OWWON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1905. 7 (SdDDOS'fiDIIDSD'fiCBOL u jUds Lnff . i I: MR. and MRS. WILBERT THOMPSON, 801 Main St., Peoria, III. MULL'S GRAPE TONIC CURED HIM. Wilbert Thompson never knew a well day until last June he had been constipated all his life many doctors treated him, but all failed to even help himhit health failed rapidly and on January 21, 1903, Mr. Thompson aslced us to suggest a treatment for her husband We thought the case too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted but he also failed to help the patitnt-NOV HE IS WELL. Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mrs. TWinipHMi flrt wrote im uh follows: "My luifrtmnd, nwi 2, suitors from sharp palm In his stomach and ftliiMiH think It Is IiIh hoart. Lot imi know by mturii mall wliat eausus the pain, If you cau. Mr. Thompson him biH'ii in'Htoil b snvnral doctor, but thoy liavo kIvbii IiIiii up." Wb promptly advlsod that a lirst-clasHMiieclallHttMieoiisiiHHd. Wemwte: "We want to sell Mull 1 Grape Tonln, ImitBUHH wo know It will euro constipation, but mm. a bottle Is no object to im when a human life Is at stake, and If your biiHbaiid'S cane Is as serious as you Htatn, we suKK'mt you consult a reliable upeclallst, not toe advertising kind, promptly." At the same time, knowliiK thai Mull's (irape 'I onic could do no harm, weadvlned Its use until a physician ooufd be consulted. January 2A Mrs. Thompson wrote that a physician had been consulted. He diag nosed the case as being chronic constipation and dyspepsia. Ills treatment was followed faithfully, but there was no perceptible Improvement In Mr. Thompson's health. Then hu began taking Mull Grape 'Ionic and ou Bept. a, luwi, we received the following letter from Mrs. Thompson'. "You will remember that I wrote to you last Januarv In regard to my husband' health. It la lour month einoe he quit taking Mull's Drape Tonio lor ooneupauon, wn.on no suinmn irm slnoe birth. He took Ju.t 24 bottles of It and I perfeotly oured. Me I muoh stronger and h galnod eonsidnrably In flesh. I oannot thank you enough for Mull' Grape Tonlo. It I worth Its weight in gold.' Just $12 oured him and he has spent hundreds of dollars with doctors who did him no good. Howl want to state my ease to you and eapeot your early reply. I also have consti pation, have had for three years. Kindly let me know ae I am sure It will eure me If you say It will, as It did all you claimed It would In my husband's ease. I "JPlC-" ,,., ... , Vary respeotfully yours, MR.W.H.THOMPSON,80f Main St., Peor,lll. LET US GIVE YOU A 50c. BOTTLE. This Coupon U good for a 50c. Bottle of null's Grapo Tonlo. Kill out this coupon anil send to the Lightning Meilli ln Co., 157 TlilrrA., Ilork Island, III., nml you will receive full slr.e, flOu. bottle of Mull's irape Ton lr. I have never taken Mull's flrepe Tonic, hut If you will iiil7 me with a AOo. bottle free, I will take It us tllrei'led. Name (Ureal No.. City HUU ivi ruit aooaiee o weirs ptaimv. If you are afflicted with constipation or any of its kindred diseases we will buy a 50-ccnt bottle for you of your druggist bihI give it to you to try. If you ere constipated we know it will cure you. Surely if we have such confidence in our remedy s to pay for a 1oUle of it that you may test for yourself its won derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer. Mull's Grape Tonic is the only cure for constipation known. We do not recom mend it for nnything but Constipation and its allied diseases. It is our free gift to you. In accepting this free Iwttte you do not obligate yourself further than to take its contents. Mall's Grape Tome is pleasant to tike ami one bottle will tienefit you." We want you to try it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mail it to us to-day wo will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent bottle and charge same to us. HOWELL & JONES, Reliable Druggists. The home of Mr. M. Haines has been blessed by the arrival of a son. A birthday dinner was given Mr. J. M. Olds in honor of his seventy third year by his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Campbell of Oregon City, on Sunday last. I Mr. James Taylor of Portland, vis j Ited at the Mountain Ash Stock Farm . from Saturday until Monday, j Mr. Schrlener, who has been quite I 111, has so far recovered as to be able ; to be at work once more. Mr, James Hylton was making friendly calls last Sunday afternoon. On Tuesday a young gentleman ar rived at the home of Mr. Rubow, where he will reside Indefinitely. Mrs. Swlck and Mrs. Scheer visited Mrs. Miller at Canemah one day last week. Mr. Geo. Lazelle was at New Era Monday; having been appointed one of the appraisers of the estate of the late Mr. Moore. Milk Creek to his mill. Charles Thomas attended the dance at Needy last Saturday night. Frank Hilton made a business trip to Canby one day this week. I BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH. j Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Water j works, Shullsburg, Wis., writes, I "I have tried many kinds of llnl ; ment, but I have never received much benefit until I used Ballard's Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains, I think it the best liniment on earth." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by HunMey Bros. Co. NEEDY. WHEN YOU HAVE A BAD COLD. You want a remedy that will tint only give quick relief but effect a per manent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will coun teract the tendency toward pneu monia. You want a remedy that Is pleas ant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds stands without a peer. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. MT. PLEASANT. Lewis Spagle has returned to Needy for a few days. Casper Hlnkle, of Hubbard, Is con templating buying a farm near Needy. Mr. Mart Robblns and family will leave next week for Idaho. Miss Wilda Elliott was an Oregon City visitor last week. Miss Elnora Ginther visited at Mrs. RItter'a Saturday and Sunday. A singing class has been organized at Needy with Mr. Hostetter as teach er. Mr. and Mrs. C. Noblltt and Mrs. Fred Smith visited at Tom Sconce's Sunday. Miss Zoa Fish has gone to Liberal to spend a few weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. Reames called on J. D. Ritter and family Sunday. A dance will be given In the Odd Fellows Hall, Wednesday evening, No vember 29. Mr. George H. Himes, of Portland, came up on Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral of the late Wm. Partlow. Miss Nell Williams of Portland, was the guest of Miss Mona King at Locust , Farm over Sunday. Mrs. Sarah L. Bird has returned to her home at Seaside, Oregon, after a short visit at the Partlow home. Mrs. Dan O'Neil was the guest of Mrs. Will Ladd, of Portland, last Mon day and Tuesday. Miss Clementina Bradford of Port land, was a recent visitor at Locust Farm. Mr. R. H. Taber has resumed work on the Mt. Pleasant and Canemah road, and hopes to be able to open the road before the winter rains come. Miss Roma G. Stafford is preparing to give a Christmas entertainment for the school. A programme of much In terest Is being prepared. It Is the purpose of the committee in charge of the proceeds from the entertainment given last April to make several much needed improvements In the assembly hall at the school, before the holidays. i Out Correspondents' Corner Sj Brief 1 '.its of Gossip From AH Paris of the County. 1 HARMONY. .Nov. 20. We ure Kind that the Omnty Court has defined an election precinct for this pluce. Tlu' welcome ruin Is falling once more. Mr. .1. Frlcdenllial of Portland lias nold lila twenty wren here for about I where his parents reside, lie, until $2!KI0 to Mr. Maker, of Cleveland, Wa. I recently, was engaged In window dec Mr. Maker, we are informed, will build I orating for the large dry goods stores on the property In the near future and make his home with us. Mr. R. Daniels has sold his farm of H:t acres to Kilton & Peck of San Francisco, for $10,000. The purchas ers will remodel the place and con duct a modern dairy. Mr. Kilton is a young man and Is well known here, L.L.L.V I 11 IV POWER V ! A talk with us will t orn ince hi hat ELECTRIC L1GH T is the only light, you can afford to use in your home, or put in the house you are building'. Your property will rent more readily, will pay a higher in come, and attract a better class ot tenants IF IT IS EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT. IF you contemplate establishing any business re quiring POWER, it will be to your advantage to talk with us before placing ypur orders for machinery. THE use of ELECTRIC power means: Lesser cost of operation, smaller amount of space required, and great saving in machinery and initial cost of in stallation of plant. ADVANTAGES in the cost of producing power in Oregon City in comparison with other cities of the country, enable us to make lowest rates and give un equalled service. REDUCED RATES FOR CURRENT ON METER BASIS f i of Portland at which business he Is an expert, and has been engaged In the dry goods business In San Francis co. Meing a man of keen Insight he has no doubt picked up valuable in formation In regard to dairying and farming. We never heard of a wagon travel ing alone before, but some way a few nights ago Mr. Hanson's big heavy wagon departed and was afterward found on Mr. Clarke's place over half a mile away where Mr. Clarke's wag on bed and hay rack hail placed them-1 solves on top or It. The Ladies' Sewing Society will bold a fair Thanksgiving evening, in the school house or church. Mr. NV. I. Wise and family have departed for Yamhill county. Also Hiram Danlals and sister, Mrs. Geo. Wise. Mr. Chapman and family have mov ed to a point near Hillsboro, where Mr. Chapman and his son, Dlrrel, are engaged In dairying and operating a three hundred acre farm. The Chap man family came here about three years ago and were a valuable acqui sition to the community which re grets their removal. Mr. William Uoddle, a former res ident of this place, was seen on our streets yesterday. Mr. Biddle has sold his farm at Lafayette, and has some Intention of locnting at Forest Grove. Miss Edith Karr, principal of the Marlow schools, visited at her home here last week. Mrs. J. S. Hill of Portland, visited here with her mother, Mrs. Karr, last week. Mr. George Avery has purchased the grocery store from Mr. Payn and mov ed 'the building dow.n near his resi dence. George is a , hustler and is building up a large trade. and Chris would have gone into the river. Misses Carrie and Laura Shuebel, of Portland, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Shuebel, last Sunday. Prof. Ed .Schmidt is in Portland tuning pianos. Philip Massinger went to the Aber nethy brick yard last. Saturday and got a load of brick. Mr. and Mrs. Steiner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hettman last Sunday. The Moehnke shingle mill Is run ning again after having closed for a few weeks, until the owners had put their farms In crop. Mr. Massinger visited Mr. Chris Hornschuh Sunday evening. Philip Massinger, Jr., and Jake Wacher, visited at the home of Robert Ginther last Sunday evening. Rev. Meckel, of Cleveland, Ohio, will preach in the Evangelical church on Tuesday evening, November 28. Ev ery body invited. The County Court was out looking for the place in the Highland road where Mrs. Krohn was nearly killed some time ago. We don't know whether the court found the spot, but will say that at the time the accident occurred the jump off was about 12 to 18 inches perpendicular on corduroy with no other way out, and there were 3 or 4 others nearly as bad. G. A. Shuebel, E. F. Ginther and Jake Grossmiller have received 7000 black spotted trout and put in the streams here. CONSTIPATIQN. Health is absolutely Impossible, If constipation be present. Many se rious cases of liver and kidney eom- ! plaint have sprung from neglected constipation. Such a deplorable con- dition Is unnecessary. There Is a cure for it. Herblne will speedily j remedy matters. C. A. Lindsay, P. M.. Bronson, Fla.. writes, Feb. 17, 1 1902: "Having nsed Herblne. I And 11 It liuu Ult.mi uir iim ;uu.-iuvmi.n.Mi. 50c a bottle. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. REDLAND ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost of current and information regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or POWER, in the HOME, the OFFICE, the STORE and the FACTORY, promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City. A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Potter Saturday evening, the occasion being Leon's sixteenth birthday.'' Games and dancing were indulged in until a late 1 i hour. Miss Myrtle Doremus and Miss Louise Cane have returned from a week's visit in Portland. Mr. Frank Mattoon is moving his house on the hill. He expects to make many Improvements. 1 Mr. Wm. H. Lewis has returned j from Vancouver where he 1ias been I engaged in carpenter work for some I time. A DISASTROUS CALAMITY. It is a disastrous calamity, when i you lose your health, because Indi ' gestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in ' Dr. King's New Life Pills. They I build un your digestive organs, and 1 1 cure headache, dizziness, colic, const.! I ! pation, etc. Guaranteed at Howell & Jones drug store; Z&c. SHUBEL. Fanners in this community have about finished putting in their crops. Chris Hornshuch while in Oregon City last week, came nearly having a fatal runaway. His team was facing the river at the Fairclough building and for some unknown reason sudden ly ran away, throwing Mrs. Horn schuh to the ground while Chris by the smallestc hance got hold of one of the lines and thus pulled the horses straddle of a tree. Otherwise team THE ORIGINAL. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foly's Honey and Tar many Imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless im itations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genu ine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and re fuse and substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Hunt ly Bros. CLACKAMAS. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Moore went to Oswego last week, Friday, remaining over till Monday. They were pleasant ly entertained by the M. E. people on that charge, and were the recipients of a generous donation. The Methodist and Congregational Sunday schools are preparing for the annual Christmas celebration. Frank Knolls and Charlie Dons went to Portland Tuesday to witness the football game. A Mr. Young and family have taken possession of the farm recently own ed by the Foster sisters. Clackamas Grange, 208, rendered a tine program at the literary hour lasi Saturday evening. These programs are open to the public. School district No. 64 assisted by the Mother's Club of Clackamas, will give a supper and entertainment Fri day evening, November 24. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 p. m. Pro gram at 8::0. Supper and entertain ment. 25 cents. Children 10c. En tertainment alone, 10 cents. School children in district 64 admitted free. This social event promises rare in terest and enjoyment. Everybody in vited. Proceeds to be used for purchase of an organ. MAN'S UNREASONABLENESS is often as great as woman's. But Thos. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "Repub lican," of Leavenworth, Ind., was not unreasonable, when he refused to al low the doctors to operate on his wife, for female trouble, "Instead," he says, "we concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and five (5) physicians had failed to re lieve her. After taking Electric Bit- te-s, she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household du ties" Guaranteed by Howell & Jones druggists, price 50c. UNION HALL. Nov. 20. There will be a basket social at the Eldorado school house in district No. 102, December 9th. John Burns called on his old friend David Fancher, of Mt. Pleasant, a few days ago. Eliza Burns, who Is teaching the Eldorado school, was visiting her par ents last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Orin Adkjns and family of this place are going to move to Sellwood In the near future. Alvin Phelps is working on his barn roof at present. The Central Point people are put ting up telephone poles In that vicln ity. Mr. Leo Riggs went to the Soda Springs a few days ago. Mr. T. J. Grimes and wife were vis iting Mr. John Molzan and family last Sunday. John Thomas Is the champion coon hunter of this place. 'James Adkins and his men are en gaged at present running logs down CROUP. A reliable medicine and one that should always be kept in the home for immediate use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will prevent the attack if given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears For sale by Howell & Jones. GREEN WOOD. Mrs. Geo. Rider and Mrs. C. Rider spent a day with Mrs. C. V. Stoker. Miss Myers and Miss May Clark spent a pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gregory. Mr. Breaker and family, from Mt. Pleasant, have moved on their farm. Rev. M. Jones, from Portland, Rev. W. Mason, spent a day with W. H. Jones and family. Rev. R. Owens of Beaver Creek, call ed on Edward Owens last Wednesday. Mr. Hughle Jones attended a sur prise party given to Miss Isabella Gregory of Carus, last Monday night and reported a very nice time. George Rider is grubbing stumps on Enos Cahill'8 farm. Wm. Rees is slashing on his farm In Carus district. Ben Boydson came in a livery rig to take his daughter Emma away. But his heart failed him before he reached the house, when he came for one of the neighbors for protection, but was told to get the sheriff to assist him If he was afraid of petticoats. However Ben drove away in high glee with his daughter without a scratch. Mrs. W. H. Jones called with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones on Monday and re ported Mr. Humphrey Jones improv ing nicely after his recent accident with the cars. Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Imo gene Myers, of Mt. Pleasant. A POPE flEi! ft HflHE tirrEilii u n Tlie Yontlis' ConiDaiiion .9 qr Dili Citi Merpm . NEURALGIA PAINS. Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetrating influ ence of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It penetrates to the nerves and bone and being absorbed Into the blood, its healing properties are con veyed to every part of the body, and effect some wonderful cures. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. TWILIGHT. Mr. Boylan and family formerly of Kelso, Washington, have moved Into the house lately occupied by Attorney Fred J. Meindl. BOTH ONE YEAR This offer is open only to new subscribers to The Youths' Companion. Subscribers to that period ical desiring to renew their subscription, will be given the Enterprise and the Companion for $3.00 to get your country weekly and one of the standard magazines for a little more than the price of one. Remember, new subscribers to The Youths' Com panion will receive that publication and the Enterprise, both one year, for the reasonable price of only $2.50 Address ENTERPRISE Oregon Gty, - - Oregon