Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 10, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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J 7 Jr Wm. Davis Monday. I of Mrs. Kellogg. She leaves many
Our Correspondents' Corner
Frrvm All Parts of the Countv.
R. Howard has purchased some fine
hoes from C. Stewart and M. Irish.
All Parts of the Countv. Mrs. Kalbfleisch. of Canby. Is speiid-
j ing a few days with her sons.
JYir. ana mrs. oiJeiiutrr auu inuiii;
Correspondents are requested to re
flew their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood shqnVd appear in
these columns every week.
year so lei it go nence. , . visiting in Beaver Creek Sun-
Mr. ' August Linn was bound last i " .. s
Nothing is more annoying than to
have proper names mis-spelled. These
mistakes are bound to occur at times,
but by carefully preparing your manu
script and writing all proper names
very carefully, these errors can be
largely avoided. The Enterprise re-
week from the home of Ely Foster.
Potato digging is in full progress
and say, correspondents, we are get
ting 70 cents a sack, can you say as
John Douglass has two sons down
with typhoid fever.
Mr. Amacker died last week at his
Mr. Chas. Livesay and wife of Or
egon City, passed through town on
their way to the little horn to visit.
H. Word is painting the house of
nnKk enrrpsnnndptits to be esnecial- i Hal Gebson.
ly careful in this respect. In doing I would like to say a word to the
so they will be of great assistance tm j correspondents: Do you know we
the printer and will save both them- I could make this paper about twice
selves, the printer and the proof read- ! as valuable if we all wrote at least
er all sorts of censure. i twice a month. There are many
things that the'people could talk over
j among themselves and profit by it.
COLTON. rjy j-jjg Way, Logan, is there any
! artichokes raised and for sail in your
Farming is in full blast while the j vicinity, and won't some one tell me
good weather lasts. what telephone instruments cost for
School in district No. 72 is progress- ( farrners' lines, and what size wire to
ing nicely under the management of i et and how many pounds per mile
Miss uunnam, 01 jerterson.
Messrs. Hargreaves, our saw mill
men, have moved away for the winter.
We are sorry to see them go.
Mr. Fisher and family have moved
on to the Hargraves property
Mr. M. L. Sherman of Portland., is
living on his homestead making im
provements in various ways.
D. A. James, of James, is building
Mrs. Lewis is staying in Portland
for a few days.
Berthena Howard and cousin walk
ed to Mulino Sunday f afternoon.
Charley Daniels was in our'-burg
Willie Davis dug potatoes for Mrs.
London Friday and Saturday.
Halloween night was spent quietly
in our vicinity. R. D. was quite
frightened that night by a straw
and relatives to mourn her
Do Not Endanger Your Life and Health
When a Cure is So Easy.
a comfortable and roomy residence I power plants
Our school is progressing nicely
with Miss Hull at the head.
A candy pull was indulged in last
Friday; no wonder so many of our
young men want to go to school.
We hear a power plant is going in
four miles below here on the Clack
amas river.
This is all right, but be it known
this river is full of good places for
Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic
pains yield to the penetrating influ
ence of Ballard's Snow Liniment.
It penetrates to the nerves and
bone and being absorbed into the
blood, its healing properties are con
veyed to every part of the body, and
effect some wonderful cures. 25c,
50c and fl.00. Sold by Huntley Bros.
on his homestead in south east Col-
M. E. Kandel and wife, of High
land; are sojourning on their moun
tain ranch for a few days.
Miss Stella Hubbard is in Port
land visiting relatives a couple of
There was a quiet pleasant affair
in Colton on the 5th, in the way of
weddings, when John F. Phillips and
Grace Gorbett embarked in their
brand new boat to sail the tranquil
seas of matrimony. The marriage
ceremony was performed by M. E.
Kandel. theh Justice of the Peace, of
Highland, in the presence of 24 guests
who then immediately after the cere
mony repaired to the dining room
-where a bounteous feast awaited
them. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will re
side in or near Colton.
Lea Livingston visited his family
here a few days last week.
Mrs. E. jjiidwell has been visiting
her brother, W. E. Bonney, and other
relatives for a couple of weeks.
Mr. Marty and daughter visited at
Wm. Baker's last Sunday.
We hear that Mr. Snap Davis, of
Clackamas is talking of putting a saw
mill in Barton. Come ahead old boy,
there is plenty room for you and your
mill; we will be glad to have you come
and more like you.
Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Water
Works, Shullsburg, Wis., writes,
"I have tried many kinds of lini
ment, but I have never received much
benefit i.mtil I used Ballard's Snow
Liniment for rheumatism and pains,
I think it tle best liniment on earth."
25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Huntley
Bros. Co.
David Moehnke h s purchased 20
acres of land of Tom Vnfty. at $30.00
per acre. The next w.'11 be a house
and then. Dave, how abo nt il ?
Schmidt Bros, have pi.' m thelr
phone and are now also in ul1 touch
with civilized progress.
E. W. Hornshuh and son, Arthur
went to Portland last Sunday U 1 v!slt
his daughter raiia. who is impro1118
'nicely from her recent operation.
Robert Ginther and his mother we,
flitv last Sunday. Robert
to attend the " Socialist meeting, and
his mother visited her daughter, Mrs.
"Or rL f5 i 6 r
Lorenz Hornshuh of Oregon City,
is visits his son E. W., They are
going fishing for salmon in the Clack
amas. . .
Martin Massinger and his sisters
Johanna and Julia, have returned to
Portland, after a two weeks visit
-with their parents.
John Heft, our busy carpenter is
touilding a barn for Wm. Jones of
Beaver Creek at present. Last bat
irday evening on his way home he
lost parts of a carpenter's machine
0r anrl it would confer a favor on
him if the person who found it. would
leave it at the Beaver Creek store or
st TnVm's home.
Albert Stuedeman and sister Lena,
and Lake Duffy, spent a pleasant ev
oT,ir, nt the home of G. A. Schuebel
nno pvpnitis last week.
Mrs. Hettman has gone to Portland
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Kiser.
?.Tr and Mrs. Fred Moehnke and
flmiErhter. Tena. went to Stafford last
Saturday afternoon, to spend Sunday
TjHth friends at that place.
Hpnrv Hettman, Chris Moehnke and
Eddie Schmidt spent a pleasant day at
the home of Geo. Kirbyson last Sun
It is a disastrous calamity, when
you lose your health, because indi
gestion and constipation have sapped
it awav. Prompt relief can be had in
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
build up your digestive organs, and
cure headache, dizziness, colic, consti
pation, etc. Guaranteed at Howell &
Jones drug store; 25c.
is often as great as woman's. But
Thos. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "Repub
lican," of Leavenworth, Ind., was not
unreasonable, when he refused to al
low the doctors to operate on his
wife, for female trouble, "Instead," he
says, "we concluded to try Electric
Bitters. My wife was then so sick,
she could hardly leave her bed, and
five (5) physicians had failed to re
lieve her. After taking Electric Bit
teis, she was perfectly cured, and can
now perform all her household du
ties" Guaranteed by Howell & Jones
druggists, price 50c.
Nov. 8. Don't forget the social giv
en by the Athletic Club November 18.
Captain and Mrs. Osburn were the
guests of Captain and Mrs. Apperson
Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Parkplace school has ordered
a new, two-hundred dollar laboratory
which will soon be placed for use in
the Physics class.
The school board has purchased
hose for both halls and now if the
school house should take fire there
will be something by which to ex
tinguish the flames.
Francis Cross has scarlet fever,
but is getting along nicely. Her sis
ters are staying with their Grandma
Tingle, so they can attend school.
Several active members were added
to the Christian Endeavor last Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. B. W. Evans, Clearwater,
Kans., writes: "My husband lay sick
for three months. The doctors said
that he had quick consumption.
"We procured a bottle of Ballard's
Horehound Syrup, and it cured him.
"That was six years ago. Since
t hen we have always kept a bottle in
the'' house. We cannot do without it.
For loughs and colds ifhas no equaf."
5Cj i,0c and $1.00. Sold by Huntley
Bros. Co.
Miss Mayme Snidow recently of
Mt. Pleasant, left Sunday for Hazel
dale, where she expects to teach
school for some time.
Mr. W. B. Partlow is dangerously
ill at his home.
Mr. Braker returned from Condon
last Tuesday, where he has been for
some time. We are all glad to see
you back in our neighborhood again,
Mr. Braker.
Miss Imogen Myers has gone to Hog
Hollow where she will remain for
some time teaching school.
Mrs. Smith was visiting Mrs. Hum
phreys last Wednesday.
Mrs. Cooper was visiting her mother
Mrs. May, of Elyville, Monday.
Mr. Buckner went to Highland last
Friday, where he will remain for sev
eral days.
Miss Lizzie Thomas was visiting
her sister Miss Bertha Thomas, of
Oregon City, last Sunday.
Mr. Walter Braker purchased a
fine new buggy last Monday.
Mr. Earl Lutz, of Falls View, was
visiting at Mt. Pleasant Sunday. 1
Why will people continue to suffer
the agonies of -kidney complaint uri
nary disorders, lameness and 'stiff
ness in the back, and allow themselves
to become chronic invalids, when a
certain cure -is afforded them? Doan's
Kidney Pills is the remedy to use
because it gives to the kidneys the
help they need to perform their work.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and cure
permanently. If you have any, even
one of the numerous symptoms of
kidney complaint, cure yourself now,
before diabetes, dropsy or Bright's
disease sets in. Read this testimony:
Mrs. Conradina Arnold, of 440 East
First St.. Albany, Oregon, says:
"Doan's Kidney Pills did me a deal
of good. I used them for rheumatic
pains across the small of my back and
down through the sides which were
very severe when I stooped to lift
anything or sat in one position for
any length of time. I got Doan's
Kidney Pills and commenced their
use. I began to get better right away
and continued taking them. They
soon relieved me and I have had very
little trouble since. I shall always try
to keep Doan's Kidney Pills in the
house and will recommend them at
every opportunity."
Plenty more proof like this from
Oregon City people. Call at Dr. C.
G. Huntley's drug store and ask, what
his customers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mluburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name, Doan's, and
take no other.
Mrs. Humphrey Jones called on Mrs.
W. H. Jones last Wednesday.
Mr. Geo. Rider and family have
moved to their old home. That means
three more children on the roll of
our school.
Miss Imogen Myers opened her
j school last Monday, with 24 pupils on
the roll. .
Mrs. Lucy, from Portland, Mrs. May !
Clark and children, were the guests ,
of Mrs. Robt. Clark on Sunday. '
Miss Myers and Miss May Clark
spent Sunday evening with Mrs. W. i
H. Jones and family. - I
Mr. George Brown, of New Era was I
taking a look in our vicinity last Mon
day. Frank Baker is back again after a
trip to the mountains.
Mr. Gruger intends -to rent his farm
and move to Portland for a while.
Rev. W. Mason is a guest of W. H.
Jones and family.
Mrs. White, from Missouri, has ar
rived to take her place as housekeep
er at the home of Mr. Hasbrouck.
Grandma Rider died on November
6th, at the home of her son. W. S.
Rider at the ripe old age of 93. In
terment took place at Mountain View
cemetery, November 8.
Foley & Co., Chicago, originated
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy,- and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foly's Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. These worthless im
itations have similar sounding
names. Beware of them. The genu
ine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a
yellow package. Ask for it and re
fuse and substitute. It is the best
The fane T0WER3
It is made of the best
nateriali. in black or yellow,
fully guaranteed, and sold by
reliable dealers everywhere.
IUKUN 1 U, LAN. " -w.ww-w
cation in the Oregon City Enterprise
by virtue of order of Hon. Thomas A.
McBride, Judge of the above entitled
Court, made in open Court, on the 9th
day of November, A. D., 1905.
H. E. Cross
6 wks. Attorney for Plaintiff
Wash your hands with warm water.
dry with a towel and apply Chamber
lain's Salve just before going to bed,
and a speedy cure is certain. This
c?ilv ic: nlcn urmrmallpri for skin dis-
remedy for coughs and coids I tunt-1 eases; For sale by Howell & Jones.
ly iiros. i
Publication of Summons
In the Circuit Court of the State of , Mrs. C. Molson spent Friday in
Oregon, for Clackamas County. i Hubbard, the guest of Mrs. Lizzie
Arthur J. Saling, Plaintiff. I Lembcke, nee Noblitt.
vs. Suit for Divorce I air. Herbert Johnson will soon have
Carrie Saling. Defendant. ' his new residence completed.
To Carrie Saling, said defendant: j Mr. James Ogle and family of Wood-
In the name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and ,
cause, on or before Saturday, the 23rd l
day of December, 1905;
And if you fail so to answer for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply l indefinite time.
to the above entitled Court for the Mrs. James Dozier
relief demanded in the Complaint, I with Mrs. Bohan.
to-wit; for a decree dissolving the i The dance given by the Needy Dane
bonds of matrimony now existing be- ing Club in Thompson's hall last Sat
tween the plaintiff and the defendant, I urday night was a decided success in
and for such other relief as shall every way. They will give another
seem meet and equitable. dance at the same place Saturday
This summons is served by publi- night, November 18. All invited.
burn, were calling on relatives in
Needy Sunday with his cousin, Gilbert
Mrs. Kaufman spent Monday after
noon with Mrs. Gaylor.
Mr. Lewis Spagle expects to go to
Aurora, this week to remain for an
spent Sunday
We will Save yott
Something; on Every
A Sale that offers
Nov. 6. Rev. H. O. Henderson be-
sran a nrotraciea meeting nere msi
Thursday evening. j
Mr. Dannals' and family and Mr.
W. A. Wise and family have returned
from North Yakima, Washington,. Al
so Mrs. George Wise and children,
Mr. Dannals has moved to Lafay- j
ette. j
Mr. Burton Phillips of Manning, was
visiting relatives here last Saturday, ,
proceeding yesterday to Rock Creek, j
where he will work on a farm.
Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Eaton of Lents, I
were Harmony visitors yesterday.
Rev. Fisher of Milwaukie. occupied
the Harmony pulpit yesterday morn
ing. Potato digging, and fall plowing and
seeding have been the order of the
day the past two weeks. The potato
yield was variable, some of it being
very good.
Decisive Cut in Prices. If Prices ate an Object, buy daring this
Radical Redactions Made in Each and Every Department
Men's $20 Suits Now $17.75"
Men's $18 Suits Now $15.95
Men s $15 Suits Now $12.85
Men's $12 Suits Now $9.85
Men's $10 Suits Now $7.85
Men's Natural Wool Half Hose
at the Remarkably low price of
Men's President Suspenders
special at
Men's Jersey Overshirts, fleece
back, now on sale at
Boy's $15 Suits Now $12.85
Boy's $12 Suits Now $9.85
Boy's $10 Suits Now $7.85
Boy's $8 50 Suits Now $6.85
Boy's $7.50 Suits Now $5.75
Misses' Box Cali Shoes, Sizes 12 to 2 at low
price of
Child's Kangaroo Calf Shoes, $1.25 values on
sale for 1
Women's, Blucher Cttt, Vici Kid, lace, pair
The new machine shops will soon
be finished and in operation. Barton
is still crowing and any kind of goods
ot -.r drv. can now be had. WeJ
now wish a hotel man to build and op
erate a hotel.
Barker Bros, are moving to this
vicinity to haul wood and they are
the hands that can do it. The pity is
that they are not running a mill of
some kind instead of skinning horses.
Mr. Gordon has bought an addition
to his farm. He is still carpentering
on his house. We will give him an
other year to finish the job.
Halloween pranks were not very
extensive. But to one were quite ex
pensive. His cow was three miles
away and then not till after many a
day, in a small pasture with a seven
foot fence. Halloween is over for a
Health is absolutely impossible, if
constipation be present. Many se
rious cases of liver and kidney com
plaint have sprung from neglected
constipation. Such a deplorable con
dition is unnecessary. There is a
cure for it. Herbine will speedily
remedy matters. C. A. Lindsay, P.
M., Bronson, Fla., writes, Feb. 17,
1902: "Having used Herbine. I find
it a fine medicine for constipation."
50c a bottle. For sale by Huntley
Bros. Co.
N. Maule and family have moved
to Mt. Pleasant.
Chas. Stewart hauled wood for the
school last week. '
Bill Smith had the misfortune to
have one of his horses to get snag
ged. Mr. Gregory began having his teas
les trimmed last Wednesday.
Monroe Irish has purchased a horse
from his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Bebee have moved
into the Lewis house.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvaney re
turned home from their wedding tour
at Newport last week.
Our school is progressing nicely
under the management of Prof. Mitts.
Mr. Tucker's son-in-law is farming
52 inch, Ladies Cloth, during this sale, per. yard
36 inch, all wool, Albatross at Special price of
per yard
40 inch, all wool,, Graite Cloth, in black only,
special, per yard
38 inch all wool, Cheviots, splendid values at
our regular low price of 50c per yard, Special
during sale, pet yard
Special offering in Ladies' Stylish Raincoafs
Tan or Olive, collarless, finished with belt,
this season style on sale at low price of
10- 4 Oregon Gray Blankets, Good Quality, and
Good Weight 0J
1 1- 4 Heavy Weight at big reduction 3.35
Child's and Misses Knit Underwear, good win
ter weight -you can make a great saving,
price, per garment
New Flannelette Wrappers, made of fleeced
material, yoke trimmed with braid and ruffled.
- for this sale reduced in price, now offered at
88C, $1.08, $1.33
Women's Outing Flannell Gowns, medium weight,
50c Values for 42C $1.00 Values for 88C
75c Values for 63C $1.25 Values for $ 1 .05
Low Prices
tfiat Mean Sometiiing
JLd mmA )mA JLL JLi LJT 1 1