Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 15, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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Holds That Clackamas County Alone
Has Jurisdiction in Milwaukie
Gambling Prosecutions.
The Milwaukie Club, In Clackamas
County, is beyond the criminal Juris
diction of the Portland municipal au
thorities or those of Multnomah coun
ty, and gambling cases against the
proprietors or employes of the club
can only be prosecuted in Clackamas
County, Judge Frazer so held yester
day, and refused to Issue warrants for
Isaac Gratton and various others ar
rested several weeks ago in a raid
made by Captain of Police Buin. De
tectives Kerrigan. Day and others,
says Sunday's Oregonian.
Judge Frazer held that the state
law providing that a crime committed
on the boundary line or within one
mile of the boundary line can be tried
in either county, was contrary to the
section of the constitution which
guarantees an offender the right to
trial in the county in which the of
fense shall have been committed. This
being the case, the clause of the city
charter which empowers the police
to suppress gambling within four
miles of the city limits is useless, be
cause under the ruling of the court
the case could not be tried In this
city and this county when the crime
was perpetrated in another county.
The police would have to .take the
cases for trial to the courts In Clack
amas county.
The point is that if the law extend
ing the jurisdiction of counties one
mile Is unconstitutional, it goes with
out saying that the extension of the
criminal jurisdiction of an incorporat
ed city four miles is unconstitutional.
Judge Frazer said, however, that
there was another reason why the
club might come come within the jur
isdiction of the court, but the evidence
at hand was hearsay, and was not suf
ficient to warrant the court in pass
ing on the question. The District At
torney could investigate the matter
and ascertain what the facts were, or
the court, if necessary.
What Judge Frazer referred to was
the report that bets on horseraces
were received at the Warwick Club
saloon, and telephoned to the Mil
waukie Club pool-rooms. This fact, if
true, is said to bring the cringe of
pool-selling into Multnomah County,
but this only refers to the poolselling
and has no bearing on the gambling
games of various kinds operated at
the Milwaukie resort
Judge Frazer, in deciding the cases,
reviewed the arguments made before
him and authorities presented, com
prehensively. In Arkansas, Illinois,
Tennessee and West Virginia, where
a case was triable in different counties
the words, "or district" were added to
the constitutional provision that the
case to be tried in the county where
the offense was committed. The dis
trict might embrace part of another
county, and the court said this chang
ed the aspect of things.
Judge Frazer stated that it was a
notorious fact that the Milwaukie
Club-house was erected just beyond
the county line for the express pur
pose of evading the jurisdiction of
this county, and said the technical
constitutional provision placed the
court in a powerless position, but the
constitution must be upheld. Com
ment was made that there were too
many arbitrary things in the constitu
The Legislature ought to be al-1
lowed more power. More trust should
oe placed in the Legislature. Judge
Frazer concluded by saying it was the
duty of the court to protect the de
fendants in their legal rights.
-wv.. wj uittciu Bivca a maa '
a clear head, an active brain, a tlf
orous body-makes him fit for !
battle of life.
Shubel, 3 p.
rML1 -
Henrici School house
7:30 p. m.
Molalla, 3 p.
7:30 p. m.
2 Cams, 10:30 a. m.;
m.; Canby, Festival.
I Sarah Neukirchner, Albert Neukirch-
"For seven years." writes Geo. W. nor- Ida B- Bloomer, and Annie E.
Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a Jones, widow and heir-at-law of F.
bitter battle with chronic stomach and i G- Neukirchner, deceased, Defend
liver trouble, but at last I won, and ants
cured my diseases, by the use of Elec- STATE OF OREGON,
trie Bitters. I unhesitatingly recom- j County of Clackamas. ss.
mend them to all, and don't intend in Dv virtue of a judgment order, do
me miure to oe without them in the
1 "s-j cue cei (.ainiy a WOnoeriUl i
medicine, to have cured such a bad j
case as mine." Sold under guarantee I
t.-- uu me auie ior you, py Howell & i
Jones, druggists,
them today.
at 50c a bottle. Try
Notice is hereby given that there
are sufficient funds on hand in tho .
Fund of Oregon Citv tr nav
all outstandin
warrants endorsed !
u w- - - i"'
prior to July 2
Interest will cease with date of this
; iiidiiioi iu to mane saie or the loi
15, 1905. j lowing described real property, situ
F. J. MEYER, ate in the county of Clackamas, state
City Treasurer of C)n-S'n, to-wit::
! The South Half of the South-east
Dated December
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Clackamas County, State of
Oregon, appointed administrator of
the estate of John Goebel, deceased
All persons having claims against the
said decedent or his estate are here
by notified to present them within
six months of the date of this notice
to the undersigned administrator at
the office of Bruce C. Currv at Ore
gon City, Oregon.
Dated December 12, J905
Administrator of the Estate of John
Goebel, deceased.
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney.
Saloon License.
Notice Is hereby given that I will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a renewal
of my saloon license at my present
place of business, corner of Main and
Fourth streets. W. E. WILSON.
Executor's Notice of Appointment.
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County as executor of
the last will and testament of Wil
liam C. Lichtenthaler, deceased. All
persons having claims against said es
tate are hereby notified to present
same to me with proper vouchers as
required by law at Sherwood, Oregon,
or at the office of Wm. D. Fenton. GOi)
Fenton Building, Portland, Oregon,
within six months from the date here
Executor of the Last Will and Testa
ment of William C. Lichtenthaler,
First insertion Dec. 15. 1903.
Last Insertion Jan. 12. litOtl.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Barbara Kary. Plaintiff,
Karl Kary. Defendant.
To Karl Kary, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Or
egon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the last day of the time
prescribed in the order for publica
tion of this summons, to-wit: on or
before the 2Gth day of January, 1906,
the said day being after the expira
tion of six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and if you
fail so to appear and answer, for want
thereof, plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in the
complaint, which is that the bonds of
matrimony existing between the plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved.
This summons is published by or
der of Hon. Thos. A. McBrlde. Judge
of said Court, made on the Sth day of
December. 1905. by which order it was
directed that this summons be pub
lished once each week for six succes
sive weeks, and that said defendant
appear and answer on or before the
26th day of January, 1906; and the
date of the first publication thereof is
December 15th, 1905, the date named
in the said order for said publication.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
25-26-27 Washington Bldg., Portland,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Edith E. Richards. Plaintiff,
Charles H. Richards, Defendant.
To Charles H. Richards, defend
ant above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby notified and requir
ed to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before the ex
piration of six weeks from and after
the first publication of this summons
to-wit: on or before the 27th day of
January, 190G, which is the time
specified in the order directing this
publication, and if you fail to so ap
pear or answer, the-plaintiff, for want
thereof, will apply to the court for the
' . I "
... iwniv. 1 ua lUC UUUU3 VI
matrimony existing between you and
the plaintiff be set aside and dissolved
and held for naught, and for such
other relief as may be just in equity.
This summons is published bv order
of Honorable Thos. A. McBride Judge I
,.f ri t .
r, T &l 6 OI
0r.e.gon'. for Clackamas County, and
' it outer was maae, aaieu anu en
tered the nth day of December. 1905.
and the date of the first publication is
December 15. 1905, and the date of
the la.st publication of this notice Is
20, 1900.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
m '"c .."'. .uun oi uie oiaie oi
. .... .unut; jl tiuLitauiaa
.'taij ttaiiuil, riillllUIL,
a -w ron:4i
an" an execution, amy issued out
' uunci o--di ui inc auuYB cu- j
title(1 court, in the above entitled!
cause, to me duly directed and dated ,
L1"5 181 ua-v ,J1 JJecemner, i j).j, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 23d day of November,
1905, in favor of Mary A. Walton..
! Plaintiff, and against Sarah Neuklrch-
nor Allrt V,l ll,.. ij n m
,...,.,. .,igi,iilmra ,,ia u. liiiitim-
pr and Annie E. Jones, widow and heir-!
at - law. of F. (i. Neukirchner, deceased, !
Defendants, for the sum of J1R7 09
i&ni the further sum of $00 as attor-!
an(1 the furthe'r sum f :
tir.M, costs and disbursements, and j
the COStt! of and nnrm thiu .it ,.r ',
"i""' t.iii.-i .in, t.tini-. j
quarter ot .Section Ten M0i in Town-
' ship four South of Range Two East of
W. M., and containing Eighty acres.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
ami in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
Gth day of January, lyric, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door
of the county court house, in the city
of Oregon City in said county and state
i-.eii ai puunc auction, subject to re-
uempuon, to the hi
IT. s rr.i,i w.i uk i - -
,te .-t uemei ior
- o-' Mi.ui in uaiiij, an me
right, title and interest which the
within named defendants or either of
yiem, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above
described real property or any part
in uanu, an me u
Forty y-:irs ago, Pr. pierce searched
ifwv' lnlnrtitnvii (.T a tvimxly with
which t supplant the Ignorant and vi
cious method of treatment, with alcn
holic stimulants, then in vogue, and still
t.o comiiu'iilv proscribed and advised for
' iV.- ..1. .........
woman s iM cul.ar ailments,
Nature almonds with most efficient rem
edies and in Lady's Mlppcr root. Black
Cohosh root. 1'nlconi root, lit no Cohosh
root and tiolden Seal root. Dr. l'iori'o
found medicinal proertles, which when
extracted and preserve! by the use of
chemically pure glycerine, hav proven
mot potent in making weak women
stroll-,' and sick women well. It contains
no alcohol: is not a "patent medicine,"
nor si secret one either.
"1 ws Miiferinif Willi nervous ht.l.-lit
priin- in tin' Kv k ami ilizini'ss. ho that it
tiini" 1 liail to lie down for hours tieforv 1
co;ild rie my hi ad." write Mr Mry M.
Tli.im.ix. of U '," iiwio'ii Mrm-t. a Anuele.
I'al " Vtter takiiik' the tir.t lul of ' fn
Vttt fV.fni!ioi." however. I mo ihim-J
Willi the rv-iili that I kept on taklnll uiillj
1 ivM.m d to lit tilth and otrvntrlli, I
sli.tll ne it l" without iIiIn k'nit iu(hI1cIiii
ami h.ill take a (ew iIiwm-s wlirn 1 do not
ievi Mtviii:
One of tin- principal uses of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Proscription is the preparation
ot prosiMvtivo mothers ior tho time of t'lackanias County, and State of Ore
trial and danger that comes when a chili! inm
Is born. The " Prescription Is strettuth- ! . u ...... i . , .
enimr m.d in i orntmi ....I i..Juw A" Persons having claim against
and danger. It Insures the perfect well-
being ami the perhvt health of both
mother and final. Kvery woman should
these thill 's Ivefore She really llredj
to know them.
Micro are many things
lr. ricrce s i tmm
it .Neiise Medical Ad-
is.-r, that every
This eelo:r.iti d
t'.s i.ilo concs ;ii ! .
of production ha !
it is How Iteilia -":'
1 sent to any n
one-cent stamp to
man ought to know.
r'. reached a sale of
oe.tcli, Tho expense
thus Ivcen covered,
n aw ay. A copy will
vs on receipt of "1
iver cost of mailing
(in.'-!, or. In cloth hind.ng for 31 tttamtis.
Ad.tres Dr. K. V. pierce. Buffalo, N.Y.
Don't Be Hoodw inked,
orovei-i.TSii:idttt Into accept imr a ulwlitut
for the Original Little Llr Pill, first put
up by oUl l'r. It V. rirm. over 4a year agu,
and callcti Doctor I'lrrcc'i Plraunt I'rllrtt.
Thry'vt. In-tii much Imitated hut nevi
equaled. iin or two are laiarlve. Uirue
four caUiarwc
thereof, to satisfy gald execution. Judg
ment order, decree, Interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Decem
ber Sth. 1905.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Ivy Vorbeck Potter, Palntiff.
Lester Potter, Defendant.
To Lester Potter, the above named de
fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon:
iou are nereoy renuirtal to annear
and answer the complaint filed against I matu'r (,f the estate of Parker F.
you In the above entitled suit on or Mon-v- deceased, that I will on and af
before the last day of the time pre-1 tor T,l0Slla'' the 2Cth day of Decern-
scribed In the order for publication of
this summons, to-wit; on or before the
JOth day of January, 1906, the said day
after the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fall so to appear and an
swer for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief pray
ed for In the complaint which Is that
the bonds -of matrimony existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant be
This summons Is published by ordor
of Hon. Thomas. A. McBrlde, Judge
of said court, made on December 8,
1905. by which order it was directed
that this summons be published once
each week for six successive weeks
and that said defendant appear and
answer on or before the 20th tlav of
January, 190G and the date of the first
P'lljIication thereof if December Sth,
1905, tDe date nrned 'n said order for
sald Publication.
. T. B. McDE.ITT.
AUorney for Plaintiff, Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Henry Cans, Plaintiff,
I vs.
James Shaw. Betty Shaw, John Duffv.
I and S. Neffker. Defendants,
I County of Clackamas. ss.
ny virtue or a Judgment order. ,1,..
cree and an execution, dulv issued out
ul "' mmer me seat or me above en
titled Court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
I me 1st day or December, 1905, upon
a judgment rendered and entered in
jsaid court on the 2:!d day of April,
IMS, in favor of Henry Cans. Plain
tiff, and against James Shaw, and Bet
i ty Shaw of said defendants for the
isum of $19H.r,0, with interest thereon
, at me rate of X ner cent
per annum
from the 27th dav of lune 1S9X an,!
i ik; iuriner sum of J. .
of and upon this writ
me out of the personal
the costs
nronertv nf
said defendants, and if .sufficient could j
I louuu, men out of the real
, property belonging to said defendant
ion and after the date of said 23d dav
; of Anril. 1X9S to untiuf t.i.i ",
. . ' " OI
ii.iii.yo and inreruuf n o .,.,. ..... 1....1.
and also the costs ' upon this s
executim. huhrinct ..... .. ."
an'I in compliance with the comin-inds
of said writ, beintr ..ni.i . . T , d" '
--- j't ih"" nt, 'iiin-i nil wet'riit
i . . . .. 1 n"i
j -1 sonai property or said
I did on the 1st day of December ifliir,'
duly levy upon the following descrih-
ed real nronertv of said ,if,.., "
situate and being in t o V' n n y of . ' "Ktrict !,t
Clackamas, and State of Ore I IZ
and 13 to 18 inch, l e in"' I h k o ' "'"'t such place as may be des
Lots 3 to 0 and i t u ."' i ,nat,?'i ' the city and slate of New
inclusS in Wock 5 : Lobi ! , 7 ' 1. hr ,intP ' at f"" rate of
elusive in nwk p.. r 1 . ' ,V
i " i'' in-
uoihuu in uiocK r; jots 1-2-3-9-1 o-ll-i
18-19-20 in Block 8; lj,tn 1 to 20 in"
elusive in BIock 9: I.tits 1 to vt in.
n lioclf 10- T.ota 1 t -nr t
elusive in mock 11; Lots 1-2-3-0-7- a
' - lA,l J--'-J-'i-v- am
10 ZD tne us vn n rt 1 o
o n in liiock 13; Lots 1
si ve
, txjrs ,;-1 iiiii
fin 4 .
In Block l l:l)ts 1 to "fHnMo I -. :7 . l'"u,u u,,,,ri "wso of
in uiock 15; Utn 1 to 20 inclusive in'r- V o . , , K '' a "regon
Block 16; Lot, 1-3-4 and 5 , " j : ry"ist 1 '""' ,W "a,
thrive in Block 17; Lots 1 to 10 inclu- ' 'AWffi where the prin-
Hive In Block 18; all of the above lots
I and blocks being In Shaw's Annex to
i Oregon City, Oregon,
, And I will on Saturday, tho tilth day
of January, 1906, at the hour of 11
o'clock a. nv. at the front door of tho
County Court house In the City of Ore
gon City, In aaid County and State,
at P'rt'llc auction, subject to re
I . I. ....... I.. H tl. . l.l.-i.-.. l t I
domptlon. to tho highest bidder for
1'. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all tho
right, title and Interest which tho with
in named defendants, or cither of them
had on tho date of mild Judgment or
since had In or to tho above describ
ed real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said Judgment order, decree,
Interests, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Haokett, Deputy,
Dated Oregon City. Oregon, December
i:, 1905. .
Executor'a Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
derslgned has been appointed Execu
trix of tho estate of Ulrlch Aemlsegger,
deceased, by the Hon. Count v Court of
i 1,1,1 saiJ 'sate are hereby notified to
i present the same to mo for payment
' at mv residence near Barton Clack-
nttois Ponntv (iiwnn tl V 11 V,.
In,.. jtl. vouchers" within
months from the date of this notice.
Executrix of the Estate of Ulrlch
Aemlsegger, deceased.
Cordon E. Hayes. Attorney for Estate
Dated November 27th. 1905.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned, executor of the will of
Mary E. Winston, deceased, has filed
his final reHrt with the County Court
of Clackamas County. State of Oregon,
and that Haiti Court has set Monday,
the Sth day of January. PJiKi, at tho
hour of 10 o'clock a. ni , of said day as
the time for hearing the said Final
Report, and tho objections thereto,
if any there he. At which time all
persons interested are hereby notified
to appear before said court.
Executor of the will of Mary E. Wins
ton, deceased.
In the matter of the estate of Parker
F. Morey. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order mado and entered In
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas, on
tho 'JL'd day of November. 19o5, in tho
i I),'r' Proceed to sell at private
sale, all of the followlne described
real property belonging to the estate
of Parker F. Morey, deceased, to-wit::
Being a part of the D:LC. of Felix
A. Collard and wife in Township 2,
South of Range 1 East of Willamette
Meridian in Clackamas County, State
of Oregon, and described as follows,
Beginning at a point on the left bank
of the Willamette River In the mouth
of a spring branch and formerly In
dicated by a rock mound; running
thence south 55 degrees West up and
with said branch 8 chains to a stake;
thence South 3. GO chains to a Yew
stump; thence South SI degrees West
and along the north lino of the tract
of land formerly owned by Henry C.
Welch 33.30 chains to a point which
point Is the Southeast corner of the
tract of land conveyed by John Q.
Welch to J. J. Bullock by deed record
ed In book "F" page 13, records of
Deeds of said Clackamas County;
tnence North eight and fifteen one
hundredths chains to a point formerly
Indicated by a stake: thence North
83 degrees East and 20.75 chains to a
point formerly Indicated by a tall
; maple stump; thence North 51 de
grees East 4.50 chains to a point In
the left bank of the Willamette River;
: thence up and with the meander of
said river to tho place of beginning
containing 31.33 acres, more or less'
Ttuit the terms of mich sale ahall
tie cash and that bids for the purchase
;of the said real property shall be made
i to me at the office of mv attorneya
Hedges & Griffith, in Oregon City'
nxeciiirix or the estate of Parker F.
Morey j Deceased.
Attorneys for Executrix.
(First pub. November 21, 1905)
Notice of Sale of School District Bonds
Notice is hereby given that a certi
ficate of bond election held in School
District Number 108, Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, was filed In mv otrw on
30th da.V of October, lfltir, l.v tt.
! judges and clerk of said bond election
I wherein It is certified that an election
I held In said district on the 2Sth day of
! October, l!(i)5, it was voted that the
i bonds of said district shall be Issued
. In the sum of Five Thousand Dollars
I ($5000.00) for the purpose of building
,and furnishing a school house for said
school district.
; Said bonds are to be Issued jn ,,..
nominations of Five Hundred Dollars
j ($.00.00) each, payable absolutely in
' twenty years from date, one or more
or said bonds red
' a"J "" V"" " "' at the pleas-
,,AW'-fl xlx P" centum
per an-
semi-annually. Bids
will be received for the
pfirt of the said bonds.
whole or anv
I will receive' sealed bids for the
above Issue of bonds up to 2 p. rn of
Saturday, the 23d day of December
when they will be onened at mv
v ' 4- I llll.lll- fill Wit tlT iTt.. lr
clpal and Interest of rtnld bond shall
bo payable Bird the rate, of Interest
which aaid bonds shall bear, Tho said
lunula will Tint lie Hold for Iohb tlinn
par. The right to reject any and
liltls la reserved.
Dated at Oregon City. Oregon, thin
28th day of November, 1905.
County Treasurer.
Quardlan'a Sale of Real Property,
Notice Ih hereby glvi that tint un
dersigned, as guardian of tho permm
and estate of Arthur Card and Norma
Card, will on and after tho 30th day
of December, 1905, at tho hour of I
o'clock p. 111., of said day, at tho ofllcn
of Llvy Sflpp, Justice of tho pearo for
District No. L In Oregon City. Clacka-
man County, Oregon, offer for aalo and
sell at private aalo to tho highest bid
der either for cash In hand or part
cash and the remainder on credit with
ample securities, anil subject to con
tinuation of said Court, tho following
described real property, to wit:
The W half of tho NE quarter nnd
tho NE quarter of tho SV quarter and
the NW quarter of the SE quarter of
Section :i:i, In T. 3 S.; It. 3, E; W. M.,
In Clackamas County, State of Oregon.
This sale Is made under and In pur
suance of a license and order of sale
gi anted by (ho County Court of Maker
County, Oregon, on tho 1'lst day of No
vettiber, 191)5. In the matter of tho
guardianship of Arthur Card ami Nor
ma Card, minors, authorizing this
guardian to sell said real property.
Dated this 1st day of December. 1905
7.. S. CARD.
Cnarillan of tho person nnd estate of
Arthur Card ami Norma Card,
Guardian'! Sale of Real Ettate.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as guardian of the person
and estate of Norman McKen.lo,
Clark McKen.lo and I-ee McKctulo,
will on and after the 30th day of De
cember. l'J()5. at the hour of ten o'clock
In tho forenoon of said day, at tho of
fice of Llvy Stlpp, Justice of tho Pence
for District No. 4. In Oregon City,
Clackamas County. Oregon, offer for
sale and sell at private nalo to tho
highest bidder either for cash In hand
or ror part cush and remainder tin
credit with amide aecurltles. ami aub
Ject to confirmation of said Court, tho
following described real property, to
wlt: Beginning at a atono marked "X" on
top. Said stono being tho corner of
Sections 9. 10, 15 and lfi, In Township
3 South. Range 4 Ea.t. Willamette
Meridian. Said stone being also on
the east boundary of tho J. H. Miller
D L.C., No. fil It. said Townshlt) and
Range; thence south nlotig east boun
dary of said J. II. Miller 1) L C. 12 00
chains to the southeast corner of said
D.L.C.; thence west along south Wnin
dary of said J. H. Miller D L.C. 3! C!)
to the aotithwest corner of a tract of
land owned by James McKcnlo and
recorded In Book "V" page 417, Rec
ord of Deeds for Clackamas County;
thence north along the went boundary
of said James McKen.lo tract 13 G3
chains; thence east parallel to tho
south Iwmndary of said J. H. Miller
D. L. C. .Idfi!) chains to the east boun
dary or said DLC: thence south
along east boundary of said J. H. Mil
ler DLC. 1 G3 chains to tho place of
beginning, containing 50 acres, all In
Clackamas County, Oregon
This sale Is made under and In pur
suance of a license and order of sale
granted by the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon, on the 2!'th day
of November. 1005. In the natter of
the guardianship of Norman McKon
7.le, Clark McKen.le and Lee McKen
z.io, minors, authorizing this guardian
to sell said real property.
Dated this 1st day of December I 'to'.
Guardian of the person and estate of
Norman McKen.le, Clark McKetiz.le
and Lee McKerulo, minors.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacliamas.
In the matter of the Estate of John
Herbst, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the above
entitled estate has filed In the County
Court of Clacliamas County, State of
Oregon, his final account as such ad
ministrator of said estate, and that
the Court has fixed Tuesday, Janu
ary 2, 1 DOG, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., of said day at the Court room of
said Court In Oregon City, Oregon, as
the time and place of hearing any and
all objections to said report nnd the
final KoUlement of said estate.
Administrator of said Estate,
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Estate
In the Circuit Court of tho State
uregon, ror Clackamas County.
J. C. Herrlngton, I'lalntlff,
May Herrlngton, Defendant.
To May Herrlngton, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appenr
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the iii,ov0 entitled court and
suit on or before the expiration of six
weeks from and after the dato of the
first publication of this summons to
wit: On or before 23d day of Decern-
ei, i:o.,; una it you fall to answer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for tho relief prayed
for In bis complaint on file herein, to
wlt: That tho bonds of matrimony
now existing between the plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved, upon the
ground of desertion and abandonment
of the plaintiff by defendant for a pe
riod of more than one year, nnd for
such other and further relief as pray
ed for in tho complaint and which to
the court may seem equitable and
This summons Is published by or
der of the Honorable Thomas A. Mo
ride a judge of the Circuit Court, of
the State of Oregon, and the said or
der was made nnd dated the Sth day
of November, 1305, and the dato of the
fust fTuhllcatlon thereof Is the 10th
day of November. 1905.
Attorneys for PlalntllT.
Women as Well is Men hi u
MloAr.liln L.. t!J .
imwduio uj money and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble jCy ,, .,
UlKcoitriigriiiilKllcitucinuimlili 1 '"1.
""(I. IIM111.I
"ii. Ilniini.;
vigor and ,1, .'.
w l'l till- kldtu-y
III .... 1
or dj.
that it In
Hot In,..
mum for a , hiKi tor
Wn alllictrd J?
l(IK k I llffy !..
chil.luritttitcittoooftptt,ift.llrn '
the flo.lt, or if, whet the child tvhn
age when it should be able toioiitrohi
u.iitK it is yet nfllictt-.l wul, ld.J
ting, (l.-KMtd njM.tt it, thcnitiM- ,,f i.
culty i kliltu-y trouble, i,t the fir,."
rdrji tthoiild be toward tin- ln-aliticnt of
tlifHclmMrtutit organ. This UnplM
trouble is due to u diwnwd t(,ii,litjon
Hit- kidney tttttl bladder uml not to
luibit an tmmt people mtpo.i '
Wotitrii'ns well a nu-it are inmP
able with kidney ami blu.ld,r tmuLt.'
ami Im.Hi tit-nl the timtie i-a-ui rrtittl'
The litilil uml the iiiimriinu clfcct j
3wmp.Koot iMtMHii ri-ahr-1. Itin,,u
i.., .t ... j-.fi.. . """a
I'J '111111", III Ul"
cent nnd oiif tlnll.tr i
Me bottle. You limy
have a Hitiiij Ie Isittlc
bv tllilil free, it! ho a
...inpblct t.-lltnv; all ..Unit Siiiii,.R()0,
un tntoiiK inuiiy o lllc Uioiimiii,!, f (j
iii.iin.il letti-r rc.rived from Ml)fcr '
ciin-tl. In writim: l'r- Kilmt-r &
l'.iueliitmti.n, N. Y.. be mire and iiif-iith
thin jtaper. Don't iimkc miv mita,e
but ri-tuctulMr the tininc, Swnitii.Roi'
Dr. Kilmer' Siiui-ko,,t, nnd the i
Mil", tllllfJUUUIltlll, t
'mttlv. .
Publication of Summoni
tho Circuit Court of tho 8ute
Oregon, for Clackamas Count
Suit fur Dlvorc
Carrie Haling. IWetidnnt.
T Carrie Sallng, na It) tl,.f,.,,dant.
In tho name of tho State nf Oregon
you are hereby required t ippolr
and answer the complaint nie.i aualnn
you In tho above entitled Curt and
cause, on or before Saturday, tho 23rd
day of December, 1005;
And If you fall to atiwir fr
want thereof, tho plalntllT pp.
to tho above entitled l mrf for tu.
relief demanded In tho Complaint,
to-wlt; for a docreo dUittilvliig the
U.nds of inatrimony now cilatlnic be
tween tho plulntlff and tho defendant,
and tor auch other relief a shall
seem inot-t anil Miiltabo.
This summons Is Nerved by publi
cation In tho Oregon City KntorprlM
by virtue of order of Hun. Thomas A.
McBrlde, Judge of tho above entitled
Court, made In open Court, on the 9th
day of November, A. D., 1D05.
The first publication of this turn-
i is Is November lth, IMS. tnil th
last publication will bo December it
ii. e. citoas.
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of CUcka-
i: It-ii tit rn N. Doclson, I'lalntlff,
Nelson H. Dodaon, Defendant,
To Nelson II. Dodson. Defendant:
In the name of the State of Or'KQ:
You are hereby required to appr
and answer tho complaltit llb'il against
you In tho above entitled court and
cause on or before the last day of the
time prescribed for tho publication of
this summons, to-wlt:
On or before Friday, the l".tti df
of December, A. D. r.o5, ami If yoo
fall so to appear and answer, the i
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for In the complaint,
to wit:
I 'or a decree dissolving the hoinla of
matrimony now existing between the
parties to this atilt. restoring plain
tiff to her former name of Elcanora N.
Buchanan, and for such other and fur
ther relief as may seem meet and equi
table in tho premises.
This summons Is published oure a
week for alx consecutive weeks In
the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, pub
lished at Oregon City In the County
of Clackamas, and State of Oregon,
the dnte of tho first publication being
November 1 7th, 1 005, by order of the
Hon. Thos. A. McBrlde. Judge of the
said Court, duly made and entered
on the lOth dav of November. 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County of Clacka
mas. F. A. Wlllurd, I'lalntlff,
Anita Willnrd, Defendant.
To Anita Wlllurd, Defendant above
named :
In tho name of the Slate of Oregon:
You are hereby notified and required
to appear and answer the complain
filed against you In tho above entitled
court and cause on or before the ex
piration of six weeks from and ufter
the first publication of this siiiiiinonH,
to wit: on or before tho 23rd day of
December. 1905. which Is the time
specified In the order directing this
publication, and If you fail to ho ap
pear or answer, the plaintiff, for want
thereof, will apply to the court for the
relief orayed for In the complaint on
file herein, to wit: That tho bonds of
matrimony existing between you and
the plaintiff be set aside and dissolved
upon the ground of your adultery and
for such other relief as may be Just in
I eqult.yi
I This summons Is published by order
I of Honorable Thos. A. McBrlde, Judgo
of the Circuit. Court of the State of
Oregon for Olnoknmns County, and
lluiui ot liiKa
said order was made, dated nnd en
tered tho fith day of November, 11)05;
and the date of tho Ilrst publication 1
November 10, 1905, and tho date of
tho last publication of this notice Is
December 22, 1905.
Attorney for I'lalntlff-