Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 08, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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and Union Pacific -'
Through Pullman standard and Tour
ist sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily te
Kansas City; through Pullman tourist
sleeping cars (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin
ing chairs (seats free to the east daily.)
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars.
Depart. Time Schedules. A i bits
Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver.
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, g.oc
Special Kansas City, St. p
9:15 a. m Louis, Chicago and
Bast. -
Rxnress Salt Lake, Denver,
8 IB D m Ft Worth, Omaha, 8:00 a m
via! Sunt- Kansas City, St.
in gton Louis, Chicago and
St. Paul I
Fast Mall Walla Walla, Lew- j
6:1 & p in Iston, Spokane, Mln- 7;is a m
via Snn. neapolis, St. Paul, I
via opo Duluth, Milwaukee,
Kane. Chicago and East. 1
i Xmas Goods
Y at . .
: Living Profits :
I vwvwvyvwwwvwvwwvi
What we say
we do
we do DO
Ocean and River Schedule
For San Francisco Every live days at
8 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
Portland. Oregon.
8 p. ro. ; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally
service (water permitting) on Willam
ette and Yamhill rivers.
For detailed Information of rates
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.
your nearest ticket agent, or
A. l CRAia. ,
. I
Portland and The Dalles !
lRpniil;itnr !
Ji oLnrilllHl S
Having bought our stock of Xmas Goods early, we obtained ex
ceptionally good cash discounts and by shipping by steamer around
the Horn we saved also considerable on freight rates. This saving we
intend giving our patrons the advantage of.
We are now displaying one of the largest and neatest Holiday
lines in the city.
Owing to our limited floor space, we are not able to show all we
have but "if you don't see what you want ask for it." We are sure to
have it. -
We want to call your attention especially to our fine showing of
faamed and unframed pictures. Hundred of subjects to pick from, nu
merous, pretty and novelty framees, handsome water colors, and at
pricer we will guarantee you can't equal.
We haven't room to mention . all the attractive presents we have in
store for you but want you to come in and see for yourself. Be free to
come when you please, and we'll see you are not urged to buy unless
you want to.
Induced To Advance $40 and Accept
Part Interest in $15,000 Hopyard.
' Man Disappears.
Str. "Bailey Gatsert" leaves Portland
7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tuea
days-, Thusrsdays and" Saturdays. -
Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A
M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays
Wednesdays and FrJays.
Steamers leaving Portland mak dailj
connection at Lyle with C. R. & N. train
for Goldendale and Klickitat Vallr
C. R. & N. train leaven Coldendal" m
Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays
6:30 A. M.. making connection wm
steamer "Regulator" fur Portland
way points
C. R. & N. train leaves 'ioMendai' .it-
Tuesdays. Thursdays ami Shu.i.Imv
8:30 A. M.. conne.-ilng st Yylf witb J
steamer "Sadie B." itn The DbKeia. con j
necting there with O. R. & N. train i
Earn and Wejt '
Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Lock j
daily (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th j
Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A j
M. ; leaves The Dalles 2 P. M.. arrival ;
Cascade Locks 6 P. M. ,
Meals served on all steamers j
Fine accommodations lor teams and
Landing at Portland .at Aldei Strer )
V. P. & G. M.
Portland, tjreieon
Honest Goods
Honest Prices
There is Money in it
fipn. Ofttre.
Astoria & Columbi 1
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. I UNION DEPOT I Arrives
For Mayeers. Rainier. I Daily
Clatskanie. Westport!
Clifton, Astoria. War-I
renton. Flavel. Ham-lll :.V.M
mond. Fort Stevens,
Gearhart Park. Sea -1
side. Astoria and
Seashore. I
Express Daily. I
Astoria Express.!
i9:4 1' '
to get our quotations on a good en
during Plumbing Jots. Why not
take the hint and get our estimate
before handing out your contract ?
! A. iYilMLSTIN',
i Main Street, near Eighth
8:00 A.M
7:00 P.M.
C A. STEWART. Commt As..
Alder street. Phone Main 906.
I V Yft : F P A Ator1 0
You Will Bs Satisfied
Ii your tickets read over the Denver
and Rio Grande Kailrojid. the' Seenic
Line of the World"
There are so many scenic attractions
and points of interest along the line
. between ' den and henm that the
trip never Ijecomes tiresome.
Famous at home for
R Generatioas pa?t;
ramous now all over
the World
or Saie oy
- E. MATTHIAS -Agency
or Oregon City
If you are goinjsHast. write or intorirfc
tion and et a pretty book that will tell you
all about It.
VV. C. McBRlDE, General Agent
Pleasing Entertainment Arranged By
Ladies of Baptist Church.
pfi-f' iv 'yf '''"'i" Vw Ha,1! ahwivs Bluer
' - .
Wash your hands with warm water,
dry with a towel and apply Cbamber
: Iain's Salve just before going to bed.
and a speedy cure Is certain. This
i salve is also unequalled for skin dis-
eases. For sale by Howell & Jones.
In Shively's Hall next Monday ev
ening, December 11th, one of the most
spectacular and interesting entertain
ments ever given-in this city will be
presented under the. auspices of the
Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist
Church, of Oregon City.
It is called the "Business Men's Car
nival," about seventy of the business
houses of the city also churches and
lodges, being represented by as many
bright and popular young ladies.
The costumes-are in every instance
unique, striking and suggestive of the
line of business represented. Both
these and the banners to be carried
in the grand march, are the results
of much thought and labor, and ex
emplify many original and artistic
ideas. .
The young ladies have been thor
oughly trained by a competent in
structor, in fancy marching and upjto
date drills, which will follow the grand
Tableaux and a drill by some little
folks, .are other features of an enter
tainment which will be both novel and
pleasing from its beginning to its
The following is a list of the busi
ness houses, lodges and churches rep
resented, together with the names of
the representative for each:
Huntley Bros. Co Dolly Pcatt
A. Robertson .... Gertrude Hamilton
C. N. Greenman Sis Pratt
Commercial Bank. . .Myrtle Buchanan
F. R. Gadke Lena Gadke
Howell & Jones Amie Bollack
Miles & McGIahan. . . .Mable Tower
Mrs. Sladen Mabel Graves
Mrs. Brown Luella Niles
Oregon City Enterprise. Helen Daulton
Oregon City Courier Mamie Long
Chas. Albright Beryl Long
pEmil. P. Strauberg. . . .Myrtle Cross
J. C. Sawyer. .Mrs. John Lewthwaite
Frank Busch ........... Irene Moore
Singer Co Mrs. Roberts
T. P. Randall Miss Mae' McBride
F. T. Barlow Miss Micklestm
V. Harris . Ella Dempster
J. Kjjowland Robin Shaw
A. F. Parker Jack Booker
T. F. Ryan Ella Shaver
W. L. Block . . .' Winnie Hannie
The Fair Pearl Woods
Wilson & Cooke ...... I va Harrington
Oregon City Planing Mill...'
Bessie McMillin
Edyth Cheney (Studio) Hariet Griffith
T. C. Zinser : .Ethel Park
Mrs. E. C. Hamilton Miss Wilcox
Gardner & Co Blanche Gardner
George Bros Florence Price
Mrs. Nettie Miller-.. -Edna Simmons
Williams Bro. , . . . .Ellenor Williams
Krausse Bros. ... Margaret Goodfellow
Pacific Soda Works Miss Bigham
Brown & Welch Wava Harington
Horton & Jack Nellie Swafford
Ouane Ely Hazel Francis
T. E. Seely Lena Seeley
C. W. Fredericks. .Bertha Fredericks
Boys' Club(J. W. Loder) Gertie Wilson
Oregon City Bank Miss Kelly
E. A. Phillips Vera Phillips
i G. N. Joe Pearl Seivers
Falls View Green House.. Cary Lut
Oregon City Manufacturing Co .
! Bertha Koerner
' Portland Flouring Mill Co ,
; Marjorie Caufield
' Hurlbur Feed Yard. Mabel Francis
I Wm. Raine (Com. Mer.)
I Maud Woodward
Mrs. W. B. Shively Bessie Sleight
H. S. Moody Sidonia Shaw
Crown Paper Co... Bess Daulton
I. Tolpolar . . . . .Sadie Tolpolar
Oregon City Ice Co Laura Pope
Wilson & Zumwalt. -Retta Carothers
W. B. Gates Maud Booker
Knights and Ladies of Security..
: Neita Woodward
Women of Woodcraft. .Mary Cameron
Degree ' of Honor Libby Calift
Barclay School Edna Park
Eastham School Olga McClure
Parkplace School Julietta Cross
Presbyterian Church .Retta Pierce
Congregational Church. .Jeane White
Methodist Church . Hazel Kennedy
Episcopal ' Church. .Alice Lewthwaite
Baptist Church . . . Margaret Wilkinson
C. A. Ferguson, until a few days ago
an employee of the paper mills of this
city, was this week the victim of a
clever swindler by whose operations
he finds himself separated from $40,
practically jail of the money that he
possessed, besides being induced to
resign his position in the mills to ac-
cept a much more lucrative place that
was promised, me only equivalent
Ferguson has for the money out of
which he was buncoed consists of two
valises and a trunk, the property of
the confidence operator, which was'
seized immediately following the sud
den disappearance of the shark Mon
day morning when Deputy District At
torney, C. Schuebel began an investi
gation. The swindler gave the name
of Frank A. Hanscom and was accom
panied by a woman who passed as his
Ferguson came with his family to
Oregon from Iowa only a few weeks
ago and soon entered the employ of
I the paper mills at $2.75 per day. A
I bout &) month ago Ferguson formed
! the acquaintance of Hanscom, the fact
that the latter wore a Masonic embem
ten-ding to promote the friendship be
cause Ferguson belonged to the same
order. Being a smooth talker, Hans
com had little difficulty in interesting
his new found friend in a scheme for
purchasing one of the Krebs Bros,
hop yards near Salem for a considera
tion of $15,000. Having the appear
ance of being a man of some means,
Hanscom's statement that he had on
deposit in a Portland bank the funds
necessary for the purchase of the pro
perty, was readily accepted by Fer
guson who was promised the manage
ment of the ranch at good . wages.
The story sounded good to Ferguson
who immediately had visions of a fat
bank account, the result of a more a
greeable employment than his daily
labor at the mills.
But on Saturday the bunco artist
came to Ferguson with a hard luck
story and insisted that it was necessa
ry that he raise $40 at once; that he
could not wait until he went to Port
land where he might get it at the bank.
If Ferguson could loan him the money,
Hanscom promised to increase the
former's interest in the proposition
to that of part owner, at the same time
inducing his prospective victim to
resign his job at the mill. So plausi
ble did the proposal sound that Fer
guson produced the requisite amount
and received in return a due bill for
the- money advanced, and the assur
ance that the three would go to Port
land Monday and conclude the deal.
i On Sunday, however, Ferguson be
came dissatisfied and, suspecting that
all was not as it should be, the follow
ing morning brough the matter to the
attention of Deputy District Attorney,
Schuebel, who located Hanscom at
ni3 apartments. 'Hanscom agreed
to return the money to Fersruson hut
in a brief interview with the mill lab
orer, Hanscom was successful in con
vincing him that all was roiriiiai- iih
titwas agreed that the Portland trip
Biiouia oe maae. At this stage the
Deputy Prosecutor dropped the in
vestigation, after warning Ferguson
that he was going up against what
appeared to be a "sure thing." Fol
lowing the departure of the State's
prosecutor, Hanscom excused himself,
and failed to reappear. When Mrs.
Hanscom subsequently started for
the depot, Ferguson demurred and,
seizing the two valise from the wom
an, proceeded to the office of Deputy
District Attorney Schuebel through
whose assistance a trunk belonging to
the woman was also seized. After
some Darleying. the woman was re
leased on the promise that she would
go to Portland and locate her husband
for whom a warrant charging him
with obtaining money under false pre
tenses has been issued.
City Council Formally Disposes of O.
W. P. Francnise. v '
At a regular meeting Wednesday
evening." the City Council formally
disposed of the Oregon Water Power
& Railway Company's freight fran
chise ordinance. Following the read
ing of the Mayor's veto, Koerner
moved that the veto be sustained. This
motion was defeated by a vote or 5
to 4. Kelly, seconded by Justin, tnen
moved that the Ordinance be passed
notwithstanding the veto of the Mayor,
this proceeding being necessary to
regularly dispose of "the vetoed ordi
nance. The vote was & ior ana
against, and the ordinance was de
clared defeated since a two-thirds ma
jority of the council, or -seven, is re
quired to pass any ordinance over me
veto of the Mayor. The vote on the
Ordinance was: Ayes Brandt, Chap
man, Justin, Kelly and Mason. Noes
Knapp, Koerner, Straight and Will
iams. Ordinances levying taxes of three
and five mills for street Improvement
and general municipal purposes, re
spectively, were passed.
An extension of ninety nays, or nn
til March 30, next, was granted the
Southern Pacific -Company in which to
complete the improvements now being
made on Railroad Avenue. These im
provements in the original ordinance
were required to be completed by
January 1. but delay that- has been
experienced, in obtaining the steel
girders necessary for the construction
of the underground team and pedes
trian crossings at Third Street has
forced the railroad company to ask
for additional time. For the present
the improvements will be proceeded
with, skeleton work being supplied
for the steel girders which will be in
stalled immediately upon their arrival
without interrupting traffic at all.
T. L. Charman was unanimously
elected a member of the Board of Fire
Commissioners to succeed Jos Kuer
ton, resigned.
In connection with the franchise
matter, the bill of City Attorney
Franklin T. Griffith for $200 for legal
services in preparing the franchise
ordinance and defending the members
of the Council in the two injunction
proceedings that were brought to re
strain the Council from voting on the
ordinance, was referred to the com
mittee on finances.
The vote cast in Monday's city elec
tion was canvassed and the success
ful candidates, together with their re
spective majorities, were found to be:
Mayor, E. G. Caufield, 308; Treasurer,
Jack R. ,, Caufield, 65Councilmen
First Ward, ' Wm. Andresen 89 ; Sec
ond Ward, three year term, E. P.
Rands, 103; two year term, W. R.
Logus, (no opposition) 216; Third
Ward, Jos. N. Harrington, (no opposi
tion) 116.
This being the final regular meeting
of the old Council, there were exchang
ed the usual pleasantries between
Mayor Sommr and the members of
the Council, short talks being made by
The many friends of Ensign Crab
tree, will be pleased to learn that he
will be visiting Oregon City, December
19th, accompanied by Paul Hubbard,
baritone soloist. A splendid program
illustrated by song and lantern, has
been arranged." Look out for bills and
see the treat that is for you
Some girls don't believe it when
they are told that they are the most
beautiful ones in the world.
Geo. A. Brown, of Maple Lane has a
good four year old cow. also, a three
and 1-2 months old calf for sale, or
will exchange for good hog.
WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and
mail order house, assistant manager
(man or woman) for this county and
adjoining territory. Salary $20 and
expenses paid weekly; expense money
advanced. Work pleasant; position
permanent. No investment or experi
ence required.N Write at once for full
particulars and enclose self-addressed
envelope. COOPER & CO.,
132 Lake St., Chicago, 111.
Save four
And Buy yottr Groceries at the
Fo CASH only
In the first months of the Russia
Japan war we had a striking example
of the necessity for preparation and
the early advantage of those, who, so
to speak, "have shingled their roofs
in dry weather." The virtue of prep
aration has made history and given
to us our greatest men. The-individ-ual
as well as the nation should be
prepared for any emergency. Are you
prepared to successfully combat the
first cold you take? A cold can be
cured much more quickly when treat
ed as soon as it has been contracted
and before it has become- settled in
the system. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is famous for its cures of
colds and it should be kept at hand
ready ' for instant use For sale by
Howell & Jones.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Wc nave a large stock of Dried and
Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Tea,
Coffee, Baking Powder, Rice, Mtish,
Floor, Feed and Cereals and every
thing belonging to a First-class Store,
suet as Tin and Graniteware, a fine
line of China ware,
Everything will be sold for CASH
only for the next 30 Days at strictly
wholesale prices. Come now, '