OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1905. 9 i A S Golespondents, Corner t Brief Hits of Gossip From All Parts of the County. p MT. PLEASANT. , Thanksgiving services were con- ducted in the church by the pastor, well. Thanksgiving has come and gone once more. Mr. Coney of Fossil, Oregon, is vis iting at Mt Pleasant, he says up in that part of the country they have had quite a lot of snow and cold weather. Miss Bertha Thomas was visiting at her home here last Thursday , and Friday. Mr. Geo. Harding made a business trip to Carus last Friday. Miss Humphreys was calling on Mrs. Smith Thursday. Miss Olive Conway and her cousin were visiting her sister, Mrs. Hard ing, the other Sunday. HEART FLUTTERING. Undigested food and gas in the stomach, located just below the heart presses against it and causes heart palpitation. When your heart troubles you in that way take Herbine for a few days. You will soon be all right. 50 cents a bottle. Huntley Bros. Co. drug store. VIOLA. The good roads question is becom ing quite prominent in this district. . James Sevier- is working in the saw mill at Fischer's. Wiss Emma Martin of Forest Grove, is visiting at the parsonage. A delightful social gathering was well attended at Mrs. Sevier's Tues day evening. W. D. Brown has a new board fence around his recently purchased farm. Most of our typhoid fever patients are now able to be out again. This community experienced .quite an inconvenience in reaching the city while the condemned bridge was un der repair. Rev. H. O. Henderson. Rev. FJsher, of Milwaukee, held forth in the Harmony pulpit last Sun day. . ' A number of school children are at tending the Harmony school from Wichata, a ' new town on Johnson creek. As these people have about three miles to come it is probable that a slice will be taken off our district and a new one formed there. Miss Bernice Chapman of Hills boro, has been spending the Thanks giving season with Harmony friends. Mr. S. B. Millard will begin . the erection of a large new barn soon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, a boy. CURED PARALYSIS. W. F. Bailey. P. O. True Texas, writes: "My wife had been suffering five years with paralysis in her arm, when I was persuaded to use Bal lard's Snow Liinament, which cured her all right. I have also used it for sores, frostbites and skin eruptions. It does the work." Sold by Huntley Bros Co. PARKPLACE. ANXIOUS TO DO HIS BEST. "But," said the insurance solicitor, "you should do something to provide for your family after your death." "I'd like to, and will if you can show me how to provide for them while I'm living and at the same time trying to support the offlials of your company in the style to which they have become accustomed." Dec. 5. Come to the Mother's Club entertainment Friday night, December 8, and hear Mr. Draper whistle and all the other good things they have in store for you. Mrs. Gault and Mrs. W. E. John son of Gladstone, gave a reception for the teachers of the Parkplace school and members of the Mother's Club Tuesday evening, which was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. Mrs. Gault's pleasant home was well filled, and the evening was spent in games, music, and social conversa tion, which brings teacher and parents in closer harmony with each other, j Mr. and Mrs. Whipple Brayton are preparing to start for California, where they intend to spend the winter. Mr. Brayton and wife came from Iowa about two months ago to visit Mr. Brayton's broter, W. F. Brayton, of Parkplace. The new laboratory arrived Satur day and is being placed in the reom adjoining the high school room, which has been fitted up for that purpose. "TeleDhone ia now all the go-Ser eral of the men folks set up the tel ephone poles from Carus to Beaver Creek Monday and Tusday. Most everybody in this neighbor hood hare their fall crops in. Mr. . Hayhurst has rented his place to Tom Davis.. Mr. Hayhurst and family have moved to Oregon City, to live. Mrs. Bebee is very low. Tillie Thomas and Winifred How ard who are both working in Port land, spent Thanksgiving in Carus. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and family spent Thursday in Beaver Creek. Ralph Howard took in the dance at Clark's; he also took the 'prize for being the best waltzer. I Mrs. Stidham and her two sons, are spending a few days in this burg. I Jesse Mitte of Needy, spent Friday and Saturday with his uncle, C. Cas aday and family. . Bertha Spangler returned home from Portland Friday. Bain Howard and Clyde Smith, both of Mulino, spent Saturday evening with Mr. Edwin Howard and family. Mr. and Mrs. Spence had several of their friends to take Thanksgiving dinner with them. Mrs. Lewis after spending several weeks in Portland, returned home last week. Will Smith traded horses with his brother one day last week. I. A. S.; Miss; Gerber, W. C; Mrs. Newkirk; M. Swales, Flora; Mrs. Fra kes, Pomona; Mrs. Wilson, Ceres. . The young folks are going to have a hop on Xma,s night. SHUBEL v Robert Moehnke is home visiting his parents for a short time. Fo'r:'.TIiLiinL WATER CURE FOR CONSTIPATION Half a pint of hot water taken an hour before breakfast will usually keep the bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed, take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are mild and gentle in their action. For sale by Howell & Jones. CAUTIOUS. HARMONY. Dec. 5 The Y. P. U. gave a Thanks giving entertainment Sunday evening of last week, conducted by Miss Hul dah Kanne. Uhe Ladies' sewing circle gave an entertainment and fair in the school house last Wednesday night. There were about 150 present. A heat sum of money was received. "Would you marry a woman who had sued another man for breach of promise?" "Well, it., would depend largely on how much the jury compelled him to pay her." CARUS. Thanksgiving was spent quietly j our vicinity. LOGAN. News scarce. Weather same old thing. Most of the men attended the sale at Zurbuchen's Friday. They expect to move to California. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark made a brief visit to this burg Friday. Mr. F. Gerber made a business trip to Oregon City Saturday. The Logan Sunday School will have a Christmas tree at the church on' Saturday afternoon, December 23d. Mrs. Swales . is having their house finished and painted. H. S. Anderson is having his cot tage plastered with wood fibre plas ter. Mr. j: C. Sprague. spent last week with his family at Corvallis. Saturday was the regular monthly meeting of Harding Grange, also elec tion of officers. The' number in at tendance being 54. Members do not! take the interest in the work that they should, for of a membership of 135 j there ought to be a better showing, j No one would accept an office, so it I was hard to get anyone to accept W. j M. Geo. Kohl, lecturer; Mrs. Ander-1 son, secretary ; Miss. Gill, treasurer; I W. Kirchem.-,W. O.; S. S. Kirchem, ; W. S.; H. Kohl, A. S.; Karl Fallert, ! Fat is of great account to a baby ; that is why babies are fat. If youi baby is scrawny, Scott's Emulsion is what he wants. "The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not need immediately for bone and muscle. Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry ; they are rich ; their fat is laid up for time of need. They are happy because they are comfortable. The fat sur rounds theift little nerves and cushions them. When they are scrawny those nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. They delight in Scott's Emul sion. It is as sweet as IT wholesome to them. ' ' Delia ' Bluhm, Hazel Ginther and Rosco Moehnke, who are all attending high school in Oregon City, spent Thanksgiving at home. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ginther took Thanksgiving dinner with C. Schuebelj or Oregon City.- - , . ' G. A, Schuebel spent Thanksgiving Day in Portland. While there he at tended the football contest between the Multnomah and XL, of O. Gus thinks football is all right. Prof. Lewis of California, will de liver a Socialist lecture in . Beaver Creek hall next Saturday night at 7:30. Everybody invited. Mrs. Hettman and Mrs. E. F. Gin ther visited Frieda Buol last Sunday, wno is very low with tonsilitis. Jake Grossmiller . is sick in bed with the la grippe. Prof. Eddie Schmidt is home on a vlslt. Nellie Moehnke . visited with Lydia Hornschuh last Sunday afternoon. G. A. Shubel butchered today, and he tells us that he will kindly remem ber the editor when he is eating his sausage. ' E. F. Ginther attended Maccabee lodge at Highland Saturday night. REMARKABLE CURE. "I was much afflicted with "Sciatica." writes Ed. C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedg wick Co.. Kan., going about on crutch es and suffering a deal of pain. I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Lina- ment, which relieved me. I used three 50c bottles. It is the greatest linament ever used; have recommended it to a number of persons ; all express them selves as being benefitted by it. I now walk without crutches, able to Der- form a great deal of light labor on the farm. 25c, 50c and $1.00. at Huntler Bros. uo. drug store. ily visited at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. "Lawrence Mautz at Maple Lane, on Sunday last. .The Twilight School - had appropri ate Thanksgiving exercises on Wed nesday afternoon. A number of vis itors were present. Mr. and Mrs. Schriener spent their Thanksgiving with relatives at Ore gon City. Mr. A. W. France of Portland, was a guest at the Mountain Ash Stock Farm over Sunday. A party was given by the ladies at Twilight Hall on Thanksgiving ev ening. The hours were most pleas antly passed away by playing whist. Light refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lazelle took Thanksgiving dinner at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred J. Meindl, In Oregon City. Mr. Grimm had the misfortune to hurt his foot very badly while falling timber. Miss Retta Joseph spent the Thanks giving vacation at her home in Wood burn. Mr. Georg Keliand was seen on hi3 way towards Mr. Engle's. huntine Thanksgiving dinner. IN MAD CHASE. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pilla their trouble would pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25 cents at Howell & Jones' drug store; guaranteed. ARE YOU A FARMER? COLTON. Send for free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy- Scott Sir So tone Chemists Vtarl Street JVu fork 50c. and $1-00 All Druggists Just fog, rain, frost and a little bit of, mud. Coltonites are going to invite old Santa Claus to attend the Xmas tree at the hall on Monday night, the 25th. J. H. James is on the sick list this week. Mr. Smith, of Oklahoma, was again among us last week. He seems .very much inclined to make this his future home. Walter Gorbett and Lou Hubbard, our Boss Buckaroos, went to Spring water on the 3d to ride some wild horses. There was a well attended dinner party at Mr. Winslow's on Thanksgiv ing Day, the dinner was given in hon or of our national holiday and our rustling real estate agent of Turkey Hill. There were 25 persons present and all enjoyed the feast immensely. Mr. DeBord, of Montavilla. is living on his ranch for a few weeks now. Lafferty Bros, are making rails for W. R. Jones. If you are, then you need a ennd farm paper. The Enterprise has a splendid offer. We will furnish the Enterprise and the Oregon Agricul turist and Rural Northwest, the best agricultural paper in the large section it serves, both one year for only $1.50 the price of the Enterprise alone. This farm paper is highly recommend ed by the leading experts on farming, stock raising and fruit growing. This offer is a snap. Call at the office or mail us your subscription. TWILIGHT. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCord and fam- WATUPBOOF !C Mode in Mock or ellow for all tads or wti wofV un salt evtrwrn Look far the Sian nf th FiOi xni the mnt TOWER on the buttons. 1 L J dn The opening of the GIGANTIC CLOSING OUT SALE last Wednesday, December 6th, at Rosenstein's, man ager, of Oregon City's most popular Clothing Store, was the most wonderful merchandising event that ever took place at Oregon City. It was impossible for all of the people to be waited on even though we did have fifty salespeople on the floor. , But remember, this Gigantic Sale continues all the rest of next week and everything will be sold, so now is your chance to buy goods for less than the cost of the raw material. We have the largest line of Sweaters in Oregon City and every one will be sold at less than 20c on the dol lar. Mens', $1.50 ail wool Sweaters Gigantic Sale Price 49c Mens' $2.00 all wool Sweaters, Gigantic Sale Price . 79c Mens' $2.50 all wool Sweaters, Gigantic Sale Price ...99c Mens' Australian wool Sweaters, a bargain at $5.00 Gigantic Saje Price 1.39 Mens' Duck Coats, water proof, worth $3.00 -Gigantic Sale Price 1.23 Boys' Duck Coats, water proof, worth $2.50 Gigantic Sale Price 99c SHOES1 BOOTS! RUBBERS! Our Shoe Department is a store in itself. Anything and everything you may want in this department at less than the cost of manufacture. Mens' $2.50 working shoes--Gigantic Sale Price ".. ...1.29 Mens' $3.00 hand sewed shoes Gi gantic Sale Price 1.99 Mens' $3.00 government shoes Gi-' gar.tic Sale Price 1.49 Mens' $5.00 Patent Leather shoes Gigantic Sale Price ..2.99 Mens' $6 and $7 Logging Shoes Gi gantic Sale Price 3.29 Mens' $1.50 House Slippers Gigantic Sale Price 49c Ladies' $2.50 Street Shoes Gigantic Sale Price ..... ..1.19 Ladies' $3.00 Dress Shoes Gigantic Sale Price ...1.39 MENS' FURNISHING GOODS. ; Mens' 15c Handkerchiefs in white, blue or red Gigantic Sale price 3c Mens' 25c Handkerchiefs in white Gigantic Sale Pirce 5c Mens' 30 and 35c Handkerchiefs, white linen Gigantic Sale Price 7c and 9c Mens' 10c Cotton Socks Gigantic Sale Price 3c Mens' 15c Cotton Socks,, heavy for winter Gigantic Sale Price 5c Mens' 25c Cotton socks, Gigantic Sale Price . . black and tan . .7c, 9c & 11c Mens' 35c Cassimere Hose for dress Gigantic Sale Price .12c S. 14c Mens' 35c wool merino Hose for win ter Gigantic Sale Price 14c Mens' 20c Canvas Gloves 8c Mens' $1.00 Leather Gloves, well made Gigantic Sale Price 39c Mens' $1.50 Reindeer Gloves Good and warm Gigantic Sale Price 59c Mens' $2.50 buckskin Gloves the best Gigantic Sale Price 99c Mens $3.50 Suit Cases, well made Gigantic Sale Price ........... 1.49 Mens' $1.50 and $2.00 telescopes Gi gantic Sale Price .49c &. 69c Mens' 25c Bow Ties 5c Mens' 35c String Ties .......... 9c Mens' 50c Neckwear in 4-in-hand and Tecks Gigantic Sale Price 19c Men's Suits worth up to $10 Gigan tic Sale Price.. $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 'Men's Suits worth up to $20 Gigan . tic Sale Price. , $5.98, $7.98, $9.98 ..II kd(& I hereby agtzz to t z'uti i the money on any goods purchased daring this sale il not satis ?actory. No goods will be charged daring this sale. Railroad and traction fare paid to purchasers of $25.00 or over. TWO DOORS SOUTH OF POSTOFFICE OREGON CITY, OREGON.