Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 24, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Malxao. it W l:t Ws ti :
Jliik Crk a'tbw c.5.' a
a paradit i. too rre ;c,45t for i
tb V;r - 't;T-'i .5 f- " :
ajp, U -:; "i'".ijc c.3 bc?es of tie car '
tta tva: wa to t-i.lt tirtcirs kr,
tsi '.. jt.-v !. tta: m talked ?
a'joet f t iti"e.
Mr. C. T. Howard p-.rxti ,
Mcit of eaters Orfgvs teat, t.ca
t inteais ts six witii tit tIt '
teat tbe f-.rr.-r be-iag tsr-ti.-.ri.
hxrh Oirtt to r.fci r"-i f .r
It i reported tiat Mr. Ida Dcig ,
b m it . !:rt axa-a.
Mr 0car Daaieis, wbo rested
Aaarsst ErjckuwB t'-. or tbe p.'ac :
better kacwa a it "OM Wiaat"
j-lac. owed ia I.t w-ek :ta the
xp-tA.B of su'2i4 tii Waiter uJ -trt
Mrs Wl : u rtri :tt br cots-;
-r. Mrs KilliZ, at ;rett j
0t J 3: a Sytag trip to
PorSz.i SiadaT, or et1 ea" it f -1
it? trip, if be was I'. for bo 4 on
Mr. N.I-r aid facKy ex tJ into
tieir tew hoae lately
If yoa mt yocr we! c-oved. ia
I'iire of Frisk Ft aad A:hrt Erkk-.
on. ;
. i v.- r- v !
' I t 1 38
t ., r. .. '. : '
" 7r fcr.
frat ; f
T'. -. J
- f
i -. -
N Si krtT fT Out fcidi
:l! I rTir!i-2 tr it o:"satr cl-erk
of Cflti. ('';:.? Orx. a. to
Oa r before tYidr. th th djr
of Ivo aUr. A O 1 r. bJ 1 Ttu
fk; i to f.pr nd a.nvr. tb1
-:.t;..ff app'y t.i tb- l;jrt (of
.-.: to ti uaty coart at ti.e the relief prtjreJ fr sa tie tja:p!.int.
rT3!r DifE!f. JVS terra, for tie
f.-e. Srl oi kit:S of from :i
to tea c-ea arn k-t our trerajte couat?
ctrr re. Mtii t:i to tta'.e tt
tie biviier will cta.-fe jer ttKta f..r
fjcb cire. trd ioJ kJrine for
Kir a decree tiiKMthicc the U-nJ cf
Er.t .Bi;Ejr Cow px!t:ns Min the
prtse ti. th; itsit. reitlnrins p!!n
t:S to her fijrwier cie of K!eanor N
Ksirhaaan. ani for aurh other and fur
p-rv3 of c& year. aal bidder t.Vr relief at may em Bi-t and tvjijt'
to fpocy the r'.aee, l:nd of om tat-e in trie preintM-
-:.v-r.s ati c:
tat taa be care !
Not 17.
N'ctice i berety o that we wi i
apply at the t-.-tt nsu'ar m--iine tf
the Ore-pm C:ty Coucril for saku
i.c-nse under mhicb e rcay cnduct
a fala btttiae at the Hub Saloor.
Ma;a street, btt-a F:ftb and Sutb
Kc cf Final Settlement.
a th CviEij Coart of the Stat of
Oregoa. for the County of Clackamas.
Ia the carter of the Estate of Joha
H"tt, Deeeaei.
Notice is bereby giTea ttat tbe ua
ers:?al administrator of the above
ectitk-d estate baa filed ia tbe County
Cocrt of Clackazu County. State of
Oregoa, bis Caal accoant aa sucb ad
Biaiatrator of said estate, and that
tb Conrt baa fixed Tuesday, Jaau
ary 2, IMC. at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., of aaid day at tbe Court room of
said Court la Oregoa City, Oregon, as
the time aad place of bearing aay and
ail objectioaa to said report and the
iaal settlement of said estate.
Administrator of said Estate.
Bnice C. Carry, Attorney for Estate.
tBi're ef-t:vt
5 r v tr.
s-. ut't K v(.h;t. FurxKirn'-.'
'' 4 ' J4 V SteCiC.ti.
v 5 i. p- '"' r,:.tt ..iit arl
i.'i'f-'.t'. 1 J nni jrfrii of a
rtnl t'i . a rU "lt ,
Ft I'-r--' .-.;r' ..- m:tk
i.'..,- r a :,.-ti ttat t&i.re tvd
V i--" it at r d :5r ui "Td
t..' r '. j-r"t.. Th. ittduod
t.i o.!..'.-:re a (. a -iSc4etv.'y
J;Vra5 -. r',-t sh deti.aod.
l;v t. - . , r- he x-
tract. r !?!-. f(- wi prre the nedi
c r.: .( .!. ..; n, tra; ir.mS,ecu
"it-4"'' t,w' '' a .-.!.- 'liiir caern- c.ti, rw.fa.i..i
of , !- in an -ikJ s - n 10 u- tke name of the State of Oregon:
frw'i l im ..f r.'j,er;U are: ; you are hereby required to aDoear
f;-r r.-t. !.. t obh rjou :and ansVr the complaint filed azainst
Publication of Summons
In the Circuit Court of the State if
Oregon, for Ciarkama County.
Arthur J. Salic. P:a:ntiff.
ts Suit for Divorce
Tin uff,tni t puSlinbed once a
e k for six O'lM-ry'.! e-k in
the Oreron City t:nerpri. a me k!y
n pai-er of genera! rirratatton. pub
::!.eij at Crteun C:ty in the County
t.f ("iarkan:a. and State of Oreron.
the date of the first publication twine
Ninemtwr Kth. by order of the
Hob. Th A Mclirlde. Judge t.f the
laid Court, d'lly made and entered
on the l'.!h day of November,
Attorney for Flalntifl
Jim Skinn- r
H C.ate
t Iemery.
M I.yken
l t;.f-h rtji.fi and
In the Circuit Coort of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
J. C. Herricgton, Plaintiff,
May Herringtoa, Defendant
To May Herrington, Defendant:
Ia tbe name of tbe State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
700 in the above entitled court and
ait on or before tbe expiration of six
weeks from and after the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before 23d day of Decem
ber, 1905; and if you fail to answer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to tbe court for the relief prayed
I-iiik ' V
I i. -! r 't. I:
: !: 41 f - 'I.
Mi Mi V.-.i r?.r. X-'. T3 Amsterdam
e;;n.-. N i , r, i .s . Tr-a4rr of tbe
.,' I' i, r.ut :
I i .. - i. it n.d u Tery
f r . . -.; ii ii u.n ttaii
i t i . y, 4, urie) to trr
Ia the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clark
ma. la the matter of the estate of A W
Hagey, d-ceaed.
Notice I hereby given that the un
derngne-d adminlxtrator of the a'.ove
entitled ei-tate. will im-U at private sale
on Saturday, the Jd day of Iw-cemU-r,
A I). lj or any day thereafter, the
following described rt-al property W
longing to the etate of A. W Hagey.
deceaaed. timit: A cTtln tii--e or
ill apply parcel of land, lying and be'ng In
Harry Farmer
you la the above entitled Court and
cause, on or before Saturday, tbe 23rd
day of December. 19S;
And if you fail so to answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff
to the above entitled Court for tbe ; nckama County. Oregon, ard I
renei aemanaei in me tompiaint. jng a part of Section 30. T. i A.
to-wit; for a decree dissolving tbe v f ih vmmtt. u.ri,( .n
K 1
O ii-" --j :t. r-i,ii. Wntiin a seek I
n.v -, ,. i n.-.. fur eirtu .eekv. "Zn ,1 'T,"T, 7,w , , . ! t-Kmning at a point on the i.ne be-
ano t,. ... .i.t r. r i . irrti, ,,en the P'Untiff and the defendant. I twn Sections 29 and 30. 25 7 cbs.
i'l'','rTrwrttrn roch ?tb"r nJl i S-mtb of the North Kast corner of
htrvv:;,1.;:-"1- 1 em meet and equitable. , tion 3(. thPnce West 6.54
Ctipat although a l:u ill. h-I Jtis Nonou Is served by publi- i rhll.: ,nPnce North U.55 chll.: thence
t-t- big or,e if r,eeie, ted. 1. JlenV ' "Uo.n in Oregon C ity Enterprise ; K .54 chs ; thence South 1155 chs.
Fie.iit I'eiieu cure conatipatJ , J ',rtue of order of Hon. Thomas A. j , the place of beginning, containing
. McBrlde, Judge of the above entitled j ; j.j acres.
court, reaae in op'n tourt. on tbe Sth j Terms of sale
for in hU complaint on file herein, to- - November, A. D . 1S05. proved security.
Ca.h in hand or ap-
wit: That the bonds of matrimony
now existing between the plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved, upon tbe
ground of desertion and abandonment
of the plaintiff by defendant for a pe
riod of more than one year, and for
Notice to Creditor.
, , , n-e- croM I Dated this 31t day of October. A
6 wks. Attorney for Plaintiff , j isn:.
STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. ' Administrator of the Estate of A. W.
Hagey. deceased.
The adjourned meeetlng of the:Dimlck L Dimlck. Attorneys for Ad-
such other and further relief as pray- j Stockholders of the Willamette Val-1 mlnistrator.
ed for in the complaint and which to; ley Chautauqua Association is called I - -
the court may seem equitable and ; to meet on Friday. November 24. 1905,
proper. jat the hour of 2:30 p. m , at the Coun
This summons is published by or- ty Court room, in the Court House at
der of the Honorable Thomas A. Mc- Oregon City, Oregon, for the purpose
Bride, a Judge of the Circuit Court, of t electing a President, Vice-President,
the State of Oregon, and the said or-' Secretary, Treasurer, and a full Board
der was made and dated the 8th day j of Directors to serve for the ensuing
of November, 1905, and the date of the year. A full attendance of stockhold
flrst publication thereof is the 10th ! ers is urgently requested,
day of November, 1905. i H. E. CROSS. Secretary.
JOHN F. WATTS and L. c- H- DVE' Vice-President.
T. B. McDEVlTT. JR..
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
for the County of Clack-
rpnwv ROY MTvtvn x, vttt ivp. rn so i ,f
Principal place of business, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. (How-j,. th. ' tfpP fho ,,,, ryrU
tina Gortler, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
In the matter of the estate of William
C. Llchtenthaler. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that Geo.
1 H. Thomas was on the 2T.th day of
, OctoiKd, 1905, duly appointed Eiecu-
jtor of the estate of William C. Llch-
tenthaler, deceased.
That all persons having claims
'aeaindt said estate are hereby requir
ed to file the same, duly verified, with
said Executor at the office of Geo. H.
Thomas. In the Ainsworth lilock. at
Northwest corner of 3d and Oak
In the County Court of the State of ' Streets. Portland. Oregon within six
ell & Jones Drug Store,) on Main Street, between Sixth
-and Seventh
; dersigned administrator of the above
V.tl,. i V, , V r, kAA In .1 . 1 ; ....... . . , . V .11 : .1 . , '
. .... . j ---- - " uju vu5 entitled estate u nell at nHvo.o
cribed stock of said corporation on account of assessments levied by the!:.,"'" turdav the ' ! da of nL
,T v".., i , , , luc c.ai -jouui . cetnber. A. D. W,. or anv day there-
months from the first publication of
this notice.
Date of first publication, October
2?th. 1905.
'Executor, Estate of William C. Llcht
enthaler, Deceased.
opposite the names of the respective stockholders, as follows:
Eli Deck,
No. of
Eli7Abeth M. Roos, 2
C. E. Stuart, :A
No of Date of
Shares. Assessment.
14,000 Feb. 1, & March 1,
March 15, 1904.
May 1. 1904.
June 1, 1904.
July 1, 1904.
August 1, 1904.
September 1, 1904.
November 1, 1904.
December 1, 1904.
February 1. 1905.
March 1, 1905.
50,000 March 1, 1905.
500 June 1. 1904,
July 1, 1904.
August 1. 1904.
September 1, 1904.
November 1, 1904.
December 1. 1904.
February 1. 1905.
; after, the following described real
' property belonging to the estate of
1 Christina Gortler, deceased, to-wit:
' The North one half and the North
one half of the South one half of the
'North-west quarter of Section thirty
one 131) Township Four (4. south,
range two 12) ea.-t. containing one
hundred and twenty-three acres, situ
ate in Clackamas County. Oregon.
.' Turns of Sale: Cnh in hand or ap
proved security.
Dated this 31st dav of October. A.
D.. 1905. W. H. GORTLER,
; Administrator of the estate of Chris
tina Gortler, deceased.
Dimlck & Dimlck, Attorneys for Ad
ministrator. SUMMONS.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka-
March 1, 1905.
An, I (n ri r.nt.yAn r. r. .ilk In., .1 .. n . . 1. . u. . . i m r.-
mm tu oi.wuiuoutc mm m, aiio an oiuer 01 uie jyjaru 01 uireciors ; mas.
of said corporation, made on the 27th day of October, 1905, so many shares j Eleanora N. Dodson. Plaintiff
of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at public ! vs.
auction at the office of Howell & Jones, on Main Street between Sixth and Nelson H. Dodson, Defendant.
weuiu nireeut, uregon cny, uregon on 1 uesuay, trie otn nay or Decern-; To Nelson H. Dodson. Lx-fendant
ber, 190o, at the hour of 4 o'clock p. m.. of said day at said place, to pay
said delinquent assessment thereon together with costs of advertising
and expenses of the sale.
By order of the Board of Directors of the Crown Hoy Mining & Milling
Dated this 2d day of November, A. D. 1905.
5 LINN E. JONES, Secretary.
In the name of the Slate of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the last day of the
time prescribed for the publication of
this summons, to-wit:
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the estate of Geor;e
Williams, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the es
tate of George Williams, deceased,
ha filed In the alve entitled court,
his final account as administrator of
the said estate and that the said court
has fixed Monday, the 27th day of No
vember. 1903. at the court room of
said court in Oregon City, Clackamas
county. Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said final
Administrator of the estate of George
Williams, deceased.
Hedges & Griffith, Attorneys for ad
ministrator. First publication Oct. 27, l!ei.'. r,t
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the County
Court of Clackamas County for a li
cense to sell spirituous, malt and vln
iious liquors for the period of 12
months, from the 6th day of Decern-
So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing
away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble.
mH Li LJ feJi
Cures Coughs and Colds quickly and prevents
Pneumonia end Consumption
C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champaign, 111., writes:
, I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and
I thought I had consumption. I tried a great many
remedies and I was under the care of physicians for
several months. I used one bottle of i-OLEY'S
HONEY AND TAR, It cured me, and I have not
been troubled since."
Henry Livingstone, Babylon, N. Y writes: "I
had been a sufferer with Bronchitis for twenty years
and tried a great manv with poor results until I 'used
l-OLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which cured me of
my Bronchitis which I supposed was incurable."
i.,W Jl.J.f '- "till 'f
THREE SIZES. 25c, 50c and $1.00- Refuse Substitutes
b?r. l5 -5. at 10 o'clock a m and that
I til present tbe folk Ing petition
to aid rurt on aid day for said II-cenne
I !atcd October :i. li
' Petitioner
! Petition.
j To the Honorable County Court of
! Clackaman County:
We. th undersigned, nuldents
I and legal voters of Oswego Prerlnet,
In Clackamas County. State of Ore
ron. hereby respectfully petition your
honorable body to grant to F. C. Pat
terson a licence for the period of 1J
months fmm Ihe f.tb day of December,
IVtS. to e!l spirituous, malt and vlnti
ou liquors. In le quantitleii than
one callon In the town of 0ego.
Oswego Precinct. Clarkamai County.
State of Oregon:
3 McMaogh.
T J Whlttkr.
Chaj Pauling
Wb Miller.
Carl Gray.
George Anderson
Ed Davis
T. I Hron
A H Itull.wk.
A. J Davidson
A. Ilrandt
C. E Cline
E Worthlngton
R. Piatt.
S C Planken.
D H Perkins.
M liianken.
Wm Worthington
M R May.
J inejih Wfrf!l
1! Pullman.
O C. DavldsJD
E. DHoogho.
C. Worthington,
James Feeney.
J E McCutcheon
H. Bcthke.
P W Kelsey
P. C. Ivmahoe
Dick Pall.
E. A. Stapleton.
EM Pratt
Runs Delashment.
S Piatt
P. Erlckon
Wilfred Piatt
Fred Stelnberger.
L. Sager.
A. J Monk.
Jos Zivny.
A. L Harrington.
Womea is Well ts ffisa Art Ri
Bladder Troabls,
Kidney troupe ,., tJl(. mj
ii:-nirgriin'l Irwiimtiliition t- ..
'g"f and fhewfi'
r.r mm ,1,M.
otlt of order ,
,r ,""e " !'r"vlM
tbt it u d.h unorji,.
ton sfilute,!
rk ki'Itw- .
rtM urinates too often, if the utnie icT
iuc o.ii. i o , i .i wit t io.'i rc btiin
; age lirn it should I able lorontroj
auigr, :t I yrt atKietrd with ll Wf.
ting,ilrr-tli Upn It. t!;r atlc of the dig!
rultv It kidnrv trouble, ari l the m
: tep i)'rtil 1 I toward the treittnent
threimjrtntofgHti. Tin u:i'.',t4Mat
tr.Mible i due to itiwaM-d coiiihtmi, ,j
not fci
H Piatt
A Wooilhoue
R McWIlllams
A Monohon
E Morrell
J Fde
Henry Gan.
I. Hallinan.
Ed Campbell.
I.. Q Harrington.
W. I. Harrington
C H I!!aer
Chas. Walling.
7.. Rosenstreter.
W. Wanker
V. Whlttier
M Ihishbv.
C. Ilrun-i.
Peter Keyuer.
A. MrlU-uth.
John ErlckiMjn.
Jo- Roimman.
E. Couranre.
John Quantbem.
TV J VanDuyse.
C Whltten
V. Whltten.
! tbe lidiirM and llldrr aiu!
1 habit a tiMt j-otie myun.
Women a cll a men ate in e'.e nnu..
able ki-fiiry and Madder tr.W,
and lioth lirnl tiir Mine Ktrat 'eitir,
Tlie nub! and the inmirdute etfeit til
5wamp-Koot n v.ii realwed It uy
I v i'.f.ii;-it. m lift - f 'V
irnt and nne-Io!laf
se iMrttie. Y1 tiuy tyjn'ff1 '-'' j
have a Kotijie Untie ,-JS
by tiu'.l frre. alxi a ' 1 ),
jwif,.!i!i t trllmg all alxrtit Swa!Tip.R(ml
;nrUiding many of t be thouvitiiU of
inoiual Irttrrs rncne-l frotn mflertn
rum!. In writing Dr. Kilmer & c,.
I'.iiigluiiitoli. N. V.. I sure ami tttrtitioq
tlr, Juj'er. Ion't make any tnjtsb
but nniemlur the name, S aiiip-Rmt'
Dr. Kilmer Smnp-k.t. and the tA.
tirr... :tii)htiitoti, N. Y . o:
John Gussnlklaus.
order of the Hon. Arthur L FrtMf
Judge of the Circuit Court of tk
County of Multnomah. State of Or
gon. In the Oregon City EnterprlsM
weekly newnpap'r of general clrctil
tlon In Clackamas County, for
week, commencing Friday. Octolw
13. 190.',. and continuing to and IncM
Ing Friday. November 21, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned have by the County Court
of Clackamas county. State of Oregon,
been appointed executors t,f the will
and estate of Elmer E. Cbarman, de
ceased. All persons having claims agalnut
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent thern with proper vouchers and
properly verified b the undersigned,
at the office of Hedge Griffith, at
torneys at law. Oregon City. Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice
Dated October 27, 19o3.
Hedges & Griffith. Attorneys.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Clarka
Amanda Yager. Plaintiff.
John H. Yager. Ix-fendant
To John II. Yager, defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit. In the
aU.ve tomed court on or l fore Sat
urday. November 23. 1905. the same
being six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you lail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief detnandt-d in said complaint
to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony
existing between ..n and the plaintiff
be dissolved
This Mirmiioiiw u publish. -d r,v the
order of th- Hon Arthur L. Kracr
Judge of the Circuit Court of the"
County of Multnomah, State f Ore-
t'(,n I l, i fit,
v',., in iur wi rutin IT V Kill, rnr a a
newspaper ..f getu-rnl cjrotila
Claclamas County. nx
COtlmiltlcitll? Frlitnv 11... ..I....
13. 1903. and continuing b, and Includ
ing Friday. November :'. Iftii.V
Attorney f,,r Plaintiff.
tlon In
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby Kven that the un
dersigned has been appointed execu
tor of the estate of John V. Hlrt do- i
ceased, by the County c.nrt of Clack
amas County. Oregon. All personal
having claims against the said estate1
are hereby notified to present the same '
for tiavment u-l., ,
i -en in.iei voncners at1
I my residence near Garfield. Clarka-'
mas County, Oregon, within six months '
I from the date of this notice,
j Dated October 24th, 1905.
! l-.xecutor of the estate of John V Hlrt
Gordon E. Hayes. Attorney for Estate-.
I In the Circuit Court of the State of
I Oregon. fr (he Couritv of Clacka-'
I mas.
1'iieila VanCiiren, Plaintiff.
i vs.
! f 'barb-s VanCuren, Defendant
; To Charles Van Cure,,, the above!
named defendant,
i l Ho- name of the State of Oregon j
jyoil are hereby retired , ,,,... an(, ,
I answer the complaint filed against.
: yon in the above entitled suit i the
! aabovo named court, on or before Sat
(;'day. November -:,, 1905, the same
I ,"'1!" Hx '' from the first publi
I cation of this summons, and vou will
I take notice that If you fall to so ap
; pear and answer said complaint the '
; plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief f .munded In said complaint 1
, town: That the bonds of malrimonv
, e.il-tm:.' befveen you and the plaintiff
lie iir,-olveil.
'i'hiu summons is published by tbe
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tbe County of Clarka
Lnclnda M Hoffman. Plaintiff.
Burg O Hoffman. Defendant
To Iturg O Hoffman, tbe abor
tiami-.) defendant.
In the name of the Slate of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint Bled agalmt
you In the above entitled suit, la th
aaiwive named court, on or before Sat
urday. November 23, 1905, the sams
being six weeks fmm the first publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that If ynti fall to so ap-I-ar
and answer laid complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit: That the binds of matrimony
existing between you and the plaintiff
ho dissolved
This summon Is published by the
order of the Hon Arthnr I Frajer,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
County of Multnomah. State of Ore
gon, In the Oregon City Enterprise, 1
weekly newspaper of general clrculi
tlon In Clackamas County, for ill
weeks, commencing Friday. October
13; 1903. and continuing to and Includ
ing Friday, November 21. 1903.
Attorney for Plilnflf
In the Circuit Court of the Stwot
Oregon. For the County of Clacka
mas. F. A Willard. Plaintiff. .
Anita Willard. iw-f.ndaiit.
To Anita Willard, Defendant ibow
In the name of the State of OregoO
You are hereby notified and required
to appear and answer the comply
tiled against you in the atxive entitled
court and cause on or before the M
plration of six weeks from and after
the first publication of this suramossj
to wit: on or before the 23rd day of
December". 1905. which is the time
specified In th order directing tb-
publication, and if you full to o V
pear or answer, the plaintiff, for
thensif. will apply to the court fortw
relief praved for In the complaint ot
file herein, to wit: That the bonds
matrimony existing between you J
the plaintiff be set aside and dissolved
upon the ground of your adultery
for such other relief 11s may be JustH
This summons is published by ord
of Honorable Thos. A. McHrlde, Judl
of the Circuit Court t.f the State w ,
Oregon for Clackamas, County, -said
order was made, iluted and ej
tered ihe r.tli day of November, W:
and the .late of the first publication lf 1
November 10. r.tn5. and the date 01 ,
the last publication of this notice i
December 22, 1905. ,
Attorney for I'lalntH X
I., .1... r .1,., Sllllte 01 k-
111 1 lie lllllliy I mill 01 111 Vt I ?
Oregon, for the County of clac" f
a mas. I
111 the Matter of the Estate of JWl'f f
.McN'amant. I leceased.
Notice is herehv given that
llllilersieneil eveeiltnr of till
.... . ...rt
and testament of James McNHiu"1'
deceased, has filed In the above OM
titled court bis final account, of
administration of the said estats an
that the said court has set
the LStli day of December. M s'f
the hour of 10:110 o'clocdi in ll,efor.i!
Inst will
i- .... 1 1 1 .1 f rnnlll '
noon 01 Sillil lliiv ill (lie i""11 .(I
said County Coiirt. In said t'otinty
and state, as the time and lnce i
hearing objections thereto.
JOHN W. MKI'I"111'.'
K.xecutor of the will of James McM"1 ;
lira, deceased.
Hedges & Grimth. Attorneys
First publication October 27, W-
for K