Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 15, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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(Concliidod from I'uko Blx.)
i Anil, Duo
lUIII'ft, 'I'lll'O. fit M , 111 HITCH UN lll'K
; llllll'll 111 Hl'l'lll'll of Illll'llM, JtlMlk
', HI, iuiucm 1I.N mill 4MI, Sections
1 2, 28, ill), unit ai), Township 'I
, Hiiulll ItiuiK" 3 East; ID iii'ii'M. , . , 4.H2
Xiui'fi, MhiIh c i i.r:t iii'ii'M mm icN-
I'lllii'il III IliM'iiiil nf Di'c.Im, llniikH
i llll IIIHl HI!, lll(l'M 1711 llllll U7, Hl'C-
,! iIiimm 21, 'JK, ;i mill an, Township
,'t 1 Houtli, ItuiiKo - Kant, 111.6:1 A.. 11.05
J.iiKH" Allilluhl, 2 iii'ii'M UN ili'N-
f ii'llii'il 111 lli'iiiiil of ) In, Hunk
K) 33, 111 If" llll, Hecllulis 21, 311
mill an, TnwtiHlilp - Hniilli, Uicnkii
! ;! KiimI; 12 iii'ii'M C!il Imlf pn vml 14.411
McKlnloy, Archibald, D, L. C. Not 67, 60.
H 1 1 it lluii. II. I.. Ailini'., 13. IK acres
f UN lIl'MI'lillllll III Itl'l'lllll (,f I)..h,
Hunk Ml. I'HKi' I 1. Hi'i llniiN II mill
1 ai, TiiwiihIiIiih a iiiiii 2 Hiiuiii,
j llntiK" - KhnI ; 13.16 iii i'i'H
! Tiiwi'll, CIiiih, I m il' ii x ili'Ni'i llii'il In
21 . Oil
I KitoI'I, nf Ili i'ilM, Hunk 7M, lillKK
aia, HitIIiiiin II mill ai, Townships
a mill 2 Hniilli, IIiiiik" 2 KiinI; I
1 IH'I'H ,
f J "lllln, 10. M., 31! iii'K'N of A. 1. Hinlth
1 II. I,, C, Nil. 1KI. IIH lll'HI'1'llll'll In
f i k Hit, pint" ir.a, Hi'i'iiniiH r, 8,
f iiiiiI 1), TiwiinIiI) 2 Month, HllUKi' 2
f KIINI ; .1- IH'lt'N
f Smith, A. P., D. L. C. No. 3,
i'iy, D. w. niHiiviii.'d tin i r of r a
'' Hull
winiiii miiviiiMi imir of is
IIITI'N IIH lIl'NIlilll'll 111 Itl'l'lllll of
i Iii'iiIn, I Iiii ill m 88 mid f, r, piiKi'N
I isa mill :Ta, Hitiiumn d. 8, ,
I a Month. KmiK" 2 Knnt ; 5 iiciih
I Crnnpholl, Samuel, D, L, C, No.
J Hlin k, 1 1 nri y A ,, 1 nri i' iin iIi'Mi i IIh'iI
1 In Ki'i'iiiil of lii'i'ilH. Hook HH, pane
I '.'Ml. Hi'illniiN II iiml HI, 'I'owiiHhlp
i Hniilli, Hmiiki' 2 KiiHt; I ncre. ,
I Tompklni, D. D., D. L, C. Noi. 01
! I IiiIii. h Wi lli. Ann :t !i'l ,.r
1 .ID
I). I . 'I'lllnllklllH 'l. UN lIl'NI l illl'll
In ItiTonl of lii'i'ilN, llnok 117,
iuK" 22tt. HitIIiiiin, 1!3, 21, 26, 2i,
mill an, TowiiHlilp 2 Hniilli, itmiKiH
I mill 2 KhhI ; It.!)! nri'i'H
4 . IK1
IiikIii n, i i.vni', , ki iiiTi'N or it, i
' TiininUlirH I . I,. (.. iin ili'HiTllii.il
III Iti'i'nnl nf 1 1 In. Hook a?,
piifti' 226, Hi'i lloii 211, 2-1, 26, 2U,
mnl an, ' I ' 1 1 w 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 2 H011II1, ItmiK'N
I ami 2 KiinI; 3. '.Ml hitch
IIiikIhn. Clmiil, .1 Hit hitch of 1). I).
Tiiitipkln'M I). I., t'., iin iliNi'i Ihi'il
In Iti'i'iilil of I'iiiIn, Hook 37,
piiK" 226, HitIIiiiin 23, 21, 26, 2'1
mnl an, TowiihIiIp 2 Hniilli, ItmiKi'N
1 mnl 2 I'liiMt : a.'. ill ihti'h
MiiKiini', Aniiihii, la in! lirn h nf I ). 1 1.
4. fill
Tiimpkln'N I). I.. I'., iin iIchii HhiI
In Iti'i'iilil of lii'i'ilN, Honk 37, piiKn
226, HictloiiH 23. 24. 26, 2ii mnl
:ll, 'I'llWIINllIp 2 Hniilli, ItllllKi'M I
imil 2 KiinI ; except nn c Hcrlbcd
in It. 1 il il nf Ii'i'ilH Hunk 117, pint"
:..K. Hi'i'tlniiN 23. 24. 26, 21'., mnl 3H
ThwiihIiIp 2 Hniilli, ItmiKi'N I mnl 2
KhhI; I3.1H! iii'i'i'N 11.04
Con, F. C, D. U. C.
Cl.nlilnni'. It, K , Anh.ii., lii'KinriliiK
ill NW rnini'i' nf (HiiiIhIiiih tnn
11I11K Ihin iiHli'ily 11I1111K Nni'lll
1 1 Ml - (if Mil 1 1 1 I illKlNlolll til I'l'lltlT
nf mail rnmiliiK finm ( IIiiiInIiiih
I'aik to Mllwaukli'; tlii'tuo iilmiif
riiiliT nf Mil lil ronil to NW rorniT
nf I illlllHliilll' I'lllk; llll'lll'l' lllllllK
W Him nf lilnilNtoiiP I'aik imil 1'.
II. liaiirhy'H in mri' Inirt to NK
I'onii'i' nf CiiHim l, I,, ('.; Ihinrii
nlntiK NW llni- of Niilil I'lalm to
pllli'l' of lirKlllllllIK Im'ImK 136 IIITI'N
nf K. I'liNim i. I,. 1'. No. DO. Ill
TiiwiihIiIp 2 Hniilli, ItiiiiKi' 2 lOiiMt ;
136 ai'lvN 92. 3K
Township 3 South FUnoe 2 Enl.
Mvitn, Jnhii. Iii'Iin, HW iiiarti r of
H 10 ipim'tiT mnl InlH 3, 4 11 ml 6.
K.tII.hi 2 TiiwiihIiIm 3 Hunt ll . It.
2 Kimt ; 112.33 iiiti n 1!).2U j
WllllmiiH. M. II., &n an iuti'N an ui'N
i illii'il In ItiTonl of Dri'ilH. Honk
6.1. I'iiki- 4nn. Hi'cllon in. Town-
Hhlp 3 Honlh. ItaiiKu 2 KiiHt; . 30
This Is The Time Of Year
When the progressive, up-to-date farmer makes his plans for the next season.
To Make The Old Farm Pay
Requires intelligent management and Good Tools. You will MAKE NO MISTAKE
if you plow your fields with a SAUNDERS' DISC PLOW or a "J. I. 0." Make it smooth
and fine with a CRITIC HARROW; Sow Your Seed with a HOOSIER DISC DRILL and
Watch It G row
MEDAL PUMP, will supply your house and barn with water, grind your grist and saw
your firewood. And, while you are about it,
Get Your Wife an "Iowa Cream Separator"
to save that endless task of skimming. If you will take her to town occasionally in a nice
BEE LINE BUGGY, she will conclude, and so will you, that life in the country is after
all worth living. But don't forget If you want some nice fruit next Summer,
You Ought to Spray your Trees NOW
All of the above our boys will be pleased to show you and quote you Portland prices.
They will treat you rightly, save you a trip to the city and WE PAY THE FREIGHT.
WlllllimM.d.H., 36 HITCH IIN (ll'N('l'll)l'll
111 lu'i nru 111 lii'i'ilN, hook HH, l'HK
3711, Hocllon 10, 'I'owiiHhlp 3 Houtli
llmiKn 2 KiiHt; 36 hiti'N
Ilowull, Hnrifunl, 10 iuti'N iih Ii-m-itIIiimI
In lliii'oid of IX'i'ilH, Hook
I), piiKO 470, HiTlloii 10, Towimlilp
3 H011II1, ItmiKi- 2 KhhI; 10 hitch..
HIllirflT, (J, It., 7.45 IKTl'll IIH (1(IH
I'l'llll'll 111 Iti'i'onl nf IIi.i.iIm. Iiiw.U
711, piiK" 14, Hi'Ctlon HI, '1'iiwiiNhlp
3 Hon 1 ti, ItmiKii 2 Hunt; 7.45 ncii'H
Who iIhiiI. j. A., Lot 4, HitIIoii IN,
TiiwiihIiIp 3 Hniilh, Umnkd 2 KiiHt
17.31 IKTI'H
I.oyd, John, NK iiunrtiT of HH qunr
tiT of TJ W (piHrlur HiM'tlon 23,
'rnwiiHhlp 3 Hnulll, KllliKU 2 ICiihI
HnlmrtN, Win. II., NIO 'pini'tiT of UK
ipiai tcr, HitIIoii 26, KmiK" 3 Houlh
ItmiKn 2 IOiihI: 40 hiti'N
IHapiT, Anili' M., lot M 5 11ml li, Bi'ci-
llun 32, Tnwnmilp 3 Hniilli, llaiiKU
! I''.iimI T. 1'' m.i',.1
Holmes, William, D. L. C. Not 38, 46
I'li Ki'v, 1 ruini-H, A-n m:r un (ii'Hinii)
imI In ItiTonl of IIimmIn, Hunk till
I'llK" 134, Hi'CtloiiH 5, II, 31, 32,
TowiiHhlpN 3 mnl 2 Houtli, itaMK
2 KhhI ; 3-K 111 11
ArkiTiiian, I Mil 11 1', 60-lull mii'N 11H
ili'Hi rllii'd 111 Iti'i'OI'd of lll'I'llM, Itook
31!, piiKi' M, HnctloliH 5, li, 31. 32.
ToWiiHhlpH 3 mnl 2 Houtli, ltiiriK
2 KhhI. 60-ion iici'in
('Illinium, T. ami Hon, 60-100 hitch
iin (Ichit IIiciI In ItiToiil of lii'i'ilH,
Hunk 116, piiR-n 211, HccIIoiih 6, ti,
31, 32, TowiiHhlpH 3 anil 2 Honlh,
ItmiK" 2 KiiHt; 60-100 hitch
Howlnnd, J. 8., D. L. C. No. 45.
Mi'lili 11111, llciiiy, 5 iutcn hn ilcHci'lh
cil In lli'conl of Dci'ilH, Hook 411,
I'hkc 470, HitIIiiiin 7, K, 17, IK,
'1'iiwiiNlilp 3 Hniilh, KiniK'' 2 Kant;
6 hitch 5. KG
Townihlp 4 South Range 2 East.
'rtiiiycr. Hliclilnii H., 67.611 hitch hh
ili Ni'i IIiciI In Itecoril of DcciIn,
Honk 05. piik" 423, Hi'i'tliui 2, Town-
Nhlp 4 Hniilli, K1111K" 2 KhhI; 67.50
Miiilnv. I. II. NK quarter of HK
ipimli-r of HK quartiT Hcctlon 14
'InwiiNhlp 4 Hoiuh,' ItmiKi' 2 KiiHt
10 IKT'I'H
Ilnlili'll, A It llll I'. 60 IliTi'H UN ili'H llb
iil lii ItiTonl of liii'ilH, Hook 82
piiKi' -'' Hii'tloii IK, 'I'owiiHhlp 4
Hnulll. ItllllL'c 2 KiiHt: 60 HITi'H..
Township 4 South, Range 2 East
I'nlii'iy, Miuy, B half nf NK quarter
Hi'CiHHi zi, lowriMinp 1 niMiiii,
Kmiuc 2 Kant: Ko hitch
Klmlmll, (J. W. & M. A., 6 hitch iih
ilfNi rlhcd In Itecoril of DcciIh Honk
K2. I'hkc 423, Hcctlon 2K, TowoHlilp
4 Howth, ItmiK-ii 2 KiiHt; 6 acrcN. ..
TiullliiKcr, l. N., 40 acrcN iih iIch
I'lllicil In Iticonl of DcciIh, Hook
K2. I'hkc 401, Hcctlon 2H, Town
nhlp I Houlh, ItutiK" - Kant; 40
I '11 1 . Ida K.. 101 acrcN hn (Ichci IIi
cil In Itecoril of DcciIh. Hook 87,
I'hkc 1 17. HcctloriH 17 IK, 'I'owii
Hhlp 5 Houtli, ItmiK'' 2 IOiihI; H',1
lll.t'l'M . . , .
I'lircnt. Ma K., N Imlf of N half of
Hcctlon K, TiiwiihIiIp 5 Howth
i-uiiiM, '.' l.iiMt 1 IliO ficrcN
I'liknnwn, NW quarter of NK quar
ter, Hcctlon 36, TowiiHlilp 5 Houth
ItmiKc 2 Kant; 40 acrcn
KvcrHon, JiimcH. NK qnnrtcr of HW
quarter. f Hcctlon 30, Townnhlp
5 Houlh, ItmiKc 2 KiiHt; 40 ncrcn..
Klincr. A. D.. part of HciiJ. JackHon
li. I j. ('.. liciiiK 100 iim-cH iih dcH
ci'llicil In Itecoril of DcciIh. Honk
Pi, phkc l'J2. 'I'ownHhlp 5 South.
HmiKcH 1 ami 2 Kant. HI0 ncrcn 33. Hi
Township 6 South Range 2 East.
Mi'lkclliihn. J. M. & M.. HW qnnrtcr
nf HW qiimtcr. Hcctlon 3. Towii
Hlilp rt Houth, ItanKc 2 KiiNt 2.111
Wllhnll. .Inlin W.. H Imlf of HK
qgaitcr mnl 8W quarter .Section
4. TowiiHlilp South, Hhukc 2
KhhI; 241.113 hitch (2iI half pnymt) 10.90
IlcHHcltlnc, A. II., H W. quarter of
NK quarter and NW quarter of
HH quarter, Section 8, 'I'ownHhlp
A int. Duo
ll Houth, IturiKt! 2 KiiNt; 80 U'Ti'K 10.00
(.'Illinium, ThomiiH, HW quarter of
NW quarter Hcctlnn 8, Townnhlp
0 Hniilh, ItmiKi' 2 KiiHt; 40 hcicn 3.89
Wllholt, John W., N Imlf of NK
quarter anil HK quarter of NK
quarter, except HI hitch, Hcctlon
9, '1'owtiHhlp Houlh, ItaiiKo 2 K;
104 hitch (2d half piiyniciit)..., 4.38
Mclkcljohn, J. M. & M., 10 hcicn
UN (IcNi'l IIiciI In Record of DcciIh,
Honk 85, I'hkc 230, Hcctlon 11, 'i'wp
ll Hnulll, ItmiK" 2 KiiNt; 1 1! hitch 1.22
Mclkellnlin, J. M. & M., NW quarter
of NW quarter, of Hcctlon (), .
'I'owiiHhlp Houtli, ItatiK"! 2 Kant;
40 HITCH 10.97
Hyan, T. l', oil of NW iiinrtcr cant
of Jlnttc Creek, Hcctlon 32, Town
Hhlp I) Houlh, ItmiKc 2 KiiHt; 63
1 hitch , 3.88
ItcyriolilH, D. !., HW qumlcr Hcotlun
34, TowiiHlilp 0 Houlh, KariK" 2
KiiNt; 100 hitch 10.00
Hoffman, J. K., HK quarter of NK
qum lcr of Heel Ion 30, Townnhlp II
Houlh, ItmiK'i 2 KiiHt; 40 hitch... 2.99
McClcod, A. M W Imlf of W hulf
Hcctlon 30, 'I'ownHhlp ll Houth,
ItmiKc 2 KiiHt; IliO hitch. 11.98
Doiincll, CIiiih. It., NK quarter Hcc
tlon 12, 'I'ownHhlp 7 Houth, ItiinK''
2 KhhI; IliO ucrcH 10.98
Township 1 South Range 3 East.
AndciNon. Hilda !., 30.39 hitch hh
ilcNcrllicil in reeord nf DcciIh Hook
ill, I'hkc 182 and Hook 89, I'hkc
198, Kx. iih di'Hcrllicd In Record
of DcciIh, Hook 87, I'hkc 248, Hcc
tlon 26, Townnhlp 1 Houth, ItanKc
3 Kant; 30.39 hitch J 9.43
Miller, W. A., llfty-hundretliH of 11 n
iicrc iih dcHcrllicd In Record of
DcciIh, Hook 89, I'hkc 198. Hcctlon
26, TowiiHlilp 1 Hnulll, ItanKc 3
Kant ; one-half a. re 28
Worcll, .1. W., HK quarter of HK
quarter of Hcctlon 27, Townnhlp
1 Houth, Rhiikc 3 Kant; 40 hitch 9.75
AndeiHon, JairicH, HK quiirter of S
W quarter of Hcctlnn 28, Town
nhlp 1 Houlh, Rmmc 3 Kant; 40
bitch 12.03
I'rcHtiall, .1. H., H half of SK quar
ter nf NK quarter nf Hcctlon 31.
Townnhlp 1 Houth, Rhiikc a KhhI;
20 hitch 9.75
Acock, C. W N half nf NK quar
ter nf NK quarter Hcctlon 33,
Townnhlp 1 Houth, ItmiK'" 3 K;
20 hitch 7.80
Hi hmclzer, IT. K., 100 hitch of Mo
hch W. Nohlc D. I,. C. No. 70, hh
ilcHirllied In Record of DcciIh,
Hook 89. pHK 3", Hcctlon 30,
Townnhlp I Houth, ItanKc 3 cant;
100 hitch (2d hulf payment) 71.61
Township 2 South Range 3 East.
Rankin, Hearty, one iicrc hh iIch
erlhciJ In Record of DcciIh, Honk
88, piiK' 90, Section 1, Townnhlp
2 South, RanKC 3 Kant; 1 ticre.. 1.08
McLean, (irace, one acre iih iIch
crllied In Record of Deciln, bonk
88, I'hkc 100, Hcctlon 4. Town
Hhlp 2 Houth, RanKC 3 Kant; 1
ncre 97
MctlicKur. HeriJ., anil
McLean, (irace, 1.14 ncrcn hh dcH-
crllied In Record of DcedH, book
73. phkc 174, Section 4, 'I'ownHhlp
2 Houth, RaiiK" 3 KiiHt; 1.14 uciph 1.47
J. H. M. Dcarilorff. 04.14 hcicn hh
dcHcrihcd In Record of Deciln,
Hook 68, Phkc 247, Hcctlon 0, Twp
2 Houth, Ita'iKC 3 Kant; 04.14 A 24.39
Wade, ('. K., It. D. & C. R.,50.100
acre iih dcHfrllied In Record nf
Deedn Hook V. paKc 31. Hcctlon
9. TowiiNhlp 2 Houth, HanKe 3
Kant, half acre .49
Nancy Hall, 25 ncrcn hh described
In itccurd of DcciIh. Hook Q, pnKC
305. except hh denci'lbed In Itec
nrd of DccdH. Honk 05. paKC 157.
Hectlonn 9 and 10, Townnhlp 2
South, RaiiK" 3 Kant; 25 ncrcs.. 10.98
Aiiileinon, JameN, NK quarter nf
HW quarter Hcctlnn 13. Townnhlp
2 Houth. ItmiKc 3 Kant; 40 hitch.. 4.88
Trenton, V. T., N half of HW quar
ter (except 3 ncri-H), Section 14.
Townnhlp 2 Houth, Rhiikc 3 Kant
77 ncrcn 10. 3G
Amt. Duo
HerrldKc. l'Vcd, 5 acred an denci'lb
ed In Uncord of DeedH, Hook 87,
phkc 194, hi-lntf part of John S.
Klnher, D.L.C., Seen 5 and 32.
Townnhlpn 2 and 1 South, Ruiiko
3 Kant; 5 iicich 1.21
Township 3 South Range 3 East.
Morlock, (,'lirlHlliin, 51 hitch hh den
ci'lbed In Record of DeedH, Hook
Ii7, iih kh 102, Section 4, Townnhlp
3 Houth, RanK" 3 KiiHt; 51 acren 8.53
Miller, Demi, H half of HK quarter
North of County Road, Hcctlon 32
Townnhlp 3 South, Ruiiko 3 Kant;
4 hitch 65
Davln, John, helrn, 29,50 aeri-H an
dencrlbi'd In Record of Deedn,
Hook 29, I'hkc 445, Section 33,
Townnhlp 3 Houth, Rhiikc 3 Kant
29 1-2 acrfN 6,80
Charm fin, Thorn (in, 81 iicich hh den
crlbed In Record of DeedH, Hook
K, I'hkc 81 (part of David Cut
tlnK D. D, C. No. 67) Townnhlp
3 Houth, ItunKO 3 KhhI; 81 acreH.. 13.41
Conney, W. II., & I,,, 03 acrcH an
dcHcrihcd In Hecord of DccdH Hook
70 I'hkc 430 (part of Albert WrlKht
D. D. C.) Hcctlonn 7 and 8, Twp.
3 Houth. RiinKO 3 Kant; 03 acreH,
(2d half payment) 14.87
Township 4 South Range 4 East.
RalHton. W. (,'., N hulf of NK quar
ter Hcctlnn 1, Townnhlp 4 South
RanKe 3 Kant: 80 acreH 5.23
Andd'Hon, Darn, 10 acred ad dcHcrlh
ed In Itecoril of DeedH Hook 30.
paKc 580, Hcctlon 10, Townnhlp 4
South. RanKC 3 KiiHt; 10 acreH.... 5.23
Weed, (Jen. A., NW quarter of BK
quarter (except 10 acren) Section
10, Townnhlp 4 South, RanKe 3
Kant; 30 acred 3.04
Oakley, (Joo, I., NK quarter of NW
quarter of HK qnnrtcr, Section 10
Townnhlp 4 Houth, HanKe 3 Kunt
10 hitch J .22
Andcrnon. Darn, K half of NK quar
ter Hcctlnn 24, Townnhlp 4 South,
RuriKc 3 Kant; 80 hitch 13.10
CallnKhun, Jame, SW quarter of N
W. quarter and N half of NW
quarter Section 27. TownHhlp 4
Houth, RanKe 3 Kant; 120 acres 12.17
Hoel, (I. J., NW quarter of SK quar
ter Section 27, Townnhlp 4 Houth
Rhiikc 3 Kant; 40 ucred 3.90
Hai Krcavcn, H,
Jotien, II., N half of SK quarter
Section 33. TownHhlp 4 South,
ItanKc 3 Kant: 80 acred 25.48
1 HaiKreiiven, H., S half of HK quarter
1 and HK quarter of SW quarter of
Section 33. Townnhlp 4 South,
ItanKc 3 KftHt, 120 hitch 12.13
I Township 5 South Range 3 East.
I Comer, JarncH M., SK quarter Sec
I lion 8. Townnhlp 6 South, ItanKc. 3
I KiiHt; 100 acred (2d half paymt).. 12.08
j Dumb. Mm. K. J., W half of SE
quarter and E half of SW quar
ter. Section 18. Townnhlp 5 South
I Rhiikc 3 KaHt; 100 acreH 18.20
I Callahan. Ellen, 2 aoren aH dencrtb-
ed In Record of DccdH. Rook 79.
1 phkc 301. Section 19, Townnhlp 5
I South, RanKe 3 Kunt; 2 acres 29
RudHtrum, I'ctcr, W half of SE
quiirter and K half of SW quar
ter, Section 20, TownHhlp 5 South
Rhiikc 3 Kant; 100 acres 12.13
Surnncr. Rertha M.. N half of SK
qu(irtcr Section 30, Townnhlp 5
South, RanKe 3 Kant; 80 acres.. 9.69
Sumner. Amelia A., SE quarter of
SE qnnrtcr. Section 30, Townnhlp
5 South. RanKe 3 East; 40 acres .4.84
Township 6 South Range 3 East.
Cochran, J. D., HW quarter Section
0. Townnhip 6 South, Range 3
Kant; 140.80 acres 10.90
Cochran. .1. I,., Lots 1 and 2 Section
7. Township ti South, Range 3
Kant; 00.37 acres 6.07
Township 7 South Range 3 East.
White, I ). A.,
Entcn. W. I'., lots 4, 5, 0. and 7,
Section 0. Townnhlp 7 South.
Rhiikc 3 Eant: 134.90 acres 8.75
Noble, II. E., S half of S half Sec
tion 8, Townnhlp 7 South, Range
3 Kant: 100 acres 16.08
Shaw, W. J NK quarter. Section
24, Township 7 South, Range 3
Amt. Due
cant; 100 acres 10.00
Webb, W. W I.t 1, Section 30,
Townnhlp 7 South, Range 3 Eant
32.78 acres 2.50
Township 1 South Range 4 East.
WlnterH, Hannah K., 5 acres &a des
cribed In Hook 01, page 427, Sec
tion 28, Townnhlp 1 South, Range
4 East; 5 acres 1,39
Township 2 South Range 4 East.
Van Curcn, J. H., 1.50 hitch In SK
corner of SE. quarter of SE quar
ter Section 29, Tp. 2 South, Range
4 East; 1 1-2 acre 25
Colt, J. If., 134.84 acres as described
In Record of Deeds, Hook 78, page
227, except as described In Hook
85, phkc 307, Hcctlon 32, Townnhlp
2 South, Range 4 East; 134.84
acres 30.48
Colt, Flotilla V., 160 acres as des
cribed In Record of Deeds Book 85
page 307, Section 32, Township
2 South. Range 4 EaHt: 100 acres 19.61
Colt, J. H 42 acreH as described In
Record of Deeds. Hook 87, page
ii'i'i, Hcctlon 33, Townnhlp 2 South,
Range 4 East; 42 acres
Wetzel, M. K., 42 acres hh describ
ed In Record of Deeds, Book 87,
page 93, Section 33, Township 2
Houth. Range 4 Kant; 42 acres.,
Colt, J. H 2'A acreH as described In
Record of DcciIh, Hook 78, page
227 (being part of J. W. Foster
D. I j. C.) Township 2 South, Range
4 KaHt; 2 acres 10.97
Township 3 South Range 4 East.
Ciirrln. Ceo. .1., part of Hugh Currln
D. I.. C. No. 40, being 100 acres
as described In Record of Deeds,
Hooks T, K, and S, pages 240,
395, and 418, Township 3 South,
Range 4 East; 100 acres 39.03
Township 4 South Range 4 East.
Landwehr, Henry, N half, of SW
quarter and N half of S half of
HW quarter Section 2, Townnhlp
4 South, Range 4 East; 120 acres 9.75
Anderson, Lars, W half of NW quar
ter Section 7. Township 4 South
RanKe 4 East, 70.10 acres 7.31
CroHH, H. E.. Dot 1, Section 11, Twp.
4 South, Range 4 Eant; 20 acres 1.94
Gregg, E. L., E half of Section 30.
Township 4 South, Range 4 East;
320 acres , 19.51
Cross, if. E., all of Wm. Strlcklln
D. I,. C. No. 37. Sections 9, 10. 11,
Townnhlp 4 South, Range 4 Eant
323.90 acres 78.18
Township 5 South Range 4 East.
Debord. R. f, S half of HE quarter
and SE quarter of SW quarter
and lot 7, Section 6, Township 5
South, Range 4 East; 102 acres.. 19.41
Township 2 South Range 5 East.
Van Allen, Eleanor. S half of NW
quarter and N half of SW quar
ter Section 17, Townnhlp 2 South,
Range 5 East: 160 acres (2d half
payment) 14.00
Van Allen. Eleanor, SE quarter of
NE quarter and lots 1 and 3 and
NK quarter of 8E quarter Section
18, Township 2 South, Range 5
East; 157.21 acres (2d half paym't) 17.67
Warren, Hairy, SK quarter of SE
quarter and W half of SE quar
ter and E half of SW quarter,
Section 23. Township 2 South,
Range 5 East; 200 acres 14.63
Collinge. Thomas. 8 half of SW quar
ter and NW quarter of SW quar
ter Section 20. Township 2 South,
Range 5 East; 120 acres (2d half
payment) 7.00
Karr, Isaac C. SW quarter of SW
quarter, Section 33, Township 2
South, Range 5 East; 40 acres.. 2.92
Collinge, Thomas. NW quarter. Sec
tion 34.. Township 2 South. Range
5 East; 160 acres (2d half pay
ment) 6.10
Township 3 South Range 5 East.
Morrison. A. J., W half of NW quar
ter Section 5, Township 3 South,
Range 5 East; 81.19 acres 7.31
Unknown, NE quarter of SW quarter
Section 5, Township 3 South, R.
5 East; 40 acres 2.91
Scheel. Henrv. heirs. W half of SE
quarter and W half of B half of
SE quarter Section 22, Township
Amt. Due
3 South, Range 5 East; 120 acres 12.42
Mclssner, Albert, N half of NW 1-4
and SW quarter of NW quarter,
Section 28, Township 3 South, R,
5 East; 120 acres 17.89
Township 4 South Range S East.
Gerllnger, Douls, 8 half Section 16,
Township 4 South, Range f mast
320 acres 23.40
Rowley, A., W half of NW quarter
and NW quarter or ne quarter
of NW quarter. Section 30, Town
ship 4 South, Range 5 East; 89.93
Township 2 South Range 6 East,
Klynn, J. M., W half of NK quar
ter and SE quarter of NW quar
ter and NK quarter of SW quar
ter Section 14, Township 2 South
Range East; 100 acres
Kyler, Charles, W half of SW quar
ter Section 17, Townnnip 2 Houtn
RanKe 0 East; 80 acres
Caplen, Hcz, NW quarter of NW
quarter Hcctlon 21, lownnnip z
South, Range 6 East; 40 acres
Ware, C. M.. NE quarter of SE quar
ter Section 30, Townnhlp 2 South,
Range 0 Eant; 40 acres
Township 4 South Range 0 East.
Ro'urltch, John,
Kneibler, Herman, W half of NW
quarter, and SK quarter of NW
quarter and NE quarter of SW
quarter Section 6, Township 4
South, Range 6 East; 100.07 acres 9.75
Township 2 South Range 7 East.
Hart, Geo. F., SE quarter Section
14, TownHhlp 2 South, Range 7
East; 100 acres 17.89
Lewis. Ij. A., W half of SW quarter
Hcctlon 10, Township 2 south,
Range 7 Eant; 80 acres
Woolney, Frank. E half of SW 1-4
Section 10. Townnhlp 2 South,
Range 7 Eant; 80 acres
Corcoran. William, E half of R half
Section 22. Township 2 South,
Range 7 Eant: 100 acres ...
The Wlsconnln Investment Co.. W
half of Section 22, Township 2
South Range 7 East; 320 acres.. 26.83
The Wisconnin Inventment Co., NW
quarter Section 27. Township 2
South. Range 7 East; 160 acres 17.89
Township 3 South Range 7 East.
Murphy, M. E. O., lots 3 and 4, Sec
tion 4. Township 3 South, Range
7 East; 81.29 acres 4.87
Senn, Christ. Lot 1 Section 6, Town
ship 3 South, Range 7 East; 40.56
acres 2.91
Township 1 South Range 8 East.
Macrum, W. S.. W half Section 25
Township 1 South, Range 8 East
320 acres 23.40
Wilson, Joseph A.. E half of E half
Hectlon 2, Townsnip jl soum,
Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70
Jones, Geo. C. Jr.. E half of W half
Section 20, Township 1 Houtn,
Range 8 East: 160 acres 11.70
Buelton. Frank H.. W half of W half
Section 20, Township 1 Soutn,
Range 8 East; 160 acres 11.70
Jones, E. G.. N half of NE quar
ter and NE quarter of NW quarter
and SW quarter of NE quarter
Section 35, Township 1 South,
Range 8 East; 100 acres 11.70
Macrum, I. A., N half of NW quar
ter Section 36, Township 1 South,
Range 8 East; 80 acres 5.85
Keller, T.. SW quarter of NW
quarter and W half of SW quarter
and SE quarter of SW Section
30, Township 1 South, Range 8
East; 160 acres 11. i0
Township 3 South Range 8 East.
Steele. William. W half of NW quar
ter of NE quarter Section 24, Twp.
3 South, Range 8 East: 20 acres . . 1.46
Township 3 South Range Vz Ea8t-
Miller. R. A., 1-6
ITRen, W. R., 1-6
Campbell, Hector B.. 4-6 W half
of NE quarter and E half of NW
quarter Section 25. Township 3
South, Range 8 East; 160 acres 11. iO
Wilcox. N.. N half of SW quarter
Section 28, Township 3 South, R.
8Vi East; 80 acres 'a
(Continued on Page 8.)