OREGON CITY KNTERFIUSH, FRIDAY. DKCKMUKK 15, 1!05. 4 Brief tUts of Gossip Fram All Part of Ibc County. Oar Correspondents' Cornet ? BEAVER CREEK. The weather Is somewhat cold and every body ta hugging the stove rather close. A Mutual Telephone talk Is all you here in this burg the last few days. E. Tarry of California, has come to Beaver Creek to find lilm a location. The Shannon and Martin saw mills are in running order. There will be a Christmas tree at the Welsh Congregational church on Xmas afternoon. Dick Davis' voice was heard over wire in Heaver Creek last week. 1 guess the connection was all right. The eBaver Creek school Is pro gressing nicely under the manage ment of Miss Emma Stephen. J. E. Jones made a business trip to Gladstone this week. The Socialistic lecture delivered by Mr. Lewis and Claud Howard was well attended. Steudeman Pros, played butchers this week good weather for pork, boys. Abraham Thomas returned home from eastern Oregon this week. Miss Maud Panials was presented with a new organ this week. I guess we will have some music now. Fisher Bros, are plowing on D. W. Thomas' farm. Dr. James is very ill and has been In a critical condition for the past few days. A. Thomas is laid up with a pair of sore eyes this week. Win. Scanlon is improving very plow. Wm. Grisenthwaite attended Grange meeting at Oregon City this week. David Harris, Jr., has been sick for the past week. led In the family burying ground. School is progressing nicely In dis trict No. 57. under the charge of Mr, Wilcox. Mr. George Hlnclnbothom, of this place, who Is working in Portland, is quite frequently seen in our midst. John Hughes is hauling lumber to Oregon City for Morrison Peering. Fred Piorren is again seen In our midst. Mr. Frank Mattoon has moved his old house and Is now renovating the same. Mr. Calkins, moved to Portland and is working at his trade. Mr. Davis has been cutting wood for Mr. Kd. Barrett. Mr. Mitchell of Clackamas Heights was recently a Uedland visitor. ANXIOUS TO DO HIS BEST. CURE FOR SORE NIPPLES. As soon as the child is done nursing apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Howell & Jones. STONE. We are having lots of frost and fog these mornings makes the air pretty cool. But we feel as though we are fortunately favored when we read of the storms and cold weather they are having in the eastern states. We were wonderfully wakened up a few weeks ago with the great news that we were to have an electrict plant here at the old hatchery, and electric cars running too, (property raised double in value. But alas, it seems to be a flash in the pan. we don't hear any mure about it. We have all set tled back where we were. We would like to see the project succeed, all right. Uncle Mark Hattou paused his S4th birthday the 8th of December. He has not been well for the last year, but he is able to walk around. Our creamery is doing fine. Every body sea-ris to be well pleased with it. John Hatton had nice fresh ripe strawberries last week just gathered off his vines. How is that for winter? HEART FLUTTERING. "But." said the insurance solicitor, "you should do something to provide for your family after youn death." "I'd like to, and will if you can show me how to provide for them while I'm living and at the same time trying to support the oiliials of your company in the style to which they have become accustomed." CARUS. Dec. 12 The foggy weather which we have been having seems to cause lots of sickness in our burp. John Davis, an old farmer from Hazeldale. was hunting his cattle here Monday. Mr. White has been quite sick with pneumonia, he is under the care of Dr. Strickland. Mr. Howard is improving. He has had the typhoid fever and pneumonia. Ethel Jackson, spent a few days with her aunt Mrs. C. Spangler. There is to e preaching at the Evan gelical church December 21. at 10:30 a. m., by Rev. Wettiaufer, of Oregon City. Our telephone line is connected with the Beaver Creek central. After congratulations were over and the wedding dinner served, the young couple left for Portland, but will make Oregon City their home. The good wishes of their friends go with them for a happy future. Prof, and Mrs. L. A. Head entertain ed the teachers of the Parkplaco school Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs. Ilobley and Mr. Wagner, of Portland. After the six course dinner was serv ed, a musical hour was on loved by all. The Case house is being remodeled and an addition added to it, which will greatly Improve the looks of the house. Guy Purcell came down from Camas, Washington. Monday and made a short vlult at home, returning Monday evening. Mrs. Wood and children from Clack amas, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Drayton. Fred Smith and family, from Baker City are expected for their annual visit to Capt. Smith's during th- holi days. Paul Freytag has purchased a new home In Portland and Chas. Smith went down the llrst of the week to help them move and settle In their own house. last few days. Bturgls Bros., the sawmill men. are building a large shed to store their dressed lumber In. .lames Adkins Is also huldlng n shed for storing dressed lumber. I think these saw mill men are looking for some damp weather In the near future-r John 7,eek, the Canity blacksmith, Is building n new house. HOUSEHOLD CARES. Tax The Women of Oregon City The Same As Elsewhere. GREEN WOOD. IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills their trouble would pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store; guaranteed. Hev. W. Mason, of Beaver Creek, was the guest of W. H. Jones and fam ily this week. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Km ger had to have his leg 'reset this week by Dr. Summer and Dr. Mount. Mrs. Uobt. Clark. Miss May Clark and Miss Meyers spent Monday even ins with W. H. Jones and family. Mr. HasbrouKh has sold his nhieo to his son Bert. W. Kruger has sold his farm to Mr. Warnelck. of Springwnter. Gordon Hoovan Is very sick with typhoid fever at Dr. Strickland's hos pital at Gladstone. Hard to attend to household duties With a constantly aching back. A woman should not have a bad back. And she wouldn't If the kidneys were well. Dean's Kidney Pills make well kidneys. Mrs. A. Hill, residing at 3.1 First Street. Portland, Oregon, says: "I suffered conslderabln for a year or more from aching pains In my hack ex tending down through the lotus ami In the region of the Mdneys. I had to be careful In doing any work about the house which inquired stooping or lifting for if I moved suddenly I used to suffer severe twinges of pain In my hack. I used plasters and several remedies but found little relief until I not Poan's Kidney Pills. They help ed nie from the first and finally cured me." Plenty more proof like this from Or egon City people. Call at Dr. C. tl. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report For sale by all dealers. Price GO cents. Foster MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for the I'nlted States. Remember the name, Poan's, and take no other. toe four lone UNION HALL. NO OPIUM IN CHAMBERLAIN'S t COUGH REMEDY. David Fancher. of Mt. Pleasant, was isiting John Burns last Monday. Bud Hilton and wife were visiting lis mother last Sunday. Mr Paverletz took a load of wheat to town last Monday. Calvin Parker has been helping Perry Burns build some fence I lie , There is not the least danger In giv ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ; small children as It contains no oplutu ; or other harmful drug, It has an es tablished reputation of more than 30 years as the most sueceiesful medicine in use for colds, croup and whooping mugh. Children like It. Sold by How ell Ai Jones. And Buy your Groceries at the ELECTRIC GROCERY For CASH only nr. i -i.f. .f n . . ytc nave a large &iuck oi Lined and Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Tea Coffee, Baking Powder, Rice, Must Flour, Feed and Cereals and every. thing belonging to a First-class Store such as Tin and Graniteware, a fio( line of Chinaware. Everything will be sold for CASH only for the next 30 Days at strictly wholesale prices. Come now. D M Klemsen CANBY. .0 SELLING ELLING Undigested food and gas in the stomach, located just below the heart presses against it and causes heart palpitation. When your heart troubles you in that way take Herbine for a few clays. You will soon be all right. 50 cents a bottle. Huntley Bros. Co. dr tg store. BARTON. Dec. 10. Barton is still ooming. You can hear the grit mill sing every day. with Charley Burghart at the head. Erney Burghardt and John Hinchel are still hauling wood for E. Burg hardt. The school entertainment and box social Saturday night. December 2. was a grand success. Eighteen boxes sold brought ?:11. One of Bai ton's young ladies boxes went for $ l.h'i. We are goim; to seat the school house with new seats with the money. The school is talking of having a Christmas tree at Barton Hall Xmas Eve. Come one and all with barrel pocket-;. Mr. IT. L. Ward has begun work at Cazadero. Mr. Sherman Lyons .made a flying visit home from Ca.adero cam)) last Potato dbtring is a thing of the past and it is a good thing, for if it wasn't rhe commit n It v in their loss of Mis Inez Birtchett. of Marquam. was visiting with relatives in Canby last week. .Mrs. Aluer and Mrs. Allen, of Cen tral Point, were callers at the Metho dist parsonage last Saturday. Prof, and .Mrs. Matthews have re. turned airain after a visit to bis moth er, who has been seriously ill. All the churches in town are prepar ing for Christmas exercises and tree. Mr. Case left Canby this week for Salem, where he will reside in the future. Entertainment and sorial on Satur day evening December 10. at Central Point M. E. church. Svlvia Russell died at Macksbnrg. in December 0. l'.Wi.i. of tuberculosis, j age 17 years. 7 months. I The stores here are getting ready for j Christmas trade, which they think will j be a larg one. They will have a fine ! .listday of st-kwR fancy and useful. Mrs. A. A. Shank has been indis- nose,-', fr several days. At last re- j norts she was improving. j Miss .Anna Linnelierg paid a visit! to oPrtland friends a few days ago. j Died. j Sylvia Russell was born in Iowa, j May r,th. 1 S 5 S . Came to Oregon in : November. 1!m2. with her parents, and i lied in Macksbnrg. Oregon, December! i',th. 1 ft 1 1 r Age 17 years and 7 days. At the time of her death she was at her grandmother's borne where she had been for several months in the ' hope of retraining strength. But such : was not to be. j The cause of her death was tub'-r-: miosis and at times she suffered i ."eRth-. She was of a loving and pa- ; tient disposition and never a word of "oro plaint or murmur was heard from her lips. Always a good girl, loving jnuim, she had no fear of death. The funeral was held at the borne : of her g'-andearents, Mr. and Mrs. Herder, the sermon being preached by Rev, p. s. Clemo. of Canbv. A large number followed the remains to (the grave: interment was at t'ie Au rora Cemetery. The- mother and broth er of the deceased f.s well as the grand parents have the synio;" by of ieh a GREAT MONEY SAVING We will Save you Something on Every PURCHASE A Sale that offers Extraordinary INDUCEMENTS i Decisive Cut in Prices If Prices are an Object, buy during this REAT MOPJEY SAVING SALE Radical Reductions Made in Each and Every Department MEN'S CLOTHING Men's $20 Suits Now $17.75 Men's $18 Suits Now $15.95 Men's $15 Suits Now $12.85 Men's $12 Suits Now $9.85 Men's $10 Suits Now $7.85 Men's Natural Wool Half Hose at the Remarkably low price of lUC Men's President Suspenders special at OyC Men's Jersey Overshirts, fleece back, now on sale at 5()C - BOYS' CLOTHING Boy's 15 Suits Now 12.85 Boy's 12 Suits Now 9.85 Boy's 10 Suits Now 7.85 Boy's 8 50 Suits Now, 6.85 Boy's 7.50 Suits Now 5.75 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Misses' Box Call Shoes, Sizes 12 to 2 at low price of Child's Kangaroo Calf Shoes, $1.25 values on sale for Women's, Blucher Cut, Vici Kid, lace, pair 1.25 95c 1.35 autiful trirl. u wouki he potato muddins. i! -Mrs. Lyons and Miss Winnie Has I - t"f-n victors at the Barton sehool. j WATER CURE FOR CONSTIPATION The Sunday seboo is proves druj nieely. , Half a pint of hot water taken an We hear that Mr. Warren flre.'-n- J !mur before t,rea!-fai-t will usually keep well is buildin? him a house. the bowels regular. Harsh entharties One would think by the loads of j should bo avoided. When a purgative nrorlueo to Barton from the H-fhiuit is !iv!. talc Chamberlain's Stornaeh and Liver Tablets. They are mild and c 'title in their not inn. For sale ,y Howell k .tones. raneh there had been onot down that way this season. Yes. there is a ranch down Cue rivet and it takes five or six men ;:'! -u:n mer to t"nd to it. I sruess they have sold at b-ast 'J'lbft sack of spuds be sides acres of onions and other things. Mr. Lyons lias been sett ire-' out a young orchard. Mr. Burghardt bad Mr. Cox trim- iMI"- t if. fhrer-ftiir o ho I'll t-k li :teo Sioitri We are bavins? a cold snap now and j Kf.!!(lnl A wi, arf. i,lte,-e.ted in th I believe it is better man so niuen rain, don't you? l-'ridav PARKPLACE. 1.- All that is talked of now the Christmas Cantata, vhich t'iven in the Assembly Hall, evenitii:. Henomber 2L', under i 9 I 0 G GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS 52 inch, Ladies Cloth, during this sale, per. yard 53C 36 inch, all wool, Albatross at Special price of per yard 40 inch, all wool. Graite Clo'h, h black only, cn special, per yard 5l)C 38 inch all wool, Cheviots, splendid values at our regular low price of 50c per yard, Special . . during sale, per yard 44C Special offering in Ladies' Stylish Raincoats Tan or Olive, collarless, finished with belt, , A this season style on sale at low price of 0.y5 BLANKETS Good Weight -vW 11-4 Heavy Weight at big reduction 3.35 19c LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Child's and Misses Knit Underwear, good win ter weight -you can make a great saving, price, per garment New hianneleitc Wrappers, made of fleeced matenal, yob trimmed with braid and ruffled, lor this nie reduced in price, now offered at 88C, $1.08, $1.33' Women's Outing Flannell Gowns, medium weight, 50c Values for 42C $1.00 Values for 88C Values for 63C $1.25 Values for $1 .05 75c ' iiecess of the Sunday School are in- vitod t'l be present. I Wedding hells were beard in our littie Imi-i; Tuesdav. December 12, REDLAND i when Miss Clara Davis was united in Dec. 5. Miss Maud Stone, who has j marriage to Mr. I). Nolan, of O-etcon teen attending Willamette L'niversity cjty. The ceremony took place at at Salem, was recently home for a the home of the bride's parent, Mrs. few days' visit. Coffee, and was performed by Kev. Mr. J. Mosher, who has been work- Myer, of Clackamas, in the presence Ins on the Government dredge at Cas- f a number of relatives and friends, cade Locks, was recently renewing old anions? who were Mr. and Mrs. Hal. acquaintances in this place before Brown. Mrs. M, and Miss Bertha leaving for Salem. Rivers. W. F. Urayton and Mrs. Davis One of the daughters of Mrs. of Parkplaco and Miss Churchill, of Smith is sick with the malaria. i Oregon City. The bride was dressed Mrs. S.-Sprague, an old pioneer of in white and carried white and pink this place recently died and was bur-' carnations. Low Pi aces that Mean Something iufeB',gffJi"gm:i5BW 9 I .QUIT T "R-J m t f i I i 1 0 i 1 ,4 0 t r. c r,m apt? 1CTi!&01W '