8 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOV EM HER 3, 100.1. OREGON WAS "IN IT." (Continued from Page 1.) HOW IT WILL WORK N. Wait, Canby, peaches, honorable mention: W. W. Qulnn, Oregon City, plums, gold medal; Mr. Reed. Mil waukle, apples, Gravensteln. honor able mention; William P. Roberts, Firwood. prunes, honorable mention; C. W. Swallow. Oregon City, plums, bronze medal; Mrs. F. A. Sleight, Or egon City, cherries, honorable men tion; H. F. Shipply, Oregon City, pmnes, bronze medal; I. S. Smith, Clackamas, peaches and prunes, bronze medal; G. A. Steel. Milwaukee, filberts, bronze medal; John F. Ris ley, Milwaukie, chestnuts and Eng lish walnuts, bronze niedal; Ameal Tucholke, Milwaukie. fruit, honorable mention; R. H. Taber, Oregon City, pmnes and nectarines, honorable mention: J. Rroetjo, Milwaukie, fruit and vegetables, silver medal; J. A. Byers, Clackamas, fruit and vegeta bles, bronze medal; Mr. Brandt. New Era. potatoes, honorable mention; J. Burgoyne, New Era, potatoes, honor able mention; C. C. Clousen. Canby, watermelons, honorable mention: A. R. Cummings, Canby. melons, bronze medal; Mrs. John N. Elliot. Oregon City, vegetables, bronze medal; Os car Freytag, Milwaukie, vegetables, City, R. R. No. 1, fruit and vegetables, bronze medal; John H. Gibson. Eagle Creek, squash, honorable mention; H. Gans, Oswego, fruit and vegetables, bronze medal; E. E. Howell, Mil waukie, potatoes, honorable mention; Mr. Johnson, Willamette, vegetables, bronze medal; Mr. King, Oregon City, beets, honorable mention; Charles Lundberg, Milwaukie, potatoes, honor able mention; J. H. Lindsay, Cane mah, squash, bronze medal; Albert Moshberger, Molalla, sweet potatoes, honorable mention; W, H. Tope, Clackamas Station, vegetables, hon orable mention; Geo. Randall, New Era, fruit and vegetables, honorable mention; R. Scott, Milwaukie, fruit and vegetables, silver medal; W. B. Stafford, Oregon City, fruit and vege tables, honorable mention; W. M. fihsnlr ("Irotmn fltv hpnnq hnnnrahlft mention; H. G. Starkweather, Mil-! waukle, vegetables, honorable men tion; Louis Servas, Oregon City, green corn, honorable mention; V.. M. Shank, Oregon City, snap beans, honorable mention; F. Schneider, Milwaukie, sweet corn, honorable mention. ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF DIRECT PRIMARY NOMINATING LAW. Elector Should Acquaint Themselves with New Method of Naming Candidates for Office. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished Every Week By the Clackamas Abstract Company. T. Hage to C. Hage half Interest in 12.25 acres In CI. 58. 2. 1. E; $500. R. Fanton to J. F. Tucker, east half of NE 1-4 section 42, E; $1300. D. L. Boylan to Z. Mayfleld N half of SW quarter, S.E. quarter of SW quarter and NW quarter of SE half of section 28, 44 E; $350. Z. Mayfleld to G. W. Mayfleld, same as above $400. M. A. Wise to T. T- yan lots 1 and 2 Block 110, Oregon City; $1800. F. J. Nelson to F. T., Griffith SW ! 1-4 of SW 1-4 of section 10, 53. E $1. M. Manning to O. L. Daniels, NE of SE of Section 22, 42. E; $400. M. F. Merriman to C. B. Smith lot blk 1, Estacada; $175. Hiberoan Savings Bank to F. H. Collins, lots 17 and 18 blk. 22 Mil. Park; $100. O. W. P. T. S. Co. to R. L. Cart wright, lot 2. Block 28' 1st addition Estacada. $125. How & Stewart to R. Dhooghe, NW 1-4 of NE and SW 1-4 of sec. 32. 43 E. $2,000 R. E. Reegle to W. G. Young 4 acres in sec 27 1-4 E. $375. E. Ernston to J. Kelton 60 acres in the W 1-2 of NW of Sec 34 5-1 E $2,700. H. Guenther to H. Brand 2 1-2 acres in Holmes CI. $200. C. C. Albright to J. Stewart tract In Clackamas County $450. S. L. Dart to C. W. Herman W 1-2 of NE of sec 29. 5-2 E $1,765. M. Parveletz to J. F. Logan W 1-2 of the S. E. of sec 6 4-2 E $1.00 D. O. Freeman to N. M. Evenson lots 11 & 12 blk 2 Barlows. $1,000. G. W. Gibbs to A. S. Bailey 13 acres In William CI 3-2 E. $900 Hibermian Savings Bank to B. Heinz, lots 9. 10 & 11 Bll. B. Mil waukie park, $1.00 O. W. P. T. S. Co. to Wright & Fletcher lot 2 blk 1 Estacada, $75. Will. Falls Co. to F. Markred, tract I Willamette tracts. $220.00. E. M. Howell to G. J. Hanlon two tracts in Buena Vista $30.00. Hibernnian Savings Bank to F. P. Nutting lots 17 & 18 blk 23 Milwaukie Park $100. A Thada to G. E. Loder, tract in Fisher CI. $500. G. E. Loder to J. Gibson tract in Fisher CI. $800. E. Liese to F. Liese, N 1-2 of NW of sec 23 4-4 E $650 A. A. Richardson to J. H. Surface, tract 2 Clackamas Highlands, $350. O. W. P. T. S. Co. to Estacada Brick and T. Co. tracts and rights in sec. 21 3-4 E. $1,001. H. Bethe to Brown & Welch 17.03 acres in Vance, Holmes & Newell Cls. 3-2. E $1,900. H. L. Stratton to J. C. Pierce, lots II & 12 blk 2 and lots 4, 5, 6, 10 & 11 In Blk. 8 Falls View. $122.11 The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. are owners of the only complete Abstract plant in Clackamas county. Prompt and reliable work on short notice, and all work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts exe cuted, estates settled and titles perfect ed. J. F. Hark, Atty at Law, President and Manager. Over Bank of Oregon City. DONT BORROW TROUBLE. It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thing you can possibly borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary, and worn out, by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, bil iousness, Bright's Disease, and sim ilar internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over your symptoms, but fly for relief to Electric Bitters. Here you will find sure and permanent' for getfulness of all your troubles and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease. At Howell '& Jones drug store. Price 50 cents. Guaranteed. Following are the sections from the new primary election law which give the methods of proceeduro in naming candidates for ojee: Section 2. On the forty-fifth day preceeding any election, (except spec ial elections to fill vacancies presiden tial elections, municipal elections in towns or cities having a population of less than two thousand, and school elections) at which public officers In this state and in any district or couu tv. and in any city having a popula tion of two thousand or more at which public officers are to be elected, ex cept as provided In section 6 of this law as to time In certain cities and towns, a primary nominating (election shall be held in accordance with this Uw in the several election precincts comprised within the territory for wnich such officers are to be elected pt the ensuing election wnich shall he known as the primary nominating election, for the purpose of choosing candidates by the political parties subject to the provisions of this law for Senator in Congress and all o'her elective state, district, county, pie cinct, city, ward and til other officers and delegates to any constitutional convention or conventions that may "hereafter be called, who are to be chosen at the ensuuig election wholly by electors within this state or any subdivision of this tate and also for choosing and electing the county central committeemen by the several parties subject to the provisions of this law. Section 3. The election precincts provided by section 2762 and the judges and clerks and the polling places provided by section 2763, Bell inger and Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, shall be the same for the primary nominating elec tions provided for in this law, and it shall be the duty of the judges and clerks so provided for to act as such at all primary nominating elections herein provided for, except as other wise provided for by section 6 of this law. In all election precincts in which second boards of judges and clerks have been or may be appointed as required by section 2764 of Bellinger and Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, and In which an aggregate of more than one hundred members of,all or any of the political parties subject to the provisions of this law are registered as such be fore the day of the primary nominat ing election, the said board of judges and clerks shall meet at 7 o'clock p. m., at their respective polling places and thereafter the boards of Judges and clerks shall proceed at the pri mary nominating election as requir ed by said section 2764 at a general election. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the county clerk thirty days before any primary nominating election, to prepare printed notices of such elec tion and mail two of said notices to each Judge and clerk of election In each precinct: and it shall be the duty of the several Judges and clerks im mediately to post said notices In pub lic places in their respective precincts. Section 5. The provisions of sec tions 2764. 2766. 2767, 2768. 2769, 2771, 2772, 2773 2774, 2775, 2776, 2777, 2778, 2779, 2780, 2781 2782, 2783, 2784, 2785, 2786, 2787, 2788, 2789, 2790, Bell inger and Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, except as to the time of opening the polls of said primary nominating election, which shall be at 12 o'clock noon, shall ap ply to and are hereby made aplicable to primary nominating elections fin der the provisions of this law, except in so far as they may be modified herein r be in conflict herewith, and each poll book at the primary nomi nating election shall have a column headed with the name of each party so making its nominations, for writ ing in the voter's party number aa his general number and provided that he receives his ballot, in addition to for the purpose of the primary nomi nating elections, there shall be aled to the form of oath prescribed by said section 2774, the words: "and that you are In good faith a member of the jK)litical party with which you are registered." Section 6. The nomination of can didates for municipal offices by the political parties subject to the pro visions of this law shall be governed by this law in all incorporated towns and cities having a population of two thousand and upward as shown by the last preceding national or state census. All petitions by the members of such political parties for placing the names of candidates for nomina tion for such municipal offices on the primary nominating ballots of the sev eral political parties shall be filed with the city clerk, recorder or audi tor, as the case may be, of said several towns and cities, and it shall be the duty of such officers to prepare and issue notices of election for such pri mary nominating elections in like manner as the several county clerks perform similar duties for nominat ions by such political parties for coun ty offices at primary nominating elec tions; and in such towns or cities holding their municipal elections at the same time as any general election it shall be the duty of said clerk, re corder or auditor as the case may be, on the fifteenth day before the time of holding such primary nominating election, to prepare and certify and deliver to the county clerk of the county in which said city or town is situated, a list of the candidates for nomination who have filed valid pe titions or nomination at such primary nominating election, and all the infor mation in such petitions concerning the-said candidates for nomination for municipal offices; whereupon it shall be the duty of said county clerk to ar range in the manner provided by this law the names and Information con cerning all the candidates for such nomination for city offices contained lu the certificate of said city clerk, recorder or auditor; to certify and post the- same In his offlco and to cause the samo to bo printed upon the sample ballots and upon the official ballots of the several political parties to be used at the several polling plac es within the limits of every such city or town, together with the names of the candidates for state, county and district offices at such primary nomi nating election as required by this law, and conform to the general pro visions of this law as nearly as may be; and in cities and towns contain ing a population of two thousand and upward not holding their municipal elections at the SBme time tho general elections are held, tho duties imposed by this law on the county clerk at primary nominating elections, are hereby as to all said last described towns and cities, designated to be the duties of the city clerk, recorder or auditor, as the case may be of said towns and cities as to primary nomi nating elections of the political part ies subject to the provisions of this law; provided that In such last named cities and towns the primary nominat ing election shall be held on the thir tieth day preceding their municipal elections. Under the provisions of this law the lawfully constituted legislative and executive authorities of cities and towns within the provisions of this section not holding their municipal elections are held, shall have such power and authority over tho estab lishment of municipal voting precincts and wards, municipal boards of Judg es and clerks of election, nnd other clerks of election, and other officers of their said municipal elections, nnd other matter pertaining to municipal primary nominating elections requir ed for such cities nnd towns by this law thut such legislative and execu tive authorities have over the same matters at their municipal elections for choosing the public officers of said cities and towns. And further that nothing In this act contained shall be construed as alter ing or repealing any provision of the charter of any such Inst described city or town providing fur tho appoint ment of Judges and clerks of election by tho council or other lawfully con stituted authority of such city or town or as altering or repealing any of the provisions of tho title XXVll of Bell inger and Cotton's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon providing for the appointment of Judges and clerks of election In towns and cities organ ized under the provisions of said title xxvu Paying teller I can't cash this check for you, Mr. until you are Iden tified. Swede Pete Dentlfled. vnt Is UtT Cashier You must gel some, one, to tell nut who you are. 8wde Pete Oh! dat Is all right, hero's my picture. "Consumption runs In our family, and through It I lust my Mother," writes E. II. Reld, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold. I have taken Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble" Ills mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Reld, but he learned that lung trouble must not be neglected, and how to cure It. Quickest relief and cure for coughs and colds. Price fiOc and $1.00; guaranteed at Howell & Jones drug store. Trial bottle free. H II ttX ill A V 11 li KM- V.;(i.vI (1 mm Shorti 9 rn - Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now all over the World. ror al oy . E. MATTHIAS ole Ag.ney for Oregon City. WrmHtTlfmWKlfTlTHHH4iiifHW RANK US TOD HI! Fttsnitttt'e and Hardware. i ; i ! X l Special bargains made at our HAD DIPKFD own Furniture Factory for HUl lIUXLlXJ Mr., Miss and Mrs. Hop Picker: We guarantee every piece of furniture made in our furniture fac tory in Oregon Qty. Your money will be per manently invested if you buy our furniture. The following prices speak for themselves THIS CHIFFONIER Sue 37 x 58, 5 drawers, 2 of them with cloks, ele gantly finished in golden oak Price $5.50 THIS BUREAU in three different styles ele gantly finished in golden oak Price $6.50 7 4 i t z ii wjb GLASS CUPBOARD n I t Oak front, extension drawers. A much bet ter piece of furniture than cut shows Rcs"" tf 2.50 Special Price $9.50 t I akd UNION PACIP THREE TRAvTOlhA : - DAILY ssl Throush I'ullrn.n iins.ri- I 1st .IP-pi" dally ' H oSSV h'.n-.. City; throii.R X hiA 70 D.part hours Portland toChlc.M No Change of Cars, Tlm ichKluin Clilcao- J'oilUnJ Hiifflal l it a- m Atlantlo Kiprvaa I II p. m via. Ilunt Ingtoti. ft. rnl Fail Mall I It p in via ftpo n. lit ft11'1!!' Kanaaa City, 7U, 1-uula. Clikao .j ' KmL alt !k. rtiMr1 Kt. Worthy Omwi Kansas City, g. Umla, Chlcuo ana luaat. Walla Walla. !.,. Islun. flpoaan., MJ, noaiHilla, m. tui 'U Duluth. VHIwaukw, t'hlraa-o and Kmi Ocean and River Scheie For Ban K"randf-o Er tn I p m. Kor Aatorta. Z!?1 I'ottlantl, Ornn. - I p. m.: Daluiday at tt a. tJ Mirvlr twai.r tMrmlttlnf I m rv! and Yamhill rlv.ra. for dtall tnrormatlna Til. Orvgun Hallru4 Nlmtai your naral tlrh.l ant, r 1 uaral 1'uMniw M A L CM COLUMBIA RIVER SCLL? Portland nnd ThoD-J ROUTE Regulate Line Steamer "BAILIY OATMRT""OAl.lH H "RIOULATOR" "fcUTUd "ADIt i." tr. -Hallo Oatn" Utrm TfJ T A. M Mondava. Wdnir iM J .... . I - -.... vt.. Tl-tt. A w J days, Thuaraday. and naturMjn. Btr. "Rra-ulator" l.avea Portlaall VI. Tueadaya. Thursday! and latafe Iravr. Th. Dalle T A. U. No Wedn.adayf and fYiara. Bt.amrra leaving Portland auto k connection at !.vl. with C. R. H a for Qoldendala and KllcUUt M polnta. C. II. A N. tram WavM OoUrtfe Mondava. W.dnoadari and frtdafl (19 A. U.. mtUtif eoniMCtM H learner Il.iulalor" for Portlaal 4 way polnta C. II. at N. train UavM OoifeaU Tu.adava. Thursday and Salinti 1:10 A. M . connecting at Tra 1 teamer "Sadla II." for Th. Dm at nectlng thert with O. R. Eaat and WmL Mir "P. ,41 II" Uinl PaMaA 1 dally (MCfpt Hunday) at t A. Jt"t!t Dallas and way polnta; arrive JM U. leave Th iJallea I P,H. Caacad. Loc-ka I P. M. Meala arv.d on all at.ain.ri Kin. aooommodauona I of taa K FBjrtma I Landing at Portland at Aid H Dock. MARCUS TALBOT V.P.4& 0n. Offlca, Portland, Oregon. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad C lavra, j 1 'rj A.m. Dally. 7:00 Pl. UNION DEPOT '.. , r. nlnlar. r or mjiw,,.- Clatakanls. Weslpo" Ulllton. Aaiona." . l'i.u.i liana mono, f ori bw ,,. I.rk HC- Uldn. Aatorla H Ki-aahore. Expreaa uanr. Aaiona d.v" ArnH Dtll! C. A. 8TEWAHT, Comml Alt Alder atreet. Phone Main J. C. MATO. O. F. P- AW' I. i You Will Be WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your ticket, rend over th Line of th World" BECAUSE There nre ao ninny scenic "''''jlS' nnd points of interest '''"' t tkc trip never lcoines tiresome- lay: gives rosy cheeks and active health to pale, sickly 'children it la uuu lur uieir eiaers, too. Ask your druggist. for.it.- GET IT FROM YOUR DRUGGIST . ..ii ... nf P" u.. 'Waut writ " .. . tlon and get a pretty hook that wlU nil about It. W.C. McBRIDUi General Al , .0aEfil ' vn kSHW - T A.I VJ -J." - - lM ti. iinii vn H im n n iiuitwa or