Cf OUECON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1905. 11 vHo LVSo Mo Oregon Snowline AND Union Pacific THREE TRA TO HE EAST DAILY Throimh Pullman standard and Toir Int Mlucplrig ram dally to Omaha, Chicago, Htxikanu; tourist sleeping cam dally to Kuiihus City; thrown li Pullman tourist KltM'pliiK cam (pniHonally conducted) wm-kly to ChlnaK, Kaniias City, rclln lug chair (aoala fret to the east dally.) 7 HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Cur. 70 Ospart. 'hli'HKi J'oi -Hand 8i'('liil 9:16 a. in At hint lo Kinross .)& p. m. via. I hint Ingtun. Ft. I'aul I- lint Mall 6:16 p in via Bpo-kanu. Tim 8chsdull. Halt Lake, Deliver, Ft, Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Hi. Iiiiia, Chicago and Kant. , Bait I.ak, Pfnvttr, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kannas City, Ht. Units, Chicago and Kant. Walla Walla, iMton, Hpokana, Mln-ni-apolla, Ht. Paul, Ihilulh, Milwaukee, Chicago' and Kaat. A ) KIVK l:26 p rn 8:00 a in 7:1k a m Ocean and River Schedule For Ban Franclaco Evory five day at p. m. For Astoria, way polnu and Portland, Oregon. 8 p. m.i flatm.lay at 10 p. m. pally nrvlce (watur permitting ) on W Warn ette and Yamhill rivers. For detailed Information of rates Th Oregon Itallroad Navigation Co. your nearest ticket agent, or Gotwtral 1'aaaenger Agemt A. L. CHAia. COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Portland and The Dalles ROUTE Regulator Line Steamers Xmas Goods i f at i; Living Profits HOLIDAY What we say we do we do DO SPECIALTIES Having bought our stock of Xmas Goods early, we obtained ex ceptionally good cash discounts and by shipping by steamer around the Horn we saved also considerable on freight rates. This saving we ' intend giving our patrons the advantage of. We are now displaying one of the largest and neatest Holiday lines in the city. Owing to our limited floor space, we are not able to show all we have but "if you don't see what you want ask for it." We are sure to have it. We want to call - your attention especially to our fine showinglof faamed and unframed pictures. Hundred of subjects to pick from, nu merous, pretty and novelty framees, handsome water colors, and at pricer we will guarantee you can't equaL We haven't room to mention all the attractive presents we have in store for you but want you to come in and see for yourself. Be free to come when you please, and we'll see you are not urged to buyunless you want to. GET SLIGHT RAISE TAXPAYER8 FAIL TO GRANT PE TITION OF TEACHER8. have been had the increase been al- Amount Increased Wages To $1545.50 Asked Meeting Votes But $772.75, of lowed: Total Present Salary Increase In No. r Salary Asked for nine mos. 3 $40.00 $55.00 $405.00 2 42.50 55.00 225.00 5 45.00 55.00 450.OO 1 47.50 55.00 C0.50 2 '50.00 55.00 90.00 2 C5.00 ' 75.00 180.00 1 1 85.00 100.00 135.00 'BAILEY OATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" -8ADIE B." Btr. "Bailey Gatsert" leave Portland 7 A. M. Mondays. Wednesdays and Prl daya; leavca The Dallca 7 A. M. Tuea days, Thusrsdays and Saturdays. Btr. Rt Kii'ator" leaves Portland 7 A M. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays Wednesdays snd Fr'Jays. Steamers leaving Portland make dally connection at Lyle with C. R. A N. train for Ooldenilale and Klickitat Vallej polnta. C. H. A N. train leaves Ooldendals on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 A. M., malting connection wltL steamer "Regulator" for Portland anit way points C. U. A N. train leaves Goldcndale on Tuesdays, Thursdays anil Saturdays at 8:30 A. M., connecting at Yyle with, sltamex "Sadie B." for The Dallea, con necting there with O. It. A N. tralm East and Went. Btr. "Badle B." leaves Cascade Lookt vdally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th ulH and way polnta; arrives at 11 A M.; leaves The Dallea I P. M., arrive Cascade Locks ( P. M. Moals served on all steamers. Pine accommodations lor teams and wagons. Landing at Portland at Aider Street Dock. MARCUS TALBOT., V. P. & O. M. Cltn. Office, Portland. Oregon. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Honest Goods at Honest Prices m Reliable Druggists Xmas Buying Made Easy Oregon City teachers received just half of what they asked for In the way of Increased wages at the meeting of the taxpayers of the district held at the court house Monday night. An increase averaging 20 per cent over the present schedule of wages had been unanimously petitioned for by the teachers but after considerable discussion a tax of two mills was au thorized. From this levy and the oth er estimated receipts of the district the Board expects to receive revenues during the school year aggregating $11,475. The estimated expenditures of the district for the same period, including a raise of ten percent in the present schedule of teachers wages. are figured at $10,921.75, leaving a sur plus of $553.25 to be used in making of repairs, etc. The meeting was largely attended there being in attendance a great many of the teachers and several of the prominent taxpayers of the dis trict who appeared to be about evenly diviucd as to the merits of the peti tlon. Chairman Ryan, having convened the meeting, Clerk Brodie read the report and recommendations of the Board of Directors. R. Koerner then offered a resolution recommending that a tax of 2 mills be levied for gen eral school purposes. Then followed a lively discussion, several urging the making of a sufficient levy to grant the teachers the requested Increase in their wages. Among those speaking in this vein were C. Schuebel, W, Huntley, A. Matthieson, and C. H Dye. Mr. Koerner was satisfied to leave the matter entirely with the members of the Board of Directors for the reason that the meeting was not at all representative of the entire district. T. L. Charman considered that the better plan to be pursued by the district would be in reducing Its indebtedness rather than adding to its expenses. Schuebel seconded by Williams, moved that the original resolution levying a 2 mill tax be amended to provide for a 3 mill tax. The amend ment was defeated by a rising vote of 28 to 32. The 2 mill tax was then voted by a vote of 38. Dye, seconded by Schuebel, was successful in a motion declaring it to be the sense of the meeting that a minimum salary of $50 be established for teachers who In one year's trial prove satisfactory. The appended table shows what the Increased cost to the district would Total increase for 9 months, $1545.50 As a result of the meeting the Board of Directors is equipped with fund of $772.75 to be expended on ' account of teachers' salaries. This is just one-half the total 'increase asked for by the teachers and the distribu tion of the sum, which amounts to a uniform 10 per cent increase over the present wages, Is left to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Judge T. F. Ryan, chairman of the board of directors, presided, and after the call for the meeting was read, he presented a statement of the affairs of the district, showing the Income to be $11,157.92, and the disbursements for the past year, $11,247.72, or an excess of $89.80 in disbursements over re ceipts. The indebtedness of the dis trict is $15,085, of which $12,000 is In bonds and. $3,085 in current loans. The board then submitted the following estimate for the coming year: Receipts. County Apportionment $ 6,300.00 State Apportionment 2,200.00 Tuition Fees 375.00 Special levy, 2 mills 2,600.00 Total $11,475.00 Disbursements. Teachers salaries, (10 per , cent advance) $ 7,845.75 Janitor's salaries Clerk's salary Fuel Water rent School Supplies Repairs and painting . . Interest on bonds , Interest on loans Census and incidentals C60.00 126.00 300.00 90.00 300.00 600.00 660.00 140.00 200.00 Total $10,921.75 Excess of receipts over dis bursements 553.25 This amount or portion thereof may be required for some repair or im provement not herein noted. The report of the board of directors concluded: "From the foregoing it will be noted that we have estimated that an In crease of 10 -per cent in the salaries of the teachers may be required; also that the repairs for the coming year will be slightly in excess of those of the past year, as the Barclay school building will require re-shingling and also re-painting; we feel that we have made a conservative estimate of both the receipts and the. necessary expens es for the coming year, and therefore feel safe in recommending that a spec ial levy of 2 mills upon the taxable property of the district should be made at this meeting, believing that the same will be sufficient to conduct the schools during the coming year and make all the repairs necessary to protect the buildings of the district" uaimwngai There is Money in itfOR OPEN RIVER FOR YOU Leaves. :00 A.M. Dnlly. UNION DEPOT 7.00 P.M. I For Mavners. Rainier, CMatBkanle, Westport Clifton. Astoria, war rcn ton, Flavel, Ham- Imond. Fort Stevens, c-nrhiit't Park. He- xldu, Astoria and Si.ttMhore. ExDi-cas Daily. Arrives. Dally. 11.10A.M 9:40 P.M r A STEWART. Comm'l Agt., Alder street. Phone Main 0. , .1 G. MA TO. (1 F. A P. A.. Astoria Or You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUft JOURNEY Tt vour tickets rend over the Denver and Klo Grande Kallrond, Hie" Scenic Line of the World" BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions anil points of Interest along the line between Ogclen and lenver that the trip never becomes tiresome. MILWAUKIE GRANGE HOLDS AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING. Work of Horticultural Societies Re ceives Indorsement Of ficers Elected. Milwaukie Grange, Patrons of Hus bandry, held Its annual meeting yes terday, it being one of the best at tended for the past year. A large In crease in membership was made for the year, and about 15 new applica tions were received. Mrs. Mary L. Roberts, master for the past year, has been an effective head and an ex cellent nresidinir offlcer. The Grange before handing out your contract ? placed Itself on record as progressive, , anu anopteu tne ionowing memorial A. MIIiLSTIN, to get our quotations on a good en-' during Plumbing Job. Why not take the hint and get our estimate Main Street, near Eighth HI A Irl mm r winsior If you are going 'Hast, write or infortna -Hon and get a pretty book that will tell you . all about It. W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent PORTLAND, OREGON A lazy liver makes a lazy man. Bur dock Blood Bitters Is the natural, never falling remedy for a lazy liver. HI " V. ( nmn.-fL' ml Pronounced by World's best experts The World's ibest Whiskey. Grand Prize Highest Award St. Louis World's Fair. Sols For 6aie oy - E. MATTHIAS -Aaaney for Oregon City. I for Government appropriation for con tinuing the work at the mouth of the ' Columbia River. I "Whereas, The omission to recom ! mend an appropriation for the im I provement of river and harbors by the Secretary of War for the coming fis cal year menaces our commercial and agricultural interests; and, "Whereas, A failure on the part of Congress . to appropriate sufficient funds for the continuance of the work of the improvement now in progress at the mouth of the Columbia River would necessitate cessation of such work nnd in consequence render liable to destruction by the elements.of much of the present superstructure, entail ing serious loss and damage to com merce of the Columbia River Basin and the entire Northwest; and ; "Whereas, the commercial bodies ; of Portland and the Northwest are i working to secure Government appro- prlatton for a continuance of this most important work ; therefore be it "Resolved, By Milwaukie Grange, 'Patrons of Husbandry, of Clackamas I County, Oregon, that Government should mane a suuaoie appropriation to continue thv worlt at the mouth of the Columbia River so that what has already been accomplished may not be destroyed and so that a great district of the Pacific Coast may be benefitted believing that Interests of the agri culture of the Northwest will suffer a severe loss if this work be not contin ued; and be it "Resolved, That the secretary and master sign and send a copy of these resolutions to the Portland Board of iletles in Clackamas and Multnomah bounties, for the spread of information b the subject, and we heartily com nend.his efforts to the fruitgrowers as In the right direction." The following officers were elected or the ensuing year: Master, Mrs. fulla L. Casto, widow of the late J. S. !asto, who organized two-thirds of the Jranges in Oregon; overseer, James I. Reid; lecturer. Mrs. May E. Getch oll; steward, William Sellwood; as sistant steward, F. Getchell; chaplain, T. R. A. Sellwood; treasurer, Otto efT; secretary, Delia Mullan; gate teeper, Bert Scott; lady assistant teward, Rose Welch; Flora, Mrs. .Vinnie; Ceres, Mrs. Clara Pannlck; Pomona, Miss Emma Ruegg; mem ler executive committee, Richard Scott. TAX WILL BE LOWER COUNTY COURT PLANS TION IN LEVY. REDUC- Probability Is That Total Tax In Oregon City Will About 282 Mills. Levy Be Should the County Court make a reduction of 3 mills In the tax levy at, the January term of court as is an ticipated, the total county tax will be but 17 mills, as against 20 mills for the present year, says the Telegram correspondent The state tax this year was AVt mills, and it is very probable that this can be reduced. Roads and bridges received 5 mills, but owing to the general condition of roads and bridges throughout the county, it is likely that this tax will not be cut ma terially. Clackamas is considered a hard county to build roads in and econ omy along that particular line is not favored by the farmers who use the roads. A levy of 1 mill was made to pay interest on outstanding warrants this year, and a tax of 2 mills was im posed for payment of the county in debtedness, which ,is, anything but small', although not so large as a year ago. For general county purposes a levy of 2 mills was made, and for school taxes 5 mills. The tax of Oregon City for 1906 Is 8 mills, of which 3 mills is used for street Improvement, and 5 mills for general purposes. The law does not allow an increase In the street lm- 25 pet cent Cut In Price of Electric Light BECOMES EFFECTIVE JANUARY J st 1 906 The Reduction is from 20 cents to 15 cents a Kilowatt-Hour, or TWENTY-FIVE PfcR CENT OF THE BASE RATE. NEW RATE IS SUBJECT TO THE USUAL SCHEDULE OF DISCOUNTS Rates Specified in existing signed contracts with Light ing Customers will be modified accordingly, after January, without further notice. In view of the increasing demand for installation of service in stores and residence? to begin with the NEW YEAR AT THE NEW RATE patrons are requested to make application AT ONCE WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No Investment or experl rennlred. Write at once for full particulars and enclose self-addressed i terminate the pests tnat inrest ana envelope. COOPER & CO., I ruin the fruits of this section .through 132 Lake St., Chicago, 111. the organization of horticultural so- provement tax in Oregon City, but the Trade as an expression from the farm- general fund tax levy is 1 mill greater ers of Clackamas County, Oregon. than last year. Oregon City is deeply ThP following indorsement of bet- in debt, with no immediate prospect of ESTIMATES On cost of wiring, cost of current and information re garding the use of electricity for light or power in the Home, the Office, the Store and the Factory promptly furnished upon application to C. ,G, Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. ter methods in fruit production was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That the Milwaukie firnnire. Patrons of Husbandry, heart- getting out. Last year a special levy was made by the taxpayers of the Oregon City School District of 2 mills, making the lly indorse the action of Fruit inBpec- total levy in this city 29 mills. An tor James Reid in his efforts to ex-1 increase of 1 mill In the city tax and a decrease of 3 mills In the county tax will make the total levy 27 mills, or 2 mills less than last year. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.