OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1905. CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. f r'm "C a. ' ' Mutual declares he has no Inten JregOn -.Ity CntCrpriSC tlon of resigning:, and says even the UMCVllUO VflU HUi Uk UIU1 UUl l't'UrV the expiration of his term next June But whether solvent or not. those companies can never regain the pub lic confidence while their present i heads remain In power. Every policy 8uberiptlon Rates: ' nolJer of both companies should take One year 1150 pains to keep In good standing in Blx months . . 75 them so as to be able hereafter to ex Trial subscriptio'two' months.. 25 : some influence in the management . jof their affairs. St. Louis Globe IV in- 'ocrat. AdTertlsing rates on application. LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1?0" OREGON IN FRONT ROW. Subscribers will find the date of ex ptraUon stamped on their papers fol- Looking out the window, we ob lowing their name. If this is not,sorve that a handsome nonJe drawing changed within two weeks after a, a trUu runabout nas Jrawn up t0 tbe payment kindly notify us. and the : doorj anJ that a rleasant Kxking man. matter will receive our attention. iyoung enouf;h t0 take a whoiesome tn 1 'terest in the really Rood things of life, Entered it the postofflee at Oregon j old enough for the judgment and dis Cty, Oregon, as second-class matter. 1 cretion which crown experience, is j descending from the vehicle. It is Director Withycombe of the I Oregon experiment station, by com i mon consent foremost of the republi j can candidates for governor, j Dr. Withycombe has a habit of dev ' ing things, and can conduct more in ' stuutes. do more experiment work at j the station, look after more corre ; spondetice with the Inquiring farmers i of Oregon, and direct more young j men in the w ay they should go to be- i At no time in the history of tMs!conie scientific farmers than any one' State has there been such a promising i eise ja the West. j outlook for advancement of its ma-' Practically, Mr. Johns of Baker City tarsal and commercial status. The ; is lne oniy ot!er candidate. I best iaiicatioas being evidenced in ! it vn remembered that Eastern ! i a. vi t-n.'t r r . ureses w&s conceatM u:t? Dosiiuauuu more and more aroused to a sense of , it'time, with unfortunate results, civic responsibility. j This Tear it is Western Oregon's Social and economic Questions no turn, lna tvere is 00 Eaa sn the re longer remain sphinx-like enigmas. ' publican party more representative, bnt people and press alike wrestle : having greater possibilities of useful with perplexing problems with an ces min, deserving of the honor earnest endeavor to have the result Ithaa Pr. Withvcombe. who would of these cogitations prove the correct-1 we;i aaa ,rx.s to the o'ce those ress of their e Sorts in wise legis'.a-! qualities of mind and character tioa. If seme of our agitators of leg- i M Tery necessarv m the governor islaSve reform are lost In the oMiv- j Albany Herald. ion of forgetfnlness, their good works j " Q will outlive their fame. Chief among : the epoch-making laws is the enact- i THE LOS ANGELES SALOON PRO ment of the Initiative and Referen-j JECT. dnm. transferr.ng the right of legis-, For a city that uses six figures in lative sanction from the generally un-; numbering its inhabitants Los An reliable privileged few of the people geles has already repeatedly shown to whom it properly belongs. The i itself to be possessed of a peculiarly importance of the development of this j bold and enterprising spirit in the power in the hands of the people is ! adoption of promising political and Just beginning to dawn on our citi-; social innovations. Its "recall." reus, and in time this law will be ap-j which it has already put to practical predated at its proper value and re- j use. will be generally watched in its eogniied to rank with the Magna ' further workings, and its new project Charta and Declaration of Independ- for handling liQuor saloons, if it is ence. and as such should be guarded j adopted will also find many interested Jealously against all infringements i observers. The 'initiative," another and surreptitious legislative attempts ; device which Los Angeles not only at alterations. Thus while for years possesses as a civic power but act the odium of apathy and indifferent j ual'.y uses in its business, will be ap progressive ideas has been ascribed pealed to in the near future to decide to Oregon, all its citizens can justly ' the fate of the saloons, point with pride to the fact that "Old j The saloon project has been put Oregon" is now in the front rank of forth by a group of twenty-five busi the progressive States of the Union jness men who represent, it is said, in Board of Trade Journal (Portland . ;one form or another IlCnf.000.Oi) of 0 ; capital. The Gothenbug system, well , kiiowd 10 sociologists, gave them their inspiration, and a careful study ; of the situation has convinced them Take cold easily? Throat tender? Luncsucik? Anv relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a creat Cherry Pectoral deal to you. Folio v your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " Tr ? t tiT roJt t" kuhl kvito. ua,IitKh. Sf-.SOr. m . J c TIXV. ' - .for ,- Weak Lungs ' Fish and P,w Aver s Pills increase the activity of the liver, and thus aid recovery. ics but may take as w ide range as the development of the valley requires. One thing, however, that is sure to receive attention at the hands of ev ery meeting and one that interests every farmer, stock raiser or manu facturer direct is a better outlet to the high seas. Bottled up as the farmers of the Willamette valley have been since the days of the Hudson ' Bay Company, and forced as they are to pay a tribute of 50 cents a ton to Portland, still lv miles from the 1 ocean, the subject of a direct outlet . to the sea is becoming a burning is sue. There will be no let up until the embargo at Oregon City is lifted or another outlet is forced to an im proved port at Coos Bay, Yaquina or 1 Tillamook. MACKEREL No. I Shore, these are fat, late caught, about 3-4 pound each, finest quality. SALT HERRING -These are as good in qual ity as I ever had and will give entire satisfaction.. COD FISH 2 pound bricks made from select ed Cod Fish and contains no other inferor fish. HAMS AND BACON Choice cuts, mild cured, very best in the market. DR. JAMES WITHYCOMBE BENTON. OF ! mat trie transplanting of the system Among those asking for the Repub- j to a large American city will not i lican nomination for Governor, is Dr. j make it less successful. Jafces Withycome. of the state agri-! At present Los Ansreles has 200 sa cultural college at Corvallis. loons, paying the city treasury an an- Dr. Withycombe has for many years 'nual revenue of IISO.OOO. The com-' been associated with Oregon's spien-! mittee of twenty-five offers to take did agricultural college and to his ef-' from the city all the 2 licenses and forts, as much as to those of any pay for them the full HSO.OvO. but to I other one man. is due credit for bring- close 125 of the saloons and operate j ing this Institution up to its present, only seventy-five. It is willing to pay high standard of usefulness. He has 1 for the furniture and fixtures of ail ! always been a hard worker in ad- saloons at an appraised value, and in ' rancing the interests of the scholl .. addition to assume, as a moral thouch ! and at the same time has been untir-. not as a legal obligation, a payment. ing in his services to the Republican also at an appraised value, for the PartJ'- ; good will of the saloons. This latter j Dr. Withycombe is generally re- obligation St would meet, however, out i garded as a square and honet man of the profits, in annual installments I who possesses all of the necessary , covering a series of years. The com- ! qualifications for the office to which mittee agrees further to be content be aspires. By reason of his long , with a C per cent profit on its invest-; connection with Farmers' Institutes, ment and to pay all profits above that 1 agricultural fairs, etc.. he has formed figure into the city treasury- ' j an extensive and intimate acquaint-: Among the advantages which it ex-; ance with the farmers and producers pects to result from this project are. of the state, whose candidate he in addition to the lessening of the i might properly be considered. He number of saloons, the strict observ- j has a strong hold on the farmers ance of the !a s. including those i wnose confidence he deservedly en- which forbid the sales to minors and i joys. HANG ON TO YOUR POLICIES. Reports from New York say that many holders of life insurance poii- intoxicated persons, the sale of none i but pure liq-iors. the discouraging of ; the treating habit, and an inSumce on I saloon patrons toward the use of . "soft" drinks instead of intoxicants. : With a project of this kind ready to be started, it would be a pity if the Experiment is most useful in social ; matters, and this is one of the cases 1 in which the experiment can do no harm, whether it is a success or not. Exchange. I -o- iums on them, on account of the re cent revelations of crookedness in some of the companies. This is folly. Bf allowing their policies to lapse without making any sort of terms with the companies the holders would lose everything which they have paid In. Not only so. but they would thus A series of farmers' conventions are! increase the funds which would be at to be held in the various counties of the mercy of the crooks in such com- the valley preliminary to the meeting panies as the crooks dominate. of the Willamette Valley Development There is a strong probability that .League at Albany in January, says an ' most of the insurance companies are exchange Such is the decision of managed honestly and economically, the officers of the League at a con-, Moreover, the big companies which fert-nce he'd in McMinnville. October; are being looted by some of their of- 14th. Yamhill county, the birth place ficers are likely to be solvent still. It of reform movements, is to lead. The is not certain that they are solvent, first of the series of conventions is to ; for the examination of their assets by i,e held at McMinnville. the county i the committee has yet to take place, seat of Yamhill. Saturday. November ' In the absence of a careful, impartial 11. This is to be followed up by con- examination from the outside, the pub- ventions in Marion. Polk. Linn. Lane. : lie will be in doubt as to those com- Benton. Clackamas and other counties panies' exact financial status. There that may be- interested. The purpose ; has been so much crookedness in the of these conventions is to encourage , conduct of some of their leading off.- development. By means of these con cere that tdje word of those persons as ventions it is hoped to get expression to the monetary standing of their direct, from the farmers on the ques companies would carry no weight tion of development. The purpose of , with the policy holders. The death the Improvement League is to foster claims can undoubtedly be paid, but development of the Willamette valley the holders of the ten. fifteen and that the fruits of the millions just ex twenty years term policies will not. a, pendel in holding a successful fair those policies" maturity, get anywhere may not be lost. By bringing the near the amount which they were led farmers together in open discussion to believe they would get. although it is hoped to bring out the real needs the technically r-&ra.h.ri payments c-f the valley in the way of develop will probably be met ment and promote concerted action The sensible thing for tie policy a'.:ng those lines. Then such dis-' holders is o hang on to their policies cussicn are calculated to bring a tout as d make the best terms possible an awakening and charge the atmos- with the companies. When the e:-m- fhere with the spirit of improvement mittee of inquisition in New York fin- and development that may be framed Ishes with the Mutual, the New York into resolutions and possibly initia- Life and the Equitable it will take up tive bills at the Albany meeting. Be- i tome of the other companies. It is fore asking the people to vote on a fair to presume that the Hyies. Alex- measure, public sentiment should be! aaders, McCalls and McCurdys will regaried aid through the farmers"; not be found diffused through the ocvettiot. the Albany convention whole insurance fntermty, or cemmg after will ben enabled to act through any Urge p-art cf it It is itte-11. gently. The discussion at the j said the New York Life directors re- farmer conventions will tot te re tase to remove McCaiL McCurdy cf stricted to a-y one topic w m of top-' A very proper interposition cf the initiative petition would be to get a vote repealing all laws under which the state militia is maintained and to divert the continuing appropriation running for its support in favor of public education, say for the support of three state norma! schools. This would bring before the people a ques tion about w hich there would be some thinking. There is hardly a doubt that the militia would have to go in favor of the normals, the Governor's staff and Portland's show regiment along with the lot The state can very well dispense with its militia, if it comes to a matter of cutting down expenses. The militia system has been productive of more disaster than good in the United States and In emergencies has occasioned the Na tional Government much embarrass ment when it consented to depend upon it for important service. In the state it is of no account, except la riots, and often has proven unreliable on such duty. If we are short of money in Oregon here is one of the expenditures that can be loppd off without detriment to the n-'cessary public service. Ashland Tidings. o It is possible to elect a Republican successor to Governor Chamberlain who will be in every way acceptable to the people of Oregon a man who has the ability to perform with credit the duties of the hich cvfP.ce, who has not been identified with factional quarrels, and who is even guilty of being sober every day in the year. I'nless a Republican with these quali fications is nominated, a large number of Republicans may see no good rea son for votine aeaint (nivernor Chamberlain. This is not a dream, but widespread sentiment. Lincoln County Leader. o The enforcement of the city ordi nance prhibiting the leaving of wood and other materials on the street to the obstruction of travel, would do much in helping to improve the gener al appearance of the town. We have in mind a pile of cord-wood that for six weeks has not been disturbed and it occupies a t conspicuous location on Main street to justify a longer con tinuance of the unsightly nuisance. Let's have at least one presentable street in the city. At least keep your cord-wood on a side street. In this line I can please yoti on price and quality. H. P. BRIGHTBILL !l'S5 only) was 3 0 inches on the 15th. ' 137. j CLOI DS AND WEATHER 1 ; Average number of clear day. G. Partly cloudy days. 9. I Cloudy days. 10. i I wind ; The prevailing winds have bet-n from the south. j I The average hourly velocity of the 1 wind is 6 miles. ) The highest velocity of the wind was ' ' 5J miles from the south on th" ISth, ; im'T. WEATHER FOR NOVEMBER. U. S. Department ef Agriculture Is sues Some Statistics. NO POISON IN CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY. From Napier New Zealand Herald: Two years ago the Pharmacy Hoard of New South Wale. Australia, had an analysis made of all the cough md:c;nes that were sold in that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they declared was er.tirely free from ail poisons. This exception was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, made by the Chamberlain Medicine Company, pes Moines, Iowa, C. S. A. The absence of all narcotics makes this remedy the safest and best that can be had: and it is with a feeling of security that any mother en give it to her little ones. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is especially recommended by its makers for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. This remedy is for sale by Geo. A. Harding. UPPFR WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM. INDEPENDENCE. ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. I'ortland 6:4S a. m. dally (rxcrpt F':n!;iyl for R.-Ui-m nil way point. Iav I'ortland :45 Tm-mUy. ThurUy n. (Jaturdny fur Inl-prndt-n-. Al t.nnv arvl ('orvalll. ilnk'n of wtpr prrmlltiriK. DAILY RIVER EXCURSIONS OF OREGON CITY BOATS JOHN YOUNGER, TIME CARD Week Day Near Huntley' Drug Store, FOKTY YHAKS MAI'MKIENCE IN Ureal Britain and America. fl IT ' N PPPi U. 11. U1UU PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcil tlfliveml to all jaits of the city. RATES REASONABLE imiQii UWU11, Ipve Portlnm). 8:00 A 111. 11:30 I-ave OriRnn City.. 10:00 ROUND TRIP 45c Tickets fxclianit.d with O. W rars. I. m. 1:J0 p. m. 3:30 p m. 5:30 r. A My. I i SPECIAL Sunday Excursions The following data covering a pe riod of 34 years, have been compiled from the Weather Bureau records at Portland. Oregon. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed during the month in qjuestion for the above period of years, but must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the com ing month. TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal temperature. 4. The warmest month was that of IS??, with an average of 52 degrees. The coldest month was that of 1SSC, with an average of 23 degrees. The highest temperature was 73 de grees, on the 2d, The lowest temperature was 11 de grees on the 2ith. 1S95. The earliest date on which first killing frost occurred in autumn. Oc tober ISth. Average date on which first killing frost occurred in autumn, November lCth. Average date on which last killing frost occurred in spring. March 17. The latest date on which last kill ing frost occurred in ?prine. May S. PRECIPITATION. Average for the month 6 4s inches. Average number of dayg with .01 of an ich or more. 17. The greatest monthly precipitation was 15.77 inches in 1S75. The least monthly precipitation was 0.50 inches in 1S&0. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 21 consecutive hours was 3.6J Inches on the 26th and 27th, 1SS3. The greatest amount of snow fall recorded in any 14 consecutive hours (record extending to winter of 1S4- Teacher A coal dealer has ten tons of coal which he sells at five dol lars a ton. How much does he get for it? Scholar About sixty-five dollars. Teacher That's wrong Scholar Yes'm; but all coal deal ers do it- CATARRH LBTf Portland I.rarr Or. City ROUND TRIP 25c a.m. 8:30 a.m. :30 a.m. 11:30 p m. 1:30 a.m. a in. p.m. 10:00 11:30 1:30 I m. 3:30! I' m ).m. I 3:30 5:10 ; OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Dock: Foot Taylor Strtet Phone Miln 40. Jill) There is Money m it j FOR YOUi Elvs Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. CIVIS RELIEF AT ONCE. It clean.", sootbm, baift. and prtAsr-u ti d.---d membrwne. It caw CtUrrh and ir,re wy a Cold in th Hd quickly. I;wri tie Sew of Taste and fcmeiL L.y to u. Ctin no injiriota drag. Applied into the nostrils ax 1 absorbed. lj?t fcit, TA msU at Dni'pH4 or by tail ; TnU 8u, 10 wnti by mLl ELY BROTHERS, 5 Wsjtm St., rm Tart. 2,(X)0 milea nf cwo ili- tanew telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacifio . Station Telephone Com pany,, covering 2,250 towns Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication, distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Urur Store to gci our quotations on a good en during Plumbing Job. Why not take the hint and get our estimate before handing out your contract? A. MIHLSTIN, Main Strm, near Eighth OrejoB City . . Or j Deterv Your Patronage. The trtiwth of a community and th jiuccM of It local Initltulloni d-pnd! jfntlrtljr on the loy.lty of It people. It j It well enough to prt-ch "patronlt home Induntry- but eicPt the wrrlce given (at a home Institution equal that of out-jof-town enterprl. , thla arrument ear j rl- no we!(rtit and I entirely dlr-artl -d. a It ahould I. But with Oregon Clt) j People It 1 different. A few month iao E. U J0hnon etabllhe4 the Caa :cade Laundry. It I equipped with th !t-t Improved machinery and U dally i turning out work that la o.uaJ to ny nd uprtor to much of the laundry j work that U being dona In Portland ! Being a home lnttltuuon and furolahtng j employment for many Oregon City peopl j II 1 enjoying aa immense patronage. ITba high ataadard of th work being jdoti commend It to the general public : Laundry left at the O. K barber (hop will I be promptly called for tad deJIrered to u part of the city. Telephone im. !V L. Johaaoa. proprietor.