r OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, Fit I DAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1905. ...Short Sidehead Stories... ! TIiSI!I.V-TOI.I) TALKS OH THU Wlil'K'5 DOINOS. ryi More State Taxes County (rcasurer ICiioh C'u)i 111 paid Into tho ate treasury 1 2.000 to apply on the laekanins County Htuto tax. Thorn (tmtalnB a balance dun the Htuto of 15,000. Tho totul tax was f:M,0l)O. New Waiting Room The residents (itadHioiu) aro more man proud the now waiting room thnt in noon provided at mat sta- Sun bv tho Oregon Wnlor Power nd Railway Company. Tho linprovo- was Kiouuy illinium. that had boon offered by other cattle men of tho vicinity In which tho cou gar had extensively operated among tho goat hnrdM, ono farmor losing an many uh 25 head. pout Dolna Well In Oregon City. Cloo. lingham, fonnorly of Corvallls, wit Oregon City, arrived town Ttiimday evening. WoilnoB- lay, be wont on over to Alsoa to hiond n few dayH with 7.nhn brothers kiintlng Mi". Hlnghiiin Hays that ho pretty wi'll HutlHllml In Oregon City, he lscloiirliig $1,000 per your. ('or- IlUlS Gazette. More Teachers Atilgned Tlio fob bwlng Ink vo boon recently addod p the IIhI of Clackamas County leachorH:; J. W. Thomberry, Do tor; iJ. W. Kvun, Klrwood; Murk jl. Hancock, IMiiinsciis; Nellie Itock ftt, Cherry vlllo; Pearl Weaver, hn; (1. I). Hrown, (Had Tiding; H. lloggeHH, HCOllH Mill; Uiolu Junhain, Colton. found Guilty and Were Fined U 10 sequel oi lumuy irounio, )obn M Olds and IMwurd HlgglnH, onvlcti'd by ft Jury In tho Justice (ourt liiHt Friday of hhhuii 1 1 and but Jury OH Charlie Reese, Old's brother-in-law, wore tlnod $fi0 ouch and costs. Jhe case liiiM boon appealed to tho fclrcult court. Reese, tho complaining fltnosH, wiih Hovoreiy beuten. Rip. Strawberries any Old Time rs. W A lleylmun and Mrs. L. O. Herrlngton wont to Clackamas Octo ber 15 and picked fivo quarts of nlco, ripe itrawberrlos from a patch of Lovett's on Dan Talbert's runch, nays lie Bstaeada Ncwm. Ho had about m aorn of MiiK')iiB In full bloom, fr. Tulbort bud strawberries last ar for Thanksgiving dinner, no cared J.m) itim summer iroin inn btct of Iiovcrt berries, tommittee Ends Its Work The executive committee having In barge t ho exhibit from this county the UwIh and Clark If air held a kcetliiK TueHday and closed up all tmlDi'HH matters pertaining to the hlblt from thlH countv. In tho yard of premluinH, Clackamas Couu- racelved 1100 of tho third premium, kothcr with the allowance of $500 ia the Htuto. Tho exhibit 1h worth R)(H. Tho HubHtantlal features of e exhibit are being preserved as a fcleuH for future exhibits. Treated Wife Cruelly In a suit for divorce filed hero, Octavla Aimpund charges Andre A. Auspund with having pructlcod cruel truutmont towards her to tho extent that Mho was frequently obliged to leave the homo In order to avoid him. I'lulntirr represents thnt her hiiHbund earns from $250 to $500 at hla bust turns and asks the court to allow hor permanent alimony of $50 per month and give her tho custody of one minor child. Tho partleH wore married In NebruKka In July, 1897. A FAMOUS R.EMEDY Did Not Even Take a Drink 10. A. Ilrudy'H auloon wuh entered early WedneHduy morning, hut noth ing of value wuh taken, tho Htock not even being dlHturbed. It In tho belief of Mr. Ilrady that tho vlaltors wero after money, but the proprietor doea not believe In having that aort of bait about liU place of hualnoHH and there wuh not to be had any of tho filthy lucre. Mr. Hrady Ih pohIIIvo ho lock ed securely both entranceo to tho building when he Ktmpcndcd hUHlnoHH Tor tho night, but both doora wero found ajar the following morning. It Ih believed entrance wan gained by u Puhh key through the Hldo door. kill Monster Cougar Sunday, Or- i Cutting and mm, of Molalla, ;!'! one of tho largest cou- hi that wuh ever killed In the coun- li5 pounds Inches Mr. tUng being himself a stockralser. klbied to uccopt any of the rewards An Entertaining Program For originating novel and entertaining programmes and then successful ly carrying them out to tho completo entertainment of largo audlencen, tho King's DuughtorH of 8t. raid's Epis copal church, of thlH city, are not to be excelled. Annuully during tho Halloween season theHo young Indies give an appropriate entertainment and that given at tho Armory last Friday evening was all that could bo desired. More than forty young peo ple participated In tho programme which consisted of a number of clever dunces and exercises In costume. Following tho programme dancing was Indulged In until nearly midnight. Added to Forest Reserve A gen eral news Item from Washing ton suyH that about 2.1,400 acres In tho Eastern edgo of Clackamas county are to bo addod to tho Cascade forest reserve within a short time, thU area having been withdrawn from all Have mineral entry. On tho tract in ques tion rlHes tho South fork of the Clack amas river and several lesser streams ond moreover, the land In question contains much valuable timber. Tho proposed addition lying about C5 miles southeast of Portland is aH follows: Sections 2, 4. C, 8, 10, 12, 14, 22 to 28 both Inclusive and 32, 33, 34 and 35 In township 1 south, and range 5 east. and sections 27, 2X, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, ami 35, in township 4 Houth, range 6 eiiHt. t iThe nnltnnl weighed Id J measured 0 feet 0 Fight for Dead Man's Gold Alleg lug that the late V. C. Lich- tcnthaler executed a will subsequent to the Instrument that was admitted to probate last week, tho heirs of the leurrd MYronifh wllh Ormitn Bynipt" Jle wrol tu Iir. . (1. (.rem ; "An' a true n I trll vH. l'M-ti,r clrr, I'm fteliu' finer thun ever I've been I" The txKir consumptive should not be the victim of experiment, he often is, but the moment the dread disease mani fests it presence he should he given Ho scIipc's German Syrup a pure, non-alco- made specially tor the cure of consumption, and iiasa world wide fame ah a certain remedy for catarrh, colds, coughs, croup, sore throat and all bronchial affections in old and voting. It is sold in all civilize 1 countries, and has lieen famous us a consumption cure or almost ball a centurv. Trial bottle, 25c. '.'' bottfe, 75c. At all druggitits throughout the world. Char man & Co., City Drug Store deceased have filed contest proceed ings In the Probate Court. By the terms of tho instrument that has boen probated, tho estate, which consists of $5,000, with tho exception of minor bequeHta of from 10 cents to $1 each to various relations, Is left to one brother, F. M. Llchtenthaler, of port land. The will that Is probated was executed In 1902 and the contesting heirs contend that the deceased exe cuted a will subsequent to that date. Llchtenthaler's dead body was found a few days ago at his cabin near Wll-sonvlllo. Repairing the Bridge Bridge Builder McKay, of Oregon City, who does most of the county bridge building and repairing, has had a number of men at work the past week repairing the Clackamas river brldgo. The old structure was In a tottering condition and It is taking a largo quantity of heavy timber to put It In a safe condition once more. Nearly every piece of timber in the brldgo needs replacing with new ma terial, and even the main parts of the structure, which at first was thought In a safe condition, has been found U) be sadly in need of repairs. How ever, after Mr. McKay gets through with his work, the public need not hesitate at passing over the bridge. Kstacada News. OPERATIONS AVOIDED wo Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided Serious Operations. Many Women Suffering irom Like conditions Will Be Interested. !Whfn n physician tellsa woman, snf Hng from ovarian or womb trouble, at an operation is necessary it, of urse, frightens her. i The; very thought of the operating ible and the knife strikes terror to r heart. As ono woman expressed it when told by her physician that she lust Undergo an operation, she felt at her death knell had sounded. Our hospitals are full of women o are there for ovarian or womb rations! It is quite true that these troubles Trench a Ntuge where an operation (the only resource, but such cases are pch farer than Is generally supposed, (cause a great many women have N cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's (getablo Compound after the doctors W said an operation must be per proed. In fact, up to the point where knife must be used to secure instant Met, this medicine is certain to help. (The strongest' and most crateful Hearing how Lydia E. rinkham't Vegetable Compound had saved other women from serious operations I decided to try it, and in less than four months 1 was entirely cured; and words fail to express my thankfulness." Miss Margret Merkley of 275 3d Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes: Dear Mrs. Fink hum: "Loss of strength, extreme nervousness, severe shooting pains through the polvio organs, cramps, bearing down pains, and extreme Irritation compollod me to seek medical advice. The doctor, after making an examination, said that I had ovarian trou hie and ulceration, and advised an operation as my only hope. To tills I strongly objected and I decided as a lost resort to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " To my surprise the ulceration healed, all the bud symptoms disappeared, and I am once more strong, vigorous and well; and 1 can not express my thanks for what it has done for me." Ovarian and womb troubles are steadily on the increase among women and before submitting to an opera tion every woman should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. for advice. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been curing the worst forms of female complaints, all ovarian troubles, inflammation, ul ceration, falling and displacement of the womb, leucorrhoea, irregularities, indigestion and nervous prostration. Any woman who could read the many grateful letters on file in Mrs. Pink ham's office would be convinced of the efficiency of her advice and Lydia E, raxnam 1 vegetable compound, ttements possible to make come from moo who, by taking Lydia E. Pink F's Vegetable Compound, have Japed serious, operations. Wargi ite Ryan, Treasurer of St. An vv's Society, Hotel English, Indian j'is,lnd. ,writes of her cure as follows: fjMrs. Pinkham: cannot find words to express mv thanks tne good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ppound did me. The doctor said I could (' get well unless I had an operation for nn and female troubles. I knew I could ' stand the strain of an operation and made r mind I would be an Invalid for Ufa. I Bra. Pinkham's AdvkMA Wemao Best Undentudi a Woman'! His. 14 Moore Won the Bet E. J. Noble, alius "Hones," the faithful local agent for the Oregon Water not as a rule do things by halves. Hut last Friday afternwm he found himself the victim of circumstances and could not help himself. While comfortably reclined in a chair at the O. K. tonsorial parlors, Jos. Good fel low, who Is something of a practical Joker, entered the shop Just as Luther Moore had half-shaved the transpor tation company's agent. "I'll give you a dollar If you will turn Noble out as he is," interrupted Goodfellow. "I am from across the Mississippi river," retorted tho man who was handling tho razor, "and you will have to make a practical demonstration." Goodfellow produced the necessary coin, whereupon operations were sus pended by the knight of the razor and the unfortunate victim of the joke, leaving the chair, washed the lather from his face, and cooly proceeded down Main street in the transaction of his company's business, returning a few hours later to have the job fin ished. Goodfellow, however, is of the opinion that he was jobbed for he thinks the other two fellows divided the proceeds. Popular Cartoons The art of news paper illustration in its present form is a development of recent years. Newspaper cartoons have become a most popular feature of up-to-date metropolitan daily papers. The unique and catchy drawing now appearing daily on the front page of the Chicago Record Herald is one of the many special features of the great paper. The Record-Herald has been fortunate In se curing one of tae best young artists in the country to carry out its popular policy of presenting each day a hu morous and good-natured cartoon. Mr. Ralph Wilder is one of the com ing men In newspaper work. His suc cess has been as pronounced as it has been rapid. He shows all of the good natured humor and the brighter side jf everyday common life which ha8 carried his work to a very popular success. His drawings are on all of the various subjects of popular inter est, political and otherwise. Current events are vividly portrayed in a way that pleases, yet often giving just crit icism in a way that does not offend. Through his excollent work on east ern magazines Mr. Wilder first at tracted universal attention. The Re-2ord-Herald recognized in him at once a cartoonist of unusual promise, and congratulates its readers on hav ing been fortunate enough to engage him. Would Not Accept Sheriff Shaver the other day received two brief letters the contents of which caused a broader smile than usual to take possession of his natur ally pleasant face. The letters came as a result of mailing notifications to those who were recently drawn for jury service at the November term of the Circuit Court and whose resi dence is so far distant from the city as to make it inconvenient to obtain personal service. Accompanying the notifications were blank forms of ac ceptances which the recipients of the letter from the Sheriff's office were requested to fill out and return. This was done in a majority of in stances but in two cases, the pros- TO ALL LOVERS OF GOOD MUSIC We carry a large stocR of the Victor Talking Machines and Victor Disk Records and Edison Phonograph and Edison Cylinder Records HIS master's VOICE The Victor is so perfect that it is often mistaken for the human voice. There is no limit to the variety of selections this matchless instrument will recite for you. fedison . rnonograpn v 1 The Edison has always been a wonderful device, but Mr. Edison's recent improvements have "placed it In the foremost ranks)asa charm ing musical instrument. We will sell the Victor Machines at $17.50, $20.00, $25.00, $27.50 $32.50, $35.00 and $45.00. Victor 7 inch records 50c each or $ 5.00 per dozen 10 - " 1.00 " 10.00 " " 12 " " 1.50 " 15.00 " " lOOtm Kit- TMC U u Edison Phonographs at $10.00, $20.00 $30.00 and $50.00. Edison Records 35c each. Why not come in and listen to these Machines. Free Concerts daily. Burmeister & Andresen The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner. pective Jurymen being Germans, the blanks were not filled out at all but Instead a brief letter was sent back informing the officer of the law that they did not care to accept the in tended service. This necessitated the making of a special trip by a Deputy Sheriff to remote parts of the county when the two farmers were convinced of the need of their presence on the term of court. This is an exceedingly busy time of year with the farmer who dislikes to leave his farm work to perform tedious jury service. Not recognizing that it was imperative for them to respond to the subpoenas, these two industrious farmers evi dently thought they would not volun tarily accept a service that would seriously interfere with their agricul tural work. SOCIALIST MASS MEETING. The Socialists expect to meet at Knapp's Hall next Sunday, November 5, for their regular monthly meeting, when several questions of unusual Interest will be discussed. A new state constitution for the party will be read, which it is proposed to sub mit to the members throughout the state to be adopted or rejected by a referendum vote. It is proposed also to levy an extra assessment each month for campaign funds until next election, and this matter will come be fore the meeting. A good literary program is being prepared, and a speaker and the state secretary from Portland, will probably be present. The morning session will commence at 11 a. m., when the business of a routine nature will be transacted and dinner will be served at noon by the woman members. This is to be a general mass meeting of all Clacka mas county Socialists to inaugurate a winter agitation to extend until next election, and a large attendance is expected. The feeling that they must join the o official organization and work together to effectively spread their doctrines," is growing among the Socialist voters, and new applications for membership are be ing received at each meeting, as a consequence. ' LIVERYMAN LOSES A RIG. Stranger Hires Conveyance for Short Drive Fails to Return. H. S. Moody, proprietor of the Fashion Stables in this city, this week lost a horse and buggy of which he has not been able to obtain the slight est trace. Sunday afternoon a young man aged about 20 years, engaged the rig saying he desired to drive to Jones' Mill and would return within three hours. He has not yet put in an appearance. The stranger wore a militia cam paign hat and a blue coat and vest of military uniform. "Queen" is the name of the stolen animal which is 15 years old. The buggy is a Mitchell vehicle, black, and the side curtains are num bered 10 as is also the frame be neath the seat. Mr. Moody offers a reward for any information concern ing his stolen property. CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Your Life and Your Health When a Cure Is so Easy. Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, backache, urinary disorders, lameness and stiffness in the back, and allow themselves to become chronic Inva lids, when a certain cure is afforded them? Doan's Kidney Pills is the remedy to use because it gives to the kidneys the help they need to per form their work. Doan's Kidney Pills cure, and cure permanently. If you have any, even one of the numerous symptoms of kidney complaint, cure yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy or Bright's disease sets in. Read this, testimony. Mrs. Conradina Arnold, of 440 East First St., Albany, Oregon, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills did me a deal of good. I used them for rheumatic pains across the small of my back and down through the sides which were very severe when I stooped to lift any thing or sat in one continued posi tion for any length of time. I got Doan's Kidney Pills and commenced their use. I began to get better right away and continued taking them. They soon relieved me and I have had very little trouble since. I shall always try to keep Doan's Kidney Pills in the house and will recommend them at every opportunity." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at C. G. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take not other. EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. Nov. 4th, Quarterly Conference at Oregon City, 2 p. m. 1 Nov. 5 Quarterly Meeting, Sunday and Communion Services. " Oregon City, 10:30 a. m. " Shubel 3:00 p. m. " Highland 3:00 p. m. " Oregon City 7:30 p. m. 9. Henricl School House 7:30. 12. Canby 11:00 a. m. Molalla 3:00 p. m. Carus 7:30 p. m. W. H. WETTLAUFER, Pastor. Nov. Nov. DR. FINN'S TESTIMONY. INTER ESTING. Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro. Mo., who has practiced medicine for 32 years, says he has used every pre scription known to the profession for treatment for kidney and bladder dis eases, and says he has never found anything so effective in both chronic and acute kidney and bladder trouble as Foley's Kidney Cure. It stops ir regularities and builds up the whole system. SUES COUNTY FOR DAMAGES. In an action for $2000 damages filed against Clackamas county Tuesday, Webke Krohn alleges that while driv ing over the Highland road last win ter, she was thrown from the wagon, by reason of a collision with a rut in the roadway, and sustained permanent injuries. Plaintiff is represented by Hedges & Griffith. A number of simi lar actions against the county for damages, based on an alleged faulty condition of the roads, have resulted unsuccessfully to the claimants. Bargains Unparalelled , Dry Goods of every description at prices to suit everybody. Our immense stock is the most complete in the history of our business in this city. Every lady in this county should avail herself of the opportunity of visiting our magnificent store, Dress Goods of the best materials and latest pat terns, Dress Skirts, Embroideries, Laces, and Hosieries, everything in the Ladies' Furnishing Goods line can be had at THE FAIR STORE WM. ROBISON Willamette Building Oregon Gty, Oregon.