ORKdOX CITY KNTKHPIMSK, I'UI I. V. NOVKM WM "Jl. l'.io: Local Events Buckeye Extracts are right. Monday afternoon Mrs. Bruce C. Curry entertained the members of the Dickens Club. their friends nt Knnpp'a hull. The chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Kranklin T. Griffith, and Mr. and Mrs. .!. Nelson Wlsner. Grand Opening at Hub Salium. Sat urday, November -oth. Adams Bros, this wool, installed an expensive National Cash Register. The machine is a tine one. If you are looking for bargains In Millinery call on Miss C. Goldsmith. "I suffered for months with sore throat. Kclectrie Oil cured nie in M hours." M. S. Gist. Hawesviile. Ky. Jessie Barnes and J. K. Day wore married at the court house Monday, County Judge T. F. llyan. otneitaing. House formerly occupied by Win. Sheahan for rent for term of years or for sale. Inquire next door. Buckeye Witch Hazel Cream at D. M. Klemsen's. For Sale White Plymouth Rock and Wyandotte Cockerels, $1.25. J. J. Crofut, Woodlawn Station. Portland, Oregon. Builds up the system, puts pure, rich blood in the veins: makes men and women strong and healthy. Burdock Blood Bitters. At any drug store. MORTGAGE LOANS JCEGOTAITEP at lowest rates. Ijitotin-tle's office. Com mercial Hunk Itulldlng, Oregon City. j State Superintendent J. II Acker I man was in the v i t y Tuesday on bis ; way to Portland to meet with a com nit.! and arrange for the holding of a series of Farmers' Institutes through out the state. The last session of the legislaiure made an appropriation of $L'u to be expended in defraying the expenses of holding theso meetings which will be held under the auspices of the otlieers of the Corvallis experi ment station On last Thursday evening Sliiloh j Corps and Post held a reception for Mrs. I.ousia Freeman, of Oregon City, i who was in Nowberg to inspect the ; work of W. C. It. No. 2S. A most en joyable time it was. with a bountiful supply of good things for the inner man. Music, speeches and mirth fill- j ed the hours, while harmony hovered : over all with its w ings of peace. Mary K. C. Scott. secretary. Nowhorg G raphic. You will like Buckeye Extracts. The union Thanksgiving services will be held in the Methodist Church on Thanksgiving Day at 10:45. The Rev. J. H. Landsborough of the Presby terian church will preach the sermon. The themes at the Congregational Church next Sunday will be at 10:3" a. m.; "The Expression of the Re deemed." at 7:30 p. m, "The Com mandments of the Mightv Dollar." Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor. Now is the time to get your hat at reduced price this week at Miss C. Goldsmith's. Flora Hafstad, of Milwaukie and Alexander Benton of Parkplace. were married at the home of Mrs. William eon, at Green Point, Wedaesdav after noon. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, "of the Congregational church performing the ceremony in the presence of mutual friends. Repairing All kinds of repairing done cheaply at Telford's repair shop, under Armory Hall. Ammunition for sale- U-lTtf. Frank Newton, the funeral director, has leased the Welch building on Sev enth street near the Southern Pacific passenger depot and will soon remove his undertaking parlors into the build ing. J. R. Docherty, the upholsterer, will occupy a part of the same building. If you are not now a subscriber to , the Youth's Companion, subscribe for that excellent paper together with the , Enterprise, both papers one year for $2.50. E. I.. Harness and Gertrude Cart were married a few ,i.u ago in Chris tian county. Missouri. We have not learned the navies of the people who made up the bridal party, but we hope the lady has hitched her wagon to a star, that she may never have any t-oubk in holding the reins, and that i there may be no disposition at any time on the part of the gentleman to kick over the traces. -'-Exchange. I chant, was married Tuesday by' Mustiee of the Pence. Llvy Stlpp, to Miss Fannie F. McOanlel, of Falls View. Judge Stlpp nlso officiated.! Monday, at the marriage of Mrs. Hat tie St roup to IV G, White, who owns the Wiley May place at Cams. The bride recently came here from the; East. Rev. A. HlUlebrand. pastor of the St. Johns Catholic Church, was the otltciatiiig clergyman, Tuesday, at the wedding of Miss lo Bingham and .1 U Maguire. Ask for liuekeye Vanilla. The Argonaut for November mi'. ' is a special illustrated llt"rary nun. her of uiisiial Interest It contain- numerous interesting reiit-odiu-thm- ' from new hooks, together with por traits of authors and other ilhislra 'Hons. Besides a number of Interest ;ing reviews of the latest books, ti contains many features. Jerome Hart I writes an interesting an instructive article on Vorostehaguin. the great Russian artist. Geraldiue Bonner has an essay tin "Society ami the Novel," and there are timely letters on various j topics Irom London and Purls. Small farm, also Umber laud near Oregon City for sale or will trade for Oregon City property; also small f inn near town tor rent for rash. Ad dress, J. L. Swafford. Oregon City. Oregon Dee Wright, of Liberal, who was in the city this week reports that by a recent tire a family of Poles residing on the upper Molalla lost their home and all of their possessions. The fam ily, consisting of the parents and ten children, are destitute and In grent ueel of food, money, and clothing. They are sai.l to be deserving people and any contributions Intended for their assistance should be left in care of Peter Nehren at the court house. ed by the entire community, when be Knew he would only be missed by the poker players and crap shooters, f 1.(18; referring to some gallivant lug female as au estimable woman whom It was a pleasure to meet, when n business man In town would rather nee the dev il, horns, hoofs and all. than to see her coming toward them, j.'.u r.v New supply monthly report cards jest printed t the Enterprise office. The attention of Cl.ick.ini.ia county tcuh'ri is reiprctfully c-i'led to th ' announcement,. O'drrs hy mall, when iKvomrunied by necessary pom.iye, will receive prompt attention. Mi-, cia-a II Waldo, of Mmleay. i Marlon county, lecturer fir the Slate 'Grange, will meet with Warner Grange No 117. of New Era. at their meeting tomorrow. Saturday. November 2511), 'in the afternoon there will be held an 'open meeting when a programme ap propriate to the Thanksgiving season will be tendered Mrs. Waldo Is do-, ing effective work us state deputy In 1 stimulating interest among the mem-' hers of the subordinate Granges, many of which are enjoying a substantial In crease in membership as a result. The ; usual splendid dinner, for which the I good women of Winner Grange are !'. moils, will lie served at the noon hour This feast In Itself Is worth go ing several miles to enjoy, tint to say auvthini; about the literary features of the entertainment that has been provided EXECUTRIX' SALE OF REAL ES TATE. Ilelng a part or the ) ,C, of Fell of the Wllliitnclte River in the mouth of it spring branch and formerly In dicated by a rock mound; running t hence south 55 degrees West up and with said branch X chains to a stake; thence South, .Hid chains to n Yew stump; (hence Moltlh M degrees West an. I along the noilh Hue of the tract of hind formerly owned by Henry C, Welch .'!::, ::o chains lo a point which point Is the Southeast corner uf ihe I'tl.t of land eeliveved by John i Welch to .1 J Mulloel, by deed record ed in book "F" page 13, records of Meeds of .ald Clackamas County; thence North eight and llfteeu olio ir.indreilihs chaliM to a point formerly Indicated by a slake; theme North S3 degrees East it it t 2(1.75 chains to a point formerly Indicated by a tall maple stump; thence North 51 de grees East I "ai chains tu a point in the left hank of the Willamette River; thence up ami with the meander of suld liver lo the place of beginning, I'oiitaillllic. ,.133 acres, mole or less. That the l ! nr. of such sale shall be ril ,h and I'ml bid i to- Ihe pun-Inn of the s.ild l'i mI pt'ope.ty shall be made to me at lb ollii 1 my attorneys, Hedges A Crltllth. Ill Oregon City, Oregon (I. Alt E MollKY. Eweiurlx of the eitate ol Parker F, Mole). I loceaseil IIEMGES A GRIFFITH. Attorneys lor Executrix I First puh November :'. M.in.'ii . . 'Ian. ling.', Be. pr lb; nudlum. Ju,. ' 4U.il ""'llv, Dried Apple Hun ilili.tl, . Mi,. pound: sliced, Or; funey MlKKio'd (,'lilckens 12VtO per Hi Livestock ntld Mresse,1 Mi,,,!, iiv rim io $a.r.o p1T inn,,!,,,,, p live lie; hogi! dressed 7 renin' i fJ5H lo :t,r,n per head; ilreH, veal dressed 7 to 7 13.'; liunU 11 nil,,, ' Mi .. 1 1 lit- OAflTOniA, IWi th. A ''' KiHfJ Yi'U linn kmnfo .e ....... nf REDLAND. rslut. if Parker The Percheron Horse Association, of Springwater. Clackamas County, has been formed. Xenophon. a 3-year old black Percheron stallion has been purchased and his ownership Is shar ed by the sixteen stockholders of the organization who are: Wilson & Zumwalt, A. W. Guynup, V. A. Shaver. Al. Carey. J. W. Dowty, S. J. Klgglns. S. C. Huoel. J. C. Duse. J V Fiillnm W. E. Cromer. W. F. Cromer. W. E. Shannon. W D. Brown. J. E. La Crov, F. E. Albright and E. V. Cox. Grand Opening at Hub Saloon, Sat urday, November -5th. A western editor has come to the conclusion that people who desire "puffs" in his paper may pay for them, and established the following schedule of prices: For telling the public that a man is a successful citi zen when everybody knows that he Is lazy as a mule. $1.74; referring to a deceased citizen a-s one who Is mourn- In the matter of th 1 Mor-'V. deceased. Notice is hereby given that by vlr t'ie of an order ma !- and entered In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for th - County of I'laekamas, on Co J:M ,'ay of November. M.105. in th-' matter of the estate of Parker F. Morey. deceased, that I will on and af ter Tuesday. th-L'(Hh day of Decem ber. i;o5. proceed to sell at private sale, all of the following described real property belonging to the estate of Parker F. Morey, deceased, to-wlt:: Being a part of the I); ,.C. of Felix A. Collard and wife In Township t. South of Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian in Clackamas County. State of Oregon, ami described as follows, to-wit: OREGON CITY MARKET REPORT, (Corrcld Wikly.) U'twiil No I. IT, tn Tfi n-r himtn'l FI1-11 Vnll- v . I! f.- per 1,1,1, limit wheat I S5. Portland. II 05 per suck. How mi it's Met. $1 '.'& per suck. O.llM In Mi kl tl l'i I'"' Cellini Hay-Tlnii.itn. Imh-tl 111 un)fH 1 - -r t-'tl; cliivil f'l; Mill. I '.100. Itllxnl huv l'i cheat. $S fill. Mlllstuffs Bran $20 per ton; shorts per ton: chop $15 per ton: barley rolled $21.50 per ton. Potatoes 65!(7!ir per hundred. EggsOregon 32'ic to 35c per do, market m runic Hotter Hunch, 46 to 19 nepaistor 60 to 05; rrrnmery, i',6 to "0. Riitabegas, Carrots. Turnips, Par snips and lloets CO cents per sack, GihxI Apples choice $100, Hunoy 11 to UViC per pound lrune ( dried 1'etltr. le per lb; IcaJ- ! Nov, '.'ii,-- All of those Mirk 1 typhoid fever have MUlIlclenlly rJ'. uri'd as to be ill, out iineo more School commenced Monday 1.. . Ilil-'l No, 75, with Mr. Fi-d Will , , teacher 1 William Hubert, who has he,,,, In eastern Oregon for some illl(, ( w ith us once more, presiin,,,!,!,' . spend the Winter here. ' Mist Oru Wilcox, who lllK Inline during the sickness (,f li-r fsni ly. resumed her old work In ore.,,! city. " Mr A Parrett bus dlspimcl f n)1 of his personal effect un.l lnt,,Cii leaving us s-Min Harry Gray recently punlmicl , new buggy, Mr. Juincs Fn I la m. w ,() (, doing jury work, in home once Ulw, Mr Got'elb Schneider. I u "'rli In a Portland hoH,ii,, flit!, bonie hist 'iVe-ltiesilay Work mi the Fisher Mill rimd , progi t ting slow ly Ml V M Klrclii-m wlm hu U living 11 nomadic life t. ,,, M).Vlri' Veins hiM concluded to Kettle Jul' j nud run his farm. Mr. Ilonney recently put a phone Ii for Geo. (illl. Mr Fred Runt wan recently vUHlm ' old friend here, before It'll V ing fo 1 California flwrnu Hind t'iii Han um 1 Watches that others have failed to , make run properly especially solicited by R. F. Caufield. watchmaker and jeweler, opposite Huntley Eros.. Main street, Oregon City. All work guaranteed. I. SELLING Houses to rent. See J. A Moehnke. Enterprise building. Miss Bertha L. Kay. an accomplish ed elocutionist of Portland, assisted by local talent, will give a recital at the First Baptist Church tonight. In addition to numbers by Miss Kay, the programme includes an instrumental solo by Miss Benson and a vocal solo by Mrs. R. C. Ganong. There has been called by the farm ers of the Shubel neighltorhood a meet ing to be held next week to consider the fasibility of installing a small electric light plant. It is estimated by those at whose instance the con ference has been called that this serv ice can be enjoyed by from 100 to 150 farmers in the district to be served at nominal cost. There is an abundance of water power available from the headwaters of the Abernathy. Buck ner and Rock Creeks and the project Is favorably thought of. I. SELLING GREAT MONEY SAVING Have you tried Buckeye Extracts? Marriage licenses have been grant ed by County Clerk Greenman as fol lows: Edith A. Blair and Chas. H. Albright: Vernie Blair and Thos. Fay; Daisy Fiedman and Jas. Hays; Hattie Stroup and D. G. White: Jessie Barnes and .1. E. Day; Mrs. Bella Arnold and George Saum. j Thos. P. Randall. Oregon City's gen ial postmaster, has the haimv faenltv ,of usually landing whatever" he goes j after, in the final count of votes in! I the Telegram's contest which closed j j last Saturday, it was found that Mr and Mrs. Randall had won a honsp an,! 1 lot in Portland the hrst prize by a margin of liiii.fioii votes. Mr. am? ' Mrs. Randall have been busy this j week receiving congratulations on j their good luck. For Sale Two lots together. 93 ft. by liiu feet, with 4-room house and j basement. Good hay and cow barn. I Corner of 7th street and Molalla road, ! Oregon City. Price $1,000. See Robt. Kelland. Oregon City. t2 Wc will Save you Something on Every PURCHASE A Sale that ottets Extraordinary INDUCEMENTS Decisive Cat in Prices If Prices are an Object, buy daring this GREAT MONEY SAVING SALE Radical Reductions Made in Each and Every Department Grand Opening at Hub Saloon. Sat urday. November 25th. The Ladies' Aid of the German Luth eran Church will hold a Christmas Bazaar of fancy and useful articles. Lunch will also be served at nixtn and evening. December 12th, at Knapp's store. 1 0th and Main streets. This is a chance to do your Christmas shop ping. A box social will also be held. In the game of football at Seattle last Saturday between the I'niversity of Oregon and the I'niversity of Washington, Jack Latourette. of this city, the plucky captain of the Oregon team suffered a badly sprained ankle. Jack expects the injurv to recover j sufficiently to permit him to direct his team at the annual contest with Mult nomah at Portland Thanksgiving Day. This game promises to rival in Inter est any other game ever played on the coast. The Seattle game resulted in a score of 12 for each team. I 1 i MEN'S CLOTHING Men's $20 Suits Now $17.75 Men's $18 Suits Now $15.95 Men's $15 Suits Now $12.85 Men's $12 Suits Now $9.85 Men's $10 Suits Now $7.85 Men's Natural Wool Half Hose JA at the Remarkably low price of lUC Men's President Suspenders ft special at jyC Men's Jersey Overshirts, fleece -n back, now on sale at 5UC BOYS' CLOTHING Boy's $15 Suits Now $12.85 Boy's $12 Suits Now $9.85 Boy's $10 Suits Now $7.85 Boy's $8.50 Suits Now $6.85 Boy's $7.50 Suits Now $5.75 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Misses' Box Calt Shoes, Sizes 12 to 2 at low 1.25 R. L. Holman, leading undertaker. Next to Harris' grocery store, Oregon City, Oregon. Tin,- annual Thanksgiving market or the Congregational Church will be held in the basement of the church on Tuesday afternoon foeore Thanks giving Day, beginning at 1 : ::o. There will be a larger variety of dainties and in greater quantity for the occa sion than ever before. Everything for the national dinner except the turkey. Dr. L. L. Pickens has returned from Chicago, where he has been taking a post graduate course in the Haskell and Chicago post graduate dental col lege and has reopened his office in the Weinhard Building (opposite the court house,) with all the new ann up-to-date methods and apparatus in use in the large cities of the East. New supply of monthly report cards just printed at the Enterprise office. ' The attention of the Clackamas coun ty teachers is respectfully called to this announcement.. Orders by mail, : when accompanied by necessary post- ' age, will receive prompt attention. i i i I Supreme Justice. C. E. Wolverton, ! j of the Oregon Supreme Court, has j ! been appointed by President Koose 1 velt to succeed tthe late Judge Hellin j er as I'nited States District Judge' for Oregon. Thomas C. Hailey, of, Pendleton has been appointed to sue- ; j ceed Judge Wolverton on t he State j I Supreme bench. Mr. Hailey will serve ! until the expiratloi of Judge Wolver-! ton's term. January 1. IO117. The elec- if ion of a sucessor to Judge Wolverton j I will take place in June, lflntl. 1 price of Child's Kangaroo Calf Shoes, $1.25 values on sale for V)C Women's, Blucher Cut, Vici Kid, lace, pair 1.35 Money to loan on Farms. Land Titles examined. Dlmlck S. Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Oregon... F. Newton, of Oregon City, has the only first-class undertaking pirlor and hearse In Clackamas county, through that land. Reed & Fox. of Hood River, having purchased the fixtures in the Hub Saloon, have re-opened that resort. The new proprietors are experienced in their business and propose to make of the Hub a first-class resort and merit the best trade in the city. A formal opening, to which the public is invited, will be held tomorrow evening. Every hat at reduced price this week at Miss C. Goldsmith's. "The Gypsies," a social club re cently organized among the young women of this city, has issued invita tions for tomorrow evening when the members will informally entertain I At a mass meeting of the citizens i of Milwaukie Wednesday night, the action of the Portland authorities was denounced and the following municipal j ticket, all favorable to the club-house, I was named: Couneilmen O. M. Mat j thews. Philip Streib and George Hive ly: Recorder, N. Cooper: Treasurer, Fred W. Layman: Marshal. Arthur j Dowling. Mayor William Shindler and ; Councilman Arthur Webster hold over 'another year. The meeting favored a :i -mill tax levy for next year. Anothet ! ticket wiil probably not he nominated. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS 52 inch, Ladies Cloth, during this sale, per. yard 53C 36 inch, all wool, Albatross at Special price of per yard 40 inch, all wool, Graite Cloth, in black only, special, per yard 38 inch, all wool, Cheviots, splendid values at our regular low price of 50c per yard, Special during sale, per yard Special offering in Ladies' Stylish Raincoats Tan or Olive, collarless, finished with belt, -this season style on sale at low price of 0.y5 50c 44c BLANKETS 10- 4 Oregon Gray Blankets, Good Quality, and n c Good Weight 1 1- 4 Heavy Weight at big reduction 3.35 19c LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Child's and Misses Knit Underwear, good win ter weight-you can make a great saving, price, per garment New Flannelette Wrappers, made of fleeced material, yoke trimmed with braid and ruffled. ' tor this sale reduced in price, now offered at 88C, $1.08, $1.33 Women's Outing Flannell Gowns, medium weight, 50c Values for 42C $1.00 Values for 88C 75c Values for 63C $1.25 Values for $1 .05 i Low Prices that Mean Something Grand Opening at Huh Saloon, Sat : unlay. November 2.1th. .1. H. Wassom, a main street' mer- V I I LMMG