8 OREGON CITT ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1905. UJ 1 If TV cJt j 6 L J L.lf j L mm LMJ f rii n rni inr SflWiW hub r i . v Save this and wait until Wednesday, December 6th, at 9 o'clock A. M. Entire $39,000 stock of Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Gent's Famishing Goods of G. Rosenstein, Mgr., Oregon City, Oregon, has been placed under the management of The McGill Mercantile Co., of San Francisco, Cal., and will be sold by them in iO days, beginning Wednesday, December 6th, at 9 a. m. Owing to complications having taken place in the management of the Rosenstein Stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Gent's Furnishing, and as the time is very limited, intending to close out erety dollar's worth of Merchandise by the first of the year, they have decided to employ the services of The McGill Mercantile Co., of San Francisco, to sell the entire stock: and will sell it quick. Nothing will be reserved, everything to be sold. This is the first sale of this kind in magnitude that has ever occurred in Oregon City, and it may never occur again. Store is now closed to remark and rearrange stock for the greatest and most wonderful merchandising event that has ever taken place in the state of Oregon. The McGill Mercantile Co., of San Francisco, CaL,is the largest institutoin of its kind in the world operating forty-eight separate stores and large warehouses and auction salesrooms in the largest cities of the United States. We handle stocks of any size and will distribute this entire stock: of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes and Gent's Furnishing Goods into the homes of the people of Oregon City and its outlying country at less than the cost of the raw material. During this: sale prices will not be considered, it is only a question of turning this stock into cash, and as it has to be done quickly goods will be sold in many cases at less than 20 cents on the dollar so we advise you to be here early Wednesday, December 6th, at 9 a. m., sharp, so you will be able to get first selection, as the prices these goods will be sold for will make them go fast. - Below we quote only a few prices of the Great " Values that meet the demands of the present day with every item, bargains never before heard of in the state of Oregon, and every price quoted we guarantee absolutely correct. When the McGill Mercantile Co., of San Francisco, CaL, managing this great gigantic sale for G. Rosenstein, Mgr., Oregon City, throw open their doors Wednesday, December 6th, at 9 a m. this entire population will gasp with astonishment at the massive display of high-grade merchandise with prices attached never before heard of in the state of Oregon. From every town and village the people will pour in. Come and see for yourself and be convinced that these are Gospel truths. The fact that Mr. G. Rosenstein having been in business in Oregon City for the past 6 years would alone be satisfactoy proof as to the courteous treatment to be shown everyone attendingthis sale and as to the quality of merchandise sold by him. A. lQltllLilllg Men's Suits worth up to $10 Gigan-1 tic Sale Price.. $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 j Men's Suits worth up to $20 Gigan tic Sale Price . . $5.98, $7.98, $9.98 Friends Bros,. Fa. nous Clothing known the world ove- for their high art of workmanship. We have a large stock on hand which will be sold along with the rest at less than the wholesale price. A guarantee goes with every suit or overcoat signed by Friends Bros, Milwaukee, Wis. Mens' $18 Suits (Friend Bros) Gigan tic Sale Price $11.98 Mens' $20 and $25 Suits (Friend Bros.) Gigantic Sale Price .14.98 Mens' $18 Overcoats (Friend Bros.) Gigantic Sale Price ..11.98 Mens' $20 and $25 Overcoats (Friend Bros.) Gigantic Sale Price ....14.98 Men's John B. Stetson $5.00 Hat.. 2.89 Mens' $3.00 soft or stiff hat Gigantic Sale Price 1.39 Mens' $2.00 Soldier Fedora Hat Gi gantic Sale Price 79c & 98c Mens' $5.00 Conqueror Hat, a bargain, Gigantic Sale Price 1.29 Mens' 50c Caps Gigantic Sale Price 15c Mens' $1 and $1.50 Caps Gigantic Sale Price 39c Boys' $3.00 Hats Gigantic Sale Price 99c Boys' $2.00 Hats Gigantic Sale Price 49c We have the largest line of Sweaters in Oregon City and every one will be sold at less than 20c on the dol lar. Mens' $1.50 all wool Sweaters Gigantic Sale Price 49c Mens' $2.00 all wool Sweaters, Gigantic Sale Price 79c Mens' $2.50 all wool Sweaters, Gigantic Sale Price 99c Mens' Australian wool Sweaters, a bargain at $5.00 Gigantic Sale Price 1.39 Mens' Duck Coats, water proof, worth $3.00 Gigantic Sale Price. ... .1.29 Boys' Duck Coats, water proof, worth $2.50 Gigantic Sale Price 99c SHOES! BOOTS! RUBBERS! Our Shoe Department is a store in itself. Anything and everything you may want in this department at less than the cost of manufacture. Mens' $2.50 working shoes Gigantic Sale Price 1.29 Mens' $3.00 hand sewed shoes Gi gantic Sale Price .' .1.99 Mens' $3.00 government shoes Gi gantic Sale Price 1.49 Mens' $5.00 Patent Leather shoes Gigantic Sale Price 2.99 Mens' $6 and $7 Logging Shoes Gi gantic Sale Price . .3.29 Mens' $1.50 House Slippers Gigantic Sale Price 49c Ladies' $2.50 Street Shoes Gigantic Sale Price 1.19 Ladies' $3.00 Dress Shoes Gigantic Sale Price 1.39 Boys' $2.00 strong made shoes Gi gantic Sale Price ' 99c Children's well made shoes Gigantic Sale Price 39c Mens' $5.00 Rubber Boots Gigantic Sale Price .v 2.29 Mens' $6 and $7 Hip Rubber Boots Gigantic Sale Price 2.98 Mens' $6 and $7 Rubber Boots, leather soles Gigantic Sale Price . 3.98 Ladies' 75c Rubbers Gigantic Sale Price 49c Misses' 75c Rubbers Gigantic Sale Price 39c Boys' and girls Rubber Boots, $3.00 value Gigantic Sale Price ....1.19 Mens' Best Rubber Capes, $3 value Gigantic Sale Price .' 1.29 Mens' and Children's Leggings Gi gantic Sale Price 49c Ladies' 25c Hose Gigantic Sale Price 7c Ladies' 35c Hose Gigantic Sale Price 9c Ladies' 50c Hose Gigantic Sale Price 14c & 19c Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 4c, 5c, 7c, 10c Mens' Overcoats worth up to $10 Gigantic Sale Price ..$3.79 & $4.29 Mens' Overcoats worth up to $15 Gigantic Sale Price $5.29 & $5.99 Mens' Overcoats worth up to $20 ..Gigantic Sale Price $8.49 & 9.89 Mens' Cravenette worth up to $30 Gigantic Sale Price $12.98 Mens' Cravenette worth up to $25. Gigantic Sale Price 9.98 Children's 2 and 3-piece Suits, worth up to $5.00 Gigantic Sale Price $1.49, 1.79, 2.29 Children's 2 and 3-piece Suits .worth up to $10 Gigantic Sale Price 2.99, 3.29, 3.99 Children's Overcoats worth up to $5 Gigantic Sale Price $1.35 Boys' Knee Pants worth up to $1.00 Gigantic Sale Price 15c Mens' good strong working pants worth up to" $2.50 Gigantic Sale Price 79c Mens' black worsted pants worth $3 Gigantic Sale Price 99c Mens' Pants for business wear worth up to $5 Gigantic Sale Price $1.29 1.49 and 2.19. Men'.s Pants for dress, worth ' up to $10&Gigantic Sale Price $2.89, 3.29 and $3.99. j, MENS' FURNISHING GOODS. Mens' 15c Handkerchiefs in white, blue or red Gigantic Sale price 3c Mens' 25c Handkerchiefs in white Gigantic Sale Pirce 5c Mens' 30 and 35c Handkerchiefs, white linen Gigantic Sale Price 7c and 9c Mens' 10c Cotton Socks Gigantic Sale Price 3c Mens' 15c Cotton Socks, heavy for winter Gigantic Sale Price .5c Mens' 25c Cotton socks, black and tan Gigantic Sale Price 7c, 9c & 11c Mens' 35c Cassimere Hose for dress Gigantic Sale Price 12c & 14c Mens' 35c wool merino Hose for win ter Gigantic Sale Price 14c Mens' 50c heavy all wool Hose, best j Mens' $1.00 Neckwear in 4-in-hand made Gigantice Sale Price 19c and Tecks Gigantic Sale Price 37c Mens' good strong made suspenders j Mens' 75c Overalls, union made Gi- Gigantic Sale Price 7c & 9c I gantic Sale Price 39c. Men's 50c President Suspenders Gi- ; Mens' 75c Overall Jackets, union made- gantic Sale price 14c I Gigantic Sale Price 39c Boys 35c Suspenders Gigantic Sale i Mens' $1.00 Working Shirts, union Price 5c & 9c I made Gigantic Sale Price 39c I Mens' 50c Sanitary Fleece Lined Un- i Mens' 75c Working Shirts, union made- derwear Gigantic Sale Price ..36c i Gigantic Sale Price 29c Mens' 75c and $1.00 wool fleece lined j Mens' Negligee Shirts, worth up to Underwear 49c j $2, Gigantic Sale Price 29c, 39c, 79c Mens' 50c light weight fleece lined ! Mens' $1.50 White Dress Shirts Gi- Underwear Gigantic Sale gantic Sale Price 49 & 69c -Price? 29c & 15c , Mens' ?1 Black Satteen Shirts Gi- I Mens' all wool underwear worth up to gantic Sale Price 49c j $4.00 Gigantic Sale Price 69c, 89c j Mens' $2 all wool blue Shirts Gigan j $1.49. ! tic Sale Price 79c Mens' $2.50 red or blue California ; Mens' $3 all wool Blue Shirts Gigan Flannel Gigantic Sale Price ..99c; tic Sale Price . 1.39" Mens" Solid Rolled Gold Cuff Buttons Mens' $1 Umbrella Gloria cover Par worth up to $2.00 Gigantic Sale t agon frame Gigantic Sale Price 43c Price 19c- 29c' and 49o;Mens' 25c and 50c Boston Garters Mens' 20c Canvas Gloves 8c, Gigantic Sale Price J8c Mens' $1.00 Leather Gloves, well made M 15c Ljnen ColIars all size, and Gigantic Sale Price 39c, styiegGigantic Sale Price ....8c Mens' $1.50 Reindeer GlovesGood . r , T3,Q1,fc, " , . , . . . n ju iiiucu i. v A-J inline n yr i ,n j and warm Gigantic Sale Price 59c . Gi&antic Saie Price 89c Mens' $2.50 buckskin Gloves the best ; Best Pins, regular 5c paper Gigantic- "'s-"1 i Sale Price 1c nr o rs c..;- -.-,,-.11 n jn I ms r,'T. ' 77 1 Best Needles, regular 5c paper Gi- UJgauiii. uaic x iic; .......... i.-r Mens' $1.50 and $2.00 telescopes Gi-1 gantic Sale Price 49c & 69c j gantic Sale Price 1c Best Hair Pins, regular 5c paper Gi gantic Sale Price 1c i Mens J5C bow lies 5C I Brooks' Spool Cotton, regular 5c "spool Mens' 35c String Ties 9c Gigantic Sale Price 1c Mens' 50c Neckwear in 4-in-hand and I Boys' and Girl's 35c Heavy Hose (rib Tecks Gigantic Sale Price 19c! bed) Gigantic Sale Price . . 7, 9, 14a- This Gigantic Sale positively opens. Wednesday, December 6that 9 o'clock a. m. and closes in IQ days at G. Rosenstein's, Mgr., 'Oregon City, Oregon. This entire stock, including the Winter and Holiday Goods, now under the management of The McGill Mercantile Company of San Francisco, Cal., to be sold by them at less than the cost of the raw material in IQs days beginning Wednesday, December 6th, at 9 a. m. . . ILiOOIi FOR TKCH Bia :RJESX SIGIV Matk the date and mark it well Wednesday, Dec 6thf 9 a. m. I hereby agree to refund the money on any goods purchased during this sale if not satisfactory. No goods will be charged during this sale. V , Railroad and traction fare paid to purchasers of $25.00 or over. Wanted, JQ clothing salesmen, 25 salesladies and 0 cash girls. Call Monday morning, Decem ber 4th, at 9 o'clock. t ROSENSTEIN'S STORE TWO DOORS SOUTH OF POSTOFFICE, . OREGON CITY, OREGON Let nothing keep ypt away The hot is set -The date you know