Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 15, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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f ft. In ,-,.,--- to thank hir.i and his loyal colleague.
VlCgOn Vliy CnitrpriSC the la- in Tongu e tor hav-
ing gaineo tp.tm a deserved nwsni
Published Every Friday
Subscription Rates:
One year
Si i months
Trial subscription, two montl
.11 50
. 25
lion and ttu payment of long delay
(Continued from Page L)
jat December 17. 1SS5 when ho was
assigned to duty on the following
committees: Privilege and election
railroads, transportation mutes to the
seaboard, claims, mines and mining,
posioffices and post-roads, and special
plration stamped or. their papers fol- ; committee to superintend the con
lowing their name If this la not j struction of a National library After
payment, kindly notlty os. and the a year's service he was made chair
Advertising rates on ap; Mcation.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
matter will receive our attention.
Entered at the postufnee at Oregon
City. Oregon, as second-class matter
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you cannot take any
thing better than Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout
ou n doctor if this is not so.
He uses it. He understands
why ft soothes and heals.
- tvh ' M Ttver. t
" I NJI J tTl
e e f lja. j. c. Ttn .-
That there is an imperative need for
a County Boti Society in
Clackamas Cour.ty car. e better un
derstood when one read-; the interview
with Fruit Inspector J H. Reed, that
is printed in this weeV issue of the
Enterprise. Mr. Rei I 'a statements
represent his conclu-ion formed after
making a complete canvass of the
county when all orchards and vine
yard were critically inspected
For years fruit growers of West
ern Oregon have n?g -cted their or
chards to the extent that they are
now confronted with an alarming con
ilition San Jose scale has invaded
practicallv every orchard in this sec
tion of the state and tr? future of the
fruit industry' is seriovsly threatened
This statement i not an exaggera
tion: it is a plain statement of facts
based on actual conditions, igor
ocs -measures must be adopted to com
bat this pest and it is suicidal to the
fcjrt;ct.ltural interests of this section
for ziowers to shrink their responsi
bility for a single instant.
The need of an organization of the
growers of this section is indeed great
The opportunity for accomplishing re-
aadta is corn's- ndingly large
Through the agency of a County Hor
ti. '.: ' -r Society, unler the intelligent
leadership that ve note is identified
with the ne-vly fo-aed Clackamas
Couity organna.. n zreat things' may
be expected. The f:equent and judi-ciou-
spraying . ." fruit trees must be
resorted to if further inroads by the
San .'se seal- ar- ' be intercepted.
And it is the dut;- o' every fmit grow
er in this count; 1 1 become actively
iden ti fied with t'ais Horticultural
Soot- and len'i his every assistance
to the work tha' he objects for which
j man of the committee on transporta
tion routes, to the seaboard and in
March lSSi. was made chairman of
I the committee on rallnvls
On January 19. 1901. Mr Mitchell
was again re-elected as his own suc
c or for a full term of six years. In
this election there was no content,
the Republicans being largely in the
majority in the legislature. This
term expired March 4. isy7
At the meeting of the Legislature
in January. 1S97. it being the duty of
that legislature to elect Mr Mitch
u. WWW, ou jauu.rj .v. 101, YW wH hten racOVer by tak
a caucus of the Republican members inc one of Ayer't) Pills at bedtime
of the Legislature was held and he :
was declared the unanimous nominee
of the Republican party of 1'nited
States Senator to succeed himself
Twenty-eight members of the House
efused to take the oath of office during
the entire session, thus destroying a
quorum and preventing a vote for
Senator, and also preventing the pas-
I 1
Nature's Product
the First Baptist church officiated and
:r.tt-rment followed at Mountain View
(Continued from Page 11
n organized may
son or $
this ?.'
ces. !0
nur-' -
is n
Grove " -Maine
exee '
ever; l t
tim to tl
abaohii d
fen- '
If yon
be a rcai
Don't ra
I ham t cmcelve of a more
n'.ile peram than the wilful
i . a : ; ir anv other duniJ
' Soiri" sicfi contemptible per
....... jeen engaging in
" ' ' . ;;' more or less sue
x rminatine a large
n this locality and it
L: ". resident of Oak
.gaged in the same
o time. Without an
. - we a-e informed.
ogs that fell a vic-
" r in this city, was
B, making the of
" iminal in character
jdge against a man.
him what you think,
ome dark night an I
ghbor's dog a tempt
isoned meat. Impris
:ld a form of pun'-'h
poisoner. Some ad
iould be provided.
hort course in agri-
announced to be con
experiment Station at
' gricultural College is
- vorth to farmers, fruit
airymen of the state
tine to attend the series
t! will be given bv spe-
c alists Of t e particular worth is the
special eon e in dairying that will
amas County farmer
ed in this industry.
i a flattering future in
ould make it his busi-
i at least a part of the
culture trat
t'lictd at t'
t Torva!'-'
i f incalcr.V
j-oiren f
v'lo may Ba
i if lecture I
begin Jan'i
Every C
vho is lat
v hich has
t ii eottnt)
Ben to an
led '.:-.- 'i r.se attending will be am
ply eomn I tad for the time that is
spent TJ ! ctures are by men who
are tra;n- in their particular line of
work an-! - vhich they have made a
study id! : ny years.
sage of any appropriation or other mas County should" be rooted up and
acts during the entire session, which burned
resulted in his defeat Mr. Mitchell "I have used apple trees in my il
was again. February 23. 1901. elected lustrations, since the action of the
to succeed Hon. Geo V McBride. and scale seems particularly fatal to them
took his seat March 9. 1901 His It is almost equally as bad. however
present term of service would have ' with cherries, prunes, pears and all
expired March 3. 1907 other trees, and even rose bushes
Twenty-Two Years a Senator. "Farmers are now beginning to real
Mr Mitchell enjoyed a distinction ize that they must take extreme mea
it is believed no other man in the sures at once if they wish to sell their
I'nited States ever attained in connec- fruit, and 1 have more letters in the
tion with service in the I'nited States , last three months asking about spravs
Senate: he was the only man who has than the state commission got in two
ever been elected from the same years. Probably the only effective
state to the Senate after two vaca- spray that will kill the insect, and at
tions. He served from March 4. 173 j the same time not injure the tree. Is
to March 4. 1S79; was out from March I composed of 50 pounds of lime. 50
4. 1879 to March 4 1885: served from pounds of sulphur and 10 pounds of
March 4. 1885. to March 4. 1897 (It) I fatal vitriol. This mixture Is bo;!.d
years: was out from March 4. 1897. ! and added to 15" gallons of warm wa
until March 4. 1901: and was serving ter It is applied to the trees not too
his fourth full term. liberally. It does not kill by contact
; 'itb the insect, but forms a coating
The fruit inspectors appointed last
v. uapusi viiunn otorc sue- i juup e een ratner easv on
The Quality Is There
cess in Business Men's Carnival.
farmers this year, but next year we
j will close down hard Not a pound of
One of the most pleasing, spectacu-1 fnllt ffected by the scale will he ai
lar and entertaining home talent en-1 jwed to be sold in the market Spray
tertainments that has been presented j inK 'iH be compulsory as provided in
in this city for some time was that j tate law. ana where it is too late '
of the Business Men's Carnival at j fo ,his lo do T good, the trees will
Shively's Opera House Monday even- 1)0 "Wtoi 'P and burned That I; fl
ing. The affair was given under the "n! wa'. Thf-re have alway-i v n
auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society J some larmers in the state who have
of the First Baptist church and the i sprayed and taken care of their or-
proceeds of the netertainment. which ! eharos, but avails them no" : j
were entirely satisfactory, will be ad- v,!"" a mar. ' ho i.-ts l:,s trees e .,
aea to the fund that is being expend- j neglect lives next door The orchard
Phone I 26 1
ed in paying for the new church par
sonage that was erected through the
agency of these ladies during the last
The opera house was filled with an
interested audience, and the two hours'
programme was enjoyed to the ut
most. The exercises included sever
al interesting marches and drills that
vere executed with credit to both
is sure to be infected, no matter how
many sprayings it may have had: the
first sood wind will blow millions of
the insects into the place.
Havoc Wrought In City.
"There are hundreds of people in
the city who have old cherrv or other
fruit trees in their back yards, where
they have stood for years Without r
ceiving any attention In nin: eas s
parucipdnis ana me director. Missitnese trees are literally covered with
Wingett. In the grand march, seventy 1 the San Jose scale. 1'iiless this is ex
of the business firms and societies of terminated and the trees snr;iv..i rr
the city were represented, each hav. destroved it is nnlv mni..r ,,V nm..
a young lady properly costumed ! when there will not he a ram In ti
and carrying a banner indicative of citv fit to be called bv the nam
e firm represented. In addition to 'Many DWDM are wondering ark
numerous drills and n-.arches the pro- their roses are not doing well The
gramme included recitations by Mrs. ! San Jose scale i at work If the .r.p
Sylvia McGuire. of Portland, vocal is not wiped out in Portland it will be
SOlrt riV Mica L" . ..... .v.: ..l: i ' l.. a . .
rwMm, iiiiiiiJK oj j unij a iew years vnen roses will
he get the right to publish Patterson's
petition as his own? The Court pro
ceedings as published In the Telegram
further says that there an- 111 regis
tered voters in Oswego Precinct, and
Patterson had I of them uK.n his pe
tition. Patterson did not have over
M registered voters upon his petition
and there were fully 0 names upon
his petition who could not vote If
there was an election held today.
In closing I will say. I am from Mis
souri, and want to be shown. Will
the County Conn piease arise and
Your for right and Justice,
.Near HimtlevV Drag Store,
Ureal Britain and America.
Arthur Draper, who was thrice
cored : and the pretty drill by the Gyp
sies in costume. Miss Edna Daul
ton was the pianist during the even
Secretary Cross Says Coming Assem
bly Will Be Better Than Ever.
ininviting looking place a
id between Albany and
Oregon City from a rei
oint. and yet. that splen
ower and the big mills
iver have a mighty good
-Albany Democrat
t in passing through Or
oes not get a view of the
ddence district of the city
which la located almost entirely on the
iff. A visit to that section of the
es a thickly setteied com
:i as many attractive mod
as are to be found in any
otlie. f t of similar size in the state.
Oregon C y with its vast manufactur
ing Indu ies, repreienting a monthly
pay-r 11 of $40,000.00 does not take off
r- ..ny other town.
long the
dence ata
j he t
g r. CI
;nctpa! n
city di-c
inanity v
era hou
In tl udden and unexpected death
of Sen-1 r John H. Mitchell Oregon
los' I arm friend, a faithful and in
tlue. . legislator. Senator Mitchell
will al . ys be remembered for the
valu:. services he rendered this
state ing his many years in the
8ena If for no other thing the late
Senat will always be remembered
by thf ' :dian War veterans, who have
Harvey E. Cross, secretarv of the
Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asso-
iation. who returned Monday morning
from San Francisco where he attend
ed a conference of the secretaries of
the Pacific Coast Chautauqua As
semblies, reports that plans are under
way ror securing the best lecturers
and entertainers for the lSni; Assem
blies. While the talent has not been
finally determined upon the officers
of the different associations are in
correspondence with a number of y
eetim bureaus in the East.
The result of efforts along this line
nil be reported at another meeting
f the secretaries that is to be held
at Ashland in .January when the lec
turers and othf-r talent will be decided
pon and contracts entered into.
Among those whose services- are de
red is Senator LaFollette. of YU
insin. and Mr. Cross is in correspond
BOB with Wisconsin's ex-Governor's
have to be planted every year I am
going to pay particular attention to
the back yard orchards of the city
next Summer.
"San Jose scale belongs to the class
of insects called armoured, from the
scaly covering with which it covers
itself It passes the winter under
this scale, but when springtime comes
with the swelling of the buds, the in
sect becomes active. It is amongst
the most prolific of all creatures, es
timates made by the Government offi
cials placing the young from one fe
male at more than three million Other
authorities make it even higher."
Lm l-.rtlan.t 6:45 a. m. dully itxc-vl
Sunday i fr Hab-rn n1 way point
UtVe Portland t:t Tuenday. Thursday
n muuouv fr Ind.-i,.-nlrn-r.
iiny and Torvallln
tnict-i 'f water
Oswego. Oregon. Dec. 11. 1108.
Editor Enterprise:
Will you kindly allow me. through
your columns to offer a criticism up
on the action of the County Court in
ir-anting a license to sell spirituous
liquors to A. R McWilllams of 0
The facts in the case are as follows:
A man by the name of Patterson cir
culated a petition for a liquor license
;n Oswego in the early part of October.
After obtaining a mrmber of names,
he began publication of the petititon
in the Enterprise of October .T.th set
ting forth that he. Patterson would
apply to the County Coniri on the ;th
day of December. ItM, for a license to
sell liquors in Oswego, for a period
j of twelve months dating from the
Otb'day of December. 1905. This pe-
I tition, Patterson published in the En
terprise for three Consecutive weeks.
By tone hocus pocus the last publica
tion is made over the name of McV:l
iiams. at the same time his name ap-
i-ar:nc in the petititapj as a petitloi
'a' ion to 'he County Court, also the
fact that Patterson' did not kan a
Kentucky where she was born July 8. majority of the legal voters of the
18C1 On November IT. 1848. she was Drecinct unon his r.tii-,n u-.. i
waiHMii, in uhio. i me result? rne Coonty Court Ignore
ation becausi I was not
As Mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces Such
articles should never be used except
on prescriptions from reputable phy
sicians, as the damage they will do Is
ten fold to the good you can possibly
derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J. Cheney 4 Qg ,
Toledo. Ohio, contains no mercury, and
is taken internally, acting directly up
on the bhwd and mucous surfaces of
the system In buying Hall's Catarrh
f'ure be sure you get the genuine It
is taken internally and made in To
ledo. Ohio, by F J. Cheney A Co , Tes
timonials free.
Sold by druggists. Price 73 cents a
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
WeeK Dayi
I-eavi- I'oKlaml
n. 111.
a 111.
Leave Ongon nty io:oo
in p hi.
11:30 3:30
p. in. p m.
1:30 5:30
Hi Beta axchangMi with o. v.
P .v Ity
C. B. tall!
Transfer and Express
Freight and panels delivered
to all parte of the city
Sunday Excursions
11. in.
i m.
p in.
I.avr 1
Portland 8:30
a.m. a in. p ln
Or. City 10:00 11:30 i:jo
Office and Dock:
Foot Taylor Street
Phone Main 40.
1:30 3:30
P.m. I
3:30 5:30
bible KtADiNG at stone. c Carry Fine Bath Tubs
Death of the Late Mrs. Susanna Rs
dal!. Mother of T. P. Randan.
Mil BauWBua Randall relict of the
late N W -Randall and mother of
Poatmaater T. p. Randall, died of old
age at her home in this city at 1:30
n'cloek. Monday afternoon, after an
illness of three months. The decaaa
ed was aged 74 years.
Susanna Taylor wa
there will be a bible reading at the
church house at Stone Clackamas
county, commencing January 1. iwG
and continuing for ten weeks. All
persons are heartily invited to attend
thaaa reading- to which there will he
no tuition charges. Two dollars and
a half per week will ! aked fr
l.oard and lodging, this being simply
enough to cover the actual expense.
S. O. Pool, a thorough bible student
of Seattle. Washington, will conduct
the readings and he will be able to
preside over a class of loo members.
For any further information address
T. L. Mumpower. Box 12. R F D. No.
2. Oregon City Oregon
wedded to N V
and with her husband crossed
plains to Oregon in 1&52, hxrating at
Oregon City Mr. Randall died May
10, 1890, and the wife is survived by
three daughters and two sons, as fol
lows Mrs. Mindell Church and Mr
H B. Alldredge. of Oregon City: and
Mrs. M M. Sloper, of Santa Cruz, Cal
ifornia: Mentor V. Randall, of Glen,
Oregon and T. P. Randall of this city.
Funeral' services at the late resi
dence Wednesday afternoon, were
largely attended. Rev. H B Robins, of
a Mgner of the petition and grants
to A R. McWilliams a license to sell
spirituous liquors for the period of
six months 1'pon what authoritv did
the County Court act? McWilliams
never had a petition, he used Patter
son's. Is a petition for a liquor 11
eeaae a negotiable instrument of
writing? I do not think that any well
informed attorney will say that it is
Then, wherein did McWilliams com
ply with the law. or when and how did
"I was much afflicted with sciatica."
writes Ed. C. Xud, lowaville, Sedg
wick Co . Kan going about on crutch
es and suffering a deal of pain. I was
induced to try Ballard's Snow Una
ment. which relieved me. I used three
50e bottles. It Is the greatest llnament
I ever used: have recommended it to
a number of persons: all express them--eVes
as being benefitted by it. I now
walk without cratches, able to per
form a great eal of light labor on the
farm 25c. 5rtc and LM, at Huntley
Bros. Co. drug store.
and everything el-e in the line of first
class Plumbing Equipment. The val
ue of modern, absolutely sanitarv
Plumbing is inestimable; It saves
much work and worry and mav save
roar life, ijon t endanger health and
happiness by living in the house that
s eqmppe,! with old fashioned fix
Q our prices on refitting
your ent.re house with good Plumb
The Plumber.
'2,(100 milen of lon dia
tance telephone wire in
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
IK'ration by the Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,25(1
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the satisfaction of 1
personal communication.
Distance no effect to
clear understanding. Spo
kane and San .' runciaco
aH easily heard 11 Port
laud. Oregon City office at
Harding's Drug1 store
Oeierves Your Patronaje.
The growth of a community and UW
uccesa of Its local Institutions depend!
Urly on the loyalty of lt people. I
l well enouith to preach "patronise home
indimtrj but except the service alvB
at a homo Institution equals that of out-of-town
antarprlsea, this argument car
lies no weight and Is entirely disregard-
d, as it should be. But with Oregon CIO
people it la different. A few montbi
K. U Johnson eatabllshed the CM
ade laundry. It is equipped with th
latest Improved machinery and Is dslf
turning out work that It equal to aaj
and superior to much of the laundrf
work that is being done In Portlani
Being a home Institution and fumlshiM
employment for many Oregon City peoP1
It is enjoying an Immense patronaa
The high standard of the work ben1
done commends It to the general public
Laundry left at the 0. K. barber shop 1U
be promptly called for and delivered t
anv part of the city. Telephone HI
E- L. Johnson, proprietor.