OKEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1905. The IPos? tl End Grciicial Electric Go ANNOUNCES A REDUCTION IN RATES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS The New Rates Become Effective Monday, Janu ary 1, 1906. The Reduction is from 20 cents to 15 cents a Kilowatt-Hour, or TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT OF THE BASE RATE. The sweeping nature of the change which this re duction makes in the tariff for current to lighting con sumers is shown by the following table of cost per Kilowatt-Hour for the average use of the installation per day. HOURS OLD RATE NEW RATE 1 ,...20 cents 15 cents 2 12 1-2 cents 10 cents 3 10 cents 0833 cents 4 0875 cents 075 cents "5 .'.....08 cents 070cents Equivalent hourly rates for One 16 Candle Power lamp. Average use per day HOURS OLD RATE NEW RATE 1 . 011 cents 0084 cents 2 007 cents 0056 cents 3 ... 0056 cents ... 0047 cents 4 0049 cents 0042 cents 5 0045 cents 0039 cents NEW RATE SUBJECT TO THE USUAL SCHEDULE OF DISCOUNTS Rates Specified in existing signed contracts with Light ing' Customers will be modified accordingly, after January 1, without further notice. B room where a bountiful and elaborate dinner was served in courses. -Those f present were Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Moran, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ely and children, of Ely) Miss Maud Moran, Mrs. E. Matchett and Miss Jennie Wisher. Thirty-five years: of married life is not always allotted to many, and when we read of seventy divorce cases in one term of courti we surely can look upon a long career of married life as something to be ad mired among our best "citizens and have many friends who will heartily wish them a long and happy life to gether. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burley and son Miles visited at St. Johns on Thanks giving day. Mrs. Matchett and Mrs. Gillett were delegates from here to the County S. S. Convention held in the Congrega tional church in Oregon City. Mr. Will' Henry, of Portland, visited friends here last Sunday. Mr. Will Henry of Portland visited friends here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Comer took their lit tle boy to the hospital at Portland to have an operation performed. The ini'ant child of Mr. and Mrs. West is quite sick. Mr. O. S. Sherrard, who has beer spending the summer here, went last Tuesday to Tacoma, Washington, to visit his sons. The rumor that the arc light is to be removed from Lewellen's corner to the corner of Everhart's store is re gretted, but that don't help the mat ter. B mms Disease And l)iabef es Announcement of the Discovery of the Cure. Mr. John Robins is having some land cleared this winter. Charles Spangler, of Cams, passed through here a few days ago with a load of farm machinery. The people of this -vicinity would like -to see our road supervisor open up the balance of our new road just any time now. - - - - SPRINGWATER. LAND GENERAL C COMPANY C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City. ELECTR o Bean the Signature of The Kind You Have Always UNION HALL. Mrs. Peebler has been visiting her parents for the last few days. Mrs. B. J. Helvey was visiting Mrs. John Burns last Sunday. Mr. B. J. Helvey went out to Dix Bros.' saw mill last -Sunday. . Sturees brothers are ninnine- their saw mill at present. Mr. Hammelman is lsr havin o lot of land cleared. Mr. C. P. Burns and wifo were via. iting at Grandma Knotts last Sunday. The stockholders of the John J. Fulton Co. of San Francisco announce to the world the curability of Chronic Bright's Disease and Diabetes based on hundreds of cures and two years of demonstration disclosing about 87 of recoveries. In attestation of these momentous facts we present the names of some of the stockholders, business and professional men of this city, every one of whom had to have pre vious opinions reversed and be satisfied of the genuineness of the discovery before investing in this corporation, viz.: Eon. Barclay Henley, Attorney and ex-member of Congress; Thos. Kirkpatrlck, capitalist; Hon. D. M. Burns, President Candelaria Mining Co.; A. E. Shat tuck. President Pacific States Type Foundry; Edward Mills, President Bnllock & Jones Co.; Capt. Roberts, President Sacramento Trans portation Co.; D. E. Bender, capitalist; Wm. Sharp, capitalist; W. B. Bradford, Alaska Packers Assn.; C. W. Clark, capitalist (Sacra mento); W. C. Price, capitalist (Pasadena); G. E. Bates, Attorney; E. O. Miller, Attorney; Chas. HcLane, Agency Director N. Y. Life Ins. Co.; Judge Bigelow, ex-Supreme Judge State of Nevada; Col. D. B Fairbanks, Cashier Peta luma Savings Bank; R. D. Sessions, Attorney So. Pac. R. R. Co., and many others The list of the cured runs into hundreds and Includes druggists and physicians. The 13 of failures was largely among cases that were at death's door and many such recovered. The Specifics that have . at last conquered cnese dread diseases are known as the Fulton Compounds. ' The Renal Compound for Bright's and Kidney Disease is $1; the Diabetes Com pound is $1.50. We have established an agency in your city and you will find pamphlets and Compounds at Charman & Co., City Drug Store. Mr. Corbett called on James Wil kerson last Sunday. John Thomas was visiting T. J. Grimes last Sunday. John Helvey is working for his uncle near Silverton. It was stated that Mr. Kigeins had I sold a part of his farm to a Mr. Cooper j of Kansas. He' did, and Mr. Cooper I paid $50 on the same, but when the j time set to close the deal came around, ' Mr. Cooper failed to appear. ! There will .. be a Christmas tree. I Everybody invited. I Springwater voters are""pleased with j the outcome of the Oregon City elec- tlon. If they did not have a direct in i terest in the election, they have an in j terest in the welfare of the whole of 1 Clackamas county. STAFFORD. Thanksgiving passed oft very quiet ly. Mr. Powell took his wife to the hos pital to be operated upon for appendi citis. She had been in bed' a week suffering from it, and work came that she was to be operated upon Monday. All are anxious to hear that she will come out of it all right, as she has endeared herself to a wide circle of friends in the two years she has been in Stafford. Mr. Scott and wife, who is a sis ter of Mrs. Powell, are caring for the home and attending the ' store in the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Powell. Mrs. Weddle, another young mar ried lady, was ordered to Southern California for an affection of the bron chial tubes and left on Saturday for Los Angeles. All hope for her speedy recovery and return to fier husband and young family. Mr. George Saum Sr., returned home last Saturday, bringing his bride. This is his third venture, and quite a ro mance, as he had never seen the lady until the day he met her at Portland by appointment, as she alighted from the California car. They had corres ponded some time and had first been attracted to each other by the intro vention of a mutual friend. Mr. Saum was unfortunately taken in in Portland "C. at the home of-.a niece, and has not entirely recovered his usual health yet., . The band boys braved the inclem ency of the weather and filled their appointment at Willamette on Tues day night. There is never any back ing down with the band boys, some of them from Shafer's hill went on foot ' loaded down with instruments, um brellas and lantersn, and Joe Nlmic, , the youngest of the band, walked from. Stafford. Mrs. Mollie Steiner, nee Jaster, and her husband, are at her fathers for a . few days. Her husband, who is a car penter, is putting up a new woodshed for Mr. Jaster. CURE FOR SORE NIPPLES. As soon as the child is done nursing apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse.. Many trained nurses use this with the . best results. Price 25 cents per box. ' For sale by Howell & Jones. MT. PLEASANT. Mt. Pleasant extends her very best wishes to the Enterprise for another successful year. , " Mrs. Dan O'neil spent Sunday with relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andrews and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Andrews and Mr. Newton Voorhees, spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. An drews. Mrs. L. M. Hoyt and children of Hillsboro, spent the latter part of last week with Mrs. Hoyt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taber. Mrs. M. S. B. Lawton. Mrs. Dan O'Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Ward B. Lawton, Miss Mary Holmes and Miss Mona Elizabeth King were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warner Thanksgiving. Mrs. W. M. Thornton, of Rose Farm, is ill at "The Norton," in Portland. Mrs. R. H. Taber is confined to her home with rheumatism. . Mrs. Elizabeth Warner is expected ... home soon fro man extended visit with Mayor and Mrs. A. E. King, at Ilawco, Washington. . Mrs. Jack Marrs has returned from Corvallis where she spent Thanksgiv ing with her son, Lester, who Is at tending college at that place. L SELLING L SELLING GREAT M( We willjSave' you Something on Every PU R C H AS E A Sale that offers 0 Extraordinary a INDUCEMENTS f 9 Decisive Cut in Prices If Prices are an Object, buy daring this S GREAT MdME SATIMC5 Radical Reductions Made in Each and Every Department A SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENT. day, I'm glad ve have Thanksgivin' But wouldn't it be splendid If there could only be some way To skip one, when it's ended? Somehow it seems that pa fergits There's any cause fer laughter. And only wants to give us fits For livin', the day after. He growl'; around and seems almost To think we're all agin' him; All day it's nothin' but a roast, As though old Nick was in hira. I'm glad Thanksgivin' comes, but, say. They'd be less hate and scorn in The world if we could skip a day Beginnin' the next inornin'. 3. E. Kiser. Bears the ss V Hava Always Bought Signature iT 4 of For a sensible Christmas gift for mother or wife aBissell's New Carpet Sweeper, at Harris' Grocery, 2.50 to $5.00. Bears the lhe Kin(l Vou Have Always Bouglf MOUNTAIN VIEW. MEN'S CLOTHING Men's $20 Suits Now $17.75 Men's $18 Suits Now $15.95 Men's $15 Suits Now $1285 Men's $12 Suits Now $9.85 Men's $10 Suits Now $7.85. Men's Natural Wool Half Hose at the Remarkably low price of Men's President Suspenders special at Men's Jersey Overshirts, fleece back, now on sale at y 10c 39c 50c BOYS' CLOTHING Boy's $15 Suits Now $12.85 Boy's $12 Suits Now $9.85 Boy's $10 Suits Now $7.85 Boy's $8 50 Suits Now $6.85 Boy's $7.50 Suits Now $5.75 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AN EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. "Do you believe in the survival of .the Attest?" , ''"Generally, yes; but not when conies to Thanksgiving turkeys.". CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm The pie social at the church did not j , bring out a very large attendance, but j I the literary program, though brief, was ; sood. The receipts of the social were ! $4.25. Arrangements are already ', ' j started for a Christmas entertainment. Mr. Chas.' Stewart, who has been : very in, is siowiy recovering. ma it '; advanced age is very much against a t nprmnnpnt rppnvprv. ! i i i - . - i Thanksgiving Day passed quietly. not many were being entertained. ; Mrs. May Fairclough is spending a j ' few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Lew-j 1 ellen, while her husband is in the j ( mines. j i j Mr. James Murrow has . been at- i i tending the poultry show at Cjwvallis, ' I ; and returned as usual with his" share j 1 I of ribbons. i i Last Wednesday, the day ' before : Thanksgiving, the quilt was disposed : of that has been offered for some i weeks. Mrs. Turney, of Oregon City, j winning the prize. j Little Opal Selby is quite sick.' i Moses Skinner moved his family , j down to Portland, where he has a posi ! tion as cook for a boarding house. ; j Elmer Dixon has been attending the , i poultry show at Corvallis acting in ! the capacity of Judge. 1 S Chas. Dicky has taken a position as ; ' solicitor for a life insurance company and is writing up policies Last Friday Mr. and Mrs.- Cahrles 1 Moran , celebrated their thirty-fifth j wedding anniversary. Just at the noon hour to the music or a weciiang marcn Misses' Box Call Shoes, Sizes 12 to 2 at low price of Child's Kangaroo Calf Shoes, $1.25 values on sale for Women's, Blucher Cut, Vici Kid, lace, pair 1.25 95c 1.35 GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS 52 inch, Ladies Cloth, during this sale, per. yard 53 C 36 inch, all wool, Albatross at Special price of 43C per yard .40 inch, all wool, Graite Cloth, in black only, special, per yard - 38 inch all wool, Cheviots, splendid values at our regular low price of 50c per yard, Special during sale, pet yard Special offering in Ladies' Stylish Raincoats ; Tan or Olive, collarless, finished with belt, this season style on sale at low-price of O.yO 50c 44 c BLANKETS 10-4 Oregon Gray Blankets, Good Quality, and 0 c Good Weight ' .05 1 1-4 Heavy Weight at big reduction 3.35 LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR 19c Child's and Misses Knit Underwear, good win ter weight -you can make a great saving, price, per garment , New Flannelette Wrappers, made of fleeced material, yoke trimmed with braid and ruffled, for this sale reduced in price, now offered at 88C, $1.08, $1.33 Women's Outing Flannell Gowns, medium weight, 50c Values for 42 C $1.00 Values for 38 C 75c Values for 63 C $1-25 Values for $1.05 -5 Low Pieces that This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to CIve Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the played softly by their yiungest daughr diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and ter Maud, the bride and groom enter drives away a Cold in the Head quiokly. e(j the parlor and taking their places "Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell, accompanied by their son Mahlon and "Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. . daughter. Mrs. Ely. the impressive Applied into the nostrils, and absorbed. ' words were again repeated and re- l Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by sponded. After congratulations, the mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. happy company repaired to the dining ELY BROTHERS, 6 Warren St., New York. Mean SometMns: