Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 17, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Notice is hereby given that there
will be a general election held in Ore
gon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 4th
day of December, 1905, between the
hours of nine o'clock a. m. and 7
o'clock p. m., for which election there
. has been designated the following poll
ing places, to-wit:
Ward No. 1 The Cataract Engine
house, corner of Main and Third Sts.,
In this city.
Ward No. 2 The Fountain Hose
Company's Engine house on Main
street between Seventh and Eighth
streets, in said city.
Ward No. 3 The Engine House of
Hose Company No. 3, on Jonn Q.
Adams Street between Seventh and
Eighth streets in said city.
At the said time and place the fol
lowing officers will be elected by the
duly qualified voters of said Oregon
A mayor for the term of one year.
A treasurer for a term of one year.
One councilman from Ward No. 1,
for a term of three years.
One councilman from Ward No. 2,
for a term of three years.
One cuncilman from Ward No. 2,
for a term of two years.
One councilman from Ward. No. 3,
for a term of three years.
There has been appointed by the
City Council of Oregon City the fol
lowing persons to act as Judges and
Clerks of said election:
Ward One Judges, H. W. Trem
bath, George Horton and Alex Schram;
Clerks A. Deute and W. M. Shank, j
Ward Two Judges, C. C. Babcock,
H. L, Patterson and H. Green; Clerks
J. W. Kelly and Bert Greenman.
Ward Three Judges, S. V. Francis,
T. B. Hankins, and Jake Michaels;
Clerks, Elmer Dixon and R. G. Pierce.
Published by order of the Council
of Oregon City, made at a regular
meeting held on Wednesday, Novem
ber 1, 1905.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon. No
vember 9, 1905. 11-17
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
J. C. Herrington, Plaintiff,
May Herrington, Defendant.
To May Herrington, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
suit on or before the expiration of six
weeks from and after the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before 23d day of Decem
ber, 1905; and if you fail to answer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
CROWN BOY MINING & MILLING CO., (a corporation). Location of
Principal place of business, Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, (How
ell & Jones Drug Store,) on Main Street, between Sixth and Seventh
Notice is hereby given that there is delinquent -upon the following des
cribed stock of said corporation on account of assessments levied by the
Board of Directors thereof, on the dates and in the several amounts set
opposite the names of the respective stockholders, as follows:
No. of
No of
Eli Deck,
Elizabeth M. Roos, 2
C. E. Stuart, 31
July 1, 1904.
August 1, 1904.
September 1, 1904.
November 1, 1904.
December 1, 1904.
February 1, 1905.
' March 1, 1905.
And in accordance with law, and an order of the Board of Directors
of said corporation, made on the 27th day of October, 1905, so many shares
of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at public
auction at the office of Howell & Jones, on Main Street between Sixth and
Seventh Streets, Oregon City, Oregon on Tifesday, the 5th day of Decem
ber, 1905, at the hour of 4 o'clock p. m., of said day at said place, to pay
said delinquent assessment thereon together with costs of advertising
and expenses of the sale.
By order of the Board of Directors of the Crown Boy Mining & Milling
Dated this 2d day of November, A. D. 1905.
t5 LINN E. JONES, Secretary.
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation
which will only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and
susceptible to attack from the germs of Consumption.
not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and pre
vents serious results from a cold.
It Saved His Ufa After the Doctor Said He Had Consumption.
W. R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes: "There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR saved my life. I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I had
consumption. I commenced taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from
the first and three bottles cured me completely.'
TimEE SIZES, 25c, 50o and $1.00
11,1 " " 1 - ' ' 1 '."VMl.ll AfiD RECO"LiENDED BY ZZZI
From the time of our birth till we He
down for the last time.
The best defense from the dangers of
uisease is vigor OI
ooay ana activity
of the natural func
tions. The hind of as-
instance is import
ant. It must not
be stimulation for
tnat gives but tem
porary effect, and
the reaction is more
than depressing.
Take a tonic one
that will re-establish
normal diges
tion and assimila
tion and prove a reconstructive rather
than a promoter of waste. This will give
nature a fair chance to put in motion
normal work of repair and tissue building.
Such a ttmic was grown in Nature's
Laboratory, hidden in the ground and
brought thence forty years ago by Dr.
R. V. Pierce, who has made the treat
ment of lingering diseases his life-long
study and care.
He uses glyceric extracts instead of
alcoholic ones, exactly proportioned and
combined by processes of his own inven
tion, first used in his private practice and
uow kivcii uui iicciv iaj Mie wuiiu in ilia
Golfen Medical Discovery," which is
composed of Golden Seal root, Queen's
now given out freely to the world in his
root. Stone root. Black Cherry bark, Blood
root ana ManaraKe root.
Mrs. A. T. Jones, of 926 Hayes Street. San
Francisco. Cal.. writes : "As a child I was
delicate, and great care was taken of me
because some of my relatives had died of
consumption, although my father and mother
were healthy. 1 grew up with only the or
dinary diseases of all children, but about
two years ago I contracted a severe cold,
which would not yield to such home-treatment
as was handy. Doctors were tried, but
after three months of this treatment I was
only worse. Then I was advised to try Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and am
glad to Bay that three bottles not only cured
me of the cold and cough, but made me feel
better than 1 ever had before. I will always
have a bottle of this medicine in the house."
E3t These tiny, sugar-coated antl
r2r5r3L bilious granules regulate and
invigorate Stomach. Liver and
Bowels. Do not beget the "pill
habit," but cure constipation. One or two
each day for a laxative and regulator, three
or four for an active cathartic. Once tried
always in favor. Put up in vials ; always
fresh and reliable.
for in his complaint on file herein, to
wit: That the bonds of matrimony
now existing between the plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved, upon the
ground of desertion and abandonment
of the plaintiff by defendant for a pe
riod of more than one year, and for
such other and further relief as pray
ed for in the complaint and which to
the court may seem equitable and
This summons Is published by or
der of the Honorable Thomas A. Mc
Bride, a judge of the Circuit Court, of
the State of Oregon, and the said or
der was made and dated the 8th day
of November, 1905, and the date of the
first publication thereof is the 10th
day of November, 1905.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of
Feb. 1, & March 1, 1905
March 15, 1904.
May 1, 1904.
June 1, 1904.
July 1, 1904.
August 1, 1904.
September 1, 1904.
November 1, 1904.
December 1, 1904.
February 1, 1905.
March 1, 1905.
March 1, 1905,
June 1, 1904,
Notice is hereby given that bids
will be received by the county clerk
of Clackamas Counts. Oregon, to be
submitted to the county court at the
regular December, 1905 term, for the
care, board and lodging of from six
to ten men such as our average county
charges are; said bids to state what
the bidder will charge per month for
such care, board and lodging for
period of one year, and said bidder
to specify the place, kind of accomo
dations and number that can be cared
for. Nov 17.
Notice is hereby given that we will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a saloon
license under which we may conduct
a saloon business at the Hub Saloon,
Main street, between Fifth and Sixth
Publication of Summons
In the Circuit Court of the State of
i rr v m i.
. regn to ClakaL
Arthur J. Salmg, Plaintiff.
vs. Suit for Divorce
Carrie Saling. Defendant.
To Carrie Saling, said defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
cause, on or before Saturday, the 23rd
day of December, 1905;
And if you fail so to answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the above entitled Court for the
relief demanded in the ' Complaint,
to-wit; for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and the defendant,
and for such other relief as shall
seem meet and equitable.
This summons is served by publi
cation in the Oregon City Enterprise
by virtue of order of Hon. Thomas A,
McBride, Judge of the above entitled
Court, made in open Court, on the 9th
day of November, A. D., 1905. -
H. E. Cross
6 wks. Attorney for Plaintiff
The adjourned meeeting of the
Stockholders of the Willamette Val
ley Chautauqua Association is called
to meet on Friday, November 24, 1905,
at the hour of 2:30 p. m., at the Coun
ty Court room, in the Court House at
Oregon City, Oregon, for the purpose
of electing a President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and a full Board
of Directors to serve for the ensuing
year. A full attendance of stockhold
ers is urgently requested.
H. E. CROSS, Secretary.
C. H. DYE, Vice-President.
Nov. 24.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. In the matter of the estate of Chris
tina Gortler, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the above
entitled estate, will sell at private
sale on Saturday, the 2d day of De
cember, A. D. 1905, or any day there
after, the following described real
property belonging to the estate of
Christina Gortler, deceased, to-wit:
The North one half and the North
one half of the South one half of the
North-west quarter of Section thirty-
one (31) Township Four (4) south,
range two (2) east, containing one
hundred and twenty-three acres, situ
ate in Clackamas County, Oregon.
Terms of Sale: Cash in hand or ap
proved security. '
Dated this 31st day of October, A.
D., 1905. W. HA GORTLER,
Administrator of the estate of Chris
tina Gortler, deceased.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for Ad
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Eleanora N. Dodson, Plaintiff,
Nelson H. Dodson, Defendant.
To Nelson H. Dodson, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
cause on or before the last day of the
time prescribed for the publication of
this . summons,, to-wit:
On or before Friday, the 29th day
of December, A. D. 1905, -and if you
fail so to appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in the complaint,
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between the
parties to this suit, restoring plain
tiff to her former name of Eleanora N.
Buchanan, and for such other and fur
ther relief as. may seem meet and equi
table in the premises. -
This summons is published once a
week for six consecutive weeks in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation, pub
lished at Oregon City in the County
of Clackamas, and State of Oregon,
the date of the first publication being
November 17th, 1905, by order of the
Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of the
said Court, duly made and entered
on the 16th day of November, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack-
mas, r
In the matter of the estate of A. W.
Hagey, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the above
entitled estate, will sell at private sale
on Saturday, the 2d day of December,
A. D. 1905 or any day thereafter, the
following described real property be
longing to the estate of A. W. Hagey,
deceased, to-wit: A certain piece or
parcel of land, lying and being in
Clackamas County, Oregon, and be
ing a part of Section 30, T. 4 S. R. 1
E. of the Willamette Meridian, and
beginning at a point on the line be
tween Sections 29 and 30, 25.87 chs
South of the North East corner of
said Section ,30; thence West 6.54
chs.; thence North 11.55 chs.; thence
E. 6.54 chs. ; thence South 11.55 chs.
to "the place of beginning, containing
7 1-2 acres.
Terms of sale: Cash in hand or ap
proved security.
Dated this 31st day of October, A.
D. 1905.
Administrator of the Estate of A. W.
Hagey. deceased.
Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys for Ad
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of. William
C. Lichtenthaler, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Geo.
H. Thomas was on the 25th day of
Octobed, 1905, duly appointed Execu
tor of the estate of William C. Lich
tenthaler, deceased.
That all persons , having claims
against said estate are hereby requir
ed to file the same, duly verified, with
said Bxecutor at the office of Geo. H.
Thomas, in the Ainsworth Block, at
Northwest corner of 3d and Oak
Streets. Portland, Oregon within six
months from the first publication of
this notice.
Date of first publication, October
27th, 1905.
Executor, Estate of William C. Licht
enthaler, Deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. -In the matter of the estate of George
Williams, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the es
tate of George Williams, deceased,
has filed in the above entitled court,
his final account as administrator of
the said estate and that the said court
has fixed Monday, the 27th day of No
vember, 1905, at the court room of
said court in Oregon City, Clackamas
county, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said final
Administrator of the estate of George
Williams, deceased.
Hedges & Griffith, Attorneys for ad
First publication Oct. 27, 1905. 5t
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the County
Court of Clackamas County for a 11-
cense to sell spirituous, malt and vin-
uous liquors for the period of 12
months, from the 6th day of -Decem-
ber, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. m. and that
I will present the following petition
to said court on said day for said li
cense. Dated October 25, 1905.
To- the Honorable County Court of
Clackamas County:
We, the undersigned, residents
and legal voters of Oswego Precinct,
in Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon, hereby respectfully petition your
honorable body to grant to F. C. Pat
terson a license for the period of 12
months from the 6th day of December,
1905, to sell spirituous, malt and vinu
ous liquors, in less quantities than
one gallon 'in the town of Oswego,
Oswego Precinct, Clackamas County,
State of Oregon:
J. McMaugh.
Jim Skinner.
A. Ball.
F. McGinnis.
W. H. Gates.
Joe Lemery.
J. M. Lykes.
C. Delashment.
Harry Farmer.
J. H. Piatt
J. A. Woodhouse."
A.- R. McWilliams.
M. A. Monohon.
A. Neilson.
J. Johnsen.
L.E. Morrell.
D. J. Foote.
Henry Gans.
L. Hallinan.
Ed. Campbell.
L. Q. Harrington.
W. L. Harrington.
C. H. Blazer.
Chas. Walling.
Z. Rosenstreter.
F. W. Wanker.
T. J. Whittier. .
Chas. Pauling.
Wm. Miller.
Carl Gray.
George Anderson.
Ed. Davis.
T. I. Brown.
A. H. Bullock.
A. J. Davidson.
A. Brandt.
G. E. Cline.
E. Worthington.
R. Piatt
S. C. Blanken.
D. H. Perkins.
M. Blanken.
Wm. Worthington,
M. R. May.
Joseph- Woell.
H. Pullman.
O. C. Davidson.
E. DHooghe.
C. Worthington.
James Feeney.
J. E. McCutcheon. F. V. Whittier.
H. Bethke.
D. W. Kelsey.
P. C. Donahoe.
Dick Ball.
E. A. Stapleton.
Eli Pratt
Russ Delashment.
S. Piatt.
D. Erickson.
Wilfred Piatt.
Fred Steinberger.
L. Sager.
A. J. Monk.
Jos Zivny.
A. L. Harrington.
A. Sequan.
F. M. Bushby.
W. C. Bruns.
Peter Keyser.
A. McBeuth.
John Erickson.
Joe Rossman.
E. Courance.
John Quanthem.
P. J. VanDuyse.
J. VanDuyse.
G. VanDuyse.
O. C. Whitten.
E. F. Whitten.
John Gussniklaus.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have by the County Court
of Clackamas county. State of Oregon,
been appointed executors of the will
and estate of Elmer E. Charman, de
ceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent them with proper vouchers and
properly verified to the undersigned,
at the office of Hedges & Griffith, at
torneys at law, Oregon City, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated October 27, 1905.
Hedges & Griffith, Attorneys.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Amanda Yager, Plaintiff,
John H. Yager, Defendant.
To John H. Yager, defendant above
named. .
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit in the
above named court on or before Sat
urday, November 25, 1905, the same
being six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony
existing between you and the plaintiff
be dissolved.
This summons is published by the
order of the Hon. Arthur L. Frazer,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the -
County of Mtiltnomah, State of Ore
gon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a
weekly newspaper of general circula
tion in Clackamas County, for six
weeks, commencing Friday, Oetober
13, 1905, and continuing to and includ
ing Friday, November 24, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed execu
tor of the estate of John V. Hirt, de
ceased, by the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon. All persons
having claims against the said estate
are hereby notified to present the same
for payment with proper vouchers at
my residence near Garfield, Clacka
mas County, Oregon, Within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated October 24th, 1905.
Executor of the estate of John V. Hirt,
Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
, Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Frieda VanCuren, Plaintiff,
' vs. '
Charles VanCuren, Defendant.
To Charles Van Curen, the above
named defendant. -
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, in the
aabove named court, on or before Sat
urday, November 25, 1905, the same
being six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony
existing between you and the plaintiff
be dissolved. '
This summons is published by the
Wcssa as Well as Hen Are U
lissrabls by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,,
j j i. u: . lu.fltu
vigor ana cneernu
ness soon disappear'
when the kidneys are;
out of order or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has;
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to ber
born afflicted withv
weak kidnevs. If the
child urinates too often, if the urine scalds,
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the :
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting,
depend upon it, the cause of the diffi-
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,,
and both need the same great remedy..
The mild and the immediate effect of"
Swamo-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a Home of. Swamp-Boot.
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers,
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention,
this paper. Don't make any mistake,,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
order of the Hon. Arthur L. Frazer,.
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
County of Multnomah, State of Ore
gon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a.
weekly newspaper of general circula
tion in Clackamas County, for six
weeks, commencing Friday, October
13, 1905, and continuing to and Includ
ing Friday, November 24, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiffs
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Lucinda M. Hoffman, Plaintiff, (
Burg O. Hoffman, Defendant.
To Burg O. Hoffman, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, in the
aabove named court, on or before Sat
urday, November 25, 1905, the same
being six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony
existing between you and the plaintiff
be dissolved.
This summons is published by the
order of the Hon. Arthur L. Frazer,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
County of Multnomah, State of Ore
gon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a
weekly newspaper of general circula
tion in Clackamas County, for six
weeks, commencing Friday, October
13, 1905, and continuing to and includ
ing fnaay, iNovemoer lmo.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
James Gilbreath, Plaintiff,
Nellie Gilbreath, Defendant.
To Nellie Gilbreath, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
j you in the above entitled court and
suit on or before the expiration of six
weeks from and after the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before 10th day of Novem
ber, 1905; and if you fail to answer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint on file herein, to
wit: That the bonds of matrimony
now existing between the plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved, upon the
ground of desertion and abandonment,
of the plaintiff by defendant for a pe
riod of more than one year, and for
such other and further relief as pray
ed for in the complaint and' which to
the court may seem equitable- and;
proper. ,
This summons is published by or
der of. the Honorable Thomas A Mc
Bride, a judge of the Circuit Court, of
the State of Oregon, and the said or
der was made and. dated the 5th day
of October, 1905, and the date of the
first publication thereof is the 6th
day of October, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff..
In the County Court of the State of"
Oregon, for the County of Clack
In the Matter of the Estate of James-
McNamara, Deceased.
. Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned executor of the last will
and testament of James McNamara.
deceased, has filed in the above en
titled court his final account of his.
administration of the said estate and;
that the said court ' has set Monday,
the 18th day of December, 1905 at
the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore-.
noon of said day at the court room ot
saia jouniy uourt, in saia uounty of
and state, as the time and place for
bearing objections thereto. -JOHN
Executor of the will of James McNanvt
ara, deceased.
Hedges & Griffith, Attorneys for Ex
First publication October 27. 1905.