Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 01, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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...Short Sidehead Stories...
Died at Molalla
Mrs. Ida Dodge, aged 25 years, died
last Wednesday of inflamation of the
train at ber home at Molalla. Deceas
ed was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Woodside, pioneer residents of the
county and is survived by a husband
and two young children. Funeral ser
vices, were held at the late home Fri
day and burial was had at Molalla.
try man might be given a respectable
Wife Gets Custody of Child
In the divorce suit of F. E. Linn
against Kate B. Linn, in the state cir
cuit court for Clackamas county.
Judge G. E. Hayes, appearing as at
torney for the defendant, was succes
ful Saturday in having the decree re
opened and the custody of the 5-year
old son, which at the original trial of
the suit was awarded to the father,
transferred to the mother.
"Move to Green Point"
Proud in the possession of the cer
tificates of awards they have received
for fruit that was exhibited at the
Lewis & Clark Fair, some of the resi
dents of Green Point, one of Oregon
City's pleasing suburbs, insist that it is
essential to reside in that locality if
the cream of the fruit for which Clack
amas county is rightly noted is to be
enjoyed. Among the Green Pointites
to receive recognition in the prize
awards at the recent Exposition were
Chas. Burns Jr., who received a silver
certificate for a basket of peaches
grown in his yard and John W. Kelly,
who received a bronze certificate for
a display of prunes.
Neither Could Score
Teams from the Mt. Angel College
and Barclay High School, of this city,
Saturday afternoon played a scoreless
game on Willamette Falls field near
this city. While visitors outweighed
the home team on an average of ten
: pounds to the man, the high school
players were the speedier and showed
effects of two weeks coaching under
direction of Sam Stowe, of this city,
recently of University of California.
Water Plant Inspected
Mayor Wood and Counilman Frank
McGown, representing the City coun
cil of Waitsburg, Washington, on Sat
urday inspecting the filtering plant of
the Oregon City Water Works. The
municipality of Waitsburg, contem
plates installing a filtering system in
connection with its water works and
sent its representatives to this city to
inspect the system here used before
any purchases are made. The refined
product from the system here used
analyzes 99.8 per cent pure.
The "Gypsies" Entertain
Saturday evening at Knapp's Hall
the Gypsies, a social organization re
cently formed by a dozen of the lead
ing young society women of the city,
informally entertained about forty in
vited guests in a manner that bespeaks
much for their entertaining capacity.
After a delightful programme of danc
ing, music being furnished by Shaw's
orchestra, there was served a deli
cious lunch which concluded an even
ing of genuine pleasure for which the
social enterprise of a. company of
young women was responsible. Mr.
and Mrs. C. G. Huntley, Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin T. Griffith and Mr. and Mrs.
J. Nelson Wisner were the chaprones
for the affair.
To Creat Lawyer's Library
Objected To Two Changes
To be obliged to twice change her
name was more than Mrs. Nellie Wil
let bargained for when she was mar
ried to Bird Willet in Iowa in 1887,
and for that and other reasons recited
in a divorce suit filed recently, the
woman wants to be legally separated
from Willet whom she denominates
Bird Willet, alias Levi Barr, in her
Dr. Green arranges with the Niece of Dr. Bo
schee to handle her famous Uncle's Great
Throat and Lung Cure.
"The best family safeguard is a reliable
household medicine that will cure croup,
coughs, colds, chilly sensations, running
eyes and nose, sore throat and bronchial
affections that will keep the children
proof against all contagious diseases.
Such a medicine is Boschee's German
Syrup, which has a record of 35 years in
the cure of consumption; catarrh and all
lung and bronchial troubles.
The fame of German byrup as a con
sumptive cure, since its purchase by Dr.
Green from the niece of the famous Dr.
Boschee, has extended to all parts of the
earth. It has big sales everywhere, to
Two sizes. 25c and 75c All druggists.
Charman & Co., City Drug Store
An effort is on foot in Oregon City complaint. - Mrs. Willet alleges that
to create a lawyers' library. A meet- . shortly after her marriage with the
ing will be called in a few days for J defendant, the latter without order or
all members of the Clackamas bar to . authority of the courts, changed his
discuss the advisability of such, a
movement and ways and means. The
attorneys believe that this method will
insure having many of the new", law
books that will be valuable to the
practitioner that no individual attor
ney or firm feels warranted in buying
It is believed the county commission
ers will provide a room for such a li
brary in the county court house.
Died a Poor Man
Richard Graff, a county charge, who
died last Thursday at Jones' Mill, this
county, was at one time worth $10,000.
Several years ago Graff went to Mexi
co, and invested his wealth in a saw
mill, but the natives, becoming an
tagonized, were successful in conduct
ing a boycott against the American,
who recently returned to Clackamas
county, having lost both his fortune
and his health. Since his return,
Graff was supported by the county and
his remains were interred Friday by
a number of his German friends who
contributed to a fund that their coun-
name from Bird Willet to Levi Barr
and obliged her to adopt the sajne
name. In addition to submitting to
a double change of name, the woman
represents that the' defendant was
guilty of cruelly treating her, that he
used violent and obscene language
toward her and falsely accused her of
infidelity. Plaintiff asks for a divorce
and the custody of three minor children.
A Most Pleasing Entertainment
One of the most interesting enter
tainments that has been given in Or
egon City for several months was that
under the auspices of the ladies of
the First Baptist Church . It consist
ed of a recital by Miss Bertha Kay, of
Portland, assisted by Miss Benson,
Miss Foster and Mrs. R. C. Ganong.
Miss Kay was recently graduated from
the Emerson School of Oratory, of
Boston. Mass., and in her work Friday
evening she fully justified the reputa
tion as a successful entertainer that
had preceded her. Her numbers, "The
Bear Story that Alex 'est Maked up
His Own Se'f," by James Whitcomb
Riley and Helene Thanire, by Eliza
beth S. Phelps, were perhaps the best,
affording Miss Kay an opportunity for
displaying to advantage her ability,
although the other numbers were
eaually faithfully presented. The !
musical numbers by Miss Benson, Miss j A
materially to the entertaining features I
of the evening s program. Miss Kay
is now a resident of' Portland and is
contemplating organizing an elocu
tionary class in this city.
Gold Medal for Peters.
Fountain Hose Company, No. 1 has
had a beautiful 'gold medal made,
which the next meeting will be pre
sented to W. Peters, whose fine work
at the firemen's tournament,' July 5th,
won the wet test and secured the prize
money to Oregon City. The cost of
the medal was met by subscription.
Lawrence Ruconich,' C. D. Hartman,
J. A. MGlashan and a few other Foun
tain Hose men had the work done.
. . ; ; ; 1
IRScM G&t Glass
THERE is glass and glass and many stores make no dis
tinction between factory made and genuine hand cut.
Manufacturers who desire to turn out Glassware by the carload
have hit upon the device of making pressed glass imitate real
cut glass by doing a little superficial cutting on the surface.
This is not Cut Glass not genuine hand wrought art ware.
- We call particular attention
to our ,
tfe-gT' TlJ miss
Of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, the
Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
Captain Apperson Returns.
Captain J. C. Apperson returned
home from a meeting at Washington,
D. C, of the American Association of
Agricultural Collegs and Experiment
Stations. Captain Apperson repre
sented the O. A. C. and the experi
ment station at Corvallis. Captain
Apperson said the principal object of
the meeting was to take steps to se
cure more financial aid from the gene
ral government for experiment sta
tions. Two other matters of vital im
portance to the states on the Pacific
coast came up; an organized effort to
have established with national aid in
all the general land grant colleges,
which include the state agricultural
colleges, schools to teach forestry and
the care and preparation of forest re
serves. Also to. have established in
these schools a school of mining.
Should these plans be arried out Or-
Libbey Ctt Glass
It is of the purest, clearest color.
The workmanship is artistic and thorough and the designs ex-
elusive and beautiful. Every piece has Libbey's name engrav
ed on it. This is a guarantee of being genuinely hand cut and
polished in every particular.
We have a large stock of this ware together with several
other makes all of the latest cuttings and newest patterns and
at attractive prices.
urmcistcr & Andrcsen
v The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner.
and after the train had started she
found that one of her children was not
on. She told the conductor, but, by
that time they were well along towards
Forest Grove. The train' men were not
as sympathetic as some of the pas
sengers thought' they ought to be,
and quite a feeling was developed.
1 However, after getting here and tele
phoning back to Dilley and finding out
p?mi will receive as much benent as i f rom Mr, Brikks that the child was ac-
any other state. tua"y there- the conductor wired in to
j liic uiayaiuiit;i a umue auu gui pei 111 ir-
Costs Money to be a Candidate l" f " y V. .
' 1 student from the college who has the
Secretary, of State Dunbar has be-, reputation of Deing rather "fresh"
gun to make preparations for the gen- at th t tDt tH train tr
eral primary election to be held in his hom in Hillshoro. and anerered
this state and district offices must be
the passengers by indiscreet interfer-
nien wnn me aecretary 01 aiaie uy j ence in the case Tne result was that
April 1, in order to have a place on the some of the men made a rush for him
official ballot. It will require at least , and would have handled him roughly,
GO days for each candidate or his 1 , t ,t th ar h..mH
No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and
unqualified endorsement.
No other medicine has such a record, of cures of female troubles or such
hosts of grateful friends as has 9
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian
Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Falling and Displacement of the
Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the
Change of Life.
It has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorrhcea than any other rem
edy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It
dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of de
velopment. Irregnlar, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, Weakness of the Stomach,
Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, (ieneral Debil
ity quickly yield to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight and backache, in
stantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it
invigorates the female system, and is as harmless as water.
' It quickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling, extreme lassitude, 'don't
care " and " want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous
ness. Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy or the ' blues "
and headache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, or some de
rangement of the Uterus, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaint
and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures
Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred
thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Sold by Druggists
everywhere. Refuse all substitutes.
friends to secure the necessary names
and prepare the petitions required by
law, so that the name may appear on
the official ballot. Two tally sheets
will be prepared: One for the Republi
can party and one for the Democratic
party. No other party cast sufficient
votes at the last election to entitle it
to recognition in the primary election.
Secretary Dunbar placed an order
with the state printer for 32.389 blanks
to be delivered January 1. The esti
mator! pnRf rf t It ( 1 nrimarv plor"tirn is '
between $3500 and $4000. There is
nothing to prevent any man from cir
culating a petition to have his name
placed on the official primary ballot.
ladies who protected him. All togeth
er it made quite a sensation, but the
train backed up, got the child and pro
ceded on its way half an hour late.
Forest Grove Times.
Meeting at Corvallis
ficers Elected.
The Oregon Good Roads convention
came to a close in Corvallis at noon
Friday. The meeting is said by all
Secretary Dunbar hfs no discretion in state an(1 that u win regult m great
their respective districts the coming j g Carry Fine Bath Ttlbs
In the closing hours of the conven
tion an election of officers wa.s held
and the following list shows the re
sult :
J. H. Scott, Salem, president; H. B.
Thielson, Salem, secretary; C. J. Tren
chard, Astoria, treasurer; executive
committee, J. H. Scott, Salem; H." M.
Palmer, Albany; C. J. Trenchard, As
toria; George C. Blakeley, The Dalles;
W. W. Travillion, Baker City; Virgil
E. Watters, Corvallis; H. B. Thielson,
Salem; "J. O. Booth, Grants Pass; B.
F. Rhodes, McMinnville; T. F. Ryan,
Oregon City.
The vice-presidents of the associa
tions are the county judges of the vari
ous counties of the state.
The time and place of the next an
nual convention of the association are
not known, this matter being left for
the executive committee. Gazette.
Mr. Thos. George, a merchant at
Mt. Elgin, Ontario, says, "I have had
the local agency for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy ever since it was in
troduced into Canada, and I sell as
much of it as I do of all other lines I
have on my shelves put together. Of
the many dozens sold under guaran
tee,! have not had one bottle returned.
I can personally recommend this med
icine as I have used it myself and giv
en it to my children and always with
the best results." For sale by Howell
& Jones.
and everything else in the line of first
class Plumbing Equipment. The val
ue of modern, absolutely , sanitary
Plumbing is inestimable; it saves
much work and worry and may save
your life. Don't endanger health and
happiness by living in the house that
is equipped with old fashioned fix
tures. Get our prices on refitting
your entire house with good Plumbing.
The Plumber,.
- " . , V , , 2" J ! good to this section, especially, goes
name on the official ballot whose pe-' itVlt oc,;, n co
"IwJ8reSl,latnd, Wh complies i made were of a nature to arouse en-!
with the terms of the law. , thusiasm and awaken an interest in j Z
.. .. ; better highways, and the presence of z,
Crowded Conditions At Asylum so many of Benton's supervisors would ;
"If the population of the asylum : indicate that things will be doing in ' ?
keeps on increasing at the rate of the : . . f
. .. .1 1, ,. r . " ! i.
Superintendent J. F. Calbreatn, "we
will be taxed to provide accommoda
tions. We will have to make the best
of the situation under the circum
stances and do what we can with the
facilities at hand. The population has
already passed 1400 mark, and keeps
up at a steady increase. There is
congestion now. particularly " on the
female side of the institution, but we
can make room for a few more in each
department. - When it comes to a pinch
we can resort to the quarantine hos
pital, or pest-house, which can be con
verted into temporary quarters for fe
male patients and would provide ac
commodations for about 30. Upon
the men's side we have recourse to
the smoking or exercising-rooms,
which are situated at the ends and !
between the jvards. Beds could be
placed in these and provisions made
lor about 30 more patients in each. It
would of course, be rather inconven- ;
iont and unsatisfactory, but . would ;
have to suffice until some relief is af
ioi'ded by the legislature."
The following are only a few of the prominent oeoole of Oreeon Citv
and Willamette who have used the BUCKEYE EXTRACTS for over two
mm pcnccL satisiaction. i ney say mat tney last longer ana give
a better flavor than any brand they ever used. They are true to their
name and retain their strength in baking and freezing,
Mrs. E. Mass, Willamette Mrs. G. L. Hedgks
Mrs. J. H. Forbes, Oregon City Mrs. C. B. Wilson
Mrs. A.Reilly, ' " Mrs. MoRtBY, ClifF House
Mrs, Jacob Cassell, Electric Hotel
The BUCKEYE EXTRACT sales have more than quadrupled in the
last year, which proves their merit. For Sale by the following Grocers.
D. M. KLEMSEN T. J. GARY, Willamette
had tc Back Up
A somewhat sensational affair oc
curred last Thursday afternoon on the
Portland train at Dilley and here. At
Dilley, a Mrs. D. Bayless was boarding
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the
diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell.
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into the nostrils and absorbed.
Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by
mail ; J.rial bize, 1U cents by mail.
Ask for-
the train with a grip and four small
children. A small crowd stood about ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York.
Now on, Sale ,
Mast Please or Yoar Money Refunded