Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 03, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Ftodilsjc of fmltrf is a mi series,
the pecsliryssaa feds t'-t f xk wna
aoee aia is '. ; tier 1 j rs
work aUct it. Ke ks;ws wiat t j ,
ti-ei tisv to isfr erf .ay.!?: to
tatt.ea. to ret tbesi rafy f-;r tart-,
jilte a d-ff-rzt ratios i leofs-aary.
He taj f3d 06t that fSTOWixe C&X'ta,
wii-ch a-e siaVrc I-e-i. !:. eiw;
aad feather at e-se ail ti sasj
tr t! a Tirfi diet of lie rst
ri.'f -r ''4,aE wit a fn'aSIr
r i a ? a
Ivi S,:;ry a-
with cats:. ul is. re cccitier
alstrst a s. ;- .ju"t s,i ies
ke experts to ill lie ers haslet.
Tie : rruftail is.s lay at
stasias cf It yar wiet ects ar
earpe ail lie pnete if iri Tie
ti:-c U 6 lies is to prcv.i-e crc
L2ics wiici 3 ie refarivw tai
fS rr:irtx'C Layiric let ajsJ
kit ;;:: tie esc c-f lie year lias
tier i'J '-- tie weatie-r Tiis be
iLg lie cas. all pysltry ke-eper sicc'.i
jrc-Ti-ie e:'ts.:irtab saarte-n lie
kea :s wiater as! rsr. S"iy
ie tiaj li-e iess i-e s ffi x 15
t: asd -aft as kc as lie fi-si ccld
a,a; ore trr t; tiest wll
lay-se It if a starter liat is,
worth lie atestxis of ;-iIirrres asf.
It is a sCTXi :i,;r.g wie-s ercs are
eCise at eu a; ew t it irts
r-iirzlj ease laytajs. wiea lie
tio:; b ' ' T ti-e c? i.it It
9ri-zA lard ca is Jm tie ies.
after lay a? a rrtlarly 'as -:' res
t-js lie rtrae? -mt-iz rcci are
i,nt:S KfniKtZrK All a-.-Vii'.-
riMS'TaJcy- I S t tw t4i Hari !
r; a s r r
jv pee
lrU;n ;Ui
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
w. iv-a.: .- s.
is a.A.i
tL-JLf lie n- 3?? ss e-50 are apv. Tte OmI UTTVE I
k 4:vs rat ia tier it lie Vii, f.ttjS. ; --. ;-a t: :y o
keTjsT rt tiere it a casse'i zl. . P.'-r? ci'f i
t;r it. It is ziZ irasse cl "j.rl cJ ecs
fcoi. at lie fiKC ex:? prolr
tuc ia;-?i. is R.s;'.e iiy. It
K iiX la 5isase, l:r lie iezs
liay ie isaitiT, Tie carst it .at
J warrti "i! ti-e ieat cl lie
!!?' ces Ires lie f xi. yet tie
oU is w fctea? liat lie certicc
if s: si. eerily r;il t create lie
keat rrrf-ary t? j r;-trn lie iiri
ro tie Mil ;-:i-.ctjr-r t2
e5 iecasse ratire's irst "rt -rill
la ;r:tect lie iirl i-ef:re it it ;er
y nite'l to 1 3 e ura crL j r .i"w"tt .
Tie retir-iy is si-ply to rtuari axaiJi
ks cl a t' ieai Tis -j 6: re iy
kee;ir? tie cz'.l -r.zis aTay. iy ;r
Tidn.5 sie.ter arl rtt-y places frr
fc iu. iy !i.g ti-eta f-xl
arl warrs ate-r. Nj Trlat.: rs,
raJi cr c;rr.zi are to let
tie cz.i air. II yea w-i y:rr tzj
to lay as tiey tie n er liey
East iaT? 5 1-- er czttiors.
A rJ !ei is, f :t a naii
tarley ci:;s, tea poris: -liilrs,
St is, azl iran. xe ;.:--rr.is.
Mix all tiis weecier a.1 liea s-call
iti its -rater rate a liick
jLAsi. Ail s-"r.er.t -water cr ni!S
! i 1 n :
: -. 1. - -ii ' .
M:t -k- v an .a. ;rrk pse-
i j I t -. n . ; try
Mi 1 r t t tz. : i aj"iv atii !
r' a ;'.-.:: i i 1 v i-i.
IS V:." 1 ; j, !.. ti""'-
f r-.i. -; : i i-r-T
a: .a' ' c - 1 a Vii aii;
rf i..:.s 1:-:
Zi r-, : : . v. ; t vV.jJ-t
i- - . : .-' N : v .v
v - -. -x a-it . : w: -a.
a. :..r:.i, i urcfto. Tie
1 1 ;. iv t-.t
i -- - t- f.I a...r
ai. . ; i i-i - -:ara:"f ail
r. - i 1; z j i.t t as
i-i i a r'L.--i it; a ". aeraif-
V vsi !r. ;.a;r-.vai. l.er. toe-tt
Ras;. ; ne ki i' s.a.t..f
li. . Y.
Oa 1 : a.v l;.tl Jr mu!
Hat rtti. a"S tit w r
Mac; t; ai $ W'. RJsi ijw tt.
III ;r ir: cif US per lo. iACy
OS 114 I-v pw t:a.
P. ;at-M- C.$gitl rr isaire-i
Ecct Orec.-a tZHt to Sic j-r ist.
B.fc.-att .-.tc
B.!wrJiaJJk l t l ;- uir I-1
fa U err-anwry, U t T6.
A; -ti.Motr I! M.
Il.exy li M'tt p9 faaML
Prti;! i 4Dti l:.:. it fr J; !".."
to. t; ; Tl, sfi.wA. F. we
IVri A;7 f a 6-x-l, Qaj-tr-ri .
HS ;-;'Ci.i. a-4x-i I:. Jkscf lr.-t
a . '. -.c : 1 1
f: T
-i3w . a
. a, ai4 (Jrmi
a O T V-rt,v
ia a i.rr a:U;c
it jr -i. rx u
f(Iit. if Kf
Facta Hut Caa4 m f Tak tb
Arw y lor tb Ftto CooijwMait,
tx Brat ka Cr for &ritT
DUu aa4 Dtabctc.
l-r. at 10 o'clock a. ro.. and that
I mil) prmiK-at lb follow ln pctlt!"n
to t:.l ciurt taid day for aaid II
cce IatfJ (Vt V-T !5.
Pet tion.
Ta the HonoraM County Court of
Clacka-ra C.Rty :
J We. the i5dr)rifc). r! Inta
iaad tt! Tf?er of 0-ro l'rwfnct.
! CUflar.a C'mty State of Or
. . , , . ,ra. fccn'l)! rtstfal?y j.!(Um your
n. H w e.-F ' Me "bJrWWt r. C i'.t-
a la.-. aai a.; a4. I tf, t
av u tiy a ta. m. m i-.t t u '! tptrtttimia, ma't and vlnu-
rt-rr-r aw u uu miUibMi JUt, So ! ijuantitiM than
JL.-':t aS-4. '' "'s' t"- 'S th town of (-tcr,
w. Ls.i. PMukt ifct s CHwm Pm-'aet, Clark aar.at County,
O.. rirf-ik lt a nmifrt u a j a i f tat of Orr a :
Woasa u Well is l
v "- W I I ?
. tl
Bladder In
ine ; Vr dr4 7 ct; tie-?.
Si I t li ; . r ieaJ!; dre tr:
firel T w T $-1; lait. I;ve.
Sa'Mt I cr'tt
N:tt;-oe tereiy piea liat I
a;;Cy at lie t reamer re',;u cf
lie Or-;.a City Cccsci! tor a rc-ew-a:
r.y sa'-xs Jim. at cy j-.rvrtt
;ia-C ci t ut:.re, tie te;t Sa:. .
S-t'etti Sirt aii Railrtmi A'
taa aai t:. J wnai T
; .,. ji.ta.jA. ISaw
rtmttcut aoti awi Kmui mi
t OaH & I"ifc tuaar tt(r" Pfi?
tfwa, a yyfcwiaisfc muni J.Ka.t a4
lrt :i a sura ti a 6.m jutt a
&a 'cc" t'tt-a.
to oxl 5 ti.at it cas i-e re-alily eat
ea iy lie izwli.. Cats wieat azi e;ra
are sir.est l:-r lie l;li at sigii
Ps-sliry Tr.tzse.
N:oee It ieriy r.rea ti.at w w.r
a;;-Iy at tie t-eit reirslar et-i.c
tie Creeps City C:is J for a r-s a',
cf cr tkc3 !. at c-r jrvr.1
j.Iace of ttitae. Maia ftrrt. -
CXaa aCW tf U vfrxbfct
t rrfcusuoi. Mi.-mt fciti t-..i .1 ta
a ui: vat w i J. m C umtt
CSU.-jaa T. Waw. U .Kj4 aeri4 aanaut
S. at.. .!. i: wr 'a Mut -1 Jlv. ,
r-i t..nm g fciit fcij it w 5
rfr-, rhifi"t; vtmit Mui; aa oau-duiu .
jtl tm.j-.ba ,
M ?fci r C-fc 1 t
(rwti 4 ttfo J: ....- fc.m
kfc-vt .; f t ! h-t u- &t ! ui 1 t :
J ' it i. 4 I il' tilt V 31. v-ufc-fcMVri
i;fc-v&yn v -fct rfci.!.
a ; .i 1 jwv.M. Sa -
r-K; t 4 r t e-at.
tifc M t a a xc t w ?ia -Cap!
.1 '-. (wkttrol. an tC urm
' it il krfrx-fcl ' fc. '- W 'l M ui
ttturu (
h-ti a fct4 it'j.aa VmW.ra t- "
.-.- -!.. jf 4. fc.f IVtM fci -i Mfc'.J .
a. mui -'. a -
if m ... aa aiji tat f u !
tat I at ta : . r. Kl u t in-u4 :
t -Hrtt t fcci fcaw? Umk I : 1
i-V a t.jAii w a.- ui
CLyjn & Co.. Ctif Df; Stvrt. '
3. tctit
T J Vi
Oa pfiliEC
w V:!r.
Carl Grai
C.--t AsIrca
T. I prows.
A H Pu:ik.
A. 3 rT!I.a.
. P ra-. !t
C. K. C: se
JI Vvrti;sr!t
R. Piatt.
S C ! a;l3
D If Vt:;
V K,i:tra
Jim Hi'.nnT
A.. PaH.
P MHJinni
W, If Catoa
J I.-tnery.
J M I.yVe
r IVJantiment.
Ha'rT Farmer.
J H Plait
J A Vix.!hotj
A R MeWUlSarca.
M A Moftohoa.
A S. '!).
j jor.t)8.
i. p. v..ff-a.
r j. p..!
H-r.f 1 Car
Wrs Wjvrtataricft. 1. Ifaliisan
O C Da;ia
i xtie.
It a
cr as estate -li; ie
- ?vt V- i-.fc
ti c-r rxr Tier t.-at in
esrtate at aiot two sti-sj." i.
Ici T:.fi-u izd Children
Tli Yea Em Almjj B::gtt
Ncc-re is ierrt j r-tes tiat I :'.I
ar;iy at lie seit rvci.ar r.v-t.r c c-f
tie Orer:-s City Ccsci2 for a rea-.
01 sty a.- s at ct
tlaoe c-f tas;2e. Mais itreet
tea Fosrts asl F:fti Street.
Terrs of Cai iz kas-l c-r a?
; ; -J te-Cir:!.
I'at-1 ti... Jlt 'ay of OcloVr, A.
' LflV! STEflMAN.
" Ai-x;trat :r of tie Kstate of A. W.
!it-t. tf-a!w-i.
. I;:ct 4- D-s;ic. Att-raeya for Al
1 s.:s..-tra. -r
C Watk-eri.
'.- ?':;
P C It eai:.t.
! fl A -t;'t. a
fr.5 Irtt
' Kz I" ati-er.t
; Piatt
; T Slr-.v-lva
i Wi:r4 p:att
Fri Sn-latrirer
j I-
!A J Mock.
j J 2:ity
; A. I- Hrr:tt'oa
F.,! Carrn
I. Q HtrriEirtB.
W I. Marr!tjri'n
C It Il.tifr
Ciaa Wa'liEC
7. KXK'R itrf'er
F IV Var.kr.
F V. Wi:'t!er.
A S;-ja?i
F M l-ihby,
IV C. Prysa.
Pter Kt-ytwr
A. Wrlw-uth.
J.-.ia Krtfkftos.
J R. as
P. C- :.-ar.r
J a Q-iar.theai,
P J Var.liyw
J Vasly.
C Vaaljyte
O r Wi:!n.
F P '.V;
J. is GatsSIklas
1 1
Kidney trouUe titra .
.lctrak'r and kwnMlr,:
" tw
th it i J.
n f.t!l.
'""j actf
tUil-t nrinatettfjoohfa, jitj,e8r"
t!e f rah.or tf, Wn tiWchild
K l Ikj21 !,;, t '
... . . . . vws
tbr iottcUr!litt;La. Timn'.''
Uwih'tt la due to a d var
the kidnrta n J 1U! !rr jj k,
ha!-il at nnwt j-rx tu;-,
': atr;i n-.ta tn
at'.e w.tU kxbrT and U,,l,iwt.
1V liruj; ;:., in t'.'.y- ff
ctoi an. 1 unt-j.::ii ffjt
;.-e tw't:r. Vt Kii) jif...
Lave a aR;j.!e UitV.'c
I'V mail urr. a.vi a
I-s-pn-'t w;iJf ! a.ictSw
acJttcie many the thMjttai'
""'ai icurf Wtunl fnjai,
rxfe.'. la nt:a I. Ki!IB-
tnnjcJumt., N. V., U ur 1.
' I!arf . H,H K-ale
-iy t
came, Sia:
r-fr of the II -n Arthur L !
Jadc of t. C!rrat ffMlrt 1
Coysty ( f MaltrMirnah, Fttt
E. In th Orpn CKy Entf.
swk!y e-tarr of ton-raN
;tk.a In C'a-ia-aaa County, !
. ka. eisr.fs8r!n(t Friday! f
1 13. aad cnatinattiK to tai
j fR Friday. NoasW J. i
Attorney for F
Sit ce ts C'ti tsa.
CROATS BOT MIXING A MILLING CO, fa ccrporatiDsS, Lccatios of
Pristipai ;-.a of issess. Greets City. Catsastas C?-stT, Ore-zos. 1 How
ell A J:t;e Ert.? St-re. os Ma.s Stree-t, i-ets Suti as ;iT-v
Streets. " " '
N:-tice is iere'ty rea liat liere is lelis;-:est s?:s tie fi"o-is? d
tLA fiocs of sa;i eorporaifca os tccotst cf as..5 stasis TiJ ty tie
Bc-ard of Direcvj-rs tiereof, os tie dates asd ia tie seTeraf aiosis 7'
opposite tie saxes cf tie ressectiTe siockholiera. as follows:
Is tie Ccssty Court cf tie Sta'e cf
. Orr-tii, ijt tie Cousty cf Clack-a-as..
Is lie starter of tie estate f Cir.s
ttta &:rt:er. decea.Mi-
1 Notice is iereby itTTea tiat tie us
ders.rred ai isistratcr of tie aVjie
eslille-l e-state. ill tVl at jrtiate
. sal oa Saturday, tie 2i day cf I-csti-er,
A. D. !.$. or asy day tiere
after. lie i:".oizg decrite-d real
prc.;teny ie-k.sjrsg to tie estate cf
Ciristisa Gonler. decease. t.;t:
Tie Narti c-se ka'.f aid tie N r.i
ose half cf tie S-'-u'i cr.e ta'.f ' f tie
c-se (3D Towrj-h:?
NtSe l trtjr irtTfo tiat ti o-
d-r!rT,-d iate by l Co-jtty Cmrt
ut C'ar kt-r.a roaaty. 5 tat .f Orec.a.
aiii:r.!5 tpcvrr of ti will
Cir.aa. de-
Is tie trailer of tie ttal of Wtllias
; C. L:ctteslialer. decafced.
' Notxe it hereiy cites liat Go.
I'll. Ti.- a .. on th '.'S ut
Oewt-l IKS. duly a;tc,!cted Eiecn-1 43 ' c Kirr.-r E
tor cf ti tat of vi:::a c iirh- o-aM-d.
1 tentiaier. deca4.
! Tiat all persai baTis c'.aisn
'ara-s't a:l ia! are hereby rjs.r-
; e-1 to s.e tie aasj. duly tertSed. itk i
fa.:; Eiectttor at tie f2e of Geo. H j
'Ttoaat. a tie Atstworta Blok. at!
N-rtiet eoreer of Zi asd Oak '
Ail rr.o fca'.r. eiaiitt aratatt
aid Ute are trely twot:f.ed to pre-
f-.--r tnjfhrr and
! '-r.t ties with
pr'-Tiy wil to tie nad-r:nf.l.
at tie offif of H !; A GrifEta. at
torney at law. Of.-icoa City, Orrc-m.
w:ti:a i'.t taoatta from the date of
Streeu. Portia a id. Or-c 3 wliiia i:n
tie irst pablicatsoa of
r.-'. tti fro a
ti; tot'.ir.
Four () awtta, -
rasce two east, ostaiais? o:
N aires.
Na. cf
A. W. Adasusoa. &-
Eli Deck. 10
Ciar.es F. Lase, ST
No cf
in :s
Ia tie Coasty Court of ti
Ore? a. for tie Cous.y
Oate cf
March 1. 1S-.S.
Feb, 1. A March 1, IK 5
Fe-braary Z't. i:4,
March 15. lfr-C-4.
May 1, l-v-4.
Jure 1. IK 4.
July 1. 1I4.
Aur-t 1. iK i.
Septeatir 1, 1 3 "H .
Notes: ier 1, IK 4.
December 1, 1K4.
February 1. 1K5.
March 1. 1K5.
March 1. IKS,
June 1, IK-4.
July 1. 1K4.
A u rust L IK 4.
Septeisber 1. 1K.-4.
November 1. 1K4.
Dvce-i-r 1. 1K-4.
February I. IK'S.
March 1, IKS.
Asd ia accoriar.ee with law, and - orier of lie Boar I of Directors
v.. '-'- vi si- iii; tetessary. se s.o-i at public
auctioa at tie office of Howell A Jones, oa Maia 'street betwea S-it'aa'd
Seveata Streets, Orezoa City, Oreeoa on Tsm'k ft. --y ,"t r.
of 4 o'clock p. n.. of said day at sail place, to c-av
iusdre-d asd tveaty-tiree acres, a'.ta- i "ctor. t,uie o: w i.aa c Licit-
ate ia Claciaatas Couaty. Ore-r-a. 1 B---r. L-eceasec
Terras c-f Sale: Cash ia iasd or ap-1 I
C li. CAl'FlELf).
tat5 Octnbr rT,
H- ir- A Griffith, Atlorcut
Dated tiis 3:t day cf October. A.
D.. 1K 5. W. H. GORTLER. '
t;a Gortler. deceased.
D: Click A Diauic, Attorseyt for Ad- J
isiaistraior. , Ja th taatter of tie estate of 0.
V il;:aras. deceased
Notice is
i ucderticaed
cf rt! $'-
' la ti Circuit Court of tfc Stat of
Orr--a. for tie Coaety of Ciacka-
! ra a.
I Aaiaada Yar-r. p:air.t:ff.
; v
iJoha H. Ya-r If.-r. fant
hereby cit-a tiat tse i To Ju-n H. Yager, defendant aStot
0r-Kca, for the Coast y of Clacks-
,f thf f-.
deae-!. ! ,a n of th Stat of Oron.
Eliza oeth M. R-oos,
C. E. Stuart. ;
c... , State of Geonre WslUatas.
' - v .. - - . v . - v . - . . - Y.'i-! V .... . t . .
B.t ebsi account as a-ta::a:.traU'r of mu " r' w,p njpiamt n.-j agasnit
a the aU.v eatit:d a-j.t. la the
urt oa or t-fore Sat-
25. IK'S, the sarr.e
from the first publi-
la tie tatter of the tav of V l- sa'd tate aad that tie a aid court ': 1
::.5-3 , Hacer deeeas. itas fixed Moaday. the ;th day of No- "amea co
:. vrt'-r tw.. -ro- .v ,v ' vetaber. 1KS. at the court room r,f ' ur,'-r. Notemtjer
dersim,-i 't-initr'f.f m -w.'d court ia Orecwo City. Clackarcas "''"S ks
In th Orc-i't Court of the Sal r
Orrit,a. f ,r the County et'CdV
a. a a U
Lucinda M Hofftnafi, Plaintiff. Ut
Pure. O Hofnjin. ppfendant fen
To Pirc ) Ifoffmao, the tv
r.arr.! J-f-i far.t fit
la th cam of th State of Orf
you are fcwfby rtjtiired to appn: f t
aaar th complaint filed ir-T
y--i ia the aVsote entitled tult. tefcr
aaNit aarr.t-l court, oti or befor
urday, N.t-r !-r !S. 1903, (he i"
I'-'-r.r it t--ka from the flrtt p.!
cati a of thia auxmona. and yos 1
tak aotic that If yo fall In tot
r ar and a--.ier Mid cotop.'aDt, "
I!a!nt:f !.! ajfsly to the Court
th r-'itf ts.asdd la tatd complul
t.!f That th bond of matrlm
tit:r.c htt-a ion and the pit!;
b tllavilt-!
Thia aummont ! publlihed ty
or ;- of the Hun Arthur I. Tnl
Judc of th Circuit Court 0! :
Coustr of Multnomah. Stat a
r-a. ia the Orc.n Oty Er.tcrp-
voa-My nwpap.r of (teneril tj
tion In Clackamaa ( oiinty. vt
aooii i-rimmcnclntr Frtdf. Ol
IS. !. and contlnulnr to tads
ing Friday. Notomix-r :4. W5.
Attorney for Ti
eatitiei etate. will tell at privat sale '. county, orem. as tie t.rae an-t piac
oa Saturday, the 2d dav of riecnber. i tor tear'nS objections to taid final
A. D IKS 'or asv daT 'thr-a"er the i account
fo'.k.wia? described real property be-! JOHN P. COLE,
lonriaz to tie estate of A. v. Haey ' Adaiiaistrator of the estate of G.-orge
decease-d. to-wit: A enasa piece or
Wsi'iants. deceased.
cation or t'.U tarcmon. and yon l!l
tak.' notice that If you fail to so ap
!ar and an.twr tald complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the rolU'f demanded in tald complaint
to-wit: That the bond of matrirrsnnt-
l-e-n? ia
ar 1 t--4
3. R. 1
.iaa, and
II-. S, at tie ho
and ei;-rT..-r-s of tie sale.
By orier of tie Boari
Co a: as t.
L4:-.-i tils ii dav of
First pubiicatioa Oct. 27. 1KS.
taereoa together
o! a-iTertij:i
of DL-ectors of tie Crows Boy Mining A Millit
NoTeatber. A. D. IK'S.
LINN E JONES. Secretary
parcel of iaad. iy:nz a:, i
in? a part of Sectioa Sv. T.
E. of the Wiliaaette Merl
w-ffinnine at a p.o;nt on the line be
tween Sections ii and l- .:..7
touts of tr.e Nor.h Ea.-t corner of j Notice is h-rebv riven that t un
said section 3": thence West 6.54 dersieaM will applv to the Co.;-tr
chs.: thence North 11. S3 rr. ; thence Court of Clackacat' Coontv f .r a ii-
. . v.,-.M.-- n..ij icj. cense 10 se.i spirituous, ma;
jj ir f.ave u, .. conta;niCC hoi: a :,-i--.,-,t fnf tt
Hedges & Griffith. Attorneys for ad- 1 Plf'lnR between you and the plaintiff T
1-2 acr-s.
and v n-
iquors for the period of 12
months, from the Cth day of I).-c.-a;-
mm m
So frequently settle oa the lusgs and result ia Pneumonia or Consumption, Do net take chances oa a cold wearing
away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble.
be dissolved.
This summon is published by the
or -U-r of the Hon. Arthur U Fra.'.-r
Juc?e of the Circuit Court f the
r'""-ty of Mu'tnornah. Stat of Ore-t'-
ia the Oregon City Ent-rpr!, a
' -k!y nwpapr of enr1 clrcuia
tion ia Clackamaa County, for 'i
commenc'nc Friday. October
1-. IS-'-, and rontsnaine to and includ
. in? Friday, NoTmbr 24. li"S.
Attomy for Plaintiff.
Notice to Crea tors.
je? LATEST tVj. : kf'ts i ILHSE "if zTtl
Cures Coughs and Colds quickly and preyents
Pneumonia and Consumption
Notsce is fcereby riven that the un
t deri.rn-,3 has r-en appint-l r-tecu-tor
of tit. -ta' of John V. Hirt de-;cf-aei
by the r-ur.-y Court of C'.ack
;ama County. Oregon. All persons
J hav;r.r claims airainst the said estate
I hr'! n"t'.fid to po-nt the tame
; .or paym-nt with proper vouchers at
(!T.y r-sidnce n.-ar Garfi.-M. Clacka-;rna-
County. Oregon, within li months
i from the date of this notice
j Da:, i October 24th. IK'S
1 Excutur of the estate of John V. Hirt
! deceased.
' Gordon E Hayes, Attorney for Estate.
In th Circuit Court of the &
0-.-i.-on, for Clackamat Coaii!
JaT.fH Giit rt-ath. Plaintiff,
N i:u Gilhrf-ath. rMi-ndtct
N.-lli C.ilbr.-a:h. lXd5!
In th name of th State of Of
you are hereby r-yiired to V
and answer the o!cilint filed
yoa in the iNkc entitled c'-"'.:f
ilt on or before th eipint'Jl"
'k from and af;.-r thed!
first publication of this rmwf
it : dnor N f.re 1 "h itjdSy
. U-r. IKS; and if you fail W ,r;j.
.for want tht-rcf. th
ply to the curt for the '-f P"
f ir ia his onsplaint on f4tew!
sit: That the t-.r. S d B1,
a- exist in Nt.r. the P'1
an 1 d.-i-ndant ! (ii--!ve4
.rr,-.H,l .f t.Mu.rt!.n tTIA ba6S'-
o,f the plaintiff by def-cdaet to
n-i of r.tu.-i- than one year.
nifh i.tHcr an, I fiirthi-r reilf
;ed for in the eompUmt and I
,tho court may stt-ai eQait V
5-r- ;t r.
. This summons i putiishesJ
d-r of the Honorable Thonsts
Hrde. a Juds of the Circuit C
the State of On-ron. and the",
, d-r was made and datrd it? :,
,of Octoir. ;:,. and the dtt
' r.rt publication th.ereof U
(!jt cf IV. t.r.vr ! M'i
' T. H McDEVn'
; Attornty for r'1
C Cager, 211 a-!e St., Cstspi-p, 13., writes:
a I troul-Ied wia a tackic cocgb for a rear and
1 tioifht 1 tad ccnsua-ptic-n. 1 tried a g-tit rr.ar.r
remedies asi I was under tie care of chvs--a for
several ir.c-rtis. I
beta trciiiiei aiace."
esei one bottle of FOLEY'S
It cared nte, aad I have cot
Henry Livingstone, Bifcvloa, N. Y., writea: "I
had teen a sufferer !ta Ercnchits for twentv teirs
and med a treat rranv with roor results until' I'used
TAR which cured me cf
- fti a treat rranv win
tny bronchus wiuca I supposed as incurable.
THREE SIZES, 25c, 50o and $1.00 Refuse Substitutes
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Orr-eon. for the County of Clacka
mas. '
Frieda VanCuren, Plaintiff. i
VS. ;
Chark-3 VanCuren. Defendant i
To Charles Van Cures, the above
name-d defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against 1
you in the above entitled uit. in the
aa.ove nax-d court oa or lfore Sat-,
urday, Novmb-r 25, ik-5, th same
feeing 6H weeks inm the first publi
cation of this summons, and vou will
take notice that if you fail to o ap-.
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court f
trie relief demanded in said complaint '
town: That the bonds of matrimonv i
ensting between you and the plaintiff
be dissolved. ...
TLia suasmona ij published by the
In the County Court of ti f.
Oregon, for the County of
1 an.a , ,.
Ia th Matter of the E-tateor-
McNamara. Iv-ct-afM
Notice i hereby c :!
undenirned executor of the I-'
and titanent of James Mf
d.M--ased. ha filed ia the a .
t:t!-.l curt bis final
adtniniitrathtn of the said
thai the said court ha
the l.sth dav of IWcrr.Vr. 1
the hour of l'"t:') o ckM-k ia tw
r.-.a of sai l day at the court te
.a: J County Court, ia f-f.'. or
and state, a the tin: and P-4
hearing objection thereto. . .
Executor of the will of Jasse
ara. deceased.
Hedp8 A Griffith. Attorney . I
First publication October Jo '