the Mt. Hood Saloon
will conduct a formal opening of that
resort tomorrow, Saturday, evening.
ollday goods and toys, best assort
ment, lowest price, at Thomson's liar
gain Store. ' Dec. 22
The Sunday School of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church will be given a
Christmas party on Saturday after
noon in Willamette Hall from three to
five o'clock.
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural
Northwest and the Enterprise, both
one year for only $1.50, the price of
one paper alone.
W. A. Holmes, proprietor of the
Parkplace Cash Store, this week Issu
ed a catalogue and price list that is
a creditable piece of work. Mr.
Holmes is an enterprising business
man and If you don't think he does the
business, Just drop into his store any
day. So largo is his trade that he
turns his stock several times each
year, enabling him to keep a strictly
up-to-date lino of goods. He Is offer
ing some exceptional bargains for the
holiday trado this year and if you
have not received one of his cata
logues you lind It to your advantage to
ask for one.
Mrs. Diller'a 90th birthday was cel
ebrated Sunday with a dinner at which
relatives wero present, Mrs. Dlller Is
the mother of Mrs. Thomas Charman
and Mrs. M. M. Charman.
For sale, a traction engine, almost
new. As I have no separator, will sell
at a bargain. Address C. A. White,
Scotts Mills, Oregon, 12-8 t3
If you are looking for bargains In
Millinery call on Miss C. Goldsmith.
W. II.
Counsel!, of Harmony, was
Mr. Counsel! lias
' II ' i In the city Monday
, 0.- w . liwn r(),(.H,1p,,rviHor of his district
VJ Much-bank, of Estacnda. was In for ten years and has done much of
. . . ..... i i i...n.iin. i n,
Ika city Monday
t 4 C. J'nddook, of Clackamas, was
I iu th'i city Friday.
liftvld Calkins, of Oak Grove, was
f i i tli i city Monday.
I fi (',. Chapman, of Clackamas, was
i i tli" city Wednesday.
"Uy in. McLi-nni, of Wllholt, wus in
( , aj-iiii City visitor Friday.
alln-iIlT Shaver was at Koseburg the
iSt of tbo week on official business.
fl. A. Webster, the deputy fish war
i'oB, was an Oregon City visitor the
Htl of tho week.
Jlev. P. K. Hammond went to Cor
ysJIIs Wednesday to bold serlvce there
toil returned on Thursday.
Senator llrowni-ll was one of the
peul;ers at the Farmer's Congress
aoM at Woodhurn last Friday.
Trafton Dye Is tho leader of he O-
f rlln College (leliuting tenm tliat Will
et Notre Dame University. '
.lullus V. Itroetje, proprietor of the
l4ly Pond Nursery, of Oak Grove, was
at, Oregon City visitor Tuesday.
Adam Knight, a prominent young
UapuhliRiin of Canby, was among tho
tialtors to tills city Wednesday.
Illss Zelma Shaver, who Is attend
ing the State University at Eugene,
is borne for the holiday vacation.
Miss Ilertha Goldsmith left Monday
for Sacramento und San Francisco
where slut will spend several weeks
Tlsltlng relatives.
St. Paul's Esplcopal Church, rector
the Rev. P. K. Hammond, services
next Sunday at 8 and 11 A. M., Sun
day School at 10 and evening prayer
at 5 o'clock. Everyone made welcome
at these services.
the Important road building in the
county. Mr. Counsell's friends are
urging hlni to become a candidate for
the Republican nomination for Sheriff.
Norman White, of Oregon City,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
Anderson for afew days this week.
Mr. White will enter college here
next term . He was chosen captain of I
the 'varsity basketball team at a meet- j
Ing held here Saturday. Young Whlto
Is a clean, uggreslve player and under
his captaincy they have reason to an
ticipate a Hplendid and succesbful sea
son for tho University in that branch
of athletics. Washington County
(Forest Grove) News.
County Judge Ryan was at Silver
ton Wednesday night whero . he at
tended a meeting of the Odd Fellows.,
Next Monday evening, accompanied
by Mrs. Kyan as Grand Worthy Matron
of tho Order of Eastern Star, Judge
Ryan goes to Woodhurn whero there
will occur a Joint installation of the
officers of the Illuo Midge, the R. A.M.
CJiapter, and the Eastern Star. Forty
turkeys have been reserved for tho
banquet that will follow the installa
tion exercises which will be conducted-
I by Judge and Mrs. Ryan.
Rev, W. H. Wettlaufer will preach
at the Cams Evangelical Church on
Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock, De
cember 24, instead of evening. A
largo turnout is expected.
The members of the Fountain Hose
Company are making elaborate ar
rangements for the entertainment of
their friends at their Third Annual
Hall to lie given at tho Armory Hall
tomorrow, Saturday evening. Turney's
ilve-plece orchestra, of Portland, has
been engaged an a good time is prom
lsed, the advance sale of tickets in
dlcatin that the attendance will be
largo. J. A. McGlashan is general
chairman of the floor committee, the
other members of which are: A. Can
on, R. Woodward, A. liigham, G. Wood
ward, H. Roos and A. Cox.
If you are not now a subscriber to
the Youth's Companion, subscribe for
that excellent paper together with the
Enterprise, both papers one year for
Ex-Governor T. T. Geer, of Marion
County, has announced that he will be
a candidate for the Republican nomi
nation for Governor under the direct
primary nominating law.
F. Newton, the undertaker, has the
only modern establishment In the city.
Phone 1243.. Residence phone 1598.
An eccentric tramp created some
thing of an excitement among the peo
ple of Canemah Wednesday by repre
senting himself to be a railroad sur
veyor and insisting that his survey
for the proposed road would necessi
tate tho removal of the general store
belonging to Mr. Stokes. The strang
er represented that the route of his
railroad passed directly through the
store building. Finding that his de
mands for an Immediate vacation of
the premises by Mr. Stokes were not
going to be immediately complied with
tho fellow continued his way southward.
A Bank Book is Evidence
of what? It's evidence of
thriftiness as well' as the
various sums that haves
been placed to the credit of
its owner. Any person
you know to have
is raised in your estima
tion. It's because you associate a man with a
bank account with those who do things.66
1 vi u.
Numerous Cantatas, Sacred Concerts
and Entertainments by the
Different Churches.
J. O. Weston, employed In the Will
amette Pulp & Paper Co.'s mills,
while wheeling a truck Saturday slip
ped and fell suddenly, and the truck
fell on his foot, breaking his ankle.
He will bo unable to work for several
A Few
l lew Things
la Dentist? y
Have you seen the new fill
ing material, Porcelain Inlaid
Filling? They are the same
color as the natural teeth, and
they last longer than gold.
We insert gold fillings without
the rubber dam.
We make those combina
tion metal plates for artificial
teeth. They never crack or
break like rubber. We make
J bridges of porcelain, remov
able bridges, bridges that you
can replace a tooth easily i!
broken without removing the
,We have a new and per
I feCtly safe method of extract
ff ing teeth without hurting you
irf the least.
Call and see some specimens
-i of I the new work. Dr. Hir-
stel, oi Portland, is with us,
He is an expert in all gold and
porcelain work.
Notice of Eighth Grade Examinations
Many Entertainments.
1 Dentist
Rooms 6. 7 and 8, Weinhard
Building, Opposite Cour
Dm. Dcntle & Beatlo, Dentists, Rooms
, 17 18, Weinhard Building.
K. L. Holman, leading undertaker.
Next to Harris' grocery etore, Oregon
City, Oregon.
The Summit Mining Co. has filed
nrticles of Incorporation In tho Coun
ty Clerk's office, with R. Koerner, A.
W. France and William Hank as Incor
porators. The Capital stock is
$1,000,000, divided into 1,000,000
shares, at $t per share.
Watches that others have failed to
make run properly especially solicited
by R. F. Caufleld, watchmaker and
Jeweler, opposite Huntley Bros., Main
street, Oregon City. All work guaranteed.
For a sensible Christmas gift for
mother or wife aBisscll's New Carpet
Sweeper, at Harris' Grocery, $2.50 to
Superintendent of County Schools J.
Zlnser, has announced the follow-
ng dates for eighth grade examina
tions in Clackamas County: February
and 2; May 17 and 18; June 14 and
i. Tho usual September examina
tions will not bo held next year, as ex
perience has shown that there are no
candidates at that time. State Super
intendent J. H. Ackerman has discon
tinued the January examinations.
The new library law aoes into ef
fect in January by the provisions of
which the County Court Is expected to
evy a library tax of 10 cents per cap
ita on all children of school ago.
Carrie E. Stoker, of the East Mt
Scott school, recently gave a basket
social and entertainment netting $23.
A school library, consisting of $35.00
worth of books, will bo purchased by
this school at once.
George II. Alway, who receutly re
signed his place as instructor at the
Chemawa Indian Training School, has
accopted the position of teacher in
tho Stafford school, succeeding O. J.
Willis, who was obliged to resign on
account of ill health.
Miss Fannie Rippey, who recently
completed a successful terra In the
East Garfield district, has begun an
other term in Mt. Hood View District
No. 100.
Miss Newton has given a successful
entertainment in joint district no. wz one naoer alone
. ... ...... 1 , i mL. 1 i
norm nutievuie. luu yrocoBus wm
be used In purchasing a new bell.
Sandy holds a special election Fri
day, December 29, to consider the ad
visability of securing a new school
site and orectlng a new building. Su
perintendent Zlnser will attend the
Marriage licenses were this week is
sued by County Clerk Greenman as
follows: Mlna A. Davis and M. C. Col
son; Clara Linos and Harvey L. Wey
gardt; Mae Purcell and George H.
Illuhm; Nellie Lee and Charles Biddings.
In attempting to hold-up and rob
Miss Physackley, of Canemah, early
Wednesday evening, a lone highway
man was frustrated by the interfer
ence of a watch dog. The attempted
robbery was perpetrated at the en
trance to Canemah Park, the bandit
demanding that the young woman
hand over to him her purse and its
contents. Miss Physackley hesitated
to comply with the demand at once
when the fellow slezed her shopping
bag and was in the act pf wresting it
from her grasp when theVamily watch
dog that was the woman's sole com'
panion, sprang between his mistress
and the robber who lost little time in
escaping In the darkness.
The Christmas season will be gen
erally observed as usual this year by
the various churches of the city. The
festivities will be inaugurated this Fri
day evening with a beautiful cantata
by the First Congregational church
Sunday School and the exercises In
cident to the anniversary will not be
concluded until the following Monday
evening. A brief mention of the ex
ercises that will be held at the differ
ent churches follows:
After an appropriate programme has
been rendered at the Presbyterian
church this. Friday evening, Santa
Claus is scheduled to arrive and diS'
tribute gifts among the children, and
others, from a large tree that has been
beautifully decorated.
A Christmas cantata and other ex
ercises appropriate to the season will
be the program to be grven by the
Sunday School at the church tomor
row, Saturday evening.
On Saturday evening at the church
the children of the Sunday School will
give a cantata for which they have
been practicing under the direction of
Mesdames Miller. Andresen and Loder
for some time. The usual presenta
tion of candies and nuts will be made
the little ones. There will he no tree.
This church will hold exercises at
Willamette Hall Saturday afternoon, a
good programme having been prepared.
Monday, Christmas Day, will be
regularly observed with special serv
ices lasting throughout the day. At
Low Mass at 8 o'clock. Father Hilde-
brand will preach an English sermon
and at a similar service an hour
later will speak in German. Sol
emn High Mass will be celebrated at
10:30 a. m., with special music. In
at lowest rates, Latourette's office, Com
mercial Bank Building, Oregon City.
Dr. L. L. Pickens, having Just re
turned from the East, has opened in
the Weinhard building one of the best
equipped dental offices in the North
west, with all the new appliances for
doing dental work as it is done in the
large cities, like New York and Chicago.
Money to loan on Parma. Land Titles
examined. Dlmlck A Dlmlck, Lawyers,
Oregon City, Oregon...
At a Congregational meeting of the
members of the First Presbyterian
church, this week a call to the pastor
ate of the church was extended to
Rev. J. R. Landsborough who has been
filling the pulpit of the local church as
supply pastor for the past year. Rev.
Landsborough has the call under con
Fruit Inspector Reid Orders Destruc
tion of an. Orchard.
Neglecting to spray his frait trees
as directed by James H. Reid, fruit
inspector for Clackamas and Multno
mah counties, E. F. Riley, a wealthy
resident of Portland, was today order
ed to cut down and destroy an or
chard on some property that he owns
at Mllwaukie. This is the first in
stance since his appointment that In
spector Reid has been compelled to
order the destruction of trees as
preventitive of the further spread of
the San Jose Scale or other fruit pests,
Inspector Reid is conducting a vig
orous campaign in both . counties in
the interest of better fruit and the ex
termination of vermin of all kinds.
He announces that he will conduct
meetings with illustrated views show
ing the great danger to the fruit Indus
tries from horticultural pests, at every
school house in the county when the
residents of such localities manifest a
sufficient interest in the situation to
make of him such a request.
Oregon Agriculturist and Rural
Northwest and the Enterprise, both
one year for only $1.50, the price of
George Randall, of this city, has
sold to R.M. Gatewood, of Portland
36 bales of 1905 hops at 9 cents per
pound. Twelve bales of the lot were
baby hops. This is the first sale that
has been reported) here in several
weeks the majority of the growers
having their crop stored t the Oregon
Water Power ft Railway Co.'s ware
house waiting for an advance in the
market quotation.
A snecial dinateh to the Portland
Journal from Washington under date
of the ?0th inst. says:
Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock
today ordered the withdrawal of 46,000
acres in Clackamas county. Oregon, to
to added to the forest reserve.
These lands are: Section 13. town
shlD 2 south, range G east; all of town
ship 3 south, range G east; sections
13 to 26, north half of section 29. all
of sections 34. 35 and 36 In township 2
south, range 7 east and the weRt half
of township 3 south, range 7 east.
Geo. A. Brown, of Maple Lane, has
a good four-year old cow, also a three
and months old calf for sale, or
will exchange for hay.
The clipper barque, "Santa Claus,
reported off Cape Flyaway, Inward
bound for Oregon City, will heave too
Saturday to allow all interested
put on board whatever they desire as
presents to their children and friend
or as gifts to the poor. We'll drop
anchor at the Sal'vation Army Hall at
7:30 P. M. Christmas night, when the
the evening the vesper service will
be held.
The church is making the usual ex
tensive preparation for the Christmas
services. The Sunday School baa
been practicing an exceedingly de
lightful Cantata, entitled "Santa Claus
Dream." About 60 children with 15
adults are taking part. This win De
rendered on Friday evening with the
usual treat given to the school. A
mammoth Christmas tree win aaa to
the pleasure of this occasion.
The choir has been renearsing some
excellent music for the Lnristmas
services. The following Is the programme:
10:30 Public Worship, Christmas ser
mon by the Pastor, "(Jive ana
Get." Music: Anthem: Happy
Mourn, Lerman. Response,
"Come Near Us Father," Shep
ard. Solo selected, Mrs. W.
B. Wiggins.
12:00 Sunday School, C. H. Dye, Su
perintendent. (A Missionary
offering.) '
3:30 Junior Endeavor, Miss Lena
Gadke, Superintendent.
6:30 Y. P. S. C. E. A Christmas
missionary meeting, leader.
7:30 Christmas Praise Service.
Program Praise Service.
Voluntary Selected
Hymn 173 Congregation
Anthem, "The Triumph of the Skies'
Praver and Response
Solo "The New Born King". .L'Espin
Chas. L. Bluhm.
Anthem "Glory to God" Cranmer
Solo "The Heavenly Choir
Miss May Mark.
Duet "Blessed Savior, Thee I Love"
The Misses Niles.
Hymn 171 Congregation
Solo The Holy Night
Miss Edith Cheney.
Solo O, I Hear the Glad Song. .Neviu
1 Mr. R. E. Woodward.
Anthem Peace on Earth Danks
The Choir.
Tenors C. L. Bluhm, G. A. Heinz, John
Sopranos Myrtle Buchanan, Hilda
McGetchie, May Mark, Stella Niles
Altos Edith Cheney, Luella Niles,
Jean White.
Organist and Director Echo Samson.
Violinist Harry M. Shaw.
Born, to the wife of C. A. Cassady,
a nine pound girl on the 11th.
Theodore Miller also has a new
daughter at his home.
Mr. White and Mrs. Bebee are both
Mr. Johnson has purchased a horse
from Walter Emmott.
The Teasles girls will soon be
through trimming teasles for Mr.
Berthena Howard spent Sunday af
ternoon with, JiMribi Kiuuitfinr,
Mr. Davis has had some of his
sheep killed by some of the neighbor's
The dance at Spence's Saturday ev
ening was "largely attended. A good
time was had by all present.
H. O. Inskeep is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Spangler called on
Ed. Howard .Sunday.
Mr. Spatz" and family of Beaver
Creek spent the day with Mr. E. Jones
and family Sunday.
A merry Christmas and a happy new
year to one and all.
Before taking inventory we must turn over
$1000 of discontinued lines, sizes not complete.
We need the room we need the money. You
can take them at COST many of them
BELOW COST. Shoes, Furnishings, Dry
Goods and part of our Groceries at less than
Auction Prices.
Itching piles? Never mind if phy
sicians have failed to cure you. Try
Dean's Ointment. No failure there.
50 ents, at any drug store.
Baby Shoes, 10c, 14c, 22c, ...33c
Rubbers, a few old ones, 4c, 19c,
Child's Fine Shoes, chopped
price 68c
Heavier Shoes, chopped, ..44c, 68c
Ladies Fine $2.50 Shoes, chop
ped down 1.87
Large Sizes, chopped down
price 91c
Ladles Strong Shoes chopped to
$1.47, $1.88
the latter being best in the city.
Boy's Full Stock, chopped $1.19,
Men's Heavy Shoes, chopped price
Men's 75c Work Shirts cut to.. 49c
45 and 50c Shirts chopped to39c
Heavy Fleeced Overshirts, 65c,
chopped down price, 44c
Sweaters chopped down, 43c,
72c, 89c, $1.37: buy them at cost
Part Wool Socks cut to 10c
Boys' Warm Gloves chopped to 19c
Men's 65c Gloves chopped to... 40c
Cotton Socks chopped to ...3 1-2c
Men's Warm Gloves less than
cost. 20c. 24c. 32c, 39c
Men's Leather Gloves chopped to
23c, 44c, 57c, 84c. Save you
- frequently 50c
Dress Shirts chopped to 29c, 48c
or less than cost; mostly well
Cotton Socks chopped down. .3 1-2c
Boys' Handercheifs 3c and 1c
Men's Handercheifs chopped
11c, 4c, 3c
Men's and Boys' Hats below cost
9c, 29c, 48c. 73c, 94c,. New
shapes included in these hats.
Suspenders chopped to 8c. 14c.
Heavy 19c. Our best 50c to33c
Collars Collars must go a few
big ones, and small ones too
6 for 10c, 3 for 10c
Metal collar buttons each lc.
Men's and boys caps chopped 7c
and 13c
New Golf Gloves and mittens,
chopped to cost or less, 17c, 29c,
33c. Make Xmas presents.
Misses' 25c Wool Hose chopped to
Ladies Cotton Hose chopped to 8c
Hose Supporters cut to 7c
Safety Pins 3c. Pearl Buttons 3c dz
Dress Buttons 2c dz. Wash But
tons 1c dz.
Ladles Fall Waists chopped to less
than cost
5c Ribbon chopped to 2c
Trimmed Hats at. a. fraction, of
value some at 1-4 price, some at 1-2
27c, 49c, 97c, $1.49.
Soap 2c, 2V4c, 3c, Naptha 4c.
Gold Dust 18c.
Bottle Bluing, 5c.
Raisins 8c, Tea 14c up, Rice 5c. . ,
Beans 4c, Soda 4c, Starch 6c.
Roast Peanuts 10c, Mixed Nuts 12
Candy 9c, Oranges 10c do?..
8 qt pails 15c, Granite wash pans 9c
51b pail lard 55c.
Clothesline 5c, toothpicks 3c.
RED FRONT, Ofegon City