c OTiEOON" CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, HKi'KMHKR 1.1. !! DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1904. Notice of Sheriffs Sale TAX EXECUTION. STATE OK OREGON. County of Clackamas,. ss. To J. H. Shaver, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. Greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, Yon me hereby commanded to advertise and sell in the manner provided by law the several articles of personal property and parrels of real property tipon which taxes have heen respectively levied for the year 1904 and which are marked and oo it.,.,il,l .....1 ,l.,l(ni,.,nt in.i the accompanying tax roll of Clacka- maa County for said year 1904 and that you pay over all money so collected to the countv treasurer of said county as tw..,Ii-.,i hv luii.- Witness "mv hand and the seal of the county court of the State of Oregon (or the County of Clackamas, this 11th day of December. A. D. 1905. (SEAL) F. V. GREKXMAN. County Clerk of Clackamas County, Ore. STATE OK OREGON. County of Clackamas.. ss. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true nnd correct copy of the original warrant for the collection of the Delin quent taxes for the year 1904. and the whole thereof of such original now in my hands and that the same was receiv ed by me on the 11th day of lceember, 1905. J. H. SHAVER. Sheriff and Tax Collector for Clackamas County. Oregon. Now. therefore, in obedience to the commands of the said above mentioned warrant. I will on the 15th day of January, 1906, at the hour of 9 o'clock A .M.. at my of lice in the Clackamas County Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore gon, sell the several tracts or parcels of real property embraced in the delinquent list of Clackamas County. Oregon, for the year 1904. and a description of which property, the amount of taxes, interest, to date of sale, and penalties accrued against each tract and the name of the owner when known or person to whom taxed, is as follows, to-wit: Amt. Due Buckley, Johannah, Marchbanks, lot 35, block 7 $ .12 Buckley, D. J. Jr., Marchbanks. lot 36. block 7 12 Buckley. Wm. E., Marchbanks. lot 37 block 7 12 Gove. C. A., Marchbanks, lots 1 and 8 block 9 24 Fraster. J. L. and Svarvend. G., Marchbanks. lots 12 to 15 inclusive, block 9 49 Gove, C. A.. Marchbanks. lot 16. blk 9 12 Portland Land. Irrigation. Lumber & Fuel Co.. Robertson, South half of lot 4. block 20 75 Portland Land. Irrigation. Lumber & Fuel Co.. Robertson, lot 6, blk 20 Leaman. Mary Mrs.. Minthom Add 1.08 .37 .37 .18 to Portland, lots 29 and 30, block 16 Dunn. Fred J.. Minthorn Add. to Portland, lots 47 and 48. block 16 Wilson. T. H.. Minthorn Add to Portland. lot 5. block 41 Lee. W. M. & R. E.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 17 and 18. block 43 Johnson. M. A.. Minthorn Add to, Portland, lots 25 to 28 inclusive block 44 Oregon Land Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 19-20 except 100 feet off of N. end. block 68 Oregon Land Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 21-22 except 100 feet off of X. end block 08 Oregon Land Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 23 and 24, block 68 Ira Erb, Minthorn Add. to Portland lot 47. block ;9 Oregon I,and Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 5 ami i. block 72.. Pollv. M. M.. Minthorn Add to Port land, lot 27. Wor k 7:i Oregon Iand Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots l ami 41. block 73 Oregon I.and Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 10 and 17. block 77 Oregon Land Co.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 1"! to 19 inclusive, block 7 "White. J. S.. Minthorii Add to Port land, lot 3s. block M Hess. Luella H.. Minthorn A Id to ..land, lots 11 and 12. block Ss Hess. I.uclla H . Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 2.', and 20. block S'.i Orasle. J. W.. Minthorn Add to Portland, lots 1 and 2. block 94.. .37 .73 .12 .12 .12 .20 .37 .18 Hradhurv. K. Mrs.. Milwaukie. lot 4. block 37 1 5.17 Taylor. Edward E.. Ouni-muh. lots 3-4-5 and 0. block 7 17.51 Draper. .1. W.. Canemah. lots 1.2- 3-5-0-7 and S. block la 18. 9 Draper. J. W.. Canemah. lot 5. blk 12 3. 39 Henderson. Sarah J., ''anemah. lots 1-2-7 and 8. block 17 12.90 Harlow. W. and .1. S., Canemah, lots 1 and 2. block 22 McMahon. Richard. Canemah. lots 3 and 1. block 22 Walte. A. E.. Canemah. lot 4. blk. 25 2d half payment! Joseph. Charles. Canemah.. lots 2. 3. 4 and 7. block 31 Traohsel. Christian. Canemah. lot 3. block C Ram bo. I. G.. Canemah. lot 1, blk C Rlm-hart. Elizabeth. Canemah. lots 1. 2. i',. 7 unci x in fractional blks not numbered between blocks 01 and 02 liinehait. Elizabeth. Canemah. lots 1. 7. and s. in Fractional blocks not numbered between blocks 15 and 40 Reinhart. Elizabeth, Fractional blk not numbered between blocks 35 and 30. Canemah ;ibbs. Thos. Canemah, as describ ee in Record of Deeds, book 03 page 415 Mowers. W. 1.0. First Addition to ''anemah. lots 3. 4, 5, 0 and 7. block II Diaper. .1. W.. First Add to Cane mah. lot 5. block I Hedges. Elizabeth. First Addition tc Cniicmah. lots 0. 7 and S, blk. I 4.07 4 . 07 1 .09 7.12 3.13 1 .70 1 .02 .31 .68 8.48 1.71 . 4.07 .1:!.o; . 1.22 Hamilton. Elsie E., Atkinson, lot 13. 10 acres Noble-. II. E., Pleasant Little Homes No. 1 lot 5 Jlmson. Challin. Pleasant Little Homes. No. 1. lots 12 to 10 inclusive- Bauer. Margaret. Pleasant. Little Homes No. 1. Ids 19 and 20 Carr. Wm.. Pleasant Little Homes No. I. lols 22 and 23 Kb-mming. Marv J.. Pleasant Little Homes No. 1. lots 2) and 25 Eve-rest. Mary I-:.. Pleasant Little Homes, No. 1, lots 30 to 41 inclu sive Nolan. Viola, Pleasant Utile Homes No. 1. lets 18 and 19 Campbell. Hugh, Pleasant Little Homes. No. I, lots 57 and 58 .. Crow. Nellie S Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lots 5 to s. block I Swanson. Samuel. Pleasant Little Homes No. 3, lot 18. block 2.. Swanson, Samuel, Pleasant Little Homes No. lots 19 and i'el, blk 3 Peck, H. O.. Pleasant Utile Homes No. 3. lobs 17 to 21 inclu.' ive, blk. .49 .49 1 .17 .19 .49 1.85 1 . 85 Pic k. H. O.. Pleasant Little Homes No. 3. lots 13 to 17 inclusive, blk. 0 Gentry. W. H. If., Marshfielel,' as described hi Record of Deeds. Book 78. page 89, lot 1, block 2 4.07 Corby, C. V Marshfield, lot 3, blk. 13 2.20 Robinson, J. W., Root's Add. to Marshfield, lots 4 to 7 Inclusive, block 2 4 4.37 Atnt. Duo $ Hawkls. Joseph. Tract 4 of Bogus Tracts, 14.91 acres 27.:'; Li-grand. Kinma. New Era, lots 1 and 8. block 4 l.lt Walt. A. E.. Caubv. lot 6. block 11 l-'d half) S3 Cox. Marv A.. Oanbv, lots 7 to 12 Inclusive, block 13. CM halfl 4.55 ,., ''h's-ve. block 14 Ld half! ..... . c";':'"a" I ainprneetliiK Association lV',V1'' " ''8t h,,lf of bKu'k 3 lu '!' ;, German CampmeetltiK Association 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 9.07 9. OS 4.55 9 . 08 7.20 7.26 "k -vt K of -block 22. 21, acres Sellwood 1-and & Impt. Co., Oak Grove. Kv of block 3, 2S acres, Sellwood Lund lmpt. Co., Oak Grove, block 12, 5 acres Sellwood I-and Impt. Co., Oak Grove, block 15, 5 acres Sellwood Land & Impt. Co., Oak Grove. Wlj of block 22. 2V,, acres Koch. O. A., Oak Grove, block 4. 5 acres Unknown, subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, blmk 4. Sellwood Land & Improvement Co.. Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, block 4 Sellwood 1-and & Improvement Co.. Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, all of. except N. 120 feet off lot 4 Sellwood I-and & Improvement Co.. Subdivision of a Portion of Onk Grove 30.5x79.1 feet in N.E. cor. lot 1. block 41. and lots 3 and 4. block 41 Sellwood Land & Improvement, Co.. Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove all land North of Bunnell fence, lot 5. block 43 Bingham, Chas., Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, lot 1, block 44 Calkins. Daniel. Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, lot 4, block 57 Sellwood Land & Improvement Co.. Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, lot 1. block 60 Sellwood Liml & Improvement Co.. Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, all west of O. W. P. R. R. lot 2, block 76 Sellwood Land & Improvement Co.. Subdivision of a Portion of Oak Grove, lot 7. block 85 Sellwood Land & Improvement Co.. Subdivision of a portion of Oak Grove, lots 2 to 14 inclusive, block 88 Holt. Anna, Barlow, lots 4 and 9. block 1 Oftield. O. V., Barlow, lot 9, blk. Ackley.' T. H.. Barlow! YoY 3, block' 3 Barlow, A. P.. Barlow, lots 1 and 2. block 6 Nodstrom. Sarah S.. Barlow, lot 8. block 6 Stampfer. Joseph. Gatzke's Add to 8.97 .37 3-03 o - 3 - 1.09 S.34 9.44 , !" l-0 1.32 .64 Barlow, lot 1. block A llllln-.n t-i . ,jj . " c-uf rails u.. r irsi Add ir Willamette Falls Acreage Tract. 3-64 lots l and z. block U Willamette Falls Co.. First Add to Willamette Falls Acreage Tract. lots 1 and 2, block H Willamette Falls Co., First Add to Willamette Falls Acreage Tract, lots 1 and 2. block O Willamette Falls Co.. First Add to Willamette Falls Acreage Tract, fractional block P '. McBride. T. A.. Countv Add. to Or . 3 -64 304 , 1-22 egon City, lots 1 to 8 inclusive. block 34 105.31 Randolph. Sarah I.. County Add to Oregon City, block E Batdorf. J. F.. Central Add to Ore gon City, lot 7. block 36 Boylan. Anna. Darling's Add to Or .02 egon City. East '4 of NW 14 blk. 4 7.79 Mitchell. Lewis a Staver Co, Darnell's Add to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2. block 1 Edward. John R.. Darnell's Add to Oregon City, lot 4. bleak 1 Townsend. C. S., Shaw's Annex to Oregon Cltv, lots 1 to 5 Inclusive block 1 Mack. S Shnw' Annex to Ore gon city, lots 'e. and pi. bloc k 1 Mack. t. .. Shaw's Annex to Ore con f'itv lots 1 and 2. block 2 .... Mack S Shaw's Annex to Ore gon ('My. lots ', to 10. Mock 2.... .Mack. ,1.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon Ci'v.. lots !;: and 1' block 2 W'eellener i. V.. Shaw's Annex , Oregon City, lots 1". ami 10. bloc k 3.54 3.51 1 .84 .71 Ellis. A. S.. Shaw's Anne-x to Oregon City, lots 1 and 2. block ; Mack. S. J.. Shaw'u Annex to Ore gon City, bets 3 to 5 and 11 to is Inclusive. Block 3 Mack. S. .1.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 3 and 4. block 4. . . . Troenble. Leopold. Shaw's Anrie-x tee Oregon Citv. lots 1 ami 2. blk. 4 Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Oie gon City, lots 5 to 9 and 13 b 18 inclusive, block 4 Mac k. S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 3 to s inclusive, blk a , Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gein City, lots 11 te 20 ine-lusive. block 5 Hagerik. Peter. Shaw's Annex to Oregon Citv. lots 1 and 2. block 0 Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Anne x to Ore gon City, lots 3 to 17 inclusive, block 0 Mack. S. .1.. Siiaw's Annex lei Ore gem f'itv. lots 1 tei ii inclusive, blk 7 Mack. S. .1.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 8 to 11 Inclusive-, block 7 Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lots 13 t., 10 inclusive, block 7 Muenc-h. c, K- ,.. Shaw's Annex to Oregon city, lots 19 ami 211, blk. 4 . 2 . . 05 . 1 a 5. 19 : i 2 . 20 i 1 . 17 1 . 17 Griffith. F. T.. Shaw's Annex to Or egon Citv. leels 1 ami 2. block 8. . Mack, S. .1 . Shaw's Annex to Ore gon Cilv. leet 3. block 8 Griffith. F. T. Shaw's Annex lo Oregon City, lols 9 to 12 inclusive bl.ick 8 Mack. S J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gem Citv. lots 10 and 18. block 8 Griffith. F. T.. Shaw's Annex fo Oregon (Mtv. lots 19 and 20. bind; x Griffith. F. T.. siiaw's Annex to Oregon Cilv. lols 1 to 20 inclusive block 9 Griffith. F. T Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lots 1 to 20 inclusive . 19 ' .24 ' .98 ' . 50 . 50 ! 5 . OS . block Hi 49 Giiffiih. F. T.. Siiaw's Annex 'to 5.10 1.89 Oregon City, lots I to '0 inclusive block 11 Griffith. F. T.. Shaw's Annex to Oregon 'Mtv. lots 1 te, :, inclusive block 12 Klenke. Fred. Shaw's Annex lo Or egon Cilv. led I. block 12 Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Oie gon Cilv, 0, 7. 9 to 2a inclusive block 12 Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lols 3 and r, to il iiu lu sive. block 13 Warden. Mathew. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon Mtv. lol 15. block 13. . . , lloeme r. August. Siiaw's Annex to Oregon City. l,, 1, block 13 Mack, S. .).. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon city, lots 5 lo 1 1 inclusive, bloc k 13 Mack. S. J.. Shaw's Annex to Ore gon City, lols I to 20 inclusive, blk Mack. S. Shaw's Annex lo Ore gon Cilv. lots 1 to 20 inelilsiw. block 1 5 Muck, S. .., Shaw's Annex fo Ore gon Cilv. Ids 1 to 20 inclusive block 10 Mack, S. J.. Shaw's Annex lo 'Ore gon Citv, lols 1, 3 to 20 inclusive, block 17 .21 . 13 : .12 2. 15 4 . 90 I ,( 1.90 4 , G Amt. Duo $ Mack. S. J , Shaw's Annex to Ore gon Cttv, lots 3 to 10 Inclusive, block IS 1.90 Warren. Flank. Shaw's Annex to Oregon City, lot 2. block 18 24 Warren. Anna S . Park Add to Ore gon City, lots 9 ami 10, block 10 2.12 Savage. II. W., Pleasant I'laco Add to Oregon City, lot 1. block 3 2 12 llowell. G. T., Green Point, lot I, block 4 4 Oil Cheney, A. W.. Metes and Hounds to Oregon City, Singer Mill site-, as described In Record of Deeds, Hook SO, Page "8; 1.50 acres.... li.L's Marts. Samuel. Metes and Hounds to Oregon City. I 80-100 acres, as described In Record of Deeds book 32. page 453; 1 S0-1OO acres 31 59 Lawrence, Geo. Jr., Metes and Hounds to On gon City, undivided half of Cake, II. M. and W, M , Metes and Hounds to Oregon City, undivided half of 50x32 feet front enfold ing to R. It. limits and hounded on N. by Block 29, Oregon City. 2 10-100 acres 03.19 Cross. II. E , Metes and Bounds to Oregon City, 55x270 ft. as des cribed In Record of Deeds, book Sa. page isl n ot Schleman W. and Priest John. Mountain View Add to Oregon City, lot 8 block 4 Stratton. Helen I,,, (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon Cltv, lots I and ;. block 1 Stratton, Helen 1.. (Admr) Falls View to Oregon Oily, Lots 5 to 8 Inclusive, block I Stratton. Helen L, (Admr) Falls View Add to Oregon City, lots II to 16 Inclusive, block 1 Ross, Chas. A.. Falls View Add to Oregon City, lots 9 and 10. block 1 Stratton. Helen L. (Admr) Falls View Add to Oiegon City, lots and 3. block 2 Stratton. Helen I. . I Admr. 4 Falls View Add to Oiegon Cltv, lot 2. block 4 : Smith. T. I... Falls View Addition to Oregon City, lots 5 and 6 Inclu sive, block 4 Liw. Thos. and wife, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 1, 2 and 3 inclusive, block 5 1.1 I Smith, T. I... Falls View Add. to oregon uy. lots t anu D inclu sive, block 6 Stratton. Helen 1... (Admr.) Falls lew Add. to Oregon City, lots 3 to 12 Inclusive, block Ii 1104 Stratton. Helen I... (Admr.) Falls lew Add. to Oregon Cltv. lot ,8. block 7 ; Stratton. Helen L., (Admr.) Fulls 1. j lew Add. to Oregon Cltv, lot 3. block 9 Stratton, Helen L.. (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon Cltv. lots 12 to H Inclusive, block 9..' 08 Stratton. Helen L. (Admr.) Falls View Acid, to Oregon Cltv, lot 8. I block 11 ; 50 stratton. Helen I... (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 12 and 13, block 11 1.77 4 21 1.77 2.12 3.19 .17 12.29 5.29 2.12 .87 Stratton. Helen L (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 to 3 Inclusive, block 12 Stratton, Helen I... (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lots i fractional) block 18 Moore, Celeste, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6, block A 20 Rlggs. 8. M.. Falls View Add. to Oregon Cltv, lot 7, block A 20 I Stratton. Helen L.. (Admr.) Fnlls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 9. ! block A 20 j Stratton. Helen L.. (Admr.) Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 13. block B 20 Stratton. Helen L.. (Admr) Falls Viuw A, 1.1 (1 -.,..,,.. fit,, l,t H.BS R .-. Q ln,.1lu.tA 1. 1,.,. I. I HI 52 '." .' ' " . , , 7' '.V .,' - uiinuuii, cevirci IJ., Ifiullll.F nuin lew Add. to Oregon Cltv, lots I 4 and 6 Inclusive, block 23 2.1 Stratton. Helen I... (Admr ) Fnlls lew Add. to Oregon City, lots 1 1 to 19 Inclusive, block 24 Stratton. Helen I... (Admr.) Falls I View Add. to Oregon Cltv, lots I 1. 2, 4. 11 and 12. block 25.: Stratton. Helen L (Admr.) Falls ; View Add. to Oiegon Cttv, lots 1 to 3 and 10 to 12 Inclusive, I block 26 I Willamette Land Co., Appc-rson's 3.37 5.95 snb-illv of lots 5. 6. and 7, Falls View Add. to Oregon City, lot 6. tllOCK 'e. 1 Willamette Land Co.. Appe-rson's I sub-dlv. of lots 5. 6 and 7. lot 16. I block 6 I Moore, H. M . Apperson's sub-illvl-sion of lots 5. 0, and 7. lot 9. block 7 Piirdom. .1. C sub-div blk. D bv , J. A. Chas.-. Park Place, lot 8, I block D ' Rookwooe, (J. A. heirs, Park Place half acre adjecining block 1 jMarlav. P. 11. Oregon Cltv. lot 7 1 10 .81 9 . 02 7.02 i j ' ! I DiocK 1:1 Marlav P H.. Oregon Cltv. lects 1 ' anil J. block p. 17.53 ''..Miller. Marian Mrs. Oregon City. lots a and 0. block 51 f,i!.7 Kellogg. () , Oregon City, lot I, blk 60 .... 17",: 1 ' ' , Meldrum .fenni ' block i;. Oregon Cltv. lol 10.:, '' Strattei'i. Helen I... Oregon 1 'ii v. aste- ! 1 -t of lot 1 ; easterly VO .,, of lot 2. block M 2.12 '"Stratton llide-n L.. Oregon City. Icets .! to a inclusive- Easterly 3-1 of lot 0. block, si: 1 I ! easterly 1-S of ,,t 7. block M.. 7.72 ,, ,. Stratton. Ilel.-n I,.. Oie gon 1 'i! v. Lets '"''j 1 to K inclusive, block 85 . .' 5.112 . 'Stratton. Helen L.. Ore-gon (Mtv. led ' 1. block SO; easterly end of lol 2. : block SO; easterly end of lot 3. block 81; : Stratton. Helen L.. Oregon (Ml .-, I easl.-rly etui ccf Lot S. block so.. .31 Marlav. P. II.. Ore-gon City, lols 1 to s inclusive, block 87 11.15 Straiten. Helen L.. Oregon Cilv. lots I be s Inclusive-, block S9.. .2. S3 Sli-atlon. Ilel.-n I,., Ore-gon (Mtv. 00 : 2n ' I lots 1 to 8 Inclusive-, bloc k 9u. . 5.02 Straiten. 11. -Ion I... Oregon (Mtv, lots I to X inclusive, block 91.. 5.02 . ; Scott. Chas. Oi'cgo,, Cilv. lol 3. '' I block 1-'" '. 3 .51 il'iiltou. N. L. Mrs. Ore-gon City. cits fi ane I 1, 1,1,1c "I Hartt. II. H.. Or. -gon Cilv. Ids" i and 5. -block 1 23 ll.nl Ryan, T. F.. 'iregon f'itv. lols 3 and 4. block 129 S3 I Ulickbee. .lames. Oregon Cilv, i,s 3 Ice 0 inclusive, block 1 17 3 19 I Lot t. II. II. Oregon City. ; and I. block I Pi 5.2!i . ' Myers. W. U. f iregon Cltv. we-t- crlv '.. of lots 1 ami 2. block 159 Welch. John Dr.. 'iregon Citv. lots 7 and S. block 163 7.72 Holiness. Augusta. Oregon City, lots I to I inclusive, block 172 15.79 WhH lock. W. T.. Oregon f'itv. lots a, block 173 I.e-high, W. I-'.. Oregon Ojlv. I-:: of lols I b, s ine-lusive. bl.ick 1.7. . Mel 'eil inic k. .1.. Oi e gon Citv, lots 2 tee I in'-llislve, block 179 Bolton Land Co.. Bolloii. Id 5 bloe k 15 Bolton Land (',,., Bolton, ,,i . bleak 17 Bolton Band Co.. Bolion lol I Block 211 Palmer. O. A .. trai l o! numbered i Boring .function i as desei ibed In llecord of lici'ds. book so. page Cross. II. I-;., cbie-katnas Fruit n,s Blocks A. and B. 1 xo-luic ..cns Se hiii'lle-r. C,., Clackamas Ib ighls siib-eliv. bleaks !i. 2S. 29. :;o :;s and 39. lot 1 2. bloc ks II and 29. . Booth. .1. II.. Claikamas I'alk lol 21 Johnson. M. K. Mrs. Edge Wood, lot 17, bloc k 0 Aitisworth. .1. c, (Trustee) Edge Wood, lols II to 14 lindusivi- blk 1.22 5 . 03 7 . 02 . 1 3 I , 02 I . 02 . 85 2. IS .82 .08 Township 6 South Rante 1 East . lOri-goii Banel Co.. I'M i. mis' O' egon Colony, block 93. 51 m-rev ,, 1 Oregon Laud Co.. Frie-iuls Oiegon - : 'olon v. block 91. s 30-1 mi n-ivs Id. 73 I .72 8.01 I. 10 I . 23 1.71 ,98 .iae-nson. 1 1 . 0,, i-rienels o.egou Colony, block 95. 30 2a luo .ii rc-s Oregon Band Co.. Friends 1 i; -cgon Colony, block 90. Id acre:- Oregon Band Co.. Friends Oregon Colony, block 97. Id acrey Oregon Band Co. Friends le-cgou Colony, block I'm. 10 acres . Oregon Band Co.. l-'i lends Oregon 1 ' 'ninny, block 1 01 . Id acres ; Oregon Band Co.. Frieiiils Oregon j Colony, block )a, r, acres Oregon Band Co. Friends Oregon I Colony, block 105. 5 acres Oregon Band Co.. Friends Oregon ! 1 'olonv, block 1 1 x, 2 00-1 no r-l'cs. . Amt. $ Oregon Lund Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 1 19, 2 20-100 acres., Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 120, 2 50-100 ncrcs. . Oregon Laud Co , Friends Oregon Colony, block 121, 2 Ml-100 acres Oregon Land Co , Friends Oregon Colony, block 122, 2 50-100 acres. , Oregon Land Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block 123, 2 50-100 acres Oregon Laud Co, Friends Oregon Colony, block 121, 2 50 100 ai res Oregon Land Co.. Fi lends Oregon Colony, block 125, 5 acres Oregon Laud Co . Friends Oregon Colony, block 120. ft ncrcs Oregon Land Co , Fl lends Oregon Colony block 127, 5 acres Oiegon Land Co. Friends Oregon Colony, block 128. 5 acres On gnu Land Co, Fl lends Oregon Colony, block 129. 5 acres Oregon Laud Co , Friends Oregon 1 Colony, block 131. 8 till-Rill acres Oregon Land Co, Friends Oregon I Colony, block 132. 7 40- 100 nei cm I Oregon Land Co. Friends Oregon ! Colony, block 133, u acres Oregon Land Co.. Friends Oregon j Colony, block 131. 10 acres , Oregon Land Co.. Friends Oregon 1 Colony, block 135. 10 ac res 2 .40 3 44 3.44 3,41 Oregon Land Co. Ft lends Oregon Colony, block 136, 3 70 100 acres 1 , 2'J 1 . 00 1 i 2.8:1 I 4.19 5.17 ! 3,51 2. S3 1.76 3.51 i 9.83 8 77 Oiegon Laud Co. Friends Oregon I Colony, block 137, 2 50-ion acres ;On gun Land Co. Friends Oregon Colony, block 138, 2 fiii-loo act cm Oregon Land Co , Friends Oregon Colony, block 139. 10 acres Scott. Anna. Friends Oregon Colony 1", half of block 110. 5 acres .... Oi.gou Land Co.. Friends Oregon Colony, west half of block I (a. 5 acres Oiegon Lend Co, Friends Oregon Colony, block III, in acres Oiegon I -ind Co., Friends Oregon Colony, block II.'. 14 2o-l0ii acres Oiegon Umd Co. File n.ls Oregon Colony, block 143. is on loo acres Oiegon Until Co. Friends 1 li ege en Col, my. block 144. IS HO-1 oil anes Gl.nlsloiie, It E Assn . Ilavvaulon. lots I and 2. block 3 ( Hailstone, It E. Assn. llawtirdon. lots 1 to 7 Inclusive, block 4 I'oiiierov, Walter. I, Inn Cltv. lots 7 to 9 Inclusive, block I Wakenian. M I! , Linn Cltv, lots 5 and 0 block s Smith. Anna Mrs, Parker Hill Add to 1 iregon City, lots 1 to I liie lu sue. block 2, (2d half payment) Crown. Matthew. Rockland, lot I. 3 II 12.91 7. SI 5 . 85 5. 85 1.99 f. . 75 ,SS .58 5 23 .2 I . i5 2.53 4 51 1 17 block 5 - Il.iinuiond A E. Rose Wood, lots I 1 and 2. 10 15-lnd a. -res 1 1 ,i in lilt iit I . A. E. Rose Wood, lots i j ' I i ' 15 and 10. 1'. 52-HH) acres PlumincT. M V.. Shannon's Add t- Oregon Cltv. lots 1 to s Inclusive, block 45 Miller. Will. Shannon's Add to Ore gon Cltv. lots 1 ami 4. block to . II. lltt. II II . West SI. Ice Add to Ore- gem Cltv. lots 10 to It. block 3 8 Ticlford. 1 1. C, South Oiegcai Cltv. lot 0. block 2 Phelps. Ilnlsev, South Oregon Cltv lot 7. block 7 Phelps. II S C . South Oregon Cltv leet S. block 7 Collins. Edwin, South Oregon Cltv, lot 11. block s 98 .98 .98 .73 2 35 6 25 2.35 1.17 117 1 17 117 2.35 White, Jechn 11 , Windsor, lots 9 to 10. block 3 Parker. S. C and E . Windsor, lot I. block 7 Parker. S. C . Windsor, lots 2 and 3 bloc k 7 Sullivan. W. II . Windsor, lot t, blk II Kennedy. G. W.. Windsor, lot 2. blk II Hamilton. Mead. Windsor lot 4, 1 block 11 K,1V- (l Windsor, lot 13. block 11 Hoffman G. A, Windsor, lot. 9 and in, block 15 Warren. C E. Wolidsor, leets 11 and 1-'. block 17 Brlstcrfe-I.lt. Annie. Windsor, lols 3. bl.ick 21 Bak.-r, Margaret. West l.vim, lots 7 and s block 2 (2d half pivinti.. Willamette Falls Co Wlllninel I.- 1 17 1 10 2 13 7.13 2.13 2 71 I Falls, lol 12. block 8 i Howell, T, J.. Willamette Falls, lot lo,- 0. block 12 (2d half leiivmo . . .Willamette Falls Co. Willamette I Falls, lot 4, block 13 1 Mlhlstiln. F and A.. Willamette j j,. Falls, lot II. block 13 1 Rasmussen, S I , Willamette Falls luilxlllil feet, as described In Uee pin del of D Is Beeok 74, page ISO Roinleeii. C . o. I. A S Co. First Add to Oswego. Id ll. block 3.' 1 27 4 15 4 '18 1 27 Small. P. M . o 1 S Co . First Add lo Oswego, easterly fal feet of Ids 15 ami 16, bloc k 33 Mcltaln. Geo.. I), I KS Co First Add lo Oswego, leels 9. 12. 13 and 1 I. bloc k 31 Hoehetllellllir. L. o I S Co First Acid to Osw.-go. Id 5. block 17 S-blnck W I! , o I A- S Co Ex tension ce' I -I Add lo Osw.-gee. lot 5. I,l..-k- .",.; I.esle r. FOty. o t & s ( 'o, Ext. n , 31 I .01 I 3"l , I .91 j 1 12 ! 48 I I ' ,S I .IS 1 i 3.7s ; ,s 1 90 ! i "loll ' 1st Add to (ISWegee, I., I 0 and " block 50 Cornell I ' V. " illlh Oswe go, lots 1 and ' 1 loci- 3'l I lablgbol t I-: II (Troste-el So. lb Oswego lols I to 7 inelllHI.c bl.eek 30 iCophall. II. A.. S.elllh llSWegci. lols 1 S and 9. block 30 Lee. J, i (Trustee) South Oswego lots In to 12 Inclusive, block 31; Dickson. J. F.. Sleuth Oswe-go Id 1:1. block ::; Ilahlnghiirst. E. H- (Trustcei South Oswego, lot II. bl.ee k 30 Wilton. Nancv. South Oswego lot 15. block 30 Cornell. A. W.. South Oswe-go, lots 0 lo 13 Inclusive, block pi Wilton. Nane-v, Soiitb Oswego lot 5, block 13 I .1 Ii. South Osw.go. lols 0 to 9 Inclusive, bloc k 12 Cornell. I-;, V . Smith Oswe go, lots 1 to 5 Inclusive, block 45 Cornell. ;. VV . South Oswego, leels II to IS Inclusive, block 15 Lee. ,. I I.. SoCllll Oswego. S -1 0 eef 2.38 I 2 38 .10 I III ' bl.ick 51 s -- Pattern. Robeil lllelrsl. Scelllh Os-we-go. 1-10 of block 51 Cornell? E. W.. Soiitb Oswego, Fi'l I -10 of bio, k 51 Cornell. E. W., Soiitb ' isw. c,,, lots I Ice IS Inclusive, block 59 Cornell. E. W.. Smith Oswego I -10 eef bloe-k I 1 labeghlH'sl. F II (M'lOSle-cl (Is. . we-i'ci lbi!.-hls. E half of block I 2 S5-IIMI acres Cornell. E. W. Oswego Heigbts 1-10 of bloc k I a Cornell. E. W., Oswego Heights., block I'.'. 5 20-100 acres Cornell. E W. Oswego He-lghlS. 1-10 or bloc k 15 Hawkins, ('has. B., Glaelsbme, Id '. Idoc k :' Angerlne. II. I... Olaebd.eei l,,u I unci 2. bleiok 7 McCown. C. Miss, Glaelstnue. lots 7 and 8. blo.k 7 McCown. M. I-',. Gladslone. Id 2 block 9 MeCeiWII. C, Miss. Glaelsteelle.. l I 3 block 9 Ifvan. T, I-'., c;ia,bioii.-. Id 5. blk I I Hawkins. I'bas. B., Gladslone. lots II and 15. block 11 Ilvaii. T. F . Gladslone. lol 10, blk I I McCown. C. Miss, all-lhat Irael of land as di scribed In Record of Deeds. Beeok 07. Page 2S0 Rinearsceii. II B. M.. iGuaid.l Glad slone. lols 7 and s. bloc k 10. . . . Stevens. II. I'.. Gladslone, liCs I e, 5 Inclusive, block 19 Willamette Valley I'luiiilii-.riiiu Assn Gladstone, lol 15. bloc k 20 Robinson. .Icanelie Glaelslone lols 1 and '.!. block 2 ''base. Marv Iv. Gladslone-. lot 9 block 28. Wells. E. X.. Gladslone. led 1 1, blk. 28 Ganll. S A. Mrs.. Gladstone, lol S. block 33 Davis, Maggie- M., Gladstone, lols 15 nnd 10. block 70 Gladslc It, E Assn.. ' llailslonc, lot 5. block 90 Bloome r. V,'. .P. West Gladslone, Id 17. block II Frost. .1. ('.. West Glaelslone,. Id 2 bloe-k 12 Taborcloii. Victor, Beds adjoining Gladstone Park, lols 105 and I no 2 75-100 acres GlbbH, Jessie- A., as dc-Hcrlbeel In Record of D Is, Book 03, page- 115, lol 110, 25-100 acres Eklund. Alfred M.. Gladstone Park lot 122, 1.00 acres 8 . .', I - ":'i 2.1:1 1 l.io I , II! . 83, 2.19 1.1 II 5. 17 2.19 1. 1 1 .81 2 . 1 9 1 .08 i 1 . Id I I 5 . 87 5.20 .28 A nit. Sweet nnd Heal I'liuvtlla, lols 1 lo ,98 .118 2 . 10 ,98 2.40 .98 3.41 3.41 3 . OS 3.08 4.8S 4.15 Duo 8 Inclusive, block I H8 Sweet ami Heal, I'navllla. lols 1 and 2. block 4 25 Sweet and Ileal, I'liavllla, lols 3 lo 8 Inc lusive, block 4 73 Sw eet and Heal, I 'liiivllla, lols I lo II Inclusive, block 5 74 Sweel and Heal, I'liavllla, lots I lo 8 Inc lusive, block II 98 Sweet mid Heal. I'liavllla, lols I to 0 Inclusive, block 9 73 Sweet and Heal, I'navllla, lots 7 and 8. block II 24 Sweel and Heal. I'navllla, lots 1 to S Inclusive, block 10 98 Sweel and Ileal, I ' 1 1 11 V 1 1 lei, lots I lo It Inclusive, bloc k II 74 lliitchlns. Win., I'navlllu. lots I In 8 Inclusive, block 12 98 lliilebliis. Win.. I'navllla, lols 1 lo 8 Inclusive, block 13 98 Sweel and Heal, I'navllla, lots I lo S Inc lusive, bloc k 1 4 9H Sweel and Heal, I'navllla. lols 1 to 8 Inclusive, bloc k 15 98 Sweel and Heal, I'liavllla, lots I and 2. bloc k 16 24 Swe.l and Heal, rnavllla. lots 3 lo S Inclusive, block 10 73 Sweel am. Heal, rnavllla, lots I lo 6 inclusive, block 17 74 Sweel and Ileal, bloc Us 2. 3, 7 and 8 as vacated bv Countv Court.,,, Ill 09 Gilbert, Willis II , all of N ,.r Unite Creek, o. g, 0 t ( I.hucIh un der contract. Township 7 Mouth Range 3 East. 3iii neirs tl 9S M e. D. .1 . E half of HW , Hee, 3. township 4 Mouth, Range. 4 E. .98 ' 3 . 93 , .. ,. so acres ij III ,'( M R ('nlghtuu, W, II, NW quarter ccf m quarter, sictloii n, township 3 south, range 5 east, la ncrcs.... o W P Townslte Cn, EHtaciidii, lot 2. block 4 o W I' Towusllc Co . Ilstai ,ulii led 1. block 0 , o W I' Townsltce Co, I'Xitcada, lot 10. bloc k 0 o W I' Townslte Co, Estaiuela, lot 3. ble.C k K O W I" Towiislti. Co. Esliicacla. lot 5. block H I W I' Townslte I'n . Est.icudn, lots ;i to r. Inclusive, block It o W I' Townslte i'ii,, Eslacaelei, lot 17. block II O W, I' 'I'eeWiiMlle Co, I :nlacacli, lots la to 12 Ini bmlve. block 14 . O W. P ToWlcHltn On, Estiicadu. lots 4 and t, blue k 10 O P Te.wiiHlte ('11, Eslciciida. lot 5. block 17 o W I'. Townslt,- Co . EHtaoadii, lot II, block IS o W I" Townslte Co., Estaouda, lots 1 ami 2. block I'' o W P Townslte. Co. Esliicacla lot 12. bloc k 19 Willamette Falls Co Willamette Tracts, lot A and II, bloc k 1 Willamette Falls Co, Willamette Tun Is A ami It , bloc k O lllami'tle- 1 tins Co, Willamette Tt ads. all of bloc k 49 Willamette Falls Co, Willamette Trai ls, all of block 51 HarveV, Daniel PioyUs Tianspor- lalloii Oompnnv lot I Powell. Charles. IVot.l.-s Triiiistnir- lallon Company lols 3 and 4 , O W P K, Ry Co. People's Trims pul iation Company lots U in 21 Inclusive . 15 Morgan. .' U, NI-; ipmiiei of NE mailer ccf section 4. township 3 SI, .oil. If........ I it...... . ... .....- , ic r,i , vr nc,,-. , '.I Resell. J K C, He.l.v. J B ft H II R I ft J I.., pint cef Tb. .nun. Bull- v DI.C. as dc.'ilbcel lii Recud eec ei, JleuiK page I IM er - lion 2. Township 3 South. Range I W. sl: I acre Towmhln 1 South Rang 1 and 2 t. Wills. W E and I, A . 4 acres of t'. ll'Ol- 1. I .. .. .. H- ,1 inn 1, 1, , iin cleMcrilM-,1 0, iieeeiMI III ,lee,M IIcmcK ( pllge 409. Township I Health, Range- 2 East ; 4 acres 1151 Dunlap. James. 6 in ten of 1 1 e'l-lor Campbell l 1. C. an descllbecl III Recold of D Is, Beeok" t,S ih-e 202. seciioiiH :T,, 2W. 311 Town "lilti 1 Soiitb, Ranges I and 2 E; 5 acres .', pi Towmhlo 2 South Rang 1 Eatt. Koshland Fuel, lic k 3a a, ics as elese llbeel In R. cii,, of l H ,,k 47. Page ,',t. Section 0, Townsblp 2 S.uilh Range I l-;.,si 21 '.'d M Igeelll- Alll.lSa. l ol I Sec tion Teewnsblii 2 H.eiith. Range I .;,,, Id :lu eiel ac-res , ... Colli tn, y. Pi, 111, k. NW e,e,M ,.,"f SE .punier He, t,, 17 Township -' South Rang,. I Knsl . pi a.-n-s 10 7.1 Neilll e k. Jemeib. 5ll lo res lis .lee.. eillee.l III lte,,, ,,f ,h si. Page 2SS. H-ctloh 31 Town ship 2 South. Rang,. :.it r,a ll.-ri-S ', Will. I. -ii N 1 1 i Ti ul, e i .: 7d l ull ' acres as elescrlb.al III lecold of I 'I" Be. ok 51. I.llire 317 H-c . lion 30 Township 2 Sooth. Rang.- I l-)ast -i Blncbani Ui b.-. ca. ,ai.- ,i.i, an ,es el Ibed III -. e ,, , of I I, . ,1 Rook 71. Page '0 1 being I .,, I ... ,),.,,,. "olloek I ' I. C ,o ,. T,,, ship 2 So. ill. Bang,. - ,, . , Bunnell, .1 F ,v I o c ,v , l'..T.n V ,v c , ... v .oris ,,r e;,.,,ig. Cow ii I, ,- NO !' - 'l-S. . Ibed III !' , of Deeds Book e;,; t.,,K,. ,, , w, "bill 3 Socill, R,,,ge :,,, ,,, ae-i.-s I 'd half p. iMii. nl i , , '''k- II l on. Ih .c, balf Inl. i est III IT I. II ,.aS IIS lies. I P., ,, lb -col. I of Deeds. Book 3l Page -'..; being I...II of lieolge Wall " I- " TowiimIiI,, 3 South Range I Ea-el ; ''1 vi. ,,, i . --e Mtrallon M A I lb si tw,, ,bl,, lnle-r. si in " a. i. H as ,, . , be, In '" ".e.la k 31 Pag, bail of Bob! i' Town shlli 3 Soillli. Range 3 Fa-I 33 ae l e s T.iul.-r M . ,.,, ,,f wi.'ie.s ."' '"I I 1 I. C aS ele-e, lb. , III Pee mil of heeds Book 37 a,,,,, a; Section 5 Teiwii-lni South, lolllge I ...Ml I- I .neev, M, s 1 ' A 3 "5 ,.r 0 Wbitl.-n Ii I, c as 1 1, - H' 1 1 ,e , I In Book "s nai-o I ' .,,,,) .o,,k 55 Pac,. 1,5. Cownsbu, 2 Hoiilh Bang. I East ; 3 ,,,-ies Wlllame-tte Falls C, lot I . is d. -see Ibed in I took '.' I-,...'. i S''' 1 '"'I 11 Te.Wlisbl, 3 South 1 Range I .) ; 3 71 acres ' l:ll"l'. Cbailes, 50 -i Inn acres as ! d' S. llb.-el In Re e.old of Deeds I -I, I '!""k .? ''e I 15 S,.,.,,i, 15. 1 o w 11 1 1 1 1 1 . 3 South. Bang,. I . I 50 9-leni acres : I I . ! .... . -I... . 1 .. ml 15 51 I ' "" ' I ..'i ael per '. ,"" " --""'IIOI. 10. I oWhshi, 3 15 I . "I1,11- l.ange I .;asl. 51 511 acres 17 'en Arnold I, lie. . , ;, aces , ,,.M. 2.51 i V'"',".'1 MI:"'""I ' 1' Is Books '0 1 ace . 3. Se ll,,,, 3d. Township .15 lh- lei. Kasl, 5 acres . . 1 "2 I lull, 1 harl. s 0 115 acres as dese rlbc-el r. Ul Record d I leccls Boole 11 1 "77. Se Range ej....,i . ... : ' "'' '""I -1. 1 owushii, 3, South I Easl ; 1; or, am i s 3d half pavnieiil I I 'harles. ,1 I Sl i - ; ' 'yo-nm : s,,ih. Bang,. .vIH ' ,",,''7."M '"'If pavnienti . a I. I . U9.IS acr.-s as d-s.-i Ib I V1 ' ' ' R'cmd of Wills ,, . v'ol : ''; Page -l-r. Se-clloll" 27, "S 3'' I ownslilp 3 Soiilh Range I Fasi o.i. is a,.,,.s i-'d half pnvincpi i uiie-s. I arl 1 1 . 3d acres as il.-scrlb- Sa IU I, .lord of lle-e.lls. Beeok 7S ' :',8" Sec-tloli -i '-oie,,ul.l.. I' Smdh. Range I K;,st ; 3d acres'; 1 -'I hall pnvmcnl I .... an... c, -, v i..llr vv I .81 and I'raelional S half of NW 1-1 So'llon .31. Teiwiishlp : Smith '"age I .;asl, 20 acres (3d balf payment i '"land B ('.. pa'r'ri,i'".:iiz;,b'eVli ' ' '' N" i"scr " l!'V'"''l "' I Is. B.,l 19. Page lownship 3 s b. Range l-.asl ; I il acres . . Bell 1 1 I R S In It of si i e it ' ' 11.11 I "I M. I !. Polllel'IIV ' ' ' as cle.s.-rlhcd R,.,.,ir., f ' Dceils. Book 19. Pace V! See- ! J1'"' TcA-iiHhlp 3 Soiilh. Itanc,. ' I Easl .mil' a'-re- camion i,, ,,,( of A n',;.; 1 ra ! Hook I . I: i ' ," n,M;11"" b 'I'owiisiiip 1 3 Soiilh, Range I Fast , ' i" l,f b' "' V"1'" "H ''' - Mbe'd n l.ccori ,,l 1 1,., , Is. B,,k.72. page .82; ...I. cVclloiis 30 Townships -' an. 3 Range .;.IH, ; , ,,,' ; Hall. ( hai lcs, I acres of A. .1 Vle-k- 2.10; 'i ';' ,'''' ,,IH 'I's-'i'lb.-d In lb;co'd ol Deeds. Book 81. I',,,,,, -'cc ownslilp 3 South, Range ,; r. 1 '-'I hall iiavinenl I . I'nliiiown. unillvld,,,! I-H of 3 75 1 "7 o'1'''? "n ,Ul-H,;iU-l I" Itec.lld "of L-7 Deeds. Book L. Page (, prl of ,111 I Dun Wesley .loslyn C,, Hecll,,,,. ..! anil 11:1, Township 3 Hotith, it,,,, nM,,i,;:",i..T,rs: iM Range I East '""l. MethocllHl Camp (Iroumi," ilii" ,', ,'..' ' descrl In Itccuci ,' .' '"; Hook I. Page (Hi. 1,1,1,, .. . ''On L, A. Heelv C. Towns I.I.J"," 4 Holllh Ih.eoo, 1 i,...: " " 'Hill 'Hid Will Malllila 10 .. ... 1 ... '" . . i;. "v-iividcd 1.1 ,,r Keren Deeds, lloi.k l Pa,,,. 1, la" ! of L. A. Heely I "I T ul ,, ships 3 .....I 4, Hang,, 1 V;,, w"" I nknown, undivided 4.5 . ' as described ll...-,,rc of ,' ,'" !'ok L. Pago .,, ,' " ' ''"'Is ' Ul lO'COIll ,,f mill fellows, l-'loreiii-e, 1 0 i'u'-r,',H ,',f ','.'.' - Ing Pen ton D I. '"""I " 'I""''''' ' II 'r. ',',1 I).'' 1. 1.11 1 1 1 1 . iag;?r;!;;r:' 13.41 ""-cilbecl l Itook 7M." Tw '"'.,'!, lownshlp .1 Hoiilli, Unna,, 1 V- ' 39 ace. ,2,, ,, i,,', l'1"". , Town.hlp 4 South H,ms i e M X',"M."."- M. ME ,Z ' E,,t 2, Township 4 Hon. , "i , l-.asl; lea ,,,.,- "an,,,, j I 'ainpaii, T A , E hair of 'hv' o,, 'J.' W ' tei and 11 h li eel 7 U...11 1 ' Towus.np 4 Mo,,,!!.1 't I. If. acres (2.1 half pimm,,,, I "known. N H) er,. llf . 'lf',', NW ciiiarl..,-. Merlin,, ' ' ."e.'1-H 4 .M:,.".'h:. ' ''"'' .0 Town.hlp ' a '8outh-'w,,,'ue i ' ' ,MJ I 1. known. 2 acre. ,i NW ,",, ,,. ,l' SI) .punier or HW -piart,, I ' EiiM , vr::w b H"1""' ''H,,,w'-ir;1,!,i;,,j ie"'-':'';-"f " C 2 93 1.22 si! 1,22 1 25 1,25 1.47 1 22 I 47 !ii Houm. it,,.,.. 1 ,,:;,B. Il. iii v. II M , HW :t. IlllHllel ( N; w V:,' ,;;r,..' ::;"!;. ... .- , -niisill 1 , Houll, llelllge I Fast , M , ,,. "" Sbly. lv. M N . I,. !,.. 4 5 ,., ,.;;., as .l.sclbed I,, lie.,,,, I f , . ' " llesek ,1.. li,K,. CH1. H. c l,, .. le.wiisiiip i m h, rk , ill ft j Diinii k 11 m.i r. of m, ;',,,;: IS4 siilb.-.l t It '"I of II...I. 50 98 5il .1 (9 ' "e" ,1..'. ne-ctiue, -'I lownAhip a Mouth, ita,,,,,. i .:'; In m re. " Engle. Clarence. 20 ,',, '" 11 r Dep. ii,"- I- Pages 32t, and :1.'.,. .,, ," Teewnnhlli I, South, K , is : : Miui.iv i; h'. if imir'of nw ,,,;; i,'.r lit 76 75 or, 71 10 an.l M-. 'lucrler ..f HW ., """"",'"; low iisin,, s.iaHi Range I East; ;a i,,,,.. 111,1,1,.., I.'O-..,.. .1. ..... 20.11 .e., i.oh, nve. cici.nfMp NI-. epiaile, and HE nu,..,- , j! iiuailer ami ,,, , . "Ib.-.l in II ,, f , V. Pug- 154. He. lie. a (, Town, "hip 0 Hoiilh. Kan,,,. ).;,. .ii-n . 1 3.1 b.ilf pin mem i '"-it, Mi.-lndl.-r, 1 1 N . N.; f Hp illllll.-r of Se e lion 12 T,. ,...!..' I. Mould , ! - l I liUion&i. It.. ....... i.... ... ' , " " c, ac l-i-i , I, - 1 1 1 iH u, ,-, I Ciller e,f ,, N(1 Ib. ii.e Easi if, ,, il,,,,,,. nMlt; ; "' , lll.-li.e West 5 r,M,. eei ... e .".Clin .CI lllels ,, I Mecllon 3 Township ,; ? , Rimge I East 71 'KililllliK H'niih. i R- y nobis, c. f, , ,,. ,i,fc.r',i ; "1 Record of I Veeln k Mi ,,,, ll'.K U.... ...... . ,.. . . ,..,se ' -s- i""hip i Mouth Raime ; i-ami ; r, , ,.. I'liknowii ..,t .1 Heellon lo'. T.iWIO 71 ".ie. I pom 11, lump- .' -:t. Un fieri Mu. keiilhiili-r. (I I" ei'i cl,.. lllbeel In (.,,, ,,f .,.,,, lU)iik "... I IIKC. ,,s. Meet,,,,, ( T.lll.hlll - .-.,,,, ,i uange -' . ,,l In in . D.-,.r,l..,fT.I B I t'l ,,,.. " I .lib., , Reeorel f H,.,, I I Pag,- 121 Sc. Ilm, w. T.isii.hlp I Hoiilh. RariK,. ; ;,, , j ,lrr,,, j ,5 i Minion Gnsl.'iv. HW .ciart,r ,,f Kv , ejl, ,,,(,, He.Oee,, 3 Te.Wl,e.hl, t i Month l(llKe .' Fin., til . y I'lap.l Anile M I,,, Heelti.n 4 , Township ; He.uth. li.neg,- : VUnt. i,l I mi ni t in ;i M.M. ol I 'up, , in N a. '. ill el,.,, e'llbe d III Re. ,,,, ,,f I, , , t,, 'i Page 17. s,., ti,,,, 5, T..hlil, .' South Range .' i:,i-l. S lirrv, 'el half uiv,n. lit l ( f,J Ktiigbt Flank I. . .3.- 13 ,,, re a 'les.llbe.l to Kecolels of l,.,,l. Book T'l Page IB' He. tl.,11 5. Township -j Mouth Range 3 Kccul 12 43 noil l 3d half p. I lie 111 I , . . K 53 I O'' l. C -v C V , ,. as il.-K- e lb. , In Re, ,, ,,r I leedH '.,H,k . Page- 31 See Hon S Town- ' Holllll, llelllge- 2 i:.CHt; I Ul I.e.1 t-'leuu, r.u I 'in ,o I . M a il, In Re. eei, I cef I lee. Is. Rook 7 Page '"k Mecllon 9, Teiwiishlp 2 Health. " 'lege 3 K'll II" I '"' III I is.. It ile-.-n ,1 .H T I ac t.- as .I.-b.-i Ibed ' If- eel.l of I IceelH Books I, I and ' I ' ' I -..', and Ins. S. e ll, en 9. ti-hlp 2 Mniilh. Range 2 FaeO IS Wad. Anille I-" (Tiustee, il ii. -les l e. Ml . ibed In Reconl of Heeds. B-ee.k I.S, Page 133 Se. Iloll I 'I Township 2 Soiilh, Range .' Bast li ... M il ' ilail-.lon,. R ', Ahii . I acles an de. llbeel I,, Record of I Iced. Book 31. Page .!',". Section 21. Township 2 South, Range 3 Bast. I elf I -S. Ciiinmifii-H. ' j ,, 1,5 Hen s us eli - lllbeel In Beci.lll of Deed" Bocek 75 in,. I 2 pages 211 and II. S"i -lion 32, Township 2 Soulh Ring'- .' Easl : 05 acres Bolels, I ', , icas n acres as lies, clhe el III Bel-Olll of DieicIS Book '" Page :'ee;, Section "2. Township '.' Smith, Range 2 East; a in-ies. s.i; :3 : J5 Dans, Louis, N half of MW .piarler of NW .luarter. Mecllon 25 Te.wn- 'hip 2 S Ii. Range 2 East, -'" acres I- '' 0. Jennlno D. L. C. No. 38 i. 40, .Icii, ilngs. J F . 1 1 1 i.5 acres an il''" e l lbeel lii Reconl of Deeds. Rooks 75 Hint 51, pages 3 and I. ami a dl-Hcllbed 1,1 Reeiael t I lei-els. Bonks, sr, and s7, pages lo and 13a. Seel Ion .Township -' South Range :i Easl; 7n in-n-s c'd half . pax inciil I As cle scllls cl III Record of M.-e els Books 85 anil S7. u,ges 10 and Bin. Township 2 Soulh. Range 2 . I'lasl. II or. acres 2. half I'lionU '- Stralflht, Hiram D. L. C. No. 42. Mlnkh r. Marv. 21-100 acres as des cribed In R. -col-el of Deeds. Book 30, Pag,. ta:. Seel Ions 20. 21. 39, Township 2 Mmilh, Rung.' '-' ,. Kasl : 21-100 ai res Holcomb, A. B,, D. L. C. No. 43. Walts. I laid, I .. 13. 5d acres as des cribed In Re. -del of D Is Book 81 and S3, pages 0 and 7. Se.-ll"iis '-'0 ami 2i. Township - Mouth. Range- '3 East ; 12.50 ae-r.-s i :!il ., half paymcnl ) Holcomb. ,eehn O. 39.21 acn-s as ilese-l Ibcel III lle col ll oT I 'ceils R""li 05. Page '.III, Seel loll 2". 'I'l i W 1 1 si I i P 25. Range- 3 Easl ; 39.21 acres (2d half pav nt, I--'1 Fisher, Ezra, D. L, C. No. 44. B 1 barman, I., i , I Ion acres as des ! ctlbcd In lli-e-ori of Deeds. Book j Be, page' r.Mi, SeclleellS 3S. "9. , .I.e. I ownslilp 2 Soul II. linage . . Easl; 01 -Bid acres 1 Morley, E, I,.. m-r,. as described In ' Re-conl r D,.,., Is. book 87, pug'' I 311, SeciioiiH 28, 29. 32 and :'':! 1 Township 2 Soulh, Range '.' Easl j 1 acre 'Cheney, A. W., 31-ldli lien's as ih-s-i . i-rlla il In Record of I tocds, Booli j 81. Pug,, tin;, Scelloiis 38. 39. :'..' and 33. Township 2 Soulh. Itimgc ! 2 East: 31-1 nil acre's Green. Win., 50-1 Oil acres as descrl li .51 135 ed In Reconl ol' I (coils. Book -s , Page 305. Heel Ions 28. 29, 32 and 33. Township 2 Soulh. Rang'' '.' Easl. 5011111 acres I, ilS ; Lark Ins, Win., I ai'i'e as ecsci'll" 'i . hi Re-cord of 1 ii-ecls. Book 50. page I 112. Seel Ions 28: 29. 32 ami 33. j Townslilp 2 South, Range 2 East; 12 Collin, E. II., II acres as (lcserlbcd 111 Rc'i-onl of lc-eds. Ilciolt 31. pag" 37. Seel Inns 28. 29. 32 unci 33. Township 2 South. Range 2 Easl . II acres "' Abernathy, Geo., D. L. C. No. 58. (Contiiiuod on ptiKo 7. 1