4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, KKIHAY, NOVKMUKi: 21. m. Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year $1.50 Btx months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. 25 AdrertislnR rates en application. Subscribers will find the date of ex plratlon stamped on thoir papers fol lowing their name. It this is not payment, kindly notttv us, and the mutter 'M receive our attention. Entered at the postoflico at Oreson City, OreRon, as second-class matter. UNION, A.:tABEU FRIDAY. NOVEMBER FOR BETTER FRUIT. County Krult Inspector. .1. H. Keid. ol Milwaukie. is vigorously prosecut ing his duties with an idea of insur ing for Clackamas County an improv ed quality of fruit in succeeding years. He has just completed a thorough canvas of the county by which every farmer Is being warned to immediately spray all of his fruit trees. Accom panying the personal notice is the warning that except the spraying is done within thirty days, such neglect ed tret's will be cut down and destroy ed under the provisions of the amend ed state horticultural law. which del egates this authority to the County Inspector. News Item. The effective campaign that is be ing waged by Inspector Reid in Clack amas county for an improved stand ard of fruit is to be commended. This section is naturally adapted to fruit culture and the spraying of trees should be considered a service that should be cheerfully performed rather than an act required and demanded by the statutes. Growers should glad ly co-operate with the authorities in complying with all the requirements of the amended horticultural law and the result would be seen in a better quality of fruit and a more remunera tive price for the product of the or chard. It is reported that because of lack of attention, largely resulting from a failure to spray and success fully combat vermin, only a small percentage of the apple crop of this vicinity is marketable this year. This should be convincing evidence of the practicability and the reasonableness of the demands of the fruit inspector for a faithful compliance with the state horticultural law. SUGGESTIONS FOR ER." THE "KNOCK- If a stranger happens to drop into your place of business to get a little information about the country, unlock the closet and bring out your skeleton at once. Tell him there are just a few men i:i town who want to run every thing. If you have a business rival tell the sri-anger all about his weak point-; and with a sly wink aive him i to understand that he is a grafter and I car t be trusted. But don't fail to im-1 jes m:ii iui ine mci mat you 1:0 business trictly on the square and that any business entrusted to you j will r-'i'eive the most careful attention. ', If you hav" had any little difference ! up the street go into all the details i and tell how unreasonable the other ' fellow was. The stranger may beirin to Lr r nervous and manifest a desire ; to move on. but pour it in'n him. for; if he should conclude to locate here, ' he will have all these things to learn ! and yon will feel clear, after having ! given warning. Last, but not least, j if yo i can't get your visitor interested : in anything you may have for sale ; don't for a minute think of letting : the other fellow get a chance at him. i Your visitor will, if a man of good j sense, leave yon in utter disgust and look up an information bureau where1 the watchdog is of a more cheerful frame- of mind but cherish the thought that you are a "knocker" of the first order. It is worth something to do business. New berg ('.rapine. BENEFIT OF LOCAL FAIRS. There should be more district, coun ty and neighborhood fairs held in the county. The holding of such fairs means some work for everyone con nected with them, ami especially for I the leader in the enterprise, as some public-spirited person always has to take the lead and bear the heavy ends of such things, but fortunately almost every community has some person well qualified for such work that likes to do it. and the one who has this ability and inclination should receive sufficient remuneration so that they can afford to devote their time and energy in that direction. The bene ficent results will doubly repay all such expenditures. The benefits along the line of in ducing people to buy and breed better stock and to strive harder for perfec tion in all lines of production are so apparent and have been cited so often that it is scarcely necessary to reiter ate them here, but we do want to emphasize one point entirely overlook ed by the masses in their tiresome round of daily toil with the single pur pose of getting wealth. Corvallis Oa zette. -0- PORTLAND AND OREGON GATEWAYS. CITY It is late to suggest it, perhaps, but the gateway at Oregon City should be held open to all such railway lines as must converge there on their way through the valley. For this reason the granting of an exclusive franchise to any one company on Oregon City's principal street would not seem to "be to the interests of the public, espec ially to the Willamette vallev in gen eral. Oregon City should require anv com pany using that street to enter into trackage arrangements with any other company whose lines might converge ! there. The salvation of its single business street would also be brought about by the const ruction of an ele vated road through the city. Portland has another proposition be fore it In which the valley Is Inter ested and that Is the use by railway lines of Front street In that city. This is the only street on the west side of the river over which railway linos can enter the city on a level from the j south, anil w hile various persons are latter the privilege the interests of I the entire valley should suggest to jl'v City of Portland that no such cone j puny should be allowed to keep others 'off the tracks which will g, through j there. It should be held as a railroad 1 thoronghi'aro for all comers. Kery ' facility for entrance Into the city should be given every line knocking I at the city's gates, and this sort of a scheme would seem to be an added inducement to new lines to look to ward Portland ami the valley. Salem Statesman. FARMERS' INSTITUTES IN CLACK AMAS. : The Oregon City Heard of Trade has arranged for a series of farmers' in I .-dilutes in various pa -is of I'lackatua county for next week. Men wise In I the lore of agriculture, horticulture (and dairying will address the met j ings. to lK end that the farmer folk j may add to their own store of know I ledge the facts that are attested by i work of tioverntr.etit experiment sta tions ami through scientific tilling of soils and crops. The eager-ae of intelligent men f every vocation to become expert in their cal'jigs is shared by those who win their livelihood from the soil. Since the day when the spade supple mented the sharpened stick and the plow followed the spado, in preparing the soil for the reception of seed, the vocation of farming has been a grow ing one. In no other domain of human j effort has there been wider .or more j substantial improvement tUan in that of farming. This is true not only In ! the diversity and excellence of agrl- ! cultural products, but in the improved implements and methods of agricul ture. The time when the farmer, sickle in hand, went out to harvest his wheat, and later, through "the dull thunder of alternate flails," separated the grain from the chaff, lives only In song and story. The memory of the present generation knows it not. Yet this method of harvesting ami threshing is not so old. and it may be recalled as a stepping-stone to the cradle, the reaper, the header, and the 1 "combined" harvester, each in its turn ! displacing the other, as the progros- ! sive farmer saw the advantages that each presented in saving time and la- bor. Indeed, the implements of mod-! ern agriculture are not less ingenious j and wonderful, in their way, than are ' those of the manufactures and the ' arts. j This is merely to say that American ; farmers are abreast of the times j ready to help themselves in accord- j ance with the development of the age ! in which they live. This spirit is at- ' tested by the numbers who attend the ; farmers' institutes. Whether the ad- : dress is given by a county fruit inspec- : tor. well versed in the the care of , trees, including pruning and spraying; i by a teacher in the Agricultural Col- 1 lege on "Scientilic Farming." or by an expert in "Dairying as an Art." there are many eager listeners ready ' to make intelligent application of the : knowledge presented. The social feature of many of these ' i farmers' institutes, patterned after the methods of the Orange, are scarcely ! less valuable than those that are spe icifically instructive. While 'intd!i ; gent industry is the chief factor in; j successful farming, neighborhood har- j mony ami neighborly interest are its ready auxiliaries. The farmers' institutes are valuable for the promotion of these necessary elements of success and happiness in rural life. And further, when the bus iness. manufacturing and commercial interests of the chief city of a com munity or county combine to get in touch with its farming interests, per sonal fellowship, which is the surety of good citizenship, follows. Oregoni an. -O- UNCERTAINTY OF JURIES. Not even a Ibiteh lawyer can be gin to fathom the probable verdict to he returned by the average jury and the probability of bis being able to foretell the findings of a Clackamas county jury is even more doubtful. Last week there were tried two cases in particular in which the obstinacy of one or two men resulted in either a disagreement or a compromise ver dict. In disposing of a case by either of these two routes the juror of un yielding disposition violates the oath he takes upon entering the jurv box- Ian.! frequently defeats the ends of j justice. Without entering into a discussion of the merits of the case, we would cite a criminal prosecution that took place last week. The defendant was 'accused of assault with a dangerous weapon, towit, a rolling pin. An abund ance of evidence, not including tin badly battered head of the complain ing witness, was offered to substanti ate the allegations set forth in the in dictment, but. by his persistence in re fusing to agree with his associates anil return a verdict of guilty as charg ed, one member of the jury held that body out all night and late the follow ing morning induced the other eleven members to return a verdict of simple assault, including with it the recom mendation for clemency in behalf of the defendant. To say the least, this sort, of thing is a miscarriage of justice. From the ev idence and the testimony at the trial, th'' accused was either guilty of as sault with a dangerous weapon or he should have been acquitted. There should have been no compromise. In another case a son sued his fath er for about $800 which he alleged was being wrongfully withheld from him. A major part of this sum was claim ed to be a loan to the lather of money the boy bad earned while still a minor, the balance of the sum sued for being claimed as wages for labor on the father's farm subsequent, to the time the boy attained his majority. From the evidence adduced in the trial of the case, it was not unreason able that a verdict should have been Ayer's You can depend on Aycr's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to uo ihis work. It stops flair Vigor Falling tfihe hair,also. There's crcat satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap pointed. Isn't that so? M v i..lr f lrt1 until it m nl'out whit. It took lnt i.tia ,,f vmm'h luir V,j,.r t re.ti'r. it t.i nt nt.'r 'mL. n.h color, Y.mr M.ir'i'i! .t'i i.iiim ,(,.. . hat vmi fluliu (or II." A. M. llevi.. liiH'kiUitui, Y c. Il iV tMillld. j. c. Avttn cci., 1 ..!! ... agr v 1 iP'iin. Hut again a few obsti nate jurors manage 1 to keep the body out all night and in the morning re p.ut-l their disability to agre", Either the father or the son in their conten tion regarding the money involved, was light and a verdict should have been returned, in accordance with the tacts. It is this so't of tactics that adds to the exjien-e of ciieiilt court sessions. At best, tlii' circuit court usually prices to the taxpayer an expensive iui'iiu;n in which to air family difficul ties without unnecessary delay ou tin pan of the jury in reaching a verdict, verdict. SHOULD BE CONSIDERED. While the telephone proposition Is under discussion, the people who are interested both in the country and In town should realize that nothing Is to be gained in a general way from one telephone corporation more than from another. The country people are entitled and should have the help of Oregon City in getting connection with this town. Hut it is doubtful if this can be ac complished by introducing a new com pany. In the first place Oregon City will have to support two telephone com panies and each business house put in two phones, or not have connection with all of the people having tele phones with one or the other of the two companies operating' in the city. Many places in the state have refus ed for this reason to allow the second company a franchise. It might be a good scheme to al low the users of telephones to have a referendum vote on this nuestion. In any event Oregon City should take such steps as it can to bring itself in closer and more direct touch with the fanners' lines. It is doubtful if any good can be ac complished along this line by putting in another telephone system that at present, at least, would be unable to give any long distance connections with Portland or anvwln-re else. HAVE DIFFERENT VIEWS. The city council did the handsome thing last evening. The ordinance for a franchise for the motor line was passed without a dissenting vote. .0. tice is thereby tiled on all the world that. Salem wants motor lines; thar she invites capital; that she is ambi tious and wants to grow. Salem Stat esman. Salem's Councilnieii evidently dif fer with Oregon City people in their views of franchises. And by the way, the franchise granted this week by the Salem Council is believed to be for the use and benefit of the proposed electric railway system that is to be operated between Portland and Rose burg. If Sheriff Shaver ever bad legitimate grounds upon which to bring suit for libel, baed on wilful nr. perhaps, ac cidental, misrepresentation, it was presented in the cartoon that the Tel egram printed Monday evening. In it. the Clackamas county sheriff was depicted as a Texas cow puncher of not pleasing address to say the least. 0 Kmpbutic denial is made by Dep uty County Recorder Kamsby to the rumor that lie has received an "offer" from the management of the I .'diver sity of Wisconsin to become a member .of the track team at that institution. Mr. Ramsby says the Wisconsin ed ucational institution is in search of : long distance men while lie cxcHls only In the lull yard event. 0 , There is nothing like having oblig ing neighbors for instance, the raid ; on the Milwaukie Club by the Portland Police authorities. To the casual ob server, it woud appear that the blue coats in the metropolis have about as I large a contract as they are capable of performing in seeing that law and order are maintained within their own , gates. 0 In the seven years that it has been organized, the Clackamas County Hu ! mane Society has dope a great, deal for the protection of dumb animals. The Society Is entitled to the support and encouragement of the people of the county that its inlluence may be extended. -0- Mr. Thos. (loorge, a merchant, at, Mt. KIgin, Ontario, says, "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever since it. was in troduced into Canada, and I sell as much of it as I do of all other lines I have on my shelves put together. Of the many dozens sold under guaran tee, I have not had one bottle returned. 1 can personally recommend this med icine as I have used it myself and giv en it to my children and always with the best results." For sale by Howell & Jones. r Fading Hair Thanksgiving Specialties w t e 0 5tac2r.jcci4 a j CRANBERRIES-Faucy Cape Blacks, large, uniform stock. Cran berries at Thanksgiving time are al ways in order. Another important feature is nuts. WALNUTS are popular. California No. 1, Los Neitos, fancy, large, soft shell. ALMONDS-California Golden State, fancy, soft shell, large meat. a 9 9 a a a a a DRIED FRUIT-1905 Crop Dates and Figs are becoming important acces sories of the Thanksgiving feast. Our stock is all new 1905 crop. V I RTCMTCTVTRFR. VOTTR PATROMAP TG j ALWAYS APPRECIATED AT 1 OUR STORE I hM H . P. BRIGHTBILL Phone 1261 Culture. "Miss Klderleiub is such a i and cultured girl, Isn't she'.'" "Yes. She ewn calls it a 'limb o Illllt Ion slee e.'" BILIOUS ATTACK QUICKLY CURED - A few weeks a-;., 1 had a bilious at tack that was so severe i was Hot able to K to the oflice for two days. Fail- Int; to io't relief from my family yhy - sician's treatment. J took thr .f t'haml.ei'lainV. Stomach and I, Ivor Tab lets and the next .lav I felt hi,.. n.'w man - II C. Hn'ih-y. F.litor of the News. Chapin, S. '.. These tab- l'-ls are for sab- by Howell lV .Ion. A Misunderstanding. "I hear you are living at Mrs. Hash-b-inh's now." "Ob. no. I'm merely boardiin,' there." "Consumption runs In our family, and through it I lost my Mother," writes K. It, Ue,, f Harmony, Me. "For the past live years, however, on the slightest simi of n 'ou;;h or fold. I have taken Dr. Kind's New Discov ery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious luni; trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Keid, but he learned that binu trouble must, not be neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest, relief and cure for coughs and colds. I'rlco Tide and $1.00; guaranteed at Howell & .lones drui; store. Trial bottle free. "Cure the couy,h and save the life." Dr. Wood's Norway I'ine Syrup cures coughs and colds, down to the very vow of consumpt ion. CATARRH I Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, sure xo uive satisfaction. CIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It clounses, soothoH, licnls, Rnd protects tha I disoased membrane. It cures Cutnrrh ftnd ' driven away ft Cold in the Head (juiekly. ; Kestores the Reuses of Taste and Smell. Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the lxmtrils and ubKorbed. Ijarge Size, B0 cents at DruggisfH or by ' mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ' ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York. UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. . , SALEM. INDEPENDENCE, AL0ANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. l.i :in- I'm ihiml 6: li . m. 1 . 1 1 ! - (. ,..( Kntel.iv for S:0. m ni.t w.iv jmiIuIm I.' I'm Hand 8:45 Tu.-nd.iy. TtmiM.biy ion! Satm.l.-iv for Indi i. iidi iiic. Al- 1 ''""' "d I'orwiiiu ,,f wui,.r i. i nilliiiu.- DAILY ' : RIVPR FYnilPCinMC or OREGON CITY BOATS TIME CARD Week D.iyi ii in a m. , in, B:00 1 1:30 3:30 I. .mw- I'oilkind, in. i in. . in. U-itr Oitk.iii iTtv.. 10:00 1:30 5:30 ROUND TRIP 41c Tii kMs .x.-lmtiK.-.l with (i. w. p. Ity. SPECIAL Sunday Excursions ROUND TRIP 25c " " in. UII.' l in. ' 8:30 9:30 11:30 1:30 3:30 i "'. p.m. p. in p.m. 10:00 11:30 1:30 3:30 5:30 I..,-, Vi rol thin, I l.irur Or, 'ilv OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Ottite and Dock: Foot Taylor Street Phone Main 40. There is Money in U FOR YOU to get our quotations on a (rood en during Plumbing Job. Why not take the hint and get our estimate before handing; out your contract ? A. MIHLSTIN, Main Street, near KigMh Cods,Early 503 Main St. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER Near Huntley's Drutf Store, IOKIY Y l: KS KAl'liKltNCt IN' ireat Britain and Aincrica. PIONEER Transfer and Kxpress Freight and parcels delivered to all pruts of the city. RATES REASONABLE f ELLO I , '2,000 inilcH of longdis tance telephone wire iB Oregon, WuHliington, Cali fornia ami Idaho now in ojMTution ly the Pacific Station Telephone Com- puny, covering towns Otiii-k. accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of person a 1 corn in u n ication. Distance no ellect to 1 clear undcrHtanding. fy10" kane and San Franciwo as eui ly heard us IM" land. Oregon City office at llardimr's Drusr Stum Deserves Your Patronaoe. The KTowlh of a community and tM kii.tchx of it ,,a inBtlttitloiiH depondi entirely on the loyalty of Its people 11 Is well enoiiKh to preach "patronize hom Industry" illlt ,.Xrept the service glv'n t it home IriHtltulion equals that of out-of-town enterpilMen, thlB ul'Blimetit Cr' rleH no welKht and Is entirely dlflieRa' d, iH It Hhoulil be. ut with Orcein City pi'opl.. It h different. A few month iU!n K. U Johnson eHliibiiHlied the C cade Laundry. It Is equipped with th l.'iiestt Improved machinery md Is d"1" tnrnliiK out work that In equal to n rid superior to much of the laundry worlt that Ih being done In rortlen li'-hiB a homo. Institution and furnlnhln employment for many Oregon City P"'" It Is enjoying an Immense patronag The high standard of the work l,'n" done commends It to the general pu,ll' Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone K L. Johnson, proprietor. 1 1 tail f