10 UKEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1005. HAVE READY CASH." tt la Qtm(m( MotIb For la the Bt-.. World. One of the greatest millionaires of or country lived before he made hla Billions on S i week and at a time when his Income was $10,000 a year. Be tared all the rest of his salary for Judicious Investments. He had been a poor boy, accustomed to a frugal tnode of life. He began his career In the city weeping out a store for $3.60 a week. Later he was advanced to $7.60. The mode of living which he was obliged to adopt as a boy he considered quite good enough for later years, especially when he saw that by denying himself for awhile longer he might make the experiences and hard knocks he had aralned count for more than a mere liv ing. He might have argued that he waa doing pretty well to earn $10,000 a year and that he deserved to enjoy It But he preferred to use his earnings to make more money that some day be might be able to dispense with a sala ried position altogether. And this man bad a wife, too. who was farslghted enough to be willing to live on a small warn when It meant an easier road for both by and by. Ready cash Is the greatest moving force in the business world. It speaks with the loudest voice, and its posses sion represents business acumen. Of course there are exceptions In cases of Inheritance, etc., but the exception on ly proves the rule. Cornelius Vanderbilt worked day and Bight, saving every penny, until he had $3,000, the nest egg about which gath ered one of the largest fortunes ever amassed In America. The principle of thrift Inculcated by those hard, self de nying years made him a great finan cier. New York Commercial GULLIBILITY OF SHEEP. Comical Stadr of the Extreme of Animal Staptdltr. The utter stupidity of sheep is per haps nowhere more strongly evidenced than in the perfect satisfaction with which a ewe that has lost her lamb will take to a strange lamb around which has been fastened the skin of her dead offspring. Considering that the skin of the dead lamb Is often merely thrown loosely over the back of the living lamb, some times hanging almost to the ground on one side or the other and making the lamb appear the quaintest kind of animal- Imaginable, the ewe's gullibility In this respect is remarkable. There can be no other explanation of her satisfac tion than that she really thinks the muffled little stranger Is her own prog euy; otherwise she would give it no at tention whatever. Its appearance does not seem to count, nor even its voice. Its smell la every thing, which may be seen In any flock of ewes and lambs, for while the moth ers certainly appear to know the bleat ing of their own children, the identifica tion is always completed by the ewe snii'iug the coat of her lamb. I have been looking at two such quaint families In the lambing pens re cently, and the picture of a sedate ewe placidly attending to two weird little "creatures which look as If they have been half flayed (one of them was ac tually dragging its second skin In the straw) was the most comical study of animal stupidity which could be Imag ined. l.ondon Express. Beauty and the Beaat. "How do yon do, Mrs. Venus?" ex claimed a gentleman of that lady's ac quaintance. Tray, what brings you out so early la the day?' "Oh, I've just l ei u to the photogra pher with my pet i;;: Pongo" (which she carried in her aniisi, "and we have had our portm'.t : t :kn together, haveu't we. Po:i..m? Beamy and the beast, you know, 11 r. Johusou." with a saucy little !ar.?M. "And what a ! ::: sure." r i l.t ! J -' as he tenderly st 1-cau'y he is. to be .) inadvertently kel poor Pougo's cranium. And then he ;;: i!t remembered and beca;::, hot :. ' -! in iiiru, and Hie parted s?rr. - f v,.rerinre. FURIOUS FIGHTING. "For seven years." writes Geo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash, "I had a bitter battle with chronic stomach and aver trouble, but at last I won, and ared my diseases, by the use of Elec tric. Bitters. I unhesitatingly recom mend them to all, and don't intend In the future to be without them In the house. They are certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad 9&e as mine." Sold under guarantee to do the same for you, by Howell & Jones, druggists, at 6c a bottle. Try them today. CITY TREASUERS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there are sufficient funds on hand in the General Fund of Oregon City to pay ail outstanding warrants endorsed prior to July 2, 1903. Interest will ceae with date of this aotice. Dated December 15. 1903. F. J. MEYER, City Treasurer. .w. ......... ..v . ..w.n.s u vnviimn. isonce is nereoy given tnat tse un- " "c ,ucmure' virtue ox saia ana 13 to IS inclusive In Block 3 Court of Clackamas County, State of 1 execution, judgment order and decree. Lots 3 to 9 and 13 to IS both inc'ii-; Oregon appointed administrator of 'and in compliance with the commands in Block 4; Lots 5-6-7-8 and 11 to 0 the estate of John Goebel deceased. of said writ I will, on Saturday, the , inclusive in Block 5- Lot" 3 to 17 in All persons having claims ca nf tho no, j,. t.,. . t . . . 10 ' - - - " -a p ,:V ; , ; v'""- "'c r . iul .j ui.uttm iu yurni iup:u itnia six months of the date of this notice to the undersigned administrator at ttie office of Bruce C. Curry at Ore gon City, Oregon. Dated December 12. 1905. ANTON HABELT. Administrator nf tha P.ctafa nt Tnk - vLUJ Goebel, deceased Brace C. Curry, Attorney. Saloon License. Notice Is hereby given that I will apply at the next regular meeting of the Oregon City Council for a renewal of my saloon license at my present place of business, corner of Main and Fourth streets. V. K. WILSON. Executor's Notice of Appointment. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County as executor of the last will and testament of Wil liam C. Llchtenthaler, deceased. All persona having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present same to me with proper vouchers as required by law at Sherwood, Oregon, or at the office of Wm. D. Fenton, 609 Fenton Building, rortland, Oregon, within six months from the date here of. JAMES C. SMOCK. Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of William C. Llchtenthaler, deceased. First insertion Doc. 15. 1905. Last Insertion Jan. 12, 1906. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Barbara Kary, Plaintiff, vs. Karl Kary. Defendant. To Karl Kary, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Or egon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed igainst you In the above entitled suit tn or before the last day of the time J prescribed In the order for publlca- j tlon of this summons, to-wit: on or i before the 26th day of January, 1906, the said day being after the expira-! '.ion of six weeks from the first publl-1 ation of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want j thereof, plaintiff will apply to the j court for the relief prayed for in the fins: tK:.nf Ttiia enmmnni la nohHoho.t htr nr.; iter of Hon Thns A frrtrlito .Tiiitce of said Court, made on the Sth dav of December. 1905. by which order it was iirected that this summons be pub lished once each week for six succes sive weeks, and that said defendant tnpear and answer on or before the ?0th day of January, 190G; and the late of the first publication thereof Is December 15th. 1905, the date named in the said order for said publication. JOHN F. LOGAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. 25-26-27 Washington Bldg., Portland, Oregon. SUMMONS. n tee circuit court or the state or Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Edith E. Richards, Plaintiff, vs. Charles II. Richards. Defendant. To Charles H. Richards, defend ant above named: . In the name of the State of Oregon: , You are hereby notified and requir-1 1 to appear and answer the complaint 1!od against you In the above entitled ' ourt and cause on or before the ex-! liration of six weeks from and after 1 he first publication of this summons ' to-wit: on or before the 27th day of! January. 1906. which is the time :pecified in the order directing this miblication. and if you fail to so ap war or answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the . relief prayed for in the complaint on ' die herein, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the Plaintiff be set aside anil dissolved and held for naught and for such ' other relief as may be just in equity. This summons is published bv order ' ?f Honorable Thos. A. McBride! Judge , of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and i aia oraer was maae. dated and en-, tered the 12th day of December, 1905. : and the date of the first publication is i December la. 193. and the date of: the last publication of this nni i notice is January 25. 1906. B. M. SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. I In the Circuit Court of the State of j Oregon, for County of Clackamas. ! Mary A. Walton, Plaintiff, j ! baraa .veukircnner, Albert Neuklrch - ner, Ida B. Bloomer, and Annie E. Jones, widow and heir-at-law of F. G. Neukircaner, deceased. Defend- j ants. STATE OF OREGON. County of ClacJtamas.-. . By virtue of a judgment order, de- i cree ana an execution, amy issuea out ; w aav uui.ua kuc ac(w J k IUC mvJW Cii I titled court. In the above entitled! cause, to me duly directed and dated j the 1st day of December, 1903. upon a ; judgment rendered and entered In said j court on the 23d day of November, ( 1905. in favor of Mary A. Walton., Plaintiff, and against SarahNeukirch- j ner. Albert Neukirchner, Ida B. Bloom-! er and Annie E. Jones, widow and heir-; at-law, of F. G. Neukirchner. deceased. Defendants, for the sum of 14S7.C3i land the further sum of $C0 as attor- ney's fee. and the further sum of . $16.80, costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon thU writ, com- manding me to make sale of the fol-: lowing described real property, situ-, ate in the county of Clackamas, state ' of Oregon, to-wit:: j . tiutu nan m up nuiu-eaii iarter of SecUon Ten (10) in Town-' I quarter i,i rn,,P t,,,,k .( n,.. T r..., . i ;w. M., and containing Eighty acres. - .u """"Wi vu, i iae uour iu ociock a. m., ai tne iront aoor, m tne countv court house m th citv ' oi uregon City in said county and state sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the' highest bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right title and interest which the within named defendants or either of i v.. ... mem, linn on ise aaie oi me mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG AND SICK WOMEN WELL Forty yours ro. Dr. Pierce searched Xufiirv's inbenifttry (or a remedy with which to supplant the Ignorant and vi cious methyls of treatment, with alco holic stimulants, then In vogue, and still too commonly prescribed and advised for woman's peculiar aliments. Nature abounds with most efficient rem wiies, and in Lady's SllpHr root, Black Cohosh root, I'liicorn root. Blue Cohosh root and (luMcn Seal root, Br. Pierce found medicinal proortlos, which when extracted ami preserved by the use of chemically pure glycerine., nave proven most potent in making weak women strong and nick women well. It contains no alcohol; Is not a "patent medicine," nor a secret one either, "I was MiflVrlntr with nervous hMilacho, imlns In tin. Imi'k anil rimlne.-, bo that at lime I had to lie iiiwn fur hours before I could ral-c my head," writes Mrs. Mary M. Thomas, of XI.' Winston Street, U Anm'lea, I'al. " After takinic the Ursa bolilii of ' fit Ivriff f Yrfcneinii," lii'Wi'Vi r. I wan to llasxl with tb result that I kept on taking it uiilij I was restored to health and Mrvnirth. ( sdmli never Iw without this Ktvat meOk-inn, ami shall take a tew do.se wbt'U 1 ilo uol feel miviu;." One of th principal uses of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is tho preparation of prosiectiv mothers for the time of trial and dancer t hat comes w hen a child Is born. The " Proscription " Is strength ening and invigorating and lessen pain and danger. It insures the perfect well belt)? and the jwrfcet health of both mother and ciiiKI. Kvery woman should know these t hi ii -s 1 (oti she really needj to know them. There nre many things In Ir. Pierce's t'.eniaon Smiso Medical Ad viser, that every woman ought to know. This ee!e!tiUe,f t or,, reached a sale of w.rt oop'cs i t i..i each. The expense of production ) .its tans loen covered, it is now b. i, ig , ia ay. A copy will be sent to n'i a.l.,r.- on receipt of SI one-cent s:.m: to cover cost of mailing an!::, nr. in cloth bimlui, for 31 stamps. Addre-s Dr. K. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N.Y. Don't Be Hoodwinked, Ki orover-irvn'!nl into accenting a tukslitutii for tint Original Utile Liter I'illt. first Mit Up by old lr K. V. I'leren, over 40 year atu, and called IVxtur (Nerve ' Plraunt HrllrU. They've lvn much Imitated but never equaled. on or two am laxalivo, ihrv or four caUiaritc ; ; .u-fr d jud. nd " "",ulu6 ' J. R. SHAVER, ' Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon By E. C. Hackett. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Decem ber Sth, 1905. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of j Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Ivy Vorbeck Potter, Paintiff, vs ; Lester Potter, Defendant ; To Lester Potter, the above named de- ' fondant. In the name of the State of Oresron: You are hereby required to appear ' and answer tho complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or ; before the last day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication of this summons, to-wit; on or before the 20th day of January, 1900. the said day after the expiration of sis weeks from tho first publication of this summons. , ana u j ou tail so to appear anj an- i ; swer for want thereof, plaintiff will ! apply to the court for the relief p'ay-' ed for in the complaint which Is that ; the bonds of matrimony existing be--j I tween the plaintiff and defendant be ' dissolved. i This summons is published by ordr of Hon. Thomas. A. McPride, Judpe of said court, made on December S, lf'05. by which order it was directed that this summons be published once each week for six successive weeks and that said defendant appear and answer on or before the 20th riav of January. 190G and the date of the first puDiication thereof if December Sth. ; 1?ns- the date named In said order for saitl publication. T- R- McDE.ITT. Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland, Ore. SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. ,n the circuit Court of th gt t f .v. . i,. . 1 -i"; v intnii- mas. Henry Gans, Plaintiff, vs. I James Shaw, Betty Shaw. John Duffy, and S. Neffker. Defendants. ; STATE OF OREGON, ; j County of Clackamas. ss. ; uj virtue oi a judgment order, de- cree and an execution, duly Issued out " of and under the seal of the above en- titled Court. In the above entitled ' cause, to me duly directed and dated . the 1st day of December, 1905, upon a judgment rendered and entered in 'said court on the 23d dav of Anril 1S9S. In favor of Henry Gans. Plain-' ; in, ana against James Shaw, and Bet-1 -; ty Shaw of said defendants for th sum of $196.50 with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum i irom ine 2,t cay of June. 1S98, and ' U i .U.rzi 3ULJJ VI j ....... . QQ CO 5 LS of and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property of said defendants, and if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to said defendant on and after the date of eald 23d dar of April. 1S9S, to satisfy said sum of 1196.50 aad interest as above set forth and also the costs upon this sa'd writ Now. Therefore hv virt,. f ,a execution, judgment nr.W nt and in compliance with the commands' of said writ beng unable to Bnd any personal property of said defendant's, I did on the 1st day of December 1905 duly levy upon the following descrih-' ed real property of said defendants situate and being in the Countr of -iitch.iias, ana state oi Oregon, to wit: Lots S-9-19. in Rlrwfc 1 ! S.-ll1.1 LinH 11 in VI 1.' " eiusiTe in B OCK 6: Lots 1 tn lfi tn. elusive in Block Lots 1-2-3-9-10-11-12 is.ij.a in Block 8: Lots 1 to 'n in. elusive in BIock 9; Lots 1 to 20 in clusive in Block 10; Lots 1 to 20 in clusive la Block 11; Lots 1-2-3 G-7- and 9 to 20 inclusive in Block 12; Lots 3-5-14-in Block 13; Lots 1 to 20 Inclu sive in Block 14; Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Block 15; Lots 1 to 20 inclusive In Slock 1C; Lots 1-3-4 and 5 to 20 in clusive in Block 17; Lots 1 to 10 indu slvo In IUock 18; all of the above lots and blocks being In Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, Oregon. And I will on Saturday, the 13th day of January, 1900, at tho hour of 11 o'clock a. tu., at tho front door of tho County Court house In the City of Oro gon City, In said County and State, sell at public ' auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold colu, cash In hand, all tho right, title and Interest which tho with in named defendants, or either of them had on tho dato of said Judgment or since had In or to tho above describ ed real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said Judgment order, decree, Interests, costs and all accruing costs. J. It. SHAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By K. C. Hackett. Deputy. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, December 15, 1905. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Execu trix of the estate of Ulrlch Aomlscggor. deceased, by the Hon. Comity Court of Clackamas County, and State of Oro gon. All persons having claims against tho said estate aro horoby notified to present the samo to me for payment at my residence- near Barton, Clack amas County, Oregon, K. F. D. No. 2, with proper vouchers within six months from the dato of this notice. JULIA DOUGLAS AEMISEGC.KU. Executrix of the Estate of Ulrlch Aemlsegger, deceased. Cordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Estate. Dated November 27th, 1903. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, executor of the will of Mary K. Winston, deceased, has filed his tlnal report with the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and that said Court has set Monday, tho Sth day of January, 19oi5. at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day as tho time for hearing the said Final Report, and tho objections thereto, If tiny there be. At which time all persons interested are hereby notified to appear before said court i W. II. COOKE. i Executor of the will of Mary E. Wins j ton, deceased. EXECUTRIX' SALE OF TATE. REAL ES- In the matter of the estate of Parker F. Murey, deceased, j Notice is hereby Kiven that by vir i hie of an order made and entered in ; the County Court of the State of Ore pi'ti for the County of Clackamas, on the 2d day of November. 19o3, In tho ! matter of tho estate of Parker F. Moroy. deceased, that I will on and of : ter Tuesday, the 20th day of Decern ! ber. l:1".", proceed to sell at private I sale, a'.l of the following described j real property belonging to tho estate I of Parker F. Moroy, deceased, to-wit:: IViui? a part of the D:LC. of Felix A. Collard and wife in Township 2, South of Hano 1 East of Willamette Meridian in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and described as follows. b-wit: Ileuinninir at a point on tho left bank of the Willamette River in tho mouth of a spring branch and formerly In dicated by a rock mound: running thence south 53 degrees West up and with said branch 8 chains to a stake: ' thence South 3.00 chains to a Yew stump: thence South M decrees West and aionK the north line of the tract V' T, " """, U) t.l,Zizi- Clark McKenzie and I.e., McKen- Wulch 33...0 chains to a point which 't, mon,, authorising thn guardian , point is the Southeast corner of the,, Mn ,fti(, r,.al prop,.rty !,,. , v . , , 7 . V .0tin W nvnu iu j. j. nunoTK Dy aeea record- ; ed in book "F" page 13, records of; 'Deeds of said Clackamas Countv: , thence North eight and fifteen one- i . hundredths chains to a point formerly i indicated by a stake: thence North' " " 8.1 degrees East and 26.75 chains to a , Notice of Final Settlement point formerly indicated by a tall ' , .. ' maple stump: thence North 51 de-!rtIn tbe County Co"'t f tf)o State of . grees East 4 50 chains to a point in l0""- County nf Clackamas. ; the left bank of the Willamette River- ! In the roattf?r Estate of John j , thence up and with the meander of Ii"bst- Deceased. ! said river to the place of beginning i . Nntlce ls hereby given that th un-1 Huchanan. and for such other and fur containing 31.33 acres, more or less! i deM,.l?neJ administrator of the above ther relief as may seem meet and equl- mat the terms of such sale shall be cash and that bids for the purchase of 1110 real property shall be made 1 " Bl lue omce or my attorneys, Iledees & Griffith. In Oregon City, 0rKon. CLARA E. MOREY. Executrix of the estate of Parker P. Morey, Deceased. HEDGES & GRIFFITH. Attorneys for Executrix. (First pub. November 24, 1905) Notice of Sale of School District Bonds Notice Is hereby (riven that a certi- ficate of bond election held In School District Number 108. Clackamas CoS iy. Oregon, was filed In my office on the 30th day of October, 1905. by the Judges and clerk of said bond election, wherein it Is certified that an election held in said district on the 2Sth day of October, 1905. it was voted that the bonds of said district shall be lssne1 in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) for the Duroose of buiiitinp and furnishing a school house for said scnooi district l weens rrom and after the date of the Said bonds are to be issued in do-jBrst Publication of this summons, to nominations of Five Hundred Dollars I wlt: 0n or before 23d day of Decern- ($300.00) each, payable absolutely in twenty years from date, one or more of said bonds redeemable t the pleas ure of said school district at any time after ten years from date. Principal and interest payable in United State uoia torn at the office of the County Treasurer of Clackamas County. egon. or at such place as may be des- ignaiea in tne city and state of New York at the option of the purchaser. The bonds bear interest at the rate of not to exceea six per centum per an-! num. payable semi-annually. rm I wLI be received for the whole or any ) This summons Is published by or part of the said bonds. ider of the Honorable Thomas A Me- I will receive sealed bids for the Bride, a judge of the Circuit Court' of above issue of bonds up to 2 p. m of the State of Oregon, and the said 'or Saturday, the 23d day of December, der was made and dated the Sth dav 19o5. when they will be opened at my 'of November. 1905. and the date of the office at the County Court House of! first publication thereof la the 10th vwui), wregon, ai uregon t-ay. uregon. fcaia Donds will be dat ed January 1st. 1906. All bids should state where the prin-! clpal and Interest of said bonds shall bo payable and the rate, of Interest which said bonds shall bear. Tho said bonds will not bo sold for Iohs than par, The right to reject any aud all bids Is rosorvod. Dated at Oregon City. Oregon, this 28th day of November, 1905. EN08 CAlllLL. County Treasurer. Guardian's 8als of Real Property. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned, as guardian of tho person and estate of Arthur (lard and Norma (lard, will on and after tho 30th day of December, 1905, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m of said day, at tho office of Llvy Stlpp, Justice of tho Peace for District No. 4. In Oregon City, Cliieka mas County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at private- sale to the highest bid dor either for cash In hand or part cash and the remainder on credit with ample Hocttrltlos, and subject to con firmation of said Court, tho following described real property, to-wlt: The W half of tho NR quarter and the NIC quarter of the SV quarter and tho NW quarter of tho SIC quarter of Section 33, In T.3 8,; U. 3, E: W. M In Clackamas County. State of Oregon. This sale Is made under and In pur suance of a license and order of sale granted by the County Court of Paker County, Oregon, on tho 21st day of No vember, 1 905. In the matter of tho guardianship of Arthur Card and Nor ma Cord, minors, authorizing tills guardian to sell said real property. Dated this 1st day of December. 1905 Z. S. GAUD, Guardian of tho person and estate of Arthur Card and Norma Card, minors. Guardian's Sale of Real Eitate. Notice Is hereby clven that tho un dersigned, as guardian of tho person 'and estate of Norman McKenr.le, Clark McKen.le and Leo McKcnrle, will on and aftor the 3th day of l)e- 1 comber. 1905. at the hour of ten o'chx-k ; In the forenoon of said day, at tho of fice of Llvy Stlpp, Justice of tho I'enco for District No. 4, In Oregon City, Clackamas County. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at private sale to tho ! highest bidder either fur cash In hand or for vart cash and remainder on cnilt with ample securities, and sub ject to confirmation of said Court, tho following described real property, to wlt: Ilfglnning at a stone marked "X" on top. Said stone being the corner of Sections 9. 10, 13 and 10. In Township 3 South. Range 4 East. Willamette Meridian. Said stone luing also on tho east boundary of tho J. II. MUbT DL.C, No. TA Ir. said Township and Ronge; thence south along cal Ixmn lary of said J. If Mlll-r D L C. I2."0 chains to tho southeast corner of said DI..C: thence west along south Ixuirt' tiary of said J. II Miller DL.C. no.fi'i t tho southwest corner of a tract of land owned by .lames McKenxlo and recorded In I!ok "W" pace 417. Rec ord of Deeds for Ciickatnas County: tlmnco north along the we boundary of said James McKi-pr.le tract 13f,3 chains; thence east parallel to tho south boundary of said J. If. Miller 1 D. L. C . 3(5.13 chains to the east boun ; dary of said D.LC: thence south! a'ong ent boundary of said J. M Mil- , ler DLC. 1 crt chains to the plaro of' beginning, containing 30 acres, all In ' Clackamas County, Oregon. ( This sale is made under Bnd In pur suance of a license and order of sale ! granted by the County Court of Clack- ' amas County, Oregon, on the 29th dav of November. 19o3, In the matter of '1' tnl 1st day of December. 1903. . V I MrWI-Vlf ' "ii !' I HBt" 111 ! i Norman McKenzle, Clark McKendo 1 and Lee McKenzie, minors. i uupgw na atfi in trie county vAiun. oi uiacKamas county. State of j This summons Is published once I Oregon, his final account as such ad- j week for six consecutive weeks Is mlnlstrator of said estate, and that ' the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly the Court has fixed Tuesday, Janu- newspaper of general circulation, pu ary 2, 1906. at the hour of 10 o'clock j llshed at Oregon City In the Countr a. m.. of said day at the Court room of j of Clackamas, and State of Oreg.m. said Court !n Oregon City. Oregon, as j the date of the first publication belt the time and place of hearing any and i November 17th. 1905. by order of th all objections to said report and the ! Hon. Thos. A. McHride, Judge of th final settlement of said estate. ! said Court duly madu and cntere4 JACOB WIND. Administrator of said Estate. Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Estate. SUMMONS. I . . , 1 'V' S'T0",1 f th SUt of uregon, for Clackamas County J. C. Herrington. Plaintiff, vs. May Herrlngton, Defendant To May Herrlngton, Defendant: In the aame of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to aonear aml ,M"r complaint filed against i rou In the above entitled court an.t S ,ult 00 or fore the expiration of six i her. 1903: and if von fan i .,... for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for In his complaint on file herein, to wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be dissolved, upon the Or-jKround of desertion and abandonment ct the plaintl! by defendant for a pe riod of more than one year, and for such other and further relief as pray ed for In the complaint and which to we court may seem equitable proper. and uaJ fovemoer, iao5. JOHN F. WATTS and T. B. McDEWTT. JR.. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Women as Well as men Are r!a miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys it,,,,,, t10 . discourages utid lcHsciisuitihitloii; l,euut ' ill AM Until Hjuh. .1: wl'ctitlickldnrl' out of order or dla. cosed. Kidney trouble U, lUIU'lL-ll with weak ki.lnr Htlifl (iiildiiritinteatoonftpii, if the urine .,,!, . the llrt.li. or if, when the child ,!. . ... ege when it should be tilde to control n j jmsimge, it is yet afllictril with bid ui'Ki " 1" " 1 "I""1 "i no einihe til tilt-tlim cttlty is kidney trouble, and tho jri step should be towards the treatment 0f thce inipoi tunt organs. Thin lliit,leiiini trouble is due to tt ilineHHeil fdiiiiuioii of Hie kidneys and bladder and Hot tu a hitliit as most H'oda huom Women as well us men urr ntmlc init.r. nble with kidney and Madder trouble mid both need the same greut reuinly' The mild mid the itntiictliuie j 5wanip-l;oot is soon realized, Jt bv druggioK in fifty- p'tiL. rent and oiie..lollar ffTjTf!!1 Me bottles, You iiiuv ltfHpSrtg have h ainplc bottle by tt t tt 1 1 free, also a ft.Mtu. r Haip.RaatT .ninplilt-t ti lling all ulx.ut Swiiiim KiK including many of the thuusunil of u-mii-inoniwl littit received from miflcrrri rtiri-d. In writuo; lr. Kilmrr ,V liiiigliaintim, N. Y., be sure ttnd iiu.uti.m ..... .i... ........ , ... .. ... --- ' t!ii p:iK-r. lh.n't tinike any iniNtukt j lint n ttn-ttilH r the lintne, JvtHinp-K,' I Dr. Kiloirr' wani-Kix.l, mid . , I on--, liiiiKHiitnioii, y,, every aitllr. Publication of Summons In tho Circuit Court of the Btata f Oregon, for Clackamas County Arthur J. Sallng, Plaintiff. vs. ' Suit for Divorce Canio Sallng. Defendant. To Carrie Suling, said defeudntif In the name of the State of Oregon you oro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed usulnm jou In the ttboM) entitled Court ami cause, on or before Saturday, the 2?,ti day of December. 1903; And if you fail ,t to antwur fur want thereof, the plaintiff mill apply to the alov entitled Court for tho reli. f demanded in tho Complaint, t w it; for a decree dissolving bonds nf matrimony imw etUCng b teen the plaintiff aud the defendant, and for such other n-Ih f tu Ktl3ji s'-etu inert and eijultalili- 1 his fummmis ls Hi-rvei y ,ni!,!. caCoti in the Oregon City CiiterprLs by virt'ie of oiiirr of lion. Thomas A. Mrprlde, JiiU:- of the nlxiK) cutitlej Court, tuaile In ofwtt Court, on the 9th day of November, A. D., l9o;, Tho first publication of thl um tuons it NoveiuU-r 1th. 1 r-5, nd tho last publication will be m-ccmber 22 1903. i ii. i: cross. wks Attorney tut Plaintiff. SUMMONS. Li th Circuit Court of tio SUt of Oregon, for tho County ot Cl&cka m.p, Kleanora N. Iiodvon, Pialtdlr?, v. N.ion II. fodon. Defendant. To Nelson H. ivwlson. I-fendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear and nns.u-r the complaint Tiled against you in wo above entitled court sal jiiiM un or before the last day of the time prescribed for the publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or before Friday, the 29th ir of December. A. I). 19"3, and If you fail so to appear and answer, th plaintiff will apply to tho Court the relief prayed for In the complaint. to-it: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exUtlng between th parties to thl suit, restoring p!!' tiff to her former name of Eleanora N. table In tho premises. on the ICth day of November, 190. THAI) W. VRKELAND, Attorney for PlaintiJ. SUMMONS. , In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. For the County of Clacks mas. F. A. Wlllard. Plaintiff, vs. Anita Wlllard. Defendant. To Anita Wlllard. Defendant abovo named: In the name of the State of Oregoa: You are hereby notified and requires to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the ex piration of six weeks from and after the first publication of this summons, to wit: on or before the 23rd day of December. 1905. which Is the time specified In the order directing this publication, and if you fail to so ap pear or answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, w ill apply to the court for th relief prayed for in the complaint on file herein, to wit: That the bonds of: matrimony existing between you anJ the plaintiff bo set aside and dissolve upon the ground of your adultery and for such other relief as may be just in equity, This summons Is published by order of Honorable Thos. A. McBride. Judg of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and said order was made, dated and en tered the Gtn day of November, 130a; and the date of the first publication is November 10, 190a. and the date of the last publication of this notice Is December 22, 1905. JOHN F. LOGAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. I m . r mm