Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 08, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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i i . . i T
news of county
Neighbors of Unfortunate El wood
Farmer Are Generous in
Their Assistance.
Bv reason of soine to press early
last -week, an interesting budget of
County News was received too late
for publication. It is printed here
El wood.
Peter Granatzki, who lost his house
by fire Novemmber 8, is living in his
granary, has 4 children the voxaest
about 8 years of age and the younger
past two. People of this and adjoin
ing neighborhoods, have been very
eenerous in helping them. His broth
er Barney, who lost his house by fire
in August, is able to be about again
after a four weeks' siege of typhoid
fever. His little 3-year-old boy, who
has been sick with the same for the
past two weeks is much improved un
der the care of Dr. Haviland of Esta-
cada. He has four children the eldest
4 years and the youngest one month.
These two brothers bought what is
known as the Jake Kernes property
and were working at Cazadero to fin
ish paying for their homes. These two
mentioned are the only ones in the
community that needed help. Peter s
house was insured.
School is progressing nicely under
the management of Lorenzo Wilson
. of Oregon City.
A Polish family have moved on Mrs.
Martha Gossett's farm.
Delbert Bonney is working for Du
bois Bros, at Estacada.
A. S. Henderson, has Elmer Dibble's
house near completion.
Mrs. John Park's daughter Eva
Maplethrop and, family of Portland,
have been spending a few days among
their relatives here before starting
for Clealum, Washington, where her
husband has work in the mines.
' Mrs. Ida Dodge, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Woodside, and wife of
E. Dodge, died Wednesday, November
22, at her home near Molalla. She
leaves a husband, two children, moth
er, father, brother and many rela
tives and friendsf to mourn her de
mise. The vacant ' place, the empty chair,
We see them, day by day,
And, oh! it fills our hearts with care
Since our loved one went away.
Mr. J. J. Mallatt, the road supervi
sor has a crew of men working on the
new road hat is to be built from the
bridge, (that was recently built on
the Milk Creek), to the old road.
. Grandma Wright of Liberal, was
the guest of Mrs. Lee, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Goucher, Mrs. Daniels.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and Mr. Stamen
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Woodside Sunday.
A few of the young folks attended
the social at Molalla Saturday night.
All report a good time.
Oscar Daniels is logging for George
Williams at Union Mills. ,
Hog Hollow.
People better be a little careful
when they are out on dark nights for !
several nave got lost wnne trying to wjth the D. D. D. Co., so that anv suffe.er
find their way through Cahill's pas- from any skjn disease can ge't direct
ture. One person got excited and be- j from the D. D. D. Co.'s laboratory a
gan to yell "Help! I lost my railroad ! large ree sample bottle of D. D. D pre
track!" I scsiption together with 32 page new
Miss Nora Gregory left Thursday pamphlet on skin disease and free ad-
for Clem. Oregon, where she expects j
10 spena me winter.
ivuss jcsessie vjiatKe was nome Sat
urday and Sunday from Portland. Miss
Bessie has been quite sick for the
past week.' but is able to attend school
Mr. J. B. Hasbrock, of La Grande,
has purchased the 10-acre place of his
father south of Greenwood, where he
expects to move soon.
Mr. Breaker is building a fine new
house on his 40 acre place and will
move as soon as his house is finish
ed. Miss Mae Clarke went to Portland
to spend Thanksgiving with her sis
ter Bessie.
Anna Cahill was a Portland visitor
Wednesday and Thursday.
Mr. John Holland of Mt. Pleasant,
called on Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sun
day. Edna and Esther Criteser were vis
king at Geo. Riders, Sunday. 1
Little Mildred Clarke returned home
Friday after a two weeks' visit with
her grandmother.
Mr. Tommy Thomas came home to
spend Thanksgiving.
Miss Myers spent Saturday and Sun
day at her home in Mt. Pleasant.
George McCormack was a visitor at
Gregory's Sunday.
-"Jif. E. G. Case, a mail carrier of Can
ton Center, Conn., who has been in
the U. S. Service for about sixteen
years, says: "We have tried many
cough medicines for croup, but Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy is king of all
and one to be relied upon every time.
We ' also find it the best remedy for
couhs and colds giving certain results
and leaving no bad after effects." For
sale by Howell and Jones.
. "I saw the prettiest girl in this town
going doWn State street this morning."
"Oh, did you?"
"She didn't notice me, though."
"That's strange," she replied with
a touch of frostiness in her tone.
. "Not at all. It was so crowded that
it would have been remarkable if she
had seen me."
"You seem to have seen her!"
' "That was different. She attracted
the attention of everybody."
"Dear me! How extraodrinary. Was
She tooting a horn or waving a ban
ner, or did she merely wear a sign
which announced' that she was beauti
ful?" - - ' ';- ' -
"She merely walked along with her ,
mother, apparently not noticing that
everybody wa3 turning to look at her.
'BLESSIIIIG :.';,f;;;,.
After Years of Unspeakable Torture
Read the Words of a fllan, Who After Doctoring
In Vain, Had Lost All Faith.
DES MOIXES. Ioa a. Sept. 7. 1903. I am just
another one your remedy bas cured, and I wane
to tell you about ic
My attention was called to the 3 D's by a dis
play in your dealer's window. Reed Hurlbut.
and after lookiair over the cures there shown I
deciiled at once to try it. "havinir little' faith in
anything. ' My trouble w:is Eczema on the
fintrers under the nails, and particularly the
first joint; the skin would look scalded and the
iittle cells would connect like a sponge under
she skin : sometimes there would be a very bad
odor with the discharge. I tried everything I
could hear of. and went to six doctors, two of
them beinsr intimate friends. They did every
thing they possibly could and studied the thing
up. but of no use. The other doctors thought
th y could cure by a regular course of treatment.
I was willing to be experimented upon if any
possible chance for relief. This thing bad been
goiiron for over two y esi rs. when to my great
comfort 3 D's came to my hands. Yo.ur
remedy gave me more cure in twodays than any
of the si doctors effected in over two years.
an3 inside of two weeks fhad new healthy skin on
u.l of my once rotten fingers, as I termed them..
I aiso wisu to say that any one of the six
doctors are as good as we have in D. M., and
that my two friends have prescribed your rem
edy to their entire satisfaction for the past two
years, or since my cure. Don't let the formula
ever go to the grave, for humanity1 8 sake.
I wish yon ail the success in the world and
hope to be able to direct more sufferers to you.
So many astonishing; cures have been
effected by D. D. D. Prescription right in
this city among people we personally
know your own neighbors probably that
it is surprising that any one should continue
to suffer with Eczema, psoriasis or any
kindred disease. Call at our store and we
will give you the names and addresses of
chronic sufferers now cured.
You too will be cured. It
may take time, but the instant
the remedy is applied to the injured
skin there is relief from that
awful, awful itch.
D. D. D. Prescription
We have made arrangements with the pro
prietors of this remedy so that we can and do
absolutely refund your money without question,
absolutely without any formalities, if you say
D. D. D." Prescription bas not benefited you.
1.0O a Battle- .
To convince you we have arranged
vice on your partlcuiar case from the
world's greatest skin specialist.
Oregon City.
popp sample coupon
I r It. . CO. Medical Department
- 116-120 Michigan St., Suite 428
i Chicago
j Please send me free prepaid a
I large size sample bottle of D D , D.
' pamphlet and consultation blank
j For ...years I have been afflicted with
I a skin disease called and
j have never used D. D. D.
j Name
j Address
That was one of the loveliest things
about- her her apparent innocence of
her own loveliness. Ah, I shall never
forget how superbly she carried her
self '
"Don't you think, Mr. Wattleson,
that nnr rlrwlr t is Ire ttrirli uniiim1
loudness? Dear me! I had no idea j
it was so late. Excuse me for yawn-1
ing. I have such a dreadful headache t
this evening, and I'm tired out. You i
see, I was downtown this morning
"Yes, I know. I was just telling you j
I saw you in State street with your ;
mother." -
She turned and looked steadily at '
him for a moment, after which ;
The clock ticked on. hut its loudness i
ceased to be disturbing.
If you are, then you need a good ! Toledo, Ohio, contains no mercury, and
farm paper. The Enterprise has a is taken internally, acting directly up
splendid offer. We will furnish the i on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. In buying Hall s Catarrh
M4 . 60 YEARS'
V i ' 1 "v. r
Trade Marks
Copyright Slc
Anyone sending sketch nd description mmy
anlcklv ascertain our opinion free whether u
fnTention t probably patentable. Commnniea
tlon.atrictlyconnderitl'al. HANDBOOK on Patent,
sent tree. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken tbrouKh Munn Co. receive
tpecial notice, without charge, in the -
Scieiimic 'American.'
A handsomely illustrated weekly.
I.anreot cir
Terms. S3
i. anv sAiAntifla Innrnal.
....- Kn,innnth.u. SoldbTall newsdealers.
r::::i i co.88""- Hew York
Branch offlosTsS V SU Washington. D. C.
Enterprise and the Oregon' Agricultur
ist and Rural Northwest, the best ag
ricultural ' paper in the large section
it serves, both one year for only $130
the price of the Enterprise alone.
This farm paper is highly recommend
ed by the leading experts on farming,
stock raising and fruit growing. This
offer is a snap. Call at the office or
mail us your subscription.
Furnished Every Week By the Clackamas
Abstract Company.
E. Walsh to M. Walsh lots 7 to 36,
Min thorn: SI. -
H. S. Bank to W. Cornfoot, lots JO
11, 12, 20 to 23, block 9, Milwaukie
Park: $245.
Hb. Savings Bank to J. Fairfull, lot
7, block 9, Milwaukie Park; $84.
Hb. Savings Bank to J. Fairfull lot
20, block 16, Milwaukie Park; $28.
G. Williams to S. S. Mohler, lots
and 8, block 38, Canemah; $155.65.
C. Krohn to L. Hornschuch, 85 acres
In section S3, 3 3, E; $1700. -
W. Krohn to C. Krohn 85 acres in
section 33, 3 3 E; $1700."
C. Krohn to W. Krohn 85 acres in
section 33, 3 3, E; $800.
Will. Falls Co. to J. A. Moehnke lot
2 tract 15, Will. Falls, $150.
M. Russell to Russell & Passmore,
4.21 acres in CI. 53, 32, E; $350.
D. M. Bingman to W. L. Deil, 2
54.484 acres in Oregon City; $3500.
J. W. Roots to J. A. Imel W of
NW ortract 10, Boring Jet; $75.
A.W. Beckley to C. H. Clodius, tract
10 Oak Grove; $2000.
J. H. Wright to W. W. Winslow, N
of NW of Sec. 5, 53, E; SE of NW
quarter Sec. 32, 4 3, E; $2000.
F. Olson to S. B. Ives, 0.275 acres in
CI. 38 1 2,; $300.
J.-M. Gregory to J. Li. Hartmen SE
quarter of NW quarter Sec. 11 4 3,
T. J. Bowles to G. H. Perrott, SW4
of Sec. 16, 6 1, E; and SWVl of SW
quarter of SW quarter and SE quarter
of SE quarter of NW quarter of Sec.
6, 62, E; $2.
W. H. H. Wade to J. K. Ely, et al,
part of CI. 39. 3 i E; $1.
E. Wilson to L. M. Smith N half of
SE quarter of NE quarter of Sec 31,
13, E; $1300
L. Feurer to Dresden Improvement
Co., lot 8, lk. 26, Oregon City, $1.00.
The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.
are owners of the only complete Abstract
plant In Clackamas county. Prompt and
reliable work on short notice, and all
work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money
loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe
cuted, estates .settled and titles perfect
ed. ' '
J. F. Clark, Atty at Law,
. president and Manager.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Thanksgiving is past, leaving every
one thankful except Mrs. Mannings,
who was unfortunate enough to haye
to share up with eight of her five turk
eys But who ever it way be, wros
smart enough to leave three for next
Mrs E. J. Lamb has returned from
Kelso, Washington, where she has
V. iri viciiHrnr Yior ROn.
There will be a Socialist speaking at
the Grange Hall, December 8", also a
nmnhnnhone entertainment, it-very
one come, especially the ladies.
Claude Howard has a paper hanger
papering his new house which he in
tends to move into some time in the
near future.
Girls', there's your chance; but re
member that Mormonism is prohibited
in Mulino.
Misses Edith and Blanch Wiles
were the guests of Mary and Minnie
Trullinger Sunday.
Fred Woodside and wife have moved
on his father's place to stay a few
weeks, or till Mr. Woodside gets
through with his work at the Dodgfe
August Erickson and family were
the guests of Mr. Lee and family Sun-
i day.
The teachers of the Sunday school
'gathered at the home of Mr. Wiles
i Sunday afternoon to make arrange
! mfmts about the Christmas exercises
j which they intend to have Christmas
i night.
F. Erickson and tamuy were me
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood
side, Sunday.
E. L. Trullinger made a business
trip to Eagle Creek this week.
The boxing match at the old shop
Monday night was a srand success,
if blood was drawn before it closed.
Inquire of C. Daniels if you want
expert butchering done.
Adkin boys are logging on tne oia
wrant Place at present.
CURY. As Mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never be used except
on prescriptions from "reputable phy
sicians, as the damage they will do is
ten fold-to the good you can possibly
j derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
cure be sure you get the genuine. It
is taken internally and made in To
ledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co., Tes.
timonials free.
Sold by druggists. Price 75 .cents a
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti
pation.- - -
School has been closed for a week
on account of scarlet fever scare. '
The school basket social given last
Saturday night was quite a success,
the literary exercises spoke credit to
both teachers and pupils. The object
of the entertainment was to add to
the library fund. 29 baskets brought
i $28.75.
Mrs. Ida uoage was ourriea at tne
Clackamas connty cemetery Friday,
She leaves a husband and two infant
children.'' -' '! ''
Uncle Billy Vaughn succeeded in
catching a black bear near his place
that weighed 300 pounds dressed. John
Rhodes found brain when the dogs
had him bagged and put an end to his
life, it was a fat one, as he has been
living on a diet of apples and mutton
for a couple of months. '
Fred Schafer has been on the sick
list for a week and is still under the
doctorr's care.
Major Hungate took 40 head of cat
tle into the mountains last Spring and
succeeded in bringing out 40 head
and at the first roundup. '
Uncle John Harless has been treat
ing himself to a new yard fence.
Wm. J. E. Vick has been doing
some road work in the northern part
of his beat.
There was considerable stir in the
poultry market on the earl part of the
week. Turkeys are very scarce this
Next Saturday will be election of
officers for Molalla Grange No. 310.
A very busy day and a good time will
be experienced as usual. A very lively
contest has just begun for the winter.
Molalla Assembly No. 82, United Ar
tisans, has started out to reach the
100 mark and be recorded on the Roll
of Honor.
There is no other medicine manu
factured that has received so much
praise and so many expressions of
gratitude as Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It is effective, and prompt
relief follows its use. Grateful par
ents everywhere do not hesitate to
testify to its merits for the benefit of
others. It is a certain cure for croup
and will prevent the attack if given
at the first appearance of the disease.
It is especially adapted to children as
it is pleasant to take and contains
nothing injurious. Mr. E. A. Humph
reys, a well known resident and clerk
in the store of Mr. E Lock, of Alice,
have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem-1
edy to ward off croup and colds in my
family. I found it to be very satisfac
tory and it gives me pleasure to recom
mend, it." For" sale by Howell & Jones.
The following is a report of School
District No. 99, Clackamas County,
Number of days taught, 20; num
ber of days attendance, 142; number
of days absent, 16; number of times
tardy, 9; number of visitors, 2. Those
who were neither tardy nor absent,
Olive Strack, Lydia, Royal and Elmer
Zinser. -
Bears the
Tin Kind You Haw Always Boogfit
"Hah!" exclaimed Sherlock Holmes
Jr. "Do you see that man in the bobby
overcoat? He has just ended a rail
way journey, during which he had at
least one meal in the dining car.
"Wonderful," replied Dr: Whatson.
"Do you know him?"
"Never saw him before in my life.
But the deduction is very simple. Real
ly, my dear Whatson, you are extra
ordinarily stupid not to have made it
for yourself. Have you not noticed
that he is chewing a quill toothpick?"
"And to think," said the thin-faced,
poorly dressed man, "that I was once
able to. signmy name to check for
millions!" s
"Can it be possible?" the sympa
thetic lady replied. "Poor man! Ah,
that's what comes, of speculating in
these horrid stocks, or did you lose it
on horses? Don't please don't tell me
that you lost it through drink.
"No, it wasn't anytthing like that.
You see, I used to be an office boy
for one of the big insurance com
panies. .-
"Neglected colds make fat grave
yards." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine syrup
helps men and women to a happy, vig
orous old age.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1, 65 to 75 per bushel.
Flour Valley, 4.50 per bbl. Hard
wheat 4.85. Portland, $1.05 per sack.
Howard's Best. $1.25 per sack.
Oats In sacks. $1.10 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled 10.00tll.00 per
con; clover 9; oat. 19.00; mixed hay $9.
cheat, $8.50.
Millstuffs Bran $20 per ton; shorts
$21 per ton; chop $19 per ton; barley
rolled $24.50 per ton.
Potatoes C575c per hundred.
Eggs Oregon 32c to 35c per doz.
market strong.
Butter Ranch, 45 to 50 separator 50
f : Frry"B Seeds are best because BO
ff f s-essful years hare been spent in I I
m 1 their development half a century I I
& 1 of expert care in making Uiem f I
& 1 superior to all others I
we are specialists in (trowing ff
V ilower and vegetable seeds. M f
V V ltft tc4 AmmI free. J f
TTV' ll 'Tr A IV Thrt Convenient to carry with you. Don't
I 4 JL Ls f i 1 I I B I I VI . I be without it. Ask your druggist. '
So mnch has been written by- the
standard medicial authorities, of all the
several schools of practice, in praise
of the native, or American, medicinal
plants which enter into the composi
tion of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery, that in attempting to quote
from the various works on Materia
Medica one hardly knows where to
commence, since they are so volumin
ous that only the briefest and most im
perfect reference can be preseated in a
short article like this.
Briefly then let us say that I'ae
"Golden Medical Discovery" was
named from the sturdy little plant
Golden Sei.1, the root of which enters
largely into its composition. Besides
this most valuable ingredient, it con
tains glyceric extracts of Stone root,
Queen's root, Black Cherrybark, Blood
root and Mandrake root.
Finley Ellingwood, M. D., an emin
ent practitioner of Chicago and Profes
sor of Materia Medica in the Bennett
Medical College of that city, in his
recently published work on Therapeu
tics, says of Golden Seal root: "It is
the most natural of stimulants to the
normal functions of digestion. Its in
fluence upon the mucous surfaces ren-
aers it most important in catarrhal
gastritis (inflammation of stomach) and
gastric (stomach) ulceration."
Many other authorities as well as Dr.
Ellingwood extol the Hydrastis (Golden
Seal), as a remedy for catarrhal dis
eases of the nasal passages, stomach,
bronchia, gall ducts, kidneys, intestines
and bladder. Among these, we may
mention Prof. John King, M. D., author
of the American Dispensatory; Prof.
J. M. Scudder, M. D., in his " Specific
Medication" ; Dr. Hale of the Hahne
mann Med. Collegcof Chicago; Grover
Joe, M. U., of New York, in his "Or
ganic Medicines," Dr. Bartholow of Jef
ferson Med. College and scores of other
leading medical writers and teachers.
All the foregoing eminent authorities
I i, ,! f 4im,
geal in cases of st0mach, liver and in
testinal weakness, torpor and ulceration
of bowels. Dr. Ellingwood recommends
it most highly, n In those cases of atonic
dyspepsia waen tne enure apparatus,
including the liver, is stagnant and
inoperative." He also extols it most
highly in the many weaknesses and de
rangements peculiar to women and
says, " It is a most important remedy in
many disorders of the womb." Golden
Seal root (Hydrastis), is an important
ingredient of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription for weak, nervous, "rundown"
But to re torn to the " Golden Medical
Discovery " it may be said that its cur
stive properties are not wholly depend
ent upon Golden Seal, valuable as it is,
as other equally potant ingredients add
greatly to its value and in fact are not
less important than the Hydrastis, or
Golden Seal.
In all bronchial, throat, lung and
kindred ailments, Stone root, Black
Cherrybark, Queen's root and Blood
root, each plays as important a part
in effecting the phenominal cures of
"Golden Medical Discovery" as does
Golden Seal"1' All-'these ingredients
have the endorsement of prominent
practitioners of all schools of medicine
for the cure of diseases of the bronchia,
throat and lungs. .
to 55; creamery, 65 to 70.
Rutabegas, Carrots, Turnips, Par
snips and Beets 60 cents per sack.
Good Apples choice $1.00.
Honey 11 to 12c per pouna.
Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb; Ital
ian, large, 5c peisib; medium, 3c; Silver
4 c.
Dried Apples Sun dried, quartered.
$2 50 AUULAiU
uriou bin
o) n q) c
Mi? nmMiinn
This offer is open only to new subscribers to
The Youths' Companion. Subscribers to that period
ical desiring to renew their subscription, will be given
the Enterprise and the Companion for $3.00 v
TMS IS a SplBHttifl l.llllliilllliilll1'
to get your country weekly and one of the standard
magazines for a little more than the price of one.
- Remember, new subscribers to The Youths' Com
panion will receive that publication and the Enterprise,
both one year, for the reasonable price of only
- 2.50
Oregon City,
the standard cough and cold cure for over
71 years now comes also in a
Of Queen's root, Prof. King says
"An alterative (blood purifier) unsur
passed by feW if any other of the known
alteratives. Most successful in skir.
and scrofulous affections; beneficial iij
bronchial affections; permanently curef'
bronchitis; relieves irritations; an im
portant cough remedy; coughs of years"
standing being cured; aids in blood
making and nutrition and may be taken
with out harm for lone periods." -
Queen's root. Golden Seal root. Stone
root. Black Cherrybark and Bloodroot,
all articles extolled by leading practi
tioners of all the schools, as the very
best of cough medicines, are made es
pecially valuable when combined with
chemically pure glycerine which gnat!y
enhances the curative action of all these
ingredients in all bronchial, throat and
lung affections, severe coughs and kin
dred ailments.
Who can doubt the efficacy of such a
compound, when scientifically made
up, as in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery? Who can doubt that it is a
most effective remedy for the several
diseases for which its ingredients are so
highly recommended by the formost
writers on Materia Medical
It is in the cure of the more chronic
or lingering, persistent, and obstinate
cases of bronchial, laryngial and lung
affections, attended by hoarseness and
severe cough, which if neglected or
badly treated would generally have run
into consumption, that " Golden Med
ical Discovery" has won the highest
praise from all who have observed its
marvelous control over these and kin
dred affections. It is no cheap com
pound made-up of trashy ingredient
for free distribution, that curious peo
ple may experiment upon themselves
as with the many fake nostrums so
commonly sent out as "trial bottles."
It has a forty year record, embracing
many thousands of cures behind it, is
sold at a reasonable price and may be
found in all drug and medicine stores
in this and many foreign countries.
It will be seen from the above brief
extracts how well " Golden Medical Dis
covery" is adapted for the cure of all
blood diseases, as, scrofulous and skin
affections, eruptions, blotches, pimples
and kindred ailments; also that it is '
equally good in all Catarrhal affections
no matter where seated, and for all
cases of indigestion, or dyspepsia, tor
pid liver, or biliousness and as a
tonic and invigorator in all manner of
weaknesses, and in nervous debility
and prostration the above extracts
amnlv show.
Much , further information as to the
Broperties and uses of "Golden Medical
liscovery" and Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription for weak women, will be
found in a little booklet of extracts
from standard medical books which
will be mailed free to. any address on
request, by letter or postal card, sent to
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
All the several ingredients of Dr.
Pierce's medicines will be found, fro pi
the reading of this little booklet, to
have the strongest possible professional
endorsements and recommendations
for the cure of all the diseases for
which these medicines ? are recom
mended. No other medicines for lino
purposes have any such endorsemei t.
They are non-alcoholic, non-secret, sai'e
and reliable.
'4c pound; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached,
Dressed Chickens 12c per lb.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live $2.00 to $2.50 per hundred. Hogs
live 6c; hogs dressed T cents; sheep,
$2.50 to $3.50 per head; dressed 7c;
veal dressed 7 to 7 1-2; lambs, live,
$2.00$2.50 per head.
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1906 ALMANAC FREE. Write toDr D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia.