Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 10, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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3 hnrt Sidehead Stories...
Evangelical Association
November 12 Canby, 11 a. m.; Mo
lalla, 3 p. m.; Carus, 7:30. Nov. 16,
Maple Lane, 7:30 p. m.; Nov. 19
Oregon City, 10:30; Shubel, 3:00 p.
m.; Highland 7:30 p. m. Rev. W. H.
"Wettlaufer, Pastor.
City Tax Increased
An increase of one mill in the city
tax levy was made last Wednesday
-night by the City Council. The levy
was fixed at 8 mills, of which 3 mills
will be used for road and street pur
poses and 5 mills for general pur
poses. Died at Age of 92
Mrs. Sarah Rider, aged 92 years,
died Monday at the home of her son,
W. S. Rider, near New Era. The
deceased had resided in this county
for over 30 years. She is survived
by two sons and a daughter. Funeral
services were conducted at the home
of W. S. Rider at 10 o'clock Wednes
day morning, interment following in
Mountain View Cemetery.
Salvation Music Song
The Musical Major, accompanied
by his wife, will conduct special meet
ing November loth, next Monday, at
the Salvation Army Hall. Captain
and Mrs. Staynes would very much
like all friends of the Army, in Ore
gon City, and neighborhood, to come
and enjoy the meeting, get acquainted
with the Major and them. Meeting
will begin promptly at 8 p. m.
Entertained Derthick Club
The members of the Derthick Club
and their friends were entertained last
Friday night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Caufield. Music was fur
nished during the evening by an or
chestra of three pieces, the beautiful
home being elaborately decorated
with autumn leaves and ferns. In the
playing of a number of interesting
games, prizes were won by Mrs. Dres
ser, Miss Clark, Dr. Sommer and Mr.
Died of Tuberculosis
Frank Montgomery, after a linger
ing illness of several months, died at
the home of his parents in this city of
tuberculosis last Thursday afternoon.
He was aged 23 years. 10 months and
12 days and is survived by his parents
and several brothers and sisters. Fun
eral services were conducted at the
First Baptist Church Sunday after
noon, Rev. H. B. Robins, officiating.
Interment was had at Mountain iVew
Was Native of England
Joseph Sykes, aged 70 years, two
months and six days, died at the home
of his son-in-law, in this city Monday
morning. Deceased was a native of
Yorkshire, England, and had resided
in this city for 18 years. He is sur
vived by a wife and several child
ren. Funeral services were conduct
ed at the Toole home Wednesday
morning, Rev. H. B. Robins, of the
First Baptist church officiating. In
terment was had at Mountain View
Missing From His Home
Nothing has been heard of the
whereabouts of Alfred A. King, aged
26 years, who suddenly disappeared
from the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. King, near this city, two
weeks ago. The missing boy was in
poor health, a circumstance that caus-
Vigorous Health Is the Great Source of
the Power to Inspire and Encourage
All Women Should Seek It.
One of the most noted, successful and
richest men of this century, in a recent
article, has said, " Whatever I am and
whatever success I have attained in
this world I owe all to my wife. From
the day I first knew her she bas been
an inspiration, and the greatest help
xnate of my life."
To be such a successful wife, to re
tain the love, and admiration of her
husband, to inspire him to make the
most of himself, should be a woman's
constant study.
If a woman finds that her energies
are flagging-, that she gets easily tired,
dark shadows appear under her eyes,
she has backache, headaches, bearing
down pains, nervousness, whites, irreg
ularities or the blues, she should start
at once to build up her system by a
tonic with specific powers, such as
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. Following we publish by request a
letter from a young- wife :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
" Ever since mv child was born I have suf
fered, as I hope few women ever have, with in
flammation, female weakness, bearing-down '
pains, backache and wretched headaches. It
anected my stomach so 1 could not enjoy my
meals, and half my time was spent in bed.
" Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made me a well woman, and I feel so grateful
that I am glad to write and tell you of my
marvelous recovery. It brought me health,
new life and vitality." Mrs. Bessie Ainsley,
611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-etable
Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will
do for every sick and ailing- woman.
If you have symptoms you don't un
derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice ia free and
always helpful.
...-.--. ---
es his . relatives greater apprehension
as to his safety. Prior to his leaving
home, young King made conflicting
statements to acquaintances, telling
some that he proposed to 50 to Cali
fornia while he declared to oth'.-rs
that Eastern Oregon was his desti
nation. Young King served in the
Philippines during the Spanish war.
Would Be Chief
The resignation of Frank McGinnis
as Chief of the Oregon City Volunteer
Fire Department has been received
by the Board of Fire Commissioners.
Mr. McGinnis is now located in Geor
gia where he has accepted the super
intendency of a paper mill at a lucra
tive salary. E. L. McFarland, present
assistant chief of the department is
a candidate to succeed Mr. McGinnis.
Mr. McFarland has for years been a
member of the city's band of volun
teer firemen and has at all times tak
en a live and active interest in the
work of this important department of
the city's government. He is in natur
al line of promotion for the place and
by reason of his deserving qualities
and his popularity among his fellows,
it is more than probable that his as
pirations in this regard will be real
ized. Eagles Will Give Dance
Elaborate arrangements are being
made by the Oregon City Aerie of
Eagles for their dancing party that is
to be given at the Armory, Wednesday
evening, November 15. The general
committee in charge of the affair con
sists of Dr. H. S. Mount. C. W. Kelly,
and Sam Stow. Other committees
working out the details of what prom
ises to be a repetition of last year's
pleasant party are as follows: Hall
and music J. Goodfellow, J. M. Price
and Harry E. Draper; reception
Richard Greaves, Dr. W. E. Carll, G.
B. Dimick, Dr. C. A. Stuart, J. M. Price
C. W. Evans, Dr. E. A. Sommer, J.
P. Keating, H. Pusey, George Murphy,
C. G. Huntley and Mr. Sinnott. Com
petent committees on advertising and
decorating have been named and the
floor committee on the night of the
dance will consist of: Lake May,
chairman; Harry E. Draper. Ted Os
mund. H. Henningsen. Dr. H. S. Mount.
George Simmons, Ed. Rechner, J.
Goodfellow, W. A. Dimick, Ralph John
son and Len Confer.
An Index to Health and Personality.
Health is wealth. You cannot hope
to be successful in life unless you are
healthy, and you can not be healthy
nor personally attractive unless you
live sensibly and follow health rules.
One of the secrets of remaing youth
ful is simplicity. Nearly all facial
blemishes like pimples and blackheads
are caused by some error in diet, but
it is comparatively easy to be rid of
these facial defects if you keep the
pores of the skin open by soft hot
water face baths at night, and rub
bing vigorously with a coarse cloth
or Turkish bath towel. Perfect beauty
means perfect health. Everything
conducive to your general health
shoudd be striven for. with untiring
persistence. The greatest enemy of
good complexion is constipation. The
one remedy that will cure constipation
biliousness, dizzy spells, sick head
ache, and insure a clear, velvety skin
is Laxakola Tonic Tablets. They
open the pores, enrich the blood, stim
ulate the liver, encourage the action
of the bowels and assist nature to do
its own perfect work. Huntley Bros.
Co., will pay your 25 cents back un
less you receive the benefits expected.
"Ghosts," as played by Harry Mes
tayer and Company, is a "Thought"
provoking drama, and one that ap
peals to its audience in a more seri
ous frame of mind than usual. But
j the play is an unusual one. While
I we have had Ibsen's drama presented
j to us, it is the first time that it has
been done by this talented young ar
tist who seems to have been born for
the part. Ibsen's drama is not merely
a story of a brilliant young artist's
destruction through heredity of the
afflictions or a mother's vain sacri
fice. It is more, behind the tragedy
of Oswald Alving is the tragedy of Os
wald's father, the joy loving counter
part of Oswald, who was doomed to
the dull conventional hypocritical rou
tine of Society in a small town. The
undertone of Ibsen's "Ghosts" is the
supression of nature and truth under
the load of dogmas and old saws gen
erally, the believing in one life and
living another. A great many people
yill leave the theatre saying that
"Ghosts" i3 horrible yes, it is even
immoral; but at the same time it
gives us truth, and truth is sonjetimes
horrible, but in this Janus headed
world of ours, Ibsen's story is the clar
ion call of the Twentieth century.
Tear off the mask. "Ghosts" will be
presented under the management of
Oliver Morosco, at the Shively Opera
House one night. Monday, November
! Mr. Thos. George, a merchant at
j Mt. Elgin, Ontario, says, "I have had
I the local agency for Chamberlain's
: Cough Remedy ever since it was in
. troduced into Canada, and I sell as
much of it as I do of all other lines I
have on my shelves put together. Of
the many dozens sold under guaran
' tee, I have not had one bottle returned.
I can personally recommend this med
j icine as I have used it myself and giv
en it to my children and always with
the best results.". For sale by Howell
& Jones.
Clackamas County Boy Is Killed Al
most Instantly.
Clarence Larson, a 15-year-old boy
living at Stafford, was accidentally
shot and almost Instantly killed Sat
urday afternoon about 5:30 o'clock,
near his parents' home. Clarence and
a younger brother went to a nearby
potato field to dig potatoes. They
took a rifle with them to shoot at any
game they might come across.
"The best r-medv I en 11 prescribe for your In
digestion, madnm. is Oreens August Flower.
I know of several other physicians who pre
scribe it regularly."
Indigestion is making an awful record
as a cause of sudden deaths. It is beat
ing heart-failure in its ghastly harvest.
You rea-1 in the papers daily of apparently-
hoalthv and even robust men being
suddenly attacked with acute indigestion
after enjoving a hearty meal, and of theit
dying in in inv cases "before a physician
couliibe called in.
This should be a warning to you whe
suffer wis.li regular or periodical attacks
of indigestion. If these unfortunate vic
tims of acute indigestion had taken r
small dose of Green's August Flower be
fore or after their meals they would no
have fallen a prey to such sudden seizures
August Flower prevents indigestion 1
creatinjrgood digestion. It also regulate:
the liver? purifies the blood and tones v
the entire system in a natural way. t
Two sizes" 25c aud 75c. AH druggists
Char man & Co., City Drug Store
They loaded their sacks of potatoes
on a sled, threw the gun on top of the
sacks. Clarence got on the rear end
of the sled and the smaller boy took
the front seat and drove the team.
In a few moments the younger boy
heard a' report from the gun. and on
looking around he discovered that
Clarence was shot. He drove rapidly
to the house, and at once a messenger
was dispatched to Oregon City for a
The boy died in 20 minutes after the
accident. The Coroner was notified,
but he thought it unnecessary to hold
an inquest as the shooting was plainly
In the first months of the Russia
Japan war we had a striking example
of the necessity for preparation and
the early advantage of those, who, so
to speak, "have shingled their roofs
in dry weather." The virtue of prep
aration has made history and given
to us our greatest men. The individ
ual as well as the nation should be
prepared for any emergency. Are you
prepared to successfully combat the
first cold you take? A cold can be
cured much more quickly when treat
ed as soon as it has been contracted
and before it has become settled in
the system. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is famous for its cures of
colds and it should be kept at hand
ready for instant use. For sale by
Howell & Jones.
Teachers of County Will Hold a Meet
ing the Last of November.
The Clackamas County District
Boundary Board held Its. quarterly
meeting in this city Saturday after
noon, and dismissed the petition to
-eate a new district from Nos. 22 and
92, for the reason that the new dis
trict would break up No. 22 entirely,
lot allowing a sufficient population
and means to conduct a school. The
impoverish soli
Impoverished soil, like impov
erished blood, needs a proper
fertilizer. A chemist by analyz
ing the soil can tell you what
fertilizer to use for different
products. .
If your blood is impoverished
your doctor will tell you what
you need to fertilize it and give
it the vjph, red corpuscles that
are lacking in it. It may be you
need a tonic, but more likely you
need a concentrated fat food,
and fat is the element lacking
in your system.
There is no fat food that is
so easilv digested and assimi
lated as
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil
It will nourish and strengthen
the body when milk and cream
fail to do it. Scott's Emulsion
is always the same; always
palatable and always beneficial
where the body is wasting from
any cause, either in children
nr adults.
We will send you a sample free.
Be sure that this pic
ture in the form of a
label is on the wrapper
of every bottle of Emul
sion you buy.
8C0n 4 BDWNE
09 Pearl St., Jfew Tori
50c. and f 1.00.
All Druggists.
We carry a large stock of the Victor Talking Machines and Victor
Disk Records and Edison Phonograph and Edison Cylinder Records
The Edison has always been a wonderful
device, but Mr. Edison's recent improvements
have 'placed it in the foremost ranksas a charm
ing musical instrument.
We will sell the Victor Machines at $17.50, $20.00, $25.00, $27.50
$32.50, $35.00 and $45.00.
Victor 7 inch records 50c each or $ 5.00 per dozen
10 ' " 1.00 " 10.00 "
12 " " 1.50 " 15.00 " "
Edison Phonographs at $10.00, $20.00 $30.00 and $50.00.
Edison Records 35c each.
Why not come in and listen to these Machines. Free Concerts daily.
Burmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner,
petition to detach a part of district
No. 5 and attaching it to district No.
92 was granted, and the same action
was taken attaching a portion of dis
trict No. 66 to district No. 19, in the
vicinity of Sandy. A portion of joint
district No. 6 was ordered attached to
district No. 107, subject to the ratifi
cation of the Multnomah County Dis-
trict Boundary Board.
J. C. Zinser is arranging for a. teach
ers' meeting the last Saturday in No
vember, in the Barclay School build
ing, Oregon City, professor Hart
ranft, of Seattle, formerly Superin
tendent of King County, Washington,
is expected to be one of the lecturers;
Miss Irene Carter will probably have
a class exercise In reading; Miss
Kate Wilson, of Parkplace, will read
a raper on "Language," and Professor
W. A. Schmidt, of Canemah, will give
exercises in geography.
Miss Mary S. Barlow has resigned
her position as a member of the Coun
ty Board of Examiners, and has been
succeeded by Professor L. A. Read, of
Miss Rosa Hull has been engaged to
teach the school of district No. 89. at
F. B. Boggess has been elected
principal of the school at Scott's Mills.
Gilbert D. Brown has been elected
to teach the district No. 5 school, at
Glad Tidings.
ESTING. Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro.
Mo., who has practiced medicine for
32 years, says he has used every pre
scription known to the profession for
treatment for kidney and bladder dis
eases, and says he has never found
anything so effective in both chronic
and acute kidney and bladder trouble
as Foley's Kidney Cure. It stops ir
regularities and builds up the whole
system. At Huntley Bros. Co.
To a discriminating audience "The
Marriage of Kitty" appeals irresisti
bly and the flavor of life on the Conti
nent, with its manners and conven
tionalities, brings up the memories of
travels read of or experienced. The
last two acts, at "Kitty's" villa at
Lake Geneva, give an opportunity for
scenic pieturesqueness. The immense
success of this play last season proves
that . this style of high-class, pure,
wholesome comedy finds favor every
where. There is much interest in the
announcement of its appearance at
Shively's Opera House on Saturday,
November 11th, with charming Alice
Johnson at the head of the excellent
company of comedians which Manager
Jules Murry has provided for this
successful play.
A few weeks ago I had a bilious at
tack that was so severe I was not able
to go to the office for two days. Fail
ing to get relief from my family phy
sician's treatment I took three of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets anl the next day I felt like a
new man. H. C. Bailey, Editor of
the News, Chapin, S. C, These tab
lets are for sale by . Howell & Jones.
The Victor is so perfect that it is often mistaken
for the human voice. There is no limit to the
variety of selections this matchless instrument will
recite for you.
Sawmill plant,, complete, situated on
Woodcock Creefe, 18 miles southeast
of Oregon City, Oregon; assignee's
sale consisting of 1 Russell engine
and boiler : 1 Egan Co. planer, No. 4,
four sided, 6x24 (inch), all belts, bits,
pulleys and all appliances complete;
1 sawmill carriage, with 3 Russell
Co's No. 3 head blocks, overhead cant
gear and set works complete, includ
ing wire cables (2 extra head blocks) ;
2 44-inch saws (Disston Pattern), Cal
ifornia Company's make; 1 52-inch
saw (Disston pattern) Disston Co's
make, all belts, pulleys, shafting and
boxing complete; 1 building, 33x120
feet, two story, containing machinery;
1 saw mill dam; 1 cut-off saw; 1 cast
log level; 1 sorrel horse, weight 1500
pounds; 1 sorrel mare, weight 1500
pounds; 1 set heavy team harness; 1
ZVz Bain wagon, half truck, wide tires;
1 barn, 16x24, lean-to; shed; two
dwellings, rough, 12x24; 1 dwelling,
16x24; 1 bunk-house, 16x32; 1 lumber
car and track.
Sealed bids will be received until
November 20, 1905, by John J. Cooke,
assignee, Oregon City, Oregon.
"I suppose he clasped you in his
arms when the canoe upset?"
"No; quite the opposite."
"Quite the opposite?"
"Yes; the canoe upset when he
clasped me In his arms."
The following are only a few of the prominent people of Oregon City
and Willamette who have used the BUCKEYE EXTRACTS for over two
years with perfect satisfaction. They say that they last longer and give
a better flavor than any brand they ever used. They are true to their
name and retain their strength in baking and freezing,
Mrs. E. Mass, Willamette Mrs. G. L. Hedgks
Mrs. J. H. Forbes, Oregon City Mrs. C. B. Wilson 4
Mrs. A.Rkilly, ' " Mrs. Morlby, Cliff House
Mrs. Jacob Casseli., Electric Hotel -
The BUCKEYE EXTRACT sales have more than quadrupled in the
last year, which proves their merit. For Sale by the following Grocers. ,
D. M. KLEMSEN T. J. GARY, Willamette
Ask for f
Now on Sale '
Mast Please or Yot r Money Refunded
-Vi it
gxtNu run N mt BknD
We Carry Fine Bath Tubs
and everything else in the line of first
class Plumbing Equipment. The val
ue of modern, absolutely sanitary
Plumbing is inestimable; it saves
much work and worry and may save
your life. Don't endanger health and
happiness by living in the, house that
is. equipped with old fashioned fi
tures. Get our prices on refitting
your entire house with good Plumb
ing. F. C. GADKE
The Plumber,
- - WASH.