Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 15, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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i...Shor Sidehead Stories....
Iniane From Mllwaukle
Mi'M. liinilH KticrtiH. of wuir Mllwau
llo, ban lmon 'Hunt to tho nHyhim.
Mth, Kuclm Ih noil 42 yarH, and lior
inontul ullllctlon Ih of a iolunoi.;ly
cluirticl tr.
Some Clackamas Potatoes
.loroinn Donloy, of HunnyHldn, onn
luy rowmtty 1 iik from ono iiotato bill
;W iiicrcliaiiliililo and IS Htnall potatonH.
Tlify wcro of t.lio lltirlmnk variety, of
which Mr. Donloy had two ncrnH
plantod that prodnrod romarluihly
wt'II. Tho land wiih highly fnitlll.od
tho two rcm'oh, i)iior to liolriR cultivated
for imtatooH, havlnn Hirvl hh a ponl
iry yard.
An Old Veteran Dlei
A. H. Mlllor, and 84 yoarn and a
votenm of tho Civil War, llod lnat
Friday nllit at thn homo ofhln non,
.1, 0. Mlllor, In Wont Orison City.
Tim (IoccuhcmI rnmo tf) OroRon from
Kuiihuh with liln hoii, who, with two
datiKhtorM, ono roHldlnt? In KannaH and
tho olhor In Chicago, mirvlvim him.
Kunoral HPrvlcott wore condiiotod Sun
day iimlor tho nimplcoH of Moado I'owt
(i. A. It., of thin city, and Intortwnt
followed at Mountain Vlow Comotory.
More Divorcer
Ilarhary Kary, In a dlvorco milt fllod
Saturday. aHHortw that wlinti hIio wan
marrlod to Karl Kary, In Iowa In 1X90,
ho was a Hobor IndimtrloiiH man. Klvo
yoara lator It Ih allood ho eontraotod
tlio drinking hahlt and Ih now a habit
ual drunkard, for which roimon hIio
jihUh for a IokhI Hoparatlon ami tho
ctiHtody of two minor children. After
lint four montliH of woddnd llfo, In
which 1)1Ihh appear to havo boon a
iiilmiH quantity, K. I.. Wyatt Ih Hiilnn
IIohhIo Wyatt for a dlvorco, Tho par
tloH were marrlod at Mid veil, Idaho,
hiHt AiiKUHt. .
Sutalna Fractured Skull
Anton Ilabelt, of Dodno. reports that
while working on tho dam that Is
IioIiir conHtruct'd In tho ChickamaH
river at Cazadoro, by tho Oregon
Water I'owor Railway Company,
John (Joeel, on TuoHday of hiHt wook,
HiiKtalned a fracture of tho akull. (loo
bel waH worklnR at unmo excavation
work when a huso rock, wolnhlnK 500
IMiundH became (llHlodKed and In fall
ing Htruck tho unfortunate man on
tho right sldo of the head, (loebel
died of bin Injuries laHt Saturday and
burial Horvlcea wore conducted in Or
egon City Monday,
Dynamite Capa Explode
W. W. I'orter and W. II. Moody,
workmen employed on the conHtruc
tlon of tho South End Road In thlB city,
narowly encaped with their Uvea Fri
day afternoon. As It wan both men
were Heverely burned and brulHOd by
the exploding of neveral dynamite
-npn with which they were working.
A box of tone capB exploded, both
Moody and Porter bolng badly burned
In tho facn and on both arnw. Fortu
nately for thorn tho exploding caps
did not Ignite a box containing Hevor
al pounda of powdor on which the dy
namite capH wero renting at tho time
of tho exploHlon,
Married at Portland
Mr. William Hauer, of Harlow, and
MIhh MohhIo ArmHtrong of Aurora,
wore married at Portland, Wednes
day, December (i. litOii. In tho iircHono.e
of a few intimate frlendn. Mr. Hauer
Ih a young man of Hterilng mialltloH,
and Ih well known In Harlow and Hiir
roundlng country, and Ih tho mmlor
partner In tho general merchandlHO
llrm of liauer & Tull at Harlow. Tho
brldo Iiiih realdod In IIiIh locality for a
number of yearH, and by her winning
wayH and accompllHhmontH han mado
a largo circle of frlonda who Join with
the IloreallH in wlnhlng tho nowly mar
rled couple a happy and proHperoim
Journey down llfo'H pathway. Mr. and
MrH. Hauer are "at homo" and will
be ploaned to meet their friends.
Aurora HoreallH.
Oregon City Girl Given Recognition.
Another talented young Oregonlan
Ih receiving recognition In tho Hat.
MIhh Wllhelmlno .loohnke han been
engaged by tho board of d I rectors of
the public hcIiooIh of New York City
to deliver a aeries of IlIiiHtratod lec
tures on tho Hawaiian iHlands in vari
ous Hchools of tho great city. MIhh
Joohnka lived two yearH in the IslandH
and on her return went to Chicago,
where Hhn graduated with honors from
the University of Chicago last Juno.
Hlnce her graduation she has boon
traveling as correspondent for Now
York papers in tho South and South
woHt, and while on. her travels deliv
ered lectures. Miss Joehnke's parents
reside near Oregon City, where she
was born. She is a nleco of Mrs. W.
C. Dunlway of Portland. Sunday Oregonlan.
her that
hat, and
of Port-
Morei Domestic Infelicity
HocaiiHo her hiiHhand told
when Hho wore a certain
uncloak sho looked like a
woman, Ivy Vorbeck Porter,
land, han filed suit for divorce from
Lester Porter, to whom she was mar
ried at Portland, in August, 1904. Af
ter heaping this indignity upon her,
the husband is charged with striking
the plaintiff In tho face and compelling
her to go to her mother's home where
sho has resided and managed to sup
port herself by employment as a sten
ographer. Defendant is now a resi
dent of Ketchacan, Alaska. E. H.
Thompson objects to living with his
wife's parents, alleging that his father-in-law
frequently curse's and abuses
him and for that reason asks to be
legally separated from Emma Thomp
son, whom ho married at Portland in
April. 1903. Alleging desertion at
Stella, Washington, in 1902, Marcella
Young is seeking a divorce from Earle
Last Car Out of Oregon City Leaves
at 10 O'Clock.
AuK"t Flower keep the children healthy and
Full of viyomnil Irullolhc whole dny long,
So when M ., ..i ma nceilx more they ruh off in
hinh 1ec,
And Khout to the druggix!: " Please give it to
nit 1"
Inability to get up brisk and fresh in
the morning, luck of appetite, pallor,
muddy complexion and jwor spirits
these all indicate a disordered stomach
and bad digestion in adults and children,
too. They also indicate the urgent need
of taking Green's August Flower regu
larly for a few (lavs.
It's a reliable olif remedy for all stomach
troubles, never fails to cure indigestion,
dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and
is a natural tonic fur body ami mind.
Two sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists.
Char man & Co., City Drug Store
M. Young, to whom she was married
at Ashland, in September, 1900.
Superintendent of Traffic G. C.
Fields, of the Oregon Water Power &
Railway Company, has announced the
change of the schodulo of the company
which took effect Sunday morning.
Cars from Oregon City to Portland
will leave as follows:: Every hour
from 0 a. m., to 8 p. m., Inclusive. The
9 o'clock car in, the evening, out of
Oregon City, will go to Mllwaukle only,
and the next and last through car to
Portland leaves Oregon City at 10 p.
From Portland the running time
during tho day will be tho same as
from this end. Tho first car leaves
Portland at 6 a. m., leaving every hour
thereafter until 9 p. m. After 9
o'clock there wlll.be no Oregon City
car out of Portland until 11:15 p. m.,
and this Is the last car, which will ar
rive here at 12:15 and return to Mil
.waukie. Under the new schedule the last
car out of Oregon City to Portland
leaves one hour earlier than at the
present time, and from Portland the
last car leaves 45 minutes earlier
than the schedule that has been main
tained during the Summer and Fall.
Prices Reasonable
DO YOtir Work Work Quaranteed
We do a General Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Office Opposite Masonic Building
M'1:m Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
charges, numbering about sixteen,
who have been supported by the coun
ty on monthly allowances. While the
new arrangement will not effect any
saving, it is expected to prove more
Another Series of Farmers' Institutes
for Clackamas County.
State Taxes Will be Much Lower
It Is estimated that the total amount
of revenue to bo raised by taxation for
tho fiscal year ending December 31,
1900 for state purposes, will be approx
imately $025,000, including $25,000 nec
essary to be raised for the State Ag
ricultural College. Multnomah count
ty'B appropriation will be .3123 of this
sum, or $195,187.50. The marked de
crease in the amount necessary to be
raised is due to the fact that the ref
erendum was invoked on appropria
tions amounting to $271,094.40 includ
ing In chapter 229 of the laws of 1905,
for which there is no provision of law
for Incurring other than the act it
self. Had the act taken effect, the
amount to be raised would have been
Increased by that sum. Receipts for
the current year, other than by di
rect taxation, amount to $220,000,
which is nearly one-fourth of the gross
expense, the principal Items consist
ing of $112,000 from corporation fees
and licenses; $28,000 from inheritance
tax and $54,000 from tax on insurance
premiums. It is apparent that by
adopting approved methods for rais
ing revenue in time all the expenses
of the state will be met without a di
rect tax. The state levy last year was
0 4-10 mills. This year it should be
less than xk mills. Exchange.
County Fruit Inspector J. H. field,
! of Mllwaukle, is arranging for a se
ries of meetings at various places in
Clackatnas county, and will be
at Maple Lane Thursday, December
28, and at Milwaukie Friday, Decem
ber 29. Mr. Reid will be accompanied
by Professor Kent of the Cofvallls
Agricultural College, who will talk on
"Fruit Pests," and will also give a lec
ture on dairying and on potato-growing,
in places whore these subjects
have not been publicly discussed.
Professor Kent and Inspector Reid
will also make trips In January to
Clarkes, Molalla, Willamette, Mar
quam, Needy, Canby, New Era, Logan,
Sprlngwater, Damascus, Stafford, Wil
sonville and other places, and will an
nounce his dates for these places In a
few days.
The story of the torture of Rev. O.
D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church
of Harpersvllle, N. Y., will Interest
you. He says: "I suffered agonies,
because of a persistent cough, result
ing from the grip. I had to sleep sit
ting up in bed. I tried many remedies
without relief, until I took Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Colds
and Coughs, which entirely cured my
cough, and saved me from consump
tion." A grand cure for diseased con
ditions of Throat and Lungs. At How
ell & Jones, druggists; price 50c and
$1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
Clackamas County District Pomona
Grange will hold Its next quarterly
meeting with Oswego Grange No. 175,
January 10. At that time legislative
matters, in addition to the usual rou
tine of business will receive consideration.
ing at his home, In the presence of his
wife and child. He contracted a slight
cold a few days ago and paid but lit
tle attention to It. Yesterday morning
he was seized with a fit of coughing,
which continued for some time. His
wife sent for a physician but before
he could arrive, another coughing spell
came on and Duckwell died from suffo
cation. St. Louis Globe Democrat,
Dec. 1, 1901."
Ballard's Horehound Syrup would
have saved him. 25c, 50c and $1.00 at
Huntley Bros. Co. drug store.
"Do you believe in the survival of
the fittest?"
"Generally, yes; but not when it
comes to Thanksgiving turkeys."
'Clackamas County Adopts New Plan
for Caring for Paupers.
The Clackamas County Court has
disallowed the claim of Mrs. W.
Krohn for $2000 damages for injuries
claimed to have been sustained by
reason of a defective road near High
land. As an experiment the Court has ac
cepted the bids of J. W. Thomas, J.
B. Gnyup, F. W. Sprague and Dela
Dlckerson for caring for the county
charges at prices ranging from $7.50
to $15 per month per person, accord-
ling to his ability and willingness to
'be of service. The proposals are suf
ficient to include all of the county's
It Is a fearful torture to have to en
dure the terrible torture of Piles. "I
can truthfully say," writes Harry Col
son, of Masonvllle, la., "that for Blind,
Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles,
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, is the best
cure made." Also for cuts burns, and
injuries. 25 cents at Howell & Jones,
A Christmas Gift.
Nothing is more appropriate and ac
ceptable than a photo as a Christmas
gift. Have a number of novelties for
the holiday trade that will be gladly
shown to you. Now is the time to
make a selection and place your or
der. '
Fairclough Building, Tenth and Main
Streets, Oregon City. Dec. 15.
If you are, then you need a good
farm pape. The Enterprise has a
splendid offer. We will furnish the
Enterprise and the Oregon Agricultur
ist and Rural Northwest, the best ag
ricultural paper in the large section
It serves, both one year for only $130
the price of the Enterprise alone.
Tbiri farm paper is highly recommend
ed by the leading experts on farming,
stock raising and fruit growing. This
offer is a snap. Call at the office or
mall us your subscription.
Wash your hands with warm water,
dry with a towel and apply Chamber
Iain's Salve just before going to bed,
and a speedy cure is certain. Thin
salve is also unequalled for skin dis
eases. D or sale Dy Howell & Jones.
Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Ab
stracts 01 Title and General Law Bus
iness. Office over
Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or.
"Harry Duckwell, aged 25 years, 1 Abstracts of Property Furnished,
choked to death early yesterday mom- office with Oregon City Enterprise.
Itis high time yot wcte thinking about what you ate going to do for Christmas. Now
whethe you expect to spend a considerable sum for a gift ot whether you wish only some little
thing in either case you should lookover our assortment first. Two advantages will then be
yours. The opportunity to select from the largest stock in the city and the certainty of the
value'and good taste of whatever you purchase.
DIAMONDS Solid Gold and Gold Filled Jewelry WATCHES STERUN5ilS ware
It is a eood time nov to buy Diamonds. Gold Brooches, of latest designs; Scarfpins, nobbx. A Gold Watch is still the leading Christ- xea SetS( Cake Baskets, Bread Trays,
A tnno L $75 00 bought from us now Patterns: Pal Ruby and other set rin8s' Lockets mas Present. . Nut Bowls, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes,
A stone lor qo.uu oougm nom us now and Chamrs in large varietyj Chains and Fobs of We are showing solid Jgold watches Fern Dishes, Child Cups, Bo9 Bon3, BeUs,
will c t ou $90 to $ 1 00 in a year or so. aU kJndS( Studs with or without gets Neck chains from $20 to $75. Trays TaUe Spoons a Sr7oons Knive;
We hai e a nice assortment of loose and and Crosses, Dumbells and Cuffbuttons,Baby Pins Beautiful selection of gold filled watches Forks, Carving Sets, Berry Spoons, Cake
mounted stones. and Rings, Emblem Pins, for all orders; Bracelets from $10 up. Knives, Child Sets, Crumb Sets, Salt and
and Waist Sets, Gold Filled and Silk Fobs, Silver Silver and Nickel watches from $5 to$20 pepPcrs, Sugar Spoons, Pickle Forks,
Diamond rings at $5, $10, $15 and up. and Filled Hat pins Guards and chatelains. Boy's watches from $1 to $5. q0 jyeat Forks, Salad Sets, Etc.
Kodaks and Cameras Musical Instruments Victor Talking Machines Genuine French Ebony Ware
Brownie Cameras - $1, $2, and $5 Washburn Guitars and Mandolins from The greatest Musteal Instrument in the This ycar we have bought a much Iarger
Pocket Kodaks $8, $10, $12.50 and $20 $ 5 up; other mades from$5 up worId. Nothing will createSsuch pleasure q
Plate Cameras at all prices. Violins all makes from $2.50 to $50.' or more lasting py, Prices of machines : x . , . ,
Developing Machines and Tanks Autoharps and Zithers from $4 up. $ j 7.50. $20. $25, 32.50, $45, $65. 0uf pnCCS are-aS !W " thf ,
- - - - ' from $2 to $7.50 Harmonicas 10c to $1 50 . . nn and we engrave any article free .of charge.
Instructions free with every instrument AcC$2 $3' 8 and $8. J Vi2or Rec2rds redHced frT You can find something for every member
sold. Cases for all Instruments. 7.in " " " .50 to .35 of the family in this assortment. A piece
We sell Eastman's films. Music Rolls and Stands. Edison Phonoyraphs - - $10, $20 and $30 as low as 25c or a set up to $10.00.
Haviland and Hand Painted China Libby's Cut Glass Clocks for Gifts - Stylish Umbrellas
Our display of fine Fren h, German and Many new pieces of fine Cut Glass of Gift Novelty Clocks $2.00 to $6.00 "
Japanese China is well worth your time this famous factory and other makes are Porcelain Clocks - 2.00 io 3.00 An Umbraiia is always a useful gift.
v . , cUtt, ,c uiwtiain " ' Those we are now showing have beauty as wel1
examining. now m our show cases. Black Wood Clocks - 6.00'to 9.00 as use t0 commend them.
China Plates, Cups, baucers and serv- Here are a few suggestions: Mantel docks - - 3.00 to 4.50 They look well, they wear well and the giver
SL5fi5 Kof Limorand gowls, Tumblers, Water Bottles, ft WQuId be a sensibk poIicy tQ buy ong of one is long held in greateful remembrance '
iaea: in in me Fuiicnta "'""s" . Vases, Plates, Nappies, Bon Bons, , , , . ,L , r, . . Umbrellas fine in quality and with stylish
other leading factories. . Trays, Salts and Peppers, Etc. of these and lt asude for Christmas. . handles $2m00 $3M0, $4.00 and up to $10.00.
Fine hand decorated Jardmiers and Vel- y ' s ? , 0thers as low as $1M.
Ium Art Ware. Prices from $1.50 up. dnall we reserve you oner
A TcrTrio TO