8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FIJI HAY, PKCKMHKK IS, 1PO.V DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1904. (Continued ffom Paso 7.) Amt. Due $ Strioklun.l. M. (".. V hnlf of K half (tux tl(l Spot ion 35. Township S South. Kimtfp S4 Hunt: ISO artv 11.70 MrAnultv, Mmtin, uixltvlrti'd half of K half of W half us iIohitIIk-iI in Koi-ord of IVoils. Hook 90, pitfr "6, Section .IS, Township 4 South ItniiRi' B past; SO aoros 11.70 VaiTrn, Anna S., Tark Bihlltlon to OroKon City, lots 3 to 5 iui'luslvo. block 2 S.lti II. H. rrouty. Part of S. It Tvron P. I,. C as oVsorllied in Ucoonl of IVcils. Clackamas County, Ore gon. Hook Ss, Vane 9i. Township 2 South, Kanjfp 1 Kast; 2 aotvs.. 1.97 To tho person who offers to pay the tax s. costs and accruing penalties thereon, nnd take a certiticate at the lowest rate of Interest and which said rate of Interest shall not be Rivater than ten per cent paid sale shall he continued from day to day until the said list Is exhausted. All of said tracts of real property being sit uate in Clackamas countv. Orepon. Pated this 15th day of December. 1905. J. It SHAVKK. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore iron. CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. Business Transacted at Regular De cember Term. Be It remembered. That at a regular term of the County Court of Clackama? County held In the Court House In Ore gon City, for the purpose of transacting county business in December the same being: the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of said court, present Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county Judge presiding; T. B. Killin, and Wm. Brobst, Commis sioners, when the following proceedings were had, to-wit: District No. 1. W. A. Garner. Chas. H. Dodd Co., Meyer & Finn, C. Hiverly. J. W. Phillips. G. Barker. J. Counsel!, A. Tucholke, W. Sellwood, W. H. Counsell, District No. 2. A. Mather. $ 6.25 .70 13.80 13.50 14.50 35.00 46.50 29.75 10.50 45.00 Sager & Wing, Rodlun Bros., E. C. Chapman. A. Xotz, Ike Johnson. P. H. Henrici. James Johnson, P. Robinson, Ike Johnson, E. C. Chapman. P. Busch, F. Foster, C. F. Roadarmel, Geo. Helmeyer, Max Webster, J. C. Paddock, District No. 3. Sager & Wing, Rodlun Bros., W. E. Mumpower, District No. 4. H. L. Ward, H. S. Gibson, District No. 5. Rich & Mall, Jonsrud Bros., M. Lake. M. Wheeler, 4.00 11.75 62.77 53.37 46.37 44.00 40.25 7.00 27.12 2.C2 1.75 1.00 8.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 51.25 7.40 7.58 10.90 3.50 7.50 104.85 13.14 7.50 4.50 E. Klchey. A. S. KoRch, P. M. Hoist, J. Epperson, jC. Rtchey, W. H. BorlnK, 'S. C. Card, I District No. 0. I MoinlK Bros.. Peoctor & Beers I U. E. Jarl, I Edward Miller, , John Revenue. District No. 7. Struthors Baeon & Son, E. Miller, .las. Keides, IW. S. Fogies, District No. 8. Edward Miller. W. P. Hugh, Harry Shank, H. Bedenstine, H. W. Douglas. District No. 9. Otto Paulson, , Ed Gruber, A. Wederholds, Nick Rath, Carl Lin s. William Held, District No. 10. Cary Hardware Co., Ben Rollins, Frank Thomas, W, II. WhoUler W. R. Oatfield, District No. 11. W. H. Smith, M. Rivers, B. Jewell, A. Glass. C. Belling, O. L. Clyde, J. Murphev, F. Michel. J. Baumgardener. D. Worthing ton. John Kend. Dlitrlct No. It Wilson & Cooke, Bonne v & Miller. J. S. Gill. C. Johnson. W. E. Mumpower. District No. 13. W. C. Ward, James Davis, George Funk, Geo. Gill. J. T. Fullam. District No. 14. F. Busch, S. Bailey, A. Splinter, J. Kaufman, F. Beard. C. Williams, L. Davies, District No. IS. Pope & Co.. J. H. Moody. J. A. Confer, S. M. Thompson, H. Hill. W. Rowland. Geo. Winesett. F. W. Hacker. T. Knowles. Gus. Winesett. J. Ward. W. H. Matheny. R. R. Porter. H. Rowland. Max Telford, V. F. Harris. 3 . 00 3.00 4.00 o og 2. 25 50.00 4.14 84.40 1256.54 4.50 11.25 62.00 10.80 5.00 10.00 6 . 00 6.00 3.00 3.00 .75 .00 1; 6.00 6.00 6.00 3 . 00 4.50 22.00 1 . 00 1 . 50 2.25 1.75 2.50 6 . 00 26.25 7.00 32.85 14. SS 62.13 50.75 4.SS 14.00 3.50 2.25 21.00 5.76 43.75 13.25 4.17 2.60 5.00 8.00 3.50! 15.00 j .70 21.00 13.12 14.87 12.25 7.00 27.00 i 5.18 j 78.00 42.oo ; 51.00 ! 52.00 I 12.00 25.39 45.50 : 1.00 ; 21.87 42.00 ; 38.50 30.00 ; 5.23 , 4.00 42.98 ; Pope & Co., Scripture & Beauliau, j It, II. Tabor. A. Warner, A. Smith. Hoy Stafford. Frank Hendricks, Geo. TownHoud, H. Andrews. S. .1. OgWbv, E. Hutch. F. Way. E. E. IXiwnev. District No. 18. B. F. Allen, W. Mead. Aug Staehety, District No. 17. W. C. Kendall. A. 11. Knight, A. L. Snell. .!. F. ErlokHon. Warren Lee, D. U. Dlmmick. J. Bunke, B. O Nelll. H. C. Gillmore, District No. 18. Frank Busch. C. niuhm. P. Bohlander, G. A. Sehubol. P. Masslnger, I. Grossniiller, K. W. Hornschuh, District No. 19. James Mallat. A. Larklns, C. Mallat, G. Edwards, C. Dannals. A. Dugan, G. Fish. C. Sellig. J. J. Mallat, O. Dannals, J. Dennlson. District No. 20. F. Busch, B. Sullivan. Ben Marshall. Helston Lev. John Scott. M. E. Kandle, W. Bottemlller, Louis Rath, F. T. Shute, Fred Betirerv Jack Wallace, Orlando Fellows, Fred North. Oli Hansen. Milo Pollock. District No. 22. L W. Robblns. M. Trullinger. P. M. Royles, C. L. Staudlnger. H. J. Rastall. Raymond Dickey, Victor Dickey. Martin Baty, Andrew Johnson, H. J. Rastall, Victor Dickey. Herschel Wilson, H. J. Rastall. Frank Lay. Frank Grimm, H. J. Rastall. Frank Grimm R. P. Cooper. Franklin Cooper, J. W. Staudlnger, R. Snodgrass. Ralph Holrnan, 6.25 Ira Boyer. 7. II 2.00 Victor Dickey, 7.00 43.35 II. .1. Rastall, x 10.00 36.90 GotlieU Feyrer. 12.25 22.50 Uaymond Dickey, 12.25 23.70 A. Kngle. 12.25 IS, 75 District No. 23. 20.70 It. W. Zimmerman 25.00 22.50 !. W. Zimmerman, 10,50 16.90 District No. 24. 3.00 ('. V. Molson, 1.40 6.00 H.. 11. Deet., 6.50 1 .50 .lotiu Gahler. 1 .50 John Engle. 1.50 3.00 Gene Garret. 7.50 I. 50 U I. Garret. 7.50 S.50 DUtrlct No. 28. P. U. Wallace. 15.00 9.00 ('. ti. Maras, 15.00 II. 00 .1. Hepler. 10.50 2.00 F. Weiner. 12.00 3.00 I. Moiths, 5.25 3.00 .1. Kitssel. 6.00 3.00 II. Harms, 10.50 3.00 K. Harttle. 8.40 .75 .1. WoUer. 9.00 .75 II. Weiner. 3.oo F. Wallace, 1.50 7.00 j. A. Itonncy, 1.12 1.50 v. l. Iliusch, .75 4.50 . Itasku, .75 4.5i' .1. II. Mills. 19.00 3.00 ; District No. 26. 4.50!.mos Tliomas, 5.00 15.00 M, Armstrong. ti.no : K. James. 4.50 3.00 K w. Lewis. 4.50 50 It. c. Faust. 50 Wm. Austin. 50 w. Simmons, 50 v. Zlnger. oo v. c. I'nln, 00 ;. Atwid. 00 1 F.rncst Lehman. 00 David Hobeits. 50 V. .1. K. Vlck. 2.25 ; I). L. Tnilllnger, Kolililns Bros. & Co., 1.75 P. M. Boylcs. 1.00 Dlitrlct No. 27, 1 .50 ! Wm. Mortenseti. .75 'Kills Rlchlngs. 6.00 ! J. Comer. 2.25 ic. McKlnney, 3.00 ' J. Labour, 4 . 50 3.00 2 . 50 3.00 1 . 50 6.00 6 00 1 . 50 tl.oo ti.oo 6.00 6.00 3.00 1.50 12.50 1.73 i All fym Down HIS is a common expres sion we hear on every side. Unless there is .ome organic trouble, the con dition can doubtless be remedied. Your doctor is the best adviser. )o not dose yourself with all kinds of advertised remedies get his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fat food b enrich your blood and tone up the system. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is Just such a food in its best form. It will build up the weakened and wasted body when all other foods fail to nourish. If you are run down or emaciated, 1 SO I rtiu it i riil. U --innnl U,.,i ,iv n u ti iui i ii luiinui iiuii It is essentially the best hi in i:coiyu- 1 possible nourishment for delicate 18. 1 i . 1.1 12 3 o 20 1 . 75 ' 1 . 75 ! .87 I .62 1 .00' . 00 I .37 j . 50 ' .12 :..-.. j 3.50 I 15.75 7.87 i 5 7 4 14 6 3 District No. 23. Henry Duugherty, John Tnilllnger. Kmina Tliomas, K. K. Rich, Frank Ridings, A. M. Groshong. District No. 29. Ilagliy Lumber Co., W. F. Stangle, P. Keehaugh, J. C. Snyder. District No. 3a J. Hickner & Sons. A. J. Monk. Jno. O'Brien, O. Davidson, A. J. Monk, District No. 31. II. I). Harms. W. .1. Powell. Z. Klligsen. J. Sager, F. Kekel, P. Schroeder, Wm. Schatz. (. Vol p. 02 .M. hcharer, District No. 32. Ralph Seeley, children and pale, anaemic girls. We will send you a sample free. 6.00 I 3.00 i 3.00 ' 1 2 . 00 iTVjV! 19.00 v. 1 J 43.00 j -V- 10.50 12 00 1 j I'M ( losner. . . . I S.fil ' L Bt lurt that thil pkttirs In (hi form of a UM It on th wrspptruf cvry botti of Emulilon you buy. scon & B0WNE Chcmisb 409 P(rl Street. New York 50c. and Si. All Drunti District No. 33. Dlitrlct No. U. Busch. M i Wilson & Cooke 15.00 4.27 5.25 12 .87 Oregon City Lumber Co , .1. K. Khoadex, C. (Jruv 3 .5o ' Frm Iir( A K. Ford, Dlitrlct No. Si 1 Allen Drencher. A. L. Ketiworthy. 10 50 Ivun Brondwell, 1.75 1.25 3.25 7.00 76 . 5o 6.f,o 4.3H 10. 50 20.00 6.4.", 5 on 8.75 W, 11. Bremer, llcnton Kllleii, N(uli Yoder, 10. Kenagy. Litis & Co., .1. W. Blrtchett, N. Blair, Pauper Account. John A vl ii. Mrs. C. J. Parker, , O. 10. BurtiH. II. F. Forrester, W. T, Gardner, llorton A Jack, A. lmel, J, A. .lolll'H, M. Kruger, W. .1. LewelliMI. L. Malhersoti, W, L, Molloy, It (1 Ogden, lunar I'llndle, Mrs. M Pickens, .1. If. Itoiidarmel, , Mrs. Ryckman. F. W. Hprague, ('. 10. Kwau. Mrn. Valentine, Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Ileln, Brunswick Ukm aitrutit. Mr Ctipelaud, Mr. Gyniip, C. Bliihiu, WIImoii & Zumwalt, W. II. Hmltli. C. N. (ireintnitul A !. Guyiiup, It L llolmnn, St Vincent Hospital I. Selling, Thos. F, Ityiwi, Circuit Court Jury llriiiiswlck Restaurant I I) LarkliiH, II I inns, .1. C. Elliott. J II Darnall, F, Zollner, S. Tlioinns, ('. F. Zlnsr. ! W. Bowdlsh, IMwIii Bates. It A. Wright, II Anthony, It L. UIiiko, .Intnes Fullam, .1 A Turts. James Dickey, I I) Taylor, C. V. Fredlcks, C. Daugherty, W. C. Buckner, C D F. Wilson. Peter Ruhl, 10. L. Kenagy, Tliomas Duffy, 10 V. Randolph. Wm Scott, W. II Httifford. Patrick Harris, 10. M How. II, A II. Cole, II F. Gibson. D McArthur, A () Alilredge. J V. McNulty. John Vlck. W, I) llotteiulller I Gtrbtt, A Newell, Albert Krb. L. D Mumpower G. II Linn. 21- Ur, h II.! ,it tu h 5( 10 f, !.( U,(n u. i.oo 5.0 10. u IM 10 3f. to 15 10 10 Of. .8 H it 25 I0. 16.66 IO.Se 81.8 8.3 :i 17.91 um 18 0 Hi 20 ! 38 5 f 30.06 :m in 30.36 ! 34 20 CM i.lt SM 18 M 7.M 37 10 2.M 25. M in 36.40 2.W 3160 7.00 3.20 z.:o 2.20 23. M 8.60 S.CO 30 .76.60 35. (W 34.00 Coiitlinied on Van i) 6 I (JUJN TIN U ATION OF THR ) Ci At ROSENSTEIN'S, Manager Hs Oregon City, Oregon December and Continuing i n-.e enormous business behave done during this Gintic Sale has proven to us that our method of always doing strictly as we advertise is, a-.d has bten, lu appreciated by the people of Oregon City, and surrou iding country. During our business career'in Oregon City, we have always prided oursdves on having the confidence of the people and in order not to betray or take advantage of the same, we have always sol J the best and finest Dry Goods, and always deal hon orably with the people. In the future we will try to continue and maintain the esteem, and merit the patronage of the public in the same honorable lines. It is impossible for any firm to accurately measure their sales in advance. They must be uayo 9 prepared for any emergency. It was anticipated by all that the winter sson wol i be favorable w,t;i th-; merchants and that there would be an unprecentuf s.,le f Cloihinv, Mats, Cups and Gents' Kirnish.ng Cools, of all grades. On the contrary everybody knows the weather conditions have been unfavorable and we have found ourselves overstocked. We plainly told the the people, ami offered our entire stock tr less than it cost to land the goods in Ore gon City. They have responded generally and magnanimously. We sold more goods during the ten days Gigantic Sale than has ever been sold by any other firm in Oregon City in the same length of time, and still find our shelves and counters loaded down with merchandise. x d0rtag tt sf to'laysmfe merChlndiSe te CnSCt,,,enCe t0 P",0n8 SaU ,0 dS m0re "en greater val0 than we fit OUR LOSS WILL BE YOUR G7IN Consequently SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER J6, we will play havoc with values, knocking down crices on nn-lv , , , , t toy all dayTriday arranging the stock, conseqaently cannot give many 'prices here. The following wfll gTyoaTfair ?dea what to exp'ech Men's suits- -$ 1.98' (;8, 3-93, 5.98, 7.98 Men's Pants . 79c, 99c, Si. 29, 2.99, 3 49 Children's Suits 99c, ,1.19, 1.29, 1.59, 1 99 Men's $3.00 Government Sivs . $1.49 Men's Shoes in Box and Vel iur Calf . $1.29 Men's House Slippers . .19c Men's Hats . 79c, 98c, 1.49 Men's $5.00 John B. Stetson Hats 2.98 Men's $3.00 Conqueror Hats . . 1,29 Boys' $2 Hats ... 74c Men's $25 Cravenettes, sale price . 9.98 Men's $30 Cravenettes, sale price . 12.98 Men's Umbrellas , . . y)Ct 4?Ci Men's Red and Blue Handkerchiefs 3c, 5c. 7c 9c JItniScks , 4 3C' 5C,7C9c,lk-,'.9; Men s H ece hned Underwear, per gaiment, 36c Men's Suspenders . . (v- ,4C ,oc Men's All Wool Underwear . . evjc Men's Work Slnrt Men's Hf-avy Sweaters i-'resident Suspenders, 5oc vtlues Men's Silk Handkerchiefs, , 40c Mrn's B?Ks . . Vtn's Muffl-rs 2X ' - 4qc worth $ 19c 89c Many articles of underwear slightly mussed diring our sale will now ro fnr extromoU, uf j ji.... & prices wdl greet you when you enter our store next Saturday. Come Saturday and take advantage of this opportunity to buy ft & b "--v v -u wwi yuu tiwncrc. we wm nave plenty ot help during this sae and Rosenstein, Manager se . Oregon Qity, Oregon